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BALANCE SHEET (2008) ACTIVA A. Fixed assets I. Tangible assets 1. power systems and Machine 5298.90 2.

Other equipment, operating and Office equipment 13904.58 B. Current assets I. Inventories 1. Finished goods II: Receivables and other Assets 1. Trade receivables and benefits 2. Other Assets III. Cash and central bank balances, Balances with And bank PASSIVA ASSETS A. Capital 1. Initial capital 2. Deposits 3. Drawing 4. Net income B. Provisions 1. Tax provisions 2. Other provisions C. Liabilities 1. Liabilities Banks 2. Liabilities Supplies and services 3. Other Liabilities 128,190.22 2956.38



131,146.60 8042.43 184.710,93

65898.75 250,127.41 685,573.64 442,263.08 33,510.00 11,000.00 945.72 39,210.65 27,328.96

72,715.60 44,510.00

67,485.33 184,710,93

PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT 1. Revenues 2. Overall performance 3. Other operating Income a) Ordinary operating Income aa) value of unpaid taxes (Except for withdrawals from Goods) and provision other services and Donation of goods b) Income from sale of Of fixed assets and on investments on matters of Assets from 4. Cost of materials a) Cost of raw materials, Supplies, materials and merchandise b) Cost of Benefits 5. Personnel expenses a) Wages and salaries b) Social security and Expenses Pensions and Support 3,558,548.04 3,558,548.04

2.940,00 1,334.64 1605.36

2,837,411.27 594.69 2,838,005.96

104,177.21 40,914.81 145,092.0

2 6. Depreciation a) intangible assets or fixed assets and equipment including capital. Start-up expenses and expansion of the Business operations 7. Other operating Expenses a) Ordinary operating Expenses aa) space cost ab) insurance contributions and taxes ac) vehicle cost ad) advertising and travel costs ae) Cost of goods duty af) different operational 8. Other interest and similar Income 9. Interest and other Expenses 10. Profit from ordinary Business


15715.88 1962.92 7996.69 2588.69 113.38 21164.21

49541.77 28.13 77.53 519,139.30

11. extraordinary expenses 12. extraordinary income 13. Income Tax Taxes 14. other taxes 15. Net income

5,950.00 5,950.00-

70726.22 200.00

70926.22 442,263.08

Account name power systems and Machines 210 machines 5298.90 Other equipment, operating and Office equipment 400 operating facilities 9615.41 420 Office Equipment 2089.17 485 Low-Rent collection items 2200.00 13904.58 Finished goods 3980 Inventory of goods 26318.42 Trade receivables and services 1446 claims from L + L reduced. Tax 128,190.22 Other Assets 1500 1506.67 Other assets 1545 Tax receivables 1449.71 2956.38 Cash and central bank balances, Balances with Banks and checks 1000 3466.65 Checkout Savings 300 060 381 1210 # 4575.78 8042.43 Total assets 184,710.93 ACCOUNT STATEMENT BALANCE SHEET 31.12.2008 Gusto e.K. Inh Tobias Iris City Hall ASSETS Account name Initial capital 880 Variable Capital (EK) 65898.75 Deposits 1802 private 242,665.50 1870 Land Income 5175.20 1890 private deposits 453.00 1892 Deposit 1833.71 Bayreuth 250,127.41 Withdrawals 1800 Withdrawals generally 13319.74 1803 private 494,165.50 1804 private 113,000.00 1810 private tax 53080.97 1821 Special editions limited deductible 1970.02 1822 Special editions limited deductible 1452.81 -

