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Department of Electrical Engineering


Utilization of electrical energy and traction


(Theory subject)

8thSemester (Even)

Faculty Name: Ms.Priyanka Chauhan

Course: B.Tech.
Branch/Year: EE/ 4th
Subject name/Code: Utilization of electrical energy and traction/BEET-803F

Faculty Signature…………………………
Sl. Particulars Page No
Front Page i
Checklist/Contents of the course file ii

1 Vision & Mission of the Institute and PEOs 1

2 Vision & Mission of the Department and PSOs

3 Institute Academic Calendar

4 Departmental Calendar of Events

5 Course allotment letter

6 Individual Time table

7 Master Time table

8 List of Allotted Students

9 List and action plan of Advanced and Slow learners

10 Syllabus copies of allotted courses with list of text and reference books

11 COs, mapping of COs-POs and Cos-PSOs

12 Lesson Plan (Module wise Plan with dates planned and date of actually conducted)

13 Tutorial Plan (Module wise Plan with dates planned and date of actually conducted)

14 Details of Student centric methods used such as Experiential Learning, Participative

Learning are used for enhancing learning experience using ICT Tools
15 Tutorial Question (CO wise)

16 Assignment (CO wise) and Assignment for Fast Learners (if required as per plan)

17 Evaluation Scheme for CO with Target CO Attainment

18 Class test and ESE question paper

19 Course End Survey (Questionnaire)

(The duly filled form by all students is available in the Department File)

20 Evidence of CO attainment (Graph) and Comment on Target Achieved

(The Detailed Sheet of Attainment is available in the Department File)

Faculty’s sign HOD’s sign

Vision Mission and PEOs of the Institute
To construct a global department by providing technical education, research, and innovation, to develop ethically strong and
technologically superior students for the benefit of society.

"To build a vibrant multicultural teaching & learning environment founded on value-based academic principles
wherein everyone involved in the churning process will contribute efficiently, effectively with full accountability to the
future generation".

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO (01): To give a strong foundation in electrical engineering, as well as excellent communication and
entrepreneurship abilities, to address societal challenges.

PEO (02):To educate engineers with excellent technical knowledge capable of dealing with various challenges in

PEO (03): To inculcate strong moral and ethical values in students in order to convert them into responsible citizens of
the nation.
Vision Mission and PSOs of the Department

To construct a global department by providing technical education, research, and innovation, to develop ethically strong
and technologically superior students for the benefit of society.

 To provide technical knowledge with practical exposure through state of art laboratory.
 To develop innovation through research-oriented methodology.
 To increase awareness of rapid technological changes and to expand opportunities through strong industry-
academic partnerships

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

PSO (01): Model, simulate, and analyse electrical components and systems using logical and technical skills.

PSO (02): Integrate basic electrical, power electronics, machine and power systems expertise for electrical
system controllability, dependability, and sustainability.

PSO (03): An expertise to specify, construct, and evaluate systems that generate, transfer, distributes electrical
power effectively.

PSO (04): The ability to build professional pathways as an entrepreneur by utilizing modern electrical power
instruments, environments, and platforms.


