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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Ilocos Sur




Introduced and Authored by: SPM Ada Joana Fe E. Artajos
Co-Authored and sponsored by: SPM Liborio Arca and SPM Evaristo Singson III



Explanatory Clause

WHEREAS, Section 17 (b) (2) (iii) ) of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local
Government Code of 1991, states that the local government unit shall provide basic
services which include the implementation of programs and projects on primary health
care, maternal and child care, and communicable and non-communicable disease control
services; access to secondary and tertiary health services; purchase of medicines, medical
supplies, and equipment needed to carry out the services enumerated in RA 7160;

WHEREAS, Article 12, Section 482 (b) (iv) of the same, states that the local government,
thru the Agriculturist Officer, should deliver basic agricultural services and recommend, as
the case may be, on all other matters related to agriculture and aqua-culture which will
improve the livelihood and living conditions of the inhabitants;

WHEREAS, the Department of Health (DOH) and the World Health Organization (WHO)
recognizes that Tetanus is a serious illness and remains a common threat in public health
especially in low-income places where immunization coverage is low;

WHEREAS, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Philippine Society of
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (PSMID) recommend adults who have not been
vaccinated or incompletely vaccinated with tetanus shall receive the complete primary
series that includes Anti-tetanus serum (ATS) vaccine and Tetanus Toxoid (TT) vaccine; as
well as adults who sustained wounds assessed to be tetanus-prone should be given Tetanus
Toxoid with or without Anti-tetanus vaccine to prevent tetanus infection;

WHEREAS, Tetanus is considered as a neglected disease of the vulnerable populations and

remains to be a public problem which is fatal though preventable through vaccination. It is
caused by a toxin producing bacterium which dwells on soil and animal intestines which
may enter the body through wounds and affect the muscles and central nervous system,
causing death, if left untreated;

WHEREAS, the agricultural workers and farmers are prone to Tetanus infection due to the
nature of their work and exposure to soil, untreated water, animal waste matter, rusty
metals, and the like;

WHEREAS, a person infected with Tetanus may experience an average incubation period of
3 to 21 days for the disease to manifest which may impede them to perform minimal tasks
to hard labor due to its prodrome and progressed symptoms. Manifestations of tetanus
infection includes painful muscle, contraction, lock-jaw, seizure, airway obstruction and
WHEREAS, the Department of Health (DOH) considers Tetanus as one of the common
vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD) in the Philippines in terms of occurrence and

WHEREAS, the recommended dose for adults who have never received Anti-tetanus
vaccine as an adolescent or adult, or for whom vaccine status is unknown, should receive
Anti-tetanus serum vaccine as their first dose, followed by Tetanus Toxoid to complete
their primary series. For adults who received Anti-tetanus vaccine within the last 10 years
and sustained wounds assessed to be tetanus-prone should be given Tetanus Toxoid with
or without Anti-tetanus serum (ATS) vaccine;

WHEREAS, Tetanus Toxoid ampule containing 0.5mL dose is priced at PhP33.68-

PhP166.00, and the Serum Anti-Tetanus (ATS, Sequin) ampule containing 1,500 IU/mL, 1.0
mL dose is at PhP59.38-Php138.00, per Department of Health (DOH) and local price index.
Both doses may be administered to one adult. The City of Vigan has 1,639 registered
farmers, fisherfolks and agricultural workers who may avail the vaccine or booster-vaccine,
based on the city master list as of August 2022.

WHEREAS, with the lack of education of this disease among the agricultural sector and the
general public, and lack of access to vaccines in preventing tetanus infection to the
vulnerable population, there is a need to promote awareness and provide anti-tetanus
vaccines in the city.


Panlungsod in session duly assembled to enact:

SECTION 1. TITLE. This Ordinance shall be known as “Anti-Tetanus Immunization

Program for the Agricultural Sector Ordinance”

SECTION 2. SCOPE AND COVERAGE. This Ordinance shall cover all farmers, fisherfolks
and agricultural workers within the territorial jurisdiction of Vigan City.

