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Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Written Reflection

Section 1 – Assessment Task Overview and Description

Name Jesse Bottomley Student ID 104469469

Please answer the following questions about your in class showing assessments and working effectively with
your team.

1. Think about the in-class showing you completed in Task 2 of this unit – what is an area that your
group could work on for improvement in team work and communication when solving issues?
In relation to the Task from the in-class showing, as a team, to improve the communication and team work,
we would all help each other with retaining choreography and dine details of movements. This allows for
everyone on the team to be confident with choreography, leaving no one behind as seen in the example.
2. Suggest two strategies for improving workgroup communications on future projects
1 assuring active listening and giving every student in the class a chance to ask a question
2 asking enquiries of the teacher rather than seeking advice from others.

3. Explain three conflict resolution techniques

1 Accomodation
Both parties lose in this scenario. When one party is ready to resign, the accommodation technique
is typically adopted. It is most effective when:
One party wants to express a level of impartiality.
People want to support other people's right to voice their own opinions.
2 Compromise
Everyone involved gains and loses in this situation as a result of discussion and flexibility. Each will
receive some of what they want while also giving up something. This strategy's major objective is to
discover common ground and keep the relationship intact.
3 Avoidance
It's a lose-lose situation right now. The conflict will not be addressed if neither party makes steps to
address the relevant concerns. If everyone involved believes the problem is minimal and will be
remedied quickly and amicably, this strategy should be adopted. whenever the conflicting parties
require some time apart to defuse.

4. Read through the following scenarios and choose the most effective communication method for
each. Circle or highlight the appropriate answer.
Each answer can only be used once.

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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Written Reflection

a. You need to contact all team members with important documentation that contains training
schedules, important dates and costume requirements.

A Team meeting
B One-on-one interactions with individual team members
C Email
D Instant messaging
E Phone call

b. You are stuck on a train and are going to be late for rehearsal. You need to contact the dance
captain urgently to let them know.

A Team meeting
B One-on-one interactions with individual team members
C Email
D Instant messaging
E Phone call

c. Your team wants to keep in touch and be able to chat and ask each other questions

A Team meeting
B One-on-one interactions with individual team members
C Email
D Instant messaging
E Phone call

d. Your team needs to have a debrief on rehearsals with your choreographer/ director

A Team meeting
B One-on-one interactions with individual team members
C Email
D Instant messaging
E Phone call
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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Written Reflection

e. You have a sensitive personal issue you need to advice your course manager about.
A Team meeting
B One-on-one interactions with individual team members
C Email
D Instant messaging
E Phone call

Section 2 – Assessment Task Submission Information

Due date:

1. The assessment task must be submitted via Canvas or directly to the teacher
with an assessment cover sheet.
2. Ensure to include on the front page or in the header or footer of your
Submission Details assessment:
 your name
 student ID
 your teacher’s name
 the unit code/s and title/s
 the assessment task title
3. Submissions received after the submission date must be approved by your teacher.

Summary of Evidence to be Submitted

 Completed Question Sheet

The task will be assessed as satisfactory when all of the required evidence listed has been satisfactorily
* If applicable, for graded units, the task must be satisfactorily completed before marks will be allocated. Refer to your
unit outline for more information.

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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Written Reflection

Section 3 – Assessment Task Criteria and Outcome

All items/criteria must be demonstrated satisfactorily to achieve this task. The items/criteria for this activity will be
assessed as S – Satisfactory or US – Unsatisfactory.


1. Can identify improvement opportunities from practical demonstrations (role plays in task 2 and 3)

2. Plans strategies for team performance improvement with workgroup

3 Can explain three conflict resolution techniques.

4 Understands communication channels to communicate in work teams including

o team meetings
o one-on-one interactions with individual team members
o emails
o instant messaging
o calls

Section 4 – General Assessment Information

Each activity in the assessment task must be satisfactorily completed for the task to
be assessed as satisfactory.
Decision Making Rules Every task must be satisfactorily completed to be assessed as competent in the unit.
* For graded units, competence must be demonstrated before a mark can be given.
There are serious penalties for plagiarism that may include repeating a new
assessment task or being withdrawn for the unit / course.
Plagiarism Students must ensure that all assessments are their own work (or group work and
clearly noted as such).
Please refer to
Students may request reasonable adjustment for assessment tasks.
Reasonable adjustment usually involves varying:
 the processes for conducting the assessment (eg: allowing additional time,
varying the venue)
Reasonable Adjustment  the evidence gathering techniques (eg: oral rather than written questioning,
use of a scribe, modifications to equipment)
However, the evidence collected must allow the student to demonstrate all
requirements of the unit.
If you have any other issue that may impact your ability to undertake the assessment,
please discuss with your teacher.
Re-submission Assessment tasks that are not satisfactory can be resubmitted up until the end of the
(where tasks are not unit as scheduled on the Unit Outline. The timing on this may depend on the
equipment required for this assessment task.
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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Written Reflection

Resubmissions received after the scheduled unit end date may not be accepted
unless approved by the teacher prior to the end date.
satisfactorily completed) Note: Assessment tasks submitted for the first time after the unit end date as
scheduled in the Unit Outline will not be assessed and the student should re-enrol into
the unit.
Students may apply for Special Consideration where personal circumstances have
adversely affected their task result or ability to undertake an assessment. A Special
Special consideration Consideration form can be completed prior to, but no later than 3 days after, the date
of assessment and submitted to the relevant Manager.
Activities may require the use of equipment or participation in group exercises. If the
Work Health & Safety teacher identifies any unsafe activity or potentially dangerous situations, the teacher
can stop the assessment at any time.

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Details Quality and 07 December 21 December 2018 Wiki/Quality/Quality Life 1.1 Page 5 of 5

Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

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