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CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

CCU Replacement Procedure

1. Equipment setting of MFD

When multiple MFD units are installed, the display unit under which equipment setting is implemented is used
as the synchronization source and other display units are synchronized by reading the equipment values that
were set in the synchronization source. Therefore, when CCU is replaced, the replaced CCU can be restored
by reading the setting file from the CCU of the synchronization source. However, when the CCU to be
replaced is the synchronization source, the post-replacement CCU in the state without equipment setting
becomes the synchronization source and each CCU synchronizes with the equipment initialization values.
Since it is not possible to check which CCU is a synchronization source on the screen, another CCU that is
not targeted for the replacement must be set also as a synchronization source prior to the replacement
regardless of whether the CCU to be replaced is a synchronization source.
Equipment setting values specific to the CCU are not targeted for synchronization.

This procedure manual describes the work requirements for CCU replacement and also the procedure for
correct settings after the replacement.

2. Work flow
//Case where multiple MFD units are installed//
An MFD unit that is not replaced must be set again as the new synchronization source before CCU
After CCU replacement, the equipment setting values must be synchronized by opening the equipment
setting screen with the new CCU after replacement. Import the CCU-specific equipment setting values
from the file containing the past installation results.

Refer to 3. Procedure when multiple MFD units are installed.

//Case where only one MFD is installed and the MFD failed//
Since no other MFD is available in the bridge, no new synchronization source can be set.
After CCU replacement, all the equipment setting values must be set again. Import the setting values from
the file containing the past installation results.

The route data and user maps that are not stored in the external media will be erased as a
result of the CCU replacement.

Refer to 4. Procedure when only one MFD unit is installed and the
MFD failed

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

The guideline for the replacement time per unit is about 1 hour and 30 minutes (excluding the chart importing

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

3. Procedure when multiple MFD units are installed

3.1 Preparation
Prepare the following before boarding the ship prior to CCU replacement.
1) Latest MFD software
The software Ver.1.10.323 and later versions contain the function that simplifies the work required for the
replacement. Download the software from the Marine Service Web.

2) Licence file for the CCU to be replaced

Since before replacement CYC-344 HASP is utilized as it is, the matching licence is necessary. Download
the licence file, which is registered in the ship register list of the Marine Service Department under
“”. If the file cannot be downloaded, request the orderer of the service
to provide the file.

3) MFD Initial tool

This tool can be downloaded from Marine Service Web.

4) Creating a USB memory of the MFD Initial tool

• Copy the tool that was prepared in 3) to the route of the USB memory. When the file that was
downloaded is exctracted, the file is expanded into the following folder structure.

(USB drive)
exe file of the latest MFD software / prepared in 1)
Folder containing the licence file of the CCU to be replaced / prepared in 2)
• Exctract the zip file that was prepared in 1) and copy the exe file under the “Installer” folder.
• Exctract the zip file that was prepared in 2) and copy the folder containing the licence file under the
“Licence” folder.

CCU Replacement Prrocedure 7Z

B memory with
w security funciton
f cann
not be used.

Make suure that the correct

c licencce file is dow
Only one
e correspond ding licence file is availabble for one display unit.

Create a directory so m folder is created dire

s that an mfd ectly under tthe USB. Th
he MFD
Initial too r normally if the folder structure is incorrect.
ol does not run

5) Configuuration file an
nd WriteBackkupini.exe
The connfiguration fille is registere
ed in the ship
p register listt of the Marin
ne Service D
Department under
umber_equipment-name_ _yyyymmddh” and the file can be down nloaded.
WriteBaackupini.exe can be down nloaded fromm the Marine Service Web.
The equ uipment settiing values ca n back by using WriteBacckupini.exe.
an be written

Supplement Lis
st of files to
o be prepare
File nam
me Acqu
uisition locatio
MFD so
nitial tool Marin
ne Service Web
W product information
e file of CCU to be replacced
ne Service Web
W ship register list
ment setting file

When the e configuratio

on file canno
ot be obtaine
ed, the follow
wing procedu
ure is necess
sary on
the ship.
‐ Manuall input of the equipment setting
‐ Import of
o the BAM file
‐ Import of
o Conning in

For the de
etails, refer to
o the detailed procedure at the Appen

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

3.2 Preparation for CCU replacement

Before replacing CCU, set again the MFD unit that is to be used as the new synchronization source with the
Sync Manually function according to the procedure indicated in 1) to 4).

1) Turn on the power of all the display units other than the indicator for which CCU is to be replaced and if
the software is not the latest software, update to the latest software. After updating, keep the power of the
display units on.For the software update method, refer to “a. Updating the MFD software” at the end of
this manual.
2) Access the Service Menu of the MFD unit (any unit is acceptable) that is to be used as the new
synchronization source.
For the Service Menu access method, refer to “b. Accessing the Service Menu” at the end of this manual.
When the following dialog is displayed, select “Force Continue”.

Unit number Model

3) Open the System Configuration screen by selecting Service Menu  Installation  System Configuration
and press “Sync Manually” at the bottom-left corner of the screen. The current equipment setting values
are updated again and the display unit under which Sync Manually was executed is registered as the new
synchronization source. After pressing the button, keep the Installation screen as it is.

For the Sync Manually function execution method, refer to “c. Sync Manually function execution

CCU Replacement Prrocedure 7Z

4) The equ uipment settiing information update po opup window w is displayedd on all other display unitts. Restart
the dispplay unit by pressing
p the OK button. After
A checking the restart of the displaay unit, close
e the
o the synchronization source.
installattion screen of
* When the t equipme ent setting infformation upddate popup window
w is no
ot displayed oor synchronizzation failed,,
restart the system and
a perform the procedu ure from 1) to
o 4) again.
By carrrying out the preparation, the display unit under which
w “Sync Manually”
M waas executed is registered d
as the synchronization source within
w the sysstem. Replaccement prep paration has now been co ompleted.

3.3 CCU
U replacem
ment procedure
1) Replace
e CCU. For the
t replacem
ment method,, refer to “d. CCU
C replace
ement metho
od” at the end
d of this
e before rep
Use the placement CYC-344
SP and CYC
C-735 e-Toke

Use the top cover

c of before replacem ment CCU.
This is becausse the licencce file that is used is managed under the
t unit num

2) Executee the MFD In

nitial tool.
For the execution method,
m refer to “e. MFD Initial
I tool execution meth
hod” at the e
end of this ma

Make sure th
M hat the beforre replacement CCU un nit number is
s input in Sttep 5 Serial Number
off the MFD Initial tool.
This informatio
on is to re-re
egister the be
efore replace
ement unit nu
umber in the main unit.

3) Perform
m C drive ima age recoveryy.
For the C drive imag ge recovery method, refeer to “f. C driv
ve image reccovery metho od”.
As a ressult of C drivve image recoovery, the e-Token numb ber is re-regisstered in the main unit.

If C driver ima
age recoveryy is not perforrmed, C-Map
p Chart cann
not be used.

3.4 Proc
cedure aftter CCU re
1) After replacing CCU
U, turn on the
e power of the main unit and e Installation screen by selecting
a open the
e Menu  Insstallation.
The equuipment settiing values off the common setting item
ms are synch
hronized und
der the post-rreplacement

2) By using the WriteB

BackIni.exe toool, execute the CCU-speecific equipm
ment setting u
under the
placement unnit.Refer to “h-1 Using the WriteBack ol when multtiple CCUs are installed”.
kupini.exe too

When using WriteBackupi

W W ini.exe, makee sure that other
o CCU ini files are no
ot written bac
ck. If an
ncorrect ini file is written back,
b the sysstem may no ot function co

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

3) When an ECDIS licence is available, re-import the chart.

For the method of re-importing charts, refer to the Additional Manual for Chart Installation.

4) Enter Password“1111” in the Task Menu and save the configuration file in the USB memory.
For the acquisition method, refer to “k. Acquiring the configuration file” at the end of this manual.
The configuration file that has been saved needs to be registered in the ship register list. Register the file
directly or attach the configuration file to the service report and send them to the orderer of the service.

