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PES Institute of Technology & Management

NH-206, Sagar Road, Shivamogga – 577204


Course Syllabus
Sustainability - Introduc on, Need and concept of sustainability,
Social-environmental and economic sustainability concepts
Sustainable development, Nexus between Technology and
Sustainable development, Challenges for Sustainable Development.
Mul lateral environmental agreements and Protocols - Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM), Environmental legisla ons in India -
Water Act, Air Act.
Resource degrada on, Climate change, Regional and Local
Environmental Issues. Carbon credits and carbon trading, carbon foot
print Carbon sequestra on – Carbon capture and storage (CCS).
Environmental management standards, ISO 14000 series, Life Cycle
Analysis (LCA) - Scope and Goal, Bio-mimicking.
Basic concepts of sustainable habitat, Green buildings, green
materials for building construc on, material selec on for sustainable
design, green building cer fica on- GRIHA & IGBC Cer fica on for
buildings, Energy efficient building design- Passive solar design
technique, Thermal storage, Cooling strategies, high performance
insula on. Sustainable ci es, Sustainable transport.
Energy sources: Basic Concepts-Conven onal and non-conven onal,
solar energy, Fuel cells, Wind energy, Small hydro plants, bio-fuels,
Energy derived from oceans, Geothermal energy. Rainwater
harves ng.
Green Engineering concepts, Sustainable Urbaniza on,
industrializa on and poverty reduc on; Social and technological
change, Industrial Processes: Material selec on, Pollu on Preven on,
Industrial Ecology, Industrial symbiosis.
Course Outcomes & Mapping with PO’s & PSO’s
Course Outcomes

CO1 Understand the concept of sustainable development, its needs and challenges

Realize the causes, impact and solutions with respect to present day global environmental

CO3 Acquaint with green materials, green building and green rating for construction

CO4 Understand the need and use of new and alternative forms of energy

CO5 Relate design, processes and developments with green engineering

CO -PO Articulation Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 - - - - 1 3 - - - - 1
CO2 2 1 - - - - 2 - - - - -
CO3 2 2 - - - - 2 - - - - -
CO4 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - -
CO5 2 - - - - 1 2 - - - - 1
Achievable 1.6 1.5 NA NA NA 1.0 2.2 NA NA NA NA 1.0
CO -PSO Articulation Matrix
CO1 - - 2
CO2 - - 2
CO3 2 - 3
CO4 - 2 2
CO5 - 1 2
Achievable 2.0 1.5 2.2
Sustainability Concepts in Civil Engineering – 18CV654 2022-23

Module 1: Introduction
In the broadest sense, sustainability refers to potential of maintaining or supporting any
process continuously over a period of time. In simple terms, it refers to existing constantly.
But at engineering and application level, the concept of sustainability is very vast. With
increase in socio-economic developments and technological advancements, the natural
resources are being consumed in an unscientific and uncontrolled manner, which has a
negative impact on environment and the future generations. Hence sustainability is also
defined as “An approach of meeting present day needs, without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their needs”.

Sustainability can only be achieved through a balance between social equity, economic
development, technological advancement and environmental protection.

1.1 Need & Importance of Sustainability

Sustainability is the need of the hour and has to be the approach going forward in all facets
of development. But the specific needs of sustainability may be understood as follows.

A. Conservation and efficient usage of resources

B. Pollution control and mitigating climate change
C. Protection of ecology and biodiversity
D. Ensure safer public health and future
E. Cost reduction in processes and production

A. Conservation and efficient usage of resources: Resources in form of materials, particularly

naturally occurring materials and non renewable materials needs to be conserved to prevent
resource degradation. Controlled and scientific usage of resources enhances efficiency.

B. Pollution control and mitigating climate change: Air pollution and global warming is
primarily due to use of fossil fuels and deforestation. Using alternate source of energy and
measures for greener planet helps controlling environmental pollution

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C. Protection of ecology and biodiversity: Many plant species and animal / bird / insect
species have been affected by some of the technological advancements. During past 20-30
years extinctions have been observed and have affected the biodiversity. Sustainability is
required to re-establish the ecological balance

D. Ensure safer public health and future: Environmental pollution in particular has influence
on atmospheric temperature and indoor air quality. Also the future generations needs to
utilize the natural resources and maintain a safe public health. This can be achieved only
though sustainable approach.

E. Cost reduction: Even though cost reduction is not the primary objective of sustainability,
increase in efficient production and process will result in reduction is cost. Particularly, one
of the philosophies of sustainability is of 3 R’s – Reduction, Reuse and Recycle, which reduces
the overall cost.

1.2 Principles of Sustainable Engineering

Engineering forms the interface between a problem and design & development of solution
including its implementation. Hence, principles of sustainability become very significant,
which is primarily a system or belief of actually achieving sustainability through engineered
practices and procedures. International Sustainability Council has identified the following as
principles of sustainability

A. Promote Interdependency
B. Awareness of Individual Impacts on Global Scale
C. Encourage Refinements
D. Scientific & Technical Knowledge through Innovation
E. Cautious Approach
F. Administration & Judiciary
G. Maintain & Enhance

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A. Promote Interdependency: On a broader sense, all human needs will have to be related to
social, economical & environmental aspects and concerns. Fulfilment of human needs and
solutions to societal problems must be long lasting and efficient.

B. Awareness of Individual Impacts on Global Scale: Human activities and interaction with
society has a significant impact on a global scale. Individuals, while focussing on societal
development, have to exhibit responsibility to reduce environmental degradation.

C. Encourage Refinements: Continuous improvement and continual improvement has to be

the focus of every individual and engineers in particular. Giving platforms for the communities
to express ideas helps for refinements.

D. Scientific & Technical Knowledge through Innovation: Clear understanding of

sustainability and using innovation through strong scientific foundation and technical
knowledge at application level is very important

E. Cautious Approach: Preventive approach is case of sustainability has to be adopted over

corrective approach. Restoration is always tedious and energy consuming compared to
caution and prevention in case of environmental degradation.

F. Administration & Judiciary: The laws framed by the administrating bodies have to be in
line with sustainable development. Public participation has to be encouraged in
environmental decisions. Also the measures with respect to sustainability has to be
communicated to the effectively.

G. Maintain & Enhance: Maintaining and enhancing quality of human life, economic vitality
and healthy environment is possible only through sustainability.

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1. 3 Social, Economical & Environmental Sustainability

Sustainability is being cautious about society, economy and environment, while planning for
the developments. Society, economy and environment are referred to as three pillars of

1.3.1 Social Sustainability

The approach of People First is referred to as social sustainability. While considering any
technological developments and infrastructure development, the people, community and
culture of local region should be taken in to consideration. Also societal growth also signifies
sustainability. Social sustainability primarily evaluates the social impact of developments and
advancements on the following key aspects

A. Education and Employment: Any development should not disturb the education
sector, particularly in rural areas. Also one of the primary objectives of social
sustainability has to be employment generation. Any measure, which reduces
employability or employment opportunities, is a threat to society.
B. Health Care: Economic development has a significant human interaction with nature
and possibilities of affecting human health, directly or indirectly is more. Care has to
be taken to ensure public health through sustainable health infrastructure.

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C. Social Security and Justice: Sometimes the developments results in migration of

people, which is one of the reasons of social injustice. It also results in insecurity. Social
equity has to prevail where people have equal access to the same opportunities.

Social sustainability can only be achieved through inclusive approach, where people are made
aware of, encouraged to participate and involved in proactive decision making for all the
developmental issues of the region / community.

1.3.2 Economic Sustainability

Economic activities include investment, profit & loss, benefits, cost-benefit ratio and other
aspects. Any socio-economic development, has a direct influence on regional (local) and
global economy. A private business or the government initiative, with respect to economic
development, has to be approached with sustainable principles.

Economic sustainability is to ensure long-term stability with respect to developments.

Following are few of the key areas to be addressed for achieving economic sustainability

A. Energy Sector / Promoting Alternate Energies: Switching to renewable sources of

energy is the more profitable and beneficial approach to achieve economic
B. Agriculture / Farming: Agriculture, particularly in India drives economy significantly.
About 50% of overall employment is dependent on agriculture. Estimated
contribution from agriculture to GDP is about 15 to 20%. Any measure towards
sustainable farming helps for economic sustainability.
C. Manufacturing / Production: Economic sustainability in manufacturing sector has to
operate on 3R principle; Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. Reduction in waste generation,
recycling of wastes or by-products and reusing misplaced resources contributes to
economic sustainability.

1.3.3 Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is the responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect

global ecosystems.

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A. Land cover & Land use: With increase in population, the constructed area for
industrial / business and residential purposes is increasing drastically. For this natural
land, in form of forests, ponds are being acquired. This unscientific land use pattern is
causing environmental imbalance and hence has to be restored.
B. Water: One of the most important resource for existence of human life and all the
manufacturing process is water. Uncontrolled use of water, no specific measures to
conserve / harvest water has lead to scarcity of water and also has affected the ground
water table.
C. Resource Utilization: Manufacturing sector requires utilization of raw materials, most
of which are naturally available / occurring. From manufacturing of computers, smart
phones to building and road construction, natural resources in form of metals, non
metals, plant origins have been excessively consumed, which results in environmental

Whenever socio-economic development is being considered, it is very important to consider

the environmental sustainability. If any process has negative impact on environment, it
cannot be considered under sustainable development.

1. 4 Nexus between Technology & Sustainable Development

The relationship between technology and sustainable development may be understood in
two different contexts

A. Use of technology to achieve sustainable development

B. Impact of technological development on sustainability

1.4.1 Use of Technology to Achieve Sustainable Development

Even though technological development is one of the primary reasons to have caused
negative impact on the environment, in the modern day, the assistance of technology may be
utilized to achieve sustainability. Following are some of the applications of technology
through which sustainability may be promoted and achieved.

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A. Spreading awareness of sustainability: Print media, Digital media, social media are
being effectively used by government as well as NGO’s to bring awareness among
people about the importance of sustainability and how to achieve sustainable
development. Some of the initiatives are
a. Encouraging use of alternative source of energy like solar energy and electric
vehicles by government and private sector
b. Save paper, save soil, save water initiatives from government and NGO’s
c. Awareness about Rainwater harvesting by government and NGO’s
B. Digital Transactions and e-communication: With introduction of digital transactions,
lot of paper is saved and so as the case with e-mail communications. This has been
initiated at government / administration level as well as private / corporate sectors.
Printing only the required / important information will save resources and will
contribute to sustainable development.
C. Energy efficient machines and appliances: With advancement in technology, the
machines, engines and home appliances used lesser input without compromising the
output and hence a better efficiency is achieved. Following are some of the day-to-
day examples of using technology for better sustainability
a. LED bulbs and tubes for artificial illumination
b. Automobile industry with less carbon emitting engines for vehicles
c. Energy efficient appliances like refrigerator, washing machines, televisions
D. Use of AI for sustainability: Artificial intelligence is an emerging technology and has
wide range of applications. AI can be used to reduce the errors in the process, be more
vigilant and ensure resource optimization and increase precision. This in a longer term
increases probability of achieving sustainability
E. Use of technology for Recycle and Reuse: Technology has been used to develop
possibilities of recycling and reuse. This helps for resource conservation and reduction
depletion of natural resources. Some of the examples are as follows.
a. Recycling of solid waste of reuse of recycled water for sanitary and garden
b. Recycling of construction and demolition waste to reuse aggregates
c. Recycling of e-waste and reuse in electronic and computing devices
d. Processing of Bagasse, paper, plastics for household materials

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1.4.2 Impact of Technological Development on Sustainability

While the technology may be effectively utilized to achieve sustainability, technological

advancements and developments has a significant negative impact on environment and
affecting sustainability goals. Following are the commonly observed impact of technological

A. Faster resource depletion: The quantum of manufacturing has increased drastically.

More importantly, with advancements in technology, usage of commodities also has
changed. This pattern consumes lot of raw materials and hence technological change
causes faster resource depletion.
B. Impacts of automation: The works used to be done by muscle power / human work
force is being replaced by equipments / machineries. This automation is energy
consuming and has carbon emission associated with it. Few examples are
a. Excavation of earth manually does not have any negative impact on
environment, using excavator, which consumes diesel and emits carbon
dioxide has negative impact on environment
b. Traditional manufacturing, particularly the packaging of manufactured goods
was done using human work force. Now the manufacturing and packaging has
been automated and consumes electricity, which is a form energy and has
negative impact on environment
C. Radiations of communication: With advancements in wireless communication, the
radiations also have increased. Naturally for a high speed wireless internet, frequency
of waves will have to be more. This caused imbalance to the biodiversity, preservation
of which is one of the primary needs of sustainability (Ecological).
D. Energy utilization by robots / AI enabled components: Robotic technology & Artificial
Intelligence increases precision in work and also increases human convenience. But a
robot or AI technology operates on electricity / battery. Manufacturing and operation
of robots also consumes lot of energy. One simple example of this is robotic vacuum
cleaner is very precise and efficient tool which increases human comfort but consumes
energy for manufacturing and operation as well.

