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Unlocking HCP Acquisition:

A Data-Driven Approach to
Securing Provider Meetings
Proven strategies for engaging practices in sales meetings,
backed by 15,000+ field-sales data points.

Overview of Direct Field Sales in Healthcare
The Importance of Effective Meetings
Building Trust and Credibility

Understanding the Provider Sales Landscape

Targeting Receptive Practices:
Provider Taxonomy Codes
Geographic Variations
Leveraging Key Players
Sales Strategies That Power Conversion
Understanding the Lead-Qualifying Survey Strategy
Key Components for Implementation

Overview of Direct Field Sales in
The healthcare sales funnel is a structured framework that guides companies in their efforts
to engage and convert healthcare providers (HCPs) or other members of a practice's staff into
valuable partners or customers. It’s a dynamic process often segmented into stages, which
allows organizations to strategically approach their interactions with HCPs. There are several
channels that companies can leverage to reach and sell to HCPs effectively through different
stages of the funnel. Direct field sales serves as a strategy to engage office-based decision
makers through multiple stages utilizing a singular channel, optimizing for sales cycle length,
and making efficient use of internal resources.

Healthcare Sales Funnel

Awareness Drivers:

Conference Sponsorship
Peer Referral
Industry Collaboration / Associations
Digital Marketing (Paid Ads, Email,
Social, Virtual Events)

Opportunities for Education:

1:1 Demo / Sales Meeting

Institutional / Distribution Partnerships
Symposium Presentation (Virtual or In-

Conversion Formats:

Patient Referral
Product Purchase (Software, Device, etc.)
License / Agreement / Contract

Retention Intervals:

Contract Renewal
Subscription Continuation
Repurchase Agreement

Direct field sales involves representatives engaging with HCPs or other members of a provider
office through face-to-face meetings at the point of care, either as a cold outreach or a warm
follow-up. These representatives serve as the frontline communicators, delivering
personalized product information, overcoming initial objections or misperceptions from
brand awareness content, and building personal rapport with the decision-makers and
stakeholders necessary to a successful sale all while gathering qualifying information and
working to schedule an educational meeting.
The Importance of Building Trust and
Effective Meetings Credibility
In the complex and ever-evolving Effective sales meetings provide a
landscape of healthcare, the role of sales platform for representatives to establish
meetings with healthcare providers and trust and credibility, with personalization
other office staff cannot be understated. being an ideal place to begin. 70% of B2B
customers expect a personalized sales
These meetings serve as critical touch experience and healthcare is no
points where pharmaceutical, medical different. Succesful personalization
device, software, and healthcare service builds trust, the cornerstone of any
companies have the opportunity to successful partnership, and is nurtured
engage with HCPs, answer questions, through consistent, meaningful
build relationships, and ultimately drive interactions that drive positive
positive outcomes for patients, experiences.
providers, and their own organizations.
Education is not just a component of
Here, we delve into the multifaceted selling in healthcare; it’s at the core of
importance of these encounters, with a the provider sales journey. HCPs rely on
particular focus on the educational accurate, up-to-date information to make
dimension of the provider sales journey. purchasing decisions, and while 44% of
healthcare professionals favor in-person
sales visits, it’s an important format to
have. In-person meetings offer a
structured environment where
representatives can deliver content like
clinical data, product information, and
Sales meetings offer a treatment guidelines, while answering
structured environment where qualifying questions from the practice.
representatives can deliver
essential educational content, By recognizing the importance of
education as a central pillar of the
such as clinical data, product
provider sales journey, representatives
information, and treatment
can prepare themselves with information
guidelines, and answer initial
that will foster trust and contribute to
qualifying questions. positive healthcare outcomes for
patients and healthcare providers alike.

Understanding the Provider Sales
This section provides insights into three different areas of the provider sales landscape;
segmenting and targeting, identifying your buyer, and locating them in the field. Supported by
15,000+ field-based sales data points, these recommendations provide valuable insights to
help manage a healthcare sales effort more effectively.

Targeting Receptive Practices

Unlock the power of precision in your sales approach by understanding how to segment and
target healthcare providers effectively. Identifying distinct practice types, specialties, and
geographic regions are necessary steps to target in-person sales efforts toward practices that
are likely to have the greatest impact.

Provider Taxonomy Codes

Provider Taxonomy Codes are a categorization system used in healthcare to classify providers
and practices based on their specialties and services. These codes offer a standardized way to
identify different healthcare entities and can be a powerful tool for field-sales representatives
looking to connect with providers who are more likely to be interested in their offerings

Consider this example: You're a field-sales representative for a wearable device that monitors
chemical biomarkers and physical vital signs, and your primary target is independent provider
offices with large geriatric populations living independently. Provider taxonomy codes can help
you identify family medicine and primary care providers (PCPs) who have indicated a
specialization in general geriatric care, while filtering out those also specializing in chronic
conditions whose patients are less likely to be living un-assisted. By concentrating your time,
materials, and sales efforts on engaging these receptive independent provider offices, you can
increase the likelihood of arranging productive and educational meetings with providers whose
patient population is well-aligned with your product's intended audience.

