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Its Worth Waiting For

Mike G. Masuku Page 1

Its Worth Waiting For

Praises For
“Its Worth Waiting”

As the cultural view of sexuality become increasingly pervasive, it’s important for
Christians to fully understand that our sexuality is intricately connected with our identity,
our desires, our sense of self-worth, and even our spiritual health. That what makes “The
Beauty of Sexuality” a must read. It is an answer to our generation which has quickly
turned its back from God and His standard of morality.

- Dr. Corne Ackermann

For so long the church has been silent on these issues that are shaping our culture. For too
long opposing groups have thrown rocks, slanted statistics, and vilified one another, even
within the church. This book is an honest effort to get Christians taking openly and
respectfully about these issues, holding the Word of God as the standard of truth. It is an
eye opener; a calm, purposeful, and biblical respond to today’s divisive issues.
Regardless of your marital status, this is a journey we all need to embark on. A must

- Dr. Bridget Khumalo

Indeed there is beauty in the gift and art of sex that our generation fails to see. We have
been waiting for such a book for a long time. I call this book “The Noah’s Ark”, the
apostle has built an ark through God’s Word to rescue and deliver the church from sexual
immorality. He didn’t just end there, but turns our sexual experiences into insight. You
cannot ignore this book. It’s a must READ.

- Dr. Julia Littlefield

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Its Worth Waiting For

Its Worth
Waiting For
Unlocks your marital love, intimacy and sex

Mike G. Masuku
The Best Selling Author Of “Dear Daughter”

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Its Worth Waiting For

The Beauty Of Sexuality … Was First Published as Its Worth Waiting For- And More
than ten thousand copies were sold.

This New Transformed, Revised & Updated Version gives a fresh, informative edge to an already
definitive book “Its worth waiting For.”

© 2015- 2016 By Mike G Masuku

First edition Printed in (SA) 2015
Revised and Updated edition Printed in (CHINA) 2016
The Beauty of Sexuality Printed in (SA) 2018
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in
writing from the author, except in case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles or reviews.
All scriptures quotations, unless indicated otherwise are from THE NEW INTERNATIONAL
VERSION used by permission.
ISBN -13:978-0-620-62842-9
1. Purity_ Mind and Spirit.
2. Sacred sexuality.
3. Sex addiction_ Sexual behavior
Italics in Scripture reference indicate author emphasis.
For bookings and more about the author
E-mail: /
Cell: +27 76 374 5312

Published by: Status Of Christ Publishers

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Its Worth Waiting For

Table Of Contents
Gratitude & Acknowledgments:

Chapter 1 Unlocking The Secrete Code

Chapter 2 Date For a Purpose
Chapter 3 Breaking the Cycle of Sexual Temptation
Chapter 4 Take Care of the Temple
Chapter 5 It’s Worth Waiting For
Chapter 6 The Beauty of Sexuality
Chapter 7 The Purpose of Sex
Chapter 8 The Fabricated Sex
Chapter 9 Sex & the Supremacy of Christ
Chapter 10 Naked & Not Ashamed
Chapter 11 God Is Pro Sex
Chapter 12 Isn’t a Behavior but an Identity

About the Author

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Gratitude & Acknowledgments

First and foremost I want to thank my Father in Heaven, for the wisdom and the grace He
offered me to write on such an enigmatic and sensitive subject. To Him be all praise,
honor, worship and adoration. Hallelujah!
(Rev. 1:5, 6)

I thank God for my mother, Josephina Ngomane for being such an inspiration
throughout my life. Her love and support is indescribable. “Mom you are a sweetheart;
a very beautiful rose that never wither.” I love you.
There is not a single day that passes, that I am not grateful to God for my Mentors:
Dr. S.G Khumalo and his wife Dr. B.F Khumalo for their love, commitment, and
support throughout my life, and for believing in my calling.
Their commitment in grooming me to the person that I am today, and to the man I
will become tomorrow is heavenly ordained. To this beautiful couple I dedicate this
I appreciate very much indeed my dear sister: Corne Ackermann for the
foundational work you lay in this book. Thank you so much for investing so much time in
the success of this project.
Finally, I want to thank everyone who helped me financially. Without your generous
giving I could never have done this (Gal. 6:9)

