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PFAS Regulatory Developments

News and insight from around the world

January 2022

PFAS Regulatory Developments | 1

PFASs in focus

The last few years have seen a growing number of governments is focused on helping product safety professionals managing
pass legislation to regulate per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances chemicals keep up with PFASs regulation and its impact
or PFASs. And regulatory authorities have set in motion on products.
processes that will ban or further restrict their use in the
years ahead. Our award-winning News & Insight team continually monitor
the latest developments, scientific issues and business updates
Considering that PFASs are used in a huge variety of products related to PFASs.
and industrial applications - from firefighting foam to food
contact materials and cosmetics to name just a few –increasing In this report, you will get a taste of the award-winning reporting
regulation has far-reaching implications for compliance efforts. and analysis that Chemical Watch provides. It includes stories on
regulatory updates, as well as some of the research and wider
Keeping track of PFAS regulation is now essential for everyone issues around the use of PFASs.
working towards the safe management of chemicals and the
use of safer alternatives. All articles in this report are published and available in full to
members of Chemical Watch News & Insight. If you’d like to find
As the leading global provider of independent intelligence and out how you can access our complete News & Insight coverage,
insight for chemicals management and control, Chemical Watch get in touch now.

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2 | PFAS Regulatory Developments


4 Maine postpones ban on PFAS-containing FCMs

6 New York bill would eliminate non-essential PFASs in products

7 Ski waxes main culprit of PFAS non-compliance in Nordic inspections

8 UK report calls for ‘step change’ to protect rivers polluted with PFASs, microplastics


9 US NGO sues CoverGirl, Coty over sustainability claims of alleged PFAS-containing


10 California to conduct compliance check for PFASs in carpets, rugs next year

10 Canada further delays restrictions on flame retardants, long-chain PFASs

11 Swedish analysis: PFAS-free water repellents in jackets have lower adverse impact

12 VF Corporation looks to take PFASs out of apparel


13 What should we expect from US state-level PFAS regulation in 2022?

PFAS Regulatory Developments | 3

Recent PFAS news from Chemical Watch

Maine postpones ban on PFAS-containing FCMs

Regulators aim first to confirm state access to feasible safer options

12 January 2022

©Arkady Chubykin -AdobeStock

Maine has deferred an expected According to the DEP, Maine’s policy Maine and in states across the country
prohibition on per- and polyfluoroalkyl mandates rulemaking only after the should take time to review the available
substances (PFASs) in food packaging, agency determines safer alternatives information before rushing through
seeking first to further study the exist for particular FCM varieties. The legislation that harms consumers
availability and cost of alternatives to department told Chemical Watch it and businesses.”
ensure smooth compliance. must deem potential replacements
at least as functional as PFAS-containing But Patrick MacRoy, Defend Our
The announcement from the state’s technologies, as well as “readily Health’s deputy director, called the
Department of Environmental Protection available in sufficient quantity, at a department’s alleged failure to fulfill the
(DEP) throws into question the execution comparable cost”. legislature’s directive “negligent”, tying
schedule for its 2019 statute to block the limited progress to concerns of
this application of the persistent Those reported for four packaging industry pushback.
substance class by as early as the first categories last February by Washington
day of this year. state – which passed a similar, Given supply chain globalisation, “it
alternatives-based prohibition in 2018 defies logic that alternatives available in
Although Maine was the second US – meet these criteria, the agency said, Washington would not also be available
state to adopt a law to remove PFASs but it needs “information specific to to Maine businesses, especially since
from food contact materials (FCMs), products sold in Maine”, due to regional some of the alternatives are actually
the lag could put it behind fellow differences. It has published a request made in Maine,” he told Chemical Watch.
states poised to do so in less than for proposals (RFP) to generate a market Plus, the agency should have begun
two years (see box). In response to analysis of the listed substitutes’ state- supplemental data gathering when
the holdup, environmental and public specific availability and cost, with plans Washington released its conclusions,
health advocates are looking at several to launch the effort this quarter. almost a year ago, Mr MacRoy said.
strategies to push the department to
promptly examine and pinpoint PFAS- Slow movement Because requirements take two years
free options and to issue regulations to kick in after the DEP decides safer
establishing the ban. The American Chemistry Council (ACC) choices exist, he added, the policy
told Chemical Watch “lawmakers in provides “plenty of time for businesses

