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© saree tive Pera five (an ree #1) INGot, of tna Foti Cireuit No. Allotted: APPLICATION FOR LEASED CIRCUITS, (ONE APPLICATION PER CIRCUIT) From (Applicant) To M_Kwmayas ‘ i] Fn 4) heeriny The Commercial Officer aleway. ) Ofo General Manager Telecom ii) Date of Application The following Leased Circuit is required (Tick whichever is applicable) Voice circuit J Telegraph Circuit [J] Data Circuit, Voice-cum-Data Circuit [J] Non Exchange line Private Wire 1 Junction (2 mbps) link for ISP service or any other service From (Complete Address, (A end) To (Complete Address) Bend) Local - Intra City Gd Intra SDCA, ca Long Distance co International coor ‘Temporary (mention period of hire: days/nonths) Permanent [—] Full Time oa Part Time (mention time periods) (— ‘The purpose for which the above circuit is required:Specify — Voice oO Data cy Telegraph == C—] Facsimile eS Circuit for Internet connection from BSNL — Circuit for Internet connection from other ISP co (Please give name of ISP) (Please tick more than one box ifthe circuit is to be used for more than one service) Is the Internet circuit required to be terminated on private network Yes Sea No co 6. Please mention Telephone No(s) workin, (Acend). at the premises at each end _ (Bend), Status of the applicant: (please tick relevant item) ) iii) 0) vii) Additional information in case ofa data cit i) ii) LimitedCo. [2 ii) Publie Seetor undertaking Government ~([_] iv) Public Institution Statutory Body [—] vi) Society/Trust Others co Speed of operation Kbps/Mbps Type & make of modem (if subseriber owned) (Enclose literature if the proposed model in not approved by TEC) Type of circuit 2-wire/4-wire (Tick whichever is applicable) Request of IP address: (Form A 10 be filled up) Note: IP addresses need to be utilized within 15 days of assignment General information required for any type of circuit i) ii) ili) Whether the circuit is: Point to Point circuit (—]_ Network Circuit. [— (fit is a network circuit, diagram of approved network to be enclosed. If network approval in not available, please submit your application to Ol CGM Telecom Circle (address). Falready applied submita copy of application. Application may be registered and demand note issued for payment. Circuit will be provided only after network approval is obtained.) Diagram enclosed Yes oy No io Please mention the network approval reference number Hirer/main hirer of the circuit/network: (name & address), The following subscriber owned equipment is proposed to be used on the circuit and the concerned technical literature is enclosed. (Equipment connected on the circuit in addition to the modem/private automatic exchange/telephone instrument/relay set should be mentioned here) The following additional equipment/attachments are required We desire to have General Manager as the controlling and billing authority 14. Important instructions for filling up of the form:- i) ii) iti) iv) » The form may be filled up in Capital letter only In the absence of PAN/GIR number, declaration in for 60/61 may be furnished in the enclosed proforma. In case of sole proprictary concer, proprictor may sign himself and affix rubber stamp. Incase of partnership concern all partners or any one of the partners duly authorized or Person with the Power of Attorney may sign. In case of company, signature should be of a person on behalf of a Company in accordance with the provisions of its Articles of Association. In case of Partnership concerns, copy of (I) power of Attomey for authorization & (ii) Partnership Deed, and incase of Limited Company, a copy of the Articles of Association may be attached. In case of Government Department, Authorized person may sign and affix rubber stamp. 15. Please mention list of enclosures: \- Revises! Ka cusid} sy —Unalias lele ir oR Vee on wy PE 2 mS ae Pyre Ychase Ags 4 a S drole Magiarn g For Official use 1. Demand Note No. Date 2. Amounts 3. Mode of Payment : Cash/ Cheque (Cheque No, Date. ) 4, Circuit No, Allotted, 5. Date of Commissioning 6. Frequency of payment (yearly/quarterly) 10. 