Understanding taxonomy codes increases the chances of successful engagements while

streamlining resource allocation. For companies whose products and services are applicable to a
wide variety of provider specialties, knowing which are more likely to engage in an educational
meeting with a sales representative increases the conversion rate from visit to educational
meeting and lowers sales costs per engagement.
Below is a ranking of specialties in order of their likelihood to convert to an educational
meeting after one initial cold outreach from an in-person sales representative. These
conclusions are based on Pangea Health’s field-sales database.

Ranked by Likelihood
To Convert To Meeting

Some specialty-based factors that can impact a practice’s receptiveness to scheduling

educational meetings include:

Clinical Nature of Specialty

Providers who frequently encounter a wide range of medical conditions may be more inclined
to utilize outside assistance in the form of a sales representative to stay informed on the
latest advancements in available treatments across pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and
healthcare services.

Proactive Approach to Care

Specialties with higher involvement in preventive care and early intervention are often more
inclined to seek out new information and solutions. Advancements in disease screening and
identification are likely to impact a larger percentage of their patient population, making
educational meetings for these products and services a necessary use of provider time.

Patient Diversity
Many specialties serve a diverse patient population, either due to their geography or the
nature of their services. Historical advancements in the healthcare sector often under-served
minority and marginalized populations, leading to fewer treatment options and lower
outcomes. Today, products and services that bring parity to this inequity experience more
receptiveness from practices whose patient population has previously been impacted.

Overall, the receptiveness of any specialty office to educational meetings with sales
representatives is rooted in the nature of their specialty, their commitment to patients, and
their ongoing need for updated knowledge and solutions to provide the best possible care

Geographic Variations
The receptiveness of provider practices to educational meetings can vary significantly by
geography, often at the state level. These disparities are influenced by a combination of
factors related to patient populations, legislative environments, reimbursement coverage
from health plans, and competitive forces often stemming from practice consolidation.
Understanding these geographical nuances is essential for targeting practices efficiently and

Below is an overview of the regions (by state) that are most and least likely to convert to an
educational meeting after one initial cold outreach from an in-person sales representative
based on Pangea Health’s field-sales database.

Ranked by Likelihood
to Convert to Meeting

Some region-based factors that can impact a practice’s receptiveness to scheduling

educational meetings include:

Proactive Approach to Care

States differ in their population's healthcare needs and demographics. Urban areas have a
younger, more diverse, and dense population while rural regions may face challenges such as
limited access to healthcare services. Provider practices in each setting have distinct
priorities, which impact their openness to educational meetings.

Regulatory Variabilty
State-specific healthcare legislation and regulations can significantly influence provider
practices' behavior.

For example, some states may have stricter rules regarding pharmaceutical promotion or
medical device usage, affecting how providers engage with sales representatives during
educational meetings.

Reimbursement Variations
The availability and scope of payor plans vary by state. Providers' willingness to explore new
treatments or services can be influenced by the reimbursement policies and coverage
provided by these plans. States with more comprehensive coverage may have providers more
open to educational meetings to explore new options.

Competitive Forces
Competitive Forces: Consolidation within the healthcare industry differs by region, often
relating to the presence of large hospital groups and corporate healthcare entities. In areas
with numerous independent practices, providers may be more receptive to educational
meetings as they seek a competitive edge. Conversely, in regions dominated by large
healthcare systems, decision-making authority may be more centralized and less responsive
to sales representatives.

Economic Disparities
Economic conditions and disparities across states can impact healthcare provider practices.
States with higher income levels or state-backed healthcare funding may have practices more
willing to invest in new treatments or services that are eligible for reimbursement programs.

Geographic Variations Summary

In conclusion, the receptiveness of provider practices to educational meetings is not a one-
size-fits-all scenario, it’s influenced by a complex interplay of geographic factors. Sales
representatives and companies should consider these geographic variations and adapt their
engagement strategies accordingly.

Leveraging Key Players
Identifying and engaging with the right individuals at provider practices is crucial to securing
productive educational conversations. While healthcare providers (HCPs) often take center
stage when creating educational content, it's essential to recognize the value that other
positions within the practice can bring to these interactions and the important place they
hold on the path to ultimately engaging an HCP.

Pangea Health’s field-based sales data analysis shed light on this, revealing that engaging
with certain members of a provider practice when performing a cold-outreach visit offers
significantly higher chances of scheduling educational conversations.