4 | PFAS Regulatory Developments

to identify and source alternatives,
stretching the already thin rationale State landscape
for delay”.
Other US state statutes to eliminate all PFASs based Safer Consumer Products programme,
in FCMs are set to take effect between now but the Department of Toxic Substances
NGOs are asking legislators to Control (DTSC) said it abandoned that
and 2024, in New York, Vermont, Connecticut,
urge the agency to move forward, approach once the governor enacted the
Minnesota and California.
including via formal supervision or an comprehensive ban.
amendment to create concrete deadlines New York’s measure will be the first to enter
like other states, according to Mr into force on 31 December and the others According to Mr MacRoy, “it’s downright
will largely follow throughout 2023, prior to shameful” that people in Maine facing
MacRoy. Additionally, groups will apply
Minnesota’s in January 2024. increasing PFAS pollution will not see
Maine’s citizen-led rulemaking process
phase-outs before people in states that more
to try to compel the alternatives finding.
The exception is Washington – the only other recently approved restrictions.
“ Lawsuits aren’t off the table,” he said. state to require evaluations of substitutes –
which will forbid the compounds’ use starting “Maine’s most important legacy on this topic
next January only in the packaging types it though may end up being helping to inspire
found had viable replacements. Meanwhile, other states,” he said. Those actions will
it continues searching for more PFAS-free hopefully “be enough to drive market change
choices to support additional restrictions. that at least mostly wipes out PFASs from the
food packaging”.
California previously intended to address
PFAS-containing FCMs under its alternatives-

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PFAS regulations



PFAS Regulatory Developments | 5

New York bill would eliminate non-essential PFASs
in products
State looks to follow Maine in imposing notification requirements, phaseout by end of

01 December 2021

New York legislators have introduced By 1 January 2030, the prohibition would Sarah Doll, national director of Safer
a bill to bar the sale of most products extend to every new article containing States, said that New York’s measure,
containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl non-essential PFASs. if enacted, “would send an even bigger
substances (PFASs) by 2030, signal [than Maine’s] to industry to move
emulating Maine’s strategy for tackling It is too early to gauge the proposal’s quickly to identify safer materials and
contamination from the persistent chances of clearing the Assembly and solutions”.
substance class. Senate and getting signed into law,
according to Bobbi Wilding, executive Due to “the huge amount of resources
If adopted into law, the measure may director of NGO Clean and Healthy that are having to be spent on cleanup,
significantly impact the market beyond New York (CHNY). The proposal is there is increasing pressure to turn off
just New York. It could also be among currently under review by the Assembly’s the tap” on the substances in US states,
several state-level PFAS restrictions to environmental conservation committee. she added. “I absolutely anticipate other
advance in coming months, while the US states will introduce similar policies
EPA executes its less stringent federal But Ms Wilding told Chemical Watch in 2022.”
roadmap to address the compounds. that New York is “highly likely to continue
taking action to ban PFASs in broad Patrick MacRoy, deputy director of NGO
Introduced last month, New York’s parts of the economy, especially given Defend Our Health, which sponsored
proposal (A 8491), would first mandate increasing evidence that PFAS chemicals Maine’s statute, told Chemical Watch
disclosure of PFAS use across articles can cause harm at levels below common it has been discussing that measure’s
and then phase out all avoidable detection”. And when the state – the development with lawmakers elsewhere,
applications within this decade, just third largest US economy – limits what such as in Massachusetts.
as Maine’s statute – passed in July – companies sell, “it shifts the marketplace
will do. nationally”, she said. However, industry stakeholders oppose
the legislation.
Reporting would begin in 2024, with Wider efforts
a ban on the sale and distribution of According to Rudy Underwood, vice
carpets, rugs, cookware, cosmetics, Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski sponsored president of state affairs at the American
fabric treatments and personal care the legislation after grassroots groups Chemistry Council (ACC), it “would
items containing PFAS ingredients in his district asked for it, Ms Wilding threaten access to critical goods and
kicking in one year later, except said. The JustGreen Partnership, which products for New York families and
applications the state’s environmental comprises over 50 environmental, businesses.”
conservation department finds health, justice, worker, and educational
unavoidable. The policy would enable organisations, is collaborating with PFASs greatly support national supply
the agency to choose more goods to communities affected by PFAS pollution chain resiliency and “should not all be
prohibit if it determines they “are likely “to ensure New York state takes regulated the same way” since they
to cause contamination of land or as comprehensive an approach as represent different chemistries, he told
water resources and are a threat to possible”, she added. Chemical Watch.
human health”.

