Guide On 5 Es Lesson Plan Format

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This is the lesson plan

format equivalent to the
previous one.

This step sets the stage for our lesson by capturing Teacher:  Picture Prompt
our students' attention and piquing their curiosity. It poses problems, asks  Story Starter
is crucial to begin with a hook, a real-world questions, assess prior  Show a video clip
connection, or a thought-provoking question to spark knowledge, causes doubt  Use gamification
their interest. By doing so, we create an emotional Student:  Interactive PowerPoint
connection and activate their prior knowledge, call up prior knowledge,  Math Riddle
making the learning experience more relevant and has interest, experiences
 Mystery Object
enjoyable. doubt, identifies problem to
 Science in the News
solve, decisions to be
 promote curiosity made, writes questions  Physical Challenge
 find out prior knowledge/ misconceptions and problems, self-reflect  Sports Trivia
 make connections between past and present  Virtual Field Trip
 Current Events Short
Here, we encourage active learning and hands-on Teacher:  Literary Circles
experiences. Students are given the opportunity to questions and probes,  Creative Writing Stations
investigate, experiment, and discover concepts on models when needed,  Math Games
their own or in groups. This phase fosters critical makes open suggestions,  Real-Life Data Analysis
thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. provides resources and  Observations
feedback, facilitates  Show a video clip
 provide learners with common experiences exploration
 Math Stations
related to the topic Student:
 Experiment Stations
 learners design and conduct preliminary hypothesizes and predicts,
investigations and collect data explores resources and  Time Travel Simulation
materials, designs and  Geography Challenge
plans, collect data, builds  Sports Trivia
models  Geography Mapping
After students have explored and made discoveries, Teacher:  Character Analysis
they need to make sense of their findings. In this provides feedback to  Writing Workshops
step, we step in to provide clear explanations, student ideas, asks  Mathematical Proofs
elaborate on concepts, and address any questions, poses new  Concept Maps
misconceptions. Our explanations should be problems and issues,  Model Building
concise, relevant, and tailored to our students' offers alternative  Skills Demonstrations
learning levels. explanations, enhances or  Fitness Journals
The "Explain" phase solidifies the foundation of their clarifies explanations  Historical Timeline
knowledge, preparing them for the next level of Student:
 Open Discussion
learning. clarifies understanding,
 Checking and Answering
shares understandings for
 learners share their findings feedback
 discuss current understanding of the topic  Explanation Videos
 teachers can directly introduce a topic

We encourage students to extend their Teacher:  Quick Debate
understanding beyond the basic concepts. We offer asks questions, provides  Character Monologues
opportunities for them to apply their knowledge in feedback and resources,  Interactive PowerPoints
real-world scenarios, engage in creative projects, or makes open suggestions  Math Puzzle Challenge
solve authentic problems. Student:  Estimation Game
This stage fosters higher-order thinking skills, applies new  Science in the News
creativity, and the ability to make connections across concepts/knowledge/ skills
 Model Making
different subjects. By encouraging elaboration, we in new situations
 Quick Relay Race
empower our students to become independent
thinkers and lifelong learners.  Fitness Challenge
 Time Capsule Entry
 enable learners to apply their new learning  Map Exploration
 challenge/deepen students' knowledge

This phase plays a critical role in assessing our Teacher:  Mini Quiz
students' understanding and progress. Evaluation formative evaluation  One-Minute Summaries
can take various forms, such as quizzes, tests, identifies prior knowledge,  Math Challenge Problems
projects, or presentations. misconceptions  Skills Showcase
Evaluations are not just about grading; they inform Student:  Self-Assessment
our teaching practices, allowing us to adjust our students and teacher  Mini Presentations
approach and address individual learning needs. evaluate what students
 Quick Debates
know can do
 learners should self-assess their learning
 teachers can evaluate student progress

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