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BBA - Campus France - Marketing Principles - Spring 23 - MT Ines DUPONT

Subject Professors School class

BBA - Campus France - Marketing Principles Virginie LANGLET, Michel FELIX, Patricia BBA - Lille - Marketing Principles - CL03 - Sp
Graders 1h 30min
Patricia ROSSI

Public instructions

No comment Final Grade

52 /

Part 1 : A. Multiple choice question, only one good answer (2 marks per question = 60 marks)

Bags, personal items (clothing, pencil cases, cell phone even turned off, etc.) and any other document must be set-aside.

Your are not allowed to talk or communicate in any way with another person during the exam period.

Remember! Cheating is not allowed, and action will be taken.

1 - Marketing is a business function which is essentially in charge of_______


new products

2 - When the brand Fleury-Michon creates «Fleury-Michon restaurants», it doesn’t just offer ready meals but
consumer’s benefit 2/2


3 - When Benetton decides to knit its sweaters before dyeing them based on information from store sales, what
marketing orientation is chosen ?
value-based marketing 2/2

Service marketing-oriented

4 - The fundamental goal of marketing when creating goods, services or combinations of both is to ____
defeat the competition
serve all consumers

operate according to government regulation

stimulate short-term sales

create customer’s value proposition

5 - The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return is defined as ____.



6 - What is the essential element of the definition of marketing that is not respected in this statement: "marketing
only thinks about making a sale under any condition"?
pricing decision is the most pivotal decision in a marketing strategy 2/2
customers are not to be considered until the offer is ready to sell
all parties to an exchange should be satisfied

Marketing is the function that is in charge of firm’s short term profit

7 - Which of these is a macroenvironmental factor ?

corporate partners



8 - by offering environmentally responsible offers marketing…

undercut prices of non environmentally responsible offers
make consumers feel guilty for buying these offers
Keep costs much lower than those competitors

Add value that other offers do not have

All of these

9 - When a supply store chain offers self-checkout, extended opening hours, oneline shopping with next-day
delivery, it is trying to address what social trend ?
greener consumption 0/2
health and wellness

time-poor society
privacy concerns

tec savvy

10 - If a fast food brand wants to change its marketing strategyin response to currentsocial trends, it may consider
all of the following ideas EXCEPT:
offering an expanding menu of healthy options 2/2
promote its offers targeting elementary school children
speeding up drive-through service

using recycled paper in its food packaging

expanding its low-cost menu options

11 - Secondary data consists of information ________.

that already exists somewhere but is outdated
that does not currently exist in an organized form
that already exists somewhere but was collected for another purpose
that is used by competitors

that the researcher can only obtain through surveys and observation

12 - Which method could a marketing researcher use to obtain information that people are unwilling or unable to
projective techniques 0/2
focus groups
depth interviews

online focus groups


13 - ABC Company has decided to use mail questionnaires to collect data. Management recognizes this method has
all the following advantages EXCEPT which one?
low cost per respondent 0/2
more honest answers may be given

has an above average response rate

has no interviewer to bias respondents' answers
can collect large amounts of information
14 - Marketing researchers usually draw conclusions about large groups of consumers by studying a small ________
of the total consumer population.
group 2/2

target group

15 - A manufacturing company wants to encourage its managers to get a college degree online. To determine what
programs are available, requirements for entering specific programs, and how much time and money the programs
require, the company's human resource director consulted a 2021 article in a newspaper on online universities. The 0/2
human resources director used ________.
projective data

secondary data
primary data
observational data

experimental data source

16 - ________ should be market oriented and defined in terms of ________.

Strategic plans; company needs
Annual plans; product needs

Long-range plans; company needs

Mission statements; customer needs

Objectives; customer needs

17 - The set of marketing tools a firm uses to implement its marketing strategy is called the ________.
promotion mix
product mix

marketing mix
marketing effort

18 - All of the following are examples of product-oriented mission statements, EXCEPT which one?
"At America Online, we provide online services."
"At Disney, we run theme parks."
"At Nike, we sell shoes."
"At Revlon, we sell lifestyle and self-expression; success and status; memories, hopes, and dreams."

"At Ritz-Carlton Hotels, we rent rooms."

