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Operator's Manual


I Universal Tool Milling and Boring Machine

t E611 - 7.81 Edition



Active digital position readout unit, cont'd

Moving past reference Points Example

The reference points are located near the zero position of The 4 reference points definable can be stored as shown below
the coarse scale in all three axes. for machining a workpiece.

- Operate M t.t (unless LED is already illuminated).

- Operate @ t.y' LEDs (6) and (9) will light up; actual'
value readout blocked.

- Operate @t.t and the two feed buttons on operator o-

control panel if reference marks are to be approched at
feed rate.

- Move machine axes (slides) beyond reference marks

consecutively by operating feed control lever and rapid
traverse button: actual-value readouts will start counting
from reference mark; LEDs (9) will be extinguished.

Setting the reference Points

(only in 'manual'mode)
After aligning the machine with the workpiece datum, set
actual-value counters to a reference value, usually zero lref' Use reference point in X and Y
@ for workpiece edges
erence point = zero point of actual-value readout). axes.
Align in spindle longitudinal direction, for example with a
Reference point @l may be assigned to the lst bore in a
bore or workpiece edge, by moving end face of tool into row of bores positioned in chain dimensions.
contact with workPiece.
Reference points @ and @ may be assigned to the central
- Align with reference point (in at least one axis)' bores of boring patterns.
- Operate one of the reference point keys (8).

- Operate El t.t (to zero setpoint readout), key refer-

ence value into setpoint readout (5) on keyboard (l) and Refinding reference points
use [l key to determine sign. Switch on unit and move past reference marks as described

- Operate transfer key (2) of axis just aligned: keyed-in above.

value will appear in actual-value readout. Reference
point in this axis is now stored.
- Repeat this procedure in the other axes.
lf several reference points have been set, the actual-value
readout will show the distance from each reference point
upon operating the associated reference point key.

E 9O2 (12.81)
'rctive digital position readout unit, c-ont'd

First set at least one reference point with or without refer'
ence mark evaluation. The position readout will count from
the momentary reference Point. -riaSrJ-50
ln'manual'mode Sl
Use handwheel or feed to move machine slide(s). trtr tr
Feed motions trtr tr
- Operate 'Feed'keY @. trtr tr-
- Operate both feed buttons on operator panel and rapid
traverse but in addition, if required.
tr trtr a
o @@ o
E Bg E}
E Etr E[
Automatic positioning o oo @

,odes:'absolute dimensions';
'incremental (chain) dimensions'.
Absolute d imensions: all dimensions, including setpoints, Fig 1

refer to the reference point in the axis concerned.

lncremental (chain) dimensions: each dimension refers to
the last previous actual position. Setpoint values will be
keyed in as chain dimensions, but actual-value readouts
lf a 'chain dimension' positioning operation is interrupted
by means of 'stop' button (13), the actual position at that
show absolute dimensions.
point will be the reference point for the next positioning
Starting situation: 'manual' mode, necessary reference operation in chain dimension.
points already set.

Preparing the positioning operation

lf 'REF' lamp (6) still illuminated, operate 'REF' key g, 4,.
to extinguish LED.
6 6
- Operate mode key E otE. * not on FP1 Fis 3

- Set feed rate o,n operator control panel and operate feed
The external axis and direction indicator (Fig 3) is con-
rosltlOnlng nected in parallel with the digital readout unit. lt shows
the operator the direction of feed selected and thus indi-
- Operate CE key (1)
cates which feed control lever has to be moved in what
{not required if previous preset value has already been
transfered to an actual-value counter).
- Key in setpoint value on keyboard (1 ) in either absolute
or chain dimensions. depending on mode selected.
- Operate transfer key X, Y or Z (21 .
- Engage feed control lever in accordance with external
Always move all feed control levers to zero position before
axis and direction indicator (Fig 3): axis will start mov-
any change in mode or operating any of the transfer keys
ing and stop in setpoint position.
- Disengage feed control lever (move lever to middle posi-
Any positioning operation can be interrupted by means of
El n.t (131. To resume the positioning operation, again
operate transfer key in the axis concerned.
To change the direction of a motion, disengage feed control
t.ver, key in new position and then operate transfer key in
,e axis concerned.