1 3B. Correspondence address & Name of contact person 3+ KARL TH LEE yA “ Mie Kymaratey Coleco 04 fngmwte ry, atv Fax SE L is Manag dy % Hea a Vy Billing Adrres: ~kymara Sav ¢ ‘ o£ mee Mi. Kumara Sony Calle ge} Welz gel any n> a J Kan bq hers r 7 Any other relevant information the applicant wants to state List of circuits already working in India for our organization (Complete details of local/long, distance circuits to be furnished, Please attach additional sheets, if necessary), AEnd BEnd CCI. Nou/Regn. No. Billing & Enrolling Authority at A end / Bend and Telecom Unit-specify (Enclose separate list if space is not sufficient) DECLARATION i) Wwe hereby agree to abide by the provisions of Indian Telegraph Rules in force and as ‘modified from time to time and such other terms and conditions prescribed by the telegraph Authority/BSNL, V/We agree that the circuit will be used purely for private/permitted ‘application. It will not be used to carry voice/data or any other communication, which is not permitted by the rules of Telegraph Authority/BSNL. /We further agree (o extend facility to the Telegraph authority/BSNL in order to enable monitoring of the purpose, performance and ‘operation of the circuit, as and when required, We agree that necessary charges for registration/installation/Advance annual rental/Arrears iff any will be paid to the controlling/billing authority. BSNL, Telecom District as and when we receive demand note. As and when such charges become due, iii) We agree that i/We shall pay the cancellation charges and other expenses incurred to establish the circuit as requested by me/us that may become payable, in the event of cancellation of the application/closure of the circuit ata later date. iv) Uwe Agree to use the leased circuit for the minimum period of hire as specified by the BSNL. v) WWe declare that the information filled up by me/us in the form are correct and no information has been withheld, Ifthe information is found incorrect subsequently, BSNL will hrave the right to take any action deemed fit including denial/termination of service. Place KAgye Date. ee err Dr-8-KUPPUSAMY——§\ at Executh (Signsanse anges BSR PDtCANo) THALAVAPALAYAM KARUR - 639 113, - Form 3 Form to be filled up by the Leased Line Customers of BSNL Internet Nodes (information provided by the customer In this form would be kept confidential 1. Nameorthe Customer: W\. Kymatage my Collogy of Enamann, 4 g 2. Customer Network Name (See Note 1): 3. Brief Description of the organization(See Note 2):- 4. fan ISP then category may be specified ( or 5. Brief Description of the newwok (See Note 3):- 6. Bandwidth of the leased line :- trib rs 7. Details of Network Topology (Specifying the router model number, number of serial and asynchronous ports of the router and other networking devices the customer plans to place on the network and their interconnectivity)(Please attach a network diagram also showing the connectiviyy:- SOL HOS Firewall — X64 SO 8. Details of Hardware and software (Hardware and software platform):- 9, Please provide an accurate number of host addresses required immediately (ic. within one month) Be sure to include all devices that will need global internet connectivity including the internal infrastructure such as routers , terminal, servers , printers etc. 10. Please provide an accurate estimate of the additional number of host addresses required in the coming six months:- 11. Please provide an accurate estimate of the additional numbers of host addresses planned after one year: 12, Please provide an accurate estimate of the additional numbers of host addresses planned after two years 13, Pstimated number of subnets planned initially:~ 14, Estimated number of subnets planned after one year:- 15, Estimated number of subnets planned after two years: 2% S4b1) 17, Additional Comments (See Note 4) :- g 16. Network Administrator and contact details = i Anbatasam- [84 ( yy, Signathee of the!Customer Dr. 8. KUPPUSAMY Exocutlve Director M. Kumarasemy College of Engineering ‘THALAVAPALAYAM KARUR - 639 113. Forms Form to be filled up by the Leased Line Customers of BSNL Internet Nodes (information provided by the customer in this form would be kept confidential) 1, Nameorthe Customer: W\. Kymarasamy ¢ olleg “4 Fnaincen ny Peed: (7 . Customer Network Name (See Note 1):- 3. Brief Description of the organization(See Note 2):- or"C 4, Ian ISP then ory may be specified 5. Brief Des 6. Bandwidih of te leased Fine:~ tb es 7. Details of Network Topology (Specifying the router model mumber, number of serial and asynchronous ports of the router and other networking devices the customer plans to place on the network and their