The CCU replacement procedure when multiple display units are present is now completed.

CCU Replacement Prrocedure 7Z

4. Procedure in the
t case where
w only
y one MFD
D is installed and the MFD failed
4.1 Prep
The items to
o be prepare
ed are the sa
ame as the en
nvironment where
w multip
ple CCUs are
e installed. Refer to
Section 3.1.

4.2 CCU
U replacem
The procedure is the sa
ame as the en
nvironment where
w multip e installed. Refer to Sectio
ple CCUs are on 3.3.

4.3 CCU
U replacem
ment procedure
1) Write ba
ack all the eq
quipment settting values by
b using the WriteBackIn
ni.exe tool.
Refer to
o“h-2 Using the
t WriteBacckupini.exe to at the end of this manual..
ool when only one CCU is installed” a

2) Open thhe System Configuration screen by se electing Servvice Menu  Installation  System Configuration
C n
and preess the “Syncc Manually” button
b at the bottom-left corner
c of the
e screen. Forr the Sync Ma
n execution method,
m referr to “c. Sync Manually fun nction execuution procedu

If Sync Manually is not executed, the systtem does not function correctly sin
nce the
equipment setting values are not written to SL

3) When thhe ECDIS liccence is avaiilable, re-imp

port the chartt.
For the chart re-imp
port method, refer to the Additional
A Maanual for Chart Installatio

4) Enter Password“111
P 11” in the Tassk Menu and d save the coonfiguration file in the USB memory.
For the acquisition method,
m e” at the end of this manu
refer to “k. Acquiring the configuration file ual.
The con een saved needs to be re
nfiguration fille that has be egistered in the
t ship register list. Reggister the file
directly or attach thee configuratio ort and send them to the orderer of th
on file to the service repo he service.

The CC
CU replaceme mpleted for the case whe
ent procedurre is now com ere only one CCU is insta
alled and
CCU failed.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Work checklist
Attach the configuration file and this checklist to the service report.
Serial No. of CCU for repair _________________________
Serial No. of CCU to be replaced _________________________
Update MFD Software Ver. _________________________

Case where multiple display units are available for the ship
Item Work contents Check
Preparation before boarding the Download MFD Software.
Download the licence file of the CCU to be replaced.
Download the MFD Initial tool.
Create an MFD Initial tool USB memory.
Download the configuration file.
Download WriteBackupini.exe.
Preparation for CCU replacement MFD software update for the display units that are not to be replaced
Execution of the Sync Manually function
CCU replacement Replacement of the CYC-344 HASP dongle and CYC-735e-Token
Replacement of the CCU top cover
Execution of the MFD Initial tool
Implementation of recovery work
Procedure after CCU replacement Implementation of equipment setting synchronization
Recovery of CCU-specific setting values by Write Backupini
Chart re-import (when the ECDIS licence is available)
Acquisition of the configuration file
Sending the configuration file and checklist

Case where only one display unit is available for the ship
Item Work contents Check
Preparation before boarding the Download MFD Software.
Download the licence file of the CCU to be replaced.
Download the MFD Initial tool.
Create an MFD Initial tool USB memory.
Download the configuration file.
Download WriteBackupini.exe.
CCU replacement Replacement of the CYC-344 HASP dongle and CYC-735e-Token
Replacement of the CCU top cover
Execution of the MFD Initial tool
Implementation of recovery work
Procedure after CCU replacement Recovery of CCU-specific setting values by Write Backupini
Chart re-import (when the ECDIS licence is available)
Acquisition of the configuration file
Sending the configuration file and checklist

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Appendix: Detailed procedure of the work

a. Updating the MFD Software

b. Accessing the Service Menu

c. Sync Manually function execution procedure

d. CCU replacement method

e. MFD Initial tool execution method

f. C drive image recovery method

g. CCU-specific installation value setting (manual initialization)

h. Using the WriteBackupini.exe tool

i. Re-importing Conning ini files

j. Re-importing the BAM files

k. Acquiring the configuration file

l. Common setting item equipment setting values (manual equipment setting)

Items g, i, j, and l are executed when Writebackupini.exe is not used.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

a. Updating the MFD Software Update

1) Connect the USB containing the update software to the USB port of the operation unit and turn on the
power of the display unit.

2) Access Task from the Task Menu.

3) Select Menu MaintenanceSoftware Update.

4) The Software Update dialog is displayed. When Software Update is selected, a file selection screen
is displayed.

5) Select the drive containing the software from the combo box and select the software from the file list. (x: version number) is displayed in File Name.

6) Press the OK button. The update content confirmation dialog is displayed.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

7) Check the contents and press the OK button. Software update starts. The system may restart
automatically during the installation. At completion of the installation, a dialog is displayed.

8) After completion of software update, turn off the power of this unit and turn on the power again.

Software update has now been completed.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

b. Accessing the Service Menu

1) Select MenuCode input while Task is accessed.

2) Enter Password “0009” and press the Enter key.

3) Service Menu is added to the Menu. Select Service Menu.

4) The contents of the Service Menu are displayed.

Adjustment: Displayed when the RADAR or ECDIS function is licenced.

This item is used for initialization of the RADAR function such as bearing range

Installation Displayed for any licence. This item is used for the equipment setting of the display
When this button is pressed, the equipment setting is synchronized within the

Maintenance: Displayed for any licence. This item is used for checking the initialization and
system status.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

c. Sync Manually function execution procedure

1) Select Service Menu and Installation.

2) Select System Configuration.

3) Press the Sync Manually button at the bottom-left corner of the dialog.

4) A System dialog for confirmation is displayed. Press the OK button.

5) Equipment setting is synchronized. At the completion, the dialog is cleared automatically.

The Sync Manually function execution procedure has now been completed.

CCU Replacement Prrocedure 7Z

eplacement method
d. CCU re

Before re
emoving the CCU, checkk that all the cable ties th
hat are fixing the cables that
t are
connecteed are disconnected. Anny attempt too remove the e CCU fixed d by cable tie
es may
damage the unit or th
he cables.

<Tools used>
No Name S
Size Appearance
1 Flathead screwdriver 6mm

2 Phillip screw
wdriver Size #2

3 Pliers -

4 Cable tie*1 -

*1 Multiple pieces may be nece


1) Remove e all the cablles that are connected

c to
o the front of the CCU. Maake sure that LAN cables
s can be
uished betwe een those forr LAN1 and those for LAN N2 at re-conn
2) Remove e the CCU frrom the stand dalone sheet metal or thee console.
3) Remove e the fixing screws
s (M4: 6 screws) an
nd remove th he cover of th
he CCU.

CCU Replacement Prrocedure 7Z

4) Remove e the screwss (M4: 7 screws) that are fixing the up

pper base. Lo
oosen the sccrews (M4: 4 screws) on
both sid

5) Tilt the upper base by

b sliding and remove the
e cables. Then, remove the
t upper ba

6) Replace
e the CCU thhat was insta
alled and HAS SP and e-To
oken that are connected tto the upper base of the
new CC
CU. Fix them again with cable
c ties. HA
ASP is green
n. e-Token is blue and the
e JEPPESEN N tag with
System ID is attached. Both are USB device es.


CYC-735 e-Token

* The sh
hapes of HAS
SP and e-Tokken change according
a to the CCU pro
oduction sche
edule. The colors remain

HASP and the licence file are provid e cannot be used for a different
ded as a pairr. The licence d
HASP. Sincee the licence file that wass prepared ca
an only be ussed for the H
HASP that waas used
by the before replacemeent CCU, make sure that HASP and e-Token
e are rreplaced.

CCU Replacement Prrocedure 7Z

7) After replacing the HASP

H and e--Token, re-asssemble the CCU
C with the
e reverse pro
ocedure. The
en, install the
cover with
w the reverrse procedure.

For the top cover of thee CCU, use the one tha at was used before the rreplacement.
This is because the licen
nce file that iss used is ma
anaged undeer the unit number.