Academic Calendarfor Even Semester 2022-23
Ref. No. 10/JBIT/REVAC/2022-23 Dated: 31 January2023
Revised Academic Calendar Session 2022-
23 (Even Semester)
Description of Activities Dates
Winter Break 04 February 2023 (Saturday) to 12
February 2023 (Sunday)
Registration of students in Even Semester 13 February 2023 (Monday) to 14 February
2023 (Tuesday)
Commencement of Classes of Even Semester 15 February 2023 (Wednesday)
Class Test-I for all students (except first semester 20 March 2023 (Monday) to 24 March 2023
students) (Friday)
Last Date for Showing Evaluated Answer Sheet to 25 March 2023 (Saturday)
student for Class Test-I
Class Test-II for all students (except first semester 08 May 2023 (Monday) to 13May 2023
students) (Saturday)
Last Date for Showing Evaluated Answer Sheet to 15 May 2023 (Saturday)
student for Class Test-II
Week for extracurricular activities (preferably 15 May 2023 (Monday) to 20 May 2023
beyond class hours) (Saturday)
Filling of Examination form of Registered/Enrolled 15 May 2023 (Monday) to 20 May 2023
Students along with option for deletion of subject (Saturday)
for the students admitted under Choice Based
Credit System (CBCS) in2022-23
Last Date of Teaching 30 May 2023 (Tuesday)
Last Date of Examination Fee Submission in 25 May 2023 (Thursday)
Last Date of Declaration of Examination Schedule 25 May 2023 (Thursday)
Last Date of submission the Sessional Marks 02 June 2023 (Friday)
Start of Semester Theory Examination 02 June 2023 (Friday)
Practical Examination Duration 22 June 2023 (Thursday) to 29 June 2023
Last Date of submission of Practical Examination 30 June 2023 (Friday)
Semester Break 01 July 2023 (Saturday) – 14 August 2023
Start Internship/Industrial Training 01 July 2023 (Saturday)
Summer semester classes (optional) 01 July 2023 (Saturday) to 21 July 2023
Result Declaration Second week of July 2023
Filling of Examination form to attain minimum 10 July 2023 (Monday) to 12 July 2023
credits (Wednesday)
Last date of fee submission of Examination to attain 14 July 2023 (Friday)
minimum credits
Examination Schedule for Examination to attain 17 July 2023 (Monday) to 31 July 2023
minimum credits (Monday)
Result declaration of Examination to attain minimum Second week of August 2023
Commencement of Academic Session 2023-24 16 August 2023 (Wednesday)
(Dr. Vishant Kumar)

1. P.S. to Hon. Vice-Chairman J.B.I.T. Dehradun for information.

2. Controller of Examination J.B.I.T. Dehradun for information and necessaryaction.
3. All Directors/Principals for affiliated institute from J.B.I.T. Dehradun for information and necessaryaction.
4. Web Master for publishing on UniversityPortal.


1. Registration (Polytechnic Old Students) 28-30 July 2022

2. Commencement of Classes (Polytechnic Old Students) 01 August 2022

3. Registration (B. Tech Old Students) 08-13 August 2022

4. RakshaBandhan Holiday 12 August 2022

5. Independence Day Celebration 15 August 2022

6. Commencement of Classes ( B. Tech Old Students) 16 August 2022

7. Krishna Janmashtami Holiday 18 August 2022

8. One day workshop, Softcon India Limited, Noida 30 August 2022

9. Industrial Visit 12 Sept 2022

10. Guest Lecture 20 Sept 2022

11. Value added programme (5Days workshop) 26 Sept- 01 Oct,2022

12. Gandhi Jayanti Celebration 02 October 2022

13. Dussehra Holiday 05 October 2022

14. Industrial Visit 10 October 2022

15. Webinar on green energy 11 October 2022

16. Syllabus coverage meeting (1st Internal Exams) 11 October 2022

17. 1stInternal Examination 13-19 October 2022

18. Deepawali Holidays 24-26 October 2022

19. Industrial Visit 4 November, 2022

20. Webinar 5 November, 2022

21. 2nd Internal Examination 01-07 December 2022

22. Make up examination 10-12 December 2022

23. University External Practical Examinations Second Week of December 2022

24. University Examinations Last Week of December 2022

Ref. No Date:

Course allotment letter

With reference to the department meeting held on 06/February/2023 at 2.00 PM the various departmental activities and
semester plan was discussed. In all the agendas of the meeting, the course allotment was also discussed and with the
decision, the following subjects are allotted to Priyanka Chauhan for this even semester of the session 2022-23.