6 | PFAS Regulatory Developments

Ski waxes main culprit of PFAS non-compliance in
Nordic inspections
Banned PFOA and PFOS found in 10% of chemical products and articles

20 January 2022

A joint Nordic enforcement project led by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals “There is a great need to develop
inspecting chemical products and Agency (Tukes). analytical methods for targeted analyses
articles for restricted per- and of PFAS to make a more effective
polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) has In addition to PFOA and PFOS the enforcement possible,” the report said.
found ski waxes to be responsible for project looked for the presence of other
most cases of non-compliance. PFASs that are not yet restricted in any The EOF analysis showed high levels of
chemical legislation, and analysed for organic fluorine in some products such
Levels of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) extractable organic fluorine (EOF) to as ski waxes, textiles, and firefighting
and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) improve knowledge on the use of PFASs foams. The Nordic Enforcement Group
found in 15 of 158 products examined in various products and articles. advised companies to start working to
exceeded the limits established under the phase out PFASs from production as
EU’s persistent organic pollutants (POPs) PFASs were detected in 40% of chemical more restrictions are in the pipeline.
Regulation, the Nordic Enforcement products and 65% of articles tested, the
Group reported after a two-year project. group said in a report. Many products Five European countries are working
Of the non-compliant products, 14 were and articles – mainly sports jackets – on a broad EU-wide PFAS restriction
ski waxes – more than a third of all ski contained PFOA and PFOS, but at levels proposal, which will cover more than
waxes tested. below the limit values, or contained 4,700 chemicals.
other PFASs.
A subgroup of the Nordic Council of The Nordic Council of Ministers is
Ministers, the enforcement group aims It concluded that for many PFASs an intergovernmental forum that
to exchange experience on control and there is still a lack of available promotes cooperation between
enforcement of the European chemicals information on occurrence and use, Scandinavian countries.
legislation and carry out joint inspections substance identification numbers
across the region. The PFAS project was and external reference standards for
quantitative analyses.

PFAS Regulatory Developments | 7

UK report calls for ‘step change’ to protect rivers
polluted with PFASs, microplastics
Parliamentary audit committee finds ‘chemical cocktail’ in all English rivers
13 January 2022

A ‘chemical cocktail’ including PFASs Many pollutants, including a range
and microplastics is polluting rivers of legacy and ‘emerging’ chemical
across England, putting human health pollutants, such as per- and
and the environment at risk, a UK polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFASs, are
parliamentary audit committee has not being routinely measured, the report
concluded in a report today. concludes. Perfluorooctane sulfonic
acid (PFOS), one of the PFAS family
“Not a single river in England has of chemicals, continues to be found
received a clean bill of health for above threshold levels in rivers despite
chemical contamination,” the report from restriction globally under the Stockholm
the Environmental Audit Committee Convention, it says.
(EAC) said, calling for a “step change in
regulatory action” and financial penalties Other persistent chemicals present in
to water companies for pollution river waters include bisphenols and
incidents and misreporting. flame retardants, the report says.