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1. 5 Challenges for Sustainable Development

If achieving sustainability was easy, it would have become the new way of life / routine. There
are many a challenges in terms of decision making and implementation of sustainability

A. Government / administrative approach: The local, regional, state and central

government will have to administer the implementation of sustainability. It requires
budget, approvals and most importantly the commitment to sustainable
development, which under various social, political and economic aspects, becomes a
challenging job.
B. Universal acceptance: It is very difficult that majority of people realize the actual need
for sustainability. Also many people even if interested, might not be aware to adopt
sustainable practice. Hence global / universal awareness and acceptance of
importance and implementation of sustainability is a real challenge.
C. Employment and economy: There is a misrepresentation of sustainability, that it leads
to unemployment and affects economic growth. This is primarily due to use of AI for
achieving sustainability. AI is understood to replace manpower creating
unemployment. Overcoming this perception is also a challenge.

1. 6 Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Protocols

Any agreement between only two countries is called bilateral agreement. If a common
agreement is made between three or more countries, it is called multilateral agreement.
Multilateral agreements are primarily for the purpose of trade, import and export. But for
global issues like reducing poverty, improving public health and sanitation, pandemic control
as well, multilateral agreements have been formed.

1.6.1 Agreements

In last few decades, with growing concerns of global warming and climate change, Multilateral
Environmental Agreements (MEA’s) have been framed to ensure environmental protection
and management. It is also referred to as International Environmental Agreement. MEA’s

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were popularized by the United Nations, the majority of MEA’s have been implemented since
the 1972 at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. Some of the
Multilateral Environmental Agreements are

A. Basel Convention on the Control of Tran boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes

and their Disposal
B. Convention on Biodiversity and the Cartagena Protocol on Bio safety
C. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
D. Minamata Negotiations on Mercury
E. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
F. Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain
Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
G. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
H. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

1.6.2 Protocols

Agreements are more rigid in nature with respect to targets and mandates. Whereas few
protocols, which are flexible in nature acts as guiding force for multilateral environmental
issues. It is also called Environmental Conventions and Protocols.

A. Cartagena Protocol on Bio safety in the year 2000

B. Stockholm Convention in the year 2001
C. UN-REDD in the year 2008
D. Nagoya Protocol in the year 2010
E. Minamata Convention in the year 2013
F. COP21 in the year 2016
G. Kigali Amendment in the year 2016
H. COP24 in the year 2018
I. COP25 in the year 2019

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1.6.3 Clean Development Mechanism

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a United Nations scheme allowing countries to
fund greenhouse gas emissions-reducing projects as part of their efforts to meet
international emissions targets. It is one of the three Flexible Mechanisms defined in
the Kyoto Protocol. The CDM, defined in Article 12 of the Protocol, was intended to meet two

A. To assist predominantly developing nations achieve sustainable development and

reduce their carbon footprints
B. To assist industrialized nations in achieving compliance with their emissions reduction
commitments (greenhouse gas emission caps).

A CDM project must provide emission reductions that are additional to what would otherwise
have occurred. The projects must qualify through a rigorous and public registration and
issuance process. Approval is given by the Designated National Authorities. Public funding for
CDM project activities must not result in the diversion of official development assistance.
CDM project process is as follows

A. An industrialised country that wishes to get credits from a CDM project must obtain
the consent of the developing country hosting the project and their agreement that
the project will contribute to sustainable development.
B. Specified rules are defined ensure the additionality of the proposed project, that is,
ensure the project reduces emissions more than would have occurred in the absence
of the intervention created by the CDM.
C. The determination of additionality and the calculation of emission reductions depend
on the emissions that would have occurred without the project minus the emissions
of the project. Accordingly, the CDM process requires an established baseline or
comparative emission estimate.

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1. 7 Environmental Legislation in India

Environmental protection is an important part of Indian Constitution as well as legislation.
Article 21 of Indian Constitution mentions about, healthy and pollution free environment as
one of the fundamental rights. Article 48A of Indian Constitution directs the governing bodies
for protection of flora and fauna and to improve the environment quality.

Apart from the constitutional considerations, time and again, environmental legislations have
been established through various acts. The Ministry of Environment and Forest is primarily
concerned with the implementation of policies and programmes related to environmental
law in India, such as conservation of forests, country’s natural resources including lakes and
rivers, its biodiversity, forests and wildlife, ensuring the welfare of animals. Most significant
policies / acts are

A. The Wildlife Protection Act 1972

B. The Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974
C. The Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1981
D. The Environment (protection) Act 1986
E. The Energy Conservation Act 2001
F. The National Green Tribunal Act 2010

1.7.1 The Water Act

Object of Water Act is to provide prevention and control of water pollution. Maintaining or
restoring of wholesomeness and purity of water in the various sources of water. It vests
regulatory authority in Centre Pollution Control Boards (CPCB) and State Pollution Control
Board (SPCB).

CPCB and SPSB are statutory bodies created under the Water Act, 1974. It empowers CPCB
and SPCB to establish and enforce effluent standards for factories discharging pollutants into
water bodies. CPCB performs these same functions for union territories along with
formulating policies related to the prevention of water pollution and coordinating activities
of different SPSBs. SPCB controls sewage and industrial effluent discharge by approving,
rejecting, and granting consent to discharge.

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1.7.2 The Air Act

The act targets to control and prevent air pollution in India and its main objectives are:

A. To provide for prevention, control, and abatement of air pollution.

B. To provide for the establishment of the boards at the central and state levels to
implement the act.

Centre Pollution Control Boards (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) is also
responsible for control of air pollution. It states that the sources of air pollution such as
internal combustion engines, industry, vehicles, power plants, etc., are not permitted to
release particulate matter, lead, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, volatile
organic compounds (VOCs), or other toxic substances beyond the predetermined limit.

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Environmental issues are not just limited to a region or a country. The industrialization and
manufacturing sector has resulted in environmental degradation globally. Two of the major
global environmental issues are

A. Resource Depletion
B. Climate Change

2.1 Resource Depletion / Degradation

Resource is anything of value and may be consumed. Naturally occurring materials and forms
of energy are the primary resources consumed for all human requirements. The natural
resources have a specific time period for replenishing. If the rate of consumption is faster than
the rate of consumption, it leads to unavailability of resource which is called resource
depletion. Following are some of the staggering and scary facts about resource consumption.

 As on 2023, we are consuming 1.8 times the resource that the earth can renew or
 By 2030, the rate of consumption is expected to be 2.0 times the rate of
 About 80 Lakh hectare of forest has been cut globally in 2023
 With the present rate of depletion of resources, in 30 years from now, water and food
scarcity will be serious problems

2.1.1 Causes & impacts of Resource Depletion

The primary and only broader reason for resource depletion is uncontrolled and unscientific
consumption of resources. But following are some of the specific reasons leading to higher
rate of consumption.

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A. Population: As on date global population is more than 7.9 billion (790 Crores) and
India being the most populated country with more than 140.75 Crore people. With
increase in population, the necessities of housing, products / commodities, food and
water increases all of which depends on various resources including energy
consumption. Following table is indicative of rate of population growth across globe.

Population in
Year Difference in years
1800 – 1
1927 127 2
1960 33 3
1974 14 4
1987 13 5
1999 12 6
2011 12 7
2022 11 8
2037* 14 9
2055* 18 10
2088* 33 11

B. Coal, Oil and Natural Gas consumption: Energy sector and energy depletion is also
enormous in modern day. Globally about 8 billion tonnes of coal is being consumed as
source of energy. Following graph shows the increase in coal consumption in India
between 2009 and 2020

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Presently, India is consuming, about 0.9 billion tonnes of coal per year. It is estimated
/ predicted that, coal consumption will be peak between the year 2025 and 2048
globally and will further cause depletion.
The statistics are similar with respect to oil and natural gas. In the year 2022-23, India
has consumed 222.3 million tonnes of petroleum products, 10.2% more than previous
year. 174 million cubic meter of natural gas is being consumed in India per day which
is also increasing. These non renewable energy resources are getting depleted at a
very fast rate.
C. Deforestation and Farming: Land cover and land usage has been one of the major
issues causing environmental problems. About 13 million hectares of the forest is lost
every year. Unscientific cutting of trees causes imbalance in the environment. Wild
life, which is completely dependent on forest for survival will get affected. Many plant
species are also destroyed during the process affecting biodiversity.
Poor soil management, unscientific irrigation and improper farming techniques are
affecting soil fertility and land resource. Deforestation and improper forming also
leads to soil erosion.
D. Metal Mining: As a raw material for various manufacturing industries, like automobile
industry, computing and electronic devices metal is extracted from the earth. Also for
the purposes of ornaments and decorative purposes, metal mining is done. Iron,
Copper, Chromite, Gold, Silver and other metals are extracted in very large scale which
results in its depletion as well has impact on landslides and related environmental
E. Water: Water, which is one of the most important resources, is being used
unscientifically and in an uncontrolled manner. The fresh water available for usage is
very less and ground water is being used exploited to a point of no return. There is no
effort to recharge ground water, which will lead to water scarcity in near future.

The major implications of resource depletion are gradual scarcity of resources and
possibility of increase in prices / cost of materials and energy. Hence it is very important
to ensure the resources are consumed in a balanced manner. It is also important to find
the alternatives for all the energy resources and material resources.

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2.1.2 Solution to Resource Depletion

It is not possible to reduce resource consumption, as there is a need and necessity to be

fulfilled. But the ideal solution to resource depletion is to switch to alternative resources and
primarily focus on renewable resources. Following are some of the specific solutions to
resource depletions.

A. Solar, Wind and other Alternative Sources of energy: One of the major solutions to
resource depletion is to switch to renewable sources of energy. The solar energy, wind
energy, tidal energy is some of the renewable sources of energy to be used in place of
coal and petroleum products. Even though the cost of establishment may be slightly
higher, the option of renewable sources is the only way going forward.

Government of India, under ministry of new and renewable energy is developing solar
parks and ultra mega solar projects as a green initiative. As on 30-11-2022, a capacity
of 39,285 MW has been sanctioned in 13 states. The approved parks are at various
stages of implementation. Financial grant of Rs. 34422 Crores has been allocated for
the project. Also the government through ministry of new and renewable energy is
promoting wind energy as well as bio energy through various schemes and
investments. Green energy corridor project is also underway.
At individual level as well, at residential and commercial buildings, there is a switch
from conventional energy source to solar charging and heating which also contributes
to conservation of resources
B. Controlled and scientific mining: The dependence on ore or metal cannot be
compromised to a greater extent. But mining process may be channelized through
government to ensure only the area permitted for mining is being used for extraction.
Also the environmental clearance for mining becomes very important.
C. Forest Conservation, Afforestation and Land Development: Using modern day
methods of GPS mapping, it is possible to have a clear understanding of land use and
land cover. It is also possible to monitor and protect the forest from deforestation.
Scientific Identification of suitable land for agriculture and industries will have to be
done so that the balance is not affected.