19 - In the Boston Consulting Group approach, ________ serve(s) as a measure of company strength in the market.

relative market share 0/2

cash cows

market growth rate

market segmentation

20 - Nathan is conducting a portfolio analysis for his company. Which of the following activities would this
Studying the products and strategies of competitors in order to improve the company's own products 0/2
Collecting consumer feedback in order to better position the company's products in the minds of
Evaluating the attractiveness of an SBU's market and the strength of its position in the market
Segmenting the company's markets to effectively reach the target consumers

Conducting marketing research to estimate the efficiency and effectiveness of the company's
marketing strategy

21 - A firm's macroenvironment includes all of the following except

political/legal issues
22 - As a retail clothing store manager, Sandy frequently asks his staff what customers are saying and what they are
asking for. He also attends the quarterly clothing show at the regional merchandise mart. Sandy's efforts will likely
help him: 2/2
avoid cognitive dissonance
implement just-in-time marketing promotions
identify potential opportunities
avoid the need to understand regional culture
achieve cost savings

23 - Which of the following is part of the microenvironment of a firm's marketing environment?

the political state of the country in which the firm exists
the cultural forces that exist in a society
the suppliers who work with the company
the technological resources available to the company
the different demographic trends in the market

24 - According to PESTEL, which of the following is not part of a macroenvironmental analysis?

Local pricing regulations
Demographic trends
Company’s advantages over competitors
Technological advancements
Unemployment rates

25 - Valerie is charged with assessing her company's internal elements as part of a SWOT analysis. Valerie will
study her company's
strengths and weaknesses 2/2
sales history
pension plan
product specifications
opportunities and threats

26 - The consumer decision process model represents

the concept of habitual decision making
the retrieval of an evoked set based on physiological needs
the steps that consumers go through before, during, and after making purchases
the shift from an internal to an external locus of control
the types of decisions all consumers must make

27 - A key to successful marketing is determining how to meet the correct balance of ________ needs that best
appeals to the firm's target markets.
functional and social 0/2
post-purchase and prepurchase
safety and situational
psychological and physiological
functional and psychological

28 - When Kyle began searching for a new car to replace her old, rusty one, she probably relied on sources of
interpersonal and sensual 0/2
internal and external
compensatory and noncompensatory
ritual and spiritual

psychological and functional

29 - In the consumer decision process, we decide how much time and effort to expend searching for information
based partly on
postpurchase dissonance 0/2
the outcome of the alternative evaluation process
the degree of perceived risk associated with the product or service being considered

the results of habitual decision making

the results of the external search
30 - Katy has naturally curly hair and has often been disappointed with the haircuts she has received. When she
moved to a new town, she approached her new office mates and several strangers with curly hair and asked them
where they had their hair cut. She chose to spend considerable effort finding a new hair stylist based on the ___ 2/2
associated with her purchase decision.
evoked set
reference group
physiological risk
performance risk

financial risk

Part 2 : B. Open questions (20 marks per question)

Please, answer the 2 open questions. (20 marks per question = 40 marks)

Explain the significance of your answer with details. The best answer will be factual and analytical. There is no room for personal feelings or emotional
response. Provide some examples in your answers to back up what you are saying.

The organization and clarity of your answers are no less important than the content. Therefore, it is important for you to structure your answers properly
by including the three main sections in your writing: Introduction, Development/Analysis, and Conclusion.

1 - 1. Market development strategy is one of the four growth strategies available to companies. Provide a real-world
example of a company’s market development strategy.
We can take for example company's market development strategy, Uber. Uber is one of the biggest taxi company in
the world, and after his creation many of company's competitors has created such as Free Now, Bolt...
Market development involves identifying and
Uber is a company of service, is not a exchange to a product but to a service. Uber develop his company with an
developing new markets for the company’s
application. This is a company connected and attract many people and generaly young people. Moreover, uber sold
a services cheaper than his first competitor "the taxi", a uber give response quickly if he can or if he can't. current products. Examples must entail
targeting new customer segments or
After that, uber's company is not stay a company that drive someone at a specific place, now give a service for food,
geographical markets. This strategy must not
like if you want a hamburger, you can go on the application Ubereat and command your taste. When this
application has created, uber have more and more competitors like Deliveroo, Just eat... And the last recent be confused with other development strategies

innovation on the application, you can do your shopping (Food). or with a complete marketing plan.

Uber develop his company thanks to the technologie but also thanks to his competitors because Uber want always is
the best on the market. The price is cheaper, there are a good service and he is the first in the market. Uber are
developped with social media.

2 - 2. Sylvie wants to buy a new computer. Describe all the steps in the purchase process AND provide examples of
one internal and one external influences on buying decision.
The first step for sylvie before she buy a new computer, is why she needs a new computer, what does she attend to
its new computer.
The consumer decision process consists of five
After she needs to evaluate all brand and where she want to buy its new computer, because there are many company
stages: Need recognition; Information search;
to buy it like Apple, Asus, Hp... So, she needs to evalute her need and what she want. For example, many of people
have a Macbook (Apple) because it is modern, it is nice but is not the best computer if you need to work every day Evaluation of alternatives; Purchase decision;
on it. Postpurchase behavior. Each step must be
explained. Internal search for information
She needs also to analys other option like the price.
involves consumers’ previous experiences and
knowledge, while external search involves
consulting family, friends as well as
commercial sources like advertisements and

interactions with salespeople.

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