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Ex1: Look at these nouns. Are they countable (C) or Uncountable (U)
car golf music love work
banana flower furniture news rice
money electricity meat song ship
water photo minute advice meal

Ex2: Complete the sentences, using one of the flowing word. Use
a/an where necessary
accident apple milk coat sugar
key electricity sand luck cheese
blood letter moment music interview
Example: It wasn’t your fault. It was an accident.
- You’d better drink hot milk before going to bed.
1. I couldn’t get into the house because I didn’t have ___________.
2. Do you take _________ in your tea?
3. The heart pumps ___________through the body.
4. John has got _________ for job tomorrow morning.
5. I didn’t phone you. I wrote __________ instead.
6. I’m not ready yet. Can you wait __________, please?
7. It’s very warm today. Why are you wearing __________?
8. Good _________ in your new job.
9. Listen ! Can you hear _________?
10. Power station produce __________
11. Are you hungry ? Would you like ___________?
12. Is there _______ in this soup?
13. Wait ! There’s _________ in my shoes.

Ex 3: Complete the postcard. Choose the correct form
The island is very paceful. (0) Life / A life is good here. Everybody moves
at a nice slow pace. People have (1) time / a time to stop and talk. It’s (2)
experience / an experience I won’t forget a long time. There aren’t many
shops, so I can’t spend all my money, al – through I did buy (3) painting /
a pinting yesterday. Now I’m sitting on the beach reading (4) paper / a
paper. The hotel breakfast is so enormous that I don’t need to have lucnh.
I’ve just brought (5) orange / an orange with me to eat later. I’ve been
trying all the different (6) fruit / fruits grown in this part of the world, and
they’re all delicious.
Ex 6: Complete the sentences with the given nouns, adding final -s /
-es if necessary
change river garbage hardware music
traffic junk thunder scewdriver homework

1. I put some banana peels, empty juice cartons, and broken bottles in the
waste can. The can is full of ___________
2. Tools that are used for turning screws are called ___________
3. The children got scared when they heard ___________ during the
4. I have some coins in my pocket. In other words, I have some ________
in my pocket.
5. They have a rusty car without an engine, broken chairs, and an old
refrigerator in their front yard. Their yard is full of _____________
6. The Mississippi, the Amazone, and the Nile are well – known
7. The street is full of cars, trucks, and buses. It is full of ____________
8. I like to listen to operas, symphonies, and folk songs. I enjoy
9. Tonight I have to read 20 pages in my history book, do 30 algebra
problems, and write a composition. In other words, I have a lot of
___________ to do tonight.
10. I went to the store to get some nails, hammers, and srews, in other
words, I bought some ___________

Ex 9: Most of the sentences are wrong. Put a tick ( ) if the sentence
is correct. If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary or wrong word and
write or correct it in the space.

1. I like a classical music very much. ☒ ____a_____

2. The crowd are all enjoying the game. ☑

3. My grandmother wears glass when she reads. ☐ _________

4. We like Martin and Jill. They're nice persons. ☐ __________

5. The government want to increase taxes. ☐ ____________

6. Cattle was driven hundreds of miles. ☐ __________

7. This scissors is not very sharp. ☐ ___________

8 . That's a wonderful news! ☐ ____________

9. There was a police officer standing at the corner. ☐ __________

10. Leafs turn yellow in the fall. ☐ __________

11. I'm going to buy a new pyjama. ☐ __________

12. There is some luggages in the car. ☐ __________

13. Three pounds are not a big enough tip. ☐ ___________

14. I heard an interesting piece of information. ☐ ___________

15. Has the police arrived yet? ☐ ___________

Ex 10: What do we call these things and people? Use the structure
noun + noun.
1. A station from which trains leave is a train station.
2. Shoes made of leather are _______________
3. A boy who is five years old is _________________

4. Clothes for working in are ________________
5. Somebody whose job is to inspect factories is ___________________
6. The carpet in the dining room is _________________
7. The Director of Marketing is __________________
8. A bottle containing medicine and made of glass is
9. Shops that sell shoes are ___________________
10. A card that gives you credit is _________________
Ex 11: Answer the questions using two of the following words each
accident belt card credit editor frying forecast newspape
number pan road room seat shop waether window
1. This can be caused by bad driving. A road accident
2. If you're staying at a hotel, you need to remember this. Your
3. You should wear this when you're in a car. A instead of cash. A
4. You can sometimes use this to pay for things _________________
5. If you want to know if it's going to rain, you can read or listen to this.
The _______________
6. This person is a top journalist. A _________________
7. You might stop to look in this when you're walking along a street. A
8. This can be used for cooking. A _________________
Ex 12: Complete the sentences, using one of the following.
Sometimes you need the sigular (day / page ....) and sometimes the
plural (days / pages...)
15 minute (s) Two hour (s) Five day (s) 60 minute (s)
Six mile (s) 500 year (s) 20 pound (s) Ten page (s)
450 page (s) Two year (s) Five course (s) 15 year (s) old
1. It's quite a long book. There are 450 pages.

2. A few days ago I received a ten-page letter.
3. I didn't have any change. I only had a _____________note.
4. At work in the morning I usually have a ________________ break for
5. There are _____________ in an hour.
6. It's only a _________________ flight from London to Madrid.
7. It was a big meal. There were ________________
8. Mary has just started a new job. She's got a _________________
9. The oldest building in the city is the ___________________ old castle.
10. I work ______________ a week. Saturday and Sunday are free.
11. We went for a ________________ walk in the country.
12. I teach English for two ___________________ girls.
Ex 13: Join the two (or three) nouns. Sometimes you have to use -'s
or –s' and sometimes you have to use of
1. the mistake/ the policeman the policeman’s mistake
2. the bottom/ the bottle the bottom of the bottle
3. the daughter/Mr Hill
4. the name/ this street
5. the gardens/ our neighbors
6. the children/ Don and Mary
7. the wedding/ the friend/ Helen
8.the ground floor/ the building
9. the car/ the parents/ Mike

10. the economic policy/ the government
11. the money/ the gangsters
12. the tail/ the horse
13. the house/ the people we met in Spain
14. the arm/ the chair
15. the monthly meeting/ the club
16. the work/ last year ____________________________________
17. the death/ someone important
18. the middle/ the night ______________________________________
19. the room/ my
20. the door/ the garage
Ex 14: Rewrite the underlined phrases, using a possessive form.
1. The storm last week caused a lot of damage.
- Last week's storm caused a lot of damage.
2. The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled.
- __________________________________________
3. The only cinema in the town has closed down.
- _________________________________________
4. Exports from Britain to the United States have fallen recently.
5. Tourism is the main industry in the region.

- _______________________________________________________
6. The prices this year are even lower.
- ________________________________________________________
7. A rest for five minutes is enough for me.
8. From here it's a drive of two hours.
9. I'll see you in a week.
- ______________________________________________
10. The paper yesterday reported the assassination of the Prime Minister.
- ___________________________________________________

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