1. Office Managers
Office managers wield considerable influence within provider practices. They are often
responsible for overseeing daily operations, including administrative matters and financial
decisions. Their central role provides access to decision-making processes and the ability to
champion new initiatives or solutions. Notably, engaging with an office manager presents a
substantial advantage. Statistics indicate that when a sales representative speaks with an
office manager, there is a 78% better chance of them scheduling an educational conversation
compared to speaking directly with a provider, and a 59% better chance then if speaking with
another member of the front desk staff. This underscores the significance of building
relationships with office managers to facilitate productive engagements.

2. Front Desk Staff

Front desk staff, including receptionists and administrative assistants, serve as the first point
of contact for patients and visitors. Their interactions extend beyond administrative tasks;
they are often well-informed about practice operations and can be valuable conduits of
information.Their familiarity with practice dynamics and patient needs makes them valuable
allies in initiating conversations with all office stakeholders.

3. Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants

In many provider practices, nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) play
critical roles in patient care. They often have autonomy in decision-making and can influence
treatment choices. Engaging with NPs and PAs can provide unique clinical insights. While they
may not be the ‘chief’ HCP of the practice, they contribute critical perspectives on treatment

options, making them worthy targets for educational discussions and an important influence
on HCP decision-makers.

Targeting Key Players Summary

In conclusion, the success of field-based sales representatives in scheduling educational
conversations is significantly influenced by their ability to identify and engage with key
individuals within provider practices. Office managers, front desk staff, and allied healthcare
Reimbursement Variations
professionals like NPs and PAs can serve as valuable allies while navigating the intricacies of
healthcare sales. These individuals possess the access, influence, and expertise to facilitate
meaningful discussions and ultimately contribute to the success of sales initiatives.

Sales Strategies That Power Conversion

Selling into provider offices generally required scheduling time to share more information on
the products or services being promoted. This makes a sales representative's ability to
convert initial office visits into educational meetings a critical measure of their success, and
any tool that assists in that endeavor worth investing in. Pangea Health’s sales performance
database has illuminated a potent strategy that significantly enhances the likelihood of
achieving conversion: the incorporation of a lead-qualifying survey during the initial
touchpoint with office staff. Data shows that when sales representatives deploy this strategy,

their likelihood of scheduling an educational meeting with an office

member sees a remarkable 61% increase compared to instances
where a survey was not conducted.

Understanding the Lead-Qualifying Survey Strategy

The lead-qualifying survey strategy is a structured approach that sales representatives utilize
during their initial interactions with office staff members. This approach involves engaging with
staff members, often at the front desk or administrative level, and asking targeted questions
designed to gauge the practice's compatibility with the products or services being promoted.

Key Components For Implementation

1 2 3
Tailored Inquiries Value Proposition Active Listening

Sales representatives pose Following the survey, sales Active listening is

a set of tailored, branching representatives can tailor paramount during these
questions to assess the their value propositions interactions. Sales
practice's needs, and educational materials representatives are
preferences, and potential to address the specific provided with an
pain points. These inquiries needs and concerns opportunity to visibly
aim to uncover whether identified during the listen with intention and
the practice aligns with the conversation. This show empathy toward the
offerings and objectives of personalized approach responses provided by the
the sales representative's enhances the relevance of office staff, identifying
offering. the subsequent cues that indicate a strong
educational meeting once alignment between the
scheduled. practice and the product
or service being promoted.

In summary, the incorporation of lead-qualifying surveys during initial office visits is a potent
sales strategy that enhances the conversion of initial office touch points into productive
educational meetings.

This approach ensures that sales representatives engage with practices that are well-aligned
with their offerings, maximizing the relevance and impact of subsequent interactions. By
actively listening and tailoring their messaging, sales representatives can effectively unlock
the potential for successful engagements and ultimately contribute to their company’s sales

Strategizing for Success:
A Vision for Healthcare Sales

These insights from Pangea Health’s field-based office visit database have provided a
comprehensive exploration of the dynamic landscape of healthcare sales, offering insights
and strategies to enable sales representatives and organizations to reach providers where
healthcare happens. From understanding the intricacies of provider taxonomy codes to
recognizing the value of engaging with diverse roles within provider practices, we have shared
the keys to unlocking success in a vital industry that’s seen more investment and competition
in recent years than ever before.

As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve; adaptability, personalized engagement, and

a commitment to education remain the cornerstones of effective sales strategies. By
leveraging these insights and employing the strategies discussed, sales representatives can
navigate the challenges and complexities of healthcare sales with confidence, forging
meaningful partnerships that drive innovation and enhance patient care.

We hope this white paper serves as a valuable resource on your journey to achieving success
in the ever-evolving world of healthcare sales.


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