CCU Replacement Prrocedure 7Z

No. From To Wire Appearan


C CQD-228
1 W4
J4208 J4304

C CQD-228
2 W4
J4207 J4305

C DVD drive
J4217 wer
DVD drive
C DVD drive

5 FAN W4

D not forget to insert the

Do e cable conn

 Co
onnect with W42. ,  Con
nnect with W49.

 Connect
C with W44.
 (a) Front rail

 (a) Fro
ont rail

8) Install th
he new CCU
U in the stand
dalone rack or
o the consolle with the re
everse proce
edure for rem

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

9) Re-connect all the cables to the CCU. Make sure the LAN1 and LAN2 cables are connected to the correct

Cable number (standalone/separate frame) CCU connector number

W53/W54 J4301 PWR-PSU
W51/W52 J4204 PSU-CONT
W61/W62 J4201 USB-OPU
W71/W72 J4101 DVI-MNU
LAN cable LAN1

The following optional cables may be used depending on the specification of the ship.

Cable number (standalone/separate frame) CCU connector number

W841/W842 J4203 RIF
D-Sub RGB cable J4205 RGB OUT
W63 J4202 Serial OPU
LAN cable LAN2

Do not forget to insert the cable connector.

The CCU replacement procedure has now been completed.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

e. MFD Initial tool execution method

1) Connect the USB device containing the MFD Initial tool, MFD software, and licence to the USB port
of the operation unit and turn on the power.

2) After the start of the equipment, the MFD Initial tool screen is displayed without starting the MFD

If the following screen is displayed, the folder structure of the MFD Initial tool is incorrect.
Refer to 3.1 4) Creating an MFD Initial tool USB memory.

3) Initialize the display unit.

Step 1: Date and Name
Enter the inspection date, the inspector name, and the company name, and press the [SET]
Example: John Smith@JRC

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Step 2: Licence Copy

The information inside of HASP and the data in the licence file are compared and the licence
file is copied automatically. If they do not match, the following message is displayed.

The MFD Initial tool cannot be completed unless the licence and HASP match.
Obtain a correct licence and re-execute the MFD Initial tool.

Step 3: Model
Set a monitor size and a type name. The options vary depending on the licence that was
Select the type name that matches the type name that is attached to the display unit and
press [SET].

When the [SET] button is pressed, the image of the comprehensive nameplate is displayed.

CCU Replacement Prrocedure 7Z

Checkk again that thhe image tha at is displaye

ed matches the comprehe ensive name
eplate label
that is attached.
If they match, presss [OK]. The following scrreen is displaayed and the
e change of the
t startup
screen n starts autom
matically. It takes several minutes forr the change and when keey input is
requessted, press any
a key.

After th
he completio
on of change
e of the startu
up screen, th
he following sscreen is disp
art and the tyype name on the
Checkk that the type name that is displayed during resta
comprrehensive na ameplate mattch.

The syystem restartts automatica

ally when the
T] button is prressed or aftter the
e of 30 seconnds.

ep 4: Check king for the splash
s scree en
Checkk that the commprehensive nameplate thatt is attach
hed to the ma
ain unit and the
t startup
screen n match.
If they match, procceed with thee next step by
y pressing [Y
If they do not matcch, select a model
m i Step 3 by pressing [No
again in o].

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Step 5: Serial Number

Input of a Serial No. is essential. Other items are optional. In Serial No. input the unit
number of CCU.

Make sure that the before replacement CCU unit number is input in Step 5 Serial
Number of the MFD Initial tool.
The SET button cannot be pressed unless a Serial Number is input.
This is to re-register the before replacement unit number in the main unit. Other numbers
are optional.

The system must be restarted to change the computer name. When a popup window is
displayed, press the RESTART button.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Step 6: Software Update

It takes several minutes to run Software Update. The system may restart during Software
When a new version has already been installed as the software version that is incorporated
in the MFD Initial tool, this step is skipped.

Step 7: IP Address
Select the equipment number of the replaced CCU from the drop-down list and press the
[SET] button.

The IP address to be used is determined by the equipment number. When an incorrect

equipment number is input, the network does not operate correctly. Complete the MFD
Initial tool once and re-execute the MFD Initial tool.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Supplement 1 Re-executing the MFD Initial tool

1) Connect the USB device containing the MFD Initial tool, MFD software, and the
licence file and turn on the power.
2) Input Password “1074” on the Task Menu screen.
3) Select F: mfd\MFD_Initial_Tool\ReInspection\ ReInspectionCopyTool.exe and press
the OK button.

4) After the completion of the execution of the tool, turn off the power of the equipment
and restart the system.
5) When the MFD Initial tool starts, carry out the procedure from Step 1 again.

Supplement 2 Setting the IP address of the old model (JAN-901B/701B series and
JMA-9100 series)
The IP address structure (192.168.60.***) of the old model cannot be set by the MFD
Initial tool.
Set the equipment number according to the IP address structure (172.16.60.***) of MFD.
After the completion of the execution of the MFD Initial tool, change the IP address to that
of the old model manually.

Step 8: Cleanup
Unnecessary files are deleted automatically.

Step 9: Result
The procedure is completed when [FINISH] is pressed. Delete the CSV file as it is not
required for CCU replacement.

The procedure for the MFD Initial tool has now been completed. Restart the power of the main unit
and check that the licence function starts normally.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

f. C drive image recovery method

1) Turn on the power of the display unit while holding down the [SILENCE] key and [ZOOM OUT] key on
the trackball operation unit concurrently.

If the system started in recovery mode, the following screen is displayed.

2) Click on the [Disk Recovery] button on the System Recovery dialog. When an image writeback
confirmation screen is displayed, press the OK button.

3) Image writeback processing starts. When the following screen is displayed, press the OK button.

When the OK button is pressed, the equipment restarts automatically.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

4) After the restart, the system is set to the recovery mode to reset the status to the previous status.
The following dialog is displayed under recovery mode.

5) After the completion of recovery, the following dialog is displayed. Turn off the power of the
equipment by pressing the power button.

6) Turn on the power of the equipment by pressing the power button.

7) After the startup, perform C-Map setting again.
- Registration of the C-Map database
- Re-registration of the C-Map licence
For the procedure, refer to the chart installation instruction manual.

The image recovery procedure has now been completed.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

g. CCU-specific equipment setting values

When the configuration file cannot be obtained, CCU specific equipment setting values must be set again
manually. Since CCU specific equipment setting values are not synchronized with any other display
units, they must be set again manually.

Enter each setting value by referencing the Installation Checklist that was completed at the equipment
setting on the ship.
If the Installation Checklist is not available, use the Installation Drawing.

Installation Information<Menu  Service  Installation  Installation Information

Enter an installation date, an installer, and an installation company. When the equipment is a solid-state
radar, a solid-state radar selection screen is displayed under Company. Select an SSR Scanner Type
(Sband 8ft, Sband 8ft-HS, Sband 12ft) based on the antenna that is connected.

Own Taskstation<Menu  Service  Installation  System Configuration  Subsystem Installation>

Taskstation No.: Select a Taskstation number from the own device number of Device
In the example shown above, the own device number is No.2 ECDIS and the
Taskstation number is 1.
IP Address (Main)/(Sub): Changes according to the selected Taskstation.
USB OPU: Set the configuration of the operation unit. When NCE-5625 is installed, set
Serial OPU: When a serial operation unit is connected, check the item and select the
When a cable is connected to CCU J4202, setting is necessary.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

CCU serial setting< Menu  Service  Installation  System Configuration  Serial Port>

Check the sensor that is connected. Select a sensor type from the Sensor combo box.
Terminal Board Checking condition Sensor Sensor setting condition

Gyro With wiring to the CCU J4302 Gyro-RX terminal Heading Sensor(NMEA) No check on Gyro Switch of Device Installation

Gyro Switch Check on Gyro Switch of Device Installation

With connection from Gyro to CMJ-554 GIF of Heading Sensor(Gyro I/F) With connection from Gyro to CMJ-554 GIF of own device
own device JB JB

Log With wiring to the CCU J4303 SDME-RX terminal Log1(NMEA) With wiring to CCU J4302 SDME-RX under Log1 (NMEA)

Log2(NMEA) With wiring to CCU J4302 SDME-RX under Log2 (NMEA)

Selector Check Log Selector of Device Installation

With connection from Log to CMJ-554 GIF of Log1(Gyro I/F) Log input of GIF is assigned to Log1.
own device JB
Log2(Gyro I/F) Log input of GIF is assigned to Log2.

