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PRESIDENT TELLS Parliament prorogued:

POLITICAL PARTIES Fifth Session to commence
on February 7
President Ranil Wickremesinghe According to Article 33 of the Con-
prorogued the Parliament in accord- stitution, following the end of one ses-
ance with the powers vested in him sion of Parliament and a new session
with Article 70 (1) of the Constitu- commences, the President has the
tion from midnight Friday (26). opportunity toceremonially declare
The fifth session of the Ninth Par- open the Parliament and preside over
liament will commence on February 7 to present the Government’s Policy
at 10.30 am. Statement. TO PAGE 02

Hotel manager soliciting

sexual bribe arrested
in Habarana hotel
PAGE First crackdown on private sector
bribery under Anti-Corruption Act
16 BIMAL JAYASINGHE in Habarana to secure her employ-
The Bribery or Corruption Alle- ment in the hotel and to pay the full

Methvan and
gations Investigation Commission amount of 75% of the service charge.
(CIABOC) arrested an accountant The suspect was arrested in the
cum human resources manager of a first raid under the new Anti-Corrup-
private hotel in Dambulla on charges tion Act No.9 of 2023 which empow-

Vichinthaya clinch
of soliciting a sexual bribe at a hotel ered the Bribery TO PAGE 02


gold in ITF Junior INVITE IMF MD
Highway van mishap
PAGE Family on visit here returning back
The Highway Traffic Police said
tha and Kerawalapitiya on the Outer
Circular Road, Colombo, when a van
that a 37-year-old man died on the carrying a family of Austrian nationals
President Ranil Wickremesin- ing the need for all political parties spot yesterday morning (26) at 27.1 collided with a lorry. The deceased was
ghe extended an invitation to all to formulate comprehensive plans kilometer post between the Kadawa- Schuser TO PAGE 02
political party leaders in Parlia- for the country’s development
ment to engage in discussions when gearing up for an election.
with the Managing Director of President Ranil Wickremesin-
the International Monetary Fund ghe made these remarks during
(IMF) on the implementation of
the agreement with the IMF.
the International Customs Day
celebrations at the Colombo
Litro Gas contributes another
Tintin: Read or Watch? Emphasizing the importance
of unity in leading the country
to success, he highlighted that
Customs Headquarters yester-
day morning (26).
The President expressed
Rs.1.5 billion to the Treasury
withdrawing from the agreement gratitude to all members of Litro Gas Company’s profits for Litro Gas Company Chairman
would jeopardize the trust in Sri the Customs Department 2023, totalling Rs. 1.5 billion, was Muditha Peiris presented the cheque
Lanka’s economy. for their contributions handed over to the Sri Lanka Insur- to the President’s Senior Advisor
The President stressed that the to the customs rev- ance Corporation, the company’s par- on National Security and Chief of

CBK to lead nation’s economy suffered due to

the politics of promises, emphasiz-
enue in 2023.
ent entity, during a ceremony held at
the Presidential Secretariat yesterday
Presidential Staff Sagala Ratnayaka.
Ratnayaka handed over the cheque
to Sri Lanka TO PAGE 02

SLFP led
alliance Maha Sangha support President’s actions
To contest under - Ven.Murutthettuwe Ananda Thera
betel leaf or chair President joins charity event for Ven. Murutthettuve Ananda Thera’s birth

A leader of the Sri Lanka Freedom

Party said yesterday (26) that it has
been decided to give the leadership of
the new alliance proposed to be set
up by the Sri Lanka Freedom Party to
former President Chandrika
Bandaranaike Kumaratunga and that
the former President has expressed
willingness to accept the post.
It is reported that the prelimi-
nary work for the formation of
a new alliance led by the Sri
Lanka TO PAGE 02

First Colombo University Chancellor and the Maha Sangha in promoting the Sam- yesterday (26) at the Narahenpita Sri Emphasizing that certain actions of

execution Public Service United Nurses’ Associa-

tion President Venerable Murutthettu-
we Ananda Thera said President Ranil
buddha Sasana order and benefiting the
people of the country.
During a ceremony to mark the birth of
Abhayarama Purana Viharaya, he urged
the President to devise a programme to
safeguard the five virtues policy within
the Maha Sangha are causing distress
among true Buddhists, he called for
urgent amendments to the Sasana with

in US by
Wickremesinghe enjoys the support of Venerable Murutthettuwe Ananda Thera the country. the Maha Sangha’s TO PAGE 02

nitrogen gas Two more suspects connected to President

appoints new SLT
A witness to the first ever US prisoner to be executed
by ‘painless’ nitrogen gas says Kenneth Eugene Smith
writhed in agony as he suffered a ‘horrific’ death.
Beliatta multiple murders arrested Director Board
Killer-for-hire Smith, 58, was fitted with a gas mask
which was pumped full of 100% nitrogen gas at the
Arrested with heroin Two more vehicles used President Ranil Wickremesinghe has reconstitut-
execution chamber at the William C. Holman prison in
Atmore, Alabama.
in their possession after the killing found ed the Board of Directors of the Sri Lanka Telecom
PLC in place of the current members appointed on
State authorities had predicted unconsciousness with- VARUNA DAYARATNE The two suspects have been arrested by the Police behalf the government of Sri Lanka with immediate
in seconds and death within minutes. Two more individuals, suspected to have aided and Special Task Force in Wanchawala, Galle and are cur- effect.
But instead Smith took 22 minutes to die, convulsing abetted the Beliatta multiple murders including the rently being interrogated to disclose further evidence The Board chaired by A.K.D.D.D.Arandara now
in his chair and tugging against his restraints for several leader of the ‘Ape Janabala Pakshaya’ Saman Perera aka on the murders. The two suspects have been found to comprises Dr.K.A.S.Keeragala, Dinesh Vidanapathi-
minutes before losing consciousness. At one point as the “Royal Beach Saman,” have been arrested. be in possession of heroin TO PAGE 02 rana, Prof.K M Liyanage, Dr.D.M.I.S.Dasanayake
killer thrashed against TO PAGE 02 and Chathura Mohottigedara as its members.
DN page 2 NEWS S A T U R D A Y, J A N U A R Y 2 7, 2 0 2 4

First Discuss alternate proposals with IMF... From page 01

execution Highlighting customs tax, VAT

and income tax as the three prima-
ry sources of income globally, the
scape of international trade agree-
ments, regional trade agreements
and free trade agreements, our
economic system for sustainable
“We are still grappling with chal-
to address the challenges facing
our country. Achieving solutions
demands thoughtful discourse and
worries, too, eventually dissipated.
This cyclical nature of political dis-
course has contributed to the chal-

in US...
From page 01
President stressed the importance
of enhancing the efficiency of the
customs service to boost the coun-
focus should be on enhancing
income.To achieve this, the current
customs services need to operate
lenging times. In 2021, we faced
shortages of essential goods,
including medicine, fertilizer and
a united commitment to charting a
realistic economic path forward.
Our emphasis should be on com-
lenges our country currently faces,
a reality we must not lose sight of.
“We must have the strength to
try’s revenue. He further noted with efficiency. fuel. Today, these necessities are prehensive discussions, steering transcend our current predica-
that upcoming government legisla- While we are unable to allocate available, with associated costs. away from impractical endeavours- ment, recognizing that this deci-
his restraints, his wife Deanna, wear- tion and modernization initiatives additional staff to your depart- The Cost of living is still felt by symbolized by the metaphorical sion impacts not only our own
ing a T-shirt reading ‘Never Alone’, will overhaul all public revenue- ment, your commendable perfor- everyone. Economic development notion of bringing rice from the future but also that of our children.
reportedly cried out for him from the generating institutions. mance highlights the potential for is crucial to alleviating these moon. Continuous evaluation and, Hence, I urge all political party
witness box. President Ranil Wickremesinghe substantial revenue improvement. issues. While it is a wish that the when needed, adaptation of exist- leaders in parliament to engage in
Smith was sentenced to death in 1996 delivered six Certificates of Merit There is a considerable journey economic damage of 2022 could be ing programs should be integral to discussions regarding our stance
for a murder-for-hire killing of a preach- to Customs officials for rendering ahead, and the government is firm- swiftly undone, the reality is that our on-going conversation and col- on the agreement with the IMF
er’s wife in 1988, which he was paid just exceptional services to the Interna- ly committed to the comprehensive we need to transition to a new lective dedication to progress. and whether any amendments are
$1000 to commit. tional Customs. Customs Director modernization of customs and economy. “Our country has recently deemed necessary.
As he spoke his final words, delivered General Sarath Nonis presented other revenue departments, which “To stimulate economic growth, entered into an agreement with Following these discussions, I
through the gas mask on his face, Smith the Strategic Plan for 2024 to Pres- includes the imminent introduc- we must focus on a competitive the International Monetary Fund, am willing to extend an invitation
made a heart sign with his left hand to ident Wickremesinghe and Finance tion of new legislation. market, bolster exports, and a pact signed by numerous coun- to the Managing Director of the
his family before declaring: ‘Tonight Ala- State Minister Ranjith Siyam- “This initiative is a crucial com- increase foreign exchange reserves. tries, including 15-20 others. It is IMF to participate in a collective
bama causes humanity to take a step balapitiya. ponent of the measures undertaken An agreement with Thailand is set an agreement we cannot simply dialogue here. Let us collaborative-
backwards… I’m leaving with love, peace President Wickremesinghe, to steer the country out of the eco- to be signed on February 3rd, walk away from, necessitating col- ly explore different perspectives
and light.’ offering additional remarks, nomic crisis. The decisions made marking an opportunity for collab- lective discussion and considera- and propose modifications if
Jeff Hood, who acted as Smith’s spirit- stated:“The Customs Department in 2023 have paved the way for oration. While Thailand shares a tion. However, the unfortunate deemed beneficial. While the
ual guide throughout the ordeal, said holds a significant historical posi- recovery from the economic down- Theravada Buddhist heritage with reality is that our political land- amendment process is open for
the execution was the worst thing he’d tion, being considered one of the turn of 2022, although the journey Sri Lanka, our respective econom- scape often resembles the fleeting consideration, it is imperative to
ever witnessed. oldest government departments in is on-going. By the end of this ic paths have diverged, leading to nature of “papadam” - put in the acknowledge the existing agree-
‘When they turned the nitrogen on, he Sri Lanka. Historical records indi- year, our aim is to elevate the discernible differences today. pan, enjoyed when it blooms and ment and work towards its
began to convulse, he popped up on the cate that customs taxes were col- country’s income to 12% of the “Our actions today shape the soon forgotten. The cycle repeats, implementation,”the President
gurney over and over again, he shook lected around 2000 years ago at GDP. By 2026, we target a further future economy of our country. It with new issues emerging, gaining said.
the whole gurney,’ he said. the ancient port of Manthai. From increase to 15%. necessitates thoughtful considera- momentary attention, and eventu- Finance, Economic Stabilisation
Hood was one of the few people to the Anuradhapura era, through the To achieve this, income must be tion and discussion. Political par- ally fading into oblivion. and National Policy State Minister
witness the historic execution, and Kotte era and into the Kandy era, generated from the existing econo- ties should engage in meaningful “We raised concerns on social Ranjith Siyambalapitiya, Presiden-
described how Smith was fitted with customs revenue has played a piv- my, necessitating economic devel- dialogue, especially when prepar- media, vehemently opposing cer- tial Senior Advisor on National
what looked like a ‘firefighter’s mask’ otal role in the nation’s existence. opment. The pressing question ing for elections, understanding tain drafts, only to witness them Security and Chief of Presidential
during the procedure. “I express my gratitude to the today is how to facilitate this eco- the intricacies of addressing the become law despite public outcry. Staff Sagala Ratnayaka, Finance
After praying for the murderer and Customs Department for their con- nomic growth. The out-dated eco- country’s challenges. The Anti-Terrorism Act is now Ministry Secretary Mahinda Siri-
telling him that he ‘loved him and he tribution in helping us overcome nomic system is incapable of pro- It is imperative to carefully con- looming on the horizon, met with wardena, Customs Director Gener-
wasn’t alone’, Hood broke down as he the economic crisis faced in 2022. pelling the country forward. The sider the future trajectory of our similar protests, yet risks being al Sarath Nonis, Senior Deputy
recalled the ‘horror show’ of Smith’s Customs duties, VAT and income reliance on daily loans led to the nation’s economy through open consigned to collective amnesia. Director of Customs R. D. Perera,
final moments.(METRO) taxes stand as the three primary collapse of the country’s economy. discussions. Political parties Similarly, the introduction of the Assistant Director of Customs
sources of income for nations glob- It is imperative to overhaul this should engage in thorough deliber- TRC Act sparked fears about the Sudatta Silva and officials from the
ally. In the contemporary land- ations, articulating strategic steps demise of free education, but these Customs Department attended.