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D. Reduce, Recycle & Reuse: At all processes, a cautious effort has to be made to reduce
waste generation. If waste is generated, it has to be reused or recycled and reused.
This 3R principle of sustainability is definitely in the direction of resource conservation
and has to be implemented across sectors. This principle is even applicable for water

2.2 Climate Change

Climate change is a gradual increase in atmospheric temperature and irregularities in weather
pattern, caused due to human interactions with the environment. In the present day, climate
change is very evident and is being experienced globally. Quality of air and quality of life
seriously gets affected due to climate change. Following changes have been observed

 The mean annual temperature across globe is increasing by about 0.1 to 0.2 degree
every decade, which is a worrying sign and has lot of other implications on human
health and farming. Following values are indicative of changes in temperature across

Average temperatures

Region 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09 2010-19 2020-22

Europe 8.0 °C 7.7 °C 7.8 °C 7.8 °C 8.4 °C 8.9 °C 9.0 °C 9.2 °C

Asia 15.6 °C 15.8 °C 15.7 °C 15.7 °C 16.3 °C 16.5 °C 16.8 °C 16.9 °C

North America 12.2 °C 11.7 °C 11.6 °C 12.1 °C 12.4 °C 12.7 °C 13.2 °C 13.2 °C

Africa 20.2 °C 20.3 °C 20.2 °C 20.5 °C 20.6 °C 21.0 °C 21.4 °C 21.3 °C

Australia 13.9 °C 13.9 °C 14.0 °C 14.2 °C 14.0 °C 14.4 °C 14.9 °C 14.6 °C

Oceania 23.3 °C 23.2 °C 23.2 °C 23.4 °C 23.7 °C 23.9 °C 23.9 °C 24.3 °C

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Warmest months
Region 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09 2010-19 2020-22

Europe 17.5 °C 17.0 °C 17.3 °C 18.4 °C 18.7 °C 19.5 °C 19.1 °C 18.8 °C

Asia 25.7 °C 25.6 °C 25.8 °C 26.1 °C 26.4 °C 26.7 °C 27.3 °C 26.7 °C

North America 23.9 °C 23.5 °C 23.5 °C 24.0 °C 24.1 °C 24.7 °C 24.8 °C 24.8 °C

Africa 22.2 °C 22.6 °C 22.1 °C 22.3 °C 22.7 °C 23.2 °C 23.8 °C 23.4 °C

Australia 21.1 °C 21.6 °C 22.0 °C 22.7 °C 21.1 °C 21.8 °C 23.6 °C 21.6 °C

Oceania 26.2 °C 27.4 °C 26.8 °C 26.1 °C 26.6 °C 27.2 °C 26.7 °C 26.6 °C

Coldest months
Region 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09 2010-19 2020-22

Europe -5.4 °C -4.3 °C -2.9 °C -4.1 °C -1.2 °C -0.4 °C -1.9 °C 0.1 °C

Asia 5.0 °C 5.6 °C 3.6 °C 5.9 °C 6.1 °C 6.1 °C 6.2 °C 7.2 °C

North America -1.0 °C -2.1 °C -2.1 °C -1.7 °C -0.4 °C 0.2 °C 0.8 °C 1.1 °C

Africa 17.4 °C 16.7 °C 17.6 °C 17.6 °C 16.7 °C 18.4 °C 18.8 °C 18.9 °C

Australia 7.3 °C 7.0 °C 7.1 °C 7.1 °C 7.4 °C 7.8 °C 8.1 °C 8.5 °C

Oceania 20.6 °C 20.4 °C 20.5 °C 20.5 °C 20.8 °C 21.0 °C 20.9 °C 21.8 °C

 The rain patterns have become very scattered and random. There is no specific
duration and intensity of rainfall that may be applicable to a region.
 Melting of ice at earth’s pole is also due to climate change and causes problems of
 The natural calamities like earthquake, volcanoes and tsunami is also a result of
climate change and

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2.3 Local & Regional Environmental Issues

In the present-day context, environmental issues are global. But there are few issues and
instances which are localised in nature and can be managed locally. And there are other issues
which requires a combined effort on a regional and global scale. Following are the aspects,
which can be understood as local as well as regional and global issues.

2.3.1 Local Environmental Issues

Even though the global environmental issues are a result of local issues, it is very important
to address the local issues to ensure there is no larger impact on the environment. The local
issues require individual human effort, society and the local authority. Commonly observed
local environmental issues are as follows

A. Waste Management: Different types of wastes are generated due to day-to-day

human activities. Garbage, solid waste, medical waste, construction waste, e-waste,
plastic waste is some of the types of wastes generated in the society on a daily basis.
The waste management has to be monitored and managed locally by municipality /
corporations. Through following measures
i. Segregation of waste at source
ii. Collection of waste through door-to-door system
iii. Recycling / Treatment of wastes
iv. Disposal of wastes

Scientific waste management helps to reduce the land filling and avoids creating
unhygienic spaces.

B. Pollution: There are different forms of pollution, each of which has to be addressed
separately. Local authorities in form of pollution control board has to monitor and
regulate the pollution related aspects of the locality

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Sl. Type of
Source / Toxin Effects Control / Mitigation
No. Pollution

1 Air Carbon dioxide, Poor air quality Setting thresholds for

Pollution Carbon monoxide, causing ill health to emission, metering and
Nitrogen oxide, human as well as monitoring the emission
Sulphur Dioxide from vegetation levels regularly
vehicles and industrial
2 Water Chemicals and Non availability of Establishment of limits
Pollution industrial waste water water fit for drinking and norms for waste
released to natural or higher cost for water discharge, metering
source of water or water purification, and monitoring the waste
ground effect on aquatic life water discharge and
ground water.
3 Noise Vehicular operations Public nuisance and Creating zones, based on
Pollution and industrial irritation noise levels,
activities establishment of
industrial zones away
from the residential
spaces, controlling

C. Desertification: Desertification is degradation of land and land being unfit to be used

for a specific purpose. Loss of fertility of soil, which makes the land unsuitable for
agriculture is also desertification. The primary reasons for desertification are
i. Deforestation
ii. Use of excessive chemical fertilizers in agriculture
iii. Uncontrolled use of ground water
iv. Unscientific farming practices
With this the yield of crop reduces to a greater extent and also affects the land cover
and land use pattern. This can be overcome by creating awareness and educating
farmers about scientific and mixed farming culture. Policy changes to use organic

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manure and also afforestation / reforestation will help mitigating desertification,

which can be managed by local authorities.

D. Water Scarcity: The water availability is actually sufficient to fulfil the requirements.
But the unscientific and uncontrolled use of water is causing water scarcity. Also, the
ground water is being drawn without any specific measures to replenish or recharge
the ground water. This is lowering the water table to a greater extent. Water scarcity
has large scale implications such as
i. Unavailability of drinking water
ii. Loss of habitats and biodiversity
iii. Unavailability of water for irrigation

Measures that have to be taken to overcome water scarcity are

i. Metered and controlled use of water

ii. Ground water recharge through rain water harvesting
iii. Recycling of wastewater and reuse of water
iv. Awareness and educating public on importance of saving water

E. Loss of Biodiversity: Degree of loss of biodiversity may vary from Near Threatened to
Extinct. Change in quality of habitat through destruction is the cause of loss of
biodiversity. Protection of endangered species of plants and animals has to be
considered at local levels to ensure safer biodiversity.

2.3.2 Global Environmental Issues

Global environmental issues require collective efforts across globe, where policies, protocols,
goals and procedures will have to be framed and followed by different countries. It is also
referred to as regional and global issues.

A. Global Warming: Global warming is the exponential increase in earth’s atmospheric

temperature due to excessive and uncontrolled consumption of fossil fuels and
release of green house gases. Global warming also leads to other environmental issues
and has multi-fold effect. The primary green house gases are

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i. Carbon dioxide iv. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s)

ii. Methane v. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC’s)
iii. Nitrous Oxide

The only probable solution to control or mitigate global warming is significant

reduction in consumption of fossil fuels and use of renewable sources of energy like
solar energy and energy.

B. Ozone Depletion: Ozone layer is the portion of earth’s atmosphere, which has high
concentration of O3 (Ozone), which prevents the harmful ultra-violet rays entering the
earth. This protective layer is getting depleted due to higher concentration of GHG’s,
Chlorine and Bromine. Depletion of ozone layer affects life on earth and water
including human beings, animals, marine life as well as plants and vegetation.
Reduced use of chemicals, reduction in air pollution can help to mitigate ozone
C. Acid Rain: Acid rain or acidic deposition is the term used to represent any form of
precipitation (rain) with acidic components like sulfuric acid and nitric acid that
reaches the earth. Reason for acid rain are the exhaust from the industrial activity and
vehicular operations directly released to the atmosphere.

pH of rain is on an average between 5.5-6.0. Due to increase in concentration of toxins

in the atmosphere, the pH may reach a value of about 4.5, which is very acidic and
seriously affects human health. Reduction in air pollution is the primary solution to
control acid rain.

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D. Ocean Acidification: Ocean acidification is the process of reduction in pH value

(increase in acidity) of earth’s ocean due to ingress / uptake of carbon dioxide
concentration. Water in the ocean is basic in nature, with pH value more than 7.
Because of ocean acidification, pH value is more towards neutral value of 7. Primary
reasons for this are
i. Water pollution and the chemical reactivity
ii. Air pollution and absorption of carbon dioxide
iii. Spillages in the ocean
Ocean acidification also results in loss of biodiversity and in particular coral reefs /
marine life. It impacts food chain as well.

E. Polar Melting: Even though polar melting is a global environmental issue, it is an after
effect of global warming. Higher the average atmospheric temperature, more is the
probability of polar / ice cap melting. This has a significant impact on increase in sea
level which completely disrupts the marine / coastal occupancy.

2.4 Carbon Credits & Carbon Trading

There are various ways in which pollution and environmental issues may be tackled. By having
rules and regulations, taxations on emissions are some measures. But these measures are
either not flexible or not efficient. Hence there is a different approach required to negotiate
the issue.

Carbon cap and trade is the new way to have control over use of energy and emissions.
Carbon cap which is also called carbon credit is the specific permit that allow owner / investor

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/ industry to emit certain amount of carbon dioxide or other green house gases. The
equivalencies of credits may vary. For instance, in one of the practices, one carbon credit
permits one tonne of carbon dioxide emission. But the regulation is that, there has to be
decline in the emission levels over the years.

Carbon trading is the buying and selling of the carbon credits given to an industry / owner.
Carbon trading may be local as well as global. Global carbon trading framework was agreed
upon in 2021 climate change summit.

The industrialized nations, for which reducing emissions is a daunting task, buy the emission
rights from another nation whose industries do not produce as much of these gases. The
market for carbon is possible because the goal is to reduce emissions collectively. After
successful negotiations at the 2021 Glasgow COP26 Climate Summit, global carbon trading
now has a more structured framework for countries to follow.

2.5 Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere
as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community. In some
cases, the carbon footprint is expressed as the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) which is
meant to sum up the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused.

Carbon footprint is estimated / predicted based on the type and quantity of energy consumed
for any process or product manufacturing. For example, Cement manufacturing requires
about 85 kg coal as direct consumption, about 110kwh per tonne of electricity, which is
equivalent to about 75kg of coal energy. Total energy consumption for manufacturing of 1
tonne of cement is equivalent to 160kg of coal. Each kg of coal is equivalent to 2 kg of carbon
dioxide. Hence about 320kg of carbon footprint is estimated purely for cement
manufacturing. If extraction of raw materials, transportation and other energy consumptions
are considered, production of 1 kg of cement has a carbon footprint of about 0.7 to 0.9 kg of
carbon dioxide.

