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1. 1) The terms "job" and "position" can be used inter- False

changeably. T/F

2. 2) The collection of tasks and responsibilities per- E) a position.

formed by one person is known as

3. 3) In an office with one Supervisor, one Assistant, two D) four jobs and
Clerks, and two Data-Entry Operators, there are six positions.

4. 4) The procedure for determining the tasks, duties, D) job analysis.

and responsibilities of a job and the human attributes
required to perform it is known as

5. 5) Job analysis information is primarily used for de- E) job descriptions

veloping and job specifica-

6. 6) The final step in job analysis involves D) communicating

and updating the

7. 7) Using job analysis to ensure that all of the duties restructuring

that need to be done have actually been assigned and
for identifying areas of overlap within duties is most
related to

8. 8) The first step in the job analysis process is A) reviewing rele-

vant organization-
al information.

9. 9) Job analysis is sometimes called the cornerstone of True

human resources management because information
gathered through job analysis forms the basis for a
number of interrelated HRM activities. T/F

10. 10) Job analysis is defined as the collection of tasks False

and responsibilities performed by one person. T/F

11. 12) The definition of ________ is the formal relation- D) organizational

ships among jobs in an organization. structure
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12. 13) What does an organizational chart do? D) Depicts the for-
mal relationships
among jobs in an

13. 14) Which of the following statements about organiza- E) An orga-

tional structures is true? nization's struc-
ture should sup-
port the organi-
zation's strategic

14. 15) Candace works for a small start-up with a few C) Flat organiza-
levels of management. Which type of organizational tion
structure most likely exists at the company that Can-
dace works for?

15. 16) Deepak is a Director of HR. He is restructuring B) bureaucratic;

the organization from a top-down, centralized man- flat
agement approach with many levels of management
to a decentralized management approach with few-
er levels of management and more broadly defined
jobs. Deepak is planning to move the structure from a
________ organization to a ________ organization.

16. 17) A diagram that shows the flow of inputs to and A) a process chart.
outputs from the job under review is known as

17. 18) An organization chart provides details about ac- False

tual communication patterns, degree of supervision,
amount of power and authority, and specific duties
and responsibilities. T/F

18. 19) An organizational chart is often used to depict the True

organizational structure. T/F

19. 20) The process of systematically organizing work job design

into tasks required to perform a specific job is con-
sistent with
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20. 21) Work simplification is an approach to job design. E) It is based

Which of the following statements is true of work on the premise
simplification? that work can
be broken down
into clearly defined

21. 22) The field of study concerned with analyzing work industrial engi-
methods and establishing time standards is known as neering

22. 23) Making jobs more rewarding or satisfying by job enrichment

adding more meaningful tasks is primarily associated

23. 24) Job enlargement involves horizontal loading

24. 25) Assigning workers additional tasks at the same A) job enlarge-
level of responsibility to increase the number of tasks ment.
that they have to perform is known as

25. 26) Lance primarily works in the receiving department D) job rotation.
for a manufacturer. Every month he moves around
to other areas such as to production to help finish
products and to shipping to help with packaging. This
is known as

26. 27) Which of the following is true of work simplifica- E) Among educat-
tion? ed workers it of-
ten leads to low-
er job satisfaction
and sometimes to
a demand for pre-
mium pay.

27. 28) Which of the following is true of industrial engi- C) It is a field of

neering? study that is con-
cerned with mak-
ing work methods
more efficient.
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28. 29) Work simplification can increase operating effi- True

ciency in a stable environment. T/F

29. 30) Jobs have become more cognitively complex, True

more team-based, and more time pressured, which
has led some organizations to focus on personal com-
petencies and skills in job analysis, rather than spe-
cific duties and tasks. T/F

30. 33) The most widely used method for determining the the interview
duties and responsibilities of a job is

31. 34) An HR department engaged in a job analysis exer- group interview

cise is conducting an interview with multiple employ-
ees who hold the same job. Which type of interview is
the HR department using?

32. 35) Which of the following is one of the most popu- E) The Position
lar pre-developed, structured job analysis question- Analysis Ques-
naires? tionnaire (PAQ)

33. 36) Job analysis questionnaires typically C) fall between

the two extremes
of structured and

34. 37) Which of the following jobs could be analyzed C) Forklift Opera-
effectively using direct observation? tor

35. 38) Direct observation is often combined with which Interviewing

other job analysis method?

36. 39) Having each employee record every activity in A) participant di-
which they are involved (as well as the time spent on ary/log.
each activity) results in a detailed, chronological job
analysis collection technique known as the

37. 40) Which job analysis technique is inappropriate for B) Direct observa-
jobs requiring a lot of immeasurable mental effort? tion
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38. 41) The job analysis technique that involves 194 items, E) position analy-
each of which represents a basic element that may or sis questionnaire.
may not play an important role in the job, is known as

39. 42) The Position Analysis Questionnaire rates jobs on A) Mental process-
which one of the following dimensions? es

40. 43) The job analysis method that rates each job in A) functional job
terms of the incumbent's responsibilities pertaining analysis.
to data, people, and things is known as

41. 44) Field-based research by Human Resources and B) National Oc-

Skills Development Canada has resulted in which of cupational Classi-
the following resources that is often helpful for devel- fication
oping job descriptions?

42. 45) The National Occupational Classification is a ref- True

erence tool for writing job descriptions and job spec-
ifications. It classifies occupations based on two key
dimensions—skill level and skill type. T/F

43. 46) Job analysis information should be verified by A) jobholder(s).

44. 47) Job analysis information should be verified by B) the immediate


45. 48) What is a written statement of what the jobholder D) A job descrip-
actually does, how he or she does it, and under what tion
conditions the job is performed?

46. 49) A list of the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed C) a job specifica-
to perform a particular job is known as tion.

47. 50) A survey instrument designed to assist managers E) Personality-Re-

in identifying potential personality-related traits that lated Position Re-
may be important in a job is the quirements Form.

48. D) Duties and re-

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51) Which part of the job description presents a de-
tailed list of each of the job's major tasks and de-
scribes them in a few sentences?

49. 52) The job identification section of a job description B) Position title
includes which of the following?

50. 53) The section of the job description in which the job summary
major functions or activities are briefly identified is

51. 54) The section of the job description that describes relationships
contact with others inside and outside the organiza-
tion (both directly and indirectly) is titled

52. 55) Peter is promoted from a first line manager to a authority

middle manager. He is reviewing his job description
and in particular the level of expenditure in his budget.
Which section of the job description is Peter reading?

53. 56) "No more than three posting errors per month B) Performance
can occur on average." Which component of the job standards
description would this statement belong to?

54. 57) The document that results from an examination A) job specifica-
of the duties and responsibilities and answering the tion.
question, "What human traits and experience are re-
quired to do this job?" is the

55. 58) Other than the physical effort involved in a job, the senses used
physical demands analysis identifies

56. 59) Job analysis must be structured enough to allow True

for modifications as required while still providing cur-
rent and future employees with an understanding of
what they are expected to do. T/F


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