Wijesekera, Nallaperuma
Thanthirige Sohan Two more suspects... From page 01 Maha Sangha support ... From page 01

Retired Professor,
which has been seized by the STF suspects to hide and escape following the considerations to address this situation. deeds with your words. There’s no need for
University of Moratuwa. team. More crucial information has been murders from the scene of the crime. Venerable Murutthettuwe Ananda Thera extensive discussion; your actions speak for
revealed on the multiple murder following The suspect has further divulged that he further said; “Presently, numerous events themselves. Nevertheless, certain activities
Dearly beloved husband of Dharma, interrogations of the main suspect ‘Saman was contacted by a major underworld leader unfold that are contrasting with Buddhist of the Maha Sangha cause distress among
father of Layan, expired. Son of Kumara’ who was arrested on Wednesday living and operating from Dubai who had principles, both through media channels true Buddhists. To rectify this situation, it
Kusumini Wijesekera and late Wijepala at Bangama area in Akuressa in connec- given the contract to kill the main target and some religious figures. Contrary to the is imperative to consider the Maha Sangha
Wijesekera, son-in-law of late Felix tion to the shooting. The suspect, who “Royal Beach Saman” and the other four vic- teachings in the sermons, where one is and promptly revise the constitution.
Perera and late Beatrice Perera, was also the driver of the Pajero jeep at tims and had connected him with the other expected to strive for an extended period “The Maha Sangha should take the lead
the time of the shootings, has revealed shooters and plans were made to carry out to attain enlightenment, there’s a concern- in fostering the nation’s improvement, and I
brother of Rajini Perera, Gayathri that there were two shooters involved in the murders near the Tangalle Magistrate’s ing trend of individuals swiftly claiming seek your assistance in this regard. It
Goonawardena, Mahendra Wijesekera, the incident and that they were both Court. Since another person has provided Buddha and Rahat status. Such occurrences appears that divergent opinions are distort-
brother-in-law of Jayantha Perera, Nimal dropped off at Akuressa and Kamburupiti- the movements and vital information of the pose a significant threat to the Buddhist ing people’s minds, necessitating the crea-
Goonawardena, Githali Wijesekera ya following the incident. five victims using a mobile to the assailants, order. In my capacity as the Chief Sangha tion of an enlightened discourse.
and brother-in-law of Chandima and Police revealed that based on CCTV a special analysis is being carried out on the Nayaka, I earnestly implore you to inter- “I want to affirm that the Maha Sangha
footage, the person who went into a hotel mobile to retrieve vital clues and informa- vene and curb this crisis within the Sam- supports your commendable efforts in
Thilakasiri Mallawaarachchi, Jeewa and and bought food is none other than this tion, Police said.The bank accounts of the buddha Sasana. I kindly request that a maintaining order and protecting the peo-
Sudharman Perera and Siri and Champa main suspect Saman Kumara who spear- main suspect arrested will be checked by the Sasana Shodhana (cleansing of the Buddha ple. I urge you to devise a comprehensive
Perera. The remains lie at Jayaratne headed the crime operation of killing the investigating police teams. Sasana) be carried out by way of a Sangaya- program to uphold the Pancha Sheela poli-
Restpect Home (VIP). Cremation five victims in Beliatta on Monday Five persons, including the Leader of the na. cy. “Additionally, I commend you for your
at General Cemetery, Borella on morning.A Hakmana Police Station team ‘Our People’s Party’ Saman Perera were Abhayarama has become a hub for politi- pivotal role in awarding diplomas to nurs-
under the supervision of SSP Pandula killed in the shootings carried out in Beliatta cians, with widespread speculation that ing officers, an indelible contribution to our
Sunday 28.01.24 at 5.30 p.m. Weerasinghe seized a motorcycle and a on Monday (Jan 22). Special police teams political figures endorse this monastery. nursing association. Despite past challenges
minivan based on the 55-year-old main that have been assigned are conducting fur- However, as a politician and leader of the in the country, you expedited the universi-
suspect Saman Kumara’s confession, with ther investigations into the entire incident. state, you stand out as the sole supporter of ty’s progress with a stroke of your pen, an
the motorcycle being used to transport The two suspects have been ordered to be this temple, embodying true Buddhist val- action that we consistently appreciate.”
the two T-56 firearms used in the shooting detained and interrogated for seven days by ues. Let me emphasize that no other politi- The event was attended by members of
to get rid of them and the minivan for the Court. cian has contributed to this temple as you the Mahasangha, Prime Minister Dinesh
have. Gunawardena, Speaker Mahinda Yapa
“Though not a king in title, you are the Abeywardena, former President Mahinda

CBK to lead... From page 01

de facto leader of this nation. I am confi-
dent that you will take action upon reflec-
tion, as you are known for aligning your
Rajapaksa, Industry and Health Minister
Dr. Ramesh Pathirana, MP Wajira Abey-
wardena and other dignitaries.

Freedom Party has already

commenced and many dis-
cussions with other political
Lanza is going to begin
negotiations to form an alli-
ance with the Sri Lanka
Austrian dead in... From page 01

parties and politicians have Freedom Party after its first

been concluded. meeting. Wolfgang, an Austrian national. The van the van to the right, the driver had hit the left
The leadership of the new Meanwhile, a number of driver has been arrested by Police.His 60-year- side of the van and spun around twice for fifty
alliance will not be given the groups with the old ideology old mother was injured and admitted to the meters. Police said that the van had stopped
power to make a decision of the Janatha Vimukthi Per- Ragama Hospital. facing the Kottawa Interchange. Police suspect
alone and it has been decid- amuna have also expressed The deceased had come for a visit with his that the two parents and the deceased son had
Car Special 2K Cut ed to form a leadership their interest in joining the parents and stayed at the Hikkaduwa Tourist been travelling in the back of the van at the
and Polish by Ma- board that will include Chan- new alliance of the SLFP and Hotel and was travelling to the Katunayake time of the accident and the deceased had
chine only (Bright- drika Bandaranaike as well it has been proposed to hold International Airport from the Gelanigama been sitting on the left side of the van which
ness for 12 months) as a main meeting of the new Expressway in a van to return back to Austria had resulted in him sustaining serious injuries.
finish the job only the heads of other Parties alliance in Colombo as soon when the crash occurred. Police said that the reckless driving of the
four hours (homes that will join the alliance. as the negotiations are over. The Sri Lankan driver of the van had over- 30-year-old driver, a resident of Kandy, who
visited) after wa- The Sri Lanka Freedom Thilanga Sumathipala and taken a lorry that was travelling in front and drove the van, was the cause of the accident.
Party will hold a 50 percent Minister Mahinda was trying to get back on to the left side of the Investigations into the accident are being con-
ter wash only.
majority stake in the alliance Amaraweera have not yet road when he had collided with the back of a ductedon instructions of Expressway Traffic
0724389217 /​074- and it has been decided to been able to come to a defi- lorry that had been parked on one side of the Police Division Director SSP Mayura Perera
2603365. 003930
give 50 percent power to nite agreement regarding the road due to a mechanical fault. While turning and ASP VasanthaKoralage.
Car 2K painting only other parties joining it. This post of General Secretary of
(one day service)
accident repairs
alliance is due to select,
either the betel leaf symbol
or the chair symbol and it is
the United People’s Freedom
Alliance and former Presi-
dent Maithripala Sirisena
Parliament prorogued... From page 01
(homes visited)
buffers,​doors (Can ready to be discussed and has informed both of them to When Parliament is prorogued, the questions and motions that have not been considered
be run after one decided in the future, accord- make a decision immediately. by the Parliament until then will be abolished, and the Members have to take it up again in
ing to the party’s internal As soon as that issue is accordance with the standing orders.All other committees except the Liaison Committee of
hour). 0742603365
sources. It is reported that resolved, an agreement will Parliament, Committee on High Posts, Select Committees and Sectoral Oversight Commit-
/​ 0724389217. the new alliance launched be reached on the symbol to tees, should be re-constituted following the beginning of the new session.
 003928 and headed by MP Nimal be used for the new alliance.


It is with deep regret that we announce
the passing away of Mr. Nissanka Dias on
From page 01
Friday , January 26. Wife of late Lakshman,​mother of Niran,​
sister of Sunethra,​aunt of Veveika and
The loving husband of the late Hyacinth or Corruption Investigation Commis- Bishani,​Janitha and Mahesha. Remains
Dias, was a respected father to Duliksha, sion to deal with bribery in the private lie at A.F. Raymond’s Funeral Parlour
Rohan, Priyadharshinie, and Amal, sector. The raid was conducted accord- from Saturday 9.00 a.m. onwards. Burial
and a father-in-law to Malathi, Esther, ing to a complaint made by a resident of
on Sunday 28th January at 11.00 a.m. at
Buwaneka, and Hirumalie. He was also a the Mahawilacchiya area, who works in a
revered grandfather to Stephanie, Gaythri, hotel. The suspect was arrested after the General Cemetery,​Kanatte (Anglican
Ryan, Rakbo, Dinara, and Abigail, and a taking her to the hotel as the bribe. Section). 006357
proud great-grandfather to Arlo and Bobby. The arrested suspect is to be produced FERNANDO - DOUGLAS FRANCIS (ex.
In his distinguished career, he served
before the Kekirawa Magistrate’s Court. Bank of Ceylon). At Rest with Jesus. Dearly
as a Director - External Resources and
The Bribery or Corruption Investiga- beloved son of late Oswald and Florence,​
tion Commission is following the case. husband of late Noreen,​father of Adrian,​
Economist at the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
and as a Balance of Payment Specialist at Andrea and Douglas,​father-in-law of
the Central Bank of Botswana.
The remains will be kept at A F Raymond’s
Funeral Parlour in Borella for last respects
Litro Gas... From page 01
Karen,​Rohan and Niroshini,​grandfather
of Damian,​ Natalia,​ Romeali,​ Amelia,​
Shaheali & Sophia,​brother of late Anton,​
from 9 am onwards on Saturday, January Insurance Company Chief Financial Roy,​ Hyacinth,​ Eunice,​ Ronald,​ Dorathy
27th and will leave at 4 p.m. for cremation Officer Sriyani Kulasinghe. Peiris and Rita,​Sheila,​Felix,​Winifred,​Audry
at the Borella Cemetery [new crematorium] acknowledged the significant growth and Noel. Remains lie at A.F. Raymond’s
at 4:30 p.m. on the same day. achieved by Litro Gas Company, even in Funeral Parlour from 26th January
challenging economic times. Additional- 2024. Service on 27th January at 3.30
May he attain the bliss of ly, Peiris highlighted that Litro Gas p.m. followed by burial at Roman Catholic
Nibbana. Company contributed Rs.3 billion as div- Section,​General Cemetery,​Borella. 005720
idends to the Treasury in 2023 alone.
S A T U R D A Y, J A N U A R Y 2 7, 2 0 2 4 NEWS page 3 DN

