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Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

CUADAN115 Develop foundational street dance techniques

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Practice Plan for Street Dance

Section 1 – Assessment Task Overview and Description

Students are required to answer the questions below and create a practice plan for improvement of jazz
dance skills.

1. In your personal practice time - Evaluate your own performance of current street dance class
2. Meet with your Jazz teacher and gather feedback on your class work of performing street dance
techniques (at least 2 areas that need improvement) this will be used to assist you to answer the
questions below and to integrate into your plan
3. Answer the questions to gather information to help you set goals for your practice plan
4. Evaluate your responses to the questions to find strategies for your practice plan
5. Develop a personal practice plan for a period of 4 weeks. An exemplar practice plan is included in
your course materials located in Canvas.
6. Submit this document with answered questions and your practice plan (inserted in this document) on
or before the due date in canvas.


1. You are required to evaluate your own performance of street dance techniques and performance.
What method will you use to do this?

Reflecting on video footage is perhaps the simplest and most accessible way to gauge one's own
Making recordings of your performances and rehearsing sessions can be a useful self-evaluation
tool. You can review the video afterwards to evaluate your performance abilities, musicality,
expression, and technique. You can use this to pinpoint your technique's weak points and make
necessary improvements.
You can contrast video of the most recent practise with video of earlier performances.

2. What information have you gathered from this self-evaluation that can assist your development in
street dance technique and performance?

Through the use of footage and filming, I can really focus on the detail of technique throughout my
performance. I can then go back and fix what needs to be adjusted. Another area of improvement is
musicality. By using footage I can identify how my body connects to the music and how I am using
the phrasing, rhythm and dynamics of the music to enhance my movement.

3. What feedback have you gathered from your teachers that can help you improve your street dance
technique and performance?
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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

CUADAN115 Develop foundational street dance techniques

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Practice Plan for Street Dance

My teachers often are giving me corrections and feedback on my technique and alignment. I have been
told that I need to clean my lines and positions when dancing as they often can become messy. Another
area of improvement needed is my facial expression and the way I connect to the music and

4. Explain three safe dance requirements when undertaking your own practice plan or performing
Street dance?
Warm Up – Warming up the body before completing any exercise is vital to injury prevention. By
warming up the muscles, you are preparing the body for physical exercise.
Wearing required clothing and footwear- By wearing the correct attire, you are preventing injuries from
occurring, such as tendonitis and shin splints.
Cooling Down – Cooling down is also vital throughout the performance plan. Cooling down stops the
build-up of lactic acid and allowing the body to return to a resting rate.

5. Based on your findings and the feedback from your teachers, create a practice plan for

Ensure you include:

1. Goals
Have specific goals for each of your practice weeks
Make sure the goals are realistic and achievable.

2. Strategies for improvement

3. Safe Dance Practice inclusions (as discussed in class).

Refer to safe dance practice handout as required

Create and insert personal practice plan for developing street dance techniques here

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Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

CUADAN115 Develop foundational street dance techniques

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Practice Plan for Street Dance

Department Details Author: Date created: Date last updated: File name: 723738802.docx Version: 1

Template Author: VE Date created: Date last updated: Location: VE Staff Version:
Details Quality and 07 December 21 December 2018 Wiki/Quality/Quality Life 1.1 Page 3 of 9

Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

CUADAN115 Develop foundational street dance techniques

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Practice Plan for Street Dance

Department Details Author: Date created: Date last updated: File name: 723738802.docx Version: 1

Template Author: VE Date created: Date last updated: Location: VE Staff Version:
Details Quality and 07 December 21 December 2018 Wiki/Quality/Quality Life 1.1 Page 4 of 9

Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

CUADAN115 Develop foundational street dance techniques

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Practice Plan for Street Dance

Department Details Author: Date created: Date last updated: File name: 723738802.docx Version: 1

Template Author: VE Date created: Date last updated: Location: VE Staff Version:
Details Quality and 07 December 21 December 2018 Wiki/Quality/Quality Life 1.1 Page 5 of 9

Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

CUADAN115 Develop foundational street dance techniques

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Practice Plan for Street Dance

Department Details Author: Date created: Date last updated: File name: 723738802.docx Version: 1

Template Author: VE Date created: Date last updated: Location: VE Staff Version:
Details Quality and 07 December 21 December 2018 Wiki/Quality/Quality Life 1.1 Page 6 of 9

Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

CUADAN115 Develop foundational street dance techniques

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Practice Plan for Street Dance

Section 2 – Assessment Task Submission Information

Due date:

1. The assessment task must be submitted via Canvas or directly to the teacher
with an assessment cover sheet.
2. Ensure to include on the front page or in the header or footer of your
Submission Details assessment:
 your name
 student ID
 your teacher’s name
 the unit code/s and title/s
 the assessment task title
3. Submissions received after the submission date must be approved by your teacher.

