BSBTWK201 Questions Student

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Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

Assessment Task

Number 1 Title Questions

Section 1 – Assessment Task Overview and Description

Name Jesse Student ID 104469469

Please answer the following questions and submit into canvas on the due date.
Questions are about your first term showcase – these questions should be completed after group discussion
of the event details with your class. Questions are open book, they should take approximately 1 hour to

1. Describe the event (first term show) and the details pertinent to this team project

The first term show is a performance held at the end of the first term. Throughout the term, we learn routines
with guest choreographers and teachers.

A theme is set for each show throughout the year. The theme for the first term show is “I Do”, diving into the
emotional story of a relationship.
This show is held at Gasworks Theatre on the 3rd to the 6th of April. This show contains singing dancing and
acting amongst the 1st and 2nd years of all streams at PSA.

2. What are your team’s responsibilities for this event?

Effective teamwork is required of the teams in order to produce a well-rounded and cohesive composition. To
ensure the best performance possible, one must be able to keep a good attitude, be able to be aware of and
adhere to deadlines, be aware of and adhere to safety measures, and be responsible for the overall quality of
the performance.

3. What are your personal responsibilities as a team member for this project?

A personal responsibility as a team member is to ensure you are punctual and prepared to every class. By
arriving to class on time with the correct materials such as costumes, scripts or scores, and prepared for the
lesson, it will allow for a steady workflow.

Individually, people need to be rehearsing choreography/material for the show and ensuring they are
mastering it. This allows teachers to not have to use time to go over past choreography and allow more time
for refinement.
A major responsibility is to support every one of your peers. This will create a positive environment if people
are being respectful to everyone and helping out those that are struggling.

4. What are three PSA policies and procedures that will apply to this event?

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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

Assessment Task

Number 1 Title Questions

A PSA Policy that specifically apply to this event is the attendance policy. By enforcing this policy, people
need to be attending to classes attentively and regularly. Students need a valid excuse to be missing classes.

Safe lifting practise is strongly taught at PSA. People are taught the proper techniques when it comes to lifting
due to the great risks associated with lifting.
Social Media Policy: There are expectations when it comes how people are using social media and the
expectations people must follow. Students have to be aware of their behaviour and the level of
appropriateness of their photos and comments.

5. List three advantages of diversity in values and beliefs in a work environment

By having a diverse and more accepting culture it creates a strong positive effect on individuals. This makes
the team more connected and better to work with.

A diverse team will use personal experience and expertise in their own styles to contribute to the overall goal,
making the performance overall higher quality.

By having a diverse culuture, outer group members are more likely to the view the team in a more positive way
as more people can relate.

6. Research this link and explain the Swinburne procedure students can follow to report bullying and
discriminating behaviour

Students are given emergency service numbers and Swinburne security contact information for when they
are hurt or in immediate danger.
For bullying or threatening behaviour, Swinburne allows students to report the situation online.
They will collect information from you and develop an action plan, for example referring you onto other

7. What personal values and relationship building skills can you bring to your team? Why are these skills
important in positive relationships?

Skills Why these are important in building positive

Positivity By having a positive attitude for when it comes to
class, it strengthens the overall connection of the team,
improving morale and motivation.
Respect By having respect, it creates a positive and inclusive
environment. Everyone values are supported and
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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

Assessment Task

Number 1 Title Questions

respected, strengthening the relationship of the team.

Being reliable By being reliable, people develop a sense of trust and
respect for you and your team members.

8. Imagine you need to support one of your team members who is feeling overwhelmed with the
choreography. What could you do?

To help out a fellow performer, you could find time to rehearse and go over choreography with them. This
allows for them to ask further questions and gather a greater understanding of the choreography.
By providing positive feedback it allows the fellow team member to be more confident and motivated.
By encouraging taking breaks, it allows for the individual who is struggling more time to go through

9. List at least two issues that might arise in a high-pressure team performing environment
Injury: Injuries can be caused from fatigue and stress in high-pressure environments.
Conflict: Conflict can come up because of the high difference of personalities and styles.
Inadequte preparation: Poor preparation in class will result in a poor performance.