India’s 75th Republic Day Sri Lanka and the Non-Aligned

Movement discussed at SOC
celebrations held The Sectoral Oversight Committee (SOC)
on International Relations, which met on on
Wednesday drew its attention towards Sri
Lanka and the Non-Aligned Movement.
Furthermore, the particular regarding the
The officials present also explained to the
Committee that Sri Lanka’s long and active
involvement in the Non-Aligned Movement
(NAM) culminated in the country hosting
the fifth NAM Summit from 16-19 August
participation of Sri Lanka at the 19th Sum- 1976 in Colombo which was the first NAM
mit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Summit to be held in the Asian Region. The
Kampala, Uganda was also discussed at the 86 countries participated together adopted
Committee meeting held. Colombo Declaration that focused on politi-
The Committee to which Member of Par- cal and economic co-operation.
liament Namal Rajapaksa is the Chair, met Under Sri Lanka’s Chairmanship of the
on the said day under the Chairmanship of Movement, the Non-Aligned Movement
MP Niroshan Perera and Madhura Withan- called for holding of a Special Session at the
age. UN General Assembly on disarmament and
The officials representing the Ministry of took a strong stance against the Apartheid in
Foreign Affairs stated that the Colombo Con- South Africa.
ference hosted by Ceylon in Kandy from 28 Committee Members MPs Niroshan
April to 2 May 1954 is regarded as having Perera, Madhura Withanage and Dr.Harini
provided the momentum to discuss Asian- Amarasuriya were present at the Committee
African solidarity and lead to the 1955 Band- meeting.
ung Conference in Indonesia, which was the Officials representing the Ministry of For-
most immediate antecedent to the establish- eign Affairs and Youth Representatives of the
ment of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Committee were present for this Committee
based onthe 10 Bandung Principles. meeting which was held in Parliament.
A dance item from the cultural show.
an President’s Republic Indian Peace Keeping Force

MP vacancy notified to
Day address. (IPKF) at the IPKF memorial.
The event featured This Republic Day marks over
songs by the Sri Lanka six months to the adoption of the

Elections Commission
Navy band and a cultural India-Sri Lanka Economic Partner-
programme organised by ship Vision by Prime Minister Nar-
High Commission’s cultur- endra Modi and President Ranil
al arm, Swami Vivekanan- Wickremesinghe during the lat-
India’s High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Santosh Jha paid tributes to the fallen
da Cultural Centre. India’s ter’s visit to India in July 2023. SWARNA WIJEKOON that due to the death of the Member of
heroes of Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) at the IPKF memorial.
rich diversity was show- Both sides continue to work The Parliament has informed the Parliament of Puttalam Constituency,
Pictures by Sudath Nishantha
cased at the cultural event towards enhancing connectivity in Elections Commission that a vacancy Sanath Nishantha, there has been a
India’s High Commission cele- to be a Sovereign, Socialist, Secu- with performances of several folk all its dimensions, identified as the has occurred for a Member of Parlia- vacancy in the Ninth Parliament from
brated India’s 75th Republic Day lar, Democratic, Republic. dances. These included Garba of key enabler for shared and sustain- ment of Puttalam district due to the January 25, 2024.
in Colombo yesterday (26). It was High Commissioner Santosh Gujarat which is India’s most able economic prosperity. Consu- death of State Minister Sanath Nishan- According to article 64(1) of the 1981
on January 26, 1950 that the Jha unfurled India’s national flag recent inscription on the lates General of India in Hamban- tha. Parliamentary Elections Act No. 1, the
Indian Constitution - the world's at India House – High Commis- UNESCO Intangible Cultural tota and Jaffna and the Assistant Chaminda Kularatne, Deputy General Deputy General Secretary has informed
largest written Constitution- sioner’s residence and inspected Heritage List of Humanity. High Commission in Kandy also Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Par- this to the Chairman of the Election
entered into force. The Preamble the Guard of Honour. The HC High Commissioner also paid observed the 75th Republic Day of liament has informed in a letter to the Commission on behalf of the Secretary
to the Constitution declares India also read out excerpts of the Indi- tributes to the fallen heroes of India by organising special events. Chairman of the Election Commission General of the Parliament.

SAPP project allocates Rs. 4 billion

for Yala maize cultivation
Spent Rs. 10 Bn to cultivate 40,000
acres of maize in 2023 Maha Season
The Small-Scale Agri-Entrepre- Season on the basis of concessions
neurship Participation Programme provided by the Small-Scale Agri-
(SAPP) has taken steps to allocate an Entrepreneurship Programme
amount of Rs. 4 billion for maize cul- (SAPP).
tivation Yala season this year. The Minister observed that despite
The project spent Rs.10 billion to reports of the epidemic situation of
cultivate 40,000 acres of maize in the Fall Armyworm in many areas related
Maha Season last year. Accordingly, to maize cultivation, maize cultiva-
steps were taken to provide all the tion is being done very successfully in
necessary financial allocations for Kasagala area.
maize cultivation, maize seeds, ferti- The Minister mentioned here that
lizers and land preparation cost to the he has instructed the Small-Scale
farmers on a non-recovery basis. Agricultural Entrepreneurship Pro-
Accordingly, arrangements have gramme (SAPP) to allocate an
been taken to provide these facilities amount of Rs. 4 billion for the cultiva-
to Anuradhapura, Hambantota, Agriculture and Plantation Industries Minister Mahinda Amaraweera observed the tion of maize this year.
Badulla, Ampara and Monaragala dis- maize cultivation in the Kasagala area on Thursday (25). Meanwhile, last Maha Season,
tricts farmers for growing maize. 80,000 acres of maize have been
Meanwhile, Agriculture and Plan- pation Programme to provide neces- cultivation in the Kasagala area on planted countrywide, and the Agri-
tation Industries Minister Mahinda sary concessions to the farmers for Thursday (25). Five thousand acres culture Department says that a har-
Amaraweera instructed the Small- the Yala Season cultivation. of maize was cultivated in Hamban- vest of 350,000 metric tons of maize
scale Agri entrepreneurship Partici- The Minister observed the maize tota District during the last Maha is expected.

Nghf;Ftuj;J kw;Wk; neLQ;rhiyfs; mikr;R



Opening today, 27 th of January 2024

DN page 4 EDITORIAL S A T U R D A Y, J A N U A R Y 2 7, 2 0 2 4

S a t u r d a y , J a n u a r y 2 7, 2 0 2 4

Halt Repetitions of
Kandakadu saga

nother breakout had taken place at the
Kandakadu Drug Rehabilitation Centre making
it the second instance this year alone where
clashes between inmates had resulted in a
group undergoing rehabilitation fleeing the Centre. The
last instance was on January 12, forcing the Police to
undertake a massive manhunt to capture the inmates
who fled.
On Thursday, nearly 100 inmates similarly bolted follow-
ing clashes with fellow inmates, which is now the all too
familiar scenario at the Centre meant to rehabilitate
drug addicts instead of sending them to prison. While a
group among them surrendered to the Police the same
morning another 17 were arrested by the Police. Police
are trying to trace the rest of the missing inmates as
this is being written.
According to Rehabilitation Commissioner Darshana
Hettiarachchi the clashes are being engineered by
hardcore drug addicts who had been recently sent to

the Centre and these elements create cliques among hese days bring back memories of the past when I used to relish reading Tintin. I use the word ‘rel-
the inmates that invariably result in clashes targeting ish’ and the reason is that I frequently come across words similar to TIN. Of course, Tintin’s adven-
inmates already in the process of undergoing long term tures are more exciting and humorous than the financially oriented Tax Identification Number (TIN),
rehabilitation. It is not clear if drug addicts rounded up which gave rise to the acronym. When I was simply curious and googled the meaning of the metallic
under the Yukthiya operation too are being sent to the element tin, I encountered some difficulty. All I got were pages about TINs, the tax kind, not the element kind.
Kandakadu Centre and are responsible for creating Talk about SEO gone astray! Of course, there’s a big difference between the Belgian reporter and the tax iden-
these clashes. If so, alternative means should be tification number (even if they share the same acronym and a metallic namesake).
explored to rehabilitate these drug addicts.
Some of the re-arrested captives were also shown on TV Enough digression, back to our does in the animated series. This deciphers these visual cues, actively
complaining about the assaults, torture and other hard- boy Tintin! level of engagement cannot be com- constructing the narrative in their
His adventures were the ultimate pared with passive watching of the mind, becoming a wit-
ships they are made to go through by elements within
escape, whisking me away to the animation. ness and interpreter.
the Centre which had forced them to flee .This could most adventurous destinations, thrill- Similarly, Hergé landscapes evoke,
upset the entire rehabilitation process. ing mysteries, and good old-fash- through his artwork, a demand for
According to the Commissioner, there are around 500 ioned laughs. Every panel crackled active participation. A desert in Land
drug addicts who are undergoing rehabilitation at the with adventure, from the windswept of the Black Gold isn’t simply a back-
Kandakadu Centre. Hence, any addition is also bound plains of Tibet to the bustling souks ground. It’s one beautiful meadow of
to cause overcrowding and reduce the Rehabilitation of Morocco. And let’s not forget the sun-baked dunes, jagged cliffs, and
Centre to the situation faced by our prisons where ram- characters: eternally grumpy Had- the silhouettes of distant caravans.
pant congestion has frequently led to clashes among dock and mischievous Snowy were We become explorers alongside Tin
the inmates. like family, always ready for adven- Tin, tracing the winding caravanse-
ture for the sake of us, the readers. rais, imagining the burning sand
The topic of prison congestion has come up for discus-
One of my older colleagues underfoot, and feeling the thrill of
sion time and again both among the authorities and the dropped this simple statement the discovery with each new panel.
general public but little headway has been made to find other day: “Tintin is all about the The Tintin illustrations have won a
a solution to this vexed problem. According to a recent comics, not the cartoons.” It got me reputation for their exceptional qual- Active
media report prison capacity has exceeded by as much thinking! The movies and shows are ity, meticulous detail, and historical participation and
fun, but the real treasure is hidden in accuracy. This is evident in enlarged
as 100 percent. Although all the prisons in the country
are built to hold a total of 13,241 prisoners (including the books. Tintin’s journeys come panels from books like The Crab with
remand prisoners) they are presently accommodating alive best when you flip through the the Golden Claws, where lines and The most crucial differ-
nearly 30,000 inmates. One can only imagine the con- pages and picture everything in your textures bring scenes to life. Similar- ence lies in the power of
ditions of our prisons under such circumstances, par- head. It’s like you co-author the series ly, the villages and landscapes, par- imagination. The animat-
with Hergé. Can any animation ticularly those set in Eastern Europe, ed films provide ready-
ticularly where hygienic and sanitary aspects are con-
match the prowess of that simplicity? showcase remarkable attention to made visuals. The comic
cerned. detail, creating a sense of authentici- books leave the reader’s
This indeed is an appealing situation. No wonder our Hergé’s artistic ty and immersion. mind space to fill in the
prisons are today described as hellholes and rather The young globe-trotter is rarely in blanks. The lack of sound and I was looking to purchase the
than rehabilitating inmates held for minor offences in mastery one place for long. His journeys movement demands active engage- entire Tintin collection. Unfortu-
truth what the system is doing is driving them further to Hergé’s strongest point is that he extend from his quaint European ment. The roar of engines in Cigars nately, my pursuit turned out to be
a life of crime and criminality upon release. Urgent weaves a unique narrative synergy base at Marlinspike, inspired by a of the Pharaoh, the crash of waves quite costly. The price tag was
steps should be taken to address the situation. between the artist and the audience. French chateau, to far-flung destina- in Red Rackham’s Treasure, or the exorbitant, prompting me to recon-
Prisoners are also human, as signposted at the Maga- Each panel is a meticulously crafted tions like Eastern Europe, the Con- echo of Haddock’s insults, person- sider. Opting for the animated
zine Prison, and it is due to the force of circumstance tableau, inviting us to become a part go’s vast expanse, the scorching alised with each internal voice- series on platforms like YouTube
of the story. The animations have the Sahara, and across continents: North over, is a case in point. This act of emerged as a more convenient and
that most of them find themselves behind bars. They
images flow and cascade in a prede- and South America, China, India, the imaginative participation deepens economical alternative. While it
deserve to be treated humanely by making prisons liv- termined sequence. On the contrary, Tibetan heights, icy Greenland, the the connection with the story. It lacks the charm of reading, it cer-
able for their inmates. the comic book reader controls the bustling United States, even the creates an intimate experience tainly doesn’t strain the wallet.
Since the Government has decided not to build any more pace. They can savour the details, ocean’s depths and the lunar surface. between the reader and the ink. Then again, it proves that reading
prisons, as a first measure, steps should be taken to retrace lines, and, most importantly, While some nations get a fictional- My senior colleague’s statement is an expensive habit, hence more
release all minor offenders and those held due to their draw connections across panels. ised twist, the captivating character is not simply a preference. It is a sophisticated than watching a
inability to pay fines. Instead what we see is those held Take Captain Haddock’s temper, and Hergé’s illustrations can tempt recognition of the distinct essence movie.
for minor offenses being released on Independence for instance. In the comic panel, it you to pack your stuff for a trip of of the comic book. Tintin’s adven- In the end, I had to be content
Day or for Vesak or Poson Full Moon Poya days. But serves not just as a costume choice your own fancy. tures are not meant for passive with a handful of physical copies
what really happens is they are replaced in no time by but as a visual explosion just about to The comic book format allows entertainment. They are an invita- and an e-book collection.
be detonated. Hergé’s lines capture Hergé to play with time and perspec- tion to co-author, explore, and If you share a similar fondness
others thrown in. So there really is no diminution of the
the mosaic of Haddock’s anger. It tive in ways film adaptations often actively participate in the world for Tintin and have a budget
numbers. transforms what looks like an ordi- struggle with. He uses close-ups to Hergé has carefully crafted. In that exceeding Rs 50,000, go for it by
Steps should be taken by the relevant authorities to sys- nary fabric into a dynamic character heighten suspense, wide shots to sense, reading Tintin is not just all means.
tematically release minor offenders after studying their extension. In this sense, we are no showcase the grandeur of exotic turning pages. It is embarking on a Open a volume, let your eyes
cases. In the alternative, special rehabilitation pro- longer the readers. We have become locales, and panels within panels to journey fueled by imagination and become the camera, and dive into
grammes should be launched targeting this lot, away the observers. We get to watch the create dreamlike sequences that bend guided by the artist’s masterful the vibrant panels where Tintin’s
from the prisons. In advanced countries, the concept of tension grow more efficiently than it the boundaries of reality. The reader hand. world truly comes alive.
prisons or correctional centres is undergoing drastic
Offenders are no longer being shoved into prison build-
ings but live in open-air spaces in a conducive environ-
ment and are allowed to interact with families and loved
ones on given occasions. We too should think of such
an arrangement if any more prisons are not going to be
built. It will also make the inmates better prepared to
enter the society once released.
After all, a good majority of our prisoners find themselves
behind bars for spur-of-the-moment crimes and acts
committed under sudden provocation. They may regret
and repent their offences while in prison.
While prison overcrowding is a serious issue that has to
be urgently addressed, the shenanigans going on
inside the prison walls too should be the focus of atten-
tion of the authorities. There is a subterranean life in our
prisons for which much aiding and abetting is being
provided by corrupt prison officials. There is also a
flourishing drug business that is being carried out from
behind the prison walls.
One should also not forget that the killing of High Court
Judge Sarath Ambepitiya was also planned and organ-
ised from behind the prison walls. Going by this it is
evident that our prisons rather than functioning as cor-
rectional centres meant to have offenders rehabilitated
have become hives of criminal activity for which urgent
remedies have to be found by the concerned authori-