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I watched Apostle Masuku grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding over

the years.
There is no doubt that he has found favor with God and with man. Everything
he speaks is worth listening. Everything he writes is worth reading. The truth is,
not everyone can write on the subjects of sexuality, intimacy and relationships.
Yet in his wisdom, he orchestrated this powerful resource without compromising
our beliefs. These are the issues we don’t normally discuss, especially in our
churches. For so long the church has been silent on these issues that are shaping
our culture. For too long opposing groups have thrown rocks, slanted statistics,
and vilified one another, even within the church. This book is an honest effort to
get Christians taking openly and respectfully about these issues. It is an eye open
- a calm, purposeful, and biblical respond to today’s divisive issues.
I have personal learned a lot from this book and I believe the whole world has
been waiting for such a material for a long time. It has changed the way I look at
sexuality as a believer and it has empowered me, impacted me and transformed
my life into greater purity.
It has also liberated me from the Christian stereotype thinking about sex. What
a difference these powerful truths, clearly explained, can make to the life of a
believer. Most of us have questions about sex we never ask. After all, sex is
highly personal and can be quite embarrassing topic! That’s what makes this
book such a valuable and needed guide.

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It is a very powerful resource - especially for premarital counseling. It’s

definitely a must read.

- Dr. Bridget Khumalo


W riting on the subjects of sex, intimacy and relationships needs a special

grace. These are very sensitive and personal issues. Honestly, I never
thought that I would spend so much time reading, researching, thinking,
praying, and speaking about these subjects. I do so because God gave me the
passion to redeem His design and proclaim His truth in the most sensitive area of
our Christian life.
Sex isn’t just about sex; it is a hidden mystery of the intimate love Christ has
for the church. In fact, every sexual choice is a spiritual choice. You just can’t
separate your sexuality from your spirituality. Whether you are a Christian or not,
married or single; bisexual or homosexual, having great sex or no sex, your
sexuality is inseparable from your spirituality.
Sadly, most churches are silent on this subject. The lack of such teachings has
created a major storm of consequences among believers. Christianity has lost its
moral state - our relationship with God has a lot of hindrances caused by our
habitual sexual immoral acts; and when our lives are not noticeably different
before the immoral watching world, we have a little to say even if they decide to
pay attention.
We turned to forget that, as much as we live in this world, we are not of this
world. For the church to be in the world its okay; but it is wrong for the world to
be in the church. Isn’t a boat in water good? So is the church in the world.
However, water inside the boat causes it to sink.
The church sink today because we have allowed the world to be in us - and as
long as the church is still living so much like the world, our impact to the world

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will be less and our relationship with God will continue to suffer. I’ve noticed
that one of the main reasons why people are led away from God is because they
get involved in relationships and rituals which do not honor Him.

Many have fallen away from God as a result of drugs, alcohol, cults, and sexual
I am also an x-victim of these, and I am not proud - I am emotional to repeat.
I once or severally fell into these similar deceptions. Satan tried to get me
involved in wrong relationships which do not honour God. Although I was in the
church I lapsed from God. Thankfully, I later received the grace of forgiveness of
sins through our Lord Jesus Christ – I believe all of these were just the devil’s
method of getting me distracted.

Nevertheless, I have put pen to paper in obedience to the call of God

concerning this book. In the process of constructing this book I discovered that
the subject of sex is a major area of truth that every believer should clearly
understand. My goal is to have a bold and open conversation with you in pursuit
of truth concerning this matter. For our sexual matters shouldn’t be relegated to
dark rooms and lonely nights. They need to be spoken and explored, holding up
the Word of God as the standard of truth in pursuit of purity and holiness - that is
the heart of the book you’re holding.