Subject details:
S.No. Subject Name Subject code Branch/ Year Total no. of students
1. UEET BEET-803(F) Electrical 4 year. 08

You are requested to go through the subject’s syllabus and prepare lecture plan accordingly as per your time table.
Please note

Thank you

Electrical Engineering (EE)


09.30- 10:20- 12:50- 02:30- 03.20-

Day 11:10-12:00 12:00-12:50 01:40-2:30
10:20 11:10 01:40 03.20 04.10

Monday UEET






B.TECH (EE)–VIIISEM: Class Co-ordinator: Dr.Swati K. Tripathi
10:20- 12:00- 12:50- 02:30- 03.20-
Day 09.30-10:20 11:10-12:00 01:40-2:30
11:10 12:50 01:40 03.20 04.10
BEET803F(L) BEET805(L) BOCT804A(L) BEET802(L) BEEP-805 BEEP-805


BEET803F(T)) BEET805(L) BOCT804A(L) BEET802(L) BEEP-805 BEEP-805
BEET-803F(L) BEET805(L) BOCT804A(L) BEET802(L) BEEP-802
S. No. Subject Code Subject Name Faculty
1. BEET-803F Utilization of Electrical energy and Ms. Priyanka Chauhan
traction (UEET)
2. BEET805 OCP Operation and control of power Mr.Sunil Singh Bonal
3. BOCT804A Cyber Security(CS) Mr. Suraj Sinha

4. BEET802 Electric Drives and its applicationsED Mr.Lakhan Singh

5. BEEP-802 Electrical Drive Lab Mr.Rajendra Kumar (RK)
6. BEEP-805 OFC lab Mr..Lakhan Singh (LS)
7. BEEP-805 Project All faculty member
8. BECT 705 Library Mr.Rajendra Kumar Prajapati

subject to be eligible for internal/university examinations.

 In case any class is unmanned due to any reason, class representative must inform to HOD or Class-
Co-ordinator immediately.
 Use of Mobile phones is strictly prohibited during the class teaching and mobiles must be either shut
or in silent mode within the academic block.
 Attendance for a particular lecture/lab will be taken in first five minutes only in the beginning of every
class; List of absent student/s will be uploaded at academic portal on daily basis. Students
reporting late without any genuine reason will not be marked present.
 On every late reporting or absent of student in the class/es, his/her parents will be informed accordingly,
and at an earliest possible. Therefore, all students are strictly advised to be regular and attentive in their classes.
 However, the attendance concession may be given to the students as per the university/govt.guidelines
due to certain genuine reasons and their involvement in other activities scheduled in the institutes.


(Prof. P.K. Chaudhary)(Mr. Lakhan Singh )

List of Allotted Students

Department: Electrical Engineering Semester/Session:8th Sem. (2022-23)

S.No University Student’s Father’s Name Contact No. E-Mail Id

. Roll No Name (Father/Guardian

1. 19053010500 Dheeraj Sh.Jay Kumar 8449538633

2 Kumar Mahara

2. 19053010500 Harsh Kumar Sh. Deshraj 8580443113


3. 19053010500 Krishna Kr. Sh.Sanjay Kumar 9027610250

5 Kushwaha m

4. 19053010500 Mohd. Amjad Sh. Naseem 9756618799

6 Ahmad

5. 19053010500 RambhuPandi Sh.Parichhanpandi 9827607009

8 t t

6. 19053010500 Sandeep Sh.Raj Kumar 8002471927

9 Kumar

7. 19053010501 Saurabh Sh. Shamsher 9816559814

0 Thakur Singh

8. 19053010501 Shyam Babu Sh. Bhola Thakur 9821869332

1 Lohar Shamsher

Advanced and Slow learners ‘Identification and its List

Identification of Advanced and slow Learners:

Guidelines for identifyingAdvanced Learners:

Advanced Learners are those students who are ahead onthe learning curve and require advanced technical
knowledge in addition.
Guidelines for identifying Slow Learners:
The connotation of academically slow learner meansthose who could not keep pace with the classroom
teaching needs extraattention so as to bring such students at par with the rest of the students ofthe class.