E 9O2a ( 12.81)
Active digital position readout unit, cont'd

Tool radius compensation

The active digital readout unit permits tool radius compen'
sations with the aid of keys (10). This requires the input
-ri aJ rJ ao
of the cufter diameter. !c3Li5E[i
Proceed in the following order:
- Use keyboard
readout (5).
( l) to key cutter diameter into setpoint
- Operate t.v E (10) : the control will calculate the cut-
ter radius. This will then appear in setpoint readout (5)
and will be stored automatically.
- Key in setpoint on keYboard (l). @@ @

Operate either E key {10) to add cutter radius or

p E@g
( I 0) to subtract cutter radius from setpoint value (5). Etrtr
- When operating tool compensation keys twice, the full
diameter will be either added or subtracted, for example
for machining the opposite wall of a pocket.
- Transfer to actual-value counters and automatic position'
11 12 Fig 1
ing as described above.

Fault diagnosis
ln the event of faults or defects, the active digital readout
unit will automatically give diagnosis readouts.

- Measuring system defective:

associated actual-value counter will start flashing. To
cancel diagnosis readout, switch off power supply,
remedy fault and restart the unit-

- Defect in electronics:
LEDs above reference point keys will light up.
To cancel diagnosis readout, switch off power supply.
lf fault diagnosis reappears after switching off and on
again, return digital readout unit for repair (state LEDs
lighting up).

- Positioning error:
if feed control lever is moved in wrong direction for a
selected positioning operation. the feed motion will be
switched off after 200 pm. Actual-readout (7) will show
To cancel diagnosis readout, operate E4 t.v, then rnove
feed control lever in correct direction.

Never remove or insert plugs while unit is energized.

Additional setup and maintenanpe instructions, as well as

examples of operating the unit, will be found in the oper'
ator's manual supplied with the digital position readout

E 9o2a ( 1 2.81 )
Printed in the Fedaral Republic of Germany
\ctive digital position readout unit

Electronic linear measuring and positioning system for

automatic slide motions to preselected positions in absolute
and incremental (chain) dimensions.
inition of 4 reference points; storage of tool compensa- -rtat rJ{o
tions; meiric inch conversion.
trtr tr
te lL.584 El tr tr
Etr E
tr trtr a
Technical data
Numberof digits ........7
Resolution (selectable) . . 0.01/0.005 mm
@ @@ @
swirchableto... 0.0005/0.0002inch
EI Bg trl
ffi trtr Mil
o @o @

,denti{ication of controls
1 lnput k eyboard

E,o E Numerical keys for preset or setpoint

val ues
Fig 1

tr Decimal point key

Sign input key
a (plus sign will not appear in readout)

Cancelling key for setpoint values or

@ error indications

2 Command keYs
Transfer keys with LEDs (4) 'Positionins
tr tr tr in progress'
3 Mode-of-operation keys

m Manual positioning mode Switching on

Automatic positioning mode Switch on machine (main disconnect switch) and digital
E=J .2
'Absolute dimensions' x€ readout unit (switch on rear side of housing).

trl Automatic positioning mode At f irst all LEDs and readouts will light up (lamp test).
' I ncremental (chain) dimensions' .E
Setpoint readout: 88888888
@} Feed activation C Actual-value readout + 18888888
Key to activate feed buttons on o-
operator control panel in 'manual' tL After approx 1.5 sec the actual-value readouts (counters)
will show the position values assigned to the reference
marks by def ining the reference point [] before the unit
4 LEDs 'Positioning in progress' was switched off.
5 Setpoint readout (preset)
(All scales are provided with a reference mark in addition
6 Reference point key
to the scale divisions.l
7 Actual value readouts for X, Y, Z
The readouts will count in the measuring system (mm or
8 Reference point selection keys
inch) last used. lf required, operate 'inch' key (1 1 )-
9 Reference point LEDs lor X, Y, Z Check resolution (smallest increment shown) in active-
10 Tool compensation keys value readouts (71. operatinS key (12) if required.
11 Metric/inch conversion key Move past reference marks if reference points are to be set
l2 Resolution selector key 0.01/0.005 mm or reproducibly or previously set reference points are to be
0.0005"/0.0002" reproduced after switching the readout unit off and later
- Stop key for interruption of positioning operation. on again (for details see below).

E 902 (12.81)

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