I know most of you have built a thick wall between your sexuality and your
spirituality – and it shouldn’t be like that… you cannot separate your sexuality
from your spirituality; these two are inseparable.
Lean in and learn, appreciate the sacred privilege of intimacy our generation
fails to perceive - embrace the message and get your life transformed into greater

- Apostle G Masuku

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Chapter One
Unlocking The Secret Code
“Also they must not defile their bodies by having premarital sex.”
1 Corinthians 6:18

The Holy Spirit brings with Him a deep love for your spouse and insight into every
one of the codes that will unleash the potential of your desired relationship.

t doesn’t matter if you’ve kissed dating good-bye or embraced dating with a bear hug;
I however, there are certain things that you absolutely need to know before hanging out
with the opposite sex. The ultimate goal is to get your relationship above the line
where you can experience a secure and successful relationship that would you to a secure
and successful marriage. I’ve identified eight different skills you can use to build
security, stability and success in your pursuit of marriage. To make these skills easier to
remember, I’ve arranged them as an acrostic for the word marriage.

Mystery of love
Resolving conflicts
Avoid augments
Ground principles

In all my years of teaching, equipping, counseling, advising and collaborating with others
in this area, the one skill that I have seen as the most vital is not mentioned above; it is
the desire for a successful marriage.

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No one can make you want a better marriage; that is a choice only you can make. But
I know an easier way to gain this desire. Ask God, He is the creator of all relationships,
and is His desire to see all of us happily married. Therefore, it is possible to have a secure
and successful marriage, but you have to know the secret language that unlocks the heart-
to-heart connection you long to have with your dream spouse. Let us discover these
secret codes as arranged.

Mystery of Love
There is a mystery to love that intrigues all of us. We find ourselves fascinated with
the people we love, with the hope that we can discover a relationship that would works.
We spend long hours talking, sharing love, dreams and exploring the desires of our
hearts. With a hope to discover a friendship that would be unlike any other we had
before. Only to find out that it is not as simple as we thought it could be. The fact that
you are engaging yourself with a total stranger, love remains a mystery. You may think at
first that you are very similar, maybe because you share a lot in common, but you will
discover later that you are two imperfect individuals. To unlock the love mystery you
need to overcome your differences, tolerate each other and accept one another.
There is a special love connection between two people. When this connection is
achieved, all of life works together.
There is harmony, anticipation and a sense that it easy to be around each other. You
give each other the benefits of the doubt because you are already having each other in
your heart. When this connection is interrupted, couples begin to judge each other based
on behavior. “You did that. You didn’t do this,” becomes the most frequently quoted
statement in the couple’s conversations. Since everyone is inconsistent, the relationship
suffers greatly when it is based on behavior. That is why relationships lose their
satisfaction, intimacy and affection when life becomes a series of shared tasks rather than
a pursuit of each other’s heart. Throughout the journey, your relationship should be a
treasure hunt, hunting each other’s heart.
Although moods and emotions can create moving motivational target, one is certain
to stay in the same place, all the time. When God himself is your reason for loving, your
ability to love is guaranteed.

Relationships that are healthy, where one can be confidant and secure that it will
work are characterized by mutual affection. You go out of your way to compliment one
another, you find ways to encourage and impact each other.
In marriage affection goes the long way; it includes intimate hugs, long intimate
kisses, cuddling, touching, petting and romance. But at this stage affection is
characterized by emotional support. By this I mean that instead of touching, kissing, and
all you should focus on building each other. You are both incredibly talented. Each one
of you has been created with at least one unique ability that gives you remarkable
potential. Your unique abilities are strong and demand expression. As a result, they are
both incredible and inconvenient. When your unique abilities are focused and you
express them with humility, they add a lot to your life. When your unique abilities are
undisciplined and expressed with selfishness, they are irritating and can even be
damaging and demanding. This may result in neglecting those who are around you.
But when you affectional impact and encourage each other in this area, your
relationship is more likely to run healthy. Remember, your unique abilities are link to

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your purpose which is so central to whom you are. Therefore, you have no choice but to
build your life around them.
When you live your purpose, you feel more vibrant and alive than any other time. As
a result, you are drawn to people who build impact and encourage you to live your
purpose. Make sure you are the first among others who build impact and encourage your
partner in this area. These will create a foundation of trust and confidence in your partner.
Men are vulnerable at this area. What they wants to feel more than anything else that
their partner believes in them. Their confident is greatly enhanced when their partners are
proud and compliments them. At the other hand women wants nothing less than being
loved and valued. They want to feel safe and important. While you offer this, build them
in becoming their real self. This will help you grow in love and easily resolve conflicts.

