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Cancer Cell


Dynamic ROS Regulation by TIGAR:

Balancing Anti-cancer and Pro-metastasis Effects
Sarah-Maria Fendt1,2 and Sophia Y. Lunt3,4,*
1Laboratory of Cellular Metabolism and Metabolic Regulation, VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology, VIB, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven,

2Laboratory of Cellular Metabolism and Metabolic Regulation, Department of Oncology, KU Leuven and Leuven Cancer Institute (LKI),

Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

3Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
4Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA


The role of ROS in cancer is complex, with studies demonstrating both pro- and anti-tumor effects. In a
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma model, ROS limitation through TIGAR has been shown to initially support
cancer development but to later become a metabolic liability in metastasizing cells that is counteracted by
decreased TIGAR expression.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have chondrial DNA mutations that cause over- atic cancer initiation by limiting ROS and
been present since aerobic organisms production of ROS resulted in enhanced that low levels of TIGAR later promote
began generating energy by passing elec- metastatic potential in mice (Ishikawa the metastatic capacity of pancreatic
trons from metabolic fuel sources to oxy- et al., 2008), and oxidative stress medi- cancer cells by enhancing ROS (Figure 1).
gen. While transferring electrons from ates secretion of factors that promote in- In a pancreatic cancer model, deletion of
various metabolites to O2 releases much vasion in mammary organoids and zebra- Tigar increased ROS and decreased pre-
greater levels of energy than anaerobic fish models (Arnandis et al., 2018). malignant PanIN lesions but enhanced
catabolism, the process of transferring Conversely, oxidative stress was shown metastatic ability. This builds on their pre-
electrons through the electron transport to limit distant metastasis of human mela- vious finding that enhancing ROS through
chain is not 100% efficient and generates noma cells in immunodeficient mice (Pis- loss of NRF2 suppressed PanIN develop-
ROS. ROS can cause oxidative damage kounova et al., 2015), and administering ment (DeNicola et al., 2011). Consistent
and lead to cell death; thus, cells have antioxidant N-acetylcysteine in a mouse with enhanced metastatic ability, Tigar
anti-oxidant mechanisms in place to pre- model of melanoma increased metastasis null pancreatic cancer cells acquired a
vent oxidative damage. On the other (Le Gal et al., 2015). Moreover, activation mesenchymal phenotype and activated
hand, ROS can also promote proliferation of NRF2, a transcription factor that acti- Erk signaling through the reduction of
and survival. An imbalance in ROS levels vates antioxidant defense, stimulated the phosphatase Dusp6/MKP-3. More-
can lead to premature aging and lung cancer metastasis by inhibiting the over, Tigar null, but not wild-type, pancre-
numerous diseases, including cancer degradation of BACH1, a pro-metastatic atic cancer cells showed reduced lung
and its progression toward metastasis transcription factor (Lignitto et al., 2019), metastasis formation upon antioxidant
formation (Elia et al., 2018; Teoh and and stabilizing BACH1 using antioxidants treatment. It is possible that TIGAR re-
Lunt, 2018). promoted lung cancer metastasis (Wiel expression may further support prolifera-
While ROS can impact cancer cell sur- et al., 2019). The conflicting findings of tion of metastasized cells at the second-
vival, migration, and proliferation, whether various studies points to the complexity ary site.
they promote or impede tumors is com- in understanding the effects of ROS in Cheung and colleagues demonstrate
plex. ROS can contribute to cancer initia- cancer, which likely depend on many fac- the new concept that dynamic ROS regu-
tion by causing DNA damage, and further tors such as tumor type, genetics, epige- lation through antioxidant defense mech-
promote cancer growth by activating netics, microenvironment, stage, vascu- anisms is required for pancreatic cancer
signaling pathways for proliferation. On larization, and immune modulation. development and spread to distant or-
the other hand, studies have also demon- In this issue of Cancer Cell, Cheung and gans. Their findings imply that, contrary
strated high levels of oxidative stress in colleagues clarify the role of an antioxi- to previous findings in melanoma and
cancer development and the need for up- dant defense pathway in pancreatic can- lung cancer, antioxidant administration
regulated antioxidant defense pathways cer development and metastasis (Cheung may be beneficial for reducing lung
in tumors. Accordingly, some chemother- et al., 2020). They focus on TIGAR, a bi- metastasis formation in pancreatic tu-
apeutic agents rely on ROS generation to sphosphatase that activates the oxidative mors with low TIGAR expression. More-
target cancer cells. Adding to the pentose phosphate pathway to generate over, specific types of ROS will likely
complexity, some studies have shown antioxidant NADPH, which has been have diverse effects on different cancer
that increased ROS promotes metastasis, found at high levels in several cancer types throughout development and meta-
while others show that ROS limitation is types. Cheung and colleagues find that static spread. Thus, antioxidant supple-
the key to metastasis. Specifically, mito- high levels of TIGAR first promote pancre- mentation needs to be evaluated on a

