Ethics Lesson-2 Visto BSC-1C

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(Lesson 2: Areas of Ethical Study)

Application: Make an analysis paper on their answers to the questions. You

may answer this question as your guide.


They both have the same standards of goodness and badness in their
profession, being respectful, trustworthy and crab mentality. These three
norms are applied in their profession. Being respectful will help to improve
communication between colleagues, increase team work and reduce stress
as peace in the workplace. Trustworthy is very important to their profession
because it helps them building meaningful relationships and perform better
at work. This is the steps to shape your image. But sometimes they
committed crab mentality at their work which is bad, because of the desire
to rise in life they didn’t notice that their colleagues are gradually down.
Crab mentality could affect the relationship to their colleagues, unity inside
the group and also their profession. I could say that we have the same
perception of goodness and badness. This norm of goodness is normally
having in their profession so they would help each other to grow their
character and work. Crab mentality must be avoided it destroy our image
and relationship to other.

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