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MECH-SYS-02-01 WI-2-58-4-3


P.O. BOX 62000, 00200, NAIROBI, KENYA.





.COPY NUMBER:...........................


APPROVED BY:..............................................................................................................



1 Acknowledgement 6

2 Introduction 7

3 Programme Objectives 7

4 Programme Expected Outcomes 7

5 Entry requirements 8

6 Structure and duration of the course 9

7 Evaluation of teaching 9

8 Examinations 9

9 Course Structure 16

10 Course description 20

EMG 2101 History of Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

EMG 2102 Engineering Drawing I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

HRD 2101 Communication Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

SCH 2120 Physical and Inorganic Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

SMA 2170 Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

SMA 2177 Applied Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

SMA 2172 Calculus I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

SPH 2173 Physics for Engineers I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

SZL 2111 HIV/AIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

EMG 2103 Workshop Processes & Practice I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

EMG 2104 Introduction to Material Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

EMG 2105 Engineering Drawing II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

HRD 2102 Development Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

ICS 2174 Introduction to Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

SCH 2121 Organic Chemistry for Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

SMA 2173 Calculus II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

SPH 2174: Physics for Engineers II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


EMG 2201 Engineering Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

EMG 2202 Workshop Processes & Practice II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

EMG 2203 Engineering Mechanics - Statics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

EMG 2204 Computer Aided Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

EEE 2230 Electrical Circuit Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

ICS 2175 Computer Programming I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

SMA 2277 Calculus III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

SMA 2278 Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

EMG 2205 Fluid Mechanics I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

EMG 2206 Engineering Thermodynamics I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

EMG 2207 Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

EMG 2208 Mechanics of Machines I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

EMG 2209 Workshop Processes & Practice III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

SMA 2374 Linear and Boolean Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

ICS 2276 Computer Programming II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

SMA 2371 Partial Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

EMG 2301 Fluid Mechanics II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

EMG 2302 Engineering Thermodynamics II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

EMG 2303 Solid and Structural Mechanics I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

EMG 2304 Mechanics of Machines II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

EEE 2330 Introduction to Electrical Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

EMG 2305 Workshop Processes & Practice IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

EMG 2306 Introduction to Engineering Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

SMA 2370 Calculus IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

EMG 2307 Fluid Mechanics III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

EMG 2308 Engineering Thermodynamics III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

EMG 2309 Solid and Structural Mechanics II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

EMG 2310 Gear Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

EMG 2311 Design of Transmission Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

EMG 2312 Metrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

STA 2272 Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

EEE 2331 Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

EMG 2401 Industrial Hydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66


EMG 2402 Material Forming Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

EMG 2403 Solid and Structural Mechanics III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

EMG 2404 Mechanics of Machines III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

EMG 2405 Control Engineering I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

EEE 2430 Microprocessors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

EMG 2406 Material Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

EMG 2407 Wind Tunnel Experimental Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

EMG 2408 Production Technology I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

EMG 2409 Engine and Power Transmission System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

EMG 2410 Control Engineering II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

EMG 2411 Solid and Structural Mechanics IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

EMG 2412 Vibrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

EMG 2413 Machine Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

EMG 2414 Numerical Methods for Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

EMG 2415 Final Year Project I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

EMG 2416 Gas Dynamics and Boundary Layer Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

EMG 2417 Computational Fluid Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

EMG 2418 Pneumatics and Electro-Hydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

EMG 2419 Engine Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

EMG 2420 Internal Combustion Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

EMG 2421 Production Technology II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

EMG 2422 Jig and Tool Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

EMG 2423 Experimental Stress Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

EMG 2501 Power Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

EMG 2502 Heat Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

EMG 2503 Final Year Project II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

EMG 2504 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

EMG 2505 Measurement and Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

EMG 2506 Reverse Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

EMG 2507 New and Renewable Energy Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

EMG 2508 Fluid Flow Machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

EMG 2509 Building Mechanical Engineering Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

EMG 2510 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97


EMG 2511 Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

EMG 2512 Vehicle Power Transmission System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

EMG 2513 Metal Forming Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

EMG 2514 Production Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

EMG 2515 Final Year Project III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

EMG 2516 Industrial Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

EMG 2517 Law for Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

EMG 2518 Operations Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

EMG 2519 Maintenance Engineering and Industrial Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

HRD 2401 Enterpreneurship Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

EMG 2520 Industrial and Environmental Noise Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

EMG 2521 Energy Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

EMG 2522 Vehicle System Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

EMG 2523 Mechanics of Metal Cutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111


1 Acknowledgement

A lot of effort has been put in bringing this curriculum into its present form. First, our
acknowledgement for the input from the academic staff of the department of mechanical engi-
neering. We are in no doubt that a lot of hours, consultations and creative thinking that you
put into this curriculum review exercise is what brings uniqueness to the programme. From
our sister department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, we salute the assistance of Dr.
Ndung’u for putting in place all the electrical and electronic courses and for spending time
with us at our retreat giving very useful comments in other courses as well.

Secondly, we acknowledge the input we got from the industry. The enthusiasm that the
industry showed upon our invitation to them to participate in the process was heartbreaking.
In particular, we wish to acknowledge the participation of Eng. Njoroge of General Motors
(Kenya) and Eng. Mwaroche of Unilever (Kenya). We do not take for granted the fact that
you spent three days with us during our retreat at Masinga Dam. The input from the industry
certainly added value to the document.

We also recognize with gratitude the input from Mrs. Ann Mwangi, curriculum development
consultant, for the assistance in putting the document together and helping us course by
course to bring out the course aims and objectives clearly.

We would also want to recognize the input from departments of Chemistry, Pure & Applied
Mathematics, Physics, Zoology and IC&SIT.

To Prof. Mabel Imbuga, the Vice Chancellor, we are very thankful for the support you gave
us in making the retreat a reality. And for your insistence that we must include people from
the industry. We did.

To the many others who helped us in one way or another, we hereby register our most sincere
heartfelt gratitude.

2 Introduction

The Bachelor of Science degree program in mechanical engineering is designed to produce a

graduate engineer who has knowledge in the core areas of mechanical engineering while at the
same time specializing in a particular core area.The graduates will get adequate training
in engineering design and be introduced to the studio type design. To make the course
more encompassing the students will be trained to become knowledgeable in humanities and
other professional courses. Furthermore, to fit into the competitive and very challenging real
world, the graduates will be trained on entrepreneurship, accounting, management and project
management that include construction plant equipment and industrial safety. The programme
is aimed at producing engineers who can solve real life problems in a very analytical manner
during their final year project. Consequently, the courses are sequenced in such a way that
the final year project is left with adequate time during the second semester of fifth year of

The programme is divided into several clusters, namely; foundation courses, core engineering
courses, core areas of specialization, professional courses and humanities. The weighting and
mode of teaching of the units in these clusters are in line with the expectations of professional
bodies like Kenya Engineers Registration Board and will in no doubt make our graduates very
competitive anywhere in the world.

3 Programme Objectives

The objectives of the Bachelor of Science degree programme in mechanical engineering in Jomo
Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology is to produce an engineer with knowledge,
attitude and skills to;

1. model, formulate and creatively design (synthesize), manufacture and test realistic com-
ponents, products and practical systems in mechanical engineering
2. naturally incorporate basic sciences and the art of mathematics as part of his/her think-
ing and problem solving processes in mechanical engineering
3. design, conduct, analyze experimental tests of practical systems and products,
4. understand and appreciate the technical diversity required to develop new products or
processes, and use this understanding to work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams
5. develop an appreciation of the contemporary world, and be able to contribute to it in a
professional, managerial (and/or entrepreneurial) and ethical manner
6. learn how to learn, so that life-long learning becomes second nature
7. appreciate the broad spectrum of issues arising in professional practice, including team
work, leadership, safety, ethics, service, economics, and professional organizations in-
cluding Kenya Engineers’ Registration Board (KERB).

4 Programme Expected Outcomes

At the end of the programme, the graduates should be able to;

1. apply the knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences and mechanical engineering to

solve engineering problems

2. design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data

3. design systems, components, machines or processes to meet desired needs

4. identify, analyze and solve engineering problems using the necessary techniques, skills
and modern engineering tools

5. function on multi-disciplinary teams

6. understand professional and ethical responsibility and impact of engineering solutions

in a global and societal context

7. communicate effectively

8. be admitted to graduate programs in engineering and related related technological


9. engage in life-long learning

5 Entry requirements

5.1 The University and Faculty common regulations shall apply.

5.2 The following shall be eligible for consideration for admission into the degree pro-
(a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) applicants should satisfy all the
requirements below:
(i) A candidate must have a mean aggregrate of at least grade B - (minus) and
(ii) The mean grade for the total score in the four cluster subjects must be at least
B(plain) and;
(iii) In the individual cluster subjects, a candidate must have at least the scores given

Alternative A Alternative B
Mathematics B Mathematics C+
Physics C+ Physical Sciences B
Chemistry C+ Biological Sciences C+
Geography or Biology, or C+ Geography or C+
Any Group IV subjects Any Group IV subjects

(b) Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE) or the A-level equivalent should
satisfy all the requirements below:
(i) At least two principal passes in Mathematics and Physics; and
(ii) At least a total score of nine(9) points at the KACE or equivalent; and
(iii) At least a credit pass in chemistry at the KCE or its equivalent.
(c) Higher Diploma holders: A candidate holding a Higher Diploma from Kenya National
Examination Council shall be admitted into the third year of study.
(d) Diploma applicants: A candidate must be a holder of JKUAT diploma in engineering
with at least a credit pass in the relevant discipline. Diploma holders will normally be
admitted into the second year of study.
(e) A holder of other qualifications recognized by the Senate as equivalent to a, b, c or d

6 Structure and duration of the course

1. The duration of study for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical engineering
shall normally extend over a period of five years.

2. The academic year shall be divided into two semesters.

3. The courses are taught in units. A unit is defined as the equivalent of 45 one-hour
lectures spread over one semester of 14 teaching weeks. For this purpose two hours of
tutorial or three hours of practicals are equivalent to one-hour lecture.

4. A candidate in first, second, third, fourth and fifth year of study shall take a minimum
of 16 units in any one year of study.

5. A candidate shall be required to undertake practical attachment during the second, third
and fourth year study for a period not less than eight weeks each year being equivalent
to one unit.

6. A candidate shall be required to take during his/her first year of study, the following
university units.

(a) HRD 2101 Communications Skills

(b) HRD 2102 Development Studies
(c) SZL 2111 HIV/AIDS

7 Evaluation of teaching

1. The examinations are set and marked by the lecturer teaching the course who acts as
the internal examiner.

2. The moderation of all draft examinations together with model solutions is carried out
by an external examiner appointed by the university in accordance with laid down pro-

3. The external examiner is also responsible for moderation of the marking by looking at
the marked scripts vis a vis the model solution at the end of every semester.

4. To ensure that high standards of teaching and service delivery are achieved, all lecturers
are evaluated from time time using an appropriate evaluation tool.

8 Examinations

1. The University common regulations concerning examinations shall apply.

2. The Faculty common regulations concerning examinations shall apply, in particular

ENG.10, ENG.11, ENG.12, ENG.13, ENG.14, ENG.15, ENG.16, ENG.17, ENG.18,
ENG.19, ENG.20 and ENG.21.

3. During the 5th year of study, every student shall undertake a final year project. The
project will test the student’s ability to design, manufacture and test selected mechanical
engineering products. The student shall present a project report.

ENG.10 (a) Ordinary University examinations shall normally be at the end of

every semester.

(b) All units shall be examined during the semester in which they are
taken except projects which shall normally be examined at the end of
the second semester.

(c) The examination pass mark in each unit shall be 40% of the total

(d) No candidate shall be allowed to sit for examinations without attend-

ing at lease two thirds of the lectures and practicals.

(e) No candidate shall be deemed to have passed in examinations unless

the candidate has passed practicals.

(f) Continuous Assessments shall contribute 30% and written Univer-

sity examinations shall contribute 70% of the total marks; except
where a course consists solely of practical work, it shall be assessed
100% by continuous assessment. The continuous assessment shall
consist of continuous assessment tests, coursework and/or laboratory
assignments. A candidate shall satisfactorily complete such course-
work/practical assignments as may be required for each course unit.
The composition for continuous assessment shall be as follows:

15% Practical/lab assignments/Class Projects

5% Assignments
10% Tests

Design and drawing courses will be assessed as specified in the de-

partmental regulations.

(g) Practical attachment shall be assessed and graded on pass or fail basis.

(h) The University examinations shall consist of papers each covering one
unit completed during the semester. The time allowed for each written
paper in a course unit shall be two hours except in drawing which shall
be three hours.

(i) A candidate who absents himself/herself from a scheduled examina-

tion for any unit without reasonable cause shall be deemed to have
failed thee examination for the unit, with a score of zero.

(j) The senate examination disciplinary committee regulations shall ap-

ply in all examination disciplinary cases.

ENG. 11 (a) In order to be allowed to proceed to and register for the third year of
study a candidate must pass in all the required units of the first and
second year of study.

(b) After sitting the supplementary examinations a candidate may be

allowed to carry forward a maximum of two failed units to the second
and fourth years of study. However, a candidate who has failed a unit
as a result of not fulfilling the coursework requirements for the unit
shall not be allowed to proceed to the next year of study.

(c) In order to be allowed to proceed to and to register for the fifth year
of study a student must have passed all the units in the first, second,
third and fourth year of study.

(d) A candidate must pass in all the required units of the first, second,
third, fourth and fifth years of study in order to qualify for the award
of their respective degree as specified in ENG.19.

ENG. 12 Each unit shall be graded out of 100 marks and the pass mark for
each unit shall be, 40% of the total. The marks shall be translated
into lateral grades as follows.

70% and above A

60% and above but less than 70% B
50% and above but less than 60% C
40% and above but less than 50% D
Below 40% E

ENG. 13 At the end of every academic year the Registrar’s office shall prepare
for each candidate a transcript in the form of literal grades for the
units taken during that year.

Supplementary examinations

(a) Any examination in a unit taken by a candidate as a result of failing

the unit at the first attempt is a supplementary examination.

(b) Supplementary examination period shall normally be at the end of a

year of study in which the unit is offered subject to ENG 14(d), (e),
and (f)

(c) Sitting supplementary examination in failed units shall be during the

supplementary examination period or during the ordinary examina-
tion period when examination for the unit is next offered but this will
be subject to ENG 14(d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i).

(d) A candidate who fails in any unit, up to a maximum of five units at

the ordinary examination shall be required to sit supplementary ex-
aminations in all the failed units during the supplementary period im-
mediately following the ordinary examinations in which he/she failed
the units subject to ENG.17.

(e) A candidate who fails a unit at the supplementary examination period

shall be required to retake the examination during the next time the
unit is offered at the ordinary examinations subject to ENG 17.

Staying out

(f) (i) A candidate who fails a supplementary examination of the Second

year of study during the supplementary examination period shall not
be allowed to proceed to the third year of study but shall be required
to retake the examination during the next time the unit is offered at
the ordinary examinations subject to ENG.17.

(ii)A candidate who fails a supplementary examination of the fourth

year of study during the supplementary examination period shall not
be allowed to proceed to the fifth year of study but shall be required
to retake the examination during the next time the unit is offered at
the ordinary examinations subject to ENG.17.

(g) A candidate who fails three, four or five units of the first or third
year of study, at the supplementary examinations period shall not be
allowed to proceed to the next year of study but shall be required to
retake the examination in the units failed during the next time they
are offered at ordinary examinations subject to ENG.17.

(h) A candidate who fails a supplementary examination of the fifth year

of Study during the supplementary examination period shall not grad-
uate but shall be required to retake the examination during the
next time the unit is offered at the ordinary examinations subject
to ENG.17.

(i) A candidate who fails six or seven units in any year of study shall
be required to retake examinations only in the failed units during the
ordinary examination period when examinations for the individual
units are offered. Such a candidate will not be allowed to retake
examinations during the supplementary period immediately following
ordinary examinations period in which he/she failed the six or seven

(j) A candidate who has failed a unit for which he/she is required to take
supplementary examinations may be allowed to attend lecturers for
the unit and utilize other facilities upon making appropriate arrange-
ments subject to ENG.21. However, no marks shall be awarded for
any continuous assessment taken.

(k) A candidate who has not fulfilled the requirements for progression to
the next year of study or to graduate but is required to retake some
examinations shall be eligible to apply to utilize University facilities
subject to ENG.21.


(l) Pending the results of the supplementary examination a candidate

may Admitted into the second, third, fourth, or fifth year of study
but shall not continue therein unless the candidate passes the required
number of units in the previous year of study. Where a candidate fails
a unit evaluate wholly by continuous assessment the candidate shall
be required to carry out additional work for examination during the
supplementary examination period.

(m) A mark of 40% and above in supplementary paper shall be recorded

as 40% and shall not include continuous assessment marks.

Special examinations

ENG.15 If through unavoidable circumstances such as bereavement or sickness

a candidate is unable to sit for one or more examination papers, or
is unable to undertake essential parts of the work for continuous as-
sessment the candidate may, on the recommendation of the Faculty
Board of Examiners, and with the approval of Senate, be permitted
to take special examination, or undertake extra work for continuous
assessment. Special examinations shall be marked out of 100% and
shall include continuous assessment.


ENG. 16 (a) A candidate may be re-admitted into an academic year on compas-

sionate grounds, on the recommendation of the Faculty and with the
approval of the Senate .

(b) A candidate who has been re-admitted after completing the first
semester will be required to register only for the second semester,
of academic year into which he/she is re-admitted.


ENG. 17 (a) A candidate who fail 8 or more units, all of the same year of study,
at the ordinary University examinations shall be discontinued.

(b) A candidate who does not pass a unit after a total of four attempts
shall be discontinued. In this case the four attempts shall normally
be as follows;

(i) First attempt will be at ordinary examinations

(ii) Second attempt will be at supplementary examinations period
following failure at the ordinary examinations
(iii) Third attempt will be following failure at supplementary exam-
inations in ENG.17 b (ii) and the examination will be taken at the
ordinary examination period when the paper is offered
(iv) Fourth attempt will be following the supplementary examination
period, following the ordinary examination period in which the third
attempt in ENG.17 b(iii) above is made.

(c) A candidate who fails six or seven units of a year of study after the
first attempt and subsequently fails the same six or seven units after
retaking the examinations shall be discontinued.

(d) A candidate who retakes examinations after failing six or seven units
of a year of study and subsequently fails in any of the units at the
retake which he/she then fails again at the third attempt, shall be

(e) A candidate who fails to complete the first and second years of study
in three academic years shall be discontinued.

(f) A candidate who fails to complete the third, fourth and fifth years of
study in five academic years shall be discontinued.

Award of degree

ENG. 18 (a) To be considered for the award of the degree in the Faculty of En-
gineering, candidate must have passed all the required units of first,
second, third, fourth and fifth years of study of the respective degree

(b) No candidate shall be awarded the degree without passing practical


(c) No candidate shall be awarded the degree without passing the

HIV/AIDS unit SZL 2111

Classification of degree

ENG. 19 (a) A candidate who qualifies for the award degree shall be placed in one
of the following classes;

First class Honours

Second class Honours (Upper Division)
Second class Honours (Lower Division)

(b) A candidate who has i) failed the same unit more than once or ii)
failed six or seven units in a year of study, shall not qualify for award
of an honours degree.

(c) The final classification of the degree in the Faculty of Engineering

Shall be based on 80 required units taken during the five years of
study for the respective Bachelor of Science in Engineering. The 80
required units shall not include SZL 2111 HIV/AIDS.

(d) The total marks for the 80 required units for the degrees specified
in the Faculty of Engineering will be averaged to arrive at the final

(e) The degree shall be classified as follows:

X70% and above: First Class Honours

X60% and above but less than 70%: Second Class Honours (Upper
X50% and above but less than 60%: Second Class Honours (Lower
XAbove40% and above but less than 50%: Pass

Appeal for re-assessment

ENG.20 A candidate may appeal for remarking of a written examination paper

within four weeks after the release of results for the course unit for
which the appeal is made.

Release of results

ENG.21 A student’s registration for courses, sitting for examinations, release

of results and awarding of the Degree shall be subject to the student
fulfilling all University regulations concerning payment of fees.

9 Course Structure

Year 1
Unit Code Unit Title No. of Lecture Hours
EMG 2101 History of Technology 45
EMG 2102 Engineering Drawing I 45
HRD 2101 Communication Skills 45
SCH 2120 Physical and Inorganic Chemistry 45
SMA 2170 Algebra 45
SMA 2177 Applied Geometry 45
SMA 2172 Calculus I 45
SPH 2173 Physics for Engineers I 45
SZL 2111 HIV/AIDS 45

EMG 2103 Workshop Processes & Practice I 45

EMG 2104 Introduction to Material Science 45
EMG 2105 Engineering Drawing II 45
HRD 2102 Development Studies 45
ICS 2174 Introduction to Computer Science 45
SCH 2121 Organic Chemistry for Engineers 45
SMA 2173 Calculus II 45
SPH 2174 Physics for Engineers II 45
Total number of lecture hours 765

Year 2
Unit Code Unit Title No. of Lecture Hours
EMG 2201 Engineering Materials 45
EMG 2202 Workshop Processes & Practice II 45
EMG 2203 Engineering Mechanics - Statics 45
EMG 2204 Computer Aided Drawing 45
EEE 2230 Electrical Circuit Analysis 45
ICS 2175 Computer Programming I 45
SMA 2277 Calculus III 45
SMA 2279 Linear and Boolean Algebra 45

EMG 2205 Fluid Mechanics I 45

EMG 2206 Engineering Thermodynamics I 45
EMG 2207 Engineering Mechanics -Dynamics 45
EMG 2208 Mechanics of Machines I 45
EMG 2209 Workshop Processes & Practice III 45
SMA 2278 Differential Equations 45
ICS 2276 Computer Programming II 45
SMA 2370 Calculus IV 45
Total number of lecture hours 720

EMG 2210 Practical Attachment I 8 Weeks


Year 3
Unit Code Unit Title No. of Lecture Hours
EMG 2301 Fluid Mechanics II 45
EMG 2302 Engineering Thermodynamics II 45
EMG 2303 Solid and Structural Mechanics I 45
EMG 2304 Mechanics of Machines II 45
EEE 2330 Introduction to Electrical Machines 45
STA 2272 Statistics 45
EMG 2306 Introduction to Engineering Design 45
SMA 2371 Partial Differential Equations 45

EMG 2307 Fluid Mechanics III 45

EMG 2308 Engineering Thermodynamics III 45
EMG 2309 Solid and Structural Mechanics II 45
EMG 2310 Gear Mechanisms 45
EMG 2311 Design of Transmission Systems 45
EMG 2312 Metrology 45
EMG 2305 Workshop Processes & Practice IV 45
EEE 2331 Electronics 45
Total number of lecture hours 720

EMG 2313 Practical Attachment II 8 Weeks

Year 4
Unit Code Unit Title No. of Lecture Hours
Core Units
EMG 2401 Industrial Hydraulics 45
EMG 2402 Material Forming Processes 45
EMG 2403 Solid and Structural Mechanics III 45
EMG 2404 Mechanics of Machines III 45
EMG 2405 Control Engineering I 45
EEE 2430 Microprocessors 45
EMG 2406 Material Science 45

EMG 2407 Wind Tunnel Experimental Techniques 45
EMG 2408 Production Technology I 45
EMG 2409 Engine and Power Transmission Systems 45

Core Units
EMG 2410 Control Engineering II 45
EMG 2411 Solid and Structural Mechanics IV 45
EMG 2412 Vibrations 45
EMG 2413 Machine Design 45
EMG 2414 Numerical Methods for Engineers 45

EMG 2415 Final Year Project I 45

Thermofluids (Any two units)
EMG 2416 Gas Dynamics and Boundary Layer Theory 45
EMG 2417 Computational Fluid Dynamics 45
EMG 2418 Pneumatics and Electrohydraulics 45
EMG 2419 Engine Technology 45
EMG 2420 Internal Combustion Engines 45
Production (Any two units)
EMG 2421 Production Technology II 45
EMG 2422 Jigs and Tool Design 45
EMG 2423 Experimental Stress Analysis 45
Total number of lecture hours 720

EMG 2424 Practical Attachment III 8 Weeks

Year 5
Unit Code Unit Title No. of Lecture Hours
Core Units
EMG 2501 Power Plants 45
EMG 2502 Heat Transfer 45
EMG 2503 Final Year Project II 45
EMG 2504 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing 45
EMG 2505 Measurements and Instrumentation 45
EMG 2506 Reverse Engineering 45

Thermofluids (Any two units)
EMG 2507 New and Renewable Energy Resources 45
EMG 2508 Fluid Flow Machinery 45
EMG 2509 Building Mechanical Engineering Services 45
EMG 2510 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning 45
EMG 2511 Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems 45
EMG 2512 Vehicle Power Transmission System 45
EMG 2513 Metal Forming Processes 45
EMG 2514 Production Management 45

Core Units
EMG 2515 Final Year Project III 90
EMG 2516 Industrial Management 45
EMG 2517 Law for Engineers 45
EMG 2518 Operations Research 45
EMG 2519 Maintenance Engineering and Industrial Safety 45
HRD 2401 Entrepreneurship Skills 45
EMG 2520 Industrial and Environmental Noise Control 45

EMG 2521 Energy Management 45
EMG 2522 Vehicle System Engineering 45
EMG 2523 Mechanics of Metal Cutting 45
Total number of lecture hours 720

Total number of lecture hours required for graduation: 3645 hours.