GPS With wiring to the CCU J4303 GPS-RX terminal GPS1 With wiring to CCU J4302 GPS-RX under GSP1

GPS2 With wiring to CCU J4302 GPS-RX under GSP2

Selector Check on GPS Selector of Device Installation

AIS With wiring to the CCU J4302 AIS-RX terminal AIS With wiring to CCU J4302 AIS-RX

CCU contact setting< Menu  Service  Installation  System Configuration  Contact>

Check the terminal that is connected. Select the contact signal type from the combo box.
Signal name Checking condition Combo box Combo box setting condition (refer to the Installation drawing)

WMRST With wiring to the CCU J4302 WMRST terminal WMRST BNWAS obtains WMRST from CCU.

(Normal Open) Power Fail BNWAS obtains Power Fail from CCU.

Alarm Transfer Alarm is transferred to BNWAS from CCU.

Backup Navigator Call TCS Buzzer is activated from CCU.

PWR FAIL With wiring to the CCU J4302 PWR FAIL terminal Power Fail BNWAS obtains Power Fail from CCU.

(Normal Close) INS System Fail BNWAS obtains INS System Fail from CCU.

Backup Navigator Call TCS Buzzer is activated from CCU.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Signal description
Signal name Description

WMRST The contact is activated whenever the display unit is operated.

Set the contact active interval in Reset Interval by selecting MenuServiceInstallationSettingWatch

Power Fail The contact is activated when the AC power of the display unit is lost.

Alarm Transfer The contact is activated when the alarm to be transferred to BNWAS occurs.
Set the time up to the transfer by selecting MenuAlert AMSTransfer to BNWAS.

Backup Navigator Call When ACK is not issued for 30 seconds after the occurrence of a transfer alarm, the contact is activated to emit TCS
Buzzer sound.

Power Fail The contact is activated when the AC power of the display unit is lost.

INS System Fail With BAM function: When the connection between the AMS display unit and ALC is lost, other display units are
activated when the communication with AMS is lost.
Without BAM function: Activated when the communication with SLC is lost.

Backup Navigator Call When ACK is not issued for 30 seconds after the occurrence of a transfer alarm, the contact is activated to emit TCS
Buzzer sound.

Data Output setting< Menu  Service  Installation  System Configuration  Data Output>

TT: This setting is required when the RADAR function is licenced. Set the output of
the supplemented target information. Select the output method from the combo
box. For the communication between MFD display units, select LAN for TTD. For
serial output to the old model, select CH that is connected to SLC from the combo
AIS: This setting is required for outputting AIS target information.
Remote Maintenance: This setting is required for using Remote Maintenance by using VDR of JRC.
LAN (New):Performs Remote Maintenance by using the 172.16.60 network.
LAN (Old):Performs Remote Maintenance by using the 192.168.60 network.
When using a serial mode, select CH that is connected to SLC from the combo

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

GPS Select: Displayed when GPS Selector is checked on Device Installation and NCZ-1537A
is set. Select CH that is connected to SLC from the combo box.
Log Select: Displayed when Log Selector is checked on Device Installation and NCZ-1537A
is set.Select CH that is connected to SLC from the combo box.
Navigation Data: Outputs navigation information by using the transmission port of SLC. Set output
according to the specification. Select CH that is connected to SLC from the
combo box.

Source Device: The number of the SLC that was selected from the combo box is displayed.
Terminal: CH of the SLC that was selected from the combo box is displayed.
Baud Rate: The Baud Rate of the CH that was selected from the combo box is displayed.
When multiple signals are output, increase the Baud Rate through SLC setting.
Navigation Data: Select the signal to be output.
Format: Set Taker. For output from INS, set IN for Taker. For output from Conning,
set II for Taker.
Default Setting: When INS is selected, the sensor that is used by INS is checked.
When 198B is selected, the data that is used for serial output of the old
Conning Display is checked.
Send Mode: When To WPT is selected, only the information relating to To Waypoint is
output among the route data.
When All is selected, information relating to all the Waypoints of the route
data is output.
When To WPT+All is selected, two types of information are output, To
Waypoint and All Waypoint.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Ship’s Parameter setting<Menu  Service  Installation  Ship’s Parameter  Ship General>

Input information of the ship. If Max Speed Limit is not set, the information without Max Speed Limit set is
continuously displayed in the alert notification area.

Alert setting< Menu  Service  Installation  Setting  Alert>

Reset Interval: When setting WMRST, determine the contact ON/OFF interval.
Trackball Threshold: The contact is activated when the cursor moves for the number of pixels that was
set (keep the default setting).
Sound Output Mode: Set the Alert sound output mode (keep the default setting).
All On: Emits sound for all the alerts.
All Off: Does not emit sound for all the alerts.
Off for Contact Output: Does not emit sound for the contact output alert.
Permanently Silencing of All Alerts from any Taskstations:
When this item is checked, the display unit with AMS licenced can receive the
global silencing command and the display unit without AMS licenced can transmit
a bulk silencing command to AMS display units.
Generate sound of category A alarm on AMS:
When this item is checked, sound is emitted at the occurrence of category A alert
in the display unit with AMS licenced.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Enable All Alerts from Taskstation:

When this item is unchecked, the alert that occurred in the unchecked display
unit is not displayed.
For instance, to suppress the display of RPS alerts, the alert that occurred in
RPS can be hidden on the own display unit by unchecking the Taskstation
number under which RPS is set.

Enable Power (DC Low Voltage):

When this item is checked, the issuing of the low voltage detection alert of DC
power input is enabled. When AC UPS is used and DC power input is not
available, uncheck this item.

Enable Depth (Invalid): When this item is checked, the issuing of the Depth (Invalid) alert is enabled.
To suppress the issuing of the alert due to the inability of depth measurement
as the water is too deep, uncheck this item. However, when this item is
unchecked, the invalid state due to a fault cannot be detected either.
Enable Depth Below Keel: When this item is checked, the issuing of the Depth Below Keel alert is

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

AC Power Failure setting< Menu  Service  Installation  Setting  AC Power Failure>

Auto Shutdown of Task Station after __ s:

When this item is checked, the power of the display unit is turned off
automatically after the specified period of time from the occurrence of the AC
LCD Control: When this item is checked, the selected monitor display operation is
performed at the occurrence of the AC Failure alert.
Power off: Turns off the LCD power. After AC recovery, the monitor is also redisplayed.
Set display brightness to __ or less:
Sets the monitor to the specified brightness at the occurrence of the AC Failure

Power Off of Antenna (DC Power):

Stops the transmission of the DC antenna at the occurrence of the AC Failure
alert when this item is checked.

VDR setting< Menu  Service  Installation  Setting  VDR>

When VDR (JRC) is checked in Device Installation, the menu is displayed.

Send Captured Screen to VDR:

When this item is checked, image capture is transmitted to VDR via the network.
Address: Select an address according to the setting in VDR. The address is normally set to the
default value in VDR.
Port: Select a port according to the setting in VDR. The port is normally set to the default value
in VDR.
Delay Time: Set a delay time of the image capture transmission start time. Make sure that the setting
value is different from the values set for all other display units.
Time Out: Set a time out time of the HBT sentence that is output by VDR. If HBT cannot be received
from VDR after the elapse of the setting value, a VDR Communication Failed alert is

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

RADAR initialization< Menu  Service  Adjustment>

Perform the three items that are indicated below for RADAR initialization. Other setting items need
not be set since the setting values that are stored in the antenna are read.
- Range Adjustment
- Antenna Height
- Performance Monitor

Range Adjustment setting<MenuServiceAdjustmentBasic Adjustment>

Enter a value by referencing Installation Checklist. If not available, perform transmission and adjust
the value so that the value of the echo and the value of the target match.