Below mentioned are the three parameters followed in our institute to identify the advanced and slow

1. Marks percentage in qualifying/previous examination

2. Internal examination
3. IQ and personality test

Based upon the above-mentionedconcept and output of the above set academic parameters the students have
been classified in to slow and advanced learners as listed below:

List of Advanced Learners:

S.No. Student’s Name Father’s Name Percentage (%)

1. Dheeraj Kumar Sh.Jay Kumar Mahara 75.5

2. Harsh Kumar Sh. Deshraj 65.3
3. Krishna Kr. Kushwaha Sh.Sanjay Kumar 75.5
4. Mohd. Amjad Sh. Naseem Ahmad 67.0
5. RambhuPandit Sh.Parichhanpandit 74.6
6. Sandeep Kumar Sh.Raj Kumar 76.4
7. Shyam Bahbu Sh. Bhola Thakur Lohar 73.4
8. Saurabh Thakur Sh. Shamsher Singh 72.0
Syllabus of The Allotted Courses with List of Text and Ref. Books

Electric HeatingAdvantage & methods of electric heating, Resistance heating, Electric arc heating, Induction heating,
Dielectric heating.

Electric WeldingElectric arc welding, electric resistance welding, Electric Welding control, Electrolyte Process: Principal
ofElectro deposition, laws of Electrolysis, application Electrolysis.

Illumination Various definition, laws of Illumination, requirement of good lighting, Design of indoor lighting
&outdoorlighting system. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: Refrigeration system, domestic Refrigerator, water cooler,
Types of Air conditioning, Window airConditioner.

Electric Traction – ITypes of electric traction, system of track electrification, Traction mechanics-types of services,
speed timecurve and its simplification, average and schedule speeds, Tractive effort specific energy consumption,
mechanics of train movement, coefficient of adhesion and its influence.

Electric Traction – IISalient features of traction drives, Series-parallel control of dc traction drives (bridge traction) and
energy saving, Power Electronic control of dc & ac traction drives, Diesel electric traction.

1. H. Pratap. “Modern electric traction” DhanpatRai& Sons
2. C.L. Wadhwa,”Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy “NewAge International Publishers.
Programme Outcomes (POs)


PO-01 Engineering Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.

PO-02 Problem Analysis Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO-03 Design/ Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with
development of
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO-04 Conduct Use research-based knowledge and research methods including

investigations of design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
complex synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO-05 Modern tool Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
usage modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling
to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
PO-06 Engineer and Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
Society societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO-07 Environment and Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
Sustainability societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge
of, and need for sustainable development.
PO-08 Ethics Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO-09 Individual and Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
team work diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO-10 Communication Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able
to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation,
make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO-11 Project Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a
finance member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
PO-12 Life-long Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
learning engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context
of technological change.
Course Outcomes (COs)
The whole syllabus/course of a particular subject has been classified in to five course outcomes, covering all the topics. The student
needs to have their teaching learning accordingly and their examination papers are being set in accordance with the course outcomes.
These outcomes have been presented with their specification and level according to revised bloom taxonomy as below:

Bloom’s Bloom’s
Course Outcomes
Taxonomy Level

Illustrate fundamental concepts of heating. Identify a

CO-1 heating scheme for domestic and industrial Understand L4
application. Apply

Illustrate fundamental concepts of welding, classify Understand

CO-2 L4
welding scheme for domestic and industrial Apply
Design the interior and exterior lighting system
illumination levels for various purposes light fittings Understand L5
factory lighting-flood lighting-street lighting.
Design and investigate operation characteristics of Understand
CO-4 L5
traction motors with respect to speed, temperature and Analyze
loading condition.
Asses the traction system (locomotive) for braking,
CO-5 acceleration and other related parameters, including L6
demand side management.
Bloom’s Taxonomy and Bloom’s Level

(BL-1: Remember, BL-2: Understand, BL-3: Apply, BL-4: Analyse, BL-5: Evaluate, BL-6: Create)

Course Articulation Matrix(CO’s :PO’s Mapping& CO’s : PSO’s Mapping)

Course Articulation Matrix (CO’s : PO’s Mapping)
CO’s/PO’s PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 3 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