Resolving Conflicts
Conflicts are the most common part of every intimate relationship. We all entertain
the thought that we should be able to get along with this person who has captured our
heart because there is something special between us. While this is true most of the time, it
is nearly impossible to intimately connect with another individual and do not have
significant disagreement. It is vital to know that as you venture together, you will get
under each other’s skin and challenge each other to search the depths of your heart for
what really matters… however, in that process, disagreement will arise. Overcoming
conflicts will brings you closer and strengthened your relationship. You will be reminded
that you have passion for this relationship.
I don’t mean that you should create conflicts in order to grow in love. No! My point is
that overcoming them together will result intimacy.
The first and most significant principle in dealing with conflicts is to ‘take
responsibility’ for your side of the relationship and your actions. If you focus on
changing your partner to make you feel safe, you will throw your emotions and thoughts
out of control. You will place your well-being in the hands of the one you love. Your
mate may love you immensely, but he or she is not capable of erasing the issues because
they reside within you. Only you can take responsibility for the concerns that keep you
from being able to love. Once your reactions are under your control, you will interpret
your partner’s responses back to you in a much different way; you will see them as an
expression of your mate’s insecurities and needs.
You will be able to work on your growth while you trust God to work on the growth
of your partner. When your reactions to your partner are free of fear, the relationship
grows from your side. If the responses you get back are free, you will effectively turn
conflicts into another reminder of just how in love you are. Let’s just own the fact that we
are not perfect, therefore we make mistakes. Don’t even try to carry the thought of
perfection along; you are both to imperfect individuals who come to love not in search of
a perfect partner, but two individuals who are determined to see the other imperfect
partner perfectly.

When I was still in high school, I thought dating was practicing marriage. In actual
fact, I thought it was marriage that wasn’t official. After all, that’s the purpose of dating
right? Imitate what it would be like to be married… I’ve had relationships where I
pretended like we were married. We spent almost everyday together, plan life together

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and we would even look at houses as if we were going to buy them. Life was about us.
We would count years of dating and even celebrate our anniversary.
Because we practiced dating as mini-marriage we become a serial monogamist.
Trouble is, when we broke up it was really hard and it took us long to get our lives
unraveled from each other. We were so obsessed and intimately attached to each other. I
wish we hadn’t been so involved in each other’s lives, because afterwards it felt like
mini-divorce. The breakup took more work than normal breakups because we had to
unravel our entwined lives. It didn’t just hurt us but everyone around us.
The profound truth is that your current crush or girlfriend isn’t the one until you are
official married. Therefore, you need to treat dating as means to an end. You need to
know that dating isn’t marriage, it should end and it will end; whether successful or
unsuccessful but eventually it will end.

1. Dating is a means to an end-the end of dating.

How many people you know, who want to date for their entire lives? They just want to
date, date and date forever.
The honest answer is; not many, if not none.
Chances are rare to find a person looking for someone whom they can date forever.
Most people date for a certain goal. To them dating is a means to an end, and that end is
finding the one they would marry and live with forever. Dating isn’t the eternal lifestyle
for a couple who loves each other. It’s just the way to get to the goal: marriage. Okay, so
I’ve said it enough. Dating is just a means to an end. Then at the other hand marriage is
the end of dating. Once you get married you are no longer dating. You will never date the
same way again. You are married, and the goal of your dating life has arrived. Unlike
dating, marriage isn’t a means to an end; it is the goal and state of being together for
the rest of your life. You no longer date for a goal but date to maintain your marital

2. Dating is temporary.
If dating is a means to an end, that’s means it should end. Therefore it is temporary.
There’s no ring, no signed documents pledging till death do us apart. When you date
someone there are only two outcomes: you will either break up or get married. In both
instances you’re going to stop dating. Unlike dating, marriage is a life time
commitment, till death takes us apart. It is not a means to end, it is the end.

3. Dating is an experiment.
It’s a test to see if this thing is going to work. It’s a way to explore how well two people
get along and how much they want to be together. In more purposeful instances, it might
seem less experimental and more a formality. A way to spend the time needed in
preparation for marriage. But in either instance, there is still a chance that this
combination might not take and the couple will break things off before trying the knot.
While on the other hand marriage is a life time experience, an institute where death is a
means of graduation.

