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Q1: Choose the correct answer.

1-mass per unit volume that is
A -density
B -pressure
C -quantity of heat
D – none of those
2- the pressure of gas is inversely proportional with its volume at constant
temperature this is called
A -Newtons second law
B -Pascals principle
C -Boyles law
D – Archimedes’ principle
3-force per unit area that is
A – density
B -mass of the Boby
C -gravity
D -pressure
4-the pressure of fluid depends on:
A -depth of fluid
B -density of fluid
C -density and the depth of fluid
D – density and volume of fluid
5- Column of mercury that is exactly 0.76 m in height due to the gravity that is
A -atmospheric pressure
B -absolute pressure
C -gauge pressure
D – none of those
6-the difference between the pressure inside and outside the tire is
A -gauge pressure
B -absolute pressure
C -atmospheric pressure
D -only gas pressure
7-the weight of object that is submerged in fluid is equal to the weight of
displacement fluid that is
A -Pascals principle
B -Bernoulli’s principle
C -Archimedes principle
D -Boyles law
8-the operation of hydraulic jack is application of
A -Bernoulli’s principle
B -Archimedes principle
C -Pascals principle
D – none of those
9- the difference in pressure between the surface and the bottom of the Poole is
A – density x height x gravity
B -density x height
C -density x volume x gravity
D – mass x density x height
10-If the velocity of the fluid increases then
A -the pressure of fluid is zero
B -the pressure of fluid is remaining the same
C – the pressure of fluid increases
D – the pressure of fluid decreased
11- volume flow rate passing any cross-sectional area along the tube shown in
figure will be

A – the same
B – different
C -vary from point to another
D -all the answer above
12- Transfer the energy through the medium that is
A – waves
B -heat
C -temperature
D -internal energy
13-particles of the disturbed medium are moved in parallel direction of the wave
travel that is
A -transverse waves
B – longitudinal waves
C -electromagnetic wave
D – light waves
14- the longitudinal waves are traveled through the medium by
A – rarefaction
B -condensation
C – condensation and rarefaction
D -crest and trough
15-waves have oscillations vertical to the direction of wave travel that is
A – transverse waves
B – longitudinal waves
C – sound waves
D -spring waves
16- the transverse waves are traveled by
A -condensation
B – crest and trough
C -rarefaction
D -crest only
17- the frequencies that are in the range of human ear, called
A -audible waves
B -infrasonic waves
C -ultrasonic waves
D – none of those
18-the structure of the wave as shown in figure

A -magnetic field only

B -electric field only
C -electric and magnetic fields
D -none of those
19-the distance between crest – to- crest or trough- to -trough is called
A -wavelength
B -frequency
C -periodic time
D -amplitude
20 energy that is transferred from body to another due to the difference in
temperature that is
A – temperature
B -work done on the system
C -work done by system
D – heat
21-the conversion of 70 CO to kelvin is
A -273K
B -203 K
C -343 K
D -73 K
22- the unit of heat is
A – joule
B -Celsius
C -kelvin
D -Fahrenheit
23-the total internal energy of an isolated system is constant that is
A – Newtons third law
B – pascals law
C -Archimedes law
D – the first law in the thermodynamic
24-in the thermodynamic law (U=Q-W) when the value of work done is positive
this happens when
A – the work is done on the system according to the formula
B – the work is done by the system according to the formula
C -no changing in the work done
D – the work done is constant
25- when the thermal exchange for the mass and energy this system is
A – isolated system
B – open-system
C -closed-system
D – none of those
26- when the thermal exchange only for energy but the mass remaining constant
this type of the system is

A – isolated system
B – open-system
C -closed-system
D – none of those
27-when no thermal exchange happens (energy and mass are constant) this type
of system is

A – isolated system
B – open-system
C -closed-system
D – none of those
28-when no work is done on the system, or no work is done by the system then
this operation is called
A – isochoric process
B -isothermal process
C -adiabatic process
D -all the answered above
29-when the internal energy of the gas is equal to the quantity of heat that is

A – isochoric process
B -isothermal process
C -adiabatic process
D -all the answered above

30-when the internal energy of the gas is zero (Q=W) this operation is called

A – isochoric process
B -isothermal process
C -adiabatic process
D -all the answered above
31- when the internal energy of the gas is equal to the work done (U=W) this
operation is called
A – isochoric process
B -isothermal process
C -adiabatic process
D -all the answered above
32-physical quantity that has magnitude only called
33- if net force applied on an object, it will be produced
A -acceleration
B -speed
C -distance
D – displacement
34-action and reaction are opposite and equal
A -Newtons second law
B -Pascals principle
C -Newtons first law
D – Newtons third law
35-if the velocity of object is constant then
A – distance is zero
B – displacement is zero
C – the speed is zero
D – acceleration is zero
36- force that is acting in the opposite direction of motion is called
A -reaction force
B -upper force
C -action force
D -friction force
37-unit of velocity is
A -meter per second
B -meter per second squared
C – meter
D -meter squared
38-force has
A -magnitude
B -direction only
C -magnitude and direction
D – none of those
39-one property of light is
A -reflection only
B -refraction only
C -reflection and refraction
D – scattering
40-the image which was formed by the plane mirror is
A – left -right reversal image
B -inverted image
C -image located in front of the mirror
D – the object is behind and the image in front of the mirror
41-ray drawn parallel to the principal axes; it must pass through:
A – curvature after reflection
B – focus after reflection
C -center of mirror after reflection
D -pole of mirror after reflection
42- which mirror has negative focal length
A -plane mirror
B -convex mirror
C -concave mirror
D – all the answer above
43-which mirror has positive focal length
A -plane mirror
B -convex mirror
C -concave mirror
D – all the answer above
44- which mirror converging the rays
A -plane mirror
B -convex mirror
C -concave mirror
D – all the answer above
45 which mirrors diverging the rays.
A -plane mirror
B -convex mirror
C -concave mirror
D – all the answer above
46 when the distance of image is negative then.
A – the image is real
B -the image is inverted
C – the image is smaller than the object
D – the image is virtual
47-when the image of distance object behind the retina that is called
A -a hyperopic eye
B -myopic eye
C -color blindness
D -none of those
48-The condition of hyperopic eye can be corrected by
A – plane mirror
B -convex mirror
C -concave mirror
D – convex lens
49-when the image of distance object focuses in front of retina that is called
A -a hyperopic eye
B -myopic eye
C -color blindness
D -none of those
50-the condition of myopic eye can be corrected by
A – concave lens
B – convex mirror
C -concave mirror
D -convex mirror