Many of us are in are in our own prisons that
aren’t made of iron bars. - Hill Harper
S A T U R D A Y, J A N U A R Y 2 7, 2 0 2 4

common item in every Sri Under the caring control of Almighty
Lankan home is the kettle. A the veins of the human heart
kettle is put on the stove or Are tiny particles that operate
cooker every morning to make Widespread all over the world
that refreshing cup of tea or coffee. Apart from natural calamities
The humble kettle is part of our lives Wars everywhere under the sun
and wields its charm in bringing our Causing losses colossal
families together. It symbolises life and All because of a misunderstanding
hope, though it often gets little signifi- And misinterpreting
cance in our busy lives. This narrative Religions multiple-faceted.
traces the origins of the kettle, its time- Earthworm knows the typical smell of earth
less affair with tea drinking and its In mankind made into mere ‘that.’
allure and attachment in various cul- In the heart of ethnic atrocities
tures. Bloodsucking leeches
Have gobbled up
Kettles have been with humanity for Our very life-span
thousands of years. Exploding bombs scattered all over
The kettle as we know it has evolved Gripping our necks
from the essential open pans used over Till the time the love of heart Twenty first century summer’s noon
open fires to heat water. For centuries, and the colour of blood Sun shines in a clear blue sky;
all over the world, families, travellers, changed not I could hear the vehicles pass by
sailors, farmers, and the military have for the future generations People keep buzzing as ever
been using durable iron kettles to cook to meet and create On a busy weekend;
food and boil water. This sturdy iron history
kettle lasts for decades. Some homes for succeeding in upholding I took a stroll to the old burial ground
still have these vintage kettles from tolerance and equality Slowly wandered through step by step;
the Ceylon era. In ancient Europe, and for peace to prevail Tombs a plenty
nomads boiled water and added wheat all these and more remain Where they’re laid to rest;
grain to flavour it. This practice led to our thirst eternal.
what we know today as malt beer. - Oleethu Mohamed
Deep into the woods I saunter in
Centuries ago, the great caravans trav- Mafas
Gentle breeze blows the heat away;
elling across the Middle East also Beauty of serenity peeps in
adored their kettles for making tea. Vehicle sounds distant wouldn’t shake a deer;
Bronze kettles are evidenced as Beholds the singings of birds so mellow
being used to boil water for medicinal Perhaps they feel alone
purposes. The kettle can be thanked One may be lamenting for another
for providing countless generations Where the nature encounters;
with boiled drinking water. In China,
people began adding green tea leaves I was sand
Before you came The green woods beckon sanctity
to the hot water for some flavour – a Though a siren wails at distant;
practice first documented during the Like the blazing sun
Melting my heart into clear liquid Numerous tombstones may be thousands
Shang Dynasty. Specific English terms Big ones, small ones some are ruined
reflect the traditional idea of a kettle: a Oh, my sweet molten love!
Yet the epitaphs remain to tell a tale;
‘fish kettle’ is a long, shallow pot for They who died were in the eighteenth century
cooking whole fish and a ‘kettle drum’ It was a tiresome process
Looking for air bubbles and stresses Reminds how times have flown by;
is a large, bowl-shaped drum. The mighty warriors, religious leaders, dictators
Weeping for every stubborn, unmelted silt
Poets or nature lovers might be them;
Monopolised trade Refusing to give up
They have flocked to a single place in unison
Through the hottest and the coldest.
A long story that was incomplete;
The kettle and tea have a long lega- The epitaphs tell more
cy. The British East India Company After many meteor showers
Now inseparable, I stood by one and glanced so care,
was formed in 1600 and monopolised They tell a religious leader;
trade between Britain and the Far You and I are glass
Once a serviceman in Ceylon,
East. At that point, tea had been intro- Beautiful and fragile.
For nine years two centuries before;
duced to Europe but was still odd in rights in 1923. In 1956, Russell Hobbs ache—the kettle and Ceylon tea offer - Amali Mallawarachchi
This may be one of the hundreds
Great Britain. That changed when managed to develop an automatic elec- some relief for us wordsmiths. While In a long untold story,
Charles II married Catherine of Bra- trical kettle. travelling across this serene island, I Wherever they lived whatever they did, the ancestors
ganza, a Portuguese princess who Putting the ‘kettle on’ is an action noticed how vital the kettle is in rural Of the kind good or bad
loved tea. Thanks to her, tea became that creates a break or a pause. This villages. I cherish the memories of They have come here as one;
the accepted drink among monarchs allows us to gather our thoughts, shift boiling the water in an open kitchen
and the wealthy class. Tea became a our perspective and consider our next on the remote island of Karainagar In a long winding road
status symbol for the super-rich of move. A cup of tea can also give a with my amiable friend Vincent. The Where life becomes alone at a point;
Regency England. Not surprisingly, in significant boost when it comes to sea breeze fanned the burning embers, Beholds another tomb
keeping with the elitism of tea drink- self-care and wellbeing—some of my and the tea kettle kept us awake for Where one after another they have entered into rest
ing, teakettles were ornate, often made earliest memories of the kettle date hours of chatter. Or called to their heavenly home;
of silver. They were a prized posses- back to my school days. When I was On a few occasions, I had blissful Father, mother, son and the daughter
sion. part of the 39th Colombo Scout Troop, moments of having kept the kettle on Laid as one,
When the British East India Com- we often had campfires, and the kettle an open fire in the lush garden of my Might be an epidemic that shook them
pany began to trade directly with was very much part of the tea ritual. friend Terry, in his ancestral home in On a dark frightful nineteenth century day;
China, focusing on tea imports, the We used to enjoy ginger-infused tea, Jaffna. Similar moments were shared The epitaph tells more
drink became available to a broader biscuits, and milk toffees. in the hill country as I waited one The relatives have come to see them
demographic. Tea was fast becoming night with my friend Ravi to observe With every word I pen today,
A symphony does play, As flowers and petty pots were seen afresh
affordable to all and very popular Shared stories an intrusive wild boar, which was gob-
For mother dear, who’s reached the age Where the humming bees gather nectar from;
among all classes. There was now a bling up the vegetables in the cultiva-
market for cheaper teakettles. Copper Growing up in the politically turbu- tion area, away from the bungalow. There is a cedar tree
is durable, malleable, and an excellent lent times of the 1980s and 1990s, I The kettle was part of my travel If every letter I write today,
Could speak, they’d have much to say, Huge and humble
conductor of heat. In response to the saw many days when Colombo was moments in Galle and Matara as we Arms stretched across the ground
trend for tea drinking, the copper tea- clamped down with curfew. During relished our tea with kalu dodol. On Of the struggles you took on,
To mould me from ignorance to dawn. Where tens of tombs flock as one
kettle became an everyday object in those days when there was no social another occasion, we sat by a burning As they’re shaded by the colossal marvel
British homes. In the mid-1700s, tea media and cable TV, we relied on our kettle in Trincomalee, curious about a That protects them sun’s heavy beating;
gardens became fashionable, and tea neighbours for extended chats to over- meandering paranormal creature seen From nurturing me to form each letter,
To guiding me through every chapter, Where there are no big ones
was part of an afternoon or evening of come the boredom. The kettle kept us in a garden. Our vigil ended when a There stand the shrubs and bushes
entertainment. At these “garden par- united and somewhat motivated as our confused mongoose ran out of the You took on the task with care,
And led me to literacy With flowers of pink and yellow
ties,” tea was served to accompany the senior citizens shared ghost stories trees, crashed, toppled the kettle, and As a little stream in a forest;
dancing and socialising. The kettle and stories of failed romances over a ran for its life, probably with a burn They may utter the ultimate story
played a significant part in all these cup of tea. Sometimes, the tea was injury. As for the unseen ghost, it, too, In lines now etched upon your face,
I see a younger version grace, As I let them say;
events. made in the garden, with the kettle must have laughed at this funny out-
The use of electricity to produce suspended on a makeshift hearth to come. The cast iron kettles are Nurturing me to form each letter,
A lifelong bond, that will not wither. Big ones, small ones in their days
“clean” heat in the home expanded in enhance these social gatherings, where replaced with modern variations Gentle breeze is the same so is the green grass
the 1880s with a particular focus on bats flew about in the stillness of the today. But every kettle boils and hisses There’s only a place of parity
cooking technologies such as electric night. with energy, adding to the beautiful I envision the starry skies,
When you sat by my side, Where lies the six feet under
stoves. Arthur Leslie Large is credited Since taking up print media as a moments of life. - Vidhura Subash
with inventing the electric kettle. The career, putting on the kettle has Little me struggling with each written word
invention of the whistling kettle is become a refreshing routine. Stay- Amid others writing with ease
commonly attributed to Londoner ing at the computer can become You guided me through the pages like a lighthouse,
Harry Bramson, who sold the patent annoying and give you a mild head- With all your wisdom and might,
Helping me to see the world in a new light.

