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We are one of the pioneers in the field of ERP, iOT based solu ons, So ware Development, Digital Marke ng

and other turnkey solu ons. We aspire to touch the lives of millions of people, through informa on technology
and listen to their challenges and ambi ons. This enables us to create the products and services they need to
serve their daily needs.

For modern enterprises, so ware is the ul mate value driver. That’s why we set out to become the so ware
pioneers of a truly connected world. It is our mission to empower you to become a truly connected enterprise.
Using our industry-leading suite of products across integra on & API management, IoT & analy cs and
business transforma on, we create a fluid flow of data between people, departments, systems, and devices.

We can help simplify the truly connected enterprise where systems integrate more seamlessly, technology
connects more effec vely, and processes run effortlessly enabling informa on and insights to flow more freely.
We offer the digital backbone made up of integra on & API management, IoT & analy cs and business
transforma on technologies.

Contact Us:

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So ware Development
Internet of Things
Business Process Transforma on

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Reach Out us at
D’Solu ons Private Limited
1st Floor, Swaminarayan Building, 60 Feet Road,
Above IDBI Bank,
Vasai Road West - Palghar 401202
Write to us - info@dsolu
General Terms of Use

Thank you for visi ng the Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd website!
The following terms of use apply to your visit to our website www.dsolu Please read them before
using the websites.

Effec ve since January 1, 2023

1. Area of applica on

The websites of Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd and its subsidiaries ("Websites") provide you with a variety of uses,
including searching for informa on, par cipa ng in Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd's community pla orms (e.g., forums,
user groups, etc.), making your own contribu ons, downloading various so ware and materials, and engaging
in other ac vi es related to Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd's products and services. While your use of these sites is subject
to mandatory terms and condi ons, you are also provided with important privacy no ces. By accessing these
Websites, you accept and agree to be bound by these terms of use. If you do not agree to the terms of use, you
may not use the websites. Some offers may have more specific terms of use, for example, Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd's
career pages. These take precedence over these terms of use and can be found on the relevant pages of the
Websites. If you download so ware from our Websites, the respec ve license terms linked also take
precedence. In addi on, reference is made to the Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd Trademark Guideline.

Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd may change these terms of use at any me and grants access to archived prior versions.

Do not use our services in any manner that would interrupt, damage or otherwise disrupt access to the
Websites. Do not use the services for fraudulent or other unlawful acts. Also, avoid harassing or disturbing
others with your ac vi es.

2. Copyright and Rights of Use

Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd shares with you through the websites various content, such as downloads, data, text,
images, informa on, graphics, sound, video and anima on files and other content. This content is protected by
trademark, copyright and/or other intellectual property laws for the benefit of Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd or, in some
cases, for the benefit of third par es.

Even if the content is freely available, it is not permi ed to extract, reproduce, modify, imitate or distribute in
any way the websites as a whole or individual elements contained on these websites. If you wish to use the
content in this manner, Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd may grant you such rights upon request, which rights are
non-exclusive and non-transferable. For the content made available in the media center, the following
provision shall apply in deroga on of this sec on.
3. Registra on, Password

Some areas of the Websites are password protected. In order to use these, prior registra on is required. You
can subsequently change your registra on data and delete your account at any me.

If you register, you must observe the following:

Password-protected areas are reserved for trusted users only, so you must provide truthful and
complete informa on, as well as keep this informa on up to date, or no fy Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd of any
In order to avoid misuse, access data must be treated confiden ally and in par cular must not be
disclosed to third par es;
If you suspect such misuse, please inform Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd immediately a er you become aware of

There is no claim for a registra on by Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd and Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd reserves the right to deac vate
the access data at any me and in par cular in the event of a viola on of the Terms of Use or other applicable
law, without giving reasons, and thus to revoke the access authoriza on.

4. Data protec on

If you use the Websites, personal data will be processed. This is done exclusively in compliance with data
protec on laws. Please inform yourself about the handling of your data in the privacy no ce .

5. General user obliga ons

In addi on to the obliga ons already described, you undertake in par cular:

By the use, as well as by the user behaviour not to violate legal regula ons, rights of third par es or
official decisions;
Not to cause any damage, disrup on and/or overload of the websites or underlying so ware and/or
Not to place links on these websites without prior wri en consent.

