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Oral-original history by reckoning is a literal chronological information of the past events to

the present from eternity; and fore-ckons the future eschatological events to eternity from the
present, that had lacked a review and theory as related to “the chronology of the Masoretic
text of the Hebrew Bible” (as quoted from Criswell study bible – greatest archeological
discoveries pg 1521 pr5; which hints Abraham (the Hebrew’s birth) to have been “2161Bc”
of which we object as it its shallow based of it; as according to our reckoning, he (Abraham)
was born 1133Bc or 4133Bc or 2867Bc or 9867Bc but not as claimed by them
The pioneer original history had 9000Bc for man’s celestial (among other celestials) emerged
being the 6th day as per Genesis 1:27, “…so God created man in his own image… (celestia)…
KJV; as mortal of man and other mortals of beasts were formed by 7000Bc = 4004Bc as
parallels the theological hint, as archeologists are at 500000Bc (as per Genesis 2:7, “… And
the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed… KJV as in Genesis 2:22
and the rib which God had taken from man, made he a woman and brought her unto the man”
KJV from whom we have had offspringal decency as from 7000Bc to 1000AD… <=>
4004BC to 2000AD; what of the archeological one? 500000BC – 6000yrs = 494000 AD?...
With an offspringal decency of averagely 158 entries covering more than 6000 mortal years
as based on Bamalaba and Neala clusters of the Babukusu sub community of Bungoma and
Tranz-nzoia counties of the luhya-Bakishu Communities, ethnonymy of Bantu of
Bakhuleente (African and Asian Hebrews), linking to Noah (Walule), then Mulaafu Moyo
The accounts hints the earth to have emerged 77000BC to 14000BC (MPAR – moderate
perception account rate) as compared to theologians who put the emergency of the earth at
40000BC to 12000BC, as archeologists put it at 2000000000BC; while in our sequence,
heaven emerged 777000BC to 77000BC (MPAR as referred above) and so on and so forth to
logos (word) of St. John 1:1 “the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and
the word was God” KJV; as can be accounted in apocalyptic version sketchily related in a
family tree below
As you referrer on the sketch tree labels, it suggests eternity for a limit base, and also eternity
is the limit end – destiny
These efforts were to relieve the strain that oral original history has had in triple theorial
conflict barrier of creation from theologians, evolution by archeologists and myths from mere
The narrow escape and victory by this version (the Babukusu oral apocalyptic history) by
acquiring a self-own theory to serve her version, a theological archeological theories and
mere oral are all shallow based of origins and under hitched of destiny; as this literal account
is suitably to be accounted in three phases and each phase has three parts
1. Origins and decency
2. Migrations
3. Settlements
As professionally required
Therefore, our anticipated victory is by the acquiring of a self-own theory which shall be
unveiled as we get along.

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