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4. Dating involved at least two individuals.

When you date it’s you and another independent person, both of you with your own lives,
own feelings, and own bodies. The two people involved in dating live in different houses,
sleep in different beds, and they haven’t involved the hearts of the rest of their extended
families. They are two individuals spending time together with a purpose. But marriage
involves the whole family. When two get married, a new family is started. She takes his
surname, they become one with his husband physically and emotionally, even financially.
They merge both sides of their families to make one big extended family.

Our generation has confused intimacy with sex. Intimacy is neither purely sexual nor
physical; it’s the act of connecting with someone so deep to the point of seeing them in
your soul… conversely, successful couple has a mutual respect for and enjoyment of each
other’s company. In other words, secure and successful relationships are built on strong
and intimate friendship.
The couple makes their friendship their greatest priority. They diligently invest time
with each other and explore other’s hearts to build life together. When a relationship
reaches this stage, security is established. Being so close to someone to the point that you
feel you cannot live without them is a real goal of dating for most of us. In fact, it is
fascinating and beautiful. The trouble is that it’s not always a mutual thing. It’s great to
fall in love and desire to be with that someone you love so much forever. It is a great
feeling and a great goal. But never say “I would die without you” or “I cannot live
without you” because that person become your idol; and as a believer you should not be
living for anyone but God. When people start acting Adam and Eve while they are still
Benny and Betty, they start to think they can’t live without each other, and when
breakups knocks, some horrible pain can result - and if that pain is accompanied by a
heart that believes it will die without the other person; that heart is often prone to think of
ending the pain permanently by doing what it says.
At this stage, it is vital to build a fun friendship relationship, not an intimate
friendship. Intimate friendship is for couples who are already married. They break the
code to intimacy through sexual love. (see chapter 6)
Men and women they normally build relationships differently. When a woman
builds a friendship with another woman is different to when she is building it with a man.
Hence is easy for them to forsake a toxic friend than it is to leave an abusive toxic
boyfriend. With another female friend they share hopes, dreams, thoughts and current
experiences in a dynamic flow of ideas. Their relationship is based on an exchange of
Women love to interact and talk about what is happening in their lives. They all
approach life as an interconnected web of thoughts, emotions, and experiences so they
naturally connect over words. They consider a friendship secure when it is rich with
conversation, vibrant with emotions, and full of dialogue. When they build a friendship
with a man is even worse, they invest so much trust, intimate talk and emotions.
Men, on the other hand, build friendship based on activities. They hunt together, fish
together, build things together, and booze together if they are not Christians. While they
do things side by side, they build camaraderie. Men consider a friendship successful
when it is simple enough to make him feel capable or less stressed. Anything that
threatened their peace of mind is their enemy. For a woman to be intimate with man she
needs to deeply connect with him emotional- such intimacy has a very strong bond which

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may lead to suicidal if things goes the other way around.

Therefore, since you are both not married yet, do not create such bond. Don’t build a
relationship that builds an atmosphere of security, and emotional bond. Be just friends.

Avoid arguments
One of the sweetest sounds in any intimate relationship is the silence that could have
been a nagging comment. I usually say that it is better to loose the argument than loosing
the intimacy. This is not the same as saying that there is no room for improvement in
your partner’s behavior.
It may be that they are truly acting in ways that are inconsiderate of your time and
feelings, but it doesn’t mean you are giving up the role of being their rule enforcer. Know
that not every plate that goes unreturned to the kitchen sink is worthy of lecture.
Just because you can’t agree on who was responsible for a certain task or phone call
is not an automatic reason for you to be insecure. You still need to count on them, love
and respect your partner just like before. In a loving and intimate relationship, the need to
complain, nag, and pass blames are replaced by a desire to edify, impact, equip and
encourage. Pointing out faults may feel like an optional right, accusations may come
quickly to your lips, but all love to swallow them down before they insult or injured your
relationship. At this stage, you need nothing but intimate moments. Anger, secretes,
arguments and other negative acts can be toxic, suffocating and draining, as a results, you
will break up.
However, if these acts are habits – they might signal danger. I call them red flags.
Do not ignore them. Its even much better to be single and be happy than being in a
dysfunctional toxic relationship that would gives you a sip of its toxicity everyday. To
avoid depression or early divorce you shouldn’t be ignorant of red flags. I believe many
divorces are the results of such ignorance. If you see any of the following from the person
you are pursuing marriage with, pull the car over and get out. Its not too late- marriage is
too long to marry wrong.