6. Obliga ons of the community pla orm users

Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd is very pleased that you par cipate as a user in the free community pla orms and supports
your ac ve par cipa on. By pos ng a contribu on, you grant Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd the right to make the
contribu on permanently available for retrieval on the Websites, and at the same me Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd
obtains the right to delete, edit, link to other content and move contribu ons within the Websites.

To ensure that the Community Pla orms remain a profitable event for all, you may use them only in
compliance with the pla orm rules. By registering for the community pla orms, you agree as follows:

(a) Any contribu on by you will be valued unless it violates these rules, morality, or otherwise violates
applicable law. Here are examples of contribu ons that will not be tolerated:

Untrue or criminal content, e.g. defama on of a third party;

Copyright and/or trademark protected content, without the permission of the rights holder, e.g. no
labelling of third party text;
An -compe ve ac ons that can, for example, no ceably affect compe tors;
Repeated pos ng of iden cal topics;
Adver sing in the form of repea ng adver sing, i.e. without clear iden fica on as adver sing;
as well as illegal content, e.g. of a racist, discriminatory or pornographic nature.

Please check your contribu ons carefully for these points before publica on.

b) In case you s ll violate a), Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd will immediately delete or modify your contribu ons. In
addi on, you will be prohibited from pos ng further contribu ons. Your account will be blocked.

c) Any contribu ons, data about other users and other informa on obtained through the use of the community
pla orms may only be used on the occasion of the use of the community pla orms and not for other purposes,
e.g. adver sing.

d) If you violate the pla orm rules, you are obligated to indemnify Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd from any claims, including
claims for damages and costs of a reasonable legal defense, arising from your failure to comply with the
pla orm rules.
7. Availability of the Website

The websites are generally available around the clock. However, uninterrupted availability cannot be
guaranteed. In some cases, such as maintenance work, but also due to circumstances beyond the control of
Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd, the Website may be temporarily unavailable. In such cases, Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd asks you to
visit the Website again at a later me.

8. Liability

The contents of these Websites do not cons tute any express or implied representa ons or warran es. As a
whole, no freedom from errors is guaranteed. All content provided by Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd has been compiled in
good faith. Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd has no influence on the content of any third-party contribu ons and does not
adopt them as its own in any way. Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd assumes no liability for damages caused by the use of
such content. In connec on with the use of the Web Sites, Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd shall be liable as follows:

(a) Regardless of the legal reason, without limita on for damages caused by inten onal acts or omissions or
gross negligence;

(b) In cases of mandatory legal liability, including claims arising from the Product Liability Act, and without
limita on for damages to life, limb and health, regardless of the legal reason;

(c) For the slightly negligent breach of material obliga ons (so-called "cardinal obliga ons") Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd's
liability is limited to the amount of damages typically foreseeable at the me of conclusion of the contract.
Cardinal obliga ons are those contractual obliga ons which fulfillment enables the proper performance of the
contract in the first place and on the compliance with which the Customer has regularly relied and may rely on.

Except in cases of 8 (a), (b) and (c), liability for slight negligence is excluded.

9. Links to external websites

The terms of use do not apply to links to third-party websites. Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd has no influence whatsoever
on the content behind a link to third-party websites and does not in any way adopt the content of linked
third-party websites as its own or endorse them as a result of the link. Furthermore, Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd makes
no representa ons whatsoever about, and assumes no responsibility or liability for, any damages resul ng
from use of any content linked to from this site.

10. Place of jurisdic on, Applicable law

If the User is a merchant, a legal en ty under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of
jurisdic on shall be at the registered office of Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd.

11. Miscellaneous

It is pointed out that for forward-looking statements the possibility of a significant devia on exists. For further
informa on, please refer to the Publica on Guidelines . In the event that individual provisions of these Terms
of Use are invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. In this case, the invalid
provision will be replaced by a legally permissible provision that corresponds to the sense and purpose of the
invalid provision.

For further ques ons please contact Dsolu ons Pvt Ltd.

(c) Copyright 2023 DSolu ons

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