Internal practical attachment EMG 2210 is assessed based on workshops/laboratory assign-

ment at JKUAT at the end of the second year of study.

Assessment of practical attachment EMG 2313 and EMG 2424 is based on student’s logbook
and summary reports, and supervisor evaluation report.

The elective courses will be available depending on the human resource capacity of the de-
partment at the time.

10 Course description

EMG 2101 History of Technology (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to
1. understand the main lines of the history of technical development in society,
2. appreciate the processes of various revolutions that have shaped the technical world,
namely the industrial, scientific electronic and ICT, and
3. learn the roles of an engineer in the society.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the student should be able to;
1. explain main lines and stages of technical development in a societal context,
2. explain societal processes that determine these developments, and
3. participate in debates around new technologies and industrial development and demon-
strate how they affect development in other countries as well as in Kenya

Course description
Early History of technical development: Early stages; iron making; African society; mills.
Industrial Revolution: Textile industry, steam power, machine tools; and transport systems,
and metals, mechanization and automation; chemicals and electrical industries, internal com-
bustion engine; and nuclear power; scientific revolution; electronic age; information society.
Industrialization revolution in following countries: Japan, South East-Asia countries; Kenya’s
industrialization plan; Colonial impact on Kenya’s technical development.
Engineering and Society: Realization process on technical changes in society, role of engineer,
individuals, organizations, institutes, state.
Development of technology: Global, regional and national/local perceptions; arguments, judg-
ments, limits on growth and economical consequences; alternatives; the complexity of large
projects- past, present and future.

Prerequisites: None

Prescribed text books

1. Basalla G. (1988) The Evolution of Technology (Cambridge Studies in the History of
Science), Cambridge University Press.
2. Kaplinsky R. (1990) The economies of Small, Appropriate Technology, Intermediate
Technology Publications

1. Harvey C., Lewis S. & Sharpley J. (1990) Botswana in Riddel R(ed.) Industrialization
in Sub Saharan Africa, London: James Currey.
2. Rosenbrock H. H. (1985) Engineers and the Work that People Do, Ablex Publishing
Corp, USA. (Manchester mimeo)
3. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology

Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture, 2 hour tutorials per week.

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Overhead projector;
2. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops.

EMG 2102 Engineering Drawing I (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand basic aspects of engineering drawing practice,
2. gain skills of engineering drawing and sketching,
3. understand basic electrical and piping drawings.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
1. select and use appropriate drawing instruments for a particular drawing task and con-
struct loci of points in mechanisms commonly encountered in mechanical engineering
2. make orthographic drawings given pictorial drawings, interpret orthographic drawings,
and make isometric and oblique drawings/sketches for given orthographic drawings
3. make freehand sketches

Course description
Various aspects of graphic language. Aesthetics, artistic and technical drawing.
Technical drawings: technical drawing equipment, drawing paper sizes, lettering and linework.
Construction of loci: common loci, such as involute, cycloids, trochoids, parabola. Loci of
points on mechanisms. Development of cam profiles.
Orthographic projections. Use of first and third angle projections, two-view and three-view
mechanical drawing conventions.
Production of elevations and plans of simple solids from practical components.
Drawing scales. Lines in space; true lengths. Three-dimensional views; isometric, perspective
and oblique.
Conventional representation of features: International Standard organization (ISO) 4500.
Free hand sketching, sketching materials. Exercises on sketching of physical engineering com-
ponents. Electrical circuit and pipework diagrams.

Prerequisites: None

Prescribed text books

1. Morling K. (1974) Geometric and Engineering Drawing, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2 Ed.
2. Eide A.R., Jenism R.D. & Mashaw L.H. (1995) Engineering graphics fundamentals, Mc
Graw-Hill, inc. 2nd Ed.

1. Thomas E.F., Jay D.H., Byron U. & Carl L. S. (1997) Mechanical drawing CAD-
communications, Mc Graw-Hill 11th Ed.
2. Giesecke F.E., Hill I.L., Norak J.E. & Mitchel A. (1991) Technical Drawing, Prenctice-
Hall, inc.
3. Journal of Mechanical Design

Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 3 hour practice per week

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Drawing office;
2. Drawing instruments;
3. Computer Laboratory.

HRD 2101 Communication Skills (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. gain oral and written communication effectiveness of the student
2. understand information dissemination and information gathering
3. be equipped with information gathering and analysis techniques

Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
1. write using appropriate style a technical report, essays and summaries
2. prepare visual communication aids
3. be able to source and prepare questionnaires.

Course description
Communication; definition, elements, process, purposes, qualities, and barriers, Oral commu-
nication public speaking, persuasion, interviews, committee, meetings, and tutorial discussion.
Listening skills; efficient listening, barriers, and listening to lectures.
Writing Skills: essay, correspondence, reports, and summary.
Reading Skills; efficient reading, barriers, skimming, scanning and study reading.
Visual communication: chalkboard, transparencies, stencil, slides, television, and films.
Public communication; public relations, and advertising.
Source of information: interviews, questionnaires, library, observation and experiments.

Prerequisites: None

Prescribed text books

1. Davies J.W. (2001) Communication Skills: A Guide for Engineering and Applied Science
Students,Published by Prentice Hall
2. Richard L. W. & Saundra H. (2006) Communicating effectively, McGraw Hill, 8th Ed.

1. Brumif C.J. & Johnson K. (1980) Communicative approach to language teaching, Oxford
University Press
2. Leech G. & Svartrik J. (1975) Communicative grammar of English , Longman Publishers
3. Journal of Cooperative Communication Skills

Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Overhead projector;
2. Flip charts

SCH 2120 Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. appreciate basic underlying processes and concepts of inorganic chemistry
2. Have in-depth understanding of the underlying principles and concepts of physical chem-
3. be introduced to various types of chemical bonds

Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. state the fundamental properties of matter, number of protons, neutrons and electrons.

2. describe the periodic arrangement of elements in the periodic table and elements chem-
istry characteristics for groups along periods and down the periodic table.
3. describe types of bonding, covalent, ionic, metallic and the shapes of some covalent and
ionic compounds

Course description
Brief introduction of atomic structure and periodic table. Groups and periods of the periodic
table. The mole concept and balancing of ionic equations. Qualitative treatment of bonding in
terms of dot and cross formula. Bond types covalent, ionic, metallic, Van der Waals hydrogen
bonding, shapes of simple molecules.
Equilibrium: Introduction to, chemical and physical equilibrium, Le-Chateliers principle. Ion-
ization of water, acids, bases and salts, pH and buffer solutions. Solubility and solubility
Electrochemistry: Introduction to electrochemical processes, half-cell reaction, equilibrium
electrode potentials and sign convention e.m.f of a cell.

Prerequisites: None

Prescribed text books

1. Shultz M.J. (2006) Chemistry For Engineers: An Applied Approach, Houghton Mifflin
2. Barthel J. & Hess P. (1983) Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Springer-Verlag

1. Zumdahl S. S. & Zumdahl S. A. (2007) Chemistry, Houghton Mifflin Company,
2. Epstein L. M. & Krieger P. (2007) Schaum’s Outline of College Chemistry, McGraw-Hill,
9th Ed.
3. International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least five
3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Chemistry laboratories;
2. Overhead projector.

SMA 2170 Algebra (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. learn laws of algebra
2. understand mathematical manipulation involving power series and complex numbers
3. gain knowledge about complex numbers and their applications to trigonometric

Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
1. use linear laws to interpret experimental data
2. solve mathematical problems involving finite and infinite power series
3. perform mathematical operations involving complex numbers with applications to trigono-
metric identities

Course description
Surds, logarithms and indices. Determination of linear laws from experimental data. Quadratic
functions, equations and inequalities. Remainder theorem and its application to solution of
factorisable polynomial equations and inequalities. Permutations and combinations.

Series: finite, infinite, arithmetic, geometric and binomial, and their applications such as com-
pound interest, approximations, growth and decay. The principle of induction and examples
such as formulae for summation of series and properties of divisibility.
Complex numbers: Argand diagrams, arithmetic operations and their geometric representa-
tion. Modulus and argument. De Moivre’s theorem and its applications to trigonometric
identities and roots of complex numbers.

Prerequisites: None

Prescribed text book

1. Hungerford T. W. (1991) Algebra and trigonometry, Pichard Mercer, 2nd Ed.
2. Malcolm M. & Francis W. (1991) Algebraic computing with reduce, Oxford University
Press, 2nd Ed.

1. Fulton W. (1989) Algebraic, curves: an introduction to geometry, Red wood city: Addison-
2. Newmeyer J. (1975), Algebra modules: Intermediate level, Gas Wentus, 2nd Ed.
3. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences

Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial every week

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Power-point;
2. Overhead projector.

SMA 2177 Applied Geometry (45 Lecturer Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. learn basic trigonometry
2. understand general presentation of equations of various geometries in various co-
ordinate systems
3. be introduced to applications of trigonometry
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
1. solve and manipulate various trigonometric equations and identities
2. relate cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates for general equations representing
circles, ellipses, parabola and hyperbola
3. solve various engineering problems using trigonometry as a tool
Course description
Trigonometry; trigonometric functions, their graphs and inverses for degree and ra-
dian measure, addition, multiple angle and factor formulae, trigonometric identities
and equations. Sine and cosine formulae; their application to solution of triangles and
The straight line: equation, parallel and perpendicular lines. The circle; general equa-
tion and equation of tangent at point of contact and from an external point.
Polar coordinates: their definition, relationship with Cartesian coordinates, graphs and
equations. Ellipse, parabola and hyperbola; equations in standard form and with change
of origin, chord, tangent and normal including parametric form
Prerequisites: None

Prescribed text books

1. Longley W. R., Perbey F. & Smith W.A. (1951) Analytic geometry and calculus
Boston Gin and company
2. Backhouse S.P., Houldworth T. & Horril P.J.F. (1985) Pure Mathematics bk1,
Longman, 4th Ed.
1. Underwood R.S. (1963) Analytic geometry, New york, 3th Ed.
2. Hodge W.V.D. & Pedoe D. (1994), Methods of Algebraic Geometry: Birational
geometry, Cambridge University Press
3. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial every week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Power-point;
2. Overhead projector.

SMA 2172 Calculus I (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the laws of calculus
2. understand the various methods of differentiation and integration
3. apply calculus to engineering problems involving kinematics
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
1. differentiate given mathematical equations using first principles
2. extend the laws of differentiation to trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential
3. carry out integration and apply the knowledge to areas of surfaces and volumes.
Course description
Mappings and functions; definition, domain, codomain, range, image, composition and
inverse of functions. Limits, continuity and differentiability.
Differentiation by first principles and by rule for x (integral and fractional n), sums,
products, quotients, chain rule, trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions of
a single variable.
Applications: equations of tangent and normal, kinematics, rates of change, small
changes and stationary points. Parametric differentiation. Integration; anti-derivatives
and their applications to areas and volumes.
Prerequisites: None
Prescribed text books
1. Thomas G. B. & Ross L. F (1984) Calculus and analytic geometry, Massachusetts;
addison wesley, 6th Ed.
2. Goldstein L. J. (1980) Calculus and its application, Pearson Education, 2th Ed.
1. Bird J.O. & May A.J.C. (1985) Calculus for technicians, Pearson Professional
Education, 2nd Ed.
2. Sherlock. A.J. (1982) Calculus pure and applied, Hodder Arnold, 1st Ed.
3. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial every week.

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Power-point;
2. Overhead projector.

SPH 2173 Physics for Engineers I (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the physical concepts in basic mechanics, and thermal physics
2. gain foundation of engineering applications
3. be introduced to gravitation formulae, elasticity, momentum, circular motion and
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. solve simple problems on kinetics, kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid
2. derive and apply the various scientific formulae for gravitation, elasticity, momen-
tum, circular motion and energy.
3. explain expansion of matter and mechanisms of heat transfer in matter.
Course description
Units and dimensions, S.I units and standards. Kinematics, Dynamics, Circular motion,
S.H.M Gravitation.
Properties of matter; surface tension, elasticity and Hooke.s Law, stress and strain,
tension, compression and torsion.
Friction and Viscosity. Thermometry, thermal expansion, calorimetry, change of state
and heat transfer, Gas laws and kinetic theory of matter.
Prerequisites: None
Prescribed text books
1. Young, H. D. & Freedman, R. A. (2007) University Physics, Addison Wesley.
2. Ohanian H. C. & Markert J. (2007) Physics for Engineers, W.W. Norton & Co
1. Giambattista A., Richardson B. & Richardson R. C. (2006) College Physics, McGraw-
2. Knight R. D. (2003) Physics for Scientists and Engineers A Strategic Approach,
Addison Wesley.
3. International Journal of Applied Physics
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
five 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Physics laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory.

SZL 2111 HIV/AIDS (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. undertake behavioral change for prevention of HIV/AID’s,
2. understand HIV/AID’s education as a means to the larger end of producing a
better, more integrated sense of health education in the student
3. avoid apathy and feel challenged, hopeful and responsible with the new under-
standing of HIV/AIDS.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to
1. impart knowledge on the ways to destigmatize HIV/AIDS victims
2. know the modes of transmission and prevention of the HIV virus
3. uphold positive behavioral changes as a campaign against the HIV/AIDS pan-
Course description
General Introduction: Public health and hygiene, human physiology, sex and sexuality.
History of sexually transmitted diseases (STD); History of human Immunodeficiency
Virus/Acquired immune deficiency Syndrome HIV/AIDS), Comparative information
on trends, global and local distribution,
Biology of HIV/AIDS: Overview of immune system, natural immunity to HIV/AIDS,
The AIDS Virus and its life cycle, disease progression (epidemiology), transmission and
Treatment and Management: Nutrition. Prevention and control; Abstain, Be faithful,
Condom use, Destigmatize HIV/AIDS (ABCD) method anti-retroviral drugs and vac-
cines. Pregnancy and AIDS. Management of HIV/AIDS patients.
Social and Cultural practices: Religion and AIDS. Social stigma on HIV/AIDS. Behav-
ioral change.
Voluntary counseling and Testing (VCT) services.
Drug abuse and AIDS, alcohol and hard drugs. Poverty and AIDS. Families and AIDS
Government Policies: Global policies of AIDS. Legal rights of AIDS patients. Intellec-
tual property rights.
AIDS impact: Family set-up/society, population, agriculture, education, development
and economy and other sectors.
Prerequisites: None
Prescribed text books
1. Jacquelyn H.F. & Ungvarski. P.J. (1995) HIV/AIDS: a guide to nursing care,
Philadelphia:WB saders
2. Bernie F.C. (2004) HIV/SIDS resource manual for public health education, Nairobi:
Peace corps, 4th Ed.
1. Wellcome T. (2003) HIV/AIDS, London, 2nd Ed.
2. Valerio A. & Donald A.P. (2004) Education And HIV/Aids: A Sourcebook of
HIV/Aids Prevention Programs, World Bank Publications
3. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial every week

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Overhead projectors;
2. Flip charts.

EMG 2103 Workshop Processes & Practice I (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. use various measuring and inspection instruments
2. select the appropriate tools for bench work
3. select and apply the basic joining principles for various applications
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student to will be able:
1. read the vernier and micrometer
2. work safely with various hand tools
3. make simple joints using soldering , brazing, riveting and tapping
Course description
Measurement and inspection: use of dial, slip, limit, small hole and telescope gauges.
Use of limit systems. Theory and use of vernier. Internal and external micrometers and
accuracy. Bore gauges for large holed degree of accuracy. Checking and setting mea-
suring equipment. Test for acceptance or rejection of new or worn parts. Measuring
exercise including those involving concentricity and run-out.
Work safety: rules Bench and marking out tools; use of marking out table and instru-
ments such as scribers, calipers, height gauge.
Bench tools: files, hacksaws, chisels, scrapers and hammers.
Metal jointing: Soft soldering and brazing, riveting, hand screw cutting.
Prerequisites: SMA 2177 Applied Geometry
Prescribed text books
1. Pritchard R.T (C Eng) (1972) Workshop Processes for Mechanical Technicians,
Hodder and Stoughton London Sydney Auckland Toronto ,Vol. 1, 2nd Ed.
2. Chapman W.A.J., Workshop Technology, Publisher Edward Arnold, Vol 1.
1. Degarmo P.E., Black J.T. & Kohsor R.A. (1997) Materials Processes in Manufac-
turing, Adson Wesley , 3rd Ed.
2. Bruce J. B. (2004) Workshop Processes, Practices and Materials, Elsevier, 3rd Ed.
3. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2104 Introduction to Material Science (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the relationship between the structure of materials and their properties
2. understand the importance of material science in creation of alloys and their ap-
plication or subsequent forming
3. interpret the microstructure of materials and relate mechanical properties to the
crystal structure
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. interpret the microstructure for steels and other iron alloys
2. relate the mechanical properties of metals to the micro and macro structures
3. change properties of metals by alloying and heat treatment
Course description
Classification of Engineering Materials: Metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers and compos-
Atomic Structure and Bonding: Structure of the atom, bonding between atoms and
molecules; influence of bonding on strength.
Crystal Structure: Types of crystal structures and their characteristics: simple cubic,
BCC, FCC and HCP. Crystallographic planes and directions; Miller indices and Bravais
Defects in Crystals: Point defects, line defects (or dislocations), area defects
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: Stress and strain. Tensile test; stress-strain curves,
yield stress, proof stress, ultimate tensile strength, elongation, ductility, toughness, brit-
tleness, true stress and true strain. Other mechanical tests; compression-, hardness-,
impact-, creep-, fatigue-, bending-, torsion-, shearing-tests. Ductile-brittle transition.
Alloy Theory and Equilibrium Diagrams: Alloying systems, cooling curves, phase dia-
grams, composition and quantities of phases, lever rule.
Physical Properties: Electrical conduction, thermal behaviour, optical properties, mag-
Prerequisites: SCH 2120 Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, SPH 2173 Physics for
Engineers I
Prescribed text books
1. Higgins R.N.(1994), Properties of Engineering Materials, Hodder & Stroughton,
2nd Ed.
2. Srivastava C.M. & Srinivasa C. (1991) Mechanical Properties of Materials, Wesley
3. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
1. Pascoe K.J. (1962) An Introduction to the Properties of Engineering Materials,
van Nostrand Reinhold, 1st Ed.
2. Cottrell A.H. (1975) An Introduction to Metallurgy, Edward Arnold, 2nd Ed.
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2105 Engineering Drawing II (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand how to develop shapes of objects.
2. know the principles of assembly drawings, sectioning, dimensioning and detailing
of engineering drawings.
3. know limits, fits and tolerances, and selection and denotation tolerances, fits and
surface roughness number and use of fasteners.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. develop shapes based on interpenetration of solids or hollow sections and prepare
sectional views of machine components and dimension them.
2. make and prepare assembly drawings given various components.
3. select and specify on drawings appropriate tolerances, and indicate the limits for
surface integrity.
Course description
Interpenetration: Curves of interpenetration of two bodies. Slicing and generator meth-
ods. Development of shapes and objects of interpenetration. Development of planes and
Sectional views: full, half, broken-out and revolved sections; removed and offset; ribs in
sectioning; aligned section and partial views; intersections in sectioning, conventional
breaks; sections of simple solids cut by vertical and horizontal planes. Threads, fasten-
ers and springs.
Assembly drawing. Dimensioning. Detailed drawing of machine parts. Tolerances; lim-
its and fits, methods of indicating tolerance, accumulation of tolerance. Geometrical
and positional tolerances.
Surface quality: surface roughness, lay, surface treatment. Machining symbols and
instructions on drawing. Working drawings.
Prerequisites: EMG 2102 Engineering Drawing I
Prescribed text books
1. Morling K. (1974) Geometric and Engineering Drawing, Butterworth-Heinemann,
2nd Ed.
2. Green P. (2005) The Geometrical Tolerancing Desk Reference: Creating and In-
terpreting ISO Standard Technical Drawings, Newnes.
1. Eide A.R., Jenism R.D. & Mashaw L.H. (1995) Engineering graphics fundamen-
tals, Mc Graw-Hill, inc. 2nd Ed.
2. Giesecke F.E., Hill I.L., Norak J.E. & Mitchel A. (1991) Technical Drawing,
Prenctice-Hall, inc.
3. Journal of Mechanical Design
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 3 hour practice every week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Drawing office;
2. Drawing instruments;
3. Computer Laboratory.

HRD 2102 Development Studies (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to:
1. get leadership skills that translate to socio-economic development of a society
2. understand the importance of morality and professional ethics in a society
3. understand the fundamentals of leadership and the role of professionals in a society.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
1. identify the indicators of development in a society
2. organize people and activities in a team effectively by applying the concept of
group dynamics
3. place the role of morality in the context of ethical issues in the natural world.
Course description
The Concept of development and underdevelopment; socio-economic indicators of growth
and development; group dynamics; structure and behaviour of small groups.
leadership: organizing people and activities e.g. Harambee e.t.c., division of labour;
fundamentals of project management; technology and society; role and responsibility of
professionals in rural/industrial environment; information technology.
Nature of morality; place of morality in society; human-centred ethics and place of
human in the natural world.
Prerequisites: None
Prescribed text books
1. Haynes J. (2008) Development Studies (Polity Short Introductions), Polity Press.
2. Morrison E.K. (1994) Leadership Skills, Da Capo Press, 3rd Ed.
1. McVinney C. (1995) Engineering Management: People and Projects, Battelle
2. Vandana D. & Potter R. B. (2002) The Companion to Development Studies, Hod-
der Arnold.
3. International Journal of Business, Economics, Finance and Management Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial every week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Overhead projector;
2. Flip charts

ICS 2174 Introduction to Computer Science (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. be equipped with the learner with the necessary computer system skills to operate
a computer and lay the foundation of computing
2. understand the general overview and the fundamental components of a computer
3. understand computer system operations and security.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:

1. describe general overview of computer systems

2. describe interrelationship between system components
3. use operating systems and to use them to troubleshoot and system security
Course description
Computer fundamentals: Review of historical development of computers-classification,
Uses of computers.
Data and information, data representation-bit, byte, character codes e.g. ASCII (Ameri-
can Standard Code for Information interchange) Number systems-decimal, octal, hexadec-
imal and binary.
Components of a computer system-hardware and software, input and output devices
and their characteristics. Memory-Random Access Memory (RAM),Read Only Mem-
ory (ROM), CPU (Central Processing Unit).
Operating systems: Types, functions and characteristics.
Applications software packages such as word processing, spreadsheets, and database
management. Introduction to computer networks and the internet.