The use of plastic in single-use sanitary Microplastics are “everywhere we can

products should be banned, with look in the freshwater system” an expert
exemptions only provided for medical is quoted as saying, including “very as PFASs in all non-essential uses and
requirements. And tyre, car and fashion high levels” in the urban and suburban the closing of regulatory gaps in UK
manufacturers must take greater riverbeds. In some river sections, chemicals regulations. The Health and
responsibility for the contribution their 500,000 fragments of plastic were found Safety Executive (HSE) is conducting a
products make to microplastic pollution for every square metre of riverbed. regulatory management option analysis
in waterways, it says. (RMOA) into PFASs.
The report recommends that the
The 137-page report follows the secretary of state for environment, “We urge the UK government to take
committee’s investigation, begun food and rural affairs (Defra) the regulatory action needed to address
in December 2020, into the state of commission a UK-wide survey of pollution at source, in its forthcoming
English rivers. It sets out how to deliver emerging pollutants and microplastic chemicals strategy,” campaigner Ellie
significant change in investment and pollution of river environments. Hawke said in a blog.
regulation in order to achieve the
government’s goals under a 25-year NGO CHEM Trust said it had given In May, the NGO, together with 29 others,
environment plan. The government is written evidence to the EAC inquiry. Its set key asks for the UK government’s
expected to publish a new chemicals recommendations included banning upcoming chemicals strategy.
strategy this year. the most hazardous chemicals such

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8 | PFAS Regulatory Developments

News in Brief

US NGO sues CoverGirl, Coty over sustainability

claims of alleged PFAS-containing product
Legal challenge follows class action against Shisheido bringing similar allegations

10 January 2022

A US food and environmental justice stop Coty and CoverGirl from advertising
group has brought a lawsuit against its TruBlend Pressed Powder as safe
CoverGirl Cosmetics and parent firm and sustainable.
Coty Inc for what it calls environmental
and safety misrepresentations of one of The group’s action comes after an
their make-up products. independent laboratory found organic
fluorine in the powder. Organic fluorine
In a 20 December filing, Toxin Free USA is considered a PFAS indicator, although
said the businesses brand themselves it does not explicitly measure PFAS
as promoters of clean, sustainable concentrations. It can pick up unrelated
beauty even though a CoverGirl organofluorine content and is not
pressed powder may contain per- and subject to legal limits in the US.
polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs).

Filed in the District of Columbia’s (DC’s) Read the full story

Superior Court, the complaint intends to

Food Contact Regulations

USA 2022
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within food contact



PFAS Regulatory Developments | 9

California to conduct compliance check for PFASs
in carpets, rugs next year
DTSC will pursue enforcement measures under Safer Consumer Products programme

15 December 2021

California’s Department of Toxic
Substances Control (DTSC) has said it
intends to start an enforcement effort
in 2022 to ensure that companies are
no longer selling carpets and rugs
containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl
substances (PFASs) in the state.

The agency’s Safer Consumer Products

(SCP) programme confirmed the plan in
early December. PFASs in carpets and
rugs became a priority product under
the scheme last summer, requiring
businesses to either stop using the
compounds or inform the agency that
they will do an alternatives assessment
to identify safer replacements.
Read the full story

Canada further delays restrictions on flame

retardants, long-chain PFASs
Winter 2022 release targeted for proposed update to Prohibition of Certain Toxic
Substances Regulations

07 December 2021
Natalia ©

The Canadian government has delayed As signalled in early 2019, the rework
by several more months its planned would involve new or additional limits on
release of a proposal to tighten substances including: perfluorooctane
restrictions on a handful of flame sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic
retardants and long-chain per- and acid (PFOA) and perfluorocarboxylic
polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs). acids (LC-PFCA); and flame
retardants dechlorane plus (DP) and
Environment and Climate Change decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE).
Canada (ECCC) told Chemical Watch it
is now targeting a winter 2022 release Read the full story
of a proposal to update its Prohibition of
Certain Toxic Substances Regulations.