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Carbon footprint may be reduced by any one of the following measures

i. Improving the efficiency of manufacturing

ii. Use of alternate and renewable source of energy
iii. Post combustion measures like carbon capture and storage

2.6 Carbon Sequestration

The process of storage of carbon is called carbon sequestration. It can occur naturally or
technology may be used to store carbon. Whether natural or artificial, carbon sequestration
helps reducing the carbon concentration in the atmosphere and hence also reduces global
warming and other environmental concerns.

2.6.1 Natural sequestration

There are three different natural phenomena where carbon dioxide is either consumed or
absorbed and stored in certain form

A. Terrestrial carbon sequestration is the process through which CO2 from the
atmosphere is collected by trees and plants during photosynthesis and stored as
carbon in soils and biomass (tree trunks, branches, foliage, and roots)
B. Carbon dioxide can be stored in a variety of geological locations, including oil and gas
deposits, non-mineable coal seams, saline formations, and shale formations with
significant organic content.
C. Ocean sequestration is the process in which the carbon dioxide is absorbed by ocean
and botanical life in the ocean. This is a significant sequestration considering the fact
that geological formations take years of time to form / deposit

2.6.2 Carbon Capture & Storage

If technology and processes are used for carbon sequestration, then it is called carbon capture
and storage. The basic concept is to separate carbon from the smoke generated from the
industrial processes and carbon present in the atmosphere. A wide variety of separation
techniques are being pursued, including gas phase separation, absorption into a liquid, and

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adsorption on a solid, as well as hybrid processes, such as adsorption/membrane

systems. There are three ways that this capturing can be carried out

i. Post-combustion capture
ii. Pre-combustion capture
iii. Oxy-fuel combustion capture

In post combustion capture, the CO2 is removed after combustion of the fossil fuel—this is
the scheme that would apply to fossil-fuel power plants. CO2 is captured from flue
gases at power stations or other point sources. The technology is well understood and is
currently used in other industrial applications, although at smaller scale than required in a
commercial scale station. Post combustion capture is most popular in research because fossil
fuel power plants can be retrofitted to include CCS technology in this configuration

The technology for pre-combustion is widely applied in fertilizer, chemical, gaseous fuel (H2,
CH4), and power production. In these cases, the fossil fuel is partially oxidized, for instance in
a gasifier. The CO from the resulting syngas (CO and H2) reacts with added steam (H2O) and
is shifted into CO2 and H2. The resulting CO2 can be captured from a relatively pure exhaust

In oxy-fuel combustion the fuel is burned in pure oxygen instead of air. To limit the resulting
flame temperatures to levels common during conventional combustion, cooled flue gas is
recirculated and injected into the combustion chamber. The flue gas consists of mainly
CO2 and water vapour, the latter of which is condensed through cooling. The result is an
almost pure CO2 stream.

Apart from these methods, Direct Air Capture is another technique where carbon is separated
or captured from the atmosphere. Engineered molecules can change shape by creating new
kinds of compounds capable of singling out and capturing carbon dioxide from the air.

Captured CO2 needs to be stored in locations where the gas can be isolated from the
atmosphere. As a result, geologic formations, deep ocean sites, salt-lined aquifers, and
emptied oil and gas reservoirs deep underground are viewed as attractive locations. Such

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geologic formations include porous sedimentary rock strata into which pressurized CO2 can
be injected; as the CO2 seeps out through pores in the rock, it dissolves in groundwater to
form carbonate minerals. Similar deep ocean geologic formations, aided by high ocean
pressures and low temperatures, can also hold large quantities of CO2. Depleted oil and gas
reservoirs provide ready-made storage areas for holding CO2 over the long term, provided
that they can be sealed by layers of rock free from faults that could release the gas to the

2.7 Environmental Management Standards

Environmental Management Systems are tools for an organization to keep aware of the
interactions that its products and activities have with the environment and to achieve and
continuously improve the desired level of environmental performance. There are a various
number of standards available, which facilitates the companies or institutions to implement
an Environmental Management System, or EMS.

ISO 14001 defines criteria for an EMS. It does not state requirements for environmental
performance but rather maps out a framework that a company or organization can follow to
set up an effective EMS. It can be used by any organization that wants to improve resource
efficiency, reduce waste, and reduce costs. Using ISO 14001 can provide assurance to
company management and employees as well as external stakeholders that environmental
impact is being measured and improved.

The basic principles of ISO 14001 are based on the well-known Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)

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Plan: Establish objectives and processes required

Prior to implementing ISO 14001, an initial review or gap analysis of the organization's
processes and products is recommended, to assist in identifying all elements of the current
operation, and if possible, future operations, that may interact with the environment, termed
"environmental aspects"

Do: Implement the processes

During this stage, the organization identifies the resources required and works out those
members of the organization responsible for the EMS' implementation and control. This
includes establishing procedures and processes, although only one documented procedure is
specifically related to operational control. Other procedures are required to foster better
management control over elements such as documentation control, emergency
preparedness and response, and the education of employees, to ensure that they can
competently implement the necessary processes and record results.

Check: Measure and monitor the processes and report results

During the "check" stage, performance is monitored and periodically measured to ensure that
the organization's environmental targets and objectives are being met. In addition, internal
audits are conducted at planned intervals to ascertain whether the EMS meets the user's
expectations and whether the processes and procedures are being adequately maintained
and monitored.

Act: Take action to improve performance of EMS based on results

After the checking stage, a management review is conducted to ensure that the objectives of
the EMS are being met, the extent to which they are being met, and that communications are
being appropriately managed. Additionally, the review evaluates changing circumstances,
such as legal requirements, in order to make recommendations for further improvement of
the system. These recommendations are incorporated through continual improvement: plans
are renewed or new plans are made, and the EMS moves forward

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Following is the list of ISO14000 series standards

1. ISO 14001 Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
2. ISO 14004 Environmental management systems - General guidelines on
3. ISO 14005 Environmental management systems - Guidelines for a flexible approach to
phased implementation
4. ISO 14006 Environmental management systems - Guidelines for incorporating eco-
5. ISO 14015 Environmental management - Environmental assessment of sites and
organizations (EASO)
6. ISO 14020 to 14025 Environmental labels and declarations
7. ISO/NP 14030 Green bonds -- Environmental performance of nominated projects and
assets; discusses post-production environmental assessment
8. ISO 14031 Environmental management - Environmental performance evaluation –
9. ISO 14040 to 14049 Environmental management - Life cycle assessment; discusses
pre-production planning and environment goal setting
10. ISO 14050 Environmental management - Vocabulary; terms and definitions
11. ISO/TR 14062 Environmental management - Integrating environmental aspects into
product design and development
12. ISO 14063 Environmental management - Environmental communication - Guidelines
and examples
13. ISO 14064 Greenhouse gases; measuring, quantifying, and reducing greenhouse gas
14. ISO 14090 Adaptation to climate change — Principles, requirements and guidelines

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2.8 Life Cycle Analysis

Life cycle in general is a process of commencement to closure, initiation to end or as it is
popularly known “Cradle to Grave”. Any product or process has a life cycle associated with it,
technically referred to as design life or durability. Manufacturing of a product and
development of any process undergoes many transformations with time and also consumes
different amount of energy at different phases. Hence to overcome the environmental issues,
understanding of life cycle analysis is significant.

Life cycle analysis or life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool which enables engineers to quantify
the energy consumption and efficiency of products and services. LCA helps in decision making
for sustainable development. LCA is conducted generally for one of three purposes:
1. To make a comparison and evaluation of alternative products, processes, or services
2. To evaluate alternative lifecycles for a product, process, or service
3. To identify the parts of a lifecycle where the greatest improvements can be made

Life cycle analysis typically includes defining the following

1. Purpose and scope: Depends on requirement and interest of the owner / investor /
assessor. It also depends on product and process under consideration.
2. Life cycle inventory: Most significant and resource intensive aspect, as it involves in
depth accounting of all input and output.
3. Life cycle impact assessment: Interpretation part of LCA where the inventory serves
as the reference.

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“Sustainable habitat is an approach towards a balanced and sustainable development of the
ecosystem of habitat which offers adequate shelter with basic services, infrastructure,
livelihood opportunities along with environmental and socio-economic safety including
equality, inclusiveness, and disaster resilience.”

One of the significant components of sustainable habitat is affordable and sustainable

building. The sustainable building includes, green building materials, green building
construction, green certification, energy efficient building design. Also, transportation is
another important component of sustainable habitat.

3.1 Green Buildings

Green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are
environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle from
design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction.

A building or a structure may be considered green, if energy efficiency is achieved in all the
phases of building construction

3.1.1 Pre-building Phase

Pre-building phase is the decision-making phase before the physical commencement of

construction. Following aspects are important in making the correct choices in pre-building

A. Site selection and planning

B. Building form and space organization
C. Building envelope
D. Selection of building materials

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A. Site selection and planning: Plot area and building area has a role to play in extracting
natural illumination and natural ventilation. Closely spaced buildings are not energy
efficient. Direction of building and building component also has to be in line with the
B. Building form and space organization: Shape of the building and geometry of the
building relates to energy. Simple and symmetrical orientation reduces surface area
and makes the building greener.
C. Building envelope: Roof of the building, outer wall and window openings constitutes
the building envelope. Flat roofs, sloped roofs, area of window openings, thickness of
wall influences the energy efficiency and has to be decided based on climatic
D. Selection of building materials: Material selection contributes significantly for
achieving the goals of green building. Following parameters are to be considered for
selection of material.
a. Locally Available: Locally available materials are considered energy efficient,
as the transportation is completely avoided. Because of this reason, cost of
locally available materials also will be less. Also, local materials are better
against the local environment. One of the examples for locally available
building material is laterite stone in coastal Karnataka.

b. Natural: Naturally available materials does not consume energy for

manufacturing and hence are considered green materials. For example,
bamboo which is a natural grass has good strength and can be used partially in
place of steel for structural purposes.

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c. Renewable: Materials having property to be reused are energy efficient. One

time use materials consume energy for each cycle of manufacturing and hence
are not considered green materials. To an extent, durability of materials is also
considered renewability and helps in achieving green building concept.
Concrete is one of the widely used renewable material.
d. Nontoxic: Most often, materials manufactured using chemicals, cause
problems to human health as well as pollute the environment. It is also
referred to as hazardous materials. Greener materials must be free from toxins
and non-hazardous for a safer indoor environment.
e. Energy Efficient: Energy efficiency of materials depends on ingredients used
and manufacturing technique. For instance, fly ash bricks utilizes, fly ash as one
of the major ingredients, which is an industrial by-product. Similarly, many
agro-wastes and industrial wastes may be effectively utilized for
manufacturing of building materials.

3.1.2 Building Phase

Building phase represents the actual physical construction of structure. Energy consumption
depends on technique used for construction. There are three construction techniques
predominantly used for building.

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A. Conventional construction: Conventional construction using stones, bricks and

concrete can be of two types. Wall construction and Column-beam construction. Both
the techniques utilize human muscle energy (labour intensive) to a larger extent and
utilizes fuel / electricity operated equipment and tools to a minimum. This increases
the energy efficiency of construction. But this method consumes more time and hence
not popular in modern day construction practice.

B. Tunnel form construction: One of the modern-day practices is to construct buildings

monolithically using only steel and concrete, which is cast at one time. The major
advantage of this tunnel form construction is very less. The major disadvantage is it is
energy intensive and consumes lot of energy in form of equipment, tools and
installations. The wastage of materials generated during construction is comparatively
less in this method. Based on the studies made, conventional construction is energy
efficient than tunnel form construction.

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C. Pre cast construction: Pre cast construction is manufacturing of building elements in

factory / manufacturing units and assembling the elements at construction site. Even
in this method, for both casting and installation, equipment, machineries and energy
driven tools are required.

Transportation of large building elements is also difficult. But similar to tunnel form
construction, this method is very fast. The wastage of materials is almost zero in this
method. This is also moderately energy efficient method.

3.1.3 Post-Building Phase

Post building phase mainly includes, Operation & maintenance of the building and its
demolition / deconstruction. It is estimated that operation and maintenance energy of a
building completely depends on embodied energy of building materials. O & M energy is as
significant as energy spent for manufacturing of materials and the building construction, as
the energy is utilized for the entire life of the building. Energy efficient illumination,
ventilation, heating and air conditioning helps to improve the life cycle efficiency.