Prerequisites: None
Prescribed text books
1. Norton P. (2002) Introduction to computers, Career Education, 5th Ed.
2. Capron H.L., & Johnson J.A. (2004) Computers: Tools for Information Age, Pren-
tice Hall, 8th Ed.
1. French C.S. (1996) Computer Science, Cengage Lrng Business Press, 5th Ed.
2. Sinha P. K. (2004) Computer fundamentals, BPB Publications.
3. International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering

Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 3 hour practice every week

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Overhead projector;
2. Computer laboratory.

SCH 2121 Organic Chemistry for Engineers (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. know key principles of organic chemistry
2. understand the uniqueness of carbon in the periodic table
3. understand the role of carbon in fuels and polymers.
Expected outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. define a functional group and a homologous series
2. describe the chemistry of a number of functional groups
3. describe addition and condensation polymers.
Course description
The uniqueness of carbon in the periodic table. Catenation, Bonding in Carbon com-
pounds. Brief introduction to functional groups chemistry and nomenclature. Chemical
and physical properties of Alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes, halogen alcohol carboxylic
acids and benzene. Petroleum, fuels, knocks, octane number and synthetic gasoline.
Polymers: addition and condensation polymers and copolymers.
Prerequisites: SCH 2120 Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

Prescribed text books

1. Shultz, M.J. (2006) Chemistry for Engineers: An applied approach, Houghton
Mifflin Company.
2. Miessler G., & Tarr D.A. (2008) Inorganic chemistry, Prentice Hall, 3rd Ed.
1. Dara S. (2005) Introduction to engineering chemistry, Chand (S.) & Co Ltd, India.
2. Epstein, L. M., & Krieger P. (2007) Schaum’s Outline of College Chemistry,
McGraw-Hill, 9th Ed.
3. International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
five 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Chemistry laboratories;
2. Overhead projector.

SMA 2173 Calculus II (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the students to:
1. understand application of integral calculus in engineering
2. understand application of differential calculus in engineering.
3. understand numerical integration methods.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
1. differentiate between parametric and implicit higher order derivatives
2. use differential equations to perform curve sketching involving asymptotes and
turning points
3. carry out advanced analytical and numerical integration and apply the knowledge
to engineering problems involving motion.
Course description
Parametric and implicit differentiation including second and higher derivatives, and ap-
plication to equations of tangent and normal. Curve sketching and asymptotes.
Hyperbolic functions: their definition, differentiation and integration.
Techniques of integration: powers of trigonometric functions, standard substitution
including trigonometric and hyperbolic functions and t method, parts and partial frac-
tions. Solution of first order ordinary differential equations by separation of variables.
Application of integration to kinematics including simple harmonic motion, arc length,
plane and surface area, and volume, in Cartesian coordinates. Numerical integration:
trapezoidal and mid-ordinate rules.
Prerequisites: SMA 2172 Calculus I
Prescribed text books
1. Thomas G.B. (1995) Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Addison Wesley, 9th Ed.
2. Spiegel M.R. (1971) Schaum’s Outline of Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and
Scientists, McGraw-Hill; 1st Ed.
3. International Journal of Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

1. Croft A. & Davison R. (2003) Mathematics for Engineers: A Modern Interactive
Approach, Prentice Hall, 2nd Ed.
2. Philip J. D. & Philip R. (2007) Methods of Numerical Integration, Dover Publica-
tions, 2nd Ed.
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Power-point;
2. Overhead projector.

SPH 2174: Physics for Engineers II (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. be equipped with knowledge on the basic principles of magnetism and electricity.
2. know the basic principles of optics, radioactivity and quantum theory.
3. understand the basic principles of operation of optical devices.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
1. describe the principles of optics as applied to mirrors, lenses and propagation.
2. describe the concept of magnetism and its interaction with conductors and cite
examples of magnetic materials and their uses
3. describe the basic concepts of quantum theory, X-ray generation, radioactivity,
nuclear physics and their applications.
Course description
Optics: Reflection at plane surfaces, refraction through prisms, dispersion spectra, re-
fraction through lenses. Optical instruments and photometry.
Waves: Production and Properties. Wave Phenomena i.e interference, diffraction, Po-
larisation, Quantum concepts. Sound Waves, diffraction and resonance. Doppler effect.
Shock waves. Electricity and magnetism: Electrostatics, circuit laws and analysis,
Kirchoffs laws, Superposition and mesh. Magnetic field and force on conductor. Ap-
plications on electrical motors. Atoms and excitation, photoelectric effect, X-rays and

Prerequisites: SPH 2173 Physics for Engineers I

Prescribed text books
1. Young H. D., & Freedman, R. A. (2007) University Physics, Addison Wesley.
2. Ohanian H. C. & Markert J. (2007) Physics for Engineers, W W Norton & Co
1. Knight, R. D. (2003) Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach,
Addison Wesley.
2. Bueche, F. J. & Hecht, E. (2005) Schaum’s Outline of College Physics, McGraw-
Hill, 10th Ed.
3. International Journal of Applied Physics

Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
five 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Physics laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory.

EMG 2201 Engineering Materials (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the production and use of common metals and alloys
2. understand the production, characteristics and uses of special metal alloys
3. understand the occurrence and different forms of corrosion.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
1. select effectively the following metals and their alloys for specific application:
steels, aluminium and copper
2. select material for specific application from special alloys of Ni, Ti, Mg and Zn
3. prevent harmful effects of corrosion on metals and their alloys.
Course description
Ferrous Alloys: Methods of production; iron-carbon phase diagram; types, properties,
uses and heat treatment of plain carbon steels; Case hardening; stainless steel. Alloy
steels; types, properties and uses.
Cast Iron: Grey, white, ductile and malleable cast iron. Methods of production and
Aluminium and its alloys: Methods of production of commercial aluminium, wrought
and cast alloys; properties and uses.
Copper and its alloys: Methods of production of commercial copper, brasses, bronzes
and cupro-nickel alloys; properties and uses.
Special alloys: Characteristics and uses of nickel, titanium, magnesium, zinc alloys and
refractory metals.
Corrosion and degradation of materials: Oxidation; rates and mechanisms, designing
against oxidation: Corrosion; electrochemical nature, types and prevention of corrosion.

Prerequisites: EMG 2104 Introduction to Material Science

Prescribed text books
1. Higgins, R.A. (1994) Properties of Engineering Materials, Hodder & Stroughton,
2nd Ed.
2. Srivastava, C.M. & Srinivasa, C. (1991) Mechanical Properties of Materials, Wesley
1. Pascoe, K.J. (1962) An Introduction to the Properties of Engineering Materials,
van Nostrand Reinhold, 1st Ed.
2. Jastrzebski, D. Z. (1997) The nature & Properties of Engineering Materials, John
Wiley & Sons.
3. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology

Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2202 Workshop Processes & Practice II (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the construction and functions of the main parts of a lathe and shaper
2. understand the mechanics of metal cutting using a single point cutting tool
3. use a lathe, shaper and drilling machines while observing the safety precautions.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. use and handle the lathe shaper and drilling machines effectively
2. analyze the force components acting on a single point cutting tool, using orthogonal
3. sketch appropriate jigs and fixtures, for particular purpose
Course description
Lathes; types, construction and functions, attachments.
Chip formation; types of cutting tools; tool life, tool deterioration and its causes; sharp-
ening of cutting tools and cutting tool angle.
Turning: 3 and 4-jaw chucks; turning between centres, taper eccentric turning, screw
thread cutting, boring, selection of feeds and speeds. Simple turning; surfacing, step
turning and knurling. Turning; capstan, turret and numerically controlled lathes.
Drilling; use of sensitive, polar type and radial arm drilling machine. Drilling; gang
and multi-spindle machines, cutting speeds and feeds, twist and other types of drills,
sharpening of drills, working holding methods, drilling jigs and fixtures.
Shaping machine; construction and functions, attachments and cutting tools, setting
up workpiece by use of parallels, angle plates, clamping plates, shims, wedges; correct
selection of speeds, feeds and stroke adjustment.
Prerequisites: EMG 2103 Workshop Processes & Practice I
Prescribed text books
1. Chapman,W A., (1995), Workshop Technology, Publisher Edward Arnold , Vol. I
and II.
2. Degarmo E. P., Black J.T. & Kohser R.A. (1997) Materials and Processes in
Manufacturing, Maxwell Macmillan Int., 8th Ed.
1. Begeman M.L. & Amstead B. H. (1977) Manufacturing Processes, John Wiley &
Sons Inc., 7th Ed.
2. Reginald, T. P. (1970) Workshop Technology for Mechanical Engineering Techni-
cians, Hodder Arnold.
3. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2203 Engineering Mechanics - Statics (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. get a basic understanding of the concept of a force and how to deal with two and
three dimensional forces
2. understand the concept of equilibrium and structural analysis of force systems
3. understand the concept of a centroid as it relates to masses and areas.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. solve force problems in two and three dimensions including couples and resultants
2. isolate a free body diagram in a given problem and solve for force components
3. analyze all the forces in members of a loaded truss.
Course description
Introduction to statics and system of units.
Review of Vectors: Manipulating Vectors, Cartesian components in 2D and 3D, Dot
Product, Cross Product, Mixed Triple Product
Force Systems: Types of forces, two- and three-dimensional force systems; closed and
open force systems; Cartesian components, moments, couples, resultants. 1
Equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies: Equilibrium in two- and three-dimensions;
system isolation, equilibrium conditions, free body diagrams. Statically indeterminate
Structural Analysis: Trusses; method of joints, method of sections, space trusses.
Frames and Machines.
Centroids, centre of mass and properties of plane areas: Centre of mass and centroids of
lines, areas and volumes, composite bodies. Theorems of Pappus-Gulinus. Centroids of
areas, centroids of composite areas, area moments of inertia, radius of gyration, parallel
axis theorem, polar moments of inertia, products of inertia, rotation of axes, principal
axes; principal points, principal moments of inertia, Mohr’s circle of inertia.
Distributed forces: Introduction to: Loads distributed along a line, internal forces and
moments in beams, shear force and bending moment diagrams.
Virtual work: Work, equilibrium and principle of virtual work, potential energy and
Prerequisites: SPH 2173 Physics for Engineers I
Prescribed text books
1. Meriam J.L. & Kraige L.G. (1986) Engineering Mechanics Vol I (Statics), John
Wiley & Sons, 2nd Ed.
2. Bedford, A. & Fowler W. (2007) Engineering Mechanics (Statics), Prentice Hall,
5th Ed.
3. Journal of Applied Mechanics
1. William F.R. & Leroy, D. S. (1995) Engineering Mechanics (Statics), John Wiley
& Sons, 2nd Ed.
2. Condoor S.S. (2000) Engineering Statics, Schroff Development Corp, 2nd Ed.
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
HIV/AIDS mainstreaming: Forces: external and internal forces. Equilibrium and stability. Centre of
gravity.“Analogy to be drawn with the stability and equilibrium of the human system and how it is disturbed
by HIV infection as an external force”

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2204 Computer Aided Drawing (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. know simple computer-aided drawing
2. apply computer drawing skills to develop complex engineering drawing and design
3. integrate theory and practice of engineering drawing, using studio-based practical
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. use an industry-standard Computer Aided Design (CAD) workstation to produce
accurate orthographic drawings of objects and assembled components
2. use the basic functions of a solid modeller within the CAD system to draw 3-
dimensional objects
3. use CAD system to make electrical circuit drawings and piping drawings
Course description
The CAD environment: CAD hardware systems; computer specification, input and out-
put devices. CAD software systems; 2- and 3-dimensional draughting techniques.
Fundamentals of CAD draughting techniques. Current industry-standard types such as
AutoCAD and Inventor.
Three-dimensional computer aided draughting: Basic geometry; Lines, circles, arcs,
combining and modifying entities, layers, colour. Inserting text and dimensions. 3-
dimensional modelling; wireframe, surface and solid modelling.
Computer Graphics: transformations, translations, rotations. Technical drawing codes
and conventions.
Sectioning. Assembly drawing. Standard mechanical and electrical components. Process
and instrumentation drawing.
Prerequisites: EMG 2105 Engineering Drawing II
Prescribed text books
1. Whelan P. (2004) AutoCAD 2004 in easy steps, Computer Step.
2. Wilson J. and Kalameja A. (1995) AutoCAD 2004: 3D Modelling, Visual Ap-
proach, Autodesk Press.
1. Encanacao J. L., Linder R. & Schechtendahl E. G. (1990) Computer Aided Design:
Fundamentals and System Architectures, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
2. Stephen J. E. & Christine A. E. (2000) Instant AutoCAD: Mechanical Desktop
4.0, Prentice Hall.
3. International Journal of Mechanical Systems Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 3 hour practice every week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Computer laboratory;
2. Overhead projectors.

EEE 2230 Electrical Circuit Analysis (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand electric circuits involving resistors, capacitors inductors and dc and ac
power sources
2. be introduced to magnetic circuits and inductance and the relationship between
magnetism and electricity.
3. use of complex numbers in steady state analysis of networks with reactive elements
excited by sinusoids.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. analyze resistive networks
2. explain the relationship between electricity and magnetism
3. use complex numbers to carry out steady state analysis of networks with reactive
elements excited by sinusoids.
Course description
Network theorems: Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws; resistors in series and in parallel;
power and energy in resistive networks; constant voltage and constant current sources;
Superposition theorem; Norton’s and Thevenin’s theorems; maximum power transfer;
nodal and mesh analysis; two-port networks: open circuit (z) parameters, short circuit
(y) parameters, and hybrid (h) parameters. Electric fields and capacitance. Magnetic
circuits. Self inductance. Mutual inductance.
First and second order systems: natural and complete responses of first order (RC,
RL) systems; unit-step and unit-impulse response of first order systems; natural and
complete response of second order (RLC) systems; over-damped, under-damped and
critically damped cases; unit-step and unit-impulse response of second order systems;
Sinusoidal steady-state analysis: sinusoidal functions; period, frequency, mean, peak
and root mean square values, form factor; instantaneous and average power; The j
operator; phasor representation of sinusoids; sinusoidal steady state analysis; resistance,
reactance and impedance; conductance, susceptance and admittance; power and power
factor; sinusoidal steady-state response of RLC circuits; series and parallel resonance;
balanced and unbalanced 3-phase circuits; delta and star connections.
Prerequisites: SPH 2174: Physics for Engineers II, SMA 2170 Algebra, SMA 2177
Applied Geometry
Prescribed text books
1. Scott D. E. (1987) An introduction to circuit analysis :a systems approach. New
York: McGraw-Hill
2. Hayt W. H. , Kemmerly J. E. & Durbin S. M. (2002) Engineering circuit analysis
(with CD ROM). Boston: McGraw-Hill
1. Hughes E. (2002) Electrical and Electronic Technology, Prentice Hall.
2. Boylestad R. L. (1999) Introductory Circuit Analysis, Prentice Hall, 9th Ed.
3. International Journal of Electrical Systems Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Electrical & Electronic Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. CircuitMaker simulation software.

ICS 2175 Computer Programming I (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the basic concepts of programming
2. be equipped with knowledge of writing programs
3. be introduced to the C-language
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to apply;
1. the concepts and principles of good programming practices and techniques
2. algorithmic problem solving processes and basic structure of a program
3. use basic fundamental data types and control structures and how to break a large
problem into smaller parts
Course description
Programming concepts: Structured program design, Program development cycle, Algo-
rithms, stepwise refinement, structure charts, pseudocode and flow charts.
Programming in a procedural/structured programming language e.g. C-language, syn-
tax, data types, constants variables, input and output statements-standard I/O and
file I/O, operators- relational, Arithmetic, Logical/Boolean, Assignment operators and
expressions. Decision and loop control structures.
Functions and procedures: Arrays and strings, pointers, structures and unions. Appli-
cations to engineering problems.

Prerequisites: ICS 2174: Introduction to Computer Science

Prescribed text books
1. Jayasri J. (2002) The C Language trainer With Graphics and C++, New Age
International (p) Ltd.
2. Douglas B. (1985) From Pascal to C: Introduction to the C Programming Language,
Wadsworth Pub. Co.
1. Balagurusamy E. (1992) Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Kernighan B. W. & Dennis M. R. (1988) The C Programming Language, Engle-
wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2nd Ed.
3. International Journal of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 3 hour practice per week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Overhead projector;
2. Computer laboratory.

SMA 2277 Calculus III (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand differential calculus
2. learn partial differentiation including first and second partial derivatives and total

3. appreciate improper and double integrals.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. apply the concepts of differential calculus including their application to engineering
2. apply the concepts of partial differentiation to engineering problems
3. apply integration techniques in determining arc length, plane and surface area,
volume, mass centre and moments of inertia of various bodies.
Course description
Mean value theorem of differentials calculus. L’Hopital’s rule. Rolle’s Theorem. Power
series; Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems including applications to binomial. Logarith-
mic, exponential, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. Trigonometric and hyperbolic
representation of complex numbers.
Partial differentiation: first and second partial derivatives, total derivative, and change
of variable for two independent variables.
Integration: reduction formulae, applications to arc length, plane and surface area, vol-
ume, mass centre and moments of inertia in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Improper
integrals including pincer method for evaluation of simple integrals. Double integrals
including change of order of integration and change of variable.
Prerequisites: SMA 2173 Calculus II
Prescribed text books
1. Stroud K. A. (1983) Engineering Mathematics, Springer, 2nd Ed.
2. Jeffrey A. (1989) Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, Chapman & Hall, 4th
1. Spiegel, M. R. (1971) Schaum’s Outline of Advanced Mathematics for Engineers
and Scientists, McGraw-Hill.
2. Polyanin A. D. & Manzirov A. V. (2006) Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers
and Scientists, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
3. International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial every week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Power-point;
2. Overhead projector.

SMA 2278 Differential Equations (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand first order differential equations and second order differential equations
2. know Laplace methods of solution for ordinary differential equations
3. apply ordinary differential equations in dynamics, circuit and wave motion.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. obtain solutions for first order differential equations and second order differential

2. obtain solutions for ordinary differential equation by Laplace transform methods

3. enable the students to apply the concepts of ordinary differential equations to
solving engineering problems such as dynamics and wave motion.
Course description
First order differential equations: solution by separation of variables, homogeneous, ex-
act and integrating factor.
Second order linear equations: homogenous with constant and variables coefficient using
inverse differential operation, variation of parameter, undetermined coefficients, reduc-
tion of order and Laplace transform methods of solution.
Systems of linear differential equations: Power series solution including Bessel and
Legendre functions. Applications such as dynamics, catenaries, circuit and wave motion.
Prerequisites: SMA 2173 Calculus II
Prescribed text books
1. Jeffrey A. (1989) Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, Chapman & Hall, 4th
2. Algwal R. P. & O’Reagan B. (2008) An Introduction to Ordinary Differential
Equations, Springer.
1. Polyanin A. D. & Manzirov A. V. (2006) Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers
and Scientists, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
2. Gray A., Mezzino M. & Pinsky M. A. (1997) Introduction to Ordinary Differential
Equations With Mathematica: An Integrated Multimedia Approach, New York:
3. International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Power-point;
2. Overhead projector.

EMG 2205 Fluid Mechanics I (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the nature of fluids and their behavior as distinct from that of solids.
2. understand fluid static as applicable in manometry and forces in submerged sur-
3. apply Bernoulli’s equation in measurements of fluid flow.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. describe what a fluid is and distinguish between liquids and gases.
2. analyze the behaviour of a liquid at rest and in motion and apply the knowledge
in manometry and calculation of forces in submerged surfaces.
3. identify and use flow measurement devices to measure common fluid parameters
like pressure, velocity and discharge, in closed conduits and open channels.

Course description
Properties of fluids: nature, density, viscosity, vapor pressure, surface tension and cap-
Fluid statics: pressure distribution, Pascal’s law, pressure gauges and manometers.
Forces on submerged surfaces. Fluids in relative equilibrium and under constant accel-
Fluids dynamics: Conservation equations; mass conservation, steady flow energy equa-
tion, Navier-Stokes, Euler and Bernoulli equations.
Flow measurement in closed conduits and open channels; venturimeter, orifice meters,
flow nozzle, rotameter, rectangular weir and triangular weir. Pitot tubes.
Prerequisites: SPH 2173 Physics for Engineers I, SPH 2174 Physics for Engineers II
Prescribed text books
1. Douglas J. F., Gasiorek J. M. & Swaffield J.A. (2001) Fluid Mechanics, Prentice
Hall, 2nd Ed.
2. Munson B. R., Young D. F. & Okiishi T.H. (1998) Fundamentals of Fluid Me-
chanics, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Ed.
1. Roberson J. A. & Crowe C. T. (1997) Engineering Fluid Mechanics, John Wiley
and Sons, 9th Ed.
2. Bansal R. K. (1992) A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines,
Laxmi Publications, 4th Ed.
3. Journal of Fluids Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2206 Engineering Thermodynamics I (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the principles of energy conservation and efficiency of conversion of
heat into work.
2. familiarize with principles of energy conservations and understand efficiency of
conversion of heat into work.
3. understand the properties of working fluids commonly used in thermodynamic
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. select appropriate energy sources.
2. apply the first and second law of thermodynamics to typical closed and open
processes and complete cycles.
3. analyze thermodynamic properties of vapors and ideal gases.

Course description
Definitions: The science of the thermodynamics, systems, property, process, state, cy-
cle, reservoir, temperature, pressure, volume, accumulated energy, transitory energy,
work, heat, working fluid.
Sources of energy: An overview of energy sources and energy utilization; Fossil fuels,
hydroelectric, geothermal, nuclear, solar, wind, tidal waves, and biomass.
First law of thermodynamics: Statement of the first law. Concept of internal energy.
Non-flow energy equation; and reversibility. Application of non-flow energy equation
to non-flow processes: constant volume, constant pressure, polytropic, adiabatic and
isothermal processes. Application of first law to flow processes: continuity equation,
steady flow energy equation. Application of steady flow energy equation to boilers,
condensers, turbines, compressors, pumps, nozzles, diffusers, throttling devices.
Second law of thermodynamics: Concept of a heat engine. Kelvin statement of the
second law; heat engine efficiency, carnot efficiency. Clausius statement of the second
law. Comparison between a heat engine and a reversible engine. Comparison between
reversible engines. Absolute thermodynamic temperature scale. Clausius inequality.
Concept of entropy. Definition of entropy change. Temperature-entropy diagram. Prin-
ciple of increasing entropy. 2
Properties of fluids: Definition of a pure substance. Pressure-volume -Temperature (P-
v-T) relationships for liquids and vapors. Properties of steam; Temperature-volume (T-
v), pressure-volume (P-v), Temperature-entropy (T-s), enthalpy-entropy (h-s), Pressure-
enthalpy (P-h) diagrams, Steam tables. Carnot cycle. Ideal and real gases: Equation
of state. Specific heats. Properties relations for an ideal gas. Non-flow gas processes.
Compressibility factor, compressibility chart.
Prerequisites: SMA 2277 Calculus III, SPH 2174 Physics for Engineers II, SCH 2121
Organic Chemistry for Engineers
Prescribed text books
1. Rogers G.F.C. & Mayhew Y.R. (1994) Engineering Thermodynamics, Wiley Black-
well, 5th ed.
2. Eastop T. D. & McConkey A. (1993) Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering
Technologists, Longman Publishers, 5th Ed.
1. Eastop T. D. & McConkey A. (1993) Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering
Technologists, Longman Publishers, 5th Ed.
2. Michael J. M. & Howard N. S. (2007) Fundamentals of Engineering Thermody-
namics, Wiley, 6th Ed.
3. Lynn D. R. & George A. A. (2006) Classical Thermodynamics, Oxford University
Press, In. Ed.
4. International Journal of Fluid and Thermal Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projectors.
Mainstream HIV/AIDS: Definitions: system, state, process. Second Law - entropy as a measure of irre-
versibility.“Human existence of a known identity (state) can be defined e.g. in good health, ill, critically ill etc.
The human body is taken from a state of good health to a HIV-positive one through a process of infection. The
infection process is irreversible i.e. the initial uninfected state cannot be recovered. The human body always
has foreign bodies, even in good health, but if the foreign-body load increases beyond a certain threshold, one
gets sick and if the foreign bodies involved are the HIV-virus, the process is irreversible i.e. the person’s entropy
has increased”

EMG 2207 Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. apply equations of linear motion.
2. understand Newton’s second law and its applications.
3. learn the concept of dynamic equilibrium.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. solve motion problems using the equations of linear motion e.g. relative motion,
projectiles etc.
2. determine absolute and relative velocities in general plane motion
3. solve simple problems relating to Newton’s second law and dynamic equilibrium
Course description
Equation of linear motion: Rectilinear motion of particles, relative motion. Applica-
tions of equations of linear motion e.g. in projectiles.
Kinematics of rigid bodies: Plane motion, angular velocity and angular acceleration,
absolute and relative velocity in plane motion, instantaneous centre of rotation. Rota-
tion of a three-dimensional body about a fixed axis.
Force and acceleration: Newton’s second law, dynamic equilibrium. Plane motion of a
rigid body; D’Alembert’s principle. Newton’s law of gravitation. Trajectory of a parti-
cle under a cental force; satellite motion, Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.
Work and energy: Work of a force, potential and kinetic energy, conservation of energy.
Kinetic energy in translation and rotation. Principle of work and energy.
Impulse and momentum: Definition of linear momentum and impulse, conservation of
linear momentum, Newton’s law of impact. Angular momentum and angular impulse,
conservation of angular momentum.
Moment of inertia: Definition of moment of inertia, radius of gyration. Parallel-axis
theorem. Moment of inertia of thin plates, three-dimensional bodies and composite
Prerequisites: SPH 2174 Physics for Engineers II
Prescribed text books
1. Meriam J. L. & Kraige L. G. (1997) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) New York:
Prentice Hall, SI Ed.
2. Bedford A. & Fowler W. (1996) Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, New York:
Prentice Hall, 2nd Ed.
1. Beer F. P. & Johnston E. R. (1996) Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, McGraw-
Hill, 2nd Ed.
2. Hibbeler R. C. (1997) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics), New York: Prentice
Hall, SI Ed.
3. Journal of Applied Mechanics.
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projectors;
3. Computer Laboratory.