1823 Special editions limited deductible 1187.23 1860 Land costs 4005.93 1880 Unpaid taxes value from 3391.44 to 685,573.64 Net income Net income 442,263.08 Tax provisions 956 business tax provisions to 4 Paragraph 5b 33510.00 Other provisions 970 8000.00 Other provisions 977 Provisions for statutory and audit 3000.00 11000.00 Liabilities Banks 630 Amounts owed to credit institutions 945.72 Liabilities Supplies and services 1610 liabilities. from goods and services 39210.65 Other liabilities Other liabilities 1 700 636.92 1736 liabilities. Taxes 12477.01 1740 Liabilities from wages and salary 9259.52 Liabilities to 1741. Wage and church tax 1443.93 1789 sales tax for current year 3511.58 27328.96 Total liabilities 184,710.93 ACCOUNT STATEMENT BALANCE SHEET 31.12.2008 Gusto e.K. Inh Tobias Iris City Hall LIABILITIES Transfer 577,055.42 Account name Revenues 8300 revenues 7% VAT 3,558,474.30 8400 Revenues 19% VAT 73.74 3,558,548.04 value unpaid taxes (Except for withdrawals from Goods) and provision other services and Donations of goods 8921 use of objects. (Car) 19% VAT 2256.00 8922 use of objects. (Tel) 19% tax 120.00 8924 use of objects. (Vehicle) without VAT 2940.00 564.00 Income from the disposal of Of fixed assets and on investments on matters of Fixed Assets

2315 Moves tangible net book value of 1334.64 Cost of raw materials, Supplies and materials and merchandise 3300 receiving 7% tax 51893.06 3301 7% tax receipt 2,223,287.14 3400 receiving 19% tax 35923.79 3401 receiving 19% tax 370,126.69 3420 EC purchase tax 7% and 7% VAT 134,865.00 3960 Bestandsvernd.RHB-Stoffe/bezogene product 21315.59-2837411.27 Expenses for Services 3100 third-party services 594.69 Wages and salaries 4100 Wages and salaries 104,177.21 Social security, Expenses Pensions and for support 4130 Compulsory social charges 33328.01 4138 contributions to the BG 4000.00 4140 voluntary benefits. LST-free 3251.91 4141 work clothing from 334.89 to 40914.81 PROOF OF ACCOUNTS for G.u.V. from 01.01.2008 to 31.12.2008 Gusto e.K. Inh Tobias Iris City Hall Carry 16,951.56 to 540,352.91 Account name Transfer 577,055.42 Depreciation of intangible assets of fixed assets and equipment including capital Start-up expenses and expansion of the Business operations 4830 Depreciation 7774.89 4862 CCA depreciation collecting items from 550.06 to 8324.95 Space costs 4210 Rent, 13980.00 immovable assets Cleaning 4250 538.60 4260 Maintenance of operational spaces from 1197.28 to 15715.88 Insurance contributions and charges

Posts 4380 801.92 4390 Other Taxes from 1161.00 to 1962.92 Vehicle costs 4520 car insurance 825.55 4530 Current vehicle operating costs 2332.44 4540 Automotive repair 1078.74 4570 leased car cost 3759.96 to 7996.69 Advertising and travel costs 4640 entertainment expenses 40.78 4650 entertainment expenses 51.27 4670 business travel costs from 2496.64 to 2588.69 Cost of goods duty 4730 outgoing freight 113.38 Various operational Costs 4900 4539.49 Other operating expenses 4910 Postage 118.18 Phone 4920 1525.10 4921 EDP - / Internet costs 60.96 4930 Office Supplies 577.01 4940 journals, books 86.25 4950 Legal and consulting costs 4865.00 4955 accounting costs 90,00 4957 financial statements and audit costs 3432.55 4969 cost Abraum-/Abfallbeseitigung 1657.02 PROOF OF ACCOUNTS for G.u.V. from 01.01.2008 to 31.12.2008 Gusto e.K. Inh Tobias Iris City Hall Account name Carry 16,951.56 to 540,352.91 Various operational Costs 4970 In addition to bank charges 239.46 4980 Operating Supplies 3674.41 4985 tools and small appliances from 298.78 to 21164.21 Other interest and similar Income 2650 Other interest and similar income 28.13 Interest and other Expenses 2103 deductible. Besides And. providers. taxes to 38,00 Interest expense in 2108 233a to 237 AO 38,00 2110 interest expense f.kfr.Verbindlichkeit. 1.53 to 77.53 Extraordinary expenses 2000 Extraordinary expenses 5950.00 -

Income Tax Taxes 2280 Trade tax-payment of arrears prior years 1599.22 4320 business tax 69127.00 to 70726.22 Other taxes 4510 vehicle taxes 200,00 Net income Net income 442,263.08 PROOF OF ACCOUNTS for G.u.V. from 01.01.2008 to 31.12.2008 Gusto e.K. Inh Tobias Iris City Hall

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