Also, deconstruction will be energy efficient compared to uncontrolled demolition at the end
of service life of the building. Deconstruction helps to recover the materials which can to
recycled and reused making the materials green.

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3.2 Green Building Certification

Green building certification is an assessment & recognition tool for buildings which fulfil
sustainability requirements. LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environment Design) is one of the
widely used certification developed by US Green Building Council (USGBC). In India as well,
with research and implementation of sustainable development, green rating systems have
been developed and is globally accepted and adopted. GRIHA and IGBC ratings are used for
green buildings / projects in India.

3.2.1 Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA)

GRIHA stands for Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment. The Energy & Resources
Institute (TERI) has developed the rating system. GRIHA attempts to minimize a building’s
resource consumption, waste generation, and overall ecological impact to within certain
nationally acceptable limits / benchmarks. Green ratings will be helpful from the following

A. Comply with the environmental standards which helps for environmental clearances.
B. Helps for building brand value / reputation of the organization
C. Helps in reduction of cost of operation and increase the profit
D. Exhibit social responsibility

Following is the sequence of key events leading to establishment and implementation of

GRIHA certification.

i. Year 2000 – TERI conducts audit and constructs one green building
ii. Year 2002 – TERI releases green building rating of India
iii. Year 2007 – Ministry of New & Renewable Energy adopts green rating and releases
Energy Conservation & Building Code
iv. Year 2008 – National Mission on sustainable habitat launched
v. Year 2009 – Central Public Works Department adopts green rating and the system
acknowledged by the UN as innovative tool
vi. Year 2010 – Evaluators and trainers program launched
vii. Year 2011 – Environmental Clearances Linked to GRIHA pre-certification

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viii. Year 2012 – GRIHA product catalogue launched

ix. Year 2013 – Launch of GRIHA Large Development rating for large scale land
development and projects like colleges / universities
x. Year 2014 – Launch of GRIHA Prakriti, MoU between US GBC & TERI
xi. Year 2015 – GRIHA adopted by many states and city corporations

GRIHA Rating Process

GRIHA follows a specific set of process for the award of green rating. The process is a
combination of awareness, education, assessment and evaluation. Following are the steps
involved in the rating system

A. Online Registration: The project owner / investor can initiate the GRIHA certification
process by filling the application available on www. website. After
submission of application and making payment, user ID and password will be
generated for any further processing.
B. Orientation Workshop: Workshop will be conducted by GRIHA officials to educate the
applicant about the rating process and parameters of assessment. It is also informed
about the documentation process.
C. Due Diligence 1: On the verge of completion of foundation, there will be a physical
verification by the representatives of GRIHA. Compliance report will be submitted
within 15 days of the visit.
D. Due Diligence 2: On the verge of completion of MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and
Plumbing) services there will be one more verification by the team.
E. Submission of Documents: At the time of completion of the project, applicant has to
upload all the necessary documents in the prescribed format.
F. Preliminary Evaluation: GRIHA evaluators take up this process. The evaluation will be
done based on the documents submitted and in line with the criterion set for
evaluation. Evaluation report will be submitted within 60days of submission of all
G. Final Due Diligence: This process is only to compare the compliance of the documents
with the actual construction

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H. Final Evaluation: GRIHA council will prepare the final report and allocate the points /
ratings. This rating and certification is valid up to 5 years.
I. Additional Due Diligence: Within 12 months of the certification, one more awareness
on operations and maintenance will be provided
J. Renewal of Rating: After the 5-year term, the compliance report has to be submitted
by the applicant to GRIHA. Renewal will be given for 3 years.

GRIHA Rating Structure

GRIHA uses specific criterion for assessment and evaluation. This rating structure has been
developed considering the importance of resource and contribution of resources in achieving
green construction. The weightage for different parameters is as mentioned below.

Sustainable Site Construction
Metering &
Planning Management
12% 4%

Energy Optimization
GRIHA Rating 18%
Life Cycle Costing Weightages) Occupant Comfort
5% 12%

Sustainable Building Solid Waste

Water Management
Materials Management
12% 6%

GRIHA Rating System

Considering the rating structure, GRIHA evaluates the project for a maximum score of 100. If
the applicant / project fail to score less than 25% of score, it is not GRIHA certified. Following
table indicates the certification rating for the score in excess of 25.

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Threshold / Score Rating / Achievable Star

25-40 1 Star Rating

41-55 2 Star Rating

56-70 3 Star Rating

71-85 4 Star Rating

86 & above 5 Star Rating

GRIHA Rating Variants

All the buildings and projects can not be evaluated on the same basis, as area, type and
location of the project has a influence on energy consumptions. Hence GRIHA has developed
different rating systems depending on scale of the project and nature, following variants are

1. SVAGRIHA - Simple Versatile Affordable GRIHA for buildings with less than 2500m2
built up area
2. GRIHA Pre-Certification - For buildings with more than 2500m2 built up area
3. GRIHA AH Pre-Certification – For projects under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
4. GRIHA for Existing Building – For already constructed buildings with more than 2500m2
built up area
5. GRIHA LD – For Large developments and SEZ’s with area of site more than 50 hectares
6. GRIHA for cities – For urban area with population more than 1 lakh

3.2.2 Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)Rating

Similar to GRIHA rating system, Indian Green Building Council also has developed an
evaluation tool for a wide range of projects. IGBC is a part of Confederation of Indian Industry
(CII) started in the year 2001.

The vision of the council is, "To enable a sustainable built environment for all and facilitate
India to be one of the global leaders in the sustainable built environment by 2025"

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As in case of GRIHA, the evaluation is done for maximum score of 100 and following table
indicates the rating system for existing and new buildings respectively.

3.3 Energy Efficient Building Design

Energy efficient building design is the set of measures taken to either reduce loss of energy
or to make the most out of the available energy. Energy efficient buildings offer better indoor
comfort at a reduced operational cost and also eco-friendly. To design an energy efficient
building, understanding of energy requirements of a building is very important.

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In a private or public building, energy in form of electricity is primarily consumed for

i. Light (Illumination)
ii. Ventilation
iii. Thermal Comfort (Heating & Cooling)
iv. Air Conditioning

In India, for majority of the buildings, maximum energy is consumed for mechanical (artificial)
ventilation and indoor thermal comfort (heating and cooling). Indoor temperature changes
due to heat transfer mechanism. Radiation is entry of direct sunlight in to the buildings
through openings. Conduction is the process of transfer of heat through material absorption.
Convection is due to the decrease in density of air because of increase in temperature.

Knowledge of heat transfer is very important to design an energy efficient building. Also, If
any architectural design or acoustic designs help to improve the thermal comfort without
much electricity consumption, it is considered as energy efficient building design.

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3.3.1 Passive Solar Design Technique

• It is a way of designing buildings that takes advantage of the benefits of the solar path
and sun light

• Solar passive architecture enhances the thermal comfort of the occupants

• There is no added cost of operation and maintenance in solar passive architecture

• Passive solar design technique depends on reflectance, absorbance and transmittance

of heat through the material

Passive solar design technique consists oof two approaches. Passive solar heating and passive
solar cooling. Passive solar heating is no major technical challenge. Passive solar heating may
be achieved only through heat transfer of sunlight into the internal occupancy, in any of the
following measures. Direct, Indirect and Isolated heat gain respectively.

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The challenge is to achieve passive solar cooling. Following measures may be considered.

A. Window orientation and sun light: If windows are provided on east and west side of
the building, direct light and radiation enters indoor space and increases indoor
temperature. To control the temperature windows may be provided on north and
south side of the building. Also the over hang projections and side fin projections
(Chejja) to the windows also helps to cut the angle of incident of direct radiation.

B. Thermal Mass: Building components like wall, flooring has a tendency to absorb and
hold heat. Such components are referred to as thermal mass of the building. Higher
the thermal mass, cooler is the indoor environment during day. The absorbed heat
gets released at night. Higher the wall thickness, more is the thermal mass, les sis the
temperature gradient.

C. Ventilation: Ventilation is essentially movement or circulation of air. Ventilation has

no straight influence on control of temperature, but good ventilation improves indoor
air quality and thermal comfort. Corners of a building are very significant from
ventilation view point. In corner spaces, it is easy to provide cross ventilation easily.

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Cross ventilation always helps for better air circulation and reduces the need for
artificial energy.

D. Convective Cooling: When the air becomes hot, density reduces and moves to thee
top. This process of heat exchange is called convection. If provisions are made to expel
the hot air, it offers better thermal comfort.

3.3.2 High Performance Insulation

Additional insulating materials may be used to prevent heat transfer into the indoor
environment. Usually the insulating materials are used for building envelope comprising of
outer most wall and roof of the building. Following are the commonly used insulating
materials for buildings

A. Glass Wool
B. Rock Wool
C. Phenolic Foam
D. Expanded Polystyrene
E. Extruded Polystyrene

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A. Glass Wool: It is made from molten glass. Thermal conductivity of glass wool is
0.035 W/mK, which is very less compared to conventional building materials like
bricks, concrete or steel. It is an effective filler material for Partition Walls.

B. Rock Wool: It is made from molten rock / minerals. Thermal conductivity of rock wool
is 0.032 – 0.044W/mK, which is very less compared to conventional building materials
like bricks, concrete or steel. It is an effective filler material for Partition Walls.

C. Phenolic Foam: It is made from resole resin. Thermal conductivity of rock wool is
0.02 W/mK, which is very less compared to conventional building materials like bricks,
concrete or steel. It is an effective filler material for roof insulation.

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D. Expanded Polystyrene: It is made from synthetic aromatic polymer. Thermal

conductivity is 0.034 - 0.038 W/mK, which is very less compared to conventional
building materials like bricks, concrete or steel. It is an effective filler material for
Partition Walls.

E. Extruded Polystyrene: It has a slightly harder structure compared to EPS. Thermal

conductivity is more or less same and is in the range of 0.033 - 0.038 W/mK. It is an
effective filler material for both partition walls and roofs.

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3.4 Sustainable Transportation

Like building sector, transportation sector is also energy driven. Globally, on an average,
transportation sector consumes about 67% of fuel energy, contributes to about 25% of
economy, releases about 25% of GHG. Sustainable transportation is providing infrastructure
facilities and promoting manufacturing of vehicles and locomotives which reduce the energy
consumption as well as result in lesser pollution levels. Sustainable transportation will be
complete only if implemented across different mores of transportation; Road, Rail, Air and

Sustainable transportation may be achieved through any of the following measures.

A. Manufacturing of fuel-efficient Engines and Vehicle: To achieve sustainable

transportation, automobile manufacturing sector has to invest lot on research and
development of engines with higher fuel efficiency and lower levels of direct carbon
emission. Higher fuel efficiency reduces fuel consumption and lower emissions
reduces pollution, both of which contributes to sustainable transportation.
BS6 engines being rolled out by government is in the direction to have a control over
real time emissions. Following table is a comparative indication

B. Use of multiple and alternative Fuel / Energy: For majority of the vehicles, we are
dependent on either petrol or diesel. This increases the consumption of fossil fuel and
has a negative impact on the environment. In the present-day context, alternative
fuels or sources of energy are being explored. One of the popular and commercially
available on large scale id EV (Electric vehicles).

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Other fuels under consideration are

i. Bio-diesel from vegetable oil and organic matters
ii. Ethanol, considered as a blending for petrol (10% and 20%)
iii. Compressed Natural Gas, primarily used for auto rickshaw and light motor

Apart from road transport, one of the largest modes of transportation, Indian Railways
is also under electrification, which helps in both reducing fossil fuel consumption and
direct carbon emission, with about 84.14% of rail network being electrified.