EMG 2208 Mechanics of Machines I (45 Lecture Hours)

The aims of this course is to introduce the student to;
1. fundamentals of mechanisms and machines; position, velocity and acceleration
2. various power transmission systems
3. gear trains and their calculations.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. carry out kinematic (position, velocity and acceleration) analysis of various planar
2. analyze mechanisms involving Coriolis component of acceleration.
3. differentiate between the various types of power transmission systems and their
Course description
Fundamentals of mechanisms and machines : Terminology, definitions and degrees of
freedom, coordinate system. Kinematics. Position and displacement; loop-closure equa-
tion, analytical and graphical methods of position analysis. Instantaneous centres.
Velocity and acceleration diagrams: The Aronhold-Kennedy theorem of three centres.
Coriolis theorem. Angular-velocity ratio theorem.
Power transmission: Friction: types of friction, dry friction mechanism. Dynamics of
power screw thread. Types of power transmissions and their construction. Belts and
pulleys; chains and sprockets, roller and silent types.
Gear trains: Simple, compound and epicyclic; relevant calculations.
Prerequisites: SPH 2173 Physics for Engineers I
Prescribed text books
1. Hannah J. & Stephens R. C. (1979) Mechanics of Machines -Elementary Theory
and Examples, Arnold International.
2. Mabie H. H. & Reinholtz C. F. (1987) Mechanics and Dynamics of Machinery
Wiley, 4th Ed.
1. Uicker J. Jr., Pennock G. R. & Shigley J. E. (2003) Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms,Oxford University Press, 3rd Ed.
2. Hannah J. & Stephens R. C. (1979) Mechanics of Machines -Advanced Theory and
Examples, Arnold International.
3. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projectors;
3. Computer Laboratory.

EMG 2209 Workshop Processes & Practice III (45 Lecture Hours)

The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the construction and functions of the types of milling machine and the
gear hobber
2. use the milling machine and gear hobber
3. use the indexing techniques and use the indexing facilities
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. use the milling and gear hobbing while observing safety
2. produce such parts as gears, worm wheels, and features such as splines and slots.
3. analyze the basic parameters necessary in milling and hobbing
Course description
Milling machines; construction and functions, attachments and cutters installation of
vertical head, setting up cutters, holding workpiece, setting width and depth of cut;
milling flat surfaces, grooves and end milling. Milling; gear cutting,; gear hobbing.
Shaping; flat and tapered surfaces, slots.
Surface grinding; Cylinder heads, blocks, and other components. Selection of grinding
wheels, feeds and speeds. Grinding; cylindrical grinding, tool and cutter grinding.
Honing. Welding: arc welding and gas welding. Metal Inert Gas (MIG), Tungsten Inert
Gas (TIG) and spot. Primary forming machines; Pressing, forging, piercing, drawing,
rolling and extrusion.
Foundry: sand casting, shell moulding.
Prerequisites: EMG 2202 Workshop Processes & Practice II
Prescribed text books
1. Chapman W. A. J. (1986) Workshop Technology - Part 3, Arnold International,
Students Ed.
2. Degarmo E. P., Black J. T. & Kohsar R. A. (1988) Materials and Processes in
Manufacturing, Maxwell Macmillan Int., 7th Ed.
3. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
1. Pritchard R. T. (1971) Workshop Processes for Mechanical Engineering Technicians-
volume 3, English University Press Ltd, 3rd Ed.
2. Sharma P. C. (2005) A Textbook of Production Engineering, Chand (S.) & Co.
Ltd, Revised Ed.
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projectors;

SMA 2374 Linear and Boolean Algebra (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand vectors and vector manipulation; matrices, matrix manipulation, cal-
culation of eigen vectors and eigen values and solution of simultaneous equations.
2. understand plane trigonometry, geometry of straight line in two and three dimen-
sions, and resultant force and velocity.
3. understand logical operators, number system and codes, and number system con-
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. carry out mathematical manipulation of vectors in two and three dimensions.
2. calculate the distance between two planes or two lines.
3. solve systems of simultaneous equations and determine eigen values and eigen
vectors and be able to carry out number system conversions.
Course description
Vectors in two and three dimensions; addition, subtraction, multiplication by scalars,
resolution, scalar and vector products.
Planes and lines in two and three dimensions and distances between them. Applica-
tions to plane trigonometry, geometry of straight line in two and three dimensions, and
resultant force and velocity.
Matrices: operations, Special Matrices; Null, inverse and identity matrices. Determi-
nants: their evaluation and properties. Inverse, solution of simultaneous linear equa-
tions, Cramer’s rule, Jacobi and Gauss Seidel Iterative methods. Eigen values and Eigen
Application to geometrical transformations in two and three dimensions.
Boolean Algebra: NOT, OR and AND operators, truth tables, logical equivalent.
Number system and codes: Binary, decimal, hexadecimal and octal numbers, gray codes
Number system conversion: Example, binary to decimal
Binary arithmetic: addition, substraction.
Prerequisites: None.
Prescribed text books
1. Stroud K. A.& Dexter J. B. (2001) Engineering Mathematics, Palgrave Macmillan,
5th Ed.
2. Stroud K. A.& Dexter J. B. (2003) Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Palgrave
Macmillan, 4th Ed.
1. Halmos P. R. (1996) Linear Algebra Problem Book, The Mathematical Association
of America.
2. Zhang F. (1996) Linear Algebra: Challenging Problems for Students, The Johns
Hopkins University Press.
3. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Power-point;
2. Overhead projector.

ICS 2276 Computer Programming II (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. have an understanding of object oriented programming concepts.
2. write computer programs using object oriented programming languages.
3. apply computer programming to engineering problems.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. apply the concepts and principles of object oriented programming practices and
2. develop a structure of a program
3. use programs to solve engineering problems
Course description
Comparative study of structured and object-oriented programming techniques, Abstrac-
tion, objects, classes, Inheritance, polymorphism, Abstract vs. concrete classes. Con-
structors and destructors.
Programming in an object oriented programming language: C++, JAVA, Smalltalk.
Applications to engineering problems.
Prerequisites: ICS 2175 Computer Programming I
Prescribed text books

1. Jayasri J., (1993), The C Language trainer With Graphics and C++, J. Wiley
2. Balagurusany E., (2004), Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGraw Hill.
1. Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M., (1988), The C Programming Language: ANSI C
Version, Prentice Hall.
2. Rochan S.G., (1983), Programming in C, Hayden Book Company.
3. International Journal of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 3 hour practice every week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Overhead projector;
2. Computer laboratory.

SMA 2371 Partial Differential Equations (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to:
1. solve differential equations of the first order.
2. solve differential equations of the second order.
3. apply solution of partial differential equations to engineering.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. solve simultaneous differential equations of the first order

2. solve differential equations of the second order

3. apply partial differential equations to engineering.
Course description
Surfaces and curves in three dimensions. Simultaneous differential equations of the first
dx dy dz
order. Methods of solution of = = . Orthogonal trajectories of systems of
curves on a surface.
Linear partial differential equations of the first order. Partial differential equations of
the second order; Laplace, Poisson, heat and wave equations.
methods of the solution by separation of the variables for Cartesian: spherical polar
and cylindrical polar coordinates, and by Laplace and Fourier transform. Applications
to engineering.
Prerequisites: SMA 2278 Differential Equations
Prescribed text books
1. Kervorkian, J. 1975 Partial Differential Equations: Analytical Solution Techniques
Wadsworth and Brooks Publishers
2. Riley, K.F (2006) Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering Cambridge
University Press, 3rd Ed.
1. Trium D.W. (1989) Applied Partial Differential Equations PWS-Kent Publishing
Co. Ltd
2. Zwillinger D. (1992) Handbook of Differential Equations Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
3. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Power-point;
2. Overhead projector.

EMG 2301 Fluid Mechanics II (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. use the principle of conservation of momentum to understand and design for forces
in fluid flow flow systems involving for example vibrations damping, hydrodynamic
lubrication and power transmission.
2. get adequate knowledge in dimensional analysis and its importance in setting up
and interpretation of experimental results
3. be able to size and design simple pipe networks.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. apply the momentum equation to fluid flow in a variety of applications
2. calculate various flow parameters in a variety of closed pipe and open channels
connections/configurations and pipe networks
3. carry out dimensional analysis in fluid flow applications; derive, identify and apply
the dimensionless numbers encountered in fluid mechanics

Course description
Types of fluid flows. Reynolds number.3
Momentum equation: applications of linear and angular momentum equations. Jet
Steady flow between solid boundaries; applications in dashpots and slider bearings.
Steady flow in pipes.
Unsteady flows in closed pipelines; water hammer; surge tanks; shafts; surge control.
Power transmission through pipelines. Pipe networks.
Flow in open channels; the optimum cross-section of a channel; varying flow.
Dimensional analysis: Theorem; dimensionless groups; physical significance of dimen-
sionless groups; similarity laws.
Prerequisites: EMG 2205 Fluid Mechanics I
Prescribed text books
1. Douglas, J.F., Gasiorek J.M. & Swaffield J.A., (2001), Fluid Mechanics, Prentice
Hall, 4th Ed.
2. Munson B.R., Young D.F. & Okiishi T.H. (1998) Fundamentals of Fluid Mechan-
ics, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Ed.
3. Journal of Fluids Engineering
1. Roberson J.A., Crowe C.T. & Elger D.F. (1999) Engineering Fluid Mechanics,
John Wiley and Sons, 9th Ed.
2. Bansal R.K. (1992) Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, R.K. Laxmi Publi-
cations, 4th Ed.
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2302 Engineering Thermodynamics II (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the students to;
1. understand the operation of typical vapor power cycles and basic refrigeration
2. know the concept of availability and its relation to the quality of energy.
3. familiarize with properties of gaseous mixtures and appreciate basic air condition-
ing principles.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to ;
1. analyze vapor power cycles and the ideal vapor compression refrigeration cycle.
2. apply concepts of availability to open and closed systems.
3. analyze properties of non-reacting gaseous mixtures 4. Analyze basic air condi-
tioning processes using a psychrometric chart.
Mainstream HIV/AIDS: Laminar and turbulent flows.“A laminar (orderly) person with respect to behaviour
will keep off infection, while a person with turbulent (chaotic) behaviour is likely to get infected with HIV”

Course description
Vapour power cycles: Rankine, Improved Rankine, regenerative and binary cycles. Re-
versed Carnot cycle: Refrigerating effect, coefficient of performance. Ideal vapor- com-
pression refrigeration cycle.
Availability: Definition. Availability equation for closed systems. Availability equation
for open systems. Introduction to availability computations.
Gaseous mixture: Non reactive mixtures; mole fraction analysis, mass fraction analy-
sis, volume fraction analysis. Gibbs-Dalton law. Relations involving pressure, volume,
internal energy, enthalpy, entropy and specific heats of gaseous mixtures.
Vapour pressure and condensation. Avogadro’s law. Psychrometry: Specific properties
of moist air. Adiabatic saturation temperature. Mixing air streams. Presentation of
moist air processes on a psychrometric chart. Air conditioning processes.
Prerequisites: EMG 2206 Engineering Thermodynamics I
Prescribed text books
1. G.F.C Rogers & Y.R. Mayhew (1992) Engineering Thermodynamics, 4th Edition
2. Eastop T.D. and McConkey A. (1993) Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering
Technologists, Prentice and Hall, 4th Ed.
1. Burghardt M.D. (1993) Engineering Thermodynamics, Harper Collins
2. Lynn D. R. & George A. A. (1993) Classical Thermodynamics. Oxford University
3. International Journal of Fluid and Thermal Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2303 Solid and Structural Mechanics I (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. have a basic understanding of the concept of stress and strain, to understand the
tensile test and the properties that can be derived from it.
2. understand simple concepts relating to design in simple tension and compression
3. understand the basic equations governing stresses and deformations of thin walled
pressure vessels
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. solve simple problems relating to elastic stress and strain.
2. determine the mechanical properties of a material by performing a tensile test.
3. design simple uniaxial loaded members such as those with variable cross-sections,
non-uniform loads, thermal stresses and strains.
Course description
Concepts of stress and strain: Definition of stress and strain, components of stress,
direct strain, true stress and true strain. Stress and strain in simple shear; elastic

stress-strain relationships in simple shear.

Behaviour of materials under static loading: The tensile test; load extension diagram;
the stress-strain diagram and Engineering properties of materials, Linear elasticity and
Hooke’s law, elastic limit, 0.2% proof stress, ultimate strength, secant and tangent mod-
ulus, stress hysteresis, toughness, ductility, brittleness, upper and lower yield points, al-
lowable or working stress, safety factor. Tension instability. Elastic constants; Young’s
modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, relationships between elastic constants. Volumet-
ric strain.
Analysis of design in simple tension and compression: Deflection of axially loaded struc-
tures, members with variable cross-sections, composite members, non-uniform stresses
and strains, impact loading. Thermal stresses and strains. Statically indeterminate
axial members.
Analysis of thin-walled pressure vessels: Hoop and longitudinal stresses and strains for
cylinder and sphere, volumetric strain, bulk modulus of contained fluid, and pressure
Elastic torsion analysis: The torsion test, solid and hollow circular shafts, shear stresses,
power transmission and design of shafts, coupling design, shafts of varying cross-section,
composite shafts. Torsion stiffness. Pure shear. Analysis of statically indeterminate
shafts. Application to close-coiled helical springs.
Bending of beams: Simply supported beams and cantilevers. Concentrated loads, dis-
tributed loads and couples. Reactions at supports; shear force and bending moment
and their importance for analysis and design. Qualitative and quantitative sketching of
shear force and bending moment diagrams.
Prerequisites: EMG 2203 Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Prescribed text books

1. Case J., Chilver L. & Carl T. F. R. (1999) Strength of Materials and Structures.
Elsevier, 4th Ed.
2. Gere J.M & Timoshenko S.P. (1984) Mechanics of Materials, ISBN, 2nd Ed.
1. Benham P.P. and Crawford R.J. (1987) Mechanics of Engineering Materials, John
Wiley & Sons, Rev. Ed.
2. Hearn E. J. (1997) Mechanics of Materials Volume 1, Butterworth-Heinemann,
3rd Ed.
3. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2304 Mechanics of Machines II (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand mechanical vibrations and modes of vibration
2. understand balancing of rotating masses, reciprocating masses, governors and gy-
3. understand relationship between stability and balancing
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. identify sources of vibrations in mechanical systems
2. differentiate between the various modes of vibrations
3. analyze vibrations based on lumped parameter models
Course description
Mechanical vibrations: Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), degrees of freedom. Systems
with one degree of freedom, free, damped and forced vibrations.
Modes of vibrations: Torsional, longitudinal and lateral vibrations. Lumped parameter
models. Equations of motion applied to lumped parameter models.
Balancing of rotating masses: Static and dynamic balance, balancing of rotating masses
by using balance masses in one plane and in two planes.
Reciprocating masses: Balancing of reciprocating masses, turning moment of crank-
shafts and flywheels.
Governors: Types, sensitivity, stability and hunting.
Gyroscopes: Gyroscopic couple and precessional motion: effects of gyroscopic couple
on aeroplanes and ships, in pitching and rolling. Stability of two and four wheel drives
moving in a curved path.
Prerequisites: EMG 2208 Mechanics of Machines I
Prescribed text books

1. Hannah J and Stephens R. C. Mechanics of Machines -Advanced Theory and Ex-

amples Arnold International
2. Shigley J. E., Mischke C. R. & Budynas R. G. (2004) Mechanical Engineering
Design, McGraw-Hill, 7th Ed.
1. Khurmi R. S. & Gupta J. K. (2005), Textbook of Machine Design, Chand (S.) &
Co Ltd ,India, 6th Ed.
2. Lingaiah K. (2002), Machine Design Handbook McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed.
3. Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projectors.

EEE 2330 Introduction to Electrical Machines (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand operations, performance and analysis of DC machines and single-phase
2. analyze of three phase transformers,
3. understand operation and analysis of synchronous motors, single and three-phase
induction motors
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. analyze industrial machine drives (single and three-phase induction motors) and
single-phase transformers.
2. analyze operation of three-phase transformers.
3. analyze torque slip characteristics, maximum torque and efficiency of three phase
induction motors
Course description
DC machines: construction, principles of operation of DC machines (motors and gen-
erators), types of DC machines; emf equations, armature reaction, types of windings;
equivalent coupled circuits; performance, characteristics and testing of DC machines;
starting and speed control of DC motors.
Single phase transformers: Principles of operation; equivalent circuits and phasor dia-
grams of no load and loaded transformers, effects of resistance and leakage reactance of
the winding; transformer efficiency and regulation. Three-phase transformers: winding,
connections, grouping, and operation.
Single-phase induction motors: principles of operation of various types of motors (split
phase, capacitor start/run and shaded pole), equivalent circuits; series motor.
Three-phase induction motors: operations, equivalent circuits, circle diagram, constant
flux operations, torque-slip characteristics, maximum torque, effect of rotor resistance,
losses and efficiency
Prerequisites: EEE 2230 Electrical Circuit Analysis
Prescribed text books
1. Say M.G. (1992). Alternating current machines London: ELBS and Pitman 5th
2. Clayton A. E & Hancock N. N. (1990) The performance and design of direct current
machines.New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Company Pvt. Ltd.
3. International Journal of Electrical Systems Science and Engineering
1. Theraja, B.L. & Theraja, A.K. (1997) Electrical technology, Vol. II, : Nirja
Construction and Development Company Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 22nd Ed.
2. Kumar, K. M. (2000). DC machines and transformers. London: Sangam Books
3. International Journal of Electrical Systems Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Electrical & Electronic Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;

EMG 2305 Workshop Processes & Practice IV (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand electrical symbols, circuit diagrams
2. understand principles of electrical wiring
3. understand instruments and electronic systems for transducer signal processing
and conversion.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to ;
1. read and interpret circuit diagrams
2. perform basic electrical wiring
3. install motors, locate faults perform basic repairs.
Course description
Electrical symbols, circuit diagrams layout, documentation. Electrical wiring, tinning
and plating.
Use of stock and dies: threading and joining of galvanised mild steel pipes, Plastic pipes,
cutting and joining techniques, pipe bending, spring, machine bending.
Assembly of basic electronic components: Instruments and electronic systems for trans-
ducer signal processing and conversion.
Motors: Installing a motor, starters, fault location and repairs to a.c. machine, power
factor of a.c. motors, motor rating.
Prerequisites: EMG 2209 Workshop Processes and Practice III, EEE 2230 Electrical
Circuit Analysis
Prescribed text books
1. Hughes E. (1977) Electrical Technology, Longman Publishers
2. Thomson F.G. (1992) Electrical Installation and Workshop Technology Longman
1. McPherson G. & Laramore R.D. (1990) An Introduction to Electrical Machines
John Wiley and Sons
2. Raphael F.C. (1981) Electric Wiring of Buildings Pitman Press.
3. International Journal of Electrical Systems Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Electrical & Electronic Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2306 Introduction to Engineering Design (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand basic engineering design process and considerations
2. understand design of simple objects and components
3. present design ideas

Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to ;
1. explain the various processes of engineering design
2. carry out a simple design, simulation and analysis of mechanical components
3. design tolerance and geometric dimensioning.
Course description
Design process: stages in the evolution of product, economic considerations. Synthesis;
invention and lateral thinking, group stimulus, value analysis. Innovative design. Case
studies on innovative design. Analysis; simulation, evaluation, costing and business as-
pects. Presentation; technical, business, written and use of audio-visual aids. A design
Project planning in design: Gantt chart, network analysis and project evaluation and re-
view techniques (PERT). Ergonomics; anthropometrics, the man-machine relationship.
The ”average” person. Types of display. Types of control; hand-levers, hand-wheels,
cranks, knobs, push buttons, toggle switches, joysticks and foot pedals.
Design models; qualitative and quantitative types of test models. Calculations for qual-
itative and quantitative tests. Geometric similarities, Case studies in testing.
Aesthetics; symmetry, balances, continuity, variety, proportion, contrast and the im-
pression of purpose.
Economics and engineering design. Design for tolerances and geometric dimensioning
and tolerancing. Design for Manufacturing (DFM). Liability and safety in engineering
design. Case study in aesthetic design.
Prerequisites: EMG 2105 Engineering Drawing II, EMG 2204 Computer Aided Draw-
Prescribed text books
1. Shigley, J. E., Mischke, C. R., & Budynas, R. G.(2004) Mechanical Engineering
Design, 7th Ed., McGraw-Hill.
2. Otrowsky O. (2004), Engineering Drawing with CAD Applications
1. Wilson, J. and Kalameja A., (2005) AutoCAD : 3D Modelling, A Visual Approach.
2. Dieter G., (1999), Engineering Design A Materials and Processing Approach, Mc-
Graw Hill.
3. Journal of Mechanical Design
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 3 hour practice every week. Practice will
be descriptive of what types of design are to be given and will vary from year to year.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Computer laboratories;
2. Overhead projector;

SMA 2370 Calculus IV (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to:
1. perform differentiation of functions with several variables.
2. perform integral calculus.
3. apply partial differential equations to engineering.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Perform partial differentiation
2. Perform integral calculus on partial differential equations.
3. Apply the course content to solve engineering problems.
Course description
Functions of several variables: partial differentiation including gradient, divergence and
curl operators, change of variable including spherical and cylindrical polar coordinates,
Taylor’s theorem. Stationary points, Lagrange multipliers, and tangent plane.
Integral calculus: improper integrals and their convergence, Fourier series, mean value
theorem, mean value and root mean square of an integrable function, double and triple
integrals, Stokes’, Green’s and divergence theorems, and applications to potential theory
such as gravitational attraction, electrostatics and fluid dynamics
Prerequisites: SMA 2277 Calculus III
Prescribed text books
1. Kervorkian, J. (1975) Partial Differential Equations: Analytical Solution Tech-
niques Wadsworth and Brooks Publishers.
2. Riley, K.F (2006) Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering Cambridge
University Press, 3rd Ed.
1. Trium D.W. (1989) Applied Partial Differential Equations PWS-Kent Publishing
Co. Ltd
2. Prasad P and Rnindran R. (1991) Partial Differential Equations Wiley Eastern
3. International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Power-point;
2. Overhead projector.