Red Flags
Abusive and controlling
You feel worse after spending time with them
Sexually push
Dishonest or unfaithful

Remember, the goal is to create a relationship that is secure and successful, so you can
live above the line of trust. Therefore, be watchful of all behaviors that may signal
toxicity instead of security and success.

Golden Principles

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Don’t play Adam and Even; while you’re still Ben and Betty. It’s every couple’s
dream to be so intimate. Sexual love is one of the most fascinating and intricate activities
that humans engage in. It is a great workout, but it is more than just physical exercise. It
is a great way to connect with the one you love, but is more that just connection. It will
result in offspring who will reflect in their lives all that is important to you, but is more
than just procreation. Sex is the knitting together of two individuals physically,
emotionally, spiritually, and adventurously. (see in chapter 6 & 7). We dream of such
intimacy where we can see our loved ones deeply in our souls. Such experience is very
fascinating and beautiful but yet very dangerous at this stage. In the process you might
lose your emotional virginity. There are lot of ways you can lose your emotional
virginity, and lots of these things it looks impossible not to share them with someone you
deeply love. Things like sharing your darkest secrets, getting so close to each other,
praying together, and even relying on each other for help. Let’s carefully look at these
facts individuals.

1. Sharing the darkest secrets:

Sharing your darkest secrets with the person you feel is your life part is much easier and
seems cool and transparent. It is one thing we usually do. It is true, a simple way of
getting to know someone is sharing with them. But just watch it, because the more you
share, is the more you bond, and is the more painful it is when you breakup. The reason a
lot of people feels empty after they’ve breakup is because they leave pieces of themselves
to everyone they date. The only permanent relationship according to God’s Word is
marriage. That’s where the two is made one. God knows that the closer you get to
someone, the more it hurts when you separate. It is important to know that, ‘if you are not
married to them, don’t ever bond with them too tightly. Immediately after sharing your
darkest secret, something funny happens-it is like they become a part of you. You feel
more attached with them. They get to know you as no one do, and your emotional
virginity is lost. By these I don’t mean that don’t share with your partner, but be careful
about sharing too much before you sure. It is good to know each other and be open but
don’t share your darkest secret.

2. Relying On the One you are dating:

It is something common to rely on the one you are dating to be your hope, your way out
of bad life or in certain circumstances. When your life miserable and you want a change,
it can be very tempting to play Adam and Eve in order to pretend like they are your
salvation, or you way out in that bad situation. But you can’t let any person other than
Jesus to become your salvation. When you do, you put more pressure on them, and it
eventually destroys the relationship. That can go all the way to manipulation when the
two of us breakups. You will feel like you have invested so much on the other person. Or
you might feel cheap and used.

3. Praying Together:
How can praying and studying the Bible together be wrong? “I thought God is pleased to
see us humbling ourselves together before him, seeking His counsel.” One can say. But
the truth is that when you pray and study the Bible together you create an emotional bond
with one another. Sometimes they are real but other times they are just imagination.
Prayer can even at time be a kind of aphrodisiac that excites you and makes the other
person more attractive. But you are really attracted to, is Christ in them or they spiritual

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impact that they bring to your life. And though you are interested and attracted to the
spiritual side of the person you are dating, you must be careful not to let that attraction
lead to sexual tension and eventually sexual intimacy. The closer you feel to someone,
the easier it is to fool around with them. So you have to be careful with such powerful
and emotional things like prayer and Bible study. They are things you should be doing
but not with the person you are dating, or unless you are doing it as part of your wedding

4. Submitting to Each Other:

Sometimes couples who act Adam and Eve can create emotional chains around each
other by demanding that their significant other; ask permission before doing things
without them. The man feels as if He is in charge and the woman feels as she is
submitting; it feels good. But they forget that they are still dating and dating is meant to
end. The trouble with the whole permission is that it gives honor to a relationship that is
not meant to be honored like marriage. The final fact is, since dating is not marriage, it
shouldn’t be treated with the same reverence.

