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Hindu Youth and Young Adult Activity: How to interpret a hindu book,verse or

comment on a Youtube Channel.

“I love lord Vishnu I cry for lord Vishnu I am proud of being devotee of
bahgwan Vishnu U can't imagine this multiverse without lord Vishnu He is
ancient of all He is smartest of all He never gets old His eyes are like lotus His
hairs are long and silky His feet’s are lotus feet’s His body smells so good His
supreme Adobe is vaikuntha Kuntha means stress, lust, tension vaikuntha
means a Adobe which is beyond this things” –

How to go about making an

I Exegetical commentary: or

really liked your comment and therefore have performed an exegetical,

interpretation of your comment. For those who do not know: This refers to a
critical explanation or interpretation of elements of a Hindu god. It is often
used in fields such a comparative, theology, and analysis of elements. of a
religion. I think that Hinduism is a great religion although people can worship a
mix or utilize a mix of customs and rituals. I myself do not know much about
my own religion Hinduism so it is exciting to listen to and learn about my own
culture. I feel that many migrants or children lose touch with Hinduism after
Hinduism due to the belief that Hinduism is a form of paganism (which in my
opinion it is not) or due to a lack of things like audio text to mp3 of texts that
are not translated or are not read out using a phone or something and
recorded. I wish there was a global text to speech project where people used
extensions like hypothesis and read out websites like news channels which
might be in an Indian Dialect and linked to it. Many of our traditional
hardworking mothers, our unemployed brothers or those not on a holiday
could do even one a day and this would help a lot of people out
( could also be done for sites like Wikipedia.
The auditory system can sometimes be used to learn after the visual system
gets tired.
Lord Vishnu is often associated with Wisdom. Wisdom is associated with
attributes such as unbiased judgment, compassion, experiential self-
knowledge, self-transcendence, and non-attachment, and virtues such as ethics
and benevolence.
Exegesis a critical explanation or interpretation of a text. This is used in many
religions, where an interpretation of something can be literal, analogical,
historical, or transcendent, extra or metaphorical Try to remember this through
a reference to the Shakespearean play (HAMLET – Historical, Analogical,
metaphorical, literal, extra, transcendent) . Historical might refer to why a
certain sutra of form of a god or story appeals to you or a book might have
come to be written, analogical (comparison and similarity), metaphorical, literal
(the literal red or legal meaning) such as Lord Vishnu’s abode exist, extra (your
own addition to something like ( Shesha or Ananta) and the snakes hanging
over Lord Vishnu,

Transcendent (Your own meaning or poem of what Lord Vishnu means to you).
An example of this based on this video is (Metaphorical – what does the flute
of Lord Vishnu mean to you.), (Analogical – Lord Krishna an avatar of Lord
Vishnu is often depicted with a cow but why would the artwork of Lord Vishnu
on a planet mean to you in a poetic flexible manner.). Could Lord Krishna and a
flute with a cow mean trying to bring wealth home to feed your kids with a
white cow if white means purity and cows provide nourishment. Alternatively,
a flute and Lord

Vishnu on planets might mean trying to predict the things in life that the
celestial bodies or planetary alignments control such as our wealth or whatever
it means to you as part of custom and tradition. It is said the Lord Ganesh is an
overlord of some of the planets so it would be plausible even if it was fan art
for Vishnu to be on a planet.

This could be interpreted to be used in the real world as a need to us nice

words and politeness or being tactful or constructivist in the manner that the
celestial bodies or planetary alignments control.

Literal, is like something based literally in Wikipedia such as (“It is one of many
of the names of Vishnu.[2] Ananta is also a name of Shesha, the celestial snake,
on which Vishnu reclines in the cosmic ocean.[3]” “ ) . or something known only
If you have extra time for reading like In the Mahabharata, Ananta, or Shesha,
is the son of Kashyapa, one of the Prajapatis, through Kadru as her eldest son.
Kadru had asked her sons to stay suspended in the hair of Uchchaihshravas’s
tail who on refusing to do so were cursed to die at the serpent-yajna of
Janamejaya. Literal might also mean believing that Hanuman lifted an island
although metaphorically you can believe that a Hindu might like a monkey have
some level of badly behaved banter that is respectful while like a white
mountain peak not harming other people’s reputation.
Historical is something like why the term Anata (the celestial snake often found
over lord Vishnu’s head), came to be thought up or known if the gods existed
which I believe they did do. It can also be historical or something like.) It is
said[by whom?] that Rudra will emanate from the face of Ananta and consume
the three worlds at the end of a kalpa.[4]. In some cases this could be argued to
be a mix of both metaphorical or analogical meaning like the traditional going
round an elephant story

Extra might mean something like you own personal extra meaning such as a
snake hanging over Lord Vishnu means that, you need to stay humble and that
even with all the wisdom in the world you need to be humble or moderate or
sometimes put your head down.
Alternatively, it could be something like a snake hanging over your head and
lord Vishnu sleeping meaning that you cannot live without life’s worries and
that everyone has to go to sleep with problems hanging over their head like
money, worries and other, issues like your children doing well at school. There
are different ways to try not to let them get to you.

