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V I f G.


Second Preliminary Examination
Max. Marks : 80
Grade: X
Time Allowed : 2½ hour
Date : 08/01/2024

ed separately.
• Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provid
• You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minut
• This time is to be spent in reading the question paper
allowed for writin g e
• The time given at the head of this paper is the time
answers. '

questions are given along side

• The intended marks for the questions or parts of
the questions.
• This question paper contains 10 printed pages ..
question from Section B
• Atte ~t all questions from Section A and any four
shown and must be done
• All working, including rough work, must be clearly
of essential worki ng
on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. Omission'
will result in the loss of marks.
• Geometrical figures to be constructed wherever applic
• For geometry, figures are to be copied to the answer script

SECTION A (40 marks)

(Attempt all questions from this section)

Question 1
options: [15)
Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given

(i) Shares of company A, paying 9%, ,10 shares are at ,14.

Shares of company B, paying 9%, ,10 shares are at ,10.
Shares of company C, paying 9%, ,10 shares are at ,9.
Shares of which company are at par?
(a) Company A.

(b) Company B.
(c) Company C.
(d) Company Ban d C.

(ii) 3 3±'11

Assertion (A): Roots of equatio - *
n x .!.x - 3 == 0, x 0 are 2 •
Reason (R): ax 2 + bx + c == 0 has
no rea l roo ts if b - 4ac < 0
(a) Both A and R are true.
(b) Both A and R are false.
(c) A is true, R is false.
(d) A is false, R is true.

(iii) If a,2, 1O,b are in continued proportio

n, then the values of a and b
respectively are:
(a) 1, 5
(b) 0.4, 50
(c) 5, 40
(d) 2, 0.6

(iv) The polynomial p 2 - p - 2 is divided by the following :

1. p- 2

2. p+1
Which of the above divisors are fact
ors of the given polynomial?
(a) only 1.
(b} onl y2.
(c) bot h1. and 2.
(d) neither 1. nor 2.

(v) The 21st term of the A.P., whose

first two terms are -3 and 4 is:
(a) 17
(b) 143
(c) -143
(d) 137

(vi) . .
In what ratio does the point P(2 HIGH

points A( 3 5) , -5) d1v1de the line segment joining the

- , and B( 4, -9)?
(a} 5:2
(b) 1: 2
(c) 5: 1
(d) 2: 5

(vii) In the adjoining figure, fl ABC ~ fl QPR, LA =?Q0, LB =50° then LR is:

(a) 60°
(b) 50°
(c) 70°
(d) 90°

(viii) In the given figure CE is a tangent to the circle at point C. If LABC = 93°
and LDCE = 35°, then the value of LCAD is:

(a) 93°
(b) 35°
(c) 145°
(d) 87°

(ix) A solid metallic cone of radius 2 cm and height 8 cm is melted into a

sphere. What is the radius of sphere?
(a) 4 cm
(b) 3 cm
(c) 2 cm
(d) 6 cm

(x) (sec A+ tan A) (1 - sin A) is equal to: 1-ilG\,\

(a) sec A
(b) sin A
(c) cosec A
(d) cos A

(xi) In the given frequency distribution table, the differ

ence between the
upper limit of the modal class and the lower limit
of the first class is:
C.I. 65-85 85-105 105-125 125-145 145-165
Frequency 7 13 8 20 6
(a) 20
{b) 80
{c) 40
{d) 60

(xii) A box contains 15 balls out of which 'n' are black

and the remaining are
red. If the probability of drawing a black ball is
twice the probability of
drawing a red, the numbe~ of black balls is:
(a) 1/
(b) 9
(c) 10
(d) 8

(xiii) In an A.P., if a= -5 and d = 2, then the sum of first

6 terms is:
(a) -75
(b) 15
(c) 60
(d) 0

(xiv) The line represented by_ the equation 4x

- y +3 = O , passes
through the point (0, m). The value of m is:
(a) -3
(b) 3


(c) -7
(d) 3

(xv) Assertion (A): In the given figure, if LBCE = 80°, then

LBAD = 100°.
of a cyclic
Reason (R): The sum of the angles of the exterior _angle
quadrilateral and its interior opposite angle is 180°.

(a) Both A and Rare true.

(b) •Both A and R are false.
(c) A is true, R is false.
(d) A is false, R is true.

Question 2
(i) Solve for matrices A and B, where:

2A + B = [~
~ ] and A - 28 = [ i il

• l vessel [4]
(ii) The internal and external diameters of a hollow hemispherica
it, all over,
are 28 cm and 42 cm respectively. Find the cost of painting
at the rate of t2 per cm .

