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The tale of medicine's journey in the Philippines is a complex blend of indigenous

therapeutic traditions, colonial influences, and the trials brought forth by pandemics.
Traditional healing practices, deeply ingrained within Filipino culture, have played a
substantial role in the realm of healthcare.

In the past, native remedies held firm ground, with "hilot" being a prime illustration. This
age-old method of herbal treatment and massage has been handed down through
generations. However, the arrival of Spanish colonizers introduced Western medicine,
causing a transformation in the healthcare landscape.

The Spanish flu pandemic in 1918 marked a pivotal moment in the medical narrative of the
Philippines. It laid bare the necessity for contemporary healthcare infrastructure, leading to
the establishment of hospitals and the training of local healthcare professionals.
Consequently, Western medicine was integrated into the native healthcare system.

Yet, traditional medicine never truly vanished. Indigenous cures and practices continued to
coexist alongside Western medicine. Local healers, commonly referred to as "albularyos" or
"manghihilot," maintained essential roles in rural communities, offering alternative remedies
and herbal potions.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 underscored the significance of both
Western and traditional medicine. While hospitals and vaccines combated the immediate
threats posed by the virus, traditional practices such as herbal treatments gained popularity
as complementary therapies. This highlighted the enduring importance of Filipino traditional

In summary, the history of medicine's evolution in the Philippines reflects a dynamic interplay
between time-honoured healing customs, the legacy of colonialism, and state-of-the-art
healthcare systems. This intricate equilibrium has allowed the Philippines to draw upon a
diverse range of medical traditions, fostering resilience and adaptability in the face of
pandemics and healthcare trials.

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