C. Infrastructure to offer congestion free transport: Along with the locomotive and
energy, the facility on which the vehicles or the wagons operate also contributes to
sustainable transportation. Following aspects constitute green infrastructure
i. High speed roads / tracks: Enhanced speed reduces travel time and improves
overall efficiency
ii. Improved connectivity: Connectivity in terms of both transport network and
transport facilities helps to achieve sustainable transportation
iii. Dedicated lanes: Walk lanes, cycle lanes, public transport bus lanes will
enhance the safety and also offers encouragement for using multi-modal
transport system.
iv. Urban Planning: When an area / locality is being developed or improved, urban
planning and positioning of various components must be given highest
preference. This either reduces travelling requirements or offers efficient
transport system
D. Administrative Measures to monitor curb the energy utilization and control
pollution: The government or the administrative bodies must be proactive and
innovative to ensure safe, congestion free and efficient transport management.
Following are some of the probable measures in that direction
i. Staggered working hours: If industrial production related activities can be
staggered with respect to other employments, it may serve as one of the
sustainable measures. Also, as in case of Delhi, odd-even registration
staggering may also be used.

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ii. Encouraging pooling: Most often in urban transport, each individuals use a
personal vehicle for transit. If pooling may be encouraged as an initiative by
the organizations or at individual level, saving on energy expenditure is
iii. Enhancing quality and connectivity of public transport system: As we have a
multi-modal transport system, a better connectivity between different modes
of transportation by the government will result in convenience and
dependency on public transport system. This also ensures efficiency.

But achieving sustainable transportation on the whole is challenging, as it requires a lot of

coordinated efforts between government, public, energy sector as well as automobile
industries. There are resource barriers as well with respect to adopting latest techniques.
Transport regulations must enable achieving sustainable goals with a proper road map.

3.5 Sustainable Cities

Sustainable city is a locality, which has least negative impact on environment. Sustainable
cities, also called planned cities are a combination of sustainable buildings, sustainable
transportation and sustainable infrastructure.

In India, as per the latest data available, urban land area constitutes about 5-6 % and urban
population is about 36-40%, which in itself represents the population density or congestion.
It is estimated that, without significant increase in urban area, the urban population is
expected to reach 60%.

 This disproportionate urban occupancy in a limited urban area causes resource

scarcity as well as other environmental issues
 Also, with extensive industrial clusters in urban areas, heat island effect is also being
 Cities are more vulnerable to climate change because of lack of biodiversity. Hence
there is a need to develop sustainable cities or make the cities sustainable

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The concept of sustainable cities may be achieved by having specific measurable targets as
mentioned below

1. Safe & Affordable housing

2. Access to sustainable public transport system

3. Inclusive and sustainable urbanization

4. Protect cultural and natural heritage and resources

5. Reduce the effects of natural disasters and calamities

6. Safe & Green public places

Practically it is possible to achieve the concept of sustainable cities using following methods

A. Urban Farming: The food grain requirements of urban areas in drastically increasing
and transporting large quantity from far away distances is not efficient. Urban farming
also brings in balance in diversity of occupation, biological and oxygen cycle.
B. Vertical garden / Terrace Garden: As large built-up areas in form of apartments and
office spaces are being made, the roof of every building as well as external walls may
be used for gardening. This helps to improve the oxygen concentration.
C. Sustainable urban drainage system: Intensity and frequency of rainfall is observed to
be increasing in urban areas and has affected living due unscientific drainage system
and improper maintenance. This has to be overcome to ensure safety and comfort of
urban population.
D. Improved water conservation & wastewater management: Identifying source of
water, Rain water harvesting for utilization and recharge of ground water, are some
of the challenges for increasing urban population. Also, enormous amount of waste
water gets collected due to very high population density which requires scientific
drains for collection, so as to enable treatment and reuse.
E. Improved multi-modal movement & transportation: To reduce load on any single
mode of transportation, equal trip provisions for different public transport
mechanisms have to be given to avoid congestion.

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F. Utilization of renewable energy resources: Both public as well as private utilizations

of electricity will have to depend more on renewable sources of energy like solar
G. Emphasis on proximity: Closely spaced clusters will always benefit the cause of
sustainable development as it reduces energy consumption at various levels

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Clean technology is any process, product or service that has least negative impact on the
environment. Clean technology includes and supports one of the following aspects

 Selection of appropriate technique and optimization

 3R’s Principle – Reduce, Recycle & Reuse
 Use of renewable energy (non-conventional)

Implementation of any clean technology is only possible by utilizing different sources of

energy for specific purposes and achieving a balance between renewable and non-renewable
energy sources. Energy may be classified under various categorization and is as mentioned

1. Energy based derivation / transformation: Energy is often available in nature, which

can either be directly consumed or it is transformed (converted) into other useful form
of energy.
a. The energy which is available in nature is called primary energy. Solar energy
or wind energy is example for primary energy. Most of the primary energies
cannot be directly used for human activities.
b. The energy derived from primary energy or transformed from primary energy
is called secondary energy. Electricity produced from solar energy; wind
energy are examples for secondary energy.
2. Energy based availability / renewability: Some sources of energy gets depleted over
a period of time and will not be available for life time. Such resources either may have
limited availability or the rate of replenishment might be slower than the rate of
consumption. Some forms of energy do not face extinction.
a. The energy which is limited with respect to availability and time is called non-
renewable sources of energy. Fossil fuels are the best example for non-
renewable sources.
b. Energy from the sun or wind may be considered renewable sources of energy
as there is no end to its availability.

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3. Energy based on form: There are multiple considerations for energy based on form
a. With respect to motion, energy can have static form or dynamic form and
called potential energy and kinetic energy.
b. With respect to requirements or source, energy can used as heat energy or
mechanical energy.
c. Chemical energy and nuclear energy can also be considered to be different
forms of energy based on source.

4. Energy based on traditional usage: The energy can also be classified based on the
time period.
a. Conventional energy is the one which was used in the older days, as there was
dependency on naturally available form of energy and less understanding of
harvesting / converting other forms of energy. Firewood, dung, straw was used
as conventional energy for domestic purposes. Coal was used to be the
significant conventional energy for commercial purposes along with electricity
and petroleum products.
b. In the present-day context, the renewable sources energy has to be utilized in
greater extent compared to the non-renewable resources. These types of
energy resources are referred to as non-conventional energy. Some of the
examples are solar energy, wind energy, bio energy, energy derived from
ocean, geo-thermal energy.

4.1 Solar Energy

On an average, present day global annual energy consumption is about 580 EJ, whereas
hourly solar radiation earth receives is about 600 EJ out of which radiation that be utilized is
around 400 EJ and the remaining is trapped or lost in the atmosphere. These values indicate
that, if the entire solar energy that the earth receives can be trapped for about 90 minutes, it
is sufficient to take care of annual global energy requirements. That is the potential of solar
energy / solar radiation.

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4.1.1 Harvesting solar energy

There are multiple ways in which the solar energy may be converted into useful forms of
energy. In the present-day context, solar energy is trapped and converted into electrical
energy and is being considered as one of the primary alternative sources of energy. There are
two different methods in which solar energy is being trapped

A. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Technology

B. Concentrated Solar Power

A. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Technology: A photovoltaic (PV) cell, commonly called a solar cell,
is a nonmechanical device that converts sunlight directly into electricity. Some PV cells can
convert artificial light into electricity. Sunlight is composed of photons, or particles of solar
energy. These photons contain varying amounts of energy that correspond to the different
wavelengths of the solar spectrum. A PV cell is made of semiconductor material. When
photons strike a PV cell, they may reflect off the cell, pass through the cell, or be absorbed by
the semiconductor material. Only the absorbed photons provide energy to generate
electricity. When the semiconductor material absorbs enough sunlight (solar energy),
electrons are dislodged from the material's atoms.

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The PV cell is the basic building block of a PV system. Individual cells can vary from 0.5 inches
to about 4.0 inches across. However, one cell only produces 1 or 2 Watts, which is only enough
electricity for small uses, such as powering calculators or wristwatches.

Photovoltaic cells generate direct current (DC) electricity. DC electricity can be used to charge
batteries that power devices that use direct current electricity. Nearly all electricity is supplied
as alternating current (AC) in electricity transmission and distribution systems. Devices
called inverters are used on PV panels or in arrays to convert the DC electricity to AC

B. Concentrated Solar Power (CSP): This is a method in which optical properties of lens and
mirrors are used to concentrate solar energy at a specific designed place. The enormous
amount of heat energy generated because of concentration may then be used for specific
purposes of direct heating or transformed into other useful forms like electricity. Based on
the geometry and orientation of placing reflectors and collectors, Line concentrators and
point concentrators are used in CSP technology

Presently in India CSP method of solar energy is not being utilized significantly for electricity
generation for commercial use. The states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana have
operational CSP plants. Few more plants in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Gujrat are under

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Sl. Capacity
Project name Location Current Status
No. (MW)
1 Dhursar Project Jaisalmer, Rajasthan 125 Operational, since 2014

2 Godavari Solar Project Jaisalmer, Rajasthan 50 Operational, since 2013

3 Megha Solar Plant Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh 50 Operational, since 2014

4 ACME Solar Tower Bikaner, Rajasthan 2.5 Operational, since 2011

National Solar Thermal

5 Gurugram, Haryana 1 Operational, since 2012
Power Facility

6 Diwakar Project Jaisalmer, Rajasthan 100 Under Construction

7 KVK Energy Solar Project Jaisalmer, Rajasthan 100 Under Construction

8 Abhijeet Solar Project Jaisalmer, Rajasthan 50 Under Construction

9 Gujarat Solar One Kutch, Gujarat 25 Under Construction

10 Dadri ISCC Plant Dadri, Uttar Pradesh 14 Under Construction

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4.2 Wind Energy

Wind is used to produce electricity by converting the kinetic energy of air in motion into
electricity. Wind power has grown rapidly since 2000, driven by R&D, supportive policies and
falling costs. In modern wind turbines, wind rotates the rotor blades, which convert kinetic
energy into rotational energy. This rotational energy is transferred by a shaft which to the
generator, thereby producing electrical energy.

There are two types of wind turbines Onshore wind turbines and offshore wind turbines. As
the name suggests, onshore wind turbines are located on land.

The offshore wind turbines are located on fresh water or marine water. The installation and
maintenance of offshore turbines is challenging but the efficiency is more due to
comparatively higher wind velocity.

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Wind turbines may also be classified based on its operation. Most commonly used type is
horizontal shaft wind turbine. Vertical shaft wind turbines are also used but not in large scale

Wind energy production in India is gaining importance and following table is indicative of
capacity of production using wind energy in financial year 2022-23

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4.3 Fuel Cell Energy

Fuel is essentially a form of chemical energy, predominantly used as stored energy. Purpose
of fuel cell is to produce the electric current directed outside the cell. Typical components of
a fuel cell is as mentioned below.

Anode, the positive electrode, cathode, the negative electrode and the medium for exchange,
electrolyte constitutes typical fuel cell. Based on the type of electrolyte or electrodes used,
fuel cells may be categorised as following

A. Alkaline Fuel Cell

B. Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell

C. Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell

D. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

E. Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell

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A. Alkaline Fuel Cell

 Alkaline fuel cell has an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide
as the electrolyte.
 The fuel is always hydrogen gas with oxygen as the oxidizer
 The operating temperatures of these cells are around 90oC
 Overall efficiencies range from 30 to 80 percent, depending on the fuel and oxidizer

B. Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell:

 These fuel cells have Phosphoric acid as the electrolyte.
 The fuel is always hydrogen gas with carbon dioxide as oxidizer
 The electrolyte allows operations up to 200oC
 40-80 % Efficient but susceptible for corrosion due to acidic nature of electrolyte

C. Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell:

 These fuel cells use Sodium or Magnesium carbonates as the electrolyte.
 Cells are fueled by natural gas or bio-gas
 The electrolyte allows operations up to 650oC
 60-80% Efficient but susceptible for corrosion due to acidic nature of electrolyte

D. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell:

 Solid oxide fuel cell has calcium or zirconium oxides as electrolyte.
 The fuel is hydrogen gas with carbon monoxide
 The operating temperatures of these cells are as high as 1000oC
 Overall efficiency is in the range of 60%, depending on the fuel and oxidizer

E. Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell:

 PEM fuel cell, also called Proton Exchange Membrane has polymer electrolyte in form
of thin sheet
 Electrodes are catalyzed carbon
 The operating temperatures of these cells are as high as 50 - 100oC
 Overall efficiency is in the range of 40-50%

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4.4 Hydro Energy

Hydropower, or hydroelectric power, is one of the oldest and largest sources of renewable
energy, which uses the natural flow of moving water to generate electricity. Hydropower in
form of electricity may be captured in various ways like construction of dam, and also serves
other purposes like flood control.