Hamlet Anagram (Shakespeare Play) – for Hindu Exegetical interpretation

(Historical, Analogical, Metaphorical, Literal, Extra, Transcendant)
Historical Historical is something like why the term Anata (the celestial
snake often found over lord Vishnu’s head), came to be thought
up or known if the gods existed which I believe they did do. It can
also be historical or something like.) It is said[by
that Rudra will emanate from the face of Ananta and
consume the three worlds at the end of a kalpa.[4]. In some cases
this could be argued to be a mix of both metaphorical or
analogical meaning like the traditional going round an elephant
Historical might refer to why a certain sutra of form of a god or
story appeals to you or a book might have come to be written,
analogical (comparison and similarity), metaphorical, literal (the
literal red or legal meaning) such as Lord Vishnu’s abode exist
Analogical Analogical – Lord Krishna an avatar of Lord Vishnu is often
depicted with a cow but why would the artwork of Lord Vishnu on
a planet mean to you in a poetic flexible manner.). Could Lord
Krishna and a flute with a cow mean trying to bring wealth home
to feed your kids with a white cow if white means purity and cows
provide nourishment. Alternatively, a flute and Lord

Metaphorical Metaphorical – what does the flute of Lord Vishnu mean to you.

What does Lord Vishnu loving butter and ghee, creation of which
demands effort. Mean to you. One exegetical interpretation is
that since butter is made from milk (traditionally) and it comes
from cows it is possible that the butter of a cow is some form of
social lubricant in that when we want to have a cow like supra-
ordinate goal with the term, meaning (“a goal that takes
precedence over one or more other, more conditional goals. a
goal that can be attained only if the members of two or more
groups work together by pooling their skills, efforts, and resources
We all want to educate our selves like this as Hindu’s or even non
– Hindus and educate our selves with degrees or safe money and
accumulate “merit for our ancestors” by either working if we are
well enough to do so while being mindful off illnesses like
insomnia and epilepsy which might rule us out of certain jobs and
put us into roles making poems like what the Hindu gods mean for
us for free on sites like Tik-tok, reddit and Youtube or doing or
sister’s assignments and lecture type ups for them so they can
that first class degree or driving them to university while not
being jealous of our right, portion, memorial.

I have made an example poem for our blessed “Lady Sarasvati, is

the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, flowing water,
abundance and wealth, art, speech, wisdom, and learning”. The
same could be made for Hindu Sages and Rishi’s (“blessed be their
names and memories”).

This is a poem for Lady Sarasvati, who was the Hindu goddess of
I am not a Girl but I suppose that it might influence my ability to
relate to her talent which does not compare to mean or relate
entirely to me or absolve me of my deficits.
Oh Lady Sarasvati, what should I say and when.
Sitting in her poem, of adaptive virtue holding various things I
would love to own “A book, a pen, white pearls of guile, purity
shell, and virtue” and a musical instrument a veena.

What do these mean in modern times from a exegetical point of

They say that in order to respect the knowledge of Lady Sarasvati
you must never step, rip or destroy a book. Indeed books were
hand written in days of all but what about now when they are
typed, handwritten or made (using calligraphy, longhand,
symbols, script, penmanship, copying, transferring, lettering,
stenography or shorthand”)

My own view is that you should trip on a book but in a small

student apartment it is hard not to trip over them book in their
physicality or due to lying there on the flaw. I hope it sinks it or I
criticize it whatever it may be (A scroll, a volume, tablet,
manuscript, codex, a block of wood text on a post it note or Bagh

From a Laksmi- Sarasvati (Money – Wisdom) point of view no

matter my level of advantage in education and the money I have
earn or have been given from parents on others I strive to do
well in education.
There are different words for education which honour our
blessed Lady Sarasvati such as teaching, schooling, tutoring,
pedagogy, preparation, guidance, training, drilling, coaching,
improvement, literacy, tuition and civilization.
Literal Literal, is like something based literally in Wikipedia such as (“It is
one of many of the names of Vishnu.[2] Ananta is also a name
of Shesha, the celestial snake, on which Vishnu reclines in
the cosmic ocean.[3]” “ ) . or something known only If you have
extra time for reading like In the Mahabharata, Ananta, or Shesha,
is the son of Kashyapa, one of the Prajapatis, through Kadru as her
eldest son. Kadru had asked her sons to stay suspended in the hair
of Uchchaihshravas’s tail who on refusing to do so were cursed to
die at the serpent-yajna of Janamejaya. Literal might also mean
believing that Hanuman lifted an island although metaphorically
you can believe that a Hindu might like a monkey have some level
of badly behaved banter that is respectful while like a white
mountain peak not harming other people’s reputation.

Extra Extra might mean something like you own personal extra meaning
such as a snake hanging over Lord Vishnu means that, you need to
stay humble and that even with all the wisdom in the world you
need to be humble or moderate or sometimes put your head
Alternatively, it could be something like a snake hanging over your
head and lord Vishnu sleeping meaning that you cannot live
without life’s worries and that everyone has to go to sleep with
problems hanging over their head like money, worries and other,
issues like your children doing well at school. There are different
ways to try not to let them get to you.

Transcendent Transcendent (Your own meaning or poem of what Lord Vishnu

means to you).
An example of this based on this video is (Metaphorical – what
does the flute of Lord Vishnu mean to you.), (Analogical – Lord
Krishna an avatar of Lord Vishnu is often depicted with a cow but
why would the artwork of Lord Vishnu on a planet mean to you in
a poetic flexible manner.). Could Lord Krishna and a flute with a
cow mean trying to bring wealth home to feed your kids with a
white cow if white means purity and cows provide nourishment.

Alternatively, a flute and Lord Vishnu on planets might mean

trying to predict the things in life that the celestial bodies or
planetary alignments control such as our wealth or whatever it
means to you as part of custom and tradition. It is said the Lord
Ganesh is an overlord of some of the planets so it would be
plausible even if it was fan art for Vishnu to be on a planet.

This could be interpreted to be used in the real world as a need to

us nice words and politeness or being tactful or constructivist in
the manner that the celestial bodies or planetary alignments

Please write down your own notes ……………

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