EMG 2307 Fluid Mechanics III (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand motion of a solid body through a fluid particularly the boundary layer
formed adjacent to the solid surface and the forces experienced by the solid body,
notably lift and drag.
2. conceptualize fluid flow in machineries such as turbines and pumps
3. understand compressibility as related to density variation for simple isentropic flow
configuration involving area changes only.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit students should be able to:
1. perform the fundamental calculations of potential flow and evaluate forces ema-
nating from laminar and turbulent boundary layers
2. analyze the mechanics of flow through compressible fluids (gases)
3. design simple systems involving energy transfer through fluid flow machinery

Course description
Kinematics of fluid element. Potential flow: Rotational and irrotational flows; circu-
lation and vorticity; stream functions and velocity potential functions. Potential flow
nets. Superposition of rectilinear flows, source and sink. Vortex motion; free and forced
vortex flow. Flow past a cylinder. Pressure fields and lift forces.
Compressibility effects in moving fluids: basic equations for compressible gases in steady
flow conditions; Mach number. One dimensional isentropic flow in convergent and di-
vergent nozzles.
Flows in turbines and pumps; Degree of reaction: impulse and reaction stages. Velocity
triangles and utilization factors, losses through stages and blade speed ratio.
Concept of laminar and turbulent boundary layers. Lift and drag considerations on
bodies moving in a gas.
Prerequisites: EMG 2301 Fluid Mechanics II
Prescribed text books
1. Douglas J.F., Gasiorek J.M. & Swaffield J.A. (2001), Fluid Mechanics, Prentice
Hall, 4th Ed.
2. Munson B.R., Young D.F. & Okiishi T.H. (1998) Fundamentals of Fluid Mechan-
ics, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Ed.
1. Roberson J.A., Crowe C.T. & Elger D.F. (1999) Engineering Fluid Mechanics,
John Wiley and Sons, 9th Ed.
2. Bansal R.K. (1992) Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, R.K. Laxmi Pub-
lications, 4th Ed.
3. Journal of Fluids Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2308 Engineering Thermodynamics III (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand principle behind reciprocating machines
2. be familiar with fundamentals of combustion processes
3. understand principles behind air standard cycles and be able to analyze internal
combustion engines
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:
1. evaluate performance characteristics of reciprocating machines and in turn be able
to analyze reciprocating compressors.
2. apply combustion equations to analysis of reacting air fuel mixtures and their
3. perform analysis of gas turbine cycles, reciprocating otto and diesel cycles as well
as establish performance characteristics of internal combustion engines.

Course description
Reciprocating machines: The condition of minimum work, isothermal efficiency, volu-
metric efficiency. Actual indicator diagram. Reciprocating compressors. Metastable
flow of vapors.
Fuels and combustion: Types of fuels. Combustion equations. Adiabatic flame temper-
ature. Stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. Equivalent ratio. Incomplete combustion. Exhaust
and flue gas analysis. Internal energy and enthalpy of reaction. Calorific value of fuels.
Gas power cycles: Air-standard cycles; simple gas turbine. Reciprocating engine cycles;
Otto, Diesel and dual cycles, stirling engine cycles. Comparison of air-standard cycles
with real engine cycle. Performance indicators.
Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines: 2-stroke, 4-stroke cycles, Compression Ig-
nition (CI) and Spark Ignition (SI) engines. Criteria of performance: indicated power
(ip), brake power (bp), specific fuel ignition, indicated mean effective pressure. Factors
influencing performance of CI and SI engines. Overview of engine management systems.

Prerequisites: EMG 2302 Engineering Thermodynamics II

Prescribed text books
1. Rogers G.F.C. & Mayhew Y.R. (1992) Engineering Thermodynamics, Longman
Singapore Publishers, 4th Ed.
2. Eastop T.D. and McConkey A. (1993) Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering
Technologists, Prentice and Hall, 4th Ed.
1. Burghardt M.D. (1993) Engineering Thermodynamics, Harper Collins
2. Lynn D. R. & George A. A. (1993) Classical Thermodynamics. Oxford University
3. International Journal of Fluid and Thermal Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2309 Solid and Structural Mechanics II (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. get a basic understanding of simple bending stresses in beams and to extend this
knowledge to composite beams
2. learn shear stresses in beams due to bending and to understand the concept of
beam deflection
3. understand analysis of combined loads on a structure including theories of failure
and their applications.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. solve problems relating to bending stresses in beams by applying the simple bend-
ing theory
2. analyze stresses in composite beams due to loading

3. analyze stress and strain relationships for simple structures due to different load
Course description
Simple (symmetrical) bending theory: Concepts of loading plane, moment plane and
neutral axis. Longitudinal stresses in beams. Constant strength beams; mathematical
Composite beams: Types of composite beams and applications, equivalent section prop-
erties, stress and strain analysis of timber-steel beams and reinforced concrete.
Shear stresses in beams: The shear formula.
Deflection of (statically determinate) beams due to pure bending: Double integra-
tion, step function and moment area methods. Superposition. Application of constant
strength beam theory to carriage spring.
Analysis of stress and strain: Two and three dimensional stress/strain fields, Mohr’s
circle for stress. Mohr’s circle for strain. Principal stresses and strains.
Combined loading applied to design: Eccentric loading, combined bending and axial
loads, combined bending and torsion, combined torsion and axial loads.
Elastic failure in complex stress systems: Tresca’s failure criterion, von-Mises failure
criterion, failure of brittle materials and application of failure theories.
Prerequisites: EMG 2303 Solid & Structural Mechanics I
Prescribed text books
1. Case J., Chilver L. & Carl T. F. R (1999) Strength of Materials and Structures.
Elsevier, 4th Ed.
2. Gere J.M & Timoshenko S.P. (1984) Mechanics of Materials, ISBN, 2nd Ed.
1. Benham P.P. and Crawford R.J. (1987) Mechanics of Engineering Materials, John
Wiley & Sons, Rev. Ed.
2. Hearn E. J. (1997) Mechanics of Materials Volume 1, Butterworth-Heinemann,
3rd Ed.
3. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2310 Gear Mechanisms (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand types of gears as machine elements
2. familiarize with characteristics of gear profiles
3. be able to design gears for particular applications
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. distinguish the different types of gears and know terms used in gear mechanisms
2. apply the law of gearing in analysis of performance of different gears and gearing

3. Be able to design and select gears for specific applications

Course description
General description of gears: Spur, Helical, Worm, Herringbone, Bevel, hypoid gears
and gear trains. General terminology and definitions.
Law of gearing: Development of the fundamental law of toothed gears. Involute profile:
Its generation; involute gear tooth action, Involutometry. The cycloidal tooth profile:
Its generation, its properties. Contact ratio.
Forming of gear teeth: Rack cutting. Form milling. Hobbing. Fellows method of shap-
Spur gears: Interchangeable and standard gears. Interference and undercutting. Vary-
ing the center distance. Non-standard gear teeth.
Rack and Pinion gearing: Terminology and definitions of rack and pinion gearing. An-
alytical relationship to spur gears. Involute interference and undercutting.
Helical gears: Terminology and definitions. Helical gear relations. Parallel axis helical
gears. Helical gear tooth proportions. Contact of helical gear teeth. Herringbone gears,
crossed axis helical gears.
Worm and worm gears: Terminology and definitions for worm gears. Applications.
Center distance, velocity ratio and efficiency calculations.
Bevel gears: Terminology and definitions. Straight tooth bevel gears, tooth proportions
for bevel gears, spiral bevel gears, hypoid gears.
Crown and face: Functional performance comparison with bevel gears.
Gear trains; Epicyclic trains. Solutions of planetary trains by formula. Tabular analysis
of planetary train differentials.
Prerequisites: EMG 2207 Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, EMG 2208 Mechanics
of Machines I
Prescribed text books
1. Hannah J & Stephens R. C. (1984) Mechanics of Machines - Advanced Theory and
Examples, Arnold International, 4th Ed.
2. Hamilton H. M. & Reinholtz C. F. (1987) Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machin-
ery, John Wiley & sons, 4th Ed.
1. Buckingham E. (1988) Analytical Mechanics of Gears, Burkingham Inc.
2. Rattan S. S. (1993) Theory of machines McGraw-Hill, 2th Ed.
3. Journal of Mechanical Design
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Computer Laboratory;
2. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
3. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2311 Design of Transmission Systems (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. design for various machine elements.
2. understand various machine elements and their applications.
3. choose the right machine elements for their design project.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. classify fasteners and state the application of particular classes including the load
carrying capacities.
2. select proper mechanical drives for particular applications.
3. design and select a suitable bearing, for a given loading condition.
Course description
Design of fasteners; gear basics, simple, compound and epicyclic gears; bearing types
and selections, bearing housings; Design for corrosion prevention; hydrodynamic drives;
pulleys, construction and classification of belts; sprockets and chains; mechanical springs
- leaf, coil and torsional.
clutches: types and characteristics; designs, selection, assembly and torque testing.
Brakes; Tubular and solid shafts, axles and couplings; Cams. Design project
Prerequisites: EMG 2208 Mechanics of Machines I, EMG 2310 Gear Mechanisms
Prescribed text books
1. Shigley, J. E., Mischke, C. R. & Budynas, R. G. (2004) Mechanical Engineering
Design, McGraw-Hill, 7th Ed.
2. Khurmi R. S, Gupta J. K. (2005) Textbook of Machine Design, Chand (S.) & Co
Ltd ,India, 6th Ed.
1. Lingaiah K. (2002) Machine Design Handbook McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed.
2. Hamrock B. J, Schmid R. S. & Jacobson B. (2005) Fundamentals of machine
elements, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed.
3. SAE Transactions Journal of Commercial Vehicles
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 3 hour practice every week. Practice will
be descriptive of what types of design are to be given and will vary from year to year.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Computer Laboratory;
2. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
3. Overhead projectors.

EMG 2312 Metrology (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the dimensional metrology.
2. understand the development of standards for dimensional measurements and re-
spective measuring equipment used for production, inspection and tool room.
3. understand the basis of the development of interchangeable manufacture.
4. the setting in a metrology lab or tool room including temperature control.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course student should be able to:
1. determine the variation in the dimension of an equipment from the standard.
2. determine the variation in dimensions of the measuring equipment from the stan-
3. interpret the standards set for the various dimensional measuring equipment.

4. use a variety direct and indirect measuring equipment.

Course description
Introduction to Metrology: standards of measurements; wavelength standards, line and
end-standards. System of international standards. Mathematical concepts in metrology;
errors, precision and accuracy. Standards; role, legal bases, national and international
Linear measurement: vernier, micrometer, height gauge, dial gauge and other gauges
commonly used in workshops. Limits, fits and limit gauges. Geometrical and positional
Angular measurements: levels, sine bar, angle gauges, angle dekkor, dividing heads, cli-
nometer. Comparators; mechanical, optical, electrical, pneumatic. Optical projectors
and microscopes. Collimation and collimator, interferometry and interferometers; Laser
interferometer. Straightness, flatness and squareness testing; alignment testing.4
Surface texture: specification, measurement. Screw thread; types errors in threads; in-
ternal and external measurements. Screw thread gauges. Gear measurements; involute
geometry and gear teeth measurements.
Prerequisites: EMG 2305 Workshop Processes & Practice IV
Prescribed text books
1. Thomas G. G. (1974) Engineering metrology, Butterworths publishers, 2nd Ed.
2. K. J. Hume (1970) Engineering Metrology, Macdonalds technical, 7th Ed.
1. R. C. Gupta & Khanna (1979) Engineering Precision Metrology, Chand S. & Co.
Ltd ,India, 1st Ed.
2. Busch T. (1989) Fundamentals of dimensional Metrology, Wilkie Brothers Pub-
lishers, 3rd Ed.
3. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Computer Laboratory;
2. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
3. Overhead projectors.

STA 2272 Statistics (45 Lecture Hours)

To introduce the concepts of probability and descriptive statistics to solve problems in
probability, statistical inference ad regression
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. solve problems in direct and conditional probability, with particular applications
in engineering;
2. handle data confidently in the use of descriptive statistics by graphical methods
or by calculating summary statistics;
Mainstream HIV/AIDS: Relate the testing equipment used in testing material with those used in testing
the HIV-status of persons. “There is need for accurate test results that cannot be disputed (the importance of
this as relates to HIV testing cannot be overemphasized)”

3. be confident in handling the different probability distributions, especially binomial,

Poisson and normal distributions, to solve problems in probability, with particular
applications in engineering;
4. understand the importance of limit theorem in inference statistics and use it to
make statistical inferences about a population parameter based on a large sample;
5. make statistical inferences about a population parameter based on a small sample;
6. understand the use of linear regression for modeling a relationship between two
variables, and using the model to predict the value of one variable, given the value
of another.
Course description
Introduction to probability and statistics. Theory of errors. Conditional probability.
Discrete and continuous random variables. Probability distributions: binomial. Poisson,
normal gamma, chi-squared, student’s t and F. Samples, populations and central limit
theorem. Inferential statistics: confidence limits, tests of hypotheses, least squares,
goodness of fit and linear regression.
Prerequisites: SMA 2172 Calculus I
Prescribed text books
1. Miller, I and Miller M; John E Freund’s Mathematical Statistics with Applications;
Pearsons Education, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2003; 7th ed.
2. Crawshaw, J and Chambers, J; A Concise Course in A-level Statistics, with worked
examples, Stanley Thornes, 1994; 3rd ed.
1. Clarke, G M and Cooke, D; A Basic Course in Statistics; Edward Arrnold, 1983;
2nd ed.
2. Rouncefield Mary and Holmes, Peter; Practical Statistics: MacMillan, 1989
3. James T McClave and Terry Sincich; A first course in Statistics; Prentice-Hall,
1995, 5th ed.
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial every week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Power-point;
2. Overhead projector.

EEE 2331 Electronics (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand simple electronic circuits such as diodes and transistors.
2. familiarize with concepts behind operation of amplifiers and oscillators
3. conceptualize operation of rectifiers and simple control devices
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to
1. analyze and design simple amplifiers and oscillators.
2. describe rectified dc power supplies used in electronic circuits
3. describe the use of electronic devices in various controls such as voltage, speed and
temperature regulation

Course description
Semiconductor diode as a p-n junction and its characteristics. Bipolar transistor in the
common base (CB), common-emitter (CE), common collector (CC) or emitter follower
configurations. h-parameter analysis of bipolar transistors Amplifiers: bipolar transis-
tor power and small-signal.
Operational amplifiers: Ideal and non ideal; Inverting and non-inverting modes of op-
eration; summer integrator and differentiator. Biquadratic Circuit
Oscillators: Principles; Hartlley and Colpitts Oscillators; Wien-bridge oscillator.
Power supply; half-wave and full-wave rectifiers. Wave-shaping and pulse generating
techniques. Power switching devices; thyristors, Zener diode, thermistors and unijunc-
tion transistors.

Prerequisites: EEE 2230 Electrical Circuit Analysis

Prescribed text books
1. Schilling D. L. & Belove, C. (1989). Electric circuit: discrete and integrated. New
York: McGraw Hill, 3rd Ed.
2. Sedra A. S. & Smith K. C., (2003). Microelectronic circuits. New York: Oxford
University Press, 5th Ed.

1. Olsen G.H. (1982) Electronics Butterworths, 2nd Ed.

2. Cathey J. J., (2002). Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of electronic devices
and circuits. New York: McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed.
3. International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Electrical & Electronic Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;

EMG 2401 Industrial Hydraulics (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand hydraulic systems and
2. gain skills on design and operation of hydraulic systems.
3. service, maintain and diagnose faults in hydraulic systems.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:
1. identify and describe the operations of various hydraulic components
2. size components and appropriately incorporate them in hydraulic design circuits,
3. carry out faults diagnosis in hydraulic circuits.
Course description
Hydraulic fluids: Incompressibility and Pascal’s law; types and properties.
Hydraulic Pumps: Pump types, performance characteristics; Hydraulic actuators: mo-
tors and hydraulic cylinders; different types of actuators and performance characteris-
tics. Filters and strainers.

Valves: Pressure control valves-pressure relief valves, check valves; 2 and 3-position
directional control valves, different configurations; pilot valves; flow control valves, re-
strictor valves. Gauges. Accumulators. Coolers and heaters. Pipes and fittings. Seals
and packings. Hydraulic symbology. Hydrostatic transmission systems.
Design of simple circuits: Sizing of hydraulic components. Fault diagnosis. Service and
Prerequisites: EMG 2205 Fluid Mechanics I, EMG 2301 Fluid Mechanics II
Prescribed text books
1. Esposito A. (1994) Fluid Power with Applications, McGraw Hill, 5th Ed.
2. Stewart H. L. (1977) Fluid power technology, Industrial Press Inc., 4th Ed.
1. Cundiff J. S. (2001) Fluid Power Circuits and Control, Fundamentals and Appli-
cations, CRC Press, 1st Ed.
2. Richard J. M. & Pippenger J.J. (1997) Fluid Power Maintenance, Basics and
Troubleshooting, CRC Press.
3. Journal of Fluids Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures, 1-hour tutorial per week and at least three
3 hour-practical sessions per student.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshop;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2402 Material Forming Processes (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand shaping of metals and non-metallic materials
2. understand plastic flow property of metal in various forming processes
3. understand methods used in forming common polymer products
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:
1. select appropriate methods for producing certain metal parts by cold and hot
2. optimize parameters for producing metal parts by casting
3. select forming methods for a range of plastics in common use and perform fabri-
cation of ceramics
Course description
Basic methods for shaping materials: overview.
Metal Forming: fundamental classification, cold and hot processes such as, shearing,
bending and deep drawing. Super elasticity.
Casting: fundamentals; types such as sand, die, centrifugal, investment and shell mould-
ing. Moulding; material. Melting equipment. Cast product; design, materials and
defects; cleaning, finishing and heat-treatment; quality control of casting. Polymer
processing; physical and chemical properties of polymers, injection, extrusion and blow
Ceramics: properties and fabrication. High speed metal forming; effects of high speed

in metal deformation; examples of sheet forming processes; water hammer forming;

explosive forming, electrodynamic forming, electromagnetic forming.
Prerequisites: EMG 2209 Workshop Processes & Practice III, EMG 2201 Engineering

Prescribed text books

1. Degarmo E. P., Roanld A. K. & Wayne A. (1988) Materials and Processes in
Manufacturing, Maxwell Macmillan Int, 7th ed.
2. Begeman M. L. & Amstead B. H. (1987) Manufacturing Processes, Wiley; New
York, 8th Ed.
1. Lindberg R. A. (1998) Processes and Manufacture of Materials, Prentice Hall of
India, 4th Ed.
2. Brydson J. A. (1982) Plastics Materials, Butterworth-Heinemann Publishers, 7th
3. Heine R. W., Carl R. L. & Philip C. R. (1967) Principles of Metal Casting, Mcgraw-
Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Ed.
4. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshop;
2. Overhead projector.

EMG 2403 Solid and Structural Mechanics III (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. use energy methods in analysis of displacements in structures,
2. understand theory relating stresses and strains in thick and compound cylinder.
3. analyze rotating discs and cylinders.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. apply energy methods to solve displacements in beams and other structures
2. determine stresses and displacements in thick cylinders subjected to pressure and
design such cylinders
3. analyze stresses and strains in rotating members and design such members
Course description
Energy methods: Determinate and indeterminate structures; virtual displacement and
virtual forces. Strain energy in tension, torsion, bending and shear, impact loading,
work under several loads and Castigiliano’s theorem. Unit load method for calculating
Thick and compound cylinders: Lame’s equations, thick cylinders with internal and
external pressure, effect of end constraints, compound cylinders, stresses produced by
Rotating discs and cylinders: Stresses and strains, rotation of shrink fit assemblies, discs
with varying values of thickness, thermal effects. Rotation of cylinders/shafts.
Deformation beyond the elastic limit: Bending of beams beyond the elastic limit, torsion
of shafts beyond the elastic limit, plastic deformation of thick cylinders under internal
pressure, residual stresses.
Unsymmetrical bending: Revision of simple bending of straight beams - concepts of
plane of loading, plane of moments - resolution of moments. General flexure formula,

applications, concept of stress variation with distance from the neutral axis.
Bending of curved beams with plane loading: Winkler’s analysis
Prerequisites: EMG 2309 Solid and Structural Mechanics II
Prescribed text books
1. Gere J. M. & Timoshenko S. (1984) Mechanics of Materials, Thomson Brooks/Cole,
2nd Ed.
2. Case J., Chilver L. & Carl T. F. R. (1999) Strength of Materials and Structures,
Butterworth-Heinemann, 4th Ed.
1. Benham P.P., Crawford R. J. & Armstrong C. G. (1996) Mechanics of Materials,
Prentice Hall, 2 Ed.
2. Hearn E. J. (1995) Mechanics of Materials part 2, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd,
2nd Ed.
3. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis. Instruc-
tion materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2404 Mechanics of Machines III (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand various linkages and related mechanisms
2. be equipped with knowledge on synthesis of planar linkages
3. analyze Hooke’s universal joint and spatial mechanisms as well as cams.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit the student should be able to;
1. distinguish the different types of linkages
2. select special purpose mechanisms
3. design and analyze a cam mechanism
Course description
Review of analysis of planar mechanisms; Degrees of freedom, kinematic pair. Theo-
retical position, velocity and acceleration analysis of a slider-crank mechanism; as an
Types of planar linkages and special purpose mechanisms: Crank-rocker, double crank
and double rocker mechanisms. Special purpose mechanisms; quick-return, straight-line
motion, dwell motion and toggle joint.
Synthesis of four bar linkages: Classification of synthesis; function generation, path gen-
eration and motion generation. Freudenstein’s equation. Optimum transmission angle
of a crank-rocker mechanism. Cognates of linkages. Chebychev theorem. Computer
aided design in linkage design.
Introduction to spatial linkages: Possible link connection types allowing for three-
dimensional motion; revolute, prismatic slides, helix pair, cylindrical pair, spherical
and plane joints. Kinematics of a typical four-bar spatial linkage.

Hooke’s universal joint: Construction of Hooke’s universal joint. Input-output relation-

ships of angular position and velocity, coefficient of fluctuation of speed, arrangements
to give equal input and output speeds at all times. Acceleration of the output and
condition for maximum acceleration.
Cam dynamics and design: Cam profiles, displacement diagrams and derivatives of
follower motion. Graphical design of cams. Analysis of cams; straight flanks, curved
flanks. High speed and standard cams. Polynoid cam design. Effect of sliding friction.
Prerequisites: EMG 2304 Mechanics of Machines II
Prescribed text books
1. Hannah J. & Stephens R. C. (1987) Mechanics of Machines - Advanced theory and
Examples, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, S.I. edition.
2. Reinholtz C. H. & Hamilton H. M. (1987) Mechanics and Dynamics of Machinery,
John Wiley & sons, 4th Ed.
1. Grosjean J. (1991) Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms, McGraw-Hill.
2. Ramamurti V. (2002) Mechanics of Machines, Narosa, 1st Ed.
3. Journal of Mechanical Design
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2405 Control Engineering I (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand control systems engineering and the control action.
2. model control systems
3. conceptualize stability of a control system.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. Calculate the response given the input to a control system
2. Determine the stability of a give system using Routh and Hurtwiz criterions
3. Determine the stability of a give system using Nyquist analysis
Course description
Control systems: Definition; control action, open loop, closed loop, linear time invariant
systems, time varying systems, stochastic systems. First and second order systems.
Modeling of control systems: Differential equations, block diagrams, block diagram al-
gebra. State space representation. Linearization of non-linear mechanical, electrical,
hydraulic and thermal systems.
System response: Transfer functions. Laplace transforms; application of Laplace trans-
forms to the solution of linear constant coefficient differential equations. Steady-state
and transient responses. Forced and free response; the D-operator and the characteristic
equation. Typical test signals for time response, unit step, unit ramp and unit impulse.

