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(b) For the mechanical translational system given in Figure (2), write the governing equations.

derive the analogous electrical equations using force-current analogy and force-voltage analogy.

(c) A control system is described by following differential equation (Assume y(t) be output and r(t) be

y(t) + 59.(t) + 16y(t) = 9r(t)
Find out (i) Damping ratio, undamped and damped natural frequencies; (ii) Rise time, peak time and

peak overshoot; and (iii) Description of output response y(t) of the system to unit step input.

Q. No. 3: The characteristic equation of a control system is given by s6 + 2s5 + 8s4 + 12s3 + 20s2 +
16s + 16 = 0. Find out the number of the roots of the system which lie on the imaginary axis of s-planio

Also find their corresponding location.

Q. No. 4: Draw the root locus of a system with forward path transfer function as G(s) =, 2+2s+2), and

feedback path transfer function H(s) = (s+3). Show all the applicable rules of plotting the corresponding

root loci clearly.

Q. No. 5: A unity feedback control system has forward path transfer function as G(s) = s2(s+5)(s+2). Sketch

the Bode plot for this system and comment on stability.


Q. No. 6: How to determine Gain Margin and Phase Margin from polar plot? Draw polar plot for a unity

feedback control system with forward path transfer function as G(s) = . Compute the frequency
and magnitude when the polar plot intersects with the imaginary axis of G(jo.OH(jui) plane.

Q. No. 7: The open loop transfer function of a control system is given by G(s)H(s) = s2(s+2). Sketch the

Nyquist plot for the system by showing the mapping of Nyquist path in s-plane to G(s)H(s) plane. Also

comment on the stability of the system on the basis of Nyquist criteria.

National Institute of Technology, Hamir ur (HP)-17711115
Name of the Examination: B. Tech. (End Semester Examination, 2019)
Branch : Electrical Engineering Semester : 6th

Course Name : Control Engineering Course Code : EED — 321

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60

Note: (i) Attempt all the questions. Reply should be brief and to the point.
(ii) Graph paper/Semi-log paper, if required, shall be provided in the Examination Hall.

Q.No.1: (a) Draw comparison between positive and negative feedback systems. Give suitable examples

of such systems.
(b)A control system is described by the differential description as follows:
d2 y(t) dy(t)
+6 Sy(t) = 12(1 — C2t)
dt2 dt

Find out the response of the system as time t uD.

(c)What is system sensitivity in case of control systems? The overall transfer function of a control system
1+2 K);
is given as T(s) = (3+4K) where K is a parameter of the system. Compute the system sensitivity with

respect to the parameter K.

(d) Show that for a phase lead network, maximum lead angle (c1),,) can be given by
-21-4 with parameter a < 1.
sin(cN,) = 11+a
(e)What are important frequency domain specifications? Explain in reference to a general second order
control system.

Q.No.Z: (a) The block diagram of a control system is given in Figure (1). Draw the signal flow graph of the
same and using Mason Gain Formula, determine the overall transfer function T(s) = U(s) .

Figure (1) Figure (2)

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