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Running An API Report

This document will go through step by step instructions on how to run an API Report

What Are API Keys?

API Keys enable you to use Report Export API to export your summary reports into a variety of formats. Each request to the Report Export API must
contain the API key associated with the account for which you are exporting the report.

Below are the steps to run a successful API Report.

1. Go to the Account and view as customer. (For this, your test account must have a user other than yourself)
2. Navigate to the top right corner, select the drop down arrow next to your email and select Settings
3. Once on the user Settings page, select the Manage API Keys tab
4. On the Manage API Keys page, select the Create API Key button
5. Copy the Report Export URL link and paste it on a word doc
6. Copy the API Key and paste it on the same word doc, separate from the previous Report Export URL
7. Navigate to the Summary Report tab, add needed dimensions and run report
8. Navigate to the summary report URL, copy the link starting from &ExportToExcel
9. Paste the copied link to the end of the Report Export Link on the word doc and update the beginning of the link’s & to ?
10. On the word doc, at the end of the API URL you’ve created, add &apikey=[api key]
11. Insert the API Key you copied in step 6 to the end of the apikey parameter from step 10
12. Once you have the complete URL for the Report Export API call, open Postman and select Post
13. Paste the completed link you’ve created into the Post URL box and select the Send button
14. If the URL was created correctly, then you should see data returned from your API Request

*In order to run an API Request correctly, make sure you are using HTTPS and you’ve gone through the HTTPS certificate before running the Post

General Postman Information:

You will need to download the Postman App in order to run requests. Once you've downloaded the app, you should see a similar page as below.

Example URL for API Report:

Link above was created with the following data:

Report Export URL:

Summary Report Export URL:


API Key: e9e48f89-e467-49ad-bee1-e374190ed588

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