Like wind energy extraction, the naturally flowing water or controlled flow of water is
channelized for higher pressure and is fed to a turbine. The turbine rotation causes
mechanical energy which through a generator is converted into useful electrical energy.

India has 197 hydropower plants generating electricity. In India, hydro power plants with
capacity of 25 MW or below are classified as small hydro. Small Hydro Power (SHP) projects
are environmentally friendly because they do not encounter the problems of large-scale land
acquisition/deforestation and displacement of human settlements. India's economically
exploitable and viable hydroelectric potential is estimated to be 148,701 MW. As of 31 March
2020, India's installed utility-scale hydroelectric capacity was 46,000 MW.

But in comparison with solar and wind energy, hydro electricity generation is losing
significance for various natural factors and efficiency.

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4.5 Bio-Fuel Energy

Biomass can be converted directly into liquid fuels, called "biofuels," to help meet
transportation fuel needs. The two most common types of biofuels in use today are ethanol
and biodiesel, both of which represent the first generation of biofuel technology.

 Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is a renewable fuel that can be made from various plant
materials, collectively known as “biomass.”

 Ethanol is an alcohol used as a blending agent with gasoline to increase octane and
cut down carbon monoxide and other smog-causing emissions

 As on date, in India 10% blending of ethanol is approved and 20% blending is being
targeted. As per the latest announcement by Minister of Roads and Highway,
Government of India, engines which can run on pure ethanol are being manufactured.

 Biodiesel is another liquid fuel produced from renewable sources, such as new and
used vegetable oils and animal fats and is a cleaner-burning replacement for
petroleum-based diesel fuel.

 Biodiesel is nontoxic and biodegradable and is produced by combining alcohol with

vegetable oil, animal fat, or recycled cooking grease.

 Like petroleum-derived diesel, biodiesel is used to fuel compression-ignition (diesel)


 Biodiesel can be blended with petroleum diesel in any percentage, including B100
(pure biodiesel)

 The most common blend is, B20 (a blend containing 20% biodiesel and 80%
petroleum diesel)

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4.6 Energy Derived from Oceans

Out of 71% of earth covered with water, 97% is in form of sea / oceans. There is enormous
amount of energy in form of both potential and kinetic energy in the oceans. In comparison
with solar and wind energy, capturing of ocean energy is still in R & D phase in India.

There are three modes of energy extraction from ocean

A. Tidal Energy: Tide is a phenomenon of increase and decrease in sea level because of
inter planetary movement, particularly the lunar movement. This tide is one of the
reasons for waves on the ocean. Tidal energy can be trapped with special and specific
arrangements. Carpet like arrangements with vertical oscillators are used for
extracting tidal energy. The mechanical energy is then converted into electrical
energy. There is lot of challenge involved in identifying appropriate location for
capturing tidal energy.

B. Wave Energy: Wind as well as tide contributes to the waves in ocean. Wave is a form
of kinetic energy, which can be heave movement; surge or sway.
The wave energy is used to have a wind effect by construction of barriers or passage
for movement of water. This creates an air column. A turbine which converts this wind
into electricity may be used. One of the typical arrangements is as shown in the figure
below. This arrangement is very simple and cost effective. Also, it is mostly on the

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A slightly more complex method is to create oscillations of a flap, immersed in water

near the shore. Flap is usually connected to a hydraulic piston. The ocean wave energy
is converted into flap oscillation, which through the piston creates mechanical energy
and is converted into electrical energy. The typical arrangement is as shown below.

C. Ocean-Thermal Energy: Apart from tides and waves, the thermal energy of the ocean
may also be trapped. As the surface of ocean is constantly exposed to solar radiation,
the surface water has a warm temperature. This warm sea water may be used to
generate steam from a liquid with low boiling point. Usually, ammonia is being tried
as the liquid. Ammonia vapor or steam is channeled through a turbine to generate
electricity. Slightly cooler water from the ocean is used to condense ammonia vapor
into liquid ammonia. Typical arrangement is as shown below.

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4.7 Geo-Thermal Energy

Geothermal energy is the utilization of heat energy from the earth. Geothermal resources are
reservoirs of hot water that exist or are human made at varying temperatures and depths
below the Earth's surface. Hot Springs, Geysers, and Lava Fountain are some natural examples
of geothermal energy. Following graphical representation is indicative of temperature of
earth crust at various depths.

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Wells, ranging from a few feet to several miles deep, can be drilled into underground
reservoirs for extraction of geothermal energy. Steam and very hot water that can be brought
to the surface for use in a variety of applications. When underground water comes in contact
with geological hotspots formed due to molten rocks, steam is generated. Following
schematic representation is represents principle of extraction of geothermal energy.

There are three capturing techniques of geothermal energy.

1. Dry Steam Powe Plants: In this system, steam is directly used to create rotatory motion
through which electricity is generated. The steam is condensed and recharged into the

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2. Flash Steam Powe Plants: In this system, temperature of hot water is used to create
rotatory motion through generation of steam, and using which electricity is generated.

3. Binary Cycle Powe Plants: As the name indicates, the heat energy transfer is achieved
through dual conduit system. The heat exchange results in formation of steam / rotation of
the turbines, generating electricity.

4.8 Rain Water Harvesting

Agriculture is one of the major sectors in our country and is dependent mainly on water for
crop yield. Human and animal existence depends on availability of drinking water. Majority of
industrial activities require water and most importantly water is a form of energy as well. But
the availability of fresh water for direct consumption is limited and depends on natural
rainfall. Following chart indicates water consumption trend in India

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The demand is increasing but the worrying factor is the availability of fresh water is reducing
in both surface and sub surface water. As per a study conducted and prediction, following is
the statistical value for water availability.

Year 1991 2010 2025 2050

Population (106) 846.3 1157 1400 1581

Water Resource available

1283 938 814 687

With all these factors, it is evident that specific measures are required to ensure availability
of water for present and future generations. Rain water harvesting serves as possibly one of
the best solutions to the prevailing water uncertainty and scarcity. It is a simple process of
collecting and storing rain water for ready usage or recharge the ground water. Rain water
harvesting is a method of scientific and sustainable water management system. It is also a
mandatory requirement for green building certification and rating.

In India, rain water harvesting has been made mandatory for all built-up areas, particularly
for new constructions, but it is not administered properly and hence has not been
implemented effectively.

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There are two broader ways of harvesting rain water

1. Roof top harvesting: Harvesting of rain water falling on the built-up structure, particularly
from the terrace / roof of buildings. This process is very easy and affordable as well. At
individual capacity, without any facility from the government, this may be implemented.

2. Surface runoff harvesting: This process is management of water flowing on natural earth.
This process requires government intervention in form of ensuring infrastructure in form of
storm water drains, collection, filtration and reuse.

4.8.1 Components of Rain Water Harvesting

There can be varied arrangements for harvesting the rain water from roof tops. This depends
on the purpose of harvesting. But typically, the components of a rain water harvesting system

1. Catchment: The area on which the rain water falls / gets collected. Catchment may be

concrete roofing and sheet roofing of any residential / commercial / public buildings.

2. Conveyance / Conduits: Pipe arrangements for down take, either for storage or for

the recharge. Usually, PVC pipes connected to gutters serves the best purpose of

conveyance of water.

3. Filtration unit: Process to remove the impurities, particularly required for storage of

water, if it is to be directly used

4. Storage tanks: Collection of water from the down take pipes. Storage tank may be

mounted on surface or may be an underground sump.

5. Recharge well / pit: Arrangement using gravel and sand so that water percolates into

the ground

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4.8.2 Advantages of Rain Water Harvesting

A. As the water shortage is being a faced, the rain water harvested acts as a secondary
source of water
B. Ground water table is lowering with increased use. Recharge of ground water is also
a major benefit of rain water harvesting
C. Agriculture may also be benefitted with large scale harvesting or by ground water
D. Storm water collection, processing and disposal require major set up, efforts and cost.
Roof top harvesting of rain water reduces the load and expenditure.
E. Possibility of soil erosion because of the surface run off may also be slightly reduced

4.8.3 Challenges in Rain Water Harvesting

A. Only limited or restricted quantity of water may be stored for ready usage, which
depends on capacity of storage units (Underground sump / Tank)
B. Regular maintenance is required to ensure there is no clogging or blockages at
junctions and pipes
C. Intensity of rainfall is not consistent over a season or over years and hence difficult to
precisely design for effective and complete harvesting
D. Quality of water cannot be assured for all purposes, particularly without filtration

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Green engineering is one of the subsets of sustainable engineering, which is specifically about
quantification of objectives through the processes. It follows the principles of design for
environment in both manufacturing as well as service sectors. Green engineering is a
systematic approach which enables integration of different disciplines to achieve sustainable
engineering solutions. Green Engineering has a specific approach as mentioned below.

1. Waste reduction: One of the major problems in the present day is to manage the
enormous amount of waste being generated. There are two factors associated with
waste management.
a. The waste not being considered as a resource
b. Collection and treatment of waste, the cost associated with it.

To overcome both the problems, the approach has to be waste reduction.

2. Material Management: The quality and quantity of material used for any product
manufacturing or process contributes significantly for green engineering. The
appropriate material to just suit the requirements has to be selected.

3. Pollution Prevention: One of the principles of sustainable development is to reduce

pollution. It is possible to do so with engineering solutions. The primary focus has to
be the use of renewable sources of energy, reduced use of fossil fuels and to use
technologies which has less direct and indirect emissions.

4. Product Enhancement: The product that is manufactured has to have highest

efficiency with respect to the requirements for which it is produced. Efficiency in
energy consumption also dictate product enhancement.

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5.1 Principles of Green Engineering

Numerous environmental agencies have defined principles of green engineering. But
principles as defined by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and
American Chemical Society (ACS) have been widely accepted and followed.

5.1.1 Green Engineering Principles by USEPA

i. Holistically use systems analysis and integrate environmental impact assessment

ii. Conserve and improve natural ecosystems while protecting human health and well-
iii. Use life-cycle thinking in all engineering activities.
iv. Ensure that all material and energy inputs and outputs are as inherently safe and
benign as possible.
v. Minimize depletion of natural resources.
vi. Strive to prevent waste.
vii. Develop and apply engineering solutions while being cognizant of local geography,
aspirations, and cultures.
viii. Create engineering solutions beyond current or dominant technologies; improve,
innovate, and invent (technologies) to achieve sustainability.
ix. Actively engage communities and stakeholders in the development of engineering

5.1.2 Green Engineering Principles by ACS

i. Inherent rather than circumstantial: Approach must not be to address time dependant
situations but to ensure long lasting.
ii. Prevention instead of treatment: The cost of rectification is always higher and in non-
sustainable. Hence all precautionary measures have to be taken
iii. Design for separation: The generation of waste at various stages has to be segregated
to reduce energy consumption for recovery or treatment.
iv. Maximize efficiency: Optimized material consumption and appropriate technology
increase the efficiency

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v. Output pulled vs input pushed: The engineering design or solution has to be in line
with requirement rather than availability
vi. Conserve complexity: Avoiding complexity wherever possible helps reduction in
energy consumption
vii. Durability rather than immortality: A specific (or desired) design life has to be intended
instead of focussing on non-failure
viii. Meet need, minimize excess: Anything excess of requirement cannot serve
ix. Minimize material diversity: Multiple materials, composites and alternatives may not
often offer green engineering solutions
x. Integrate material & energy flow: The energy requirements will have to be correlated
with the materials being considered for compatibility
xi. Design for commercial “afterlife”: The secondary purposes of the products are also
very important and has to be considered for green engineering solutions
xii. Renewable rather than depleting: Any resource or energy which is non renewable
should not be preferred.