Antenna Height setting<MenuServiceAdjustmentTX/RX>

Enter a value of the antenna height by referencing the values of other display units.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Performance Monitor setting

Adjust the radar transmitting/receiving status by using the “Performance Monitor” dialog (when a
magnetron radar is used). This adjustment is required for a magnetron radar only and no adjustment
is required for a solid-state radar since the values that are saved in the antenna are read.

Flow of performance monitor adjustment

Use the following procedure for performance monitor adjustment.

Adjust the reception level.

Check the performance monitor status.

Indicate the post-adjustment attenuation in the label.

[Adjustment of transmission level/reception level]

Make adjustments as described below.
• “Adjustment of a monitor reception level of a magnetron radar”

[Checking the performance monitor status]

Check a post-adjustment attenuation of the performance monitor as described below.
• “Checking a performance monitor status of a magnetron radar”

[Indicating a post-adjustment attenuation in the label]

Indicate a post-adjustment attenuation in the label as described below.
• “Indicating a post-adjustment attenuation in the label”

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Adjustment of a monitor reception level of a magnetron radar<

Adjust the circuit for monitoring the reception performance of the magnetron radar equipment.
1) Press the [MON Adjustment](MON reception level adjustment)input box.
A numeric value input keyboard is displayed.

2) Input a setting value in the input box so that the far end of the performance monitor pattern
becomes 18.00NM (0-127).

Performance monitor pattern


3) Press the [x] button. When the dialog is closed, the adjusted value is saved in the antenna.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Checking a performance monitor status of a magnetron radar

<MenuMaintenanceDiagnosisMOM Check>
When the Performance Monitor dialog is displayed, close the dialog and terminate the performance
monitor adjustment.
1) Turn the VRM dial of the keyboard operation unit after the dialog is displayed.

2) Adjust VRM so that the far end of the performance monitor pattern becomes 18.00NM.

Performance monitor pattern


3) After the elapse of one minute following the adjustment, check the attenuations of the
transmission section and the reception section of the system. The values that are displayed are
used as the values after CCU replacement. Attenuations of pre CCU replacement are not added
to these values.
The values created by adding the values that are displayed and the attenuations indicated in the
“PERF.MONITOR INFORMATION LABEL” label become the current attenuations (guideline).
Since the attenuations on the label are not necessarily the values of pre CCU replacement, use
the values as the guideline until the next magnetron replacement. The guideline values are as
Attenuation of the transmission section:
Normal condition: -6.9dB to +2.0dB
Performance deterioration: -15.0dB to -7.0dB
Attenuation of the reception section:
Normal condition: -2.9dB to +3.5dB
Performance deterioration: -15.0dB to -3.0dB

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Indicating post-adjustment attenuations on a label

Indicate post-adjustment attenuations on the “PERF.MONITOR INFORMATION LABEL” label.
1) Write the following contents on the “PERF.MONITOR INFORMATION LABEL” label.
DATE: Adjustment date
RX VALUE: Attenuation of the reception system after adjustment

Performance monitor setting has now been completed.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

h. Using the WriteBackupini.exe tool

The equipment setting values in the configuration file that is registered in the ship register list can be
written back by using WriteBackupini.exe.
WriteBackupini.exe has the following two functions.
- Writes back the CCU specific setting values only.
- Writes back all the equipment setting values.
Note that the function that is used varies depending on the number of display units that are installed in the
Multiple CCUs are installed.
Since the common setting items are restored by synchronizing with the CCU under which Sync
Manually was implemented, select the function that writes back the CCU specific setting values only.

Only one CCU is installed and the CCU failed.

Since common setting items cannot be restored by synchronization, select the function that writes back
all the equipment setting values.

Even if either of the functions is used, the contents of the Conning ini file and the BAM file are also written
Exctract the configuration file “” and save the file in the
USB memory together with WriteBackupini.exe.

h-1 Multiple CCUs are installed

1) Connect the USB device containing the WriteBackupini.exe and equipment setting ini files to the USB
port of the operation unit and turn on the power.

2) Display the Task Menu screen and enter “1074” in Password.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

3) Select WriteBackupini.exe and press the OK button. WriteBackupini.exe starts.

To write back CCU specific setting values only, select “Equipment specific setting item”.

4) Select the data to be written back. Press the “Select” button of Backup Path.

5) A folder selection screen is displayed. Select the folder storing the equipment setting file and press
the OK button.

6) When the file is read correctly, the model name is displayed in Taskstation. Check that the correct
model name is displayed. If an incorrect model name is displayed, do not use it.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

When the Taskstation column is blank space, the folder path is incorrect.
Any name <- Select this folder.
system Folder group to be written back


7) Press the [Set] button of Set the INI files.

8) A read processing completion dialog is displayed. Press the OK button.

9) End WriteBackupini.exe by pressing the [x] button.

10) The Restart dialog is displayed. Press the OK button, turn off the power, and restart the system.

The equipment setting values are not updated correctly unless the equipment restart is

After the termination, close the Installation screen.

The setting value write-back procedure for the case of multiple CCUs has now been completed.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

h-2 Only one CCU is installed

1) Connect the USB device containing the WriteBackupini.exe and equipment setting ini files to the USB
port of the operation unit and turn on the power.

2) Display a Task Menu screen and enter “1074” in Password.

3) Select WriteBackupini.exe and press the OK button. WriteBackupini.exe starts.

To write back all the equipment setting values, select “Equipment all setting item”.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

4) Select the data to be written back. Press the [Select] button of Backup Path.

5) A folder selection screen is displayed. Select the folder containing the equipment setting file and
press the OK button.

6) When the file is read correctly, the model name is displayed in Taskstation. Check that the correct
model name is displayed. If an incorrect model name is displayed, do not use it.

When the Taskstation column is blank space, the folder path is incorrect.
Any name <- Select this folder.
system Folder group to be written back


CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

7) Press the [Set] button of Set the INI files.

8) A read processing completion dialog is displayed. Press the OK button.

9) Press the [Clear] button of Clear SLC/ALC data.

10) A dialog indicating the completion of clearing SLC/ALC internal data is displayed. Press the OK

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

11) End WriteBackupini.exe by pressing the [x] button.

12) A Restart dialog is displayed. Press the OK button, turn off the power of the equipment, and restart
the system.

13) After the restart, select Installation of Service Menu and open the installation screen.
Open the System Configuration screen by selecting Service Menu  Installation  System
Configuration and press the [Sync Manually] button at the bottom-left corner of the screen. The ini file
setting values are written for SLC/ALC that was cleared.

14) Input ship information values. Open Ship General by selecting Menu  Service  Installation 
Ship's Parameters  Ship General. Since the ship’s name and the maximum speed limit vary
according to the ship, the values are not written back by WriteBackupini.exe.

After the completion, close the Installation screen.

The setting value writeback procedure with only one CCU has now been completed.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

i. Re-importing Conning ini files

When the equipment setting file is not written for the CCU with the licenced Conning function by
WriteBackupini.exe, the Conning ini files must be imported individually.
Acquire the Conningini files from the orderer of the service.
Alternatively, when the Conning function is licenced to any other display unit of the ship, the
Conningini files can be used by acquiring them from the display unit.

Acquiring the Conningini files from any other display unit

Acquire the configuration file from the target display unit according to the procedure described in k.
Acquiring the configuration files.
Exctract the configuration files, “”, by using PC
and so on.
The folder structure is as follows.
Conning  This folder contains the Conningini files.
System Information

1) Connect the USB device containing the Conning ini files to the USB port of the operation unit and turn
on the power.

2) Display the Task Menu screen and enter “5254” in Password.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

3) Select a folder to be imported and press the OK button.

When acquiring the Conningini files from any other display unit, select as follows.
Conning <- Select this folder.
System Information

When the files are to be acquired individually, the folder name may be any name. Select as follows.
Any name <- Select this folder.
(The number of files may vary depending on the specification of the ship.)

