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Cantinuity and Differentiability Calculus

051. Letf:(0, oo) ’ 0,o) be defined as f(r)= uldy where [z] is the greatest integer less than or D O
cqualto z. Which of the following is true?
tis continuous at every point in 0, oo) 25 Jul 202/ (M)
differentiablc except at the intcger points.
(2) f is bothcontinuous and differentiable
Cxcepl at the integer points in (0, o).
fis continuous everywhere
except at the
fis differentiable at every point in 0, integer points in (0, oo).
052.Let the functions f : R-’Rand g:R ’ Rbe defined as :
(z+2, z<0
and g(æ)- '|3æ
Pn the number of points in R where >1
(fog) (æ) is NOT differentiable is cqual to:
16 Mar 202 1 (M)
() 3 (2) 1 (3) 0
(4) 2
Os1 Let f be any function defined on R and let it satisfy the
f(r)-f(y)ls|(- v), (z, y)e R. If f(0) =1, then : 26 Feh 2021 (M)
() f(¢)= 0, Vz ¬ R
(2) f(¢) can take any value in R
(3) f(æ)<0,Vr e R (4) f(æ)>0,Vz ¬ R
054. The number of points, at which the function f(z)=|2r +
1|-3|z + 2|+ +-2,z ¬Ris not
di fferentiable, is
25 Feb 2021 (M)

sin() +52?
Let f: R’ Rbe defined as f(z)= 1 Z= 0. The value of Afor which
z cos()+Aæ² , >0
f"(0) exists, is
6 Sep 2020 (M)
Q56. Let f: (0, oo) ’ (0, oo) be a differentiable function such that f(1) = e and
lim efle)-f(0) =0. If f(2) = 1, then z is equal to: 4 Sep 2020 (E)

(1) (2) 2e (3) (4) e

Q57. 7+ tan-la, lz|< 1 4 Sep 2020 (E)
The function f(z)= (zl-1), is :

(1) continuous on R-{1} and differentiable on R-{-1, 1}.

(2) both continuous and differentiable on R -{1}
(3) continuous on R-{-1and differentiable on R-{-1, 1}
(4) both continuous and differentiable on R -{-1}
V6. Let S be the set of points where the function, f() =2--3||, ¬ R, is not differentiable.
7 Jan 2020 (M)
Then es ff()) equal to
at which the function
o Let f(z)= 15--10l: z ¬ R. Then the set of all values of x,
g)= f(f(z)) is not differentiable, is: 9 Apr 2019 (M)

() {5, 10, 15} (2) {10} (3) {10, 15} (4) {5, 10, 15, 20}


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