Grade 7 and Grade 8

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Student Report

Starting : February 1st Week

Curriculum : Edexcel
Grade :7
Coverage Period : 2 Months
Total Sessions : 192 Sessions
Weekly : 24 Sessions
Monthly : 96 Sessions
Hours Covered : 384 hours

Subjects And Books

1. Math : Maths Progress International Year 7 ActiveBook MEDIUM : 978 1 292335 94 0
2. Science : Exploring Science International Year 7 ActiveBook Medium : 978 1 292294 20 9
3. English : Inspire English International Year 7 ActiveBook MEDIUM : 978 1 292348 53 7
4. ICT (Computing) : Tutes
5. Global Citizenship : 9781292408996
Books - Grade 7 (Books are Issued FREE)
Fees - Grade 7
Student Report
Starting : April 1st Week
Curriculum : Edexcel
Grade :8
Coverage Period : 3 Months
Total Sessions : 288 Sessions
Weekly : 24 Sessions
Monthly : 96 Sessions
Hours Covered : 576 hours

Subjects And Books

1. Maths : Maths Progress International Year 8 ActiveBook MEDIUM : 978 1 292335 99 5
2. Science : Exploring Science International Year 8 ActiveBook Medium : 978 1 292294 03 2
3. English : Inspire English International Year 8 ActiveBook MEDIUM : 978 1 292348 58 2
4. ICT (Computing) : Tutes
5. Global Citizenship : 978-1292396811
6.History Tutes
7.Geography Tutes
8.Commerce Tutes
Books - Grade 8 (Books are Issued FREE)
Fees Structure
Subject Teachers
1. Maths - K.pavithra - AAT Qualified/ Bachelor of Bachelor’s of Science in Mathema cs.
2. English - Lakshica Amaran - Bachelor of English Cinec Campus, Certificate Level CIMA
3. Science - pradeepa Darshani Suraweera - Master of Science Education University of
4. Global Citizenship - Bsc in Special ED, Msc Health and Clinical psychology
5. IT Computing- M.A.V.Kavini Amandi - Bsc (Hons) Computer Science with artificial Intelligence
6.Commerce- Raihana -AAT Qualified/Bachelor of Business Administration
7 History and Geography- Bsc (Hons ) in Arts

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