CO2 2 2 1 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

CO3 3 1 2 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

CO4 3 3 3 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

CO5 3 3 2 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

Course Articulation Matrix (CO’s : PO’s Mapping)

CO’s/PSO’s PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3

CO1 2 2 2

CO2 2
3 2

CO3 3 3 2

CO4 3 3 3

CO5 3 3 3

Specification of all the course articulation matrix:

1. Highly mapped-3 (>70%)

2. Moderate-2 (50% to 70 %)

3. Low-1 (Below 50%)

4. Hyphen (-) not applicable

Lesson Plan
Program: B. Tech Semester:VIII
Course Title:UEET Course Code: BEET-803 (F)
Faculty’s name:- Ms. Priyanka Chauhan Session: 2022-23
Total No. of Lectures Required: 54

Lectu Bloom’s Reference

Topic Learning Method of Actual Dates of
Unit No/ Title re No Topics to be Covered CO Taxonomy Book/
Outcome Teaching Delivery
& Level Material
Unit -1 1 Introduction Electric Student will be able to CO-1 BL-2 C.L. Lecture with
Electric Heating Wadhwa discussion
Heating understand the
concept of Electric

2 Advantage of electric Discuss the advantage CO-1 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
heating of electric heating discussion

3 Methods of electric Understand methods of CO-1 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
heating electric heating discussion

4 Resistance heating Understand resistance CO-1 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
heating discussion

5 Resistance heating Understand resistance CO-1 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
heating discussion

6 Electric arc heating Understand electric arc CO-1 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
heating discussion

7 Electric arc heating Understand electric arc CO-1 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
heating discussion

8 Induction heating Understand induction CO-1 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
heating discussion

9 Induction heating Understand induction CO-1 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
heating discussion

10 Dielectric heating Understand dielectric CO-1 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
heating discussion

11 Difference between Understand the CO-1 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
induction heating and difference between discussion
dielectric heating induction heating and
dielectric heating
Unit 2 13 Electric Welding Analyze the electric CO-2 BL-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
Electric welding discussion

14 Electric arc welding Introduction of CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
Electric arc welding discussion
15 electric resistance Understand electric CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
welding, resistance welding, discussion

16 Electric Welding Understand the CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
control Electric Welding discussion

17 Electrolyte Process Analyze Electrolyte CO-2 BL-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
Process discussion

18 Principal of Electro Understand the Co-2 Bl-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
deposition Principal of Electro discussion

19 laws of Electrolysis Analyze laws of Co-2 Bl-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
Electrolysis discussion

20 application Electrolysis Analysethe Co-2 Bl-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with

application discussion

21 application Electrolysis Analyseapplication CO-2 Bl-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with

Electrolysis discussion

Unit 3 22 Introduction to Understand Co-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with

Illumination Illumination Illumination discussion

23 Various definition of Study of Various Co-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
Illumination definition of discussion

24 Various definition, laws analyse the laws of C0-2 BL-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
of Illumination illumination discussion

25 requirement of good Understand the CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
lighting requirement of good discussion
lighting Lecture with
26 Design of indoor Understand the CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
lighting Design of indoor discussion

27 Outdoor lighting Understand the CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
system. Outdoor lighting discussion

28 Outdoor lighting system Understanding CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
Outdoor lighting discussion
29 Refrigeration Understand the CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
Refrigeration discussion

30 Air Conditioning Understand the Air CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
Conditioning discussion

31 Refrigeration system Understand the CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
Refrigeration system discussion

32 Refrigeration system Understanding CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with

Refrigeration system discussion

33 Water cooler Understanding water CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
cooler discussion

Unit 04 34 Types of electric Understanding the CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
Electric traction Types of electric discussion
Traction – I traction

35 system of track analyse system of CO-2 BL-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
electrification track electrification discussion

36 Traction mechanics- Analysethe Traction CO-2 BL-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
types of services mechanics-types of discussion

37 speed time curve and its analyse speed time C0-2 BL-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
simplification curve and its discussion