10. Think about the issues raised in Question 9.

Explain possible solutions below.
1 Injuries can be prevented by ensuring safe dance practises such as cooling down and taking care of
any health-related issues.
2 By having appositive attitude and respectful to everyone’s opinion it will result in minimised conflict.
3 By having resources such as calendars and resources that support preparation.

Section 2 – Assessment Task Submission Information

Submission Details Due date:

1. The assessment task must be submitted via Canvas or directly to the teacher
with an assessment cover sheet.
2. Ensure to include on the front page or in the header or footer of your
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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

Assessment Task

Number 1 Title Questions

Section 2 – Assessment Task Submission Information

 your name
 student ID
 your teacher’s name
 the unit code/s and title/s
 the assessment task title
3. Submissions received after the submission date must be approved by your teacher.

Summary of Evidence to be Submitted

 Completed Question Sheet

The task will be assessed as satisfactory when all of the required evidence listed has been satisfactorily
* If applicable, for graded units, the task must be satisfactorily completed before marks will be allocated. Refer to your
unit outline for more information.

Section 3 – Assessment Task Criteria and Outcome

All items/criteria must be demonstrated satisfactorily to achieve this task. The items/criteria for this activity will be
assessed as S – Satisfactory or US – Unsatisfactory.


1. Student understands own individual responsibilities in relation to the team

2. Student understands workgroup responsibilities of the team

3 Understands ways to support team members to meet workgroup goals

4 Understands ways to contribute to workgroup goals and tasks according to PSA organisational
requirements (policies and procedures) and ethical standards

5 Understands advantages of differences in values and beliefs between workgroup members

6 Can identify potential workgroup issues, problems and conflicts encountered in a team environment

7 Understands organisational policies and procedures relating to workplace discrimination and bullying
including referral where appropriate

8 Can explain personal values and beliefs including their importance in the development of

9 Understands methods of resolving team problems including referral to relevant organisational

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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

Assessment Task

Number 1 Title Questions

Section 3 – Assessment Task Criteria and Outcome

All items/criteria must be demonstrated satisfactorily to achieve this task. The items/criteria for this activity will be
assessed as S – Satisfactory or US – Unsatisfactory.



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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

Assessment Task

Number 1 Title Questions

Section 4 – General Assessment Information

Each activity in the assessment task must be satisfactorily completed for the task to
be assessed as satisfactory.
Decision Making Rules Every task must be satisfactorily completed to be assessed as competent in the unit.
* For graded units, competence must be demonstrated before a mark can be given.
There are serious penalties for plagiarism that may include repeating a new
assessment task or being withdrawn for the unit / course.
Plagiarism Students must ensure that all assessments are their own work (or group work and
clearly noted as such).
Please refer to
Students may request reasonable adjustment for assessment tasks.
Reasonable adjustment usually involves varying:
 the processes for conducting the assessment (eg: allowing additional time,
varying the venue)
Reasonable Adjustment  the evidence gathering techniques (eg: oral rather than written questioning,
use of a scribe, modifications to equipment)
However, the evidence collected must allow the student to demonstrate all
requirements of the unit.
If you have any other issue that may impact your ability to undertake the assessment,
please discuss with your teacher.
Assessment tasks that are not satisfactory can be resubmitted up until the end of the
unit as scheduled on the Unit Outline. The timing on this may depend on the
equipment required for this assessment task.
Resubmissions received after the scheduled unit end date may not be accepted
(where tasks are not unless approved by the teacher prior to the end date.
satisfactorily completed)
Note: Assessment tasks submitted for the first time after the unit end date as
scheduled in the Unit Outline will not be assessed and the student should re-enrol into
the unit.
Students may apply for Special Consideration where personal circumstances have
adversely affected their task result or ability to undertake an assessment. A Special
Special consideration Consideration form can be completed prior to, but no later than 3 days after, the date
of assessment and submitted to the relevant Manager.
Activities may require the use of equipment or participation in group exercises. If the
Work Health & Safety teacher identifies any unsafe activity or potentially dangerous situations, the teacher
can stop the assessment at any time.

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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

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