Top 10 Student Habits

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Top 10 Student Habits

After attaining senior school certificates, students venture out to different places to
pursue their degree courses with high hopes and long cherished dreams. Australia is one
of the countries that entertain millions of international students catering their different
educational requirements and grooming them to excel in their careers. Innumerable
talented students and scholars from the Australian colleges and universities have
showcased their excellence in different professions across the globe. Students carry the
rich tradition of the Australian academia enhancing the glory of the respective
educational institutions.

Excellence can be achieved only through discipline, hard work and effective time
management. The 3-4 years of college and university life are crucial to frame the career
of a student for the future. Things can go wrong if you strays and adopts the wrong paths.
Some good habits in these formative years can help you to reach the summit.

Top Student Habits:

1. Adopting good study habits will help you to surpass others in every respect. You
should remain organized in his studies. This saves a lot of time and prevents
confusion. Arranging the notes and study materials in respective folders will help
in providing timely information. If a student spends hours in locating important
things, much of the valuable time gets wasted.
2. If you are a slow learner, don’t lose heart. Devote extra time on that particular
topic or subject. Seek help and suggestions from the teachers and follow them
strictly. Never hesitate to clear your doubts from your guide.
3. Most of you have to perform regular cooking, washing and cleaning. Allot
specific hours for those and never take too much time in performing these. Try to
adopt shortcut ways in finishing off those tasks.
4. Schedule your syllabus for the approaching semester. Try to finish it within that
stipulated time. Go through those topics in which you are weak. If you are lagging
in some subjects, devote extra hours of study to make up the back log.
5. Always pick smart and intelligent friends while hanging out, so that you can
spend some quality time by sharing some useful tips regarding the courses.
Actively take part in group discussions and group studies. This will help in
solving study related problems and confusions.
6. While going through important study materials on the internet, never divert
yourself in e-chatting or social networking. This will cause enough distraction
making you repent for the time wasted. Indulge in these activities only during
leisure hours.
7. Keep few hours in a week to relax and enjoy. Watch movies, listen to your
favorite numbers or chat with your friends. This will remove the brain fatigue and
leave you fresh and rejuvenated.
8. College outings and parties are good to build up social ties and friendships but
don’t go over board in any activity that may hamper your studies.
9. Be regular with your college attendance and never skip classes on silly issues.
Don’t depend on your college mