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Sacred Heart News

Mission Statement - Sacred Heart

Catholic School is dedicated to
educating children through high
academic and moral standards in a
faith-based setting. We achieve this
goal through collaboration with
our families, parish, and local
Oct 25 - Picture Retake Day
October Birthday Lunch
Oct 26 - Mass - Uniform
Freezie/Non-uniform coupon
purchase at lunch time
SAC - 6:00 pm
Oct 27 - Marathon Winners to
Broadway Pizza for Lunch
Freezie/Non-uniform coupon
purchase at lunch time
Oct 28 - Non-uniform day with
coupon purchased on 26 or 27th.
Oct 29 - Mostaciolli Dinner
Oct 31 - Halloween Party
Nov 1 - All Saints Day
Mass - Uniform
Nov 2 - Mass - Uniform
Home & School Mtg. 6:00 pm
Nov 3 - Coffee with the
Principal - 7:45 am
OCTOBER 24, 2011
Principals Corner
Beai Paients,
The total amount collecteu foi Naiathon 2u11 is $46,4Su.uu. Pleuges aie still coming in! We
thank all stuuents foi theii enthusiasm in helping Sacieu Beait ieach oui goal! The spiiit
buuuies weie cheeiing each othei on!
Beie aie the iesults of oui top class winneis:
place: Sb (Nis. }anul's class) anu 7
Piize: $1uu foi each class towaius an activity oi items foi classioom
place: Sb (Nis. Biaasch's class) anu 1a (Nis. Anueison's class)
Piize: "Buuuy" paity
place: 2
anu 6
Piize: Waim up paity

Naiathon T-shiits will be oiueieu this week.

The extia iecess anu uiawing foi extia piizes occuiieu touay!

Bioauway Pizza lunch is scheuuleu foi Thuisuay, 0ctobei 27

foi stuuents biining in
$SSu.uu oi moie. We have 2S qualifying stuuents foi this special lunch with Fathei
anu I.
Tickets weie uistiibuteu at paient confeiences. As we wiap up one funuiaisei, we move onto
the next. This is a gieat club that has a winnei eveiy week. It is a sweepstakes oppoitunity
that gives you S2 chances to win $1uu.uu. We aie asking each family tiy to sell at least 7
tickets. Foi eveiy S tickets solu by Becembei 1
, youi chilu will ieceive a non-unifoim
Pictuies aie uesignateu foi S yeai olu Pie K, any stuuents who weie absent on Sept. 19
, anu
those stuuents that neeu a pictuie ietake. Please ietuin the unwanteu pictuie package
tomoiiow. Stuuents may be out of unifoim if they aie having theii pictuie taken.
Stuuents in giaue 1-8 completeu fall testing foi NAP anu paients ieceiveu testing iesults at
confeiences last week. The teacheis met last Weunesuay to inteipiet iesults of each class.
Teacheis leaineu instiuctional tools to help stuuents anu the class in geneial. Stuuents will
be cieating inuiviuual goals to help them meet theii giowth goals in the spiing. The goal
sheets will be shaieu with paients in Febiuaiy.
Neet with Ns. Buisey to go ovei NAP test iesults to leain moie infoimation on how you can
help youi chilu succeeu. I will show you a gieat web site on lexile scoies to impiove youi
chilu's ieauing level anu compiehension. You will also leain moie about RIT scoies.
Neeting: Thuisuay, Novembei Siu, 7:4S am NWEA testing, Libiaiy
We have some 0niveisity of St. Thomas stuuents woiking with oui uevelopment office to help
us cieate a maiketing plan. They aie woiking closely with theii piofessoi. They want youi
feeuback on a vaiiety of questions. Please help them be completing the attacheu suivey anu
senu back to school in a sealeu envelope. Please submit by Novembei 7th. We appieciate
youi time.
Archdiocesan Strategic Plan Update
The Strategic Plan for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis was announced one year ago.
Since that time, the Catholic Schools Commission laid the groundwork for reinvesting in schools across
the Archdiocese, a Latino Ministry Advisory Council was established to strengthen ministry to the
growing Spanish-speaking community, and planning is underway to launch more robust outreach to
youth and young adults throughout our community, among many other efforts. If you are interested in
nding out more about what has happened under the Strategic Plan during this past year, including
structural changes involving parishes and schools, as well as learning about upcoming strategic
initiatives aimed at helping us all better fulll the mission of the Church, please visit and
click on the Archdiocesan Planning Update button on the right hand side of your screen and make
sure to check out the October 13th issue of The Catholic Spirit.
Web editor note re links:
You may want to link the text Catholic Schools Commission to:
You may want to link Archdiocesan Planning Update to:
Donalds Uniform
Just a few reminders:
No blue skirts or shorts or capris are allowed this time of year.
Note: Girls are not allowed to wear blue skirts from Oct. 15-April 15th. This is only a option during
shorts season. The red plaid is the only jumper/skort allowed.
If fashion boots are worn-pants cannot be tucked in boots
Uniform orders are taken the 10th of every month.
Spirit Wear: Our spirit wear items make great Christmas gifts. Our next order will be sent in
November 11th.
Box Tops for Education
Our 2011-2012 Goal - $2535
So far we have made $648
Last year, our prots for 2010-2011 = $2112
Total prot since 2002 - $29,479
Halloween challenge: We are trying to collect as many Box Tops through Halloween. Please clip the
Box Tops and send in to help us meet our goal this year.
From our Student Council---
Freezies for sale! Help Student Council raise money for the annual Halloween party by buying
freezies! All proceeds go to Student Council to help buy decorations, games, and food for the
Halloween party. Freezies will be sold in the cafeteria at lunchtime on the 26th and 27th of October and
will cost $.25 for two. (please limit 50 cents per student)
Non-uniform Coupon Sale: Students who bring in a dollar on either Wednesday, Oct. 26th or
Thursday, Oct. 27th will be able to wear non-uniform on Friday, October 28th. All proceeds help
Student Council purchase supplies for the all-school Halloween party on Oct. 31st.
The SBCS fall season is winuing uown as the wintei season is beginning. Touay the boys soccei team is playing at home foi the
Consolation Championship. This game will be playeu at Lakeview Teiiace Fielu beginning at 4:uu. 0ui giils soccei team is
hosting the thiiu place game at Spanjeis Paik. The game is scheuuleu to stait at 4:1S.
The Sacieu Beait }unioi vaisity volleyball iecently captuieu the consolation tiophy at the league touinament hosteu at St.
Stephen School. Congiatulations to both the }unioi vaisity anu the B teams foi successful seasons!
The final cioss countiy meet will be helu tomoiiow at St. Alphonsus School. Best wishes to all iunneis who have been tiaining
haiu this fall.
Boys vaisity Basketball tiy-outs will be helu tonight anu tomoiiow night (0ct. 242S) in the school gym fiom 6:Su-8:uu. Nale
stuuents must be in giaues 6, 7, oi 8 anu have ietuineu a signeu peimission slip to attenu piactices anu tiy-outs. Basketball
scheuules will be available sometime this week penuing ieceipt fiom the league uiiectoi. uames will tentatively begin the week
of Novembei 7.
I want to thank all Fall Coaches foi theii ueuication to oui teams: uina Lecy, Loii }anul, vivian Wagnei, }ennifei Smith, }eiiy
Bolash, Nichelle Kohlmeyei, Lauiie anu }oe Blais.
Stuuents will be leaining specific lessons as each giaue level to help us unite against bullying.
What can you uo about cybeibullying
1. Know youi fiienus-It is tempting to "fiienu" as many people as possible. This is not always safe. 0nly "fiienu" people you
know anu tiust in ieal life.
2. Piotect youi accounts-Nevei shaie log-in infoimation oi passwoius foi youi electionic accounts.
S. 0se piivacy settings-Contiol what otheis can see of youi piofile.
4. Keep piivate infoimation piivate-Avoiu posting ievealing peisonal infoimation, photogiaphs, oi intimate uetails about
-Keep peispective
-Bon't iesponu online
-Block the bully's attacks
-Change youi accounts
-Recoiu the attack
-Talk to a tiusteu auult
-Repoit the attack to a school official
We have ioom in oui touulei uaycaie (12-S2 months). Please call Ns. Buisey if you aie inteiesteu in leaining moie infoimation.
We had a great turnout for BINGO.! Thanks to all who attended and made the event a success.!
November's food for thought is Crystal Perkins.! They are once again giving us 10% of your total bill anyday or time in the entire
month of November.!! Just remember to bring in the attached ier to make sure that SHCS gets credit for your meal(s).! Thanks and
have a great month.
We aie always looking foi new committee membeis to join the uevelopment committee. You uo not neeu any expeiience, just a
small amount of time to help woik on oui Family Fun Night on Febiuaiy 18th. We neeu some fiesh iueas to make this event
biggei anu bettei than last yeai!!! If inteiesteu please email nstianiksacieuheaitschooliobbinsuale.oig
0ct. 9-}eanne Rose
0ct. 16 Regan anu Kiis Nuiphy
0ct. 2S Cathy Covington
Sacred Heart Catholic School
This survey is being done by a group of marketing students from the University of St.
Thomas. Please take a moment to fill out the survey below. The data collected will be
used to benefit SHCS in a variety of ways. We value all opinions and thank you for your
time. Please return with your child to the school office by November 7