10 | PFAS Regulatory Developments


Swedish analysis: PFAS-free water repellents in

jackets have lower adverse impact
Lifecycle assessment finds that alternatives are better, despite potential ‘problem shifting’

24 November 2021
Natalia ©

Researchers in Sweden have found that manufacturers to use PFAS-free durable

water repellents used in jackets are water repellents (DWRs).
preferable when they do not use per- and
polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), Previous assessments have indicated
despite their potential to cause adverse that jackets with non-fluorinated DWRs
environmental impacts through so-called might have more adverse environmental
‘problem shifting’. impacts because of their lower
durability. This can mean users wash
The result, which comes out of a jackets and reapply DWRs more often.
lifecycle assessment (LCA) conducted However, the Swedish study showed that
by scientists in Gothenburg, is likely to this potential trend did not outweigh the
add to the pressure on outdoor garment PFAS-related potential toxicity impacts.

Read the full story

PFAS Regulatory Developments | 11

VF Corporation looks to take PFASs out of apparel
NGOs urge total corporate prohibition on substance class

03 November 2021

US-based garment maker VF innovations shared in July by textile and are investing to use responsibly
Corporation has announced it will producer Polartec and in October by manufactured fluoropolymers.” Less
remove most per- and polyfluoroalkyl its competitor Wl Gore & Associates. than 1% of its materials contain PTFE,
substances (PFASs) from its offerings But VF’s goal does not cover PTFE, a the multinational said.
in the next four years, broadening PFAS commonly used for water and
its ambitions around the persistent stain resistance.
substance class as other major industry Read the full story
players have recently done. “While we explore technologies to further
eliminate PTFE,” the manufacturer
The decision demonstrates the clothing said in a document on decreasing its
sector’s increasing movement away chemical footprint, “we are undertaking
from the compounds, with PFAS-free extensive training [and] education

Global Food Contact

Materials Regulations



• Among the countries and regions we will be looking at

are the EU, UK, Switzerland, the US, China, Canada, the
Mercosur countries of South America, South Korea,
Japan, several key markets in Africa and the Eurasian
Economic Union (EAEU). Each module will last 2.5
hours and there will be time (30 min) for questions
from attendees.


12 | PFAS Regulatory Developments


What to expect from US PFAS

regulation in 2022
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFASs have made push back means there is a political stalemate, with little
headlines around the world over the past few years. progress expected at federal level in the year ahead.
They have also caught the attention of 19 US attorneys
general who have called on the federal government to At state-level, however, state legislatures and agencies
act on the substances. have been busy, passing pieces of legislation or
conducting rapid rulemaking processes and regulatory
While there are some bills pending in both the US changes around PFAS are set to continue in the
House and Senate and a White House executive order year ahead.
to prioritise purchase of PFAS-free products, industry

Key developments to look out for in 2022

• Measures to restrict PFASs in expected to finalise product

firefighting products in Arkansas, designation for textile treatment
California, Illinois, Louisiana have products containing PFASs
been in effect as of 1 January 2022 under the state’s Safer Consumer
Products (SCP) programme
• 2022 will be a year of planning in in 2022
the food contact materials (FCMs)
sector as several compliance • In Maine manufacturers must
deadlines are scheduled for 1 report all PFAS-containing goods
January 2023 sold in the state to the Department
of Environmental Protection (DEP)
• California’s Department of Toxic by 1 January 2023
Substances Control (DTSC) is

This information is taken from one of 10 special reports

published in Chemical Watch’s Global Outlook 2022 series.
Each report is an horizon-scanning view of a key regulatory
topic or region. The full series is available to all Chemical
Watch News & Insight members, providing high-value
information that will help you through 2022.


PFAS Regulatory Developments | 13

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