With every word I pen,

I recall the struggles, and the battle I fought within.
And you were there for me,
Guiding me through the darkness
Believing in me,
Knowing I would make it through somehow. I feel violated
The kettle and tea have a long legacy. My whole body feels violated
The British East India Company was Let these words sing your praise, I feel my thinking is barred by walls
I feel every inch of my body violated
For the sacrifices you made,
formed in 1600 and monopolised trade You are the reason I can weave I feel blood gushing through every nerve of mine
between Britain and the Far East. A tale with ink, and pen my own narrative, I am losing control
At that point, tea had been introduced With all my might and passion. I am losing it
to Europe but was still odd in Great Britain. - Indeewara de Mel - Dinuli Francisco

That changed when Charles II married

Catherine of Braganza, a Portuguese If you have verses that resonate with emotions, stories that dance with meta-
phors, or musings that paint vivid images with words, we would love to feature your
princess who loved tea. work in Poetry Corner. Send your submissions to,
and let your words find a home in this literary corner.
DN page 6 NEWS S A T U R D A Y, J A N U A R Y 2 7, 2 0 2 4

Funeral of State Minister Sanath Nishantha tomorrow

Minister Keheliya Rambukwella, Parliamentarians Namal Rajapaksa, C B Rathnayake, and Transport, Highways and Mass Media Minister Dr. Bandula Gunawardhana pay- Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena paying his last respects to the State
Gamini Lokuge, carrying the casket to move it to the late State Minister’s official residence ing his last respects to the State Minister Minister. Picture by Sulochana Gamage

The former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Minister Prasan-

na Ranatunga, and former Minister Mahindananda Aluthga-
mage paying their respects Children of the State Minister beside the coffin Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa paying his last respects. Pictures by Sudath Malaweera

An SLAF Legend Air Vice-Marshal Ravi New Alliance begins today from Ja-Ela
Arunthavanathan fades away gracefully town at 3:00 p.m. in support of Ranil The New Allliance will commence its Alliance spokesman said that Education
campaign in support of President Ranil Minister Susil Premajayantha, Parliamen-
Sri Lanka Air Force in its flam- Cricket, Soccer, and Badminton in Chief of Staff before his retirement Air Vice-Marshal Ravi Aruntha- Wickremesinghe from Ja-Ela today, begin- tarians Anura Priyadarshana Yapa, Nimal
boyant history of over 70 years has particular. His heroics are still after an illustrious career. He also vanathan was a thorough gentle- ning at the Ja Ela town at 3:00 p.m. The Lanza representing the Gampaha and
produced many legendary officers remembered in how he anchored a served a period as an Additional man on and off the field. He was Ja-Ela rally will be held under the patron- Kurunegala district will participate in the
of the highest calibre and honour. mammoth inning with Prasad Kari- Secretary of the Defence Ministry endowed with numerous awards for age of Gampaha district leaderÿof the rally.
Counted among these legends, Air yawasam (Former Secretary of the at the tail end of his career. He gallantry, & valour in battle. His Alliance Trade, Commerce and Food The office of the New Alliance was
Vice-Marshal Ravi Arunthavana- Foreign Ministry, Permanent Rep- continued to serve as a sports demise is a great loss to the frater- Security Minister Nalin Fernando opened in Rajagiriya on January 01.
than was an unequivocally out- resentative to the UN, Envoy to the administrator in many spheres. He nities associated with him.
standing in every sense. His name US and India) who scored an epoch- was once the secretary of the Air In our final notes, it should be

Dharga town science project University

will surely go down in the annals of making 158 for Richmond. He skil- Force Sports Council. said that although he bore a Tamil
SLAF as an officer and a gentleman fully kept wickets for the college in His prowess as a sports adminis- name, he was a devoted Buddhist
who carved a permanent niche in the first XI team for some years trator was well acknowledged when who followed the philosophy to the
antiquity. We first encountered this with distinction. he was appointed the Chairman of last letter.
legendary figure when he visited his
alma mater Richmond College,
Galle on an SLAF recruitment drive
His career in the SLAF had been
outstanding and second to none.
Air Vice-Marshal
the Organizing Committee of the
Under-19 World Cup tournament
held in Sri Lanka under the auspic-
He was once instrumental in con-
structing a shrine room at SLAF
Unit, Batticaloa for which he donat-
admission awarding ceremony today
in 1981. Then, we were just pupils Ravi Arunthavanathan es of Sri Lanka Cricket. He was ed a Buddha statue from his own The Dr. Rumie Hashim foundation, Dharga town science project, felicitation and
in the college. also the President of the prestigious funds. Today, this legendary officer awarding ceremony for students who gained University admission will be held today
A plethora of students who were He had the rare privilege of serving Galle CC who rendered yeomen is no more but the memories of him from 9:00 a.m. onwards at Naleem Hajiar hall, Zahira College, Dharga Town. Former
captivated by his charms and gran- as the Aid de Camp to three Air service to the club during his ten- will surely linger in our minds till Chairman - State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka Dr. M.H.M Rumie will be
deur as an impeccably smart and Force Commanders. This is a great ure. He also reciprocated his ges- the end of time because he left such the chief guest.
handsome officer in uniform, were feat that still remains phenomenal ture to his alma mater, serving a a legacy.
motivated to join SLAF upon com- and unbroken. In addition, he held long stint as the President of Rich- May he attain the supreme bliss
pleting their secondary education some important appointments in mond College Old Boys Association of Nirvana?
to serve the motherland. The two of
us are just two examples of those
who followed through.
the SLAF including the Command-
ing Officer, Diyatalawa Training
Camp, SLAF Unit, Batticaloa, and
(Colombo Branch). It is also wor-
thy of note that he was also the live
wire of the Steering Committee of
- Wg. Cdr (Retd) Sunil
Maddumage and
Sqdn. Ldr (Retd) Lasitha Mendis
ESG-KOICA Youth midterm Volunteer
Programme in Sri Lanka
At school, he was a sportsman Director-Administration. He culmi- the Colombo Association’s cente- (Old Boys Association
par excellence. He excelled in nated his career being the Deputy nary celebrations a few years back. of Richmond)

Political party behind offensive ESG-KOICA Youth midterm Vol-

unteer Programme commenced in
Sri Lanka on 20th November 2023

comments on social media against and twenty-five (25) volunteers have

been dispatched as the first batch to
carry out activities in the social sec-

late Sanath Nishantha - Minister

tor which is expected to provide
high-quality education and activities
aiming at Sri Lankan students, dur-
ing their three months long assignment. tives. During the meeting JANG HYEO-
The ESG-KOICA youth mid-term vol- NJI, Field Manager of KIDC who is in-
Shocking to observe how Posting offensive comments using unteers are currently serving at the Uni- charge of the Sri Lanka volunteer group
versity of Kelaniya, Mahinda Rajapaksha thanked the representatives of the partner
people can rejoice death fake accounts needs regulations College - Homagama and the Department organizations, for their continuous coop-
of Probation and Child Care Services - eration towards the successful implemen-
VARUNA DAYARATNE Galle and they are successfully conduct- tation of the programme and for assuring
A probe has been launched to identify those ing him using derogatory remarks and com- hate speech on individuals without any basis ing activities focusing on global capacity volunteers' safety and security.
posting extremely offensive comments on social ments from the time he met with the accident that requires to be brought under control. building, global citizenship education and KIM MYUNGJIN, Country Director of
media pertaining to the recent death of former and succumbed to his fatal injuries. Speaking to the media at the residence of the social emotional learning. KOICA Sri Lanka office mentioned "We
Water Supply State Minister Sanath Nishantha. Minister Amaraweera said that it is shocking late State Minister Sanath Nishantha’s home The Korea International Cooperation expect that the ESG-KOICA youth mid-
Agriculture Minister Mahinda Amaraweera to observe how people can rejoice at the death after paying his last respects, Minister Centre (KIDC) together with the KOICA term volunteer programme will further
said on Thursday (25), that the probe had of an individual and said that due to the Amaraweera said that the people in Puttalam Sri Lanka Office conducted a field visit enhance the exchanges between two
revealed that people connected to one particu- advance in technology, unlike in the past, nowa- District, the seat of late State Minister Sanath in-order to monitor and evaluate volun- countries through active communication
lar political party were behind the offensive days the online social media used in violation of Nishantha will face a massive crisis after losing teers' activities at the University of and social activities with the Sri Lankan
comments and it was not the voice of the peo- social ethics can be monitored and offenders their MP who has done yeoman service for the Kelaniya and the Mahinda Rajapaksha students, and further strengthen diplo-
ple of the country which he highly doubts that can be identified which is a great relief. people in the Puttalam District from the time College - Homagama during January 23rd matic and cultural relationship between
people in a majority Buddhist nation and those Minister Amaraweera said that this incident, he began representing the seat. and 24th, 2024. Korea and Sri Lanka"
of any other religious faith would do at the along with other instances such as violations He said that late Sanath Nishantha was some- The Country Director of KOICA Sri As a part of volunteers' assignment, it
death of a person to rejoice and post offensive against children and women, shows that social one who was always with the people and was a Lanka office KIM MYUNGJIN, Deputy is scheduled to hold Korean cultural
hate filled comments on social media. media needs to be regulated to some extent. He popular people-friendly politician. Country Director KIM DOYUN and the events at the partner organizations during
The minister told reporters that the individu- said that many innocent children’s lives are Minister Amaraweera further said that the Field Manager of Korea International February 5th ,6th ,7th and 8th, 2024;
als were found posting such offensive com- being destroyed regularly, lots of women have death of State Minister Nishantha is a huge loss Development Cooperation Centre (KIDC) enabling students to experience and wit-
ments on a regular basis and under fake committed suicide due to irresponsible and to the Government and the void created by his JANG HYEONJI met with the volunteers ness K-Pop, K-Drama, Traditional games,
accounts targeting the late State Minister abusive ways that social media is used to target demise cannot be replaced or filled by any and discussed about the progress of their wearing Hanbok and many other recrea-
Sanath Nishantha aimed at character assassinat- people in defamatory ways, insulting and using other. activities including the programme direc- tional activities.