Summary of Evidence to be Submitted

Completed Question Sheet

Completed Cover Sheet

The task will be assessed as satisfactory when all of the required evidence listed has been satisfactorily
* If applicable, for graded units, the task must be satisfactorily completed before marks will be allocated. Refer to your
unit outline for more information.

Section 3 – Assessment Task Criteria and Outcome

All items/criteria must be demonstrated satisfactorily to achieve this task. The items/criteria for this activity will be
assessed as S – Satisfactory or US – Unsatisfactory.


1. Understands strategies to evaluate performance and set goals and strategies for own improvement
in Street dance
2. Can evaluate own performance and use of basic Street dance techniques

3 Seeks feedback from others on performance and use of Street dance techniques – identifies areas
for improvement

Department Details Author: Date created: Date last updated: File name: 723738802.docx Version: 1

Template Author: VE Date created: Date last updated: Location: VE Staff Version:
Details Quality and 07 December 21 December 2018 Wiki/Quality/Quality Life 1.1 Page 7 of 9

Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

CUADAN115 Develop foundational street dance techniques

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Practice Plan for Street Dance

Section 3 – Assessment Task Criteria and Outcome

All items/criteria must be demonstrated satisfactorily to achieve this task. The items/criteria for this activity will be
assessed as S – Satisfactory or US – Unsatisfactory.


4 Can explain safe dance practices required for practice and performance of street dance

5 Uses own evaluation and feedback from others to develop goals in practice plan for improving Street
dance techniques and strategies for improvement

Department Details Author: Date created: Date last updated: File name: 723738802.docx Version: 1

Template Author: VE Date created: Date last updated: Location: VE Staff Version:
Details Quality and 07 December 21 December 2018 Wiki/Quality/Quality Life 1.1 Page 8 of 9

Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

Assessment Task – General (Student Version)

National Unit Details

Code(s) Title(s)

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

CUADAN115 Develop foundational street dance techniques

Assessment Task

Number 3 Title Practice Plan for Street Dance

Section 4 – General Assessment Information

Each activity in the assessment task must be satisfactorily completed for the task to
be assessed as satisfactory.
Decision Making Rules Every task must be satisfactorily completed to be assessed as competent in the unit.
* For graded units, competence must be demonstrated before a mark can be given.
There are serious penalties for plagiarism that may include repeating a new
assessment task or being withdrawn for the unit / course.
Plagiarism Students must ensure that all assessments are their own work (or group work and
clearly noted as such).
Please refer to
Students may request reasonable adjustment for assessment tasks.
Reasonable adjustment usually involves varying:
 the processes for conducting the assessment (eg: allowing additional time,
varying the venue)
Reasonable Adjustment  the evidence gathering techniques (eg: oral rather than written questioning,
use of a scribe, modifications to equipment)
However, the evidence collected must allow the student to demonstrate all
requirements of the unit.
If you have any other issue that may impact your ability to undertake the assessment,
please discuss with your teacher.
Assessment tasks that are not satisfactory can be resubmitted up until the end of the
unit as scheduled on the Unit Outline. The timing on this may depend on the
equipment required for this assessment task.
Resubmissions received after the scheduled unit end date may not be accepted
(where tasks are not unless approved by the teacher prior to the end date.
satisfactorily completed)
Note: Assessment tasks submitted for the first time after the unit end date as
scheduled in the Unit Outline will not be assessed and the student should re-enrol into
the unit.
Students may apply for Special Consideration where personal circumstances have
adversely affected their task result or ability to undertake an assessment. A Special
Special consideration Consideration form can be completed prior to, but no later than 3 days after, the date
of assessment and submitted to the relevant Manager.
Activities may require the use of equipment or participation in group exercises. If the
Work Health & Safety teacher identifies any unsafe activity or potentially dangerous situations, the teacher
can stop the assessment at any time.

Department Details Author: Date created: Date last updated: File name: 723738802.docx Version: 1

Template Author: VE Date created: Date last updated: Location: VE Staff Version:
Details Quality and 07 December 21 December 2018 Wiki/Quality/Quality Life 1.1 Page 9 of 9

Policy 2018 Cycle/Plan

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