System frequency response; sinusoidal inputs.

Stability: Characteristic equation and the root locations, the s-plane. Routh stability
criterion. Hurtwiz stability criterion. Nyquist analysis; polar plots, Nyquist stability
plot, Nyquist criterion. Methods of improving stability.
Control elements and systems: Control elements; rotating machines, transducers, con-
trollers, electronic amplifiers, thyristors. Control systems; speeds control, numerical
control machine tools and process control. Transient motion in control systems.
Prerequisites: EMG 2304 Mechanics of Machines II
Prescribed text books
1. Distefano J. J., Stubberud A. R. & Williams I. J. (1994) Feedback and Control
Systems: Theory and Problems (Schaum’s Outline Series), McGraw-Hill, 2 Ed.
2. Ogata K. (1996) Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall, 3rd Ed.
1. Kuo B. C. & Farid G. (2002) Automatic Control Systems, Wiley, 8th Ed.
2. Gene F. (2005) Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Prentice Hall, 5th Ed.
3. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EEE 2430 Microprocessors (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the fundamentals of microprocessors.
2. understand concepts of interior elements of a microprocessor including data trans-
fer and storage
3. know how design and implement software systems
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the student should be able to:
1. describe the use of logical circuits, logical gates and arithmetic circuits in micro-
2. describe the coexistence of the various functional blocks (microprocessor, memories
and I/O devices) and the relationships between them
3. develop sample assembly language programs to verify the operations of the func-
tional blocks
Course description
Microprocessor fundamentals: Combination logic circuits, logic gates Flip-flops; RS, D
and JK. Arithmetic circuits; binary addition, subtraction and 2’s complement. Shift
registers: serial in-serial out, serial in parallel out, parallel in-serial out, parallel in-
parallel out. Counters; synchronous, asynchronous and up-down.
Microprocessor systems: survey of microprocessor trend, architectural layouts of mi-
croprocessor; microprocessor peripherals: memory organizations, segmentation, pro-
grammable I/O devices, I/O and stack operations. Instructions: types, format and

addressing modes, piping and queuing, timing diagrams. Interfacing: serial and parallel
interfacing devices, polling techniques.
Assembly language programming: assembler concept, mnemonics, symbolic addressing,
literal and pseudo operations, program counter, data storage locations, error flags and
Prerequisites: EEE 2331 Electronics
Prescribed text books
1. Khambata, Adi J. (1986) Microprocessors/microcomputers: architecture, software
and systems, New York: Wiley
2. Crisp J. (2004) Introduction to microprocessors and microcontrollers, Amsterdam;
Boston: Elsevier/Newnes, 2nd Ed.
1. Tocci R. J. & Ambrosio F. J. (2002) Microprocessors and microcomputers: hard-
ware and software, Prentice Hall, 6th Ed.
2. Ramesh S. G. (2002) Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications
with the 8085, Prentice hall, 5th Ed.
3. International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Electrical & Electronic Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Turbo Assembler Pspice or OrCad simulation software.

EMG 2406 Material Science (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to:
1. understand the general structure and properties of ceramics and polymers
2. familiarize with various non destructive testing techniques
3. understand the properties of composite materials
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. select appropriate ceramic materials and polymers for a given application or design
2. select the appropriate non destructive techniques for different applications
3. select appropriate composite materials
Course description
Ceramics structures: Crystalline and amorphous types; alumina, graphite, spinels, sili-
con carbide and silicon nitride; metal carbide tool materials, properties and fabrication.
Structure, heat treatment and properties of glasses.
Polymers: Classification, polymer structure, polymerisation process, polymer molecules,
raw materials, plasticisers, and fillers. Thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. Me-
chanical behaviour of polymers. Degradation of polymers. Designing with polymers.
Dislocation and strengthening theories: Critical resolved shear stress, influence of dislo-
cations on mechanical properties, slip planes and slip systems in various crystal types,
low angle grain boundaries, solid solution strengthening, precipitation-, dispersion-,

work- and quench hardening.

Non-destructive testing techniques: Detection of surface and sub-surface defects by
visual inspection, liquid penetrants, magnetic particles, ultrasonic testing and radiog-
raphy. Recent developments.
Composite materials: Classification, fibre reinforced- and particle reinforced composites,
fracture modes, processing, mechanical behaviour, designing with composites. Introduc-
tion to construction materials; wood, concrete and asphalt.

Prerequisites: EMG 2104 Introduction to Material Science

Prescribed text books
1. R A Higgins (1994) Properties of Engineering Materials, Publisher, Hodder &
Stroughton, 2nd Ed.
2. Srivastava C. M. & Scrinivasa C. (1991) Mechanical Properties of Materials, Wesley
1. Pascoe K. J. (1985) An Introduction to the Properties of Engineering Materials,
Publisher, van Nostrand Reinhold, 1st Ed.
2. Van Vlack L.H. (1982) Science of Engineering Materials, Publisher; Addison Wes-
ley, 6th Ed.
3. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2407 Wind Tunnel Experimental Techniques (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. have the relevant skills to perform a wide range of investigative fluid flow experi-
2. correctly analyze the data by application of known principles
3. use state-of-the-art devices/equipment and techniques in fluid flow measurements.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
1. correctly use state-of-the-art devices/equipment to collect data on relative flow
between a fluid and a solid boundary
2. design and assemble a data acquisition system
3. logically analyze the data acquired using the various experimental techniques avail-
Course description
Types of wind tunnels. Measuring techniques for velocity, shear stress, flow direction,
pressure. Blockage correction. Thermal anemometers. Force balance.
Boundary layers, modeling and similarity Flow over flat plates, cylinders, spheres and
bluff bodies; flow over aerofoils, flow over vehicle.

Flow visualization techniques. Optical methods. Laser velocimetry.

Noise, accuracy and measurement resolution. Data acquisition and processing.
Prerequisites: EMG 2308 Fluid Mechanics III
Prescribed text books
1. Pope A, Hae W.H., Barlow J.B., (1999), Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing, Wiley,
John and Sons Inc. Third ed.
2. Goldstein R.J. (1996) Fluid Mechanics measurements, Taylor & Francis, 2nd Ed.
1. Pankhurst R.C. & Holder D.W. (1986) Wind-tunnel Technique: An Account of
Experimental Methods in Low- and High-speed Wind Tunnels, Pitman.
2. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2408 Production Technology I (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of the course is to enable the student to:
1. understand the basic shaping of metal from powder
2. understand the production in an industrial setting of metal parts by forming and
3. learn the requirements of machining for production such as size, capacity, precision
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. design the process of making product from powder to the required final product
2. select process in an industrial setting for making products by forging, deep drawing,
rolling and extrusion
3. determine the machining requirements in boring, planing, centerless grinding processes
and thread cutting
Course description
Powder metallurgy; metal powders, pressing, sintering, pre-sintering, sizing and finish-
ing; properties of powder metallurgy products. Design of metal powder parts. Advan-
tages and disadvantages of powder metallurgy.
Forming processes: press tool processes; extrusion; rolling; forging.
Machining processes: horizontal and vertical boring machines; planers; centreless grind-
ing. Thread cutting and forming.
Prerequisites: EMG 2202 Workshop processes & practice II
Prescribed text books
1. Degarmo E.P. & Black J.T. (1996) Materials and Processes in Manufacturing,
Wiley, John & Sons, Inc.
2. Lindberg R. A. (1977) Processes and Manufacture of Materials, (Pub Prentice hall
of India), 2nd Ed.

1. Hindustani Machine Tools (HMT), (1980) Production Technology (Tata McGraw-
Hill Pub Co, Bangalore India)
2. Geoffrey B. (1975) Fundamentals of Metal Machining and Machine Tools, McGraw-
Hill, International Student Ed.
3. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshop;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2409 Engine and Power Transmission System (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of the course is to enable the student to;
1. learn how to design, construct and maintain various engines and transmission
system components,
2. understand how valves, gearboxes and propeller shafts operate.
3. learn engine balance and the loadings on bearings. performance.
Learning outcomes
At end of the unit the student should be able to:
1. analyze the design and functions of engine and transmission components.
2. carry out vehicle engine and transmission system maintenance.
3. analyze the performance of valves, gearboxes and propeller shafts as well as analyze
primary and secondary forces in an engine.
Course description
Internal combustion engines: Functional identification of internal combustion engine
components and sub-assemblies; cylinder head, cylinder block, crankcase, piston assem-
bly, connecting rods and their respective construction materials.
Engine balance: Primary forces and couples; piston movement, inertia forces on piston
and con-rod, load on bearings, crank-throw, power, speed and rating Secondary forces;
torsional disturbances and modes of vibration of the engine, design considerations.5
Valves: Operating environment, valve material selection, design and application; valve
timing, dynamic behaviour; valve operating system, cam design effect on layout of inlet
and exhaust manifolds, combustion chamber design.
Flywheels: Energy consideration, principle of fluid flywheel and torque converters.
Clutches: Friction, axial, internal and external expanding, brake bands, selection and
matching, clutch design.
Gearboxes: Sliding, constant mesh and automatic arrangements: gear selection for max-
imum acceleration, effect on engine power characteristics.
Propeller shafts: Types and design of propeller shaft, slips joints, universal joints, final
drive differential, dead and live axle, axle design and constant velocity joints, belts and
chains as alternative drive systems. Vehicle performance: Propulsion power, tractive
effort and tractive resistance.
Prerequisites: EMG 2308 Engineering Thermodynamics III
Mainstream HIV/AIDS: Engine balance and loading on bearings. “This can be related to viral loading in
the body and how it affects the balance of the human system”

Prescribed text books

1. Newton K., Steeds W. & Garrett T.K. (1996), The Motor Vehicle, 12th Ed.
2. Richard S. (1999) Internal Combustion Engines, 3rd Edition
1. Gott P.G. (1991) Changing Gears: The Development the Automotive Transmis-
sion, SAE, Warrendale, PA.
2. Giles J. G. (1968) Engine Design, Lliffe Book Ltd, Automotive Technology Series
Volume 2.
3. Journal of Mechanical Design
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshop;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2410 Control Engineering II (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand controllers and their configurations
2. understand the design with various control actions
3. understand the sources of nonlinearity in control systems and introduce the stu-
dents to the mathematical descriptions of nonlinear systems.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
1. differentiate between the various control actions and their application.
2. select an appropriate control action for a specific design.
3. design with PI controller
Course description
Controllers: Basic control actions, automatic controllers, actuators, and sensors.
Design using various control actions: Design specifications, controller configurations.
Proportional (P) control action, Derivative (D) control action, lntegral (I) control ac-
tion, Proportional plus Derivative (PD) control action, Proportional plus Integral (PI)
control action. Design with the PID controllers.
State-space: State variable feedback controller design; controllability, observability,
eigenvalue placement, observe design for linear systems.
Introduction to nonlinear control systems: Sources of nonlinearity, mathematical de-
scription of nonlinear systems. Systems with random inputs. Introduction to optimal
and adaptive control formulations.
Prerequisites: EMG 2405 Control Engineering I
Prescribed text books
1. Kuo B.C. (2002) Automatic Control Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 8th Ed.
2. Distefano J.J., Stubberud A.R. & Williams I.J. (1990) Feedback and Control Sys-
tems: Theory and Problems (Schaum’s Outline Series), McGraw Hill.

1. Gille J.C., Gille-Maisani J.C. & Pelegrin M.J. (1959) Feedback Control Systems:
Analysis, Synthesis, and Design, McGraw-Hill.
2. Franklin G.F., Powell J.D. & Emami-Naeini A. (1994) Feedback Control of Dy-
namic Systems, Addison-Wesley.
3. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2411 Solid and Structural Mechanics IV (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. learn the concepts of shear stress, shear deflection and shear centre
2. familiarize with the theory behind struts (columns) and parameters involved in
their design.
3. analyze statically indeterminate beams and structures.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. solve problems relating to columns and be able to design the same
2. analyze and design structures which are statically indeterminate
3. design simple plates and cells from a structural perspective
Course description
Shear stresses and deflection: Concepts of shear flow, horizontal and vertical shear
stresses. Shear stress distribution in thin walled cross-sections. Shear centre of open
thin walled cross-sections. Shear deflection of beams using the slope and energy meth-
ods. Total deflection of beams.
Shear stresses due to torsion: Shear stress due to torsion. Torsion of non-circular sec-
tions. Shear stress distribution due to torsion of thin-walled non-circular closed cross-
section; single cell and multi-cell cross-section.
Struts: Stability, Critical load, Euler’s crippling load for struts with different end con-
straints, struts with initial curvature, struts with eccentric loading and secant formula,
struts with transverse loading and empirical strut formulae. Beam columns; Rigorous
method and approximate engineering methods, modified methods of superposition.6
Statically indeterminate beams: Analysis using double integration, step function, mo-
ment area, superposition and Clapeyrons three moment equation.
Plates and Shells: Plates: Simple concepts of the general plate problem such as stress,
curvature and moments relation. Cylindrical and spherical bending. Bending of rectan-
gular plates and axi-symmetrically loaded circular plates - simple cases. Shells: Simple
membrane action, symmetrically loaded shells of revolution and cylindrical shells.
Prerequisites: EMG 2403 Solid & Structural Mechanics III
Mainstream HIV/AIDS: Columns; stability and critical load. Stress and strain analysis. “This can be
related to viral loading in the body and how it stresses and strains the human system thus affecting its stability
and balance and could even lead to system failure (death)”

Prescribed text books

1. Gere & Timoshenko (1990) Mechanics of Materials, Boston: PWS - Kent Pub-
lishers 3rd Ed.
2. Case J., Chilver L. & Carl T. F. R (1999) Strength of Materials and Structures.
Elsevier, 4th Ed.
1. Benham P.P. and Crawford R.J. (1987) Mechanics of Engineering Materials, John
Wiley & Sons, Rev. Ed.
2. E. J. Hearn (1997) Mechanics of Materials part 2, 3rd Ed.
3. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2412 Vibrations (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand causes and effects of vibrations in mechanisms.
2. grasp energy methods of vibration analysis
3. understand the iteration methods for frequencies and mode shape determination.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to;
1. design vibration isolators and vibration absorbers
2. use energy methods to analyze multi-degree of freedom systems
3. use iteration methods to determine the frequencies and mode shapes of vibrating
Course content
Single degree of freedom systems: Undamped free vibrations, damped free vibrations,
forced undamped and forced damped vibrations. General periodic forcing functions and
arbitrary forcing functions.7
Free and damped vibrations in mechanisms: Free vibrations in mechanisms, damped vi-
brations in mechanisms. Applications; vibration isolator, vibration absorber. Whirling
of shafts.
Multi-degree of freedom systems: Energy methods of analysis, influence coefficients.
Frequencies and mode shapes of undamped systems, response to initial conditions. It-
eration methods for frequencies and mode shapes. Undamped response to periodic
forcing functions.
Prerequisites: EMG 2208 Mechanics of Machines II, EMG 2309 Solid and Structural
Mechanics II

Mainstream HIV/AIDS: Undamped free and forced vibration. “This can be related to how an infected
human system operates under the action of external forcing vibrations (the HIV virus), curtailing its natural
degrees of freedom”

Prescribed text books

1. Hannah J., Stephens R. C.(1984) Mechanics of Machines - Advanced theory and
Examples, Arnold International, 4th Ed.
2. Rao S. S. (1995) Mechanical Vibrations, Wesley, 3rd Ed.
1. Thomsom, W., T. (1998) Theory of Vibrations with Applications, Stanley Thornes
(Publishers) Ltd, 4th Ed.
2. Srinivasan P. (1990) Mechanical Vibrations Analysis,McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed.
3. Hartog J.P. (1985) Mechanical Vibrations, Courier Dover Publications.
4. Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2413 Machine Design (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the fundamental aspects of design of machines, including the specifi-
cation and selection of standard machine components.
2. integrate all aspects of engineering practice in machine design
3. understand different ways of joining machine elements.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. size and select the appropriate standard machine components
2. make detailed designs of simple machines incorporating elements such as gears,
bearings, couplings, power drives etc.
3. select the required method of joining machine elements.
Course description
Machine elements: Shafts and axles; tubular and solid shafts, axle and shaft designs,
keys and keyways, splines and serrations; hubshaft mountings, static and dynamic bal-
ances, avoidance of whip. Couplings; types, hubs and driving flanges, collar and coupling
designs, selection and specifications. Clutches; types and characteristics; designs, selec-
tion, assembly and torque testing.
Bearings: designs; materials; types and selection; bearing housing, removal, clearing,
inspection and assembly, lubrication, alignment and pre-lading.
Seals: gaskets and rings; dynamic and fluid seals; dirt excluders; removal and fitting.
Cams and ratchets; types, selection, variable cam and ratchet feeds. Principal of tibol-
ogy. Hydrodynamic bearings, sliding bearings, bush shell and guide. Design of welded
joints, riveted joints. Adhesives in joining. Standardization; use of standard parts. Use
of handbooks and catalogues. Preparation of bill of materials. Machine design project.
Prerequisites: EMG 2304 Mechanics of Machines II, EMG 2306 Introduction to En-
gineering Design

Prescribed text books

1. R. Budynas, J. Keith Nisbett (2006) Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design
2. Rothbart H. A., Brown T. H (2006) Mechanical Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill
1. Rudolph J. Eggert (2004) Engineering Design, Prentice Hall
2. Karl Ulrich, Steven Eppinger, (2003) Product Design and Development, McGraw-
3. Journal of Mechanical Design
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 3 hour practice per week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2414 Numerical Methods for Engineers (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand various solutions of linear equations.
2. understand numerical methods of solving ordinary differential equations.
3. understand computational methods of solving both ordinary and partial differen-
tial equations
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. analyze a system of simultaneous linear equations.
2. solve higher order ordinary and partial differential equations.
3. use computational methods in solving partial differential equations.
Course description
System of simultaneous linear equations; singular and non-singular solutions, Cramer’s
rule, inverse matrix method and use of Eigen values.
Numerical integration: aerial problem solving; decay and growth problems and Simp-
son’s rule. Numerical Solution of ordinary differential equations to the nth order.
Computational approach of solving partial differential equations: Fast Fourier trans-
forms. Random numbers and their application.
Prerequisites: SMA 2371 Partial Differential Equations; ICS 2276 Computer Pro-
gramming II
Prescribed text books
1. Chapra S.C., Canale R.P., (2005), Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw-Hill.
2. Chapra S.C., Canale R.P., (1985), Numerical Methods for Engineers: With Per-
sonal Computer Applications, McGraw-Hill.
1. Griffiths D.V., Smith I.M., (2006), Numerical Methods for Engineers, CRC Press.
2. Hoffman J.D., (2001), Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, CRC

3. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences

Teaching organization: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial every week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Computer laboratory;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2415 Final Year Project I (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. know the available techniques of carrying out research
2. identify a research problem and come up with appropriate techniques of solving
3. get adequate skills for analyzing and reporting technical data.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
1. know and differentiate between the different types of research methodologies
2. know techniques of data collection, analysis and error determination
3. write a sound technical report given through a term paper.
Course description
Definition. Types of Research; experimental, survey and simulations. Problem identifi-
Research proposal: Research process; literature review. Methodology; Data collection
and generation, observations, interviews, questionnaires and conclusions.
Technical report writing: The student will be expected to come up with a proposal
report for the final year project.
Prerequisites: SMA 2272 Statistics
Prescribed text books
1. Holman J.P. (2001) Experimental methods for Engineers, Prentice Hall, 4th Ed.
2. Taylor R.J. (1997) An Introduction to Error Analysis, University Science Books,
2nd Ed.
1. Day A.R. (1998) How to write and publish a scientific paper, Oryx, 5th Ed.
2. Kumar R. (2005) Research Methodology: A Step-by-step Guide for Beginners,
3. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
Teaching methodology: 2 hours lectures, 1 hour tutorials per week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Computer laboratory;
2. Overhead projector;
3. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshop.

EMG 2416 Gas Dynamics and Boundary Layer Theory (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand fluid flow problems involving gases.
2. familiarize and analyze laminar and turbulent boundary layers
3. analyze lift-drag in submerged surfaces.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:
1. solve compressible flow problems involving both friction and heat transfer.
2. analyze forces on surfaces/bodies submerged in a fluid.
3. apply averaging techniques to turbulent flows.
Course description
The speed of propagation of pressure wave in a gas; the speed of sound, Mach number,
introduction to supersonic flow, the normal and oblique shock waves. Flow with fric-
tion. Flow with heat addition or loss.
Averaging techniques for turbulent flows. Laminar boundary layers; concept, bound-
ary layer thickness, boundary layer equations for two-dimensional incompressible flow.
Turbulent boundary layers. Drag and lift forces on aerofoils, and other submerged
Prerequisites: EMG 2308 Fluid Mechanics III
Prescribed text books
1. James E.A. (1984) Gas Dynamics, Prentice Hall.
2. Munson B.R., Young D.F. & Okiishi T.H. (1998) Fundamentals of Fluid Mechan-
ics, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Ed.
1. Roberson J.A., Crowe C.T. & Elger D.F. (1999) Engineering Fluid Mechanics,
John Wiley and Sons, 9th Ed.
2. Douglas J.F, Gasiorek J.M, Swaffield J.A (2001), Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall,
4th Ed.
3. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2417 Computational Fluid Dynamics (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. basic equations used in Computational Fluid Dynamics
2. understand and apply Computational Fluid Dynamics to solve fluid flow problems.
3. give students knowledge to use CFD as a design tool

Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:
1. write the correct form of governing equations for a fluid dynamics problem, in a
given co-ordinate system.
2. correctly discretize the governing equations.
3. apply a variety of solution techniques to the discretized equations.
Course description
Navier-Stoke’s equations in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates; derivations, examples
of exact and approximate solutions to the Navier-stokes equations.
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Conservative form of Navier-
Stokes equations for CFD applications.
Introduction to the finite volume method for problems of heat conduction, potential
and convection-diffusion type flows. Pressure-velocity coupling in steady flows. Solution
techniques for discretized equations.
Prerequisites: EMG 2308 Fluid Mechanics III
Prescribed text books
1. Versteeg H.K, Malalasekera W. (1995) An introduction to Computational Fluid
Dynamics, Prentice.
2. Anderson J.D. (1995) Computational Fluid Dynamics, MCGraw Hill.
1. Wilcox D.C. (2004) Turbulence modeling for CFD, DCW industries.
2. Ching J.C, Shenq Y.J. (1998) Fundamentals of turbulence modeling, Taylor and
3. Journal of Fluids Engineering
Teaching methodology 2 hours lectures, 3 hour practice per week

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2418 Pneumatics and Electro-Hydraulics (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. learn concepts behind pneumatic systems.
2. get skills to design pneumatic systems
3. work with pneumatic systems incorporating modern control systems.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:
1. identify and describe the operations of various pneumatic components.
2. size components and appropriately incorporate them in pneumatic design circuits.
3. incorporate electrical controls in pneumatic and hydraulic circuits design.

