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Design and Implementation of Hair Salon Reservation System

Daisuke Kamagami
Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences
Hosei University

Abstract In these cases, mistakes often occur due to the difficulty to

communicate by telephone. These reservation procedures
In this research, we developed a web application to can be easily and quickly made by using a web application.
reserve for beauty salon. Currently, most customers use Our online reservation system provides a new
telephone to make an appointment with their beauty salon reservation procedure which allows the customers to
stores. The system can provide services so that customers submit their request and confirm or change their
can make reservation online for the date and time that fits reservation status.
their schedule through the Internet as a substitute for
telephone reservation. In addition, customers can use the 2. Environment for Development
system to upload pictures of sample hair styles, to own
private pages by registering for membership and 2.1. PHP
communicate with other customers or hair salon staff in
bulletin board system. The implementation of the web PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a reflective
application relies on the techniques such as PHP, HTTP programming language originally designed for producing
Server and database software. dynamic Web pages. PHP is used mainly in server-side
application software, but can be used from a command
line interface or in standalone graphical applications. PHP
1. Introduction generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its
input and creating Web pages as output, but command-
Nowadays, thanks to rapid and widespread diffusion of line scripting and client-side GUI applications are part of
the Internet, anyone who can access internet via a the three primary uses of PHP as well. PHP can be
computer can enjoy many services such as shopping, deployed on any web server and on almost every OS
information search, listening music, electronic commerce, platform free of charge.
Internet banking, and so on. In the future, different kinds
of services will appear and our life will become more 2.2. MySQL
In this paper, a system providing the customers a new MySQL is a multithreaded and multi-use SQL
reservation procedure to replace the current reservation Database Management System (DBMS) with more than
procedure for hair salon is developed. Currently six million installations. It works on many different
customers have to call the hair salon and talk to the shop platforms including Windows, MacOS X, GUN/Linux
staff to decide the time and date of the appointment and and more. There are APIs available that allow
the service they want from the hair menu of the store. applications written in numerous programming languages
Then the shop staff confirms the status of booking. If the to access MySQL databases, including C, C++, Java, Lisp,
time and date appointed by the customers is free, the and PHP etc.
reservation will be accepted. But if not free, the customers
have to choice another time and date. 2.3. Smarty
Some people may feel that it is inconvenient to have to
make reservation through the telephone line. One reason
Smarty is a web template system written in PHP.
is that the customers have to call during opening hours of
Smarty separates PHP, as business logic, from HTML,
the hair salon to reserve, or when the customers want to
presentation logic, and generates web content by the
confirm or change their reservation, they have to call the
placement of special Smarty tags within a document.
hair salon and change their schedule in conversation if
The compartmentalization created by Smarty allows
they have another appointment on the reserved day or
the presentation of a web page to change separately from
want to add/delete hair menu or cancel the appointment.
the back-end, thus allowing applications to be developed

Supervisor: Prof. Shietung PENG

in a more organized fashion. Using this development
model, designers are hidden from the back-end coding
and PHP programmers are hidden from the presentation

2.4. Apache

The Apache HTTP Server is a web server for Unix-

like systems, Microsoft Windows, Novell NetWare and
other operating systems. Since April 1996 Apache has
been the most popular HTTP server on the World Wide
Web, serving as the de facto reference platform against
which other web servers are designed and judged. By May
1999 Apache installations served 57% of all websites. Its Figure 2. Top Page of the Hair Salon
popularity continued to rise, and in February 2006 Apache
served 68% of all websites. Apache continues to be the Figure 2 shows the top page of the web application,
most popular web server in use. where the customers can select menu such as viewing hair
Apache supports a variety of features, many menu and price, looking for hair style, searching hair
implemented as compiled modules which extend the core salon, making reservation and communication with BBS.
functionality. These can range from server-side When customers want to make reservation, they have
programming language support to authentication schemes. to register for membership at first. Figure 3 shows a
registration page for membership.
3. Implementations
Figure 1 shows the components of the reservation
system. This web application is used by users through the
Internet with web browser such as Internet Explorer or

Figure 3. Registration Page for Membership

To become a member, the customers have to fill out all

forms. After finished, they will receive a confirmation
mail from the server like the one in Figure 4. Personal
data the customers inputted is temporarily stored in a pre-
member table

Figure 1. Web Application Components

Figure 4. Confirmation Mail

To finish the registration, the customer needs to click status are stored and managed in the reservation table of
link in the identity verification mail. When they click the the database.
link, the personal data in the pre-member table is deleted
and added to the member table in the database. After that,
they can login the member pages from the member login
page (Figure 5.) with user ID and password, which are
inputted in the registration form.

Figure 7. Reservation Page

The customers can also choice the uploading pictures

menu. In this page, they can upload the pictures to select a
Figure 5. Member Login Page favorite hair style and to show the beautician. There are
two methods for uploading to the page. One is to upload
After login to the member page, the member can the pictures prepared by the customers from their
reserve and upload pictures which are favorite hair styles. computer to the page (Figure 8-1.). Another method is to
In addition, they can also modify their registration upload by selecting the pictures prepared in the hair salon
information or cancel the membership. site (Figure 8-2.).

Figure 6. Member Top Page

When the customers choice the reservation menu on

the member top page, they can make reservation by
selecting the shop, the hair menu and the time and date Figure 8-1. Upload Pictures from Computer
(Figure 7.). They can also take a look the detailed pages
such as prices of the hair menu, shop location, hair style
catalogue etc. and decide the plan. If the reservation has
already done, the details of the reservation are shown in
that page. The member can confirm their schedule and
also modify or cancel the reservation. All the reservation
view the uploaded pictures and schedules in the calendar
form is also considered.
In this research, we construct the site for the hair salon.
But it is also possible to expand the versatility of this
system and construct the web site for another category.


[1] ハーシー, 速効!図解プログラミング PHP + MySQL,

毎日コミュニケーションズ, 2005
[2] 山田 祥寛, PEAR 入門 PHP 標準ライブラリを極める!,
翔泳社, 2005
[3] 山田 祥寛,
Smarty 入門~PHP5 +テンプレートエンジンでつくる
MVC アプリケーション~,翔泳社, 2005
[4] 山田 祥寛, Pocket 詳解 PHP 辞典, 秀和システム, 2006
[5] 山田 祥寛, 独習 PHP, 翔泳社, 2006
[6] 鈴木 啓修, MySQL 全機能リファレンス, 技術評論社,
Figure 8-2. Upload Pictures from Web Site [7] 山田 祥寛, MySQL 逆引きクイックリファレンス, 毎日
コミュニケーションズ, 2006
The administrator has the authority to view, modify
and delete any registration information in the database. [8] 立岡 佐到士, 実例で身につける!MySQL×PHP による
The administrator can also search the customers by the 本格 Web-DB システム入門, 2003
name (Figure 9.). [9] 星野 努, いますぐ導入!PHP+MySQL で作る最速
Web システム, 2003
[10] PHP Documentation Group, PHP マニュアル,
[11] HTMQ, HTML クイックリファレンス,
[12] 高橋永治, TAG index,
[13] MySQL AB, MySQL4.1 リファレンスマニュアル,

Figure 9. Administration Page

4. Conclusion and Future Work

In this study, a web application of the online

reservation system for the hair salon is developed. The
system provides convenient services for the customers so
that they can make reservation to the hair salon through
the Internet instead of using telephone line.
As for the future work, the development of a
reservation system for the mobile site is considered, so
that it is possible to reserve and upload the pictures with
mobile phone. To improve the administration functions to

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