5.2 Sustainable Urbanization

With increase in urbanization, sustainable cities or sustainable urbanism has become
significant. Smart cities or sustainable cities is one of the ways of the green engineering
solutions with respect to infrastructure development. Presently about 25-30% of overall
population is urban population and is already facing congestion & pollution issues. As per
various surveys conducted about 70% of the overall population is expected to be urban
population by 2050 and with the present-day planning and facilities, resource mobilization
and healthy environment would be practically impossible to achieve if urban population
increases exponentially.

5.2.1 Elements of Sustainable Urbanization

Elements of sustainable urbanization actually represents the approach and requirements to

achieve the objective. Following are the primary elements or requirements of sustainable

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i. Compactness: Formation of clusters with all required facilities within a cluster is what
makes a locality compact. Having common facilities very far away from the residing
areas increases need for transport system, causes congestion and utilizes various
forms of energy. If an area can be developed like a township, with all required
provisions of education, work place, commercial spaces and recreational facilities, it
creates a tidy, healthy and sustainable space.
ii. Biophilia: Interaction of human beings with other components of the nature is a
common affinity. Psychologically human beings tend to get relaxed while interacting
with nature. This can be best utilized in sustainable urbanization. Parks and gardens
may be created in and around the residing spaces so as to create a healthy and
sustainable environment around.
iii. Sustainable Corridors: The places connecting any two facilities are generally called
corridors. If these corridors are approached with sustainable urbanization, it is
beneficial. Making the walking paths with grass or having plants and trees on either
side of walking paths and vehicular movement will be contributing to sustainable
iv. High Performance Buildings: Building architecture should be such that, maximum
utilization of natural light and ventilation is achieved. For energy consumption,
renewable sources of energy must be preferred. Separation of wastes at the source
has to be practices (Wet & dry / Organic & Plastic / Degradable & non degradable).
Utilization of water has to be scientific and sensor-based system may be used for the
same. All these aspects of building performance contribute to sustainable
v. High Performance Infrastructure: The government or the local administrating body
has to support the sustainable urbanization with high facilities like waste collection,
treatment, disposal, wastewater treatment and reuse of treated water, storm water
collection and reuse, maintenance of greenery, awareness on sustainability and
requirements of sustainable urbanization.

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5.3 Industrialization and Poverty Reduction

Development of industries in a region or country on a larger scale is called industrialization.
One of the fundamental requirements of growth and economic development of a country is
industrial infrastructure. Between 1760 & 1840 is the period of commencement of
industrialization where first signs of use of mechanical components and process of
manufacturing was started using energy.

As industrial development has a direct association with employment opportunities,

industrialization has a role to play on human settlements and migrations. The standard of
living and income depends on the country’s industrial growth as the imports and exports
depends on industrial capacity to produce / manufacture.

5.3.1 Industrial Revolution

Industrial revolutions are significant or drastic changes in industrial processes which has
sustained for decades and centuries. Following factors govern the industrial revolution.

i. Use of materials: During the first and second industrial revolution, predominantly
natural materials were used for manufacturing or production. Now mostly synthetic
materials, composites, chemicals, polymers and various other materials are being
used in industrial production. Use of materials is one of the factors of indication in
industrial revolution.
ii. Use of energy: during first and second industrial revolution, the conventional energy
resources were predominantly used. Steam energy was the most utilized form of
energy for manufacturing as well as for transportation. Later the petroleum products
were used significantly along with hydro-electricity. Now there is a slow and steady
transition to non-conventional renewable sources of energy particularly in form of
solar and wind energy.
iii. Use of machineries: Human resource and muscle energy was utilized to a greater
extent during the earlier periods on industrialization. Slowly and steadily tools,
equipment and machineries we devised and are being is used. In modern day

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industrialization, human resource is almost eliminated for majority of the laborious

works and manufacturing is completely mechanized and automated.
iv. Science & technology: During first and second industrial revolutions, computer aided
technologies, software driven productions and manufacturing was not observed. In
present day industrial processes, effective use of science and technology may be
observed. Also in the earlier period, change in technology was not as frequent as it is
observed in modern day. With artificial intelligence in place now, probably dictates
the next industrial revolution.

5.3.2 Classification of Industries

As industries represent the primary sector of employment, it is necessary to understand the

classification of industries and contribution of each type for poverty reduction.

A. Classification based on ownership

a. Public sector industries: Public sector industries are either government owned
or government participated sector. Public sector is primarily service oriented,
employment oriented, benefit oriented. Indian Railways is one the largest
public sectors in India housing about 15 lakh employees.
b. Private sector industries: Unlike public sector, private sector is primarily profit
oriented, repute oriented. But larger investments in private sector also results
in employment opportunities and helps mitigate poverty.
B. Classification based on Process
a. Primary sector: Sector directly utilizing natural resources are called primary
sector. One of the major primary sectors in India is agriculture. Apart from
agriculture, mining is also considered primary sector, as it deals with extraction
of resources from natural earth. In the earlier days primary sector was a
predominant sector as far as employment and economy was concerned. The
trend is gradually shifting to secondary and tertiary sectors in present day.

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b. Secondary sector: Manufacturing sector responsible for producing goods is

generally referred to as secondary sector. Secondary sector also includes oil
refineries, electricity generation and transformation industries. Secondary
sector also creates lot of job opportunities and helps reducing poverty. In India
cement and steel manufacturing and electronics manufacturing constitutes
the major secondary sectors.
c. Tertiary sector: With increase in comfort and convenience requirements,
hospitality and service sector is gaining lot of importance. It includes food
services, banking, education, health services as well as transport services.
Tertiary sector in the modern world is creating more employment
opportunities compared to other two sectors.
Following chart indicates the trend in employment opportunities of different
sectors along time. Quaternary activities represent the research and
development, which is creating lot of job opportunities in the recent time.
Research and development in science and technological domains offer a great
scope for employment, economy as well as efficiency.

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C. Classification based on work culture

a. Organized sector: Formal and regular employment on record is what
constitutes an organized sector. Even though organized sector contributes to
employment and economy, in India, only about 30% of overall employment
comes under organized sector.
b. Unorganized sector: Contractual employment, temporary employment, need
based jobs where there is no formal establishment of relationship between
employer and employee is called unorganized sector. About 70% of
employment in India falls under this bracket.

5.3.3 Poverty Reduction Mechanism

Industrialization is one of the reasons of poverty reduction, as industrialization creates job

opportunities and in turn resulting in income. But the government or the administrating
bodies will have to create awareness, prepare policies and have a structured mechanism so
that the employment across sectors is balanced and it contributes to poverty reduction.

Following are some of specific approach that may be adopted in this direction.

 With the modern-day trend, it is possible to increase agricultural productivity with the
help of scientific farming and use of agricultural equipment.
 This will help in releasing a part of human resource from agriculture, which otherwise
is labour intensive.

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Increase in

Increase in
Release labor
income of
from agriculture

Higher Increase in
participation in agricultural
non primary income

 As number of people dependant on agriculture income reduces, income per person

will increase with this approach
 The people who are diverted from agriculture may participate in secondary and
tertiary sectors to have income.
 With this, overall employment and income which results in higher demand for
purchase of products including agricultural products and hence boosts the economy.

Rise in income

Increase in GDP
purchase power

Stimulates More demand

production & for domestic
Employment products

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The other mechanism is through direct monetary benefits

 If the government can come up with financial assistance to the poor, it increases the
purchase power
 When the purchase power increases, the demand for products and commodities also
 Increase in demand stimulates higher production, creating employment opportunities
for the unemployed
 Increase in employment naturally reduces poverty and also contributes to the
 But this mechanism has to be time dependant and single use plan

5.4 Social & Technological Changes

Technological advancements as well as social scenarios also have a influence on green
engineering concepts, as any engineering solution requires utilization of any technology and
is developed to fulfil a societal need. Following is the role of technology in achieving green

1. Technology optimizes cost – increases affordability and profit

2. Technology helps in education – enhanced ability for improved income
3. Technology helps mitigating adverse effects
4. Technological changes directly create employment opportunities
5. Technology helps to create awareness and reach the poor

Green engineering may have a strong impact on following aspects of the society
1. Inclusive approach and reduced inequality
2. Accepting and appreciating welfare schemes
3. Ensuring better nutrition and health at subsidized or no cost
4. Job oriented training for economically weaker section
5. Minimum wages for the unorganized sector

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5.5 Industrial Processes

Industrial process as a whole constitutes bulk of energy consumption and hence orientation
of industrial processes to green engineering is very important. With an approach to green
engineering, industrial processes may be broadly classified as following.

1. Material selection
2. Pollution prevention
3. Industrial ecology
4. Industrial symbiosis

5.5.1 Material Selection

Material selection in industrial process plays a significant role In achieving green engineering.
The process of material selection is not simple and requires multi criteria decision making
(MCDM). The criterion under consideration for material selection are
A. Requirement
B. Availability
C. Cost
D. Performance
E. Energy efficiency
F. Longevity

The process used for material selection is

• Identify materials & factors

Step 1 under consideration

• Assign weightages for

Step 2 factors

• Rank the materials using

Step 3 MCDM

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5.5.2 Pollution Prevention

Direct and indirect emissions of the industrial process has to be controlled using following

 Process optimization / selection of appropriate technique

 Combination of human resource and machinery
 Use of renewable sources of energy
 Appropriate waste management / treatment techniques
 Adhere to environmental norms / guidelines

5.5.3 Industrial Ecology

Treating industrial process as a man-made ecosystem that operates in a similar way to natural
ecosystems is called industrial ecology. If not scientifically approached, the industrial
processes become open loop and hence not efficient. If it becomes a closed loop approach, it
becomes environmentally conscious design. Waste or by product of one process can be used
as an input into another process to constitute industrial ecology.

The above approach is indicative of linear industrial ecology. There is no attempt to utilize the
by-products or waste generated from the industrial process. Also, after the useful life of the
product, there is no recovery, recycle or reuse of the material. This approach is not energy
efficient, not cost effective also not environmental friendly approach.

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Whereas the below representation is a closed loop industrial ecology. The by-products of
manufacturing are subjected for recovery. The manufactured products, after completion of
service life, are verified for secondary utilization. Even after primary utilization and secondary
utilization, product is subjected for recovery. Only the material which can not be further
processed / utilized for any useful work will be disposed. This helps for reduction in resource
depletion, conservation of energy, cost effectiveness and enhances environmental

To create industrial ecology, is beyond individual capacities and contributions. A systematic

and large-scale policy has to be framed by the government in association with industrialists
and industrial committees / cooperations. Following are the principles of industrial ecology.

1. Creation of industrial ecosystems

2. Balance industrial inputs and outputs to natural levels
3. Dematerialization of industrial output
4. Improve the efficiency of industrial processes
5. Align policies with the industrial ecology concept
6. Energy use

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5.5.3 Industrial Symbiosis

Industrial symbiosis is a subset of industrial ecology. Symbiosis is an interaction or mutually

beneficial relationship between people or groups. Closely located industries are benefitted
from the interaction. Following is an example for industrial symbiosis of construction industry.

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Sustainability is not about social requirement or technique. Sustainability is the approach of
people towards problem solving. As engineers, it’s the moral responsibility to adopt
sustainable practices from day-to-day life to solving complex engineering problems to have a
healthier, safer environment for living.

Sustainability is beyond the boundaries of domains and specializations. From a smart bulb to
green building, from energy efficient electronic appliances to green digital governance, from
manufacturing to artificial intelligence, sustainability may be incorporated. Knowledge and
awareness of sources of energy, energy consumption and efficiency in any process dictates

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