4) After completion of import, press the OK button, turn off the power of the equipment, and restart the
The Conning ini files are not updated correctly unless equipment restart is performed.

The Conning ini file re-import procedure has now been completed.

CCU Replacement Prrocedure 7Z

j. Re-impporting the BAM

B files
When the display un nit with the AMS
A licenced
d function is installed on the
t ship, the BAM files must
m be
ed individuallyy for the repllaced CCU.

For instancee, even if the

e replacemen
nt target CCU
U has the RA ADAR licencce only, the BAM
files must be
e installed in the RADAR also if AMS is installed in the ship.

When the installatio

on setting file
e is written ba
ack by WriteB
Backupini.exxe, individuall import of BA
AM files is
not requ
To impoort BAM files, the BAM Editor is necessary. Acquire the BAM Editor
E from th
he Marine Se ervice Web.
e BAM files frrom the orde erer of the service.
The BAAM files canbbe acquired and
a used from m any other display unit of
o the ship.

Acquirinng the BAM files

f from any other displlay unit
Acquiree the configuration file fro
om the targett display unit according to
o the procedure describeed in k.
ng the configguration files..
Exctracct the configu
uration files, “unit-number
“ r_equipment-name_yyyymmddhhmm”, by using
u PC and
so on.
The foldder structure
e is as followss.
Un nit-number_e equipment-na ame_yyyymm mddhhmmss
AM <- This fo
BA older contaiins the BAM
M files.
System Info

1) Con
nnect the US SB device co
ontaining the BAM Editor and the BAM
M files to the USB port off the
eration unit and
a turn on thhe power of the
t operationn unit.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

2) Display the Task Menu screen and enter “1074” in Password.

3) Select BAM Editor.exe and press the OK button. Since BAM files have not been imported, a message
is displayed. Press the OK button. The BAM Editor starts.

4) After starting the BAM Editor, select File  Import.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

5) A folder selection screen is displayed. Select the folder containing the BAM files to be imported and
press the OK button.

When acquiring the BAM files from any other display unit, select as follows.
BAM <- Select this folder.
System Information

When the files are to be acquired individually, the folder name may be any name. Select as follows.
Any name <- Select this folder.

(The number of files may vary depending on the specification of the ship.)

6) BAM files are read. Select File  Write.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

7) The BAM files are written. Terminate the BAM Editor. Before terminating the BAM Editor, the following
dialog is displayed. Press the OK button.

8) The Restart dialog is displayed. Press the OK button, turn off the power of the equipment, and restart
the system.

The BAM files are not updated correctly unless equipment restart is performed.

The BAM file re-import procedure has now been completed.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

k. Acquiring the configuration file

1) Connect the UBS device to which the configuration file is to be saved to the USB port of the operation
unit and turn on the power.

2) Display the Task Menu screen and enter “1111” in Password.

3) An configuration file acquisition dialog is displayed. Press the OK button.

4) After the file has been saved, the Task Menu screen is displayed. Check that the configuration file is
stored in the USB device.
File name: “”

The configuration file acquisition procedure has now been completed. After the acquisition, the file must
be updated to the ship register list.
Upload the file directly or if uploading is not possible, send the file to the orderer of the service.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

l. Common setting item equipment setting values

When one display unit is installed on the ship, equipment setting values of common setting cannot be
When the configuration file cannot be obtained, the equipment setting values of common setting must be
set manually. CCU-specific equipment setting values must also be input manually. For the CCU-specific
equipment setting method, refer to “g. CCU-specific equipment setting values”.
When multiple display units are installed on the ship, the equipment setting can be synchronized.

Common setting item list

Menu Item Remarks
Installation System Configuration Subsystem Installation Excluding own Taskstation
Serial Port
Excluding the IP address of
own device
Ship’s Parameter Ship General

Subsystem Installation setting

<Menu  Service  Installation  System Configuration  Subsystem Installation>

After setting Junction Box and Device Installation, press the Set button. The setting is reflected.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

//Junction Box//

Installed device combo

Configuration combo box

Check the Junction Box that is installed based on the installation drawing.
Select the circuit (SLC, ALC, RIF,or GIF) that is installed in JB from the configuration combo box.
Select the equipment containing the CCU (J4203) that is connected to RIF (J831) from the installed
device combo box.
When RIF and CCU are not connected, select None.

//Device Installation//

-Tasktation1-8: Set the device name and number such as No.1 RADAR,No1 ECDIS, and so on.
The device name of the Taskstation number that was set in Device Installation is
reflected in the Taskstation number of own Taskstation.
-RADAR1/2: Check this item when RADAR Overlay is performed for ECDIS and TT is received.
-VDR(JRC): Check this item when transmitting the image capture to VDR of JRC through the
-Printer: Check this item when a Network Printer is installed. The printer must be the product
specified by JRC.
-Heading Sensor1/2: This item must be checked for inputting Heading information. Select also the input
-Gyro Switch: Check this item when Heading information from the Gyro Switch is input in ship’s
classification notation. Gyro Switch is added to the serial reception port options.
-Log1/2: This item must be checked for inputting ship speed information. Select 1 axis/2
axes/3 axes. When a one-axis option selected, only STW can be used. When a
two/three-axes option is selected, COG/SOG can be used.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

GPS1-4: This item must be checked for inputting GPS information.

Ship’s Clock: Check this item when applying serial input for time from Ship’s Clock.
Ship’s Clock can be selected from Sensor Selection.
Echo Sounder: Check this item when inputting water depth information. For the connection
manufacturer, select JRC or some other manufacturer. When JRC is selected,
information can be displayed by using JRC format.
When two echo sounders are connected, select whether two transducers are
installed for one display unit or two transducers are installed for two display units.
When two transducers are installed for one display unit, only JRC products can be
used (depending on the echo sounder version). Select also transducer installation
AIS: This item must be checked for inputting AIS of other ship’s information.
Navtex: Check this item when inputting Navtex information. Select the type of the signal to
be input. The JRC Format can be used under NCR-300A/330. Select NMEA
Format when NCR-333 or a product of some other manufacturer is used. Match the
output setting of Navtex to the setting of MFD.
Anemometer: Check this item when inputting wind direction/wind speed information.
Water Temp Meter: Check this item when inputting water temperature information.
Current Meter: Check this items when inputting current information.
Climate Meter: Check this item when inputting climate information.
ROT Indicator: Check this item when displaying ROT.
Auto Pilot: Check this item when performing automatic sailing. Select the setting from the Auto
Pilot model name and TCS Edition.
Rudder: Check this item when displaying a rudder. The setting relating to display must be
set in the Conningini file.
Engine/Propeller: Check this item when displaying an engine/propeller rotation speed. The setting
relating to display must be set in the Conningini file.
Engine Telegraph: Check this item when displaying engine telegraph information. The setting relating
to display must be set in the Conningini file.
Bow Thruster: Check this item when displaying a bow thruster value. The setting relating to
display must be set in the Conningini file.
Stern Thruster: Check this item when displaying a stern thruster value. The setting relating to
display must be set in the Conningini file.
Azimuth Thruster: Check this item when displaying an azimuth thruster value. The setting relating to
display must be set in the Conningini file.
S-JOY1-5: Check this item when S-JOY of Yokogawa Electric Corporation is connected.
GPS Selector: Check this item when a selector of JRC is connected.
When NCZ-1537A is selected, the setting of Data Output is necessary.
Log Selector: Check this item when a selector of JRC is connected.
When NCZ-1537A is selected, the setting of Data Output is necessary.
Inmarsat-C1/2: Check this item when setting the LRIT function by Inmarsat C to ON/OFF.
BNWAS: Check this item when connecting BNWAS. Select the model name of the BNWAS
to be connected.
General Equipment(Alert):
Check this item when receiving Alert information in serial signals from the device
that is not included in Device Installation. It can be selected from Alert (from
subsystem) of serial setting. The management of the Alert information is defined in
the BAM file.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

CCRP setting<Menu  Service  Installation  System Configuration  CCRP>

The devices that were set in Device Installation are displayed. Enter the installation positions of the
Since Speed Position is displayed when a Conning licence is available, enter the position.