The Uma Oya project reaches a major milestone

120 MW additional capacity to be added to National Grid in February – State Minister Shasheendra Rajapaksa
Irrigation State Minister, Shasheen- marks a significant step towards ing food security, highlighting its role Further, State Minister Rajapaksa’s opment. These initiatives offer hope Meanwhile, the Ministry of Irriga-
dra Rajapaksa, has outlined ambitious improving Sri Lanka’s energy security. as a key contributor to national food announcements paint a picture of a for a brighter future for Sri Lanka’s tion continues to spearhead large-
plans to increase the country’s electric- The State Minister also revealed production. He acknowledged the sub- future Sri Lanka powered by renewable economy and its people. scale multipurpose development
ity generation and food production in plans to utilize 31 identified reservoirs stantial budget allocation of Rs. 23,413 energy and abundant food production. The Mahaweli Development Author- projects, largely funded by foreign
2024. Speaking at a Press Briefing held for floating solar power plants, with million for the Ministry, with Rs. 6,913 The Uma Oya project’s imminent com- ity has received a significant boost loans. One such project, the Uma
at the Presidential Media Centre the potential to generate an additional million dedicated to reservoir mainte- pletion and the ambitious plans for with a local fund allocation of Rs. 4,678 Oya project, is nearing completion
(PMC) on the theme ‘Collective path 3,077 MW of electricity. This innova- nance and Rs. 16,500 million ear- floating solar panels are promising million. Agriculture takes the lion’s and is expected to contribute 120
to a stable country’ yesterday (26), tive approach leverages existing infra- marked for large-scale irrigation pro- steps towards energy independence. share with Rs. 1,590 million, followed MW of electricity capacity to the
State Minister Rajapaksa announced structure and resources to address the jects. This investment demonstrates Additionally, the significant budget by Rs. 930 million dedicated to live- national grid by February 15. This
that the Uma Oya project is expected country’s growing energy needs. the government’s prioritization of food allocation for irrigation projects under- stock development. These investments marks a significant step towards
to add 120 MW of electricity to the Rajapaksa emphasized the Ministry security and sustainable agricultural scores the government’s commitment aim to revitalize Sri Lanka’s rural econ- increasing Sri Lanka’s energy inde-
national grid by February 15. This of Irrigation’s commitment to enhanc- practices. to food security and agricultural devel- omy and enhance food security. pendence.
S A T U R D A Y, J A N U A R Y 2 7, 2 0 2 4 GLOBAL NEWS page 7 DN

ICJ to rule on urgent Australians call National Holiday ‘Invasion

Day,’ protesting British colonization
measures in Gaza Thousands of Australians pro-
tested the anniversary of British
expulsion of Indigenous people
from their land without a treaty.
Ministry of Industries
Lanka Mineral Sands Limited
genocide case
colonization of their country Thousands of people, many of
with large crowds Friday urging whom waved Indigenous flags,
for Australia Day to be moved
and for a day of mourning on the
rallied in front of the Victoria
State Parliament in Melbourne,
Transportation of
Israel say “throw out these spurious and specious charges”
holiday some call ‘Invasion Day.’
The holiday marks the arrival
calling for an official day of
mourning to be declared across
Mineral Sands from the
UN judges on Friday will rule on
of 11 British ships carrying con-
victs at Port Jackson in present-
Australia. Large crowds in Syd-
ney chanted for the Australia
Pulmoddai Plant up to
South Africa's request for emer-
gency measures against Israel,
day Sydney on Jan. 26, 1788. For
many activists, the day marked
Day date to be moved. Protests
have been organised in every
the Trincomalee Harbour
which is accused at the World the beginning of a sustained major city in the country.
Court of state-led genocide for its period of discrimination and - Time
military operation in Gaza.
Friday's ruling at the Interna- Quotations are invited from qualified persons and institutions for
tional Court of Justice (ICJ) will the transportation of Ilmenite mineral sands manufactured at the
not deal with the core accusation Pulmoddai Plant of the Lanka Mineral Sands Ltd. which is a fully
of the case - whether genocide state owned company functioning under the Ministry of Industries,
occurred - but will focus on the from the Pulmoddai Plant up to Trincomalee Habour and to attend
urgent intervention sought by to other requirements.
South Africa. Palestinians wounded during the Israeli air and ground
Among the measures South Afri- offensive in Khan Younis are brought to a hospital in 1) Interested and qualified bidders can obtain further details
ca requested is an immediate halt Rafah, Gaza Strip. required from the Supplies Manager of the Lanka Mineral
to Israel's military operation, which Sands Ltd., at No. 341/13, Sarana Mawatha, Rajagiriya
has laid waste to much of the enclave and that Israel's operation violates the 1948 and can inspect the bid documents from 29.01.2024 up to
killed more than 25,000 people, according to Genocide Convention. 08.02.2024.
Gaza health authorities. The Court will issue its ruling at 1p.m. in
Israel has asked the Court to reject the a hearing expected to last about an hour. 2) Relevant bid documents can be purchased from the Supplies
case outright. An Israeli Government South Africa has asked it to issue nine Section of the office at the above address from 29.01.2024
spokesperson on Thursday said they expect emergency measures, which act like a up to 2.30 p.m. on 08.02.2024 on payment of a non-
the UN's top court to “throw out these spuri- restraining order while the Court hears the refundable fee of Rupees Twenty Five Thousand (Rs.
ous and specious charges”. case in full, which could take years. 25000/=).
South Africa argued two weeks ago that Pretoria wants the Court to order a halt to
Israel's aerial and ground offensive is aimed Israeli military action in Gaza, allowing in 3) A bid bond to the value of Rs. 2,400,000.00 obtained from
to bring about “the destruction of the popu- more humanitarian aid and for Israel to a Commercial Bank valid for 60 days, drawn in favour of the
lation” of Gaza. investigate and prosecute possible viola- Lanka Mineral Sands Ltd should be submitted and it can also
Israel rejects the accusations, saying it tions. The Court is not bound to follow be paid by cash, made to the Accounts Section of the Lanka
respects international law and has a right to South Africa's requests and could order its Mineral Sands Ltd.,
defend itself. own measures if it finds it has jurisdiction at
4) Sealed bids should either be sent by registered post to the
Israel launched its war in Gaza after a this stage of the case.
undermentioned address or placed in the tender box kept at
cross-border rampage on October 7 by - Irish Examiner
the same address, to be received at or before 14.30 hrs. on
Hamas militants.
09.02.2024. Bids received late will be rejected. Bids received
Israeli officials said 1,200 people were
will be opened immediately after closing of acceptance of
killed, mostly civilians, and 240 taken hos-
tage. bids in the presence of bidders or their representatives who
The 17-judge panel will only decide on choose to attend.
whether or not to impose provisional meas- 5) Relevant other details and conditions are stated in the bid
ures and whether there is a plausible risk documents.
Further details if required can be obtained from the undermentioned
telephone numbers :

French President Chief Supplies Manager -

Head Office - 011-2883972 (Direct)

Guest at India’s Republic 011-2883951 / 2

Deputy General Manager (P/O) - Pulmoddai Plant

Day celebrations 026-2256131,

Department Procurement Committee (DPC),
UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA Lanka Mineral Sands Limited,
No. 341/13, Sarana Mawatha,

Intake Under Special Provisions

The Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya intends to enroll students from the

Indian President Droupadi Murmu with Chief

industry/institutes for the B.Sc. Honours Degree Programs in Agricultural Technology &
Management, Animal Science & Fisheries and Food Science & Technology under special
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Guest French President Emmanuel Macron arrives provisions intake for the academic Year 2022/2023. The degrees are of four year duration. An
during the 75th Republic Day celebrations.
entrance examination (written & oral) for the selection of the students will be held shortly. The EXPANSION AND RENOVATION OF
Heads of Institutions/Industry concerned should make arrangements to grant scholarships/
Prime Minister Narendra Modi began the leave for the selected persons to follow the degree programs in full time basis. EXISTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE
Republic Day 2024 celebrations by paying
tribute to the brave soldiers of the Indian 1. B.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Technology & Management AT MIRIJJAWILA EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE
Armed Forces at the National War Memorial Every candidate should satisfy the following requirements to be eligible to sit for the
in Delhi on Friday. entrance examination. CONTRACT NO : BOI/TS/MjEPZ/2023/13/05.009
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh received (a) A two year Diploma in Agriculture or in Animal Production/Animal Husbandry from 1. The Chairman, Departmental Procurement Committee on behalf of the Board of Investment
PM Modi upon his arrival at the memorial. any School of Agriculture of the Department of Agriculture, any School of Animal of Sri Lanka invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for Expansion and
Major Indrajeet Sachin from the Sixth Bat- Production of the Department of Animal Production & Health, Aquinas University Renovation of Existing Administrative Office at Mirijjawila Export Processing Zone.
talion of Sikh Regiment commanded the College, Hardy Technological Institute, Ampara, Affiliated University Colleges of any The Works consist of Construction of new permit room/Ladies wash room and Labourers
guards this year. During the wreath-laying other recognized institutions approved by the Ministry of Higher Education. changing room and renovation of existing office at Mirijjawila Export Processing Zone.
ceremony, the Inter-Services Guards pre- (b) Academic Qualifications: The estimated cost of this works is Rs. 11.64 Mn and the construction period is 90 days.
sented ‘Salami Shastra’ and ‘Shok Shastra’, I. G.C.E. Ordinary Level with Six passes in one sitting, with four credit passes
while buglers played the ‘Last Post’. including Science 2. Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding Procedure.
- TOI II. G.C.E. Advanced Level with Passes in at least three of the following G.C.E. 3. To be eligible for contract award, the successful bidder shall not have been blacklisted and
(A/L) subjects: Botany, Chemistry, Zoology, Physics, Biology, Mathematics/Pure/ shall meet the following requirements at the time of submission of Bid.
Applied and Agriculture obtained at a single attempt. Required CIDA Registration
Chinese Vice FM visits North (c) Five (5) Years of experience (on the closing date of application) as a permanent
employee in the Government or Private Sector, in the field of Agriculture/Animal
Production or related sectors, after obtaining the Diploma in Agriculture/Animal
Specialty : Building Construction
Grade : C7, C6 or C5