Cancer Cell 37, February 10, 2020 ª 2020 Elsevier Inc. 141
Cancer Cell


Figure 1. Cheung and Colleagues Discover a New Concept in which ROS Play a Dynamic Role in Pancreatic Cancer Development
In early stages of cancer, high TIGAR levels decrease ROS to promote cancer initiation. At later stages, low TIGAR levels increase ROS to support metastasis.
Cancer cells in the metastatic niche may increase TIGAR expression to potentially drive proliferation.

personalized level in the treatment of can- REFERENCES Le Gal, K., Ibrahim, M.X., Wiel, C., Sayin, V.I.,
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Bhutkar, A.J., Tsirigos, A., Ueberheide, B., et al.
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Labuschagne, C.F., Tuveson, D.A., and Vousden, metastasis by inhibiting the degradation of
S-MF acknowledges funding from the European
K.H. (2020). Dynamic ROS control by TIGAR regu- Bach1. Cell 178, 316–329.
Research Council under the ERC Consolidator
lates the initiation and progression of pancreatic
Grant Agreement n. 771486–MetaRegulation,
cancer. Cancer Cell 37, this issue, 168–182. Piskounova, E., Agathocleous, M., Murphy, M.M.,
FWO – Research Grants and Projects
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DeNicola, G.M., Karreth, F.A., Humpton, T.J., Johnson, T.M., DeBerardinis, R.J., and Morrison,
salem Co-Funding. SYL acknowledges funding Gopinathan, A., Wei, C., Frese, K., Mangal, D., S.J. (2015). Oxidative stress inhibits distant metas-
from the National Science Foundation under Yu, K.H., Yeo, C.J., Calhoun, E.S., et al. (2011). tasis by human melanoma cells. Nature 527,
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Early Career Investigator Grant, and AACR-Incyte ROS detoxification and tumorigenesis. Nature
Corporation NextGen Grant for Transformative 475, 106–109.
Cancer Research, Grant Number 16-20-46- Teoh, S.T., and Lunt, S.Y. (2018). Metabolism in
Elia, I., Doglioni, G., and Fendt, S.-M. (2018). cancer metastasis: bioenergetics, biosynthesis,
LUNT. We would like to acknowledge http://
Metabolic hallmarks of metastasis formation. and beyond. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Syst. Biol. for image elements
Trends Cell Biol. 28, 673–684. Med. 10. Published online October 9, 2017.
used in the figures (Creative Commons license
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
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Koshikawa, N., Yamaguchi, A., Imanishi, H., Wiel, C., Le Gal, K., Ibrahim, M.X., Jahangir, C.A.,
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Nakada, K., Honma, Y., and Hayashi, J. (2008). Kashif, M., Yao, H., Ziegler, D.V., Xu, X., Ghosh,
ROS-generating mitochondrial DNA mutations T., Mondal, T., et al. (2019). BACH1 stabilization
S.-M.F. has received funding from Bayer, Merck, can regulate tumor cell metastasis. Science 320, by antioxidants stimulates lung cancer metastasis.
and BlackBelt Therapeutics. 661–664. Cell 178, 330–345.

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