SECTION 3. DEFINITION OF TERMS. The following terms used in this Ordinance shall
a. Agricultural Workers – refers to any person employed or commissioned by
the registered farmers/fisherfolks tending to their registered agricultural land
or fisheries.
b. Anti-Tetanus serum (ATS) – refers to the vaccine that can prevent and treat
the serious symptoms of tetanus infection, provides passive immunity
against tetanus in a tetanus-prone wound;
c. Booster vaccination – refers to the vaccination given after a previous
vaccination to help maintain or increase a protective immune response and
reduce the morbidity of tetanus symptoms;
d. Indigent – refers to ta person who has no visible means of income, or whose
income is insufficient for the sustenance of his/her family as identified by
the local social worker, based on specific criteria in accordance with the
guidelines set forth by the City Social Services and Development Office;
e. Registered Farmer/Fisherfolk – refers to a person who owns, tends,
operates an agricultural farm, land or facility and/or fisheries, and is duly
recognized by the Agricultural Office, based on their official master list.
f. Tetanus – refers to an infection caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani,
that produces a toxin that causes seizures, painful muscle contractions, lock-
jaw and death if left untreated;
g. Tetanus-Toxoid (TT) – refers to vaccine that is used as both pre and post-
exposure prophylaxis of tetanus infection only, provides active
immunization against tetanus and in tetanus-prone wound management;


a. The City Agriculture Office shall be the main implementing office of this
Ordinance and shall perform the following:
a. Maintain, update and monitor the records of registered farmers in the
City who are eligible in this Ordinance;
b. Keep a ten-year database of list of farmers, fisherfolks and agricultural
workers who are entitled to receive the vaccine/s and those who have
availed the vaccine for monitoring purposes;
c. Provide reports on the availment of the vaccine/s to the Local Chief
Executive, City Health Office and the Sanggunian, in a timely manner
should it be needed;
d. Provide and formulate mechanisms and guidelines as to supporting
and educating the farmers, fisherfolks and agricultural workers, i.e.
thru trainings or learning sessions, relative to the Tetanus per se,
immunization and the implementation of this Ordinance;
b. The City Health Office, thru a licensed medical professional, shall screen,
provide pre- and post-consultation and administer the vaccine/s to the
c. The Barangay Council in each barangay shall assist the City Government in
the implementation of the provisions of this Ordinance through the
i. Information drives on the advantages of immunization from
ii. Reporting of possible incidents or cases of Tetanus exposure
in their respective barangays to the City Agriculture Office;
iii. Inform the City Agriculture Office of new agricultural land
d. City-accredited non-government agencies of the concerned sector shall
support the City Government in conducting information education
campaigns about the advantages of immunization from Tetanus, promotion
of safe work practices and occupational health in the agricultural setting and
the like.


A dose of Anti-Tetanus vaccine and Tetanus-Toxoid ampule may be administered by the
City Health Office to emergency cases and indigent patients not covered by this Ordinance.

For indigent patients, a certificate of indigency from the Barangay Captain or the City Social
Welfare Development Officer (CSWDO) must be submitted purposely for the availment of
the vaccine.

For emergency cases, consideration will be given and the requirement of the Certificate of
indigency is waived. Given, however, that the emergency case is assessed by the City Health
Officer or duly authorized representative. In such cases, priority shall be given to the
vulnerable population of the agricultural sector covered in this ordinance.

SECTION 6. FUNDING/APPROPRIATION. To implement the provisions of the ordinance,

funds shall be appropriated from the Special Appropriation Fund, City Agriculture Office,
and may be augmented if necessary.
SECTION 7. REPEALING CLAUSE. Any ordinance rules and regulations and executive
issuances found inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed or
modified accordingly.

SECTION 8. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. Should any provision of this ordinance be declared

invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and legal.

SECTION 9. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon approval and
availability of funds.

Enacted on _____________________________.

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