38 average and schedule eveluate the average C0-2 BL-5 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
speeds and schedule speeds discussion

39 Tractive effort specific Evaluate the Tractive C0-5 BL-5 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
energy consumption effort specific energy discussion

40 mechanics of train analyse and discuss C0-2 BL-5 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
movement the mechanics of discussion
train movement

41 Types of electric Understand the C0-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
traction Types of electric discussion
42 System of track analyse the System C0-2 BL-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
electrification of track electrification discussion

43 Traction mechanics- analyse the C0-2 BL-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
types of services Traction mechanics- discussion
types of services

44 speed time curve and its Evaluate the speed C0-4 BL-5 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
simplification time curve and its discussion

45 average and schedule Evaluate the average C0-5 BL-5 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
speeds and schedule speeds discussion

46 Tractive effort specific eveluate the C0-2 BL-5 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
energy consumption Tractive effort discussion
specific energy
UNIT -5 47 Salient features of Understand the C0-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
Electric traction drives Salient features of discussion
Traction – II traction drives

48 Salient features of Understand the C0-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
traction drives, Salient features of discussion
traction drives,

49 Series-parallel control Analyse the Series- C0-5 BL-4 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
of dc traction drives parallel control of dc discussion
(bridge traction) and traction drives (bridge
energy saving, traction) and energy
50 Power Electronic Understand the C0-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
control of dc & ac Power Electronic discussion
traction drives, control of dc & ac
traction drives,
51 Diesel electric traction Understand Diesel CO-2 BL-2 C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with
electric traction discussion

52 Revision Revision C0 BL C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with


53 Revision Revision C0 BL C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with


54 Revision Revision C0 BL C.L. Wadhwa Lecture with

Signature of HOD Signature of Faculty


Program: B. Tech Semester: VIII

Course Title:UEET Course Code: BEET-803 (F)
Faculty’s name: Priyanka Chauhan Session:2022-23

Lecture Topic Bloom’s
Unit No/ Topics to be d of
No Learning CO Taxonom Actual Dates of Delivery
Title Covered Teachi
Outcome y & Level
Unit -1 1. Introduction Student will CO1 BL-2 Lecture
Electric Heating be able to with
understand the discussion

2. Electric welding, Student will CO2 BL-2 Lecture

Unit -2 Electrolyte process be able to with
Types of furnaces understand the discussion
for heating concept

Unit -3 3. Illumination,lighting Student will CO3 BL-4 Lecture

schemes, be able to with
refrigeration system, understand the discussion
water cooling system concept

Unit -4 4. Electric traction(1) Student will CO4 BL-2 Lecture

crest speed be able to with
(2)Average speed (3) understand the discussion
scheduled speed, concept
Electric traction

Unit -5 5. control of A.C and Student will CO5 BL-5 Lecture

D.C in electric be able to with
traction., understand the discussion
Miscellaneous concept
Signature of HOD Signature of Faculty



Q.1. Explain methods of electric heating? CO-1

Q.2. What are the advantages of electric heating on others types of heating?

Q.3. What are the essential properties of resistance heating elements? CO-1

Q.4. Explain the design procedure of the heating element when the power and voltage of the CO-1
oven is known?
Q.5. What is dielectric heating? Explain the factors which affect the dielectric heating? CO-1
1. H.Pratab.”Modern electric traction” Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 2. C.L. Wadhwa,”Generation, Distribution and Utilization of
Electrical Energy “New Age International Publishers.5. Pandey & Kumar-Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation. – Kataria


Q.1. a) Explain the terms:

(i) Resistance welding (ii) electrolysis

Q.2. b) What are the advantages of electric welding on others types of welding?

Q.3. c) What is dielectric heating? Explain the factors which affect the dielectric CO-2

Q.4. Explain the principle of electro-deposition?