Section 1: Parents Sources of Awareness of SHCS:
1. Listed below are various sources of information through which you became
aware of SHCS. Please check all the sources through which you became aware of
Sacred Heart Catholic School (Check all that apply)

The Internet: ____
The schools flyer: ____
Through the parish: ___
Magazine Article (Please specify): ________________________
Newspaper Article (Please specify): _______________________
Catholic School Event: __________________________________
Word-of-mouth: _______________________________________
Other (Please specify)____________________________________

2. What sources of information do you consult when searching for Private Catholic
Schools? (Please check all that apply)

The Internet: _________________________________________
The schools website:__________________________________
The schools flyer: _____________________________________
Through the parish: ____________________________________
Magazine Article (Please specify): ________________________
Newspaper Article (Please specify): _______________________
Catholic School Event: __________________________________
Word-of-mouth: _______________________________________
Other(Please specify)____________________________________

Section 2: Factors Parents Consider When Selecting a Catholic School:
Listed below are several factors that a parent may consider when selecting a
Catholic education for their child. Please read each factor and indicate your
likelihood of each factor in your selection of a catholic school, by circling the
number that best describes your feelings using the 5-point scale provided below:


The quality of education. 1 2 3 4 5

The religious orientation of Catholic Education
1 2 3 4 5

The chance that Catholic schools offer me to be involved in my childs education.
1 2 3 4 5

The discipline level offered. 1 2 3 4 5

The safety of Catholic Schools. 1 2 3 4 5

The common Catholic values shared among parents, teachers, administration and
students. 1 2 3 4 5

The high level of accountability offered by Catholic Schools.
1 2 3 4 5
Catholic education is a family tradition. 1 2 3 4 5

The small Faculty/Student ratio found in Catholic Schools.
1 2 3 4 5

The individualized attention my child receives in Catholic School.
1 2 3 4 5

The tuition cost 1 2 3 4 5

The availability of scholarships 1 2 3 4 5

The extent of other forms of financial aid 1 2 3 4 5

The proximity of the school to home 1 2 3 4 5

The availability of transportation 1 2 3 4 5

Section 3: Parents Satisfaction with Sacred Heart Catholic School (SHCS):
Listed below are various statements that describe your satisfaction with the quality
of education your child receives at SHCS. Please read each statement and express
your agreement/disagreement with each statement by circling the number that best
describes your feelings using the 5-point scale provided below:


The Teachers at SHCS are dedicated to my childs success.
1 2 3 4 5

The Teachers at SHCS have my childs best interest at heart.
1 2 3 4 5

The Catholic focus of SHCS is truly implemented into the curriculum.
1 2 3 4 5

The Catholic focus is appropriate for my childs development.
1 2 3 4 5
My child is excited to go to school. 1 2 3 4 5

The environment at SHCS is Safe. 1 2 3 4 5

The classroom environment is safe. 1 2 3 4 5

The staff is respectful of the parents needs. 1 2 3 4 5

The teachers are respectful of the students needs.
1 2 3 4 5

I will consider enrolling all my children in SHCS.
1 2 3 4 5

I will recommend SHCS to a friend who is looking for a school to enroll their child.
1 2 3 4 5

SHCSs educational curriculum prepares my child for success.
1 2 3 4 5

SHCSs extra curriculum activities are excellent.
1 2 3 4 5

Overall my childs experience at SHCS has been great
1 2 3 4 5

Section 4: Parents Willingness to volunteer for school services:
Listed below are various committees/activities that the school is seeking parents
contributions to. Please read each statement and express your willingness to
contribute to each committee or activity by circling the number that best describes
your feelings using the 5-point scale provided below:


Home and School Development Committee 1 2 3 4 5

Parish finance Committee/Parish Council 1 2 3 4 5

Athletic Committee 1 2 3 4 5

School Advisory Committee 1 2 3 4 5

Section 5: Demographic Profile
1. How many children do you have? (Please circle the appropriate answer)
2. How far away is your residence from Sacred Heart Catholic School? (Please circle the
appropriate answer)
Within 2 miles
5 miles
10 miles
15 miles
15+ miles

3. How many of your children attend SHCS? (Please circle the appropriate answer)
All my children

4. What grade(s) is your child(ren) currently in (If more than one child attends, please
list them all)?

5. Is your child(ren) involved in sports or other extra-curricular activities? (Circle one
All School Year with a SHCS team
Seasonally with a SHCS team
Seasonally with a park and rec team/other

6. Are you:

7. Gender:

8. What is your age?
Under 30

9. What is your education level?
High school
Some college
College degree
Graduate college degree

10. Ethnic Background?

African American
Native American
(Please Specify)

12. What is your family income?

Under $24,999

13. Are you a member of the Sacred Heart Church? Yes:____ No:____

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