Find the pressure at points A and B as shown in the figure if the height
from the top of water and point A is 10 m and the density of water is 1000
kg/m3 and the gravity is 9.8 m/s2
Solution: given: Ƿ=1000 kg/m3
h= 10 m
g= 9.8 m/s2
The pressure due to the water on point A
PG = Ƿ Xg x h
= 1000 x 9.8 x10 = 98000
The pressure at point A is
PA = 98000 + 101000 = 199000 Pa
2- Box has 8m length and 5 width if the weight of the box is 80 N .Find the
pressure exerted by the box on the floor

Area = length x width

= 8 x 5 = 40 m2
P = F/A = 80/40 = 2 Pa

3 –IF the area (A1) of the piston is 4 m2 and the force applied on it is 15 N
find the force required to lift the car if the area of A2= 24 m2

Solution : F1= 15N

F2= ???
A1= 4m2
A2=24 m2
F1/F2 =A1/A2
15/F2 = 4/24 THEN F2 =(15X24)/4= 90N
4- Apiece of iron has weight of 3.5 N when it is in air and its weight 2N when it
submerged in water .find the buoyant force on the piece of iron
Solution : FB = W(IN AIR) – W ( IN WATER)

= 3.5 – 2 = 1.5 N

5- As shown in the above figure artery has two region, if the large region of
artery has radius 0.5 cm and the narrow region of the artery has radius 0.25 cm
.If the velocity of the blood flow is 30 cm /s in the large region of artery what is
the velocity of the blood flow in the narrow region of artery
Solution: For the large region of artery A1= πXr2= 3.14 x0.5 x 0.5 = 0.785 cm2
For the narrow region of artery A2=π Xr2 = 3.14 x 0.25 x 0.25 = 0.196
V2=(A1/A2) X V1 =(0.785/0.196)X 30 =120 cm/s
6-If 0.5 litter of gas in Cylinder is pressed by 3atm pressure to 0. 250 litter during
this process the system absorbs 12.5 j of quantity of heat
Find :
1- The work done by the system.
2- The internal energy of the system
3- The internal energy of surrounding medium
Solution 1- W= -P(V2-V1) =-3(0.25-0.5) = -3 X -.25 = 0.75 atm.l
W= 0.75 X 101.3 =75.975 J ( on the system )
2- U(system) = Q -W = +12.5 – ( -75.975) = 12.5+ 75.975= 88.5 J
3- U(medium) = - 88.5 j

7-Concave mirror has focal length of 10cm, if the object distance is 25 cm

find the distance of image formed
Solution: f = 10cm do= 25 cm di=????
1/f = 1/do + 1/di
1/10 = 1/25 + 1/di
1/10 – 1/25 = 1/di
(25-10)/250 =1/di
15/250 = 1/di then di =250/15 = 16.7 cm
8- A diverging lens has focal length 20cm, an object is placed 30cm in front
of the lens find the location of image and describe the image
Solution: the lens is concave then
F= -20 cm do = 30 cm di =?????
1/f = 1/do + 1/di
-1/20 = 1/30 + 1/di
-1/20 -1/30 =1/di
(-30-20)/600 =1/di
-50/600 = 1/di
-600/50 =di
di=-12 cm the image is virtual
9-if (A) vector is represented by
A = 8i + 6 j
Find :
a) The component of the vector
b) The magnitude of this vector
c) The direction of this victor
a) The component of this vector is (8,6)
b) The magnitude is M=(64 +36)1/2 = (100)1/2 = 10 units
c) The direction is tan-1(6/8) =36.9 0
10 -As shown in figure find the resultant of those forces
a) The net force
b) The direction of the net force

Solution: Rv = 3i + 4j
R m=(9+16)1/2
= (25)1/2=5 N
Direction is tan -1(4/3)= 53O


A- Number of cycle per second ( H ) A- AMPLITUDE
B- Thermal exchange happened for B- ADIABATIC PROCESS
mass and energy (E)
C- Time taken for one cycle ( F ) C-ISOLATED SYSTEM
D- Physical quantity that expresses D-Isothermal process
the coldness and hotness ( G )
E- The internal energy of the system E- open system
is equal to the work done by the
system ( B )
F- The maximum highest from the F- PERIODIC TIME
position ( A )
G- Quantity of heat is equal to the G- TEMPERSURE
work done by or on the system
H- No thermal exchange happened H- FREQUENCY
for the mass and energy ( C )

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