How to date without pretending you’re married?

1. Don’t submit to one another like married couple.

2. No shacking up.
3. Don’t mix your finances.
4. No spending family vacations and holidays together.
5. No staying the night.
6. No sexual intimacy.
7. No calling the other parents as your own.
They seems awkward but they are very important as you prepare yourself for the endless
commitment: marriage

It doesn’t take much experience to discover that you mate will not always motivate
your love. In fact, many times they will de-motivate it. More often than you’d like, it will
seem difficult to find the inspiration to express and demonstrate your love. That’s simply
the nature of life, even in fairly healthy relationships. You want to understand your
woman, but you can’t quite seem to figure out where she’s heading with the conversation.
You want to connect to your man, but you sense that he is giving only part of the story.
You have the desire to open up and truly connect with each other, but you find difficult to
do than you thought it would be.
You were hoping that the two of you were natural soul mates and that you would
instinctively stay in love forever.
You really want your really want your relationship to flourish, but you realize pretty
quickly that you did not come into this relationship with the right communication code to
decipher what your partner is trying to communicate to you. If you can find the code, you
can create an environment that simplifies your relationship. If you cannot find the code,
almost any conversation can leave you confused.
The challenge to communication in relationships is wrapped around your vulnerability to
your spouse. Intimacy opens tunnel in your heart that allows your mate to have great
influence over your emotions, your confidence, and your ability to trust.
If there is a strong safety net, trust is high and vulnerability is welcome state in life. If
safety net is tentative, trust is low and each partner will take a defensive stand against

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Its Worth Waiting For

each other. This is a common fear for human beings because we are all inherently self-
centered. It didn’t take long in life to learn the word mine. On the honorable side, we
believe that our perspective in life is the correct perspective. We, therefore, argue for our
perspective and convince others that they would be better off if they agree with us. On
the dark side, we want to control the behavior of others in order to feel better about
ourselves. We mistakenly believe that our lives will be improved by the way other people
act. This creates endless circle of insecurities. We tell others what to do out of our own
insecurities. They do what we tell them. This is more like transforming them to be what
we want. When they do, we conclude they do not have enough strength to decide for
themselves and depend upon us. They depend upon us because they have forsaken their
true-self and become what we want them to be. That’s not how it supposes to be. You
need communicate love without changing the other person. Their weakness must not be
your power advantage, but an area where love is communicated and expressed.

Your Body Speaks

Your body speaks volumes. In fact, your body language says more that what your lips
says. If your partner can pay attention, he/she can tell a lot about you by noticing your
body language.

They can predict the emotions in your heart.

Study your thoughts.
They can tell the sincerity of your words.
They can discern your attitude and intentions.
They can tell when you have a significant moral, or judge your integrity.
They can tell if there is a romantic attraction…

Interesting right? This book is filled with practical advice, deep insight, and
guidance that will propel you toward a secure successful relationship that can lead
you to a secure successful marriage…

Whether you are single, dating or married; bisexual, homosexual or transgender - having
great sex or no sex, your sexual choice is your spiritual choice. You cannot separate you
sexuality from your spirituality. It is intricately connected with your identity, your
desires, your sense of self-worth, and even your spiritual health.

Therefore, if you’re fed up with our sex-saturated culture and you’re tired of being told to
“just wait until you’re married,” you want to explore love and venture into greater
intimacy - then heed the surprising call of this book and start to appreciate the sacred
privilege of intimacy that our generation fails to see.

It’s Worth Waiting For is an answer to our generation, which has quickly turned its
back from God and His standard of morality. This book is packed with great insight for
both singles and married couples to discover:
▪ The beauty of sexual love
▪ The secrete language that unlocks the heart-to-heart connection one long to have
with their partner
▪ The secrete code to connect at a richer, and deeper level in your pursuits of
▪ Ways to breakthrough the circle of sexual sin

Mike G. Masuku Page 18

Its Worth Waiting For

Get your copy today, its only R170 (Hard copy), R100 (Soft Copy, full version)

Mike G. Masuku Page 19

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