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CMS 112

Matric Number: DE.2021/9514

Name:Odiase Lucius Ayomide
Department: Public Relations and Advertising
Faculty: Communication and Media Studies

1: Leibniz's Calculator and Blaise Pascal made significant contributions to the historical
development of computers, particularly in the realm of mechanical calculation devices.

Leibniz's Calculator:
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, a German philosopher and mathematician, conceived the idea of a
mechanical calculator in the late 17th century. He envisioned a machine that could perform
arithmetic operations automatically. Leibniz's design, known as the "Stepped Reckoner," was
based on the principle of the binary number system. This system used only two digits (0 and 1),
which laid the foundation for modern digital computers. Leibniz's device was capable of
multiplication, division, and extraction of square roots. Although the calculator was never fully
built during his lifetime, his ideas significantly influenced the development of later mechanical
calculators and eventually electronic computers.

Blaise Pascal:
Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician, physicist, and inventor, played a crucial role in the
history of computing with his invention of the mechanical calculator known as the "Pascaline." In
1642, at the age of 19, Pascal developed a device that could add and subtract numbers
automatically. The Pascaline used a series of gears and wheels to perform calculations. It was a
breakthrough in automating mathematical tasks, as it reduced errors and increased
computational speed. The Pascaline could handle up to eight-digit numbers and was widely
recognized as one of the earliest mechanical calculators.

Pascal's contributions to computing extended beyond the Pascaline. He also laid the
groundwork for probability theory, which has applications in various areas of computer science,
including algorithms and artificial intelligence. His work on calculating the outcomes of games of
chance and his contributions to the study of mathematical curves were instrumental in shaping
the field of computer science and numerical computation.

In summary, Leibniz's Calculator and Blaise Pascal's Pascaline were pivotal in the historical
development of computers. Leibniz's binary system influenced the design of future digital
computers, while Pascal's mechanical calculator demonstrated the potential for automating
mathematical calculations. These contributions laid the foundation for the advancement of
computing technology that continues to shape our world today.

2: a. Mass Communication:
1. Media Production: Computers are used for creating, editing, and producing various
forms of media, including news articles, videos, and graphics.
2. Social Media and Networking: Computers facilitate the creation and maintenance of
online platforms for social interaction, information sharing, and networking.
3. Digital Marketing: Computers enable targeted advertising, data analysis, and customer
engagement, shaping modern marketing strategies.

b. Medical and Health:

1. Medical Imaging: Computers process and analyze medical images from X-rays, MRIs,
and CT scans, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
2. Electronic Health Records: Computers manage and store patient medical records
electronically, enhancing efficiency and accessibility for healthcare providers.
3. Medical Research and Simulation: Computers are used to model diseases, simulate
drug interactions, and conduct research, accelerating medical advancements.

c. Government:
1. E-Government Services: Computers enable citizens to access government services
online, from paying taxes to applying for permits, enhancing convenience and efficiency.
2. Data Management: Governments use computers to manage vast amounts of data
related to demographics, public services, and policy analysis.
3. National Security: Computers play a crucial role in intelligence gathering, cybersecurity,
and communication among defense and security agencies.

3: Yes, computers have become indispensable in modern living due to their widespread use and
impact on various aspects of our lives. They are integral to communication, information access,
work, entertainment, and more. From smartphones to laptops, computers enable us to connect
globally, access vast amounts of information, automate tasks, conduct business, and even
manage daily activities through smart devices. The reliance on computers has transformed how
we interact with the world and carry out essential tasks efficiently.

4: I would say I belong to the "Home" and "Mobile" categories of computer users.

Home Category:
I often use computers at home for various educational purposes. I use computers to research
and gather information for assignments and projects, write essays and reports, create
presentations, and communicate with teachers and peers. Additionally, I also engage in
recreational activities such as gaming, watching videos, or social networking at home on my

Mobile Category:
I also fall under the "Mobile" category due to the use of smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
Mobile devices have become an essential tool for me, offering portability and instant access to
information. I use mobile devices to stay organized, access online learning platforms, take
notes, collaborate on group projects, and communicate on the go, but all the time I am really
In today's digital age, I rely on both home computers and mobile devices to enhance my
learning experiences, facilitate communication, and manage my academic responsibilities

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