interconnectivity(Please attach a network diagrem also showing the connectiviy:- SOL HOS Fimewalr — XOASO 8, Details of Hardware and software (Hardware and software platform):- Fiption of the netwok (See Note 3):- 9, Please provide an accurate number of host addresses required immediately (.e. within tone month) Be sure to include all devices that will need global internet connectivity including the internal infrastructure such as routers , terminal, servers , printers etc, 10, Please provide an accurate estimate of the additional number of host addresses required in the coming six _months:- 11, Please provide an accurate estimate of the additional numbers of host addresses planned after one year:~ courate estimate of the additional numbers of host addresses 12. Please provide an planned after two years: 13, Pstimated number of subnets planned initially: 14, Estimated number of subnets planned after one year:~ 15, Estimated number of subnets planned after two years: 6 New Admininratrind onsersenns P- ADATASAM TE428 S461] 17. Additional Comments (See Note 4) = [ a salbhic stomer Dr. 8. KUPPUSAMY Executive Diroctor M, Kumarasemy College of Engineering ‘THALAVAPALAYAM KARUR - 639 113. M.KUMARASAMY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING pproved by AICTE & Afiliated to Anna University, 30 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 Certified Institution. CTE Approval No. 732-53-004(NOGE) / 97 dt, 22, 10.1999 Dear Sir, Sub : Application for 1 Gbps Leased Line for MKCE - reg, Date: 20.09.2021 ‘As per the discussion, we are submitting the application for the 1Gbps Leased Line Internet services for our institution along with necessary enclosures. Kindly do the needful at the earliest. Regards, ga’ @ os. Executive Director Executive Director M. Kumarasamy College of Engineering THALAVAPALAYAM KARUR - 639 113 -Kuppusamy Thavalapalayam, Karu, Tamilnadu, nia - 639113. Phone : 04324270755, 272155 fax; 04324-272457 M.KUMARASAMY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (autonomous) Thalavapalayam, Karur, Tamil Nadu 639413. NETWORK DIAGRAM Is La ieee HR OFFICE |__| “3 SWITCH} * | + M.Kumarasamy college of Engg weorrmeo x: ; @ s - Main Block : : oO c i. u ° 5 N N ° D D g i. F F t L L : ° ° ° ° * R OFC LINK From MAIN BLOCK rs M.KUMARASMY COLLEGE OF ENGG - PG Block mzoorn ozoome 16.06-2002 KARUR From, Sivajayaprakash A, Head — Information Technology and Knowledge Management SKM, M. Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur. Through, Principal, M, Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur, To, Executive Director, M, Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur. Respected Sit, Sub: Payment of BSNL Bill for availing Internet Services “This is to bring to your kind notice that, we have been requested by BSNIL (Leased Cireuit Number: 1000503478) to pay the internet service bill for the period from 01-Apr-2022 to 30-Jun-2022, We need to pay the Bill Amount of 5,30999.91 (Five Lakh ‘Thisty Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine rupees and Ninety-one paise only) at the earliest to continue internet service farther. We kindly request you to approve the Same. Tam enclosing the BSNL bill for yout kind reference ‘Thank you. Bank Account Number: 7000806272 Bank: Branch: IFSC Code Sincerely (aa Mr. SRA pea i Office - Manager wer” gs we Principal Executive Director ay 7 7 Ay M.KUMARASAMY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING = ) (AUTONOMOUS), THALAVAPALAYAM, KARUR (D1), PINGODE 630 113, TANI NADU Phone No: OA324 270755, 272 155 Purchase Order Order No. : MKCE-COLLEGE/2021-22/457 Date, 20812022 ReINo. - 3948 To Integrated Technologios — First Floor, Union Bank Upstairs Office Copy No.66, W.8.Road sais Trichy ~ 620 008 Phone No : Mobile No : 84899-09111-94886-1 1508 GSTIN (Our Ret. PINo = As per bill Sir ‘Sub : Purchase of Microsoft Campus Agreement for Our College Warm greetings, We pleased to place order forthe following items for our college. SNe Particulars Oy [oats] —_ Rate [ORAH RAST [Amour] | 1v#H-00007- 0365EDUASOpnFac Shrdsvr Ano SubsVLOLVE 1 Mth Jed me AP 95 |Nos | 2629.00 18.0 [20471090 2 | kKws-00359- WINEDUES ALN UpardsAPk OLVE1Y Acdme Ent | 55 |Nos | 1957.00 12.0 | 22069.00 3 |aet-00284.WinsSTOCore ALNG LicSAPk OVL 2 Lic E 1Y Aedme KP CoreLic 8|Nos | 522.00 10.0| 4927.68 4 |226-09538-SQLSviStd ALNG LicSAPk OLV E 1Y Acdme AP 4]Nos | 5741.00 18.0| 6774.38 ss |770-00161-VSProSUubMSON ALNG LicSAPKOLVE 1¥ AcdmcaP | 1 |Nos | 4194.00 18.0) 442.92 6 |sntv-00001-0365EDUASOpenStUUseBinft ShrdSvr ALNC OLV NL tif Std nt PerUsr STUUseBntt 3800 [Nos | 0.01 180] 44.94 TO vibe wads Re, To Lal Nn ne Thousand Four dred a Soveiy Sx On| ‘Total 39947602 y ‘Adalional Discount 0.00) ‘Other Charge 0.00 Freight Charge = 0.00 P.F Charge 0.00) Total Order Value 399476.00 Terms & Conditions : 1 Inclusive of all tax Net Rate 2 Payment 100% Advance 3 Agreement Period: 27.01.2022 to 26.01.2023, Note : Your product and services shall not harm the nyse ‘aspects during the usage in our campus. Detvery Dae 25012022 wr ayy Manager Bose tes \\ pega oy Lat Page to: December 13,2021 Ref: SSK/MKCE/INT 1976 M. KUMARASAMY COLLEGE OF ‘THALAVAPALAYAM, KARUR- 639 113 Respected Sir, Sub: Forwarding Quote for your requirement. With reference to the discussion we had with you, we are pleased to submit our offer for your Above reference Part code Description hen | @y | ame | GsT@1e%.| NeTT vi. | O365EDUAS0pnFac Shrdsvr ALNG SubsvL OLY al 0007 | ean roe 26297 95 | 249785 44961 | 294747 | KWS: | WINEDUES ALNG UpgraSAPk OLVE LY Acdme 7] | pease eter 135785“| 74628] 13433 | se061 oEM WinSvrSTDCore ALNG LicSAPK OLV 2Lic E1Y 90294 _| Acdme AP CoreLic S228 | 4176 752) 4927 a , asa __| Sauswrsa ALNGLicsAPKOLVEaY AcdmeaP | yaa 14 5741 1033] 6774 7b. TSFroSSDR ALNG LSAPOUV ET eae a oor: | ap. asaya] aise |, 7s5| 4949 INN- (0365EDUASOpenstuUlseBinft ShrdSvr ALNG OLV a 90001 NL 1M Stdnt PerUsr STUUseBnit 0 | 3809 38 Terms é&Condition 1. Price: The above given prices are Inclusive of, 2, Payment: 100 % Advance 3. Delivery: One Week 4. Validity: 27 December eeu ANYIUS > V2) oe Ti M.KUMARASAMY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (AUTONOMOUS), THALAVAPALAYAM,, KARUR (OT), PINGODE 649 Hail tin Phone No :0 324 270765, 272155 Purchase Order Order No. : NKCI COLLEGE/2020-21/241 Dawe: oN200% RefNo. > 1139 To: Integrated Technologies First Floor, Union Bank Upstairs No.68, W.B Road Trichy - 620 008 Phone No : Mobile No GSTIN (ur Rel. Pio : As per bill Sir Sub : Purchase of Microsoft Campus Agreement for Our College ‘Werm greetings, We pleased to place order for the following items for our college. or Paniculars iy [Uris] Rate [beta] oe 2HGST & [amauta 1. | tevi-00007- 036SEDUAS0pnFac Shrdsvr Alnc SubsVLOLVE 1 Mh Jed me AP 95 |Nos | 2425.00 180 J2rted2s0 2 | KWS-00359- WINEDUES ALNC UpgrdsAPKOLVE 1Y Acdmctnt | 55 |Nos | 1243.00, 180 6067070 3 | sett-00204-WinswSTDCore ALNG LieSAPk OVL 2 Lic E 1Y Acdme AP Coretic 8|Nos | 430.00 180] 405920 4 |226-09538-SQLSwSid ALNG LicSAPK OLV E 1Y Acdme AP 1|Nos | 5173.00 180] 61044 5 |770-00161-vsProSubMSON ALNG LicSAPk OLV E 1Y Acdme AP 11Nos | 3779.00 re0| 445022 | snuw-00001-0365EDUAZOpenStuUseBni ShrdSvr ALNC OLV NL 1H Sid nt PerUsr STUUseBnit 3800 |Nos | 0.01 yao} asa4 0 Vabe wage Fis Tre Lah Git Soven Thousand Ove Rare and Egon Only Total STOOD ‘Aadiional Discount: 0.00) 0.001 0.00 = 0.00 ‘567154.00 Terms & Conditions : 1 Inclusive of all tax Net Rate 2 Payment 100% Advance” « Note : Your product and services shall n Detvery Date : 3/01/2021 wovet 227230 Prepared By : KIRUTHIKA Page No:1 [AUTONOMOUS THALAVAPALAYAML RARUIE DT) Pt OOK e J M.KUMARASAMY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING | ve ane na p70 ra, 2721 Purchase Order onder No: MKCE-COLLEGE/2022-231563 pum Zutons Rane 7Oa0 te Bepuly Gene Office Copy Deputy General Manager Enterprise Business.BSNL .TN Circle Chennai Phone No ; 044-28292877 Mobile No : 94861-00038 GSTIN Our Ret, PI No “As per lel sir Sub ; Purchase of Internet Bandwidth for our College Use Warm greetings, We pleased to place order for the following items for our college, Particulars Gly [unis] Rate [Dis-17] Dis 1 Gbps 4 |Nos |173152.00 Internet Leased line with contention ratio 1:1 through OFC FO vatue mwards Re” One Lath Sevenly Thves Thovsond One Hundred ang iy Two Oniy Total ‘Additional Discount ‘Other Charge : Freight Charge P.F Charge otal Order Value Terms & Conditions : 1 Inclusive of all tax net rate 2 Payment after delivery 1week 3 Service Period January Month Date-01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023 Delivery Date : 23/12/2022 Manager voazs pm P Prepared By: LATHA P Note : Your product and services shall not harm the environmental aspects during the usage in our campus Page Nc

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