Q.5. State Faraday’s laws of electrolysis and explain them briefly? CO-2

Q.1. Explain application of electrolysis? CO-2

Q.1. Explain principle operation of Ajax Wyatt vertical core type furnace. CO-3
Q.2. Explain the construction operation and application of arc furnace? CO-3

Q.3. Explain the basic difference between ‘electric arc welding and resistance welding? CO-3

Q.4. Draw and explain a neat sketch of a projection welding machine? CO-3

Q.5. Explain the construction operation and application of arc furnace? CO-3


Q.1. State inverse square law and Lambert’s cosine law of illumination? CO-4

Q.2. Define the following terms CO-4

(1) Lamp efficiency (2) Illumination (3) luminous flux (4) MSCP and MHSCP
(5)utilization factor (6) Brightness
Q.3. Describe the construction of mercury vapour lamp with the help of diagram? CO-4

Q.4. Describe Direct and Indirect scheme for illumination. CO-4

Q.5. Describe working principle and construction of neon lamp with the help of CO-4
Q.1. Compare fluorescent lamp and LED lamp on the basis of Quality of light; lamp CO-4
efficiency; Life of lamp and voltage regulation.
Q.1. Explain the working of domestic refrigerator with a neat sketch. CO-5

Q.2. Give the names of refrigerants used and explain non- cyclic refrigeration system? CO-5

Q.3. What is the Necessity of refrigeration. CO-5

Q.4. Discuss properties of refrigerant and absorbent combination used in vapour CO-5
absorption system.
Q.5. With the help of neat diagram explain water cooling system in detail? CO-5

Program: B. Tech Semester: VIII

Course Title:UEET Course Code: BEET-803 (F)
Faculty’s name: Priyanka Chauhan Session:2022-23


Q.1. Explain the trapezoidal speed time curve and explain following terms CO-1
(1) crest speed
(2) Average speed
(3) scheduled speed

Q.2. Briefly explain System of electric traction and track electrification CO-1

Q.3. Briefly explain the ac. motors used in traction CO-1

Q.4. Explain clearly speed time curves for urban and sub-urban services. CO-1

Q.5. Explain dead weight, accelerating weight and train resistance referred to traction. CO-1

Q.1. Classify the various systems of track electrification used in traction. CO-2

Q.2. Define tractive effort and derive expression of it for the following periods (a) CO-2
acceleration (b) free running (c) up-gradient.
Q.3. State any three advantages of electric traction. CO-2

Q.4. List the methods to improve coefficient of adhesion. CO-2


Q.1. Classify the supply system for electric traction. CO-3

Q.2. What are the need for traction motor control? CO-3
Q.3. What are the factors affecting energy consumption? CO-3

Q.4. Name the various methods of traction motor control. CO-3


Q.1. List out the advantages and explain about the applications of dielectric heating. CO-4
Q.2. List out various welding processes used in general engineering. CO-4
Q.3. Define Lux, Lumen, and Luminous intensity. CO-4

Q.4. Explain the construction and working of Sodium vapor lamp CO-4

Q.5. Explain about the following vehicles w.r.t electric traction i) Tramways ii) Trolley CO-4
buses iii) Diesel traction
Q.6. Explain the following terms w.r.t illumination Engineering: i) Candle Power ii) CO-4
Brightness or luminance iii) illumination iv) Luminous intensity
Q.7. What type of electric supply is suitable for electric arc welding? CO-4


Q.1. State inverse square law and Lambert’s cosine law of illumination? CO-5

Q.2. Explain the trapezoidal speed time curve and explain following terms CO-5
(1) crest speed (2)Average speed (3) scheduled speed

Q.3. Explain with help of neat sketch of the working of Ajax-Wyatt furnace? CO-5

Q.4. Define the following terms CO-5

(1) Lamp efficiency (2) Illumination (3) luminous flux (4) MSCP and MHSCP
(5)utilization factor (6) Brightness
Q.5. Explain the principle of operation of a single phase ac series motor. Compare its CO-5
performance with dc series motor when used for purposes?
Question papers of Internal Examinations
JB Institute of Technology, Dehradun
First Internal Examination -2022-23(Even Semester)