Korea to boost ties Production. 4. Qualification requirements to qualify for contract award include:
North Korea said Fri- 1. B.Sc. Degree in Animal Science & Fisheries Experience as a main Contractor for at least one work of similar nature and complexity
day it was hosting a visit Every candidate should satisfy the following requirements to be eligible to sit for the equivalent to the proposed work over the period of last 5 years.
by a Chinese Govern- entrance examination. The conditions stipulated in the following Public Finance Circulars shall be applied for the evaluation.
ment delegation led by (a) A two year Diploma in Agriculture or Animal Production from any school of 1. 03/2020 (i) dated 09th October 2020
Vice Foreign Minister Agriculture of the Department of Agriculture, any school of Animal production of
Sun Weidong, as it con- 2. 03/2020 (i) dated 11th January 2021
the Department of Animal Production & Health, Aquinas University College, Hardy
tinues its efforts to Technological Institute, Ampara, Affiliated University Colleges or the equivalent from 3. No. 02 of 04/2016 (iv) dated 9th February 2023
strengthen ties with Bei- any other recognized institutions approved by the Ministry of Higher Education. 5. Interested bidders may obtain further information from Actg. Executive Director (Technical
jing and Moscow in the (b) G.C.E. Advanced Level with passes in three subjects out of Chemistry, Physics, Services), Technical Services Department, Board of Investment of Sri Lanka, Level 5, World
Chinese Vice Foreign
face of deepening con- Biology, (or Botany & Zoology) and Agriculture, obtained at a single attempt. Trade Center-West Tower, Echelon Square, Colombo 01 on Tel. 0112427279 or fax.0112441826
Minister Sun Weidong
frontations with Wash- (c) G.C.E. Ordinary Level with six passes including credit passes for Mathematics, and inspect the bidding documents at the given address or at the Zonal office of Mirijjawila
ington. Science & Language (Sinhala/Tamil/English), obtained at a single attempt. Export Processing Zone, 100 Feet Road, Mirijjawila, Hambanthota from 0900 hrs to 1500 hrs
The North's official Korean Central News (d) Five (5) years of work experience (on the closing date of application) in the industries/ on working days.
Agency said Sun's delegation arrived in the institutes related to Animal Production/Agriculture, after obtaining the Diploma in 6. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by interested
capital, Pyongyang, on Thursday after cross- Agriculture/Animal Production. bidders on the submission of a written application on a business letterhead to Actg. Executive
ing the land border between the countries. (e) Course Fee: Rs. 100,000/- per year Director (Technical Services), Technical Services Department, Board of Investment of Sri
The report didn't provide further details Lanka, Level 5, World Trade Center-West Tower, Echelon Square, Colombo 01 or from Zonal
about the visit. 2. B.Sc. Degree in Food Science & Technology office of Mirijjawila Export Processing Zone, 100 Feet Road, Mirijjawila, Hambanthota from
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has 29.01.2024 until 19.02.2024 between 0900 hrs and 1500 hrs upon payment of a non-
been trying to boost the visibility of its part- Selection Criteria
refundable fee of Rs. 5,128 (including SSCL) + VAT.
nership with China and Russia as he tries to (a) G.C.E. Advanced Level with passes in three subjects out of Chemistry, Physics,
The method of payment will be in cash to Shroff, Board of Investment of Sri Lanka, World
break out of diplomatic isolation and Biology, (or Botany & Zoology) as subjects, in one sitting.
Trade Center -West Tower, Echelon Square, Colombo 01 or amount deposited in Bank receipt
strengthen his regional footing by joining a (b) Five (5) years of work experience (on the closing date of application) in Food
in the name of Board of Investment of Sri Lanka account bearing No. 1431688 of Bank of
united front against the United States. industries / institutes.
Ceylon, will be accepted. Please make arrangements to furnish a scanned copy of the receipt
Kim traveled to Russia's Far East in Sep- (c) Successful completion of an entrance examination conducted by the Faculty. to the e-mail address in confirmation of your remittance.
tember for a rare summit with Russian (d) Success at an oral examination conducted by the Faculty
7. Sealed bids shall be delivered with a duplicate to reach the Chairman, Department
President Vladimir Putin. Some experts say (e) Course Fee: Rs. 50,000/- per year
Procurement Committee, C/o Actg. Executive Director (Technical Services), Technical
he is also likely seeking a meeting with Chi- Note : The maximum number of attempts to sit for this entrance examination is three. Services Department, Board of Investment of Sri Lanka, Level 5, World Trade Center-
nese President Xi Jinping. Age Limit : Should be below 40 years of age, on the closing date of West Tower, Echelon Square, Colombo 1, at or before 1400 hrs on 20.02.2024. Late bids
While Kim has prioritized his ties with application. will be rejected. Bids will be opened soon after closing time in the presence of the bidders’
Russia, something that has raised concerns Commencement : June/July 2024 (Tentative) representatives who choose to attend.
about an arms cooperation that would help
Language of Instruction : English 8. Bids shall be valid up to 21.05.2024
fuel Putin's war on Ukraine, he has also
Further information :
invited senior Chinese officials to major 9. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid security of Rs. 170,000.00 valid up to 20.06.2024
state events and vowed to strengthen bilat- Application forms and other details can be obtained from the Faculty of Agriculture, University 10. Pre bid meeting will be held at 1100 hrs on 12.02.2024 at Zone Office of the Board of
eral relations. of Peradeniya, Peradeniya. Perfected applications should be forwarded through the respective Investment of Sri Lanka, Mirijjawila Export Processing Zone, 100 Feet Road, Mirijjawila,
A Chinese delegation led by Vice Premier Heads of Institutions to reach the Senior Assistant Registrar/Faculty of Agriculture on or Hambanthota.
Liu Guozhong attended the celebrations for before 27th February, 2024. Those who wish to obtain application forms and other relevant
North Korea's 75th founding anniversary particulars by post should send a self-addressed stamped envelope of the size 9”X4” addressed
last September, shortly before Kim's trip to to the Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya along with bank
Russia. In July, Kim invited Chinese ruling slip in the value of Rs. 1,000.00 deposited to the Account No. 057100121338023, Peoples Bank,
party official Li Hongzhong and Russian Peradeniya or Account No. 0001273343, Bank of Ceylon, Peradeniya.
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to a major
military parade in Pyongyang, where he ACTING REGISTRAR
rolled out his most powerful, potentially University of Peradeniya
nuclear-capable missiles targeting the Unit- Peradeniya
ed States, South Korea and Japan. - VOA
S A T U R D A Y, J A N U A R Y 2 7, 2 0 2 4 page

Sports Editor : 011 242 9223 e mail :

ITF Junior Circuit tourney

Methvan and Vichinthaya

clinch gold in doubles Vichinthaya Nilaweera (left) and Methvan Wijemanne (right).

SAJEEWA JAYAKODY tional skills throughout the match. nerves to level the score at 2-2. Unde- steel, displaying their remarkable ultimately conceded victory in a hard- display his aggression and skill,
Sri Lanka clinched victory in the With an explosive start, Wijemanne terred by the challenge, Wijemanne skills to secure victory with a score of fought match, with the final scoreline unleashing a barrage of powerful
Boys Doubles Championship of the and Nilaweera surged ahead to a 4-0 and Nilaweera unleashed a flurry of 6-4. Their triumph marks a historic reading 6-4, 6-0. serves and forehand shots. However,
ITF Junior Circuit Tourney, held at lead early in the first set, dominating precise returns and strategic moves, moment for Sri Lankan tennis, as it The first set witnessed an exchange his opponent's relentless consistency
the SLTA Clay Courts in Colombo the court with strategic serves and breaking the deadlock to surge ahead has been several years since a boys’ of powerful serves and strategic and unwavering resolve proved deci-
yesterday. Methvan Wijemanne and aggressive net play. 3-2. With unwavering focus and impec- pair from the country clinched a dou- moves, with Wijemanne matching his sive resulting in a 6-0 defeat in the
Vichinthaya Nilaweera emerged trium- Maintaining their momentum, the cable teamwork, the Sri Lankan duo bles title at an international tennis opponent point for point. However, a second set.
phant, securing the gold medal in a Lankan pair continued their relentless extended their lead to 4-2, edging federation under-18 event. pivotal moment at 4-4 saw Wijemanne Nevertheless, the experience gar-
spectacular 6-2 6 -4 victory over the pursuit of victory, clinching the first closer to the championship title. Meanwhile, in the Men's Singles relinquish his serve, ultimately leading nered from this challenging encounter
top-seeded opponents. set 6-2 amidst cheers from the enthu- In a keenly contested second set, finals, Methvan Wijemanne displayed to a narrow 4-6 defeat in the opening serves as invaluable lessons for the
Facing formidable rivals Uri Gilon siastic crowd. As the second set start- characterized by intense rallies and tenacity and skill, in a gripping battle set. young Methvan Wijemanne, who has
of Israel and Riku Higashi of Japan, ed the opponents rallied, applying strategic exchanges, Wijemanne and against a formidable opponent. Despite facing an uphill battle in the two more years to shine on the ITF
the Sri Lankan duo exhibited excep- increased pressure and holding their Nilaweera demonstrated nerves of Despite a valiant effort, Wijemanne second set, Wijemanne continued to under-18 circuit,

Sinner upsets Djokovic in Sri Lanka Under 19 confront

Australia in vital World Cup game
Australian Open semi-final team scored 204 against Zimbabwe
and they were bundled out for 133
Lanka is going to play against Aus-
tralia at Bloemfontein and this
Jannik Sinner made a big breakthrough in 37.5 overs in their last game match is very vital for both teams to
in tennis by defeating Novak Djokovic in against Namibia but bowlers did come on top of the group before
the Australian Open semifinal. Djokovic, the needful to win both games. their next round . Meanwhile Sri
who had never lost a semifinal match at The bowlers once again came to Lankan head coach Jehan Mubarak
the Australian Open before, was beaten by rescue Sri Lanka as they produced said, poor quality wickets and prac-
Sinner in a commanding victory on Friday. another brilliant show to restrict tice facilities at Kimberley has pre-
The 22-year-old Italian played impres- Namibia for just 56 runs. Ruvishan vented Sri Lanka from practising.
sively, breaking Djokovic’s serve twice Perera and Vishwa Lahiru impressed The boys even after being bun-
in the first two sets. Although Sinner with the ball for Sri Lanka claiming dled out for 133 against Namibia
missed a match point in the third set, he Jannik Sinner ended Novak Djokovic's Dinura Kalupahana 3 wickets each. Supun Waduge the the spirit of the players and the
held on to win 6-1, 6-2, 6-7 (6), 6-3. This 33-match winning streak top order batter who was not named morale was high and they defended
wait for another opportunity after his DHAMMIKA RATNAWEERA for first Zimbabwe game was it, added head coach. Supun Waduge
win marks Sinner's first time reaching a
unexpected defeat. Sri Lanka under 19 team led by adjudged the Man of the match However Australia is packed with
Grand Slam final.
Djokovic admitted that Sinner outplayed Sineth Jayawardena will play their with his fighting knock of 56. top order batters Harry Dixon, Sam to build up a good total against
Sinner expressed his satisfaction with
him and described his own performance as last league game against a strong Australia scored 296 for 7 wick- Konstac two openers and skipper Australia.
the win, highlighting the importance of
one of his worst Grand Slam matches. He Australian side tomorrow at Bloem- ets runs against Zimbabwe to win Hugh Weibgen , Harjas Singh and Opener Pulindu Perera was
learning from playing against top players
struggled to find his rhythm, especially in fontein, South Africa . by 225 runs in their last under 19 wicket keeper Ryan Hicks and Tom unnecessary run out in the last
like Djokovic. He mentioned that despite
the first two sets, where he couldn't create Sri Lanka registered their second world cup game while India scored Campbell are in good form and Sri game. Skipper Sineth Jayawardena
his loss to Djokovic in last year’s Wim-
any break point opportunities. consecutive win in the ICC Men’s 301 for 7 wickets against Ireland to Lanka bowlers have to contain also needs a good knock in tomor-
bledon, he gained confidence and belief
Despite Djokovic's efforts to turn the U19 World Cup 2024 as they beat win by 201 runs. In fact Australia them while Sri Lanka batsmen row's game. Sri Lanka have to per-
from his recent performances.
match around in the third set, Sinner Namibia by 77 runs last Wednesday scored 297 runs at Kimberley where Sineth Jayawardena the skipper and form well against top teams like
Sinner's victory sets up a final match
maintained his composure and capitalized at Kimberley to continue a winning Sri Lanka played their both previ- Pulindu Perera, Ravishan de Silva, Australia which will give a big
against either Daniil Medvedev or Alexan-
on crucial moments to secure the win. mentality but Sri Lanka batters ous matches while India scored 301 Supun Waduge and all rounder boost.
der Zverev. Djokovic, who aimed for an
were not up to standard. Sri Lanka runs at Bloemfontein and now Sri Dinura Kalupahana has uphill task
11th Australian Open title, will have to (Agencies)