(iii) ...J3x+4 +...J3x-s [4]

Find the value of x : ...J3x+ 4-...J3x-s = 9 , using properties of


Question 3 (41
X y_z
(i) Calculate the angles x, Y and z if: 3 = 4 - s·

p Q

(ii) Using a graph sheet, draw a histogram for the following frequency [41
distribution table. Estin,ate the mode of the data.
Class 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-30 30-36
Frequency 15 8 10 18 6

Prove that
tan 3 8 + cot 3 8 = 1-2sin2 8cos 2 8 [5]
1+tan2 8 1+cot2 8 sin8cos8

SECTION B (40 marks)

(Attempt any 4 questions from this section)
Question 4

(i) What must be added to the polynomial 2x 3 - 3x 2 - 8x, so that it leaves [3]
a remainder 10 when divided by 2x + 1.

(ii) In the given figure two circles with centres 0, C intersect at points A, B. [3]
The centre C of the smaller circle lies on the circumference of the other
circle. If LAOB = 80°, find LAPB.


QJ (iii) Mr. Gupta opened a recurring deposit account in a bank. He deposited [4]

~2500 per month for 2 years. At the time of maturity, he gets ,67500.
{a) The total interest earned by Mr. Gupta.
(b) The rate of interest per annum.

Question 5
(i) From a solid wooden cylinder of height 28 cm and diameter 6 cm, two [3]

conical cavities are hollowed out. The diameter of the cones are of 6 cm
and height 10.5 cm. Taking rr= 7 find the volume of the remaining solid.


(ii) Solve the following inequation and represent the solution set on a [3]

number line.
-2 6 < .!_2 - x
< 2 X¤ Z.

(iii) The angle of elevation of an aeroplane from a point on the ground is [4]

60°. After a flight of 30 s~conds, the angle of elevation becomes 30°. If

the aeroplane is flying at a constant height of 3000\/3m, find the speed
of the aeroplane in km/h.

Question 6
(i) A man has 500 shares, each of face value f10, of a certain business [31

concern. He receives , 400 as dividend on his shares.

(a) Find the rate of dividend on the shares.
{b) If the rate of return is 5% , the calculate the market value of the share.

(ii) In the 2023 World Cup, the runs scored by the Indian players are given [31

in the following table. Find the mean runs scored by the entire team
correct to 3 significant figures, using short-cut method.
Runs scored No. of players

0-200 9
200-400 1
400-600 3
600-800 1

(iii) In the given figure, 0 is the centre of the circle. Chords AC and 8D are [4]
perpendicular to each other, LOAB = a and LDBC = b.
Show that a = b.

Question 7

(i) In a G.P., the ratio between the sum of first three terms and that of [3]
first six terms is 125:152. Find its common ratio.

(ii) If b is the mean proportional between a and c, prove that [3]

a2 -b2 +cz 4
- ---=b

V I ~B G. Y O R
a graph pap er . f4J
(iii) Plo t the point A(-3,4) on
the point 8 and
A in the line x = 1. Mark
(a) Po int B is the reflection of
state its co-ordinates.
the point c and
A in the line y = 1. Mark
(b) Point C is the reflection of
state its co-ordinates.
e of the closed figure ABC.
(c) State the geometrical nam
figure ABC.
( d) Find the perimeter of the

Question 8 [3]
is drawn at random
4 defective ones. One pen
(i) A lot of 20 pens contain
from the lot.
t the pen drawn is defective
(a) What is the probability tha
ed. No w a pen is
not defective and not replac
(b) Suppose the pen drawn is
that the pen
rest. What is the probability
drawn at random from the
drawn is not defective?
8 tap
(ii) g tog eth er can fill a cistern in 2 -11 min ute s. If one
Two taps runnin
find the time taken
the other to fill the cistern,
takes 1 minute more than
can fill the cistern.
in which each tap separately

ing the poi nts [4]

perpendicular to the line join
((fij Find the equation of the line
ich divides the
sing through the point wh
A (1, 2) and B (6, 7) and pas
o 3: 2.
line segment AB in the rati

Question 9
ngle AB C me et [5]
medians BO and CE of a tria
(i) In the figure given below, the
at G. Prove that:


V I :8· G· y.- 0 R

(a) 6 EGO ~ 6CGB.

(b) BG= 2GD.

(ii) From the following cumulative frequency table draw an ogive on a graph [5]
sheet and then use it to estimate:
(a) median.
(b) inter-quartile range.

ing percent is 35%.

(c) the number of students who-passed, if the pass
(d) the percentage of students who scored above
65 marks.
Marks 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
(less than)
Cumulative 5 24 37 40 42 48 70 77 79 80

Question 10

~) The printed price of an article is ,60,000. A whol

esaler allows a [3]
discount of 20% to a shopkeeper. The shopkeep
er sells the article to a
customer at the printed price. GST is charged
at the rate of 5% at every
stage. Find:
(a) The cost to the shopkeeper inclusive of GST
(b) Net GST paid by the shopkeeper to the governme
nt -----
(c) The cost to the customer inclusive GST

(ii) A positive number is divided into two parts, such

that the sum of the [3]
squares of the two parts is 208. The square of
the larger part is 18
times the smaller part. Taking x as the smaller
part of the two parts, find
the number.

(iii) Construct an inscribing circle of a regular hexa

gon of side 5 cm. [4]



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