Max. Marks: 30Time: 2hour

Course/Branch:B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) Semester: VIII

Subject with code- UEET (BEET-803)

Q.No Questions Marks CO RBT

Answer any two of the following
3 CO1 2
a) What are the advantages of electric heating?
1 3 CO1 2
b)Mention the advantages of dielectric and induction heating.
c)What is dielectric heating? Explain the factors which affect the 3 CO1 2
dielectric heating?
Answer any two of the following
a) What is electrolysis? State Faraday’s law of electrolysis and explain 3 CO2 2
them clearly.
2. 3 CO2 2
b)Explain principle operation of Ajax Wyatt vertical core type furnace.

c)What are the applications of electrolysis. 3 CO2 2

Answer any two of the following

a) Explain the basic principle of electro deposition in electrolytic 3 CO2 4
b) Draw and explain a neat sketch of a projection welding machine? 3 CO2 2

c)State Faraday’s laws of electrolysis and explain them briefly? 3 CO2 4

Answer any one of the following

a).Give classification of various electric heating methods with their 6 CO1 1
4. working principle?
b) Explain the methods of induction heating and describe coreless type 6 CO1 2
of induction furnace.
Answer any one of the following
a) With necessary figure, explain the process of carbon are welding 6 CO2 2
and metallic arc welding.
b) Compare electric resistance welding with electric arc welding in 6 CO2 2
different aspects.

Question papers of Internal Examinations

JB Institute of Technology, Dehradun
Second Sessional Examination, (Even Semester) Exam2023

Time: 2hourMax. Marks: 30

Course/Branch: B. TECH (Electrical Engineering) Semester: VIIIth

Subject name with code: UEET (BEET-803 F)

Note: - Attempt All Questions.

Q.No Questions Marks CO RBT
Answer any two of the following
a)State the laws of illumination and Explain the following: 5 CO3 4

(i) solid angle (ii) luminous flux

b) Explain the refrigeration cycle by means of a neat sketch. 5 CO3 2


Explain the principle and operation of sodium vapour lamp.

c) 5 CO3 2
Mention its advantages.

Answer any two of the following

a)Explain average speed and schedule speed in traction system. 5 CO4 4

b)What are the requirements of an ideal traction system? 5 CO4 2


c)Discuss various factors on which final choice traction 5 CO4 2


Answer any two of the following

a)Draw the speed time curve for urban and main line service. 5 CO5 4

b) What do you mean by electric traction?How are traction system 5 CO5 2


C) State the system of track electrification employed for 5 CO5 2

electric suburban railway service.

Details of constituents for the sessional marks

S.No. University Roll No Students Name CIE-1 CIE-2 Attendance Assignment

(30) (30) in %age Out of 5

1. 190530105002 Dheeraj Kumar 90 5

25 25

2. 190530105003 Harsh Kumar 89 5

28 28

3. 190530105005 Krishna Kr. Kushwaha 26 26 90 5

4. 190530105006 Mohd. Amjad 10 19 80 5

5. 190530105008 RambhuPandit 18 18 90 5

6. 190530105009 Sandeep Kumar

7. 190530105010 Saurabh Thakur
8. 190530105011 ShyamBabu

Signature of HOD Signature of Faculty

RESULT ANALYSIS: Sessional Marks (VIIIthSemester)2022-23
S.No. University Roll No Students Name CIE Attendance Assignment Total
out of Marks Out
And class Out of (50)
(30) of (10)
test Out of

1. 190530105002 Dheeraj Kumar 25 9 9 43

2. 190530105003 Harsh Kumar 24 8 8 40

3. 190530105005 Krishna Kr. Kushwaha 23 8 8 39

4. 190530105006 Mohd. Amjad 24 8 8 40

6. 190530105008 RambhuPandit 21 8 8 47

6. 190530105009 Sandeep Kumar 24 9 9 42

7. 190530105010 Saurabh Thakur 22 8 8 38

8. 190530105011 ShyamBabu 23 8 8 39

Signature of HOD Signature of Faculty

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