Under-19 Inter Schools Two-day Cricket

Visually Impaired Sri Lankan athletes
Maris Stella beat Royal by eight wickets bag Gold medals in Chennai
Maris Stella College Negombo Anderson Schin 86, wara Chathuranga 4/26, Malith TKG KAPILA
secured a historic win over Royal Murfin Randyo 56, Dilshan 2/18, Kavindu Dulanjana Two visually impaired
College Colombo by 8 wickets in Mahendran Kin- 2/32) and 289/9 d (18/1 o/n) (The- Sri Lankan athletes, who
their fixture of the Under 19 Inter thushan 28, Naveen hara Dimantha 77, Kethak Kodithu- won three gold medals and
Schools Two-day Cricket Tourna- Athista 4/93, Yohan wakku 65, Samodh Kethaka 39, two silver medals, at the
ment yesterday. It marked a first-ever Primosh 3/63, Ryan Chiran Mahakumburage 36, Shi- 4th South Asian Interna-
triumph for Maris Stella College. Himasha 2/20) St. malka Kanchana 34, Kavindu tional Games, arrived at
Levin Fernando and debutant Peter’s College Dulanjana 3/72, Dineth Mithila Katunayake International
Ameesha Fernando played pivotal Negombo: 154 2/55) Pothuvila Maha Vidyalaya: Airport from India on the
roles in Maristonian's victory. Levin (70/4 o/n) (58.5) 111 (28.2) (Dineth Mithila 73, Shi- afternoon of January 26.
scored an impressive 132 runs, (Manula Gimhana malka Kanchana 3/11, Risara Wick- The 4th South Asian Officials of Sri Lanka with the two athletes, Asanka Dis-
while Maristonian debutant Amee- 36, Murfin Randyo ramasinghe3/42 , Dineth Pahasara International Games took sanayake (third from the left), and Khalid Osmond. (Picture
place in Chennai, India, by TKG Kapila)
sha Fernando claimed 9 wickets in 4/34, Kugathas 2/31) and 109/8 (35) (Rusith
the match. Levin Fernando Ameesha Fernando Mathulan 4/38) and Tharinda 61, Oduwara Chathuran- from January 20 to 22. event, along with a silver boxing under 70 kg, defeat-
In another notable performance, Maris Stella Maris Stella
94 (28.1) (Akeel ga 29, Risara Wickramasinghe 3/24, Asanka Dissanayake, from medal in the 3,000-metre ing an Indian opponent in
Shehan Chamika of Sri Sumangala Fernando 3/53, Mahith Appuhami Shenesh 29, Naveen Shimalka Kanchana 2/40) Hingurakgoda, Polonnaru- walking event. the final to secure the gold
MMV Hikkaduwa took 15 wickets 2/45, Isuru Fernando 2/63) Athista 24, Stanley Samson 6/44, DAY ONE wa, clinched gold medals Khalid Osmond, a resi- medal. He also won the
for 45 runs against Ananda Maithreya +At Kurunegala (Match drawn) Kugathas Mathulan 2/31) 29 wickets tumbled on the first in the visually impaired dent of Kolonnawa,emerged silver medal in the 5,000
National School Balangoda. Thurstan College Colombo: 215 +At Wattala (Royal College Hor- day one of the match between Trin- 5,000-metre running event victorious in the open metres visually impaired
Isipathana College Colombo, Anu- (56.4) (Tanuja Rajapskse 36, Shan- ana won by innings and 46 runs) ity College and De Mazenod Col- and 5,000-metre walking event of visually impaired race.
radhapura Central, St. John’s College ikya Deshapriya 34, Rachintha De St. Joseph’s College Wattala: 138 lege Kandana at Asgiriya. yester-
Jaffna, Royal College Horana and Sri Silva 27, Dinal Induwara 25, Vishwa (Dinuka Perera 31, Hashen Silva day.

Angelo and Pawan tons help Dambulla post 530

Sumangala MMV Hikkaduwa Dhananjaya 23, Yovun Silpa 23, 29, Ashenka De Soysa 26, Yasiru +At Mt. Lavinia. (For Marvan
emerged victorious in their respec- Dimath Abeysinghe 6/63) and Rathnayaka 4/36, Minindu Handa- Athapatthu - Mahinda Halangoda
tive matches. Other matches ended 287/9 (71) (Tanuja Rajapakse 85, pangoda 2/8, Nadeeshana Challenge Trophy) S. Thomas’
in draws. Navindu Fernando 82, Shanikya Karunaratne 2/18, Pasan Perera College Mt. Lavinia: 301/9 d DHAMMIKA RATNAWEERA total of 346. Jaffna, in their second innings,
Pasan Perera of Royal College Hor- Deshapriya 52, Dimath Abeysinghe 2/27) and 74 (28) (Thisula Zoysa (79.3) (Nathan Caldera 68, Kavin- Angelo Mathews (146) and Pawan Rat- were 6 for no loss after the second day's
ana scored an unbeaten century 4/92, Thaveesha Balasooriya 3/109) 24, Pasan Perera 2/2, Minindu Han- du Dias 50 n.o., Thishen Eheliya- nayake (130) scored outstanding knocks as play in their match at Mahinda Rajapaksa
against St. Joseph’s College Wattala. Maliyadeva College Kurunegala: dapangoda 2/15, Janndu Gamage goda 41, Sadev Soysa 38, Mithila Dambulla amassed a commanding total of International Cricket Stadium in Hamban-
Chief scores 246 (142/3 o/n) (75.4) (Dimantha 2/16, Yasiru Ratnayake 2/20) Royal Charles 28, Mahith Perera 27, 530 in their first innings and Colombo tota.
+At Kadirana (Maris Stella Col- Nisanka 55, Gayana Weerasinghe College Horana: 258 (189/7 o/n) Kaveesha Mendis 4/79, Ashinsa ended the second day at 98 for 1 wicket in Experienced leg-spinner Jeffrey Vander-
lege Negombo won by 8 wickets) 40, Chandupa Abeysinghe 32, (79.4) (Pasan Perera 123, Mihiran Nainayake 3/51, Kithma Withana- their National Super League (NSL) Four- say claimed 4 for 51, leading the Jaffna
Royal College Colombo: 171 (60) Pahasara Bandara 29, Vinuka Undugodage 40, Minidu Handapan- pathirana 2/64) Ananda College day cricket match played at the Pallekele bowlers. The pacies Promod Madushan (2
(Rehan Peiris 57, Anick Fernando Galappaththi 22, Thanuga Paliha- goda 30, Yasiru Rathnayaka 26, Colombo: 42/2 (16) International Cricket Stadium. for 25) and Shashika Dulshan (2 for 46)
52, Ameesha Fernando 4/34, wadana 5/88, Talisha Nanayakkara Thisula Zoysa 3/16, Yasith Sasmi- +At Campbell Park.Wesley Col- Skipper Kamindu Mendis hit 115 on first provided good support to Vandersay.
Oshadha Gimhana 2/33, Nilesh 4/58) tha 3/55) lege Colombo: 265 (82.2) (Linal day, while Mathews scored 146 in 275 balls Chief scores
Perera 2/35) and 112 (56.1) (Rami- +At Mihintale (Anuradhapura +At Hikkaduwa (Sri Sumangala Subasinghe 85, Anuga Pahansara with 17 fours and a six. Young Pawan Rat- +At Pallekele.Dambulla 530 all out Leo
ru Perera 35, Ameesha Fernando Central College won by 25 runs) MMV Hikkaduwa won by 143 runs) 43, Rukshan Tharanga 36, Sanithu nayake supported well, contributing 130 Francisco 87, Kamindu Mendis 115, Ange-
5/33, Hasindu Perera 4/50) Maris Anuradhapura Central College: Sri Sumangala MMV Hikkadu- Amarasinghe 28, Deneth Sigera 21, runs in 220 balls with 12 fours and 4 sixes. lo Mathews 146, Pavan Ratnayake 130,
Stella College Negombo: 242 97 (25.4) (Chamod Senevirathne wa: 204 (55) (Ravindu Theekshana Minod Caldera 4/54, Lisara Wijer- Their partnership of 253 runs for the Chamindu Wijesinghe 11*,Vishwa Fernan-
(132/4 o/n) (65.3) (Levin Fernando 34, Dulshan Kulagalage 5/8, Isuru 48, Pamod himsara 40, Tharun De athne 2/56) Nalanda College fourth wicket strengthened the team's do 18,Isitha Wijesundara 3/69,Lakshitha
132, Yohan Aloka 34, Shafni Deen Katugampola 2/24, Sanjana Silva 34, Tharusha Fernando 5/59, Colombo: 67/1 (15) (Sadew innings. Mathews, just four runs shy of his Manasinghe 3/129,Prabath Jayasuriya
20, Ovina Ambanpola 3/13, Ranuka Indrananda 2/38) and 154 (83/4 Hasindu Rajapaksha 3/18, Gihan Samarasinghe 46 n.o.) well-deserved 150, was bowled out by 2/103
Malaviarachchi 3/49) and 42/2 o/n) (37.2) (Kavindu Wimalasoori- Amanda 2/85) and 150 (39.5) +At Maradana. Zahira College paceman Isitha Wijesundara, while former Colombo 98 for 1 wicket at close Dimuth
(8.4) (Levin Fernando 22) ya 46, Nirmal Thilakasiri 42, Kavin- (Ravindu Theekshana 44, Vinod Colombo: 271 (80) (Abdul Rahu- Mahanama skipper Ratnayake was unfortu- Karunaratne 42*,Shevon Daniel 23, Kusal
+At Moratuwa (Isipathana Col- du Dayarathna 22, Ravindu Siri- Dhanushka 34, Pamod Himsara 31, man 91, Thabith Rizficar 60, nately run out when the score reached 495 Mendis 29*,Vishwa Fernando 1/23
lege Colombo won by innings and wardana 5/38, Dulshan Kuagalage Hasindu Rajapaksha 5/48, Javith Roshan Careem 36, Vidura Lakshan for 7 wickets. +At Mahinda Rajapaksa International
33 runs) Moratu Vidyalaya: 148 2/37) Dudley Senanayake Cen- Sendinu 2/14, Gihan Amanda 2/29) 4/71, Hasitha Suranga 3/53) St. Isitha Wijesundara and off-spinner Lak- cricket Stadium Hambantota
(42) (Kanchana Nimshan 52 n.o., tral College Kandy: 150 (41.3) Ananda Maithreya National Aloysius' College Galle: 38/2 (12) shitha Manasinghe took three wickets Jaffna 346 all out Lahiru Madushsnka
Lakindu Yahampath 29, Mahith (Isuru Jayasinghe 67, Isuru School Balangoda: 82 (76/9 o/n) +At Asgiriya. De Mazenod Col- each for the Colombo team. Colombo 67, Shashika Dulshan 14, Jeffrey Vandersay
Appuhami 27, Isuru Fernando 27, Katugampola 21, Kavindu (36.2) (Hasindu Rajapaksha 41, lege Kandana: 64 (25.1) (Thisal openers Dimuth Karunaratne (42 in 50 18*,Chamika Gunasekara 2/42,Chamika
Dasith Senal 4/41, Kevin Samuel Wimalasooriya 3/48, Kavindu Shehan Chamika 7/3) and 129 Yapa 4/13, Malith Rathnayake 3/9, balls with 6 fours) while Kusal Mendis hit Karunaratne 3/51,Lasith Embuldeniya
3/17, Sithuka Gunawardene 2/52) Dayarathna 2/23, Thanuka Viduran- (48.5) (Kaushika Chandrasiri 32, Tharana Wimaladharma 3/34) and (29 in 31 balls with 5 fours) remained at 2/103,Ashian Daniel 2/66 and 6 for no loss
and 100 (30.3) (Sithuka Guna- ga 2/37) and 76 (30.2) (Isuru Jayas- Lakshan Dissanayaka 29, Shehan 101/9 (34) (Neshan Dias 33, Thath- the wicket at the close, sharing 50-run at close
wardene 4/36, Dasith Senal 3/23, inghe 21, Kavindu Dayarathna Chamika 8/42) suka Indeepa 22, Malith Rathnay- unbroken stand for the second wicket in Kandy 187 all out Lahiru Udara
Tharushka Ashel 2/19) Isipathana 4/20, Kavindu Wimalasooriya 2/26) +At Gurutalawa (Match drawn) ake 4/36, Tharana Wimaladharma 55 balls. 23,Kamil Mishara 13,Sahan Arachchige 22,
College Colombo: 281 (198/6 o/n) +At Jaffna (St. John’s College S. Thomas’ College Bandarawe- 2/36) Trinity College Kandy: 70 Vandersay 4 for 51 as Kandy bowled Ahan Wickramasinghe 51, Chamika
(80.1) (Kevin Samuel 99, Ranmith Jaffna won by innings and 63 runs) la: 195 (57.2) (Chiran Mahaku- (30.1) (Viduka Dhammage 22, out for 187 Karunaratne 25, Chamika Gunasekara
Dinuwara 50, Tharushka Ashel 45, St. John’s College Jaffna: 311 marage 69, Thehara Dimantha 33, Dinidu Sasmith 5/11, Kavindu Meanwhile, Kandy were bowled out for 29,Promod Madushan 2/25, Shashika
Sithuka Gunawardene 20, Nishitha (78.3) (Jeyachandran Ashnath 87, Risara Wickramasinghe 20, Indu- Kaushalya 3/25). (YK) 187 in response to Jaffna's first innings Dulshan 2/46, Jeffrey Vandersay 4/51

Printed and Published by The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd., at No. 35, D.R.Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10, on Saturday, January 27, 2024

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