Course description
Gas laws and properties of air. Pneumatic components: Compressors-different types;
filters; fluid conditioners; lubricators; oil separators. Safety valves and pressure regula-
tors; pipelines; coolers. Gauges; silencers.
Pressure control valves: Relief valves, pressure regulators. Directional Control valves:
Shuttle valves; 2, 3-directional control valves; pilot valves; flow control valves.
Actuators: Pneumatic cylinders and air motors. pneumatic symbology. Design of simple
circuits. Sizing of pneumatic components. Fault diagnosis. Service and maintenance.
Electrical control of hydraulic and Pneumatics: Relays and different types of switches;
simple electro-hydraulic circuits; servo systems. Design of fluid power systems.
Prerequisites: EMG 2301 Fluid Mechanics II, EMG 2401 Industrial Hydraulics
Prescribed text books
1. Anthony E. (1994) Fluid Power with Applications, Prentice-Hall International Inc.
2. Harry L.S. (1977) Hydraulic and Pneumatic Power for Production, 4th Ed.
1. John S.C (2001) Fluid Power Circuits and Control, Fundamentals and Applica-
tions, CRC Press.
2. Norman E, Cubitt J., Urry S. & Whittaker M. (1999) Advanced Design and Tech-
nology, Longman.
3. Journal of Fluids Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures, 1-hour tutorial per week and at least three
3 hour-practical sessions per student.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2419 Engine Technology (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the design, construction and maintenance of various engine compo-
2. analyze the engine design and performance.
3. carry out engine diagnosis and maintenance
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:
1. describe the design and functions of engine components.
2. carry out vehicle engine maintenance.
3. analyze the engine design and performances.
Course description
Internal combustion engines: Functional identification of internal combustion engine
components and sub-assemblies; cylinder head, cylinder block, crankcase, piston assem-
bly, connecting rods and their respective construction materials
Engine balance: Primary forces and couples; piston movement, inertia forces on piston
and con-rod, load on bearings, crank-throw, power, speed and rating.

Secondary forces; torsional disturbances and modes of vibration of the engine, design
Valves: Operating environment, valve material selection, design and application; valve
timing, dynamic behaviour; valve operating system, cam design effect on layout of inlet
and exhaust manifolds, combustion chamber design. Engine cooling systems, Air cooled
engines. The Wankel engine.
Prerequisites: EMG 2404 Mechanics of Machines III, EMG 2409 Engine and Power
Transmission System
Prescribed text books
1. Steeds K. & Garrett W. (1995) The Motor Vehicle, 12th Ed.
2. Richard S. (1995) Internal Combustion Engines, MCGraw Hill
1. Gott P.G. (2004) Changing Gears: The Development the Automotive Transmis-
sion, DCW industries
2. Warrendale P.A. (1991) Internal Combustion Engines, MCGraw Hill
3. SAE Transactions: Journal of Engines
Teaching methodology: 2 hours lectures, 3 hours practice per week.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshop;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2420 Internal Combustion Engines (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the combustion process in internal combustion engine.
2. understand the flow processes in air and fuel systems.
3. understand and evaluate the engine performance parameters.
Learning outcome:
At the end of the unit the student should be able to;
1. analyze the combustion process.
2. design air and fuel systems in internal combustion engines.
3. analyze and design the engine performance parameters.
Course description
Fuel classifications: Octane and Cetane numbers, chemical structure, classification by
application, Alternative fuels.
Combustion fundamentals: Stoichiometry, equivalence ratios, enthalpy of combustion:
reaction rates, reaction chains, flame speeds and propagation: combustion efficiency; en-
gine emissions and their control, exhaust emission measurement instruments, exhaust
gas analysis and examples of exhaust gas treatment.
Engine classification criteria: Thermodynamic model for Spark Ignition (SI) and Com-
pression Ignition (CI) engine processes, engine indicated mean effective pressure, fuel
conversion efficiency, availability analysis; comparison with real engine cycles.
Engine Design Parameters: Geometry and piston motion, brake torque and power, in-
dicated work: efficiencies - mechanical, volumetric, fuel consumption and conversion;
road-load power; emission indices; engine specific weight and specific volume.

Air-Flow and Fuel Systems: Fuel atomisation and droplet behaviour; theory of carbure-
tion and carburettor, single port and multi-port injection systems, comparative analysis.
CI engines’ fuel injection systems; fuel introduction vis--vis combustion feedback sys-
tems, fuel air mixing; influence of engine speed, valve geometry and operation on gas
flow rate; gas flow rate and discharge coefficients, scavenging parameters and residual
gas traction, supercharging and turbo-charging principles.
Hybrid Cars: Types, operations, comparative study vis--vis pure CI and SI engine cars.
Prerequisite: EMG 2308 Engineering Thermodynamics III
Prescribed text books
1. Heywood J.B. (1990) Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill
Publishing Co., New York.
2. Richard S. (1999) Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines, 3rd Ed.
1. Ganesan V. (1994) Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
2. Pulkrabek W. (2003) Engineering Fundamentals of internal combustion Engine,
Prentice Hall, 2nd Ed.
3. SAE Transactions: Journal of Engines
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshop;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2421 Production Technology II (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course to enable the student to;
1. understand the principles and application of non-traditional machining techniques.
2. understand the selection of the welding method in a given situation.
3. familirize with the requirements of welding certain materials.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the unit the student should be able to:
1. apply efficient non-traditional machining methods to make parts including tooling.
2. select suitable welding techniques from a variety of heat sources.
3. weld specific materials and parts such as polymers and castings.
Course description
Specialized machining processes; electromechanical, electrodischarge, electrobeam, laser,
chemical, ultrasonic, and abrasive.
Welding and fabrications techniques: forging, gas flame and arc welding, resistance
welding, plasma arc welding, electron and laser beam welding processes, Torch and arc
cutting, Heat and design considerations in welding. Testing and inspection of welded
joints; welding standards KS06;
Welding of plastics: welding of iron and steel castings,
Decorative and surface treatment: purpose; mechanical cleaning and finishing; chemical
methods; metal coating, plating.
Prerequisites: EMG 2408 Production Technology I
Prescribed text books

1. Degarmo E. P., Black J. T. & Kohsar R. A. (1988) Materials and Processes in

Manufacturing, Maxwell Macmillan Int., 7th Ed.
2. Hindustani Machine Tools (HMT), Production Technology, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub
Co, Bangalore India
1. Smart W.G. & Amoako-Awuah B.K. (1994) Practical Welding, Mcmillan.
2. Larry J, Harold V.J, Welding: Principles and Application, Delmar Publishers,Inc.
3. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshop;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2422 Jig and Tool Design (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to:
1. develop understanding of how and why jigs are designed and built as they are.
2. understand the factors considered in design of jigs and fixtures.
3. determine cost effective and efficient work holding methods.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. design and fabricate simple and economic work holding devices.
2. differentiate between jigs and fixtures and their use in, for example, machining
and welding processes.
3. design fixtures and jigs for interchangeable manufacture and assembly work.
Course description
Planning, locating and locating devices. Clamping and clamping devices. Drilling
jigs and milling fixtures. Turning, grinding and broaching fixtures. Indexing jigs and
Form tools: flat, tangential, circular; calculations for profile. Limit gauges.
Press tools: factors considered in design, shearing, bending, and drawing; combination
operation tools. Other elements of press tool design; punches, dies, strippers, steps,
pilots, set and pressure plates. Evaluation relating to press tool provision of special
Jigs and fixtures for NC and CNC machining: Application of CAD/CAM in design of
tools and fixtures.
Prerequisites: EMG 2105 Engineering Drawing II, EMG 2312 Metrology, EMG 2421
Production Technology II
Prescribed Text Books
1. Edward G.H. (1991) Jig and Fixture Design, Delmar Publishers Ltd Inc.
2. Kempster M.H. (1977) An introduction to Jig and Tool Design, Edward Arnold
1. Pollack H.W. (1998) Tool Design,Prentice Hall

2. Rong Y. & Zhu Y. (1999) Computer Aided Fixture Design, Marcel Dekker Inc.
3. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshop;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2423 Experimental Stress Analysis (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the use of strain measurements in determining the distribution of stress
in a loaded structure.
2. understand the use of photo-elasticity in analyzing the stress distribution in a
loaded structure.
3. Use models developed for designs analysis of structural elements.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. design load cells to determine forces and torque in a loaded structure.
2. select appropriate strain gauges for use in different applications in formation and
breakage mechanisms.
3. model the loading behaviour of structures using photoelasticity.
Course description
Strain measurement: electrical resistance strain gauges; principles, performance parame-
ters, temperature sensitivity and cross sensitivity; other types of gauges, configurations
and applications.
Instrumentation: wheatstone bridges as commercial strain indicators; signal condition-
ing circuits; recording. Rosette analysis. Bi-axial stress and strain field. Torque and
stress gauges.
Engineering photoelasticity: principles, polariscope and models; stress lines in a stress
field, two dimensional model analysis; application to stress analysis of simple prob-
lems, boundary stresses, stress concentration actors and separation of principle stresses.
Three-dimensional photoelasticity; photoelasticity coatings. Introduction to speckle in-
terferometry methods
Prerequisites: EMG 2411 Solid and Structural Mechanics IV
Prescribed text books
1. James W. D & William F.R. (2005) Experimental Stress Analysis, McGraw-Hill,
3rd Ed.
2. Holister G.S. (1967) Experimental Stress Analysis: Principles and Methods, Cam-
bridge University Press
1. Mark B.M. (1954) Principles of Experimental Analysis, Prentice-Hall
2. James W.D, William F.R, Kenneth G.M. (1993) Instrumentation for Engineering
Measurements, Wiley, 2nd Ed.
3. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology

Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2501 Power Plants (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. learn principles of power production in a variety of power generation set-ups.
2. design and construct simple power plants.
3. analyze the processes, technology and challenges of power generation.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit, the students should be able to:
1. classify the various types of power plants according to the process/energy-source
2. identify the fundamental components of a power-generation plant.
3. calculate the requirements of a particular power plant from a given power demand.
Course description
Steam power plant, cycles and efficiencies: boilers, steam turbines, condensers, heat
exchangers. Antipollution systems and safety.
Internal combustion engines: construction and efficiencies; gas turbine, diesel engine,
co-generation, gas and steam combined power plant.
Natural energy power plant: construction and operation; geothermal, solar, windmill,
water turbine.
Nuclear power plant: Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR); Boiling Water Reactor (BWR),
reactor vessel, steam generator. Recycling of used nuclear fuel.
Prerequisites: EMG 2308 Engineering Thermodynamics III
Prescribed text books
1. Veatch B. (1995) Power Plant Engineering, Springer.
2. Rogers G.F.C. & Mayhew Y.R., (1992) Engineering Thermodynamics, Longman
Singapore Publishers, 4th Ed.
1. Eastop T.D. and McConkey A., (1993) Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering
Technologists, Prentice and Hall, 4th Ed.
2. Burghardt M.D. (1993) Engineering Thermodynamics, Harper Collins
3. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2502 Heat Transfer (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. learn the principles of heat transfer within solids and from the solid surface through
2. understand the principles of heat transfer by convection as well as by radiation.
3. know the principles behind combined modes of heat transfer and be able to select
heat exchangers.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit the student should be able to;
1. apply laws governing heat conduction to simple solid geometries.
2. apply principles behind natural and forced convection to a thermal boundary layer.
3. design simple heat transfer devices and select heat exchangers.
Course description
Introduction: Scope and nature of heat transfer
Heat transfer through conduction: Fourier’s law. One dimensional steady state conduc-
tion through simple shapes, composite walls, cylinders. Three dimensional steady state
heat conduction. Newton’s law of cooling.
Heat transfer by convection: Natural convection. Forced convection. Thermal bound-
ary layer. Forced laminar flow convection and Reynolds number.
Radiation: Black body radiation, Kirchoffs law and grey body radiation, radiation from
gases and flames.
Combined modes of heat transfer: Heat exchangers, heat flow through a wall, heat flow
through a cooling fin.
Prerequisites: EMG 2307 Fluid Mechanics III, EMG 2308 Engineering Thermody-
namics III
Prescribed text books
1. Holman J.P. (2002) Heat Transfer, McGraw Hill, 9th Ed.
2. Frank P.I. & David P.D. (1990) Introduction to Heat Transfer, John Wiley & Sons,
3rd Ed.
3. Journal of Heat Transfer
1. Martin B. (1986) Heat Transfer, Modern Approach
2. Chapman A.J. (1987) Heat Transfer, Macmillan Coll Div, 3rd Ed.
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2503 Final Year Project II (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student come up with an innovative project
that will challenge him/her to put into practice all the engineering and science learnt
to solve professionally, a real life engineering problem.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the students will come up with a project and a report that
must have the following components;
1. design
2. fabrication
3. testing
Teaching methodology: The students will be allowed a day (8 hours) per week to
research, design and fabricate, and consult with the supervisors. Another 2 hours are
allowed every week for the students to present their progress reports on rotational basis.
Academic staff members will usually attend.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2504 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. be equipped with the practical knowledge of design and manufacturing techniques
using computer based systems
2. learn existing and upcoming CAD hardware systems
3. understand simple machine programming
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. use some commercial CAD software to perform solid modeling
2. write simple numerical control machining programme
3. optimize a design
Course description
Overview of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM).
CAD hardware systems. CAD software systems: Concepts and principles underlying
three-dimensional modelling; wireframe, surface and solid modelling. Finite elements
as a CAD tool; draughting; modelling and analysis.
CAM hardware systems. Machine tool control; methods of programming numerically
controlled machines.
Robotics: types of robots; physical configurations; programming applications and eco-
nomics of robots. The benefits and limitations of CAD and CAM.
Parametric design techniques such as guided iteration, optimization, and Taguchi’s
Prerequisites: EMG 2204 Computer Aided Drawing

Prescribed text books

1. Chang T.C., Wijk R.A. & Wang H.P. (2005) Computer Aided Manufacturing,
Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey.
2. Altintas Y. (2006) Manufacturing Automation: Metal Cutting Mechanics, Machine
Tool Vibrations and CNC Design, Cambridge.

1. Fanti M.P. et al. (2001) Computer integrated manufacturing , CRC Press LLC,
2nd ed.
2. Teicholz C.E. (1985) CAD/CAM Handbook, McGraw-Hill.
3. International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 3 hour practice per week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;
EMG 2505 Measurement and Instrumentation (45 Lecture Hours)
The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. have an understanding of basic physical principles supporting common transducers
2. have an introduction to principles of measurement, analogue and digital instru-
3. have knowledge on treatment of measurement errors and signal processing tech-
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to;
1. analyze measurement errors
2. describe the static and dynamic characteristics of instrumentation systems
3. understand several basic remote sensing techniques and appreciate the importance
of signal processing
Course description
Transducers: Resistive, capacitive, inductive, thermal, optical, piezoelectric, ultrasonic
etc. Performance terminology. Analogue and digital instruments Principles of opera-
tion of analogue and digital instruments. Instrument transformers; current and potential
transformers, ratio and phase angle errors. Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO). Calibra-
tion of instruments. Description of measurement system and treatment of errors
Elements of a measurement system. Sources of error; system error, random error, and
human error. Statistical treatment of errors in measurements. Mathematical definitions
for absolute error, relative error, resolution and sensitivity of instrument. Accuracy and
Measurements: Measurements of voltage, current, charge, resistance, inductance, ca-
pacitance, phase angle, frequency, power and energy. Generalized performance of in-
strumentation systems Static characteristics. Meteorological standards. Dynamic char-
acteristics: dynamic system models; first and second order systems. Remote sensing
Remote sensing techniques Signal conditioning Noise and interference reduction. Mi-
croprocessor application in instrumentation. Chart recorder: X-Y plotters, digital data
recording, digital displays.

Data conversion: Data acquisition cards, interfacing and data acquisition and processing
software for example LabVIEW.
Prerequisites: EMG 2312 Metrology
Prescribed text books
1. Morris A.S., (2001), Measurement and Instrumentation Principles,Butterworth-
2. Beckwith R.D. & Lienhard J.H. (1995) Mechanical Measurements, Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co.
1. Sirohi R.S. & Krishna H.C.R. (1991) Mechanical Measurements New Age pub-
lishers, 3rd Ed.
2. Fraser C. & Milne J. (1994) Integrated Electrical and electronic Engineering for
Mechanical Engineers McGraw-Hill.
3. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2506 Reverse Engineering (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. appreciate the real world of design and product realization
2. make critical analysis of design of existing components and propose ways of im-
provement in terms of functions, reliability and costs
3. sketch and detail a wide range of manufactured products including machines, parts
of simple machines and equipment
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. make an analysis of a given mechanical component
2. create an improved design from an existing component and prepare process sheets
for a given component
3. make an estimate of production costs for any given mechanical component
Course description
Importance and purpose of reverse engineering, Intellectual property (IP) rights, Prod-
uct analysis, Stages of reverse engineering.
Sketching and detailing of a wide range of manufactured products including machines:
parts of simple machines and equipment such as gearbox, micrometer screw gauge,
pumps, blowers, stapler and fans.
Design analysis and report: force estimation; strength calculation; materials testing and
specification. Preparation of production process sheets, quality control methods, cost
Prerequisites: EMG 2304 Mechanics of Machines II

Prescribed text books

1. Eilam E., (2005), Reverse Engineering, Wiley Publishing.
2. Pamela S., Suzanne S., (May 2002) The Law and Economics of Reverse Engineer-
1. Chikofsky E.J., Cross J.H., (1990), Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery: A
Taxonomy, 2nd ed.
2. Tonella P. & Potrich A., Reverse Engineering of object oriented code, Springer.
3. Johnson W.L. (1996) Automated Software engineering, Kluwer Academic Publish-
ers, 3rd ed.
4. Journal of Applied Mechanics
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 3 hour practice every week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2507 New and Renewable Energy Resources (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. gain knowledge in renewable energy resources
2. be sensitized about renewable energy storage
3. understand environmental impact of renewable energy use
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should be able to;
1. describe utilization of solar, wind, water and micro-hydro power systems
2. describe energy generation from biomass, geothermal systems, fuel cells and alter-
native fuels
3. store renewable energy resource and analyze impact on the environment
Course description
Renewable energy resources: Solar, wind, water, biomass, and geothermal. Solar en-
ergy: solar water heating, solar photovoltaic. Wind energy: wind mapping; location of
wind generators. Water energy: Small hydroelectric systems.
Biomass energy: Sources; wood and agricultural waste, municipal waste, animal waste.
Biomass energy conversion systems: biogas generation from animal waste, wood gasifi-
Geothermal energy: Principle and simple systems for power generation.
Alternative fuels: Alcohols, natural gas, LPG, vegetable oils, and hydrogen. Fuel cells;
Trends and challenges. An overview of wave, tidal, ocean thermal energy conversion.
Renewable energy storage: Hybrid energy systems. Environmental impact.
Prerequisites: EMG 2206 Engineering Thermodynamics I
Prescribed text books
1. Twidell J. & Weir T. (2005) Renewable Energy Resources, Taylor & Francis, 2nd

2. Kristoferson L.A. & Bokalders V. (1986) Renewable Energy Technologies, Perga-

3. Journal of Energy Resources Technology
1. Goodger E.M. (1980) Alternative fuels, Macmillan, 1st Ed..
2. Bradbrook A.J., Lyster R., Ottinger R.L. & Xi W. (2005) The Law of Energy for
Development, Cambridge University Press,
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2508 Fluid Flow Machinery (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand types of fluid machinery and their dynamics
2. classify machinery in terms of performance parameters and characteristics
3. have a proper understanding of design, selection and matching of the various turbo-
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. have a proper understanding of fluid - flow machinery including their performance
2. apply dimensional analysis to select and match machine-systems characteristics
3. analyze hydrodynamic transmission
Course description
Fluid machinery: types; rotor-dynamic and positive displacement. Rotor-dynamic ma-
chines; Centrifugal pumps and compressors. Axial, radial and mixed flow pumps. Tur-
bines; impulse and reaction turbines.
Dimensional analysis and similarity laws related to pumps and turbines: specific speeds,
head flow and power coefficients for pumps and turbines. Cavitation in centrifugal
Performance parameters and characteristics of pumps and turbines: pump-pipe systems,
Hydrodynamic transmission; fluid coupling and torque converter.
Prerequisites: EMG 2301 Fluid Mechanics II
Prescribed text books
1. Sayers A.T. (1990) Hydraulic and compressible flow turbo-machines, University of
Cape Town.
2. Raghunath H.M., (1987), Fluid mechanics and machinery, CBS publishers.
3. Journal of Fluids Engineering
1. Schilling R., Applications of CFD techniques in fluid-machinery.
2. Greated C. & Cosgrove J. (2002) Optical Methods and Data Processing in Heat
and Fluid Flow, John Wiley and Sons.

Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2509 Building Mechanical Engineering Services (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to understand;
1. the role of mechanical engineers in buildings
2. types of mechanical engineering services required in buildings
3. planning and design of building mechanical engineering services
4. practical aspects of building mechanical engineering services.
5. preparation of contract documents
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. identify mechanical engineering services required for any type of building
2. plan and design mechanical engineering services for any type of building
3. represent mechanical engineering services on drawing plans and isometric layouts
4. select end user appliances/fixtures fitted to mechanical engineering services
5. prepare contract documents for building mechanical engineering services
Course description
Planning, design and selection of end user appliances/fittings: plumbing and drainage
services inside a building, site water reticulation, rain water disposal systems for a
building, steam services and condensate return systems, fire protection systems, air
compressors and compressed air services, medical gas services, sterilizing and bedpan
washing equipment in hospitals, refuse collection and disposal equipment; incinerators,
thermal insulation; refrigeration installation and cold stores, mechanical ventilation and
air- conditioning systems, acoustical treatment for sound proofing, food preparation;
cooking, conveying and serving equipment, laundry equipment and services
Prerequisites: EMG 2301 Fluids Mechanics II, EMG 2302 Engineering Thermody-
namics II
Prescribed text books
1. Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineering, Plumbing engineering ser-
vices design guide by Institute of Plumbing CIBSE design guides
Institute of Plumbing (2002), Plumbing engineering services design guide.
2. Chadderton D.V., Building Services Engineering, Taylor & Francis.
1. Chadderton D.V., Building Services Engineering, Taylor & Francis.
2. Frampton D.I. (1992) Building Engineering Services: Some Aspects of Mechanical
Services Design, Nottingham Polytechnic HEC.
3. Manufacturer’s catalogues.
4. International Journal of Fluid and Thermal Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 3 hour practice per week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2510 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the operation of different types of refrigeration cycles
2. understand characteristics of refrigerants and typical refrigeration devices
3. understand air conditioning processes and design air conditioning systems.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. analyze performance characteristics of an actual refrigeration cycle
2. select suitable refrigerant for a refrigeration plant and size the refrigeration devices
3. design simple air conditioning systems
Course description
Refrigeration: Properties and characteristics of refrigerants. Types of refrigerants; en-
vironmental impact. Types of refrigerating cycle: practical vapour compression refrig-
eration cycle, absorption and gas refrigeration cycles. Heat pumps; heating capacity.
Refrigerating equipment: Types; sizing and selection; evaporators; compressors; and
condensers; throttling devices.
Air-Conditioning: Comfort and health. Outdoor and indoor design conditions. Use of
psychometric chart for standard air-conditioning calculations. Sources of heat gain into
an air-conditioned space. Ventilation requirements. Cooling and heating load calcula-
tions. Types of Air conditioning systems. Duct design. Air-conditioning equipment:
Types; sizing and selection; cooling coils, heater coils, fans, diffusers; grills; cooling
Prerequisites: EMG 2502 Heat Transfer
Prescribed text books
1. Jones W.P. (2000) Air-Conditioning Engineering, Butterworth-Heinemann, 3rd
2. Legg R.C. (1991) Air-conditioning systems, Batsford Ltd.
1. Faye C., McQuiston, & Jerald D.P. (2004) Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning,
John Wiley & Sons Inc, 4th Ed.
2. Langley B. (2000) Fundamentals of Air-conditioning systems., Marcel Dekker, 2nd
3. International Journal of Fluid and Thermal Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2511 Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the fundamental principle of electrical and electronics systems used in
motor vehicles
2. understand the principles used in computer controlled systems in internal combus-
tion engines
3. understand safety and comfort systems and advance new developments in comfort
and safety
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. design an electronic circuit to control different motor vehicle system
2. diagnose and fix faults in electrical/electronics systems in motor vehicle
3. repair and maintain of electrical/electronic system in a vehicle
Course description
Alternator and DC Generator; Electrical energy storage; Engine start motors: types,
construction and performance. Lighting and signalling: Illumination, reflector theory,
and head light construction. Flasher units. Wiring harnesses. Air conditioning; vehicle
security systems.
Automotive sensory systems: Introduction to automotive sensory systems; Power plant
and transmission sensors; torque, crank shaft position measurement, vehicle ride and
comfort sensors. Intelligent sensors for vehicles.
Computer controlled engines; Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) and Common Rail Fuel
Injection (CRFI) systems. Electronic ignition system; Introduction, advantage of elec-
tronic ignition systems, types of solid state ignition system and their principles of op-
eration, electronic spark timing control. Digital engine control system; Open loop and
close loop control system, engine cooling and warm up control, Acceleration, detonation
and idle speed control-integrated engine system, exhaust emission control engineering,
on-board diagnostics, diagnostics.
future automotive electronic systems: Comfort and safety; Seats, mirrors and sun-
roofs, central locking and electronic windows, cruise control, in-car multimedia, secu-
rity, airbags system and belt tensioners, driver occupant information systems, other
safety and comfort systems, advanced comfort and safety systems, New developments
in comfort and safety.
Prerequisites: EEE 2330 Introduction to Electrical Machines, EEE 2331 Electronics
Prescribed text books
1. Denton T., (2004), Automotive Electrical and Electronics systems, Butterworth
Heinemann, 3rd ed.
2. Halderman J.D., Mitchell C.D. (2000) Diagnosis and Troubleshooting of Automo-
tive Electrical, Electronic, and Computer System, Prentice Hall
1. Halderman J.D. (1988) Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems, Prentice
2. Hollembeak B., Learning D. (1998) Automotive Electricity, Electronics and Com-
puter Controls
3. SAE Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars: Electronic and Electrical Systems
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2512 Vehicle Power Transmission System (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the design, construction and maintenance of various vehicle power
transmission system components
2. analyze the vehicle road performance
3. understand the effect of gearing system on engine power characteristics
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. describe the design and functions of Vehicle power transmission components
2. carry out vehicle power transmission system maintenance and analyse vehicle road
3. select and design vehicle power transmission parts and sub-assemblies
Course description
Flywheels: Energy consideration. Clutches: Friction, axial, internal and external ex-
panding, brake bands, selection and matching, clutch design, principle of fluid flywheel
and torque converters.
Gear boxes: Sliding, constant mesh and automatic arrangements: gear selection for
maximum acceleration, effect on engine power characteristics.
Propeller shafts: Types and design of propeller shaft, slips joints, universal joints, fi-
nal drive, and differential, dead and live axle, axle design and constant velocity joints,
multi drive axles, four wheel drives and overdrives, belts and chains as alternative drive
Vehicle performance: Propulsion power, tractive effort and tractive resistance.
Prerequisites: EMG 2209 Workshop Processes & Practice III
Prescribed text books
1. Steeds K., Garrett W.T.K. (1995) The Motor Vehicle, 12th ed.
2. Gott P.G. (2004) Changing Gears: The Development the Automotive Transmis-
sion, DCW industries.
1. Stone R. (1995) Internal Combustion Engines, MCGraw Hill
2. Warrendale P.A. (1991) Internal Combustion Engines, MCGraw Hill.
3. SAE Transactions Journal of Commercial Vehicles
Teaching methodology 2 hour lecture, 3 hour practice per week.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2513 Metal Forming Processes (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. analyze the mechanics of plastic deformation in metal forming
2. predict the amount of deformation and forces required to produce a part
3. select the appropriate deforming process and capacity of the equipment
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should be able to;
1. use equilibrium and energy methods to determine the forming loads for a number
of forming processes
2. establish the minimum power consumption and capacity of the machine and ap-
preciate the relative advantages of high velocity forming processes
3. use yield criteria and the characteristic property of material in the development
of forming processes to predict cause of failure of the tool and poor performance
of the product in service
Course description
Plasticity; stress-strain relationship, complex stresses, yield criterion; plane stress and
plane strain system. Calculation of deforming loads; equilibrium methods and energy
Metal forming processes: Drawing; force in wire, die pressure, flat strip and tube draw-
ing. Extrusion; frictionless extrusion, allowance for friction. Forging: analysis and
derivations of forming loads. Rolling hot and cold, roll load and torques, special mills.
Sheetmetal forming: bending, stretch forming. Deep drawing and ironing. High Ve-
locity forming: Explosive forming; electro-hydraulic forming, electromagnetic forming;
shock tube forming.
Prerequisites: EMG 2402 Material Forming Processes, EMG 2406 Material Science,
EMG 2421 Production Technology II
Prescribed text books
1. Rowe G.W. (1977) Principles of Industrial Metalworking, Publisher Edward Arnold.
2. Boljanovic V. (2004) Sheet Metal Forming Processes and Die Design, Industrial
Press Inc.
1. Johnson R.W. & Mellor P.B. (1973) Engineering Plasticity, Publisher van Non-
2. Chenot J.L. & Oate E. (1988) Modelling of Metal Forming Processes, Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
3. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2514 Production Management (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand production and automation and their impacts on competitive dimen-
sions of cost, flexibility and quality
2. understand the planning techniques and the role of computers in production plan-
3. understand the importance of materials handling in production and layout plan-
ning of materials handling when planning
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to;
1. plan for manufacturing system for a variety of layout of facilities
2. use the knowledge to select the appropriate manufacturing system
3. optimally schedule operations in a production set up and select the appropriate
material handling equipment
Course description
Mass production: Overview; tools and techniques. Machine controls: Numerical Con-
trol; Computer Numerical Control; Direct Numerical Control; machine tools machine
centers. Planning: production systems; manufacturing;8
Flexible manufacturing systems; philosophies such as Toyota; Kaizen and lean systems;
Layout; job-shop, flow shop; fixed position; continuous; linked cell; group technology.
Quality Management: programs; ISO certification; Six Sigma; Demming. Operations
scheduling: work centres; priority rules and techniques; shop floor control. Mater-
ial handling: principles; unit load; equipment; conveyors; industrial trucks; monorails;
hoists; cranes; storage and retrieval
Prerequisites: EMG 2209 Workshop Practice and Processes III, EMG 2406 Material
Prescribed text books
1. Degarmo P. (1969) Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, Macmillan, 7th ed.
2. Nigel R.G. (1988) Implementing Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Wiley.
1. Chiles V., Black S.C., Lissaman A.J. & Martin S.J. (1996) Principles of Engineer-
ing Manufacture, Arnold Publisher.
2. Mayer R.R. (1967) Production Management, McGraw-Hill.
3. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projector.
Mainstream HIV/AIDS: Process layout. This is typical of hospitals, for example, where areas are dedicated
to particular types of medical care, such as maternity ward and intensive care units. The objective is to develop
a process layout to arrange departments consisting of like processes in a way that optimizes their relative
placement. For example minimize the interdepartmental material handling cost. ”For the HIV/AIDS problem,
an example would be to develop a hospital layout that takes into account the facilities for AIDS patients.”

EMG 2515 Final Year Project III (90 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. come up with an innovative project
2. be challenged to put into practice all the engineering and science learnt to solve
3. apply engineering fundamentals to solve real life problem.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to;
1. come up with a design project
2. fabrication
3. testing and write a report
Teaching methodology: The students will be allowed a day (8 hours) per week to
research, design and fabricate, and consult with the supervisors. Another 2 hours are
allowed every week for the students to present their progress reports on rotational basis.
Academic staff members will usually attend.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2516 Industrial Management (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand principles of management science.
2. understand the role of an engineer in management.
3. understand the factors to be considered when setting up a factory/industry and
the concepts of quality control
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. distinguish the various management science principles
2. outline factors to be considered when setting up a factory/industry
3. describe the importance of quality management in production and service delivery
Course description
Theories of management. Components of management: planning, organizing, staffing,
controlling/coordinating and budgeting.
Planning industrial setup: site location and facilities layout; capacity planning, resource
allocation and scheduling, materials handling; work methods and measurements; inven-
tory control; productivity;
quality control: quality management systems; basic concepts of quality, historical devel-
opment of quality management, international standards relating to quality management,
quality management principles.
Prerequisites: None
Prescribed text books

1. Lansburgh R.H. & Spriegel W.R. (1955) Industrial Management, John Wiley and
Sons, 1st Ed.
2. Anderson A.G., Mandeville M.J. & Anderson J.M. (1942) Industrial Management,
The Ronald Press Company.
1. Folts F.E. (1963) Introduction to Industrial Management: Text, Cases, and Prob-
lems, McGraw-Hill.
2. Roscoe E.S. (1967) Organization for Production: An Introduction to Industrial
Management, R. D. Irwin
3. International Journal of Business, Economics, Finance and Management Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures, 1 hour tutorials per week.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Computer laboratory;
2. Overhead projector.

EMG 2517 Law for Engineers (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the process of law making and importance of law as a discipline that
governs the interaction of an engineer with the society.
2. understand the various sources of law and institutions charged with the adminis-
tration of such laws.
3. understand the various laws that directly relate to the engineering sector and the
practicing of engineers in the nation
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. describe the nature and sources of law
2. describe various acts of the kenyan law that affect engineering practice
3. describe the Act that govern and regulate the engineering profession in Kenya
Course description
Nature and sources of Law. Law of Tort: Negligence, nuisance, defamation, trespass to
person and property, Ruling in Ryland vs. Fletcher, vicarious liability
Law of Contract: essential elements, terms, exemption clauses, mistakes, misinterpre-
tation, duress, undue influence, illegal contracts, void contracts, discharge of contract,
remedies for breach of contract, limitations of actions.
Factories Act [Cap. 514]; health, safety and welfare; offenses, penalties and legal pro-
ceedings. Trade unions Act [Cap. 233]; Legal status of trade unions, registration
membership and liabilities. Trade disputes Act [Cap. 234]; jurisdiction of the industrial
court, protection of the essential services, life and property.
Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act[Cap 8 of 1999]: Environmental im-
pact assessment licensing, monitoring, effluent discharge, Air quality standards and
emissions licensing. Energy Act[Cap 12 of 2006]: Energy Regulatory Commission, Re-
newable Energy, Energy efficiency and conservation
Laws governing patents and intellectual property Engineers Registration Act[Cap 530].
Prerequisites: None

Prescribed text books

1. Jackson T., (1970), The Law of Kenya: An Introduction, East African Literature
2. Jackson T., (1986), The Law of Kenya: An Introduction, Cases and Statutes,
Kenya Literature Bureau.
1. Laws of Kenya - Government printers.
3. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Power-point;
2. Overhead projector;
3. Flip charts.

EMG 2518 Operations Research (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. grasp the mathematical concepts used in management
2. understand planning and sequencing of activities in a production environment
3. understand the application of computer programs in production planning
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. apply the various tools used in project management
2. solve relevant management planning problems using mathematical tools
3. apply simulation techniques used in resource management
Course description
History and nature of Operations Research. Linear Programming; simplex method, so-
lution and its interpretation, application areas; transportation models; using Northwest
method, least cost method, vogel approximation method (VAM). Assignment model;
formulation solution.
Inventory models: periodic model, quantity model, basic economic order quantity dis-
counts, stock-out, buffer stock, activity based costing analysis, pareto analysis, Just In
Time (JIT) systems, Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP I & II). Network model;
deterministic, critical path analysis/critical path method, probabilistic model, program
evaluation/review technique, crashing, resource leveling, Gantt charts; applications in
project management. Queuing model, single server and multiserver systems.
Simulation: introduction and application in forecasting, queuing and inventory models,
replacement models. Game theory; pure and mixed strategies, SADDLE, dominance,
graphical solution, solution by algebraic and linear programming method.
Prerequisites: SMA 2370 Calculus IV, SMA 2272 Statistics
Prescribed text books
1. Shenoy G.V., Srivatara U.K., Curma S., (1991), Operations Research for Manage-
ment, New Age Publishers, 2nd Ed.

2. Ecker J.G., Kupferschmid M., (1987), Introduction to Operations Research, John

Wiley and Sons Ltd.
1. Taha H.A., (1995), Operations research: An Introduction, Prentice Hall.
2. Hillier F.S., Lieberman G.J., (1974), Operations Research, Holden-Day.
3. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Computer laboratory;
2. Overhead projector.

EMG 2519 Maintenance Engineering and Industrial Safety (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. Understand the importance of conducting maintenance of industrial machines and
know the various types of maintenance
2. Understand the merits and demerits of the various types of maintenance
3. Understand the importance of industrial safety and the legislative laws enacted to
minimize the hazards/accidents
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. Differentiate between the various types of maintenance functions and their impor-
tance to the reliability and safety of industrial machinery
2. Relate the legal requirements to safety matters in work places
3. Know the major causes of industrial fires and the methods of fire prevention
Course description
Introduction, objectives of maintenance, plant deterioration and failure, the bath tub
curve for component failures, reliability, reliability curve for equipment, availability9 .
Data sources. Design of maintenance systems; maintenance strategy and planning.
Types of maintenance. Cost requirements for good maintenance policy. Legislation on
occupational health and safety. Safety systems. Accident causes and prevention. Safety
hazards in industries.
Industrial fires: Types, characteristics and behaviors. Build space fire safety, fire detec-
tion and alarm systems, fire extinguishing agents systems and equipments. Industrial
fire prevention and protection.
Prerequisites: None
Prescribed text books
1. Ladwig, T.H., (1990), Industrial Fire prevention and protection, Van Norstrand
2. Chelsom J.V., Payne A.C. & Reavill L.R.P. (2005) Maintenance for Engineers,
John Wiley and Sons.

Mainstream HIV/AIDS: Failure probability - “relates to analysis of HIV/AIDS patient system failure”.
Plant maintenance - “would relate well with the maintenance of the human system, either to ward off HIV
infection, or to contain the damage of infection”

1. Dhillon B.S. (2002) Engineering Maintenance: A Modern Approach, CRC Press.
2. Blake R.P. (1963) Industrial Safety, Prentice-Hall
3. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial every week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projector.

HRD 2401 Enterpreneurship Skills (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. set up and manage small scale enterprises
2. perform financial accounting, budgeting, management and financial analysis
3. be well versed about sound leadership of business setups
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. prepare and understand a profit and loss account, and a balance sheet
2. prepare budget for an engineering/production firm, and identify the various sources
of financing such a budget
3. evaluate the performance of a business, using the various analysis ratios
Course description
Entrepreneurship and entrepreneur defined: The entrepreneur and society, Entrepre-
neurship and self employment, The government and entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial
behaviour, The characteristics/qualities of an entrepreneur, The entrepreneur (owner-
manage) and the entrepreneur (employed manager) - differences.
Business ideas and opportunities: Sources for business idea enabling environmental
public policies. NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), and evaluating the busi-
nessman’s resources. Legal aspects of business.
Business formation: Form of business organization. Registration of business. Trading
licences and other contracts. Sources of finance for small entrepreneurs. Private sources,
banks, financial institutions and NGOs co-operatives. Decision making and risk taking.
Decision making process, decision making techniques, types of risks of business, assess-
ing risks in self employment, minimizing risks.
Leadership: leadership role and leadership styles. Marketing strategies: Competition,
market niche, market segmentation, market surveys, appropriate supplier for raw mate-
rials, possible locations for business (note- the student will relate the concepts of their
own selected business ideas), hiring, firing and motivating of staff.
Financial management: analytical cash book, balance sheet, costing of product or ser-
vice, working capital management, cash budget, financial plan and debt management.
Time management: Planning the use of time and time wasters. Business planning (to be
related to the selected viable idea from topics already covered). Importance of business
planning and presenting business plan to financiers.
Prerequisites: None

Prescribed text books

1. Hisrich R. D., Michael P. & Dean A. (2005) Enterpreneurship, Boston: McGraw-
Hill, 6th Ed.
2. Burch, John G (1986) Enterpreneurship, New York: John Wiley & Sons.
1. Kao, John (1989) Enterpreneurship, Creativity and Organisation, New York: John
Wiley & Sons.
2. Dollinger, Marc J (2003) Enterpreneurship: Strategies and Resources, New Jersey:
Prantice-Hall, 3rd Ed.
3. International Journal of Business, Economics, Finance and Management Sciences
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial every week
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Computer laboratory;
2. Overhead projector.

EMG 2520 Industrial and Environmental Noise Control (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the general nature of sound and the types of waves encountered in
sound propagation and transmission.
2. understand how noise is quantified in terms of sound pressure and power levels
(dB), noise fields described and measured.
3. understand the effect of noise on people, especially the human ear’s frequency
response and the environment.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. distinguish different sounds by their frequency signatures and hence identify their
2. distinguish different sounds by their frequency signatures and hence identify their
3. design suitable acoustic environments including sound insulators and isolators.
Course description
The nature of sound: Sound Waves, Speed of sound, Frequency period, Traveling and
standing waves, Reflection, Transmission, Reverberation. Levels and Spectra: Sound
power, Sound intensity, Sound levels, Sound exposure level, Decibels.
Character of noise: Discrete frequency noise, Broadband noise, Discrete and Broadband
noise, Impulse-Impact, Frequency weighting scales. Human Response to Sound: Audi-
ble frequency range, Infrasound, Ultrasound, Loudness, Phons, Sones, the Human ear,
Noise dose, Noise induced hearing loss, Noise regulations.
Basic Measurement Systems: Sound level meter, Real time spectral analyzers, Inte-
grating meters, Dosimeters, Sound intensity probes, Impact noise measurement. Rever-
beration Control: Reverberant sound fields, Absorptive treatment. Acoustic materials:
Absorbing, Barrier, Damping and Energy-Absorbing.
Room Acoustics: Rectangular room modal analysis, Standing waves, Modal density,
Modal incidence, Reverberation time, Noise Criteria (NC) curves, Room Criteria (RC)
curves. Silencers and Mufflers: Acoustic performance parameters, Absorption silencers,
Lined ducts, Lined bends, Lined plenum, Acoustic louvers.

Environmental acoustics: Acoustic correction, Plumbing noise, Highway noise surveys,

Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) noise control.
Prerequisites: SMA 2173 Calculus II, SPH 2174 Physics for Engineers II
Prescribed text books
1. Bell L.H. & Bell D.H. (1994), Industrial Noise Control: Fundamentals and Appli-
cations, CRC Press
2. Norton M.P. & Karczub D.G. (2003) Fundamentals of Noise and Vibration Analy-
sis for Engineers, Cambridge University Press.
1. Barron R.F. (2003) Industrial Noise Control and Acoustics, CRC Press.
2. Fader B. (1981) Industrial Noise Control, J. Wiley.
3. Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Computer laboratory;
3. Overhead projector;

EMG 2521 Energy Management (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the concepts of energy conversion.
2. understand the importance of energy conservation
3. know the cost saving opportunities in energy consumption
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, student should be able to;
1. identify energy use patterns in industry, transport and domestic sectors
2. carry out survey and quantify consumption characteristics in a firm.
3. identify energy conservation and cost saving opportunities in a firm.
Course description
Concepts of energy, power, energy conversion and efficiency. Energy management steps:
data collection and analysis, audit, implementation and monitoring. Energy use pat-
terns in the industrial, transport and domestic sectors.
Plant survey: identification of energy consumption systems in a plant or an institution,
methodology and procedures. Electrical metering and tariffs: energy consumption and
demand metering, tariff structures, cost of electricity.
Electrical demand management: Power factor, load factor, load shedding, and load
Energy consumption and cost saving opportunities: motors, lighting systems, heating
systems, fans, pumps, fuel fired equipments, refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
Prerequisites: EMG 2510 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
Prescribed text books
1. Thumann A., Younger W.J. (2003) Handbook of Energy Audits, Marcel Dekker
Inc, 6th Ed.

2. Capehart B.L., Turner W.C., Kennedy W.J. (2006) Guide to Energy Management,
The Fairmont Press, 5th Ed.
1. Wulfinghoff D. (1999) Energy Efficiency Manual, Energy Institute Press
2. Henry H.W. (1980) Energy Management: Theory and Practice, M. Dekker
3. Journal of Energy Resources Technology
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
1. Computer laboratory;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2522 Vehicle System Engineering (45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to;
1. understand the principles of vehicle dynamics, vehicle engineering systems
2. understand vehicle inspection procedures.
3. understand the principles of vehicle body design
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. analyze the vehicle system performance.
2. design and carry out selection of various vehicle system components.
3. carry out all types of vehicle inspections.
Course description
Chassis frames layout: Integral chassis construction, selection of members, design as-
pects. Suspension systems: Types and selection criteria. Vehicle stability: Skidding,
overturning, cornering force, and self-aligning torque.
Wheel and tyres: Design aspects, legal aspects of tyre sizes, and their determination,
marking and their interpretation: valve design and inflation pressure determination,
wheel alignment/balancing parameters and their determination. Steering system: Steer-
ing geometry: the Ackerman principle; over steer and under steer: steering gears; re-
quirements, design and operation of power steering.
Brake Systems: Types, selection criteria: vehicle braking performance: braking distance
determination. Brake material properties: wear, friction, bonding, shearing. Principles
of Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), distribution of weights for various arrangements,
braking system case study.
Principle of vehicle body design: Human - machine interface, passenger comfort, drivers
vision, dashboard design, and driving controls positioning. Application of ergonomics,
anthropometrics, aesthetics in vehicle design. Inspections and testing of vehicles; Repair
inspection, accident inspection, performance inspection, laboratory and road testing.
Prerequisites: EMG 2203 Engineering Mechanics - Statics; EMG 2207 Engineering
Mechanics -Dynamics
Prescribed text books
1. Heisler H. (2002) Advanced Vehicle Technology, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2nd Ed.
2. Hillier V.A. (2003) Fundamental of Motor Vehicle Technology, Cambridge Univer-
sity Press, 10th Ed.

1. Gillespie T.D. (1992) Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, SAE.
2. Dixon J.C. (1996) Tires, Suspension and Handling, SAE, 2nd Ed.
3. SAE Transactions Journal of Commercial Vehicles
Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projector;

EMG 2523 Mechanics of Metal Cutting(45 Lecture Hours)

The purpose of the course is to enable the student to;
1. have an in-depth understanding of mechanics of metal removal processes by cutting
2. select effectively the cutting processes and tools
3. appreciate effects associated with heat and vibrations in metal cutting as well as
determine the force and power in metal cutting operations
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. optimize conditions for metal removal
2. explain theoretically chip formation and breakage mechanisms
3. select appropriate machining process and tooling as well as carry out economic
analysis of the metal cutting operation
Course description
Mechanics of metal cutting: Overview; chip generation; forces acting on the cutting
tool, stresses and energies; estimation of shear angle; friction in metal cutting.
Dynamometry: single point and multi-point tools. Temperatures in metal cutting; Heat
generation, heat transfer in moving a material, temperature distribution, measurement
of cutting temperatures. Tool life and tool wear; progressive wear and premature failure,
forms of wear, tool life criteria, factors affecting tool life, tool wear and machinability
testing. Cutting fluids and surface roughness; action of coolants and lubricants; effi-
ciency of lubricant, surface roughness, measurements of surface roughness.
Machine tool vibration; types of vibrations, factors influencing vibrations, stability of
the cutting operation. Economics of metal cutting operations; choice of feed and cutting
speed, machining process optimization.
Prerequisites: EMG 2421 Production Technology II
Prescribed text books
1. Wright P. & Trent E. M. (1999) Metal cutting, Butterworths,
2. Boothroyd G. and Knight W. (1989) Fundamental of Machining and Machine
Tools, Mercel Dekker Publishing Co, 2nd Ed.
1. Lissaman A. J. and Martin S. J. (1982) Principles of Engineering Production,
Holden and Stoughton.
2. Stephenson D. and Agapiou J. (1996) Metal cutting Theory and Practice, Mercel
Dekker Inc.

3. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering

Teaching methodology: 2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week and at least
three 3-hour-laboratory sessions per semester organized on a rotational basis.
Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projector;

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