Serial Port setting<Menu  Service  Installation  System Configuration  Serial Port>

When SLC/ALC is selected in the Junction Box setting, the SLC/ALC tab is displayed in the Serial Port.
This item can be set by assigning a sensor to each CH.
For the sensor that is assigned, the device that was set in Device Installation is displayed.
Ports from CH1 to CH8 are ports for IEC61162-1 (4800bps/9600bps) and CH9 and CH10 are ports for
IEC61162-2 (38400bps). The Gyro I/F item is displayed when GIF is selected in the Junction Box setting.
The details are provided in the Equipment Instruction Manual : 4.6 Serial Port setting.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

//Detail setting//

The details of the sensors that are connected can be set. After the completion of setting, press the Set

Baud Rate: Set a baud rate (Under CH9/CH10, fine tuning of baud rate is possible. Adjust the baud
rate when received signals are not displayed normally).
Data Length: Set a data length.
Parity: Set a parity.
Stop bit: Set a stop bit.
Buffer Size: Set a reception buffer size.
Time Out: Set reception time out.
Checksum: Set whether received data check sum is enabled or disabled. When this item is set to ON,
check sum is not displayed when check sum abnormal data is received.

Details of a specific sensor must be set in Detail.

- Alert to CAM
Set this item when transmitting display unit alert information to CAM (AMS) of some other manufacturer.
Alert information is defined in the BAM file.
Subsystem: Select a display unit whose alert information is transmitted to CAM. The display unit can be
selected from those that are set in Device Installation.
Sentence: Select under which, ALR or ALF, the sentence is to be transmitted.
HBT: When this item is checked, the interval for transmitting the HBT sentence from the target
display unit to CAM is set.

- Alert from Subsystem

Set this item when receiving alert information from some other device. The alert information is defined in
the BAM file.
Subsystem: Select a device from which alert information is sent to the display unit. The device can be
selected from those that are set in Device Installation.
Sentence: Select under which ALR or ALF the received sentence is to be transmitted.
HBT: When this item is checked, the interval for sending the HBT sentence from the target
display unit to CAM is set.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

- Alert to BNWAS
Set this item when transmitting alert information to BNWAS. Alert information is defined in the BAM file.
Access Source: Select the transmission target device.
For AMS, the display unit with AMS assigned transmits the information.
For TCS, ECDIS with TCS assigned transmits the information.
* Assign AMS/TCS in Redundancy in System Configuration.
The display unit that is assigned as Main has the priority.
When AMS is not available in the system configuration, TCS is set. When AMS is not available, ECDIS
with the TCS authorization directly performs alarm transfer relating to automatic sailing.
The details are provided in the equipment instruction manual:4.6 Serial Port setting.

ALR/ALC Transmit Interval:Set an interval for transmitting the ALR/ALC sentence to BNWAS.
HBT Transmit Interval: When this item is checked, the interval for transmitting the HBT sentence to
BNWAS is set.

Contact Output setting<Menu  Service  Installation  System Configuration  Contact>

When SLC/ALC is selected in the Junction Box setting, the SLC/ALC tab is displayed in Contact.
By assigning a signal to each number, contact output is enabled.

//Detail setting//

Select a signal to be assigned to Contact and press the OK button.

//Task Station//
Select a display unit that activates the contact at the occurrence event that was assigned. The display unit
can be selected from those that were set in Device Installation. TCS/AMS can be set when the licence is
valid and it is assigned under Redundancy. The display unit that is assigned as Main has the priority.

When the Test button is pressed with the display unit that is assigned, the contact can be activated in test
CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Assignment table
AMS in the Assignment
Signal name I/F Activation condition
system setting
ACK Out Available SLC(ALC) AMS
Activated when all the alerts that are set are acknowledged in the display unit that is set.
Not available Task Station
BZ Off Out(BNWAS) Available SLC(ALC) AMS Activated when the alert is silenced by the display unit with the AMS license. (Output at the resolution of Emergency Call)

・All Activated when the Silence button is pressed on any of the operation unit among all the display units. The alerts that are issued in other display units
Not available
・TCS are not silenced.

The ALR/ALF sentence is received through ALC and the contact is activated for the alert state by the operation on the MFD side.
A flag is set on the sentence on the A/P side for the judgment of the alert state.
BZ off Out(A/P) No distinction SLC(ALC) AMS & TCS After the ALR/ALF sentence indicating the alert occurrence is received, pulse contact is output when silence operation is performed or the alert is
acknowledged from the display unit that is set.
*Operates under ALC only.

The ALR/ALF sentence is received through GYRO and the contact is activated for the alert by the operation on the MFD side.
A flag is set on the sentence on the GYRO side for the judgment of the alert state.
BZ off Out(Gyro) No distinction SLC(ALC) AMS After the ALR/ALF sentence indicating the alert occurrence is received, pulse contact is output when silence operation is performed or the alert is
acknowledged from the display unit that is set.
*Operates under ALC only.

BZ off Out Available SLC(ALC) AMS

Activated unconditionally when the Silence key is pressed on the display unit that is set.
Not available All

The ALR/ALF sentence is received from any connection device through ALC and the contact is activated according to the alert state.
Activated after the elapse of the number of seconds specified in Transfer to BNWAS that is set by selecting Menu > Alert > AMS > Transfer to
BNWAS after the occurrence of the alert that is registered in the BAM file under the unacknowledged state. The setting of Transfer to BNWAS is
Alarm Transfer Available SLC(ALC) ・AMS
changed in ship classification. (NAUT-OC:30 sec, Lloyd:0 sec)
The ON state is maintained unless silence is operated on the display unit that is set or all the alerts that caused the occurrence of Emergency Call
are resolved/acknowledged.

The display unit without AMS license outputs alerts when the communication with the AMS license is disconnected. The display unit with the AMS
INS System Fail Available CCU Unselectable
license activates the contact when the communication is disconnected from the ALC where Alarm Transfer for outputting alerts to BNWAS is set.

Not available Activated when any communication with SLC in the system is disconnected.

No distinction SLC(ALC) All Activated when the entire communication with CCU is disconnected.

Timer Reset No distinction CCU Unselectable

Activated when cursor operation or button operation is performed during the interval that is set.

・Task Station Activated when a Position Sensor Failure (disconnection of the communication with the Position sensor that is used or detection of a Position sensor
Position Sensor Failure No distinction SLC(ALC)
・TCS abnormality during automatic sailing).

Activated at the occurrence of Position Monitor (position deviation between POSN (Main) and POSN (Sub) exceeding the setting value) in the display
・Task Station unit that is set.
Position Monitor No distinction SLC(ALC)
・TCS Activated at the occurrence of Position Monitor (position deviation between the estimated next position exceeding the setting value and actual GPS
value) in the display unit that is set.

・Task Station Activated at the occurrence of the Heading Sensor Failure in the display unit (communication disconnection with the Heading sensor that is used or
Heading Sensor Failure No distinction SLC(ALC)
・TCS detection of Heading sensor abnormality) in the display unit that is used.

・Task Station
Heading Monitor No distinction SLC(ALC) Supported under TCS Ed2.0. Activated when a deviation exceeding the setting of GYRO1/GYRO2 occurred in the display unit that is set.

・Task Station Activated at the occurrence of Speed Sensor Failure (disconnection of the communication with the STW sensor that is used or detection of STW
Speed Sensor Failure No distinction SLC(ALC)
・TCS sensor abnormality during automatic sailing) in the display unit that is used.
・Task Station
Autopilot Failure No distinction SLC(ALC) Activated at the disconnection of the communication with Autopilot that is used or detection of abnormality in Autopilot.
・Task Station
Hardware Malfunction No distinction SLC(ALC) Activated at the occurrence of a hardware alarm in the display unit that is set.
・Task Station
Software Malfunction No distinction SLC(ALC) Activated at abnormal termination of the MFD application or when CCU LAN of the display unit that is used is not connected.
・Task Station
Approach to Critical Point No distinction SLC(ALC) Activated at the occurrence of Arrival at WOL (Wheel Over Line) alert in the display unit that is set.
・Task Station Activated at the occurrence of Actual Course Change (30 seconds before Arrival at WOL) alarm in the display unit that is set. The alarm occurrence
Actual Course Change No distinction SLC(ALC)
・TCS condition varies depending on the TCS Edition.

・Task Station Activated at the occurrence of Course difference (difference between the leg value and the ship's heading exceeding the setting value) in the display
Course difference No distinction SLC(ALC)
・TCS unit that is used.
・Task Station
Cross Track No distinction SLC(ALC) Activated at the occurrence of Cross Track (cross track exceeding the setting value) in the display unit that is set.
・Task Station Activated at the occurrence of End of Track (1 to 5 minutes before the last WPT arrival) in the display unit that is set. Although the occurrence time
End of Track No distinction SLC(ALC)
・TCS can be set, the setting range varies depending on the TCS Edition.

Activated at the occurrence of Back-up Navigator Call (elapsed time of 30 seconds after the occurrence of any of the alarms, Actual Course Change,
・Task Station
Back-up Navigator Call No distinction SLC(ALC)/CCU End of Track, Position Sensor Failure, Heading Sensor Failure, Speed Sensor Failure, Track Control Stopped, without acknowledgment) during
automatic sailing.

Activated at the occurrence of Track Control Stopped (10 minutes after the occurrence of Position Sensor Failure, occurrence of Heading Sensor
・Task Station
Track Control Stopped No distinction SLC(ALC) Failure, 10 minutes after Speed Sensor Failure*, communication disconnection with Autopilot or abnormality detection, arrival at final WPT, or
switching of steering mode to the manual mode in Autopilot during automatic sailing) in the display unit that is set.

Activated at the connection of TCS Ed1.0 YDK PT500 Series A/P only.
・Task Station
Low Speed No distinction SLC(ALC) Activated at the occurrence of Low Speed (detection of the ship speed below the setting value in the Autopilot that is connected) in the display unit that
is set.

・Task Station
Crossing Safety Contour No distinction SLC(ALC) Activated at the occurrence of Crossing Safety Contour in the display unit that is set.
・Task Station Activated at the occurrence of Crossing depth area (Depth Area) in the display unit that is used. During the alert state, the contact remains ON. The
Crossing Area Boundary No distinction SLC(ALC)
・TCS contact is set to Off when the alert is resolved.
・Task Station
Crossing a Danger No distinction SLC(ALC) Activated at the occurrence of Crossing a Danger in the display unit that is set.
Activated at the occurrence of CPA/TCPA (approaching to the collision risk ship exceeding the setting value) in the display unit that is set. It is reset
CPA/TCPA No distinction SLC(ALC) Task Station
as a result of resolution of the CPA/TCPA alarm. It is not resolved by ACK.

AZ No distinction SLC(ALC) Task Station Activated when TT is captured within the AZ range or AIS is activated. The alert is resolved as a result of ACK of New Target Warning.

Lost Target No distinction SLC(ALC) Task Station Activated when AIS or TT target is lost in the display unit that is set. The alert is resolved by ACK of Target Lost Warning.

Activated when AIS or TT reached 95% of the number that can be displayed. The contact state remains until this state is resolved and is reset when
Target Capacity No distinction SLC(ALC) Task Station
the state is resolved.

Multi Alert Output No distinction SLC(ALC) Task Station Output exclusively at the occurrence of any alarm that is set in the display unit that is set.

Power Fail No distinction CCU Unselectable Activated at the occurrence of AC Fail.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Contact input setting<Menu  Service  Installation  System Configuration  Contact>

When SLC/ALC is selected in the Junction Box setting, the SLC/ALC tab is displayed in Contact. By
assigning a signal to each number, contact input is enabled.

The following signals can be selected from the Contact number combo box.
//Task Station//
Set a display unit that receives signal notification at the occurrence of contact input.

- BZ off in (BNWAS)
• Operation of the system with the AMS licence
Set AMS for the Task Station to be used. CAM receives the signal and operates in the same way as
the silence operation. All the unacknowledged alerts are temporarily silenced. Backup Navigator Call
also stops. The alarm transfer contact operation is set to OFF.
• Operation of the system without the AMS licence
Set All for the Task Station that is used. All the task stations receive the signals from BNWAS and
operate the same operation as silence operation. All the unacknowledged alerts are silenced
temporarily. Backup Navigator Call also stops. The Alarm Transfer contact operation is set to OFF.

- BZ off in (A/P)
• Setting in the system with the AMS licence
Set AMS for the Task Station to be used.
• Setting in the system without the AMS licence
Set All, TCS, or one of the task stations for the Task Station to be used.
The signal is notified when silence operation is performed by Autopilot regardless of the presence or
absence of the AMS licence.

- BZ off in (Gyro)
- Setting in the system with the AMS licence
Set AMS for the Task Station to be used.
- Setting in the system without the AMS licence
Set All or one of the task stations for the Task Station to be used.

- PWR ACK in
External ACK is accepted for Power Fail Alarm.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

- FWD/AFT Switch
At installation in a double-headed ship, forward/after switching event are accepted from an external unit.

At the occurrence of contact input, the information is displayed in white.

A/D setting<Menu  Service  Installation  System Configuration  A/D>

When SLC/ALC is selected in the Junction Box setting, the AOC item is displayed. When AOC is checked,
the A/D setting screen is displayed. The setting relating to display must be set in the Conningini file.

Check Connect of the CH in which analog signals are input. The checked A/D CH can be selected.

Select the contents to be displayed. Only the contents that are selected in Device Installation can be
selected. Select the unit of the contents to be displayed.

Input the maximum value and the minimum value of the contents that are displayed.

Correct the inclination of A/D. When there is a difference between the A/D converted value and the actual
value to be displayed, correct the value by inputting an appropriate value. The correction accuracy can be
enhanced by increasing the number of parameters such as a maximum value, a minimum value, and an
intermediate value.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

When values are shifted as a whole, offset can be applied.

A dead band zone can be set. For instance, for the condition where one engine rotation is displayed at 0
rotation, 0 rotation can be displayed by setting a dead band zone.

The settings of Step3 to Step5 vary according to the equipment condition. Analog values can be displayed
by performing the procedure up to Step 2. For the details, refer to the equipment instruction manual “4.9
A/D (Analog/Digital) setting”.

Network setting

//Own Taskstation//
Set the IP address of the own device. This setting is not required if execution of the MFD Initial tool has
been completed.

//Network List//

When Add is to be performed or the IP address has been registered, the Network information dialog is
displayed when the Edit button is pressed.
When a device is selected by Preset, the IP address and the Unit Name are input automatically (172.16.
network only. The IP address structure of the old model is not registered).
The file is exchanged under the MFD model if New is selected as the File Format and under B-Type
ECDIS File Format when Old is selected. Check SENC SYNC for the display units for which SENC
synchronization is to be applied.
After the completion of all the settings, press the Set button.

CCU Replacement Procedure 7ZPNA4545B

Redundancy setting

TCS: Select a display unit with the TCS authorization. The display unit that is assigned to Sub can use
TCS only when the Main display unit cannot use TCS. The TCS licence is necessary to use TCS.

AMS: Select a display unit with the AMS authorization. The display unit that is assigned to Sub can
manage alerts only when the Main display unit cannot use AMS although the display unit can
display alerts. The AMS licence is necessary to use AMS.

LAN: Select whether Sub LAN is used in ALC. When Enable is selected, signal transmission is
performed from Sub LAN of ALC in the same way as the Main LAN. This selection is not to select
the Sub LAN function of SLC.

Ship’s Parameter setting<Menu  Service  Installation  Ship’s Parameter  Ship General>

A ship’s name and a maximum ship speed must be set individually since they need to be set for each

Enter the information of the ship. If the Max Speed Limit is not set, information indicating that Max Speed
Limit has not been set is continuously displayed in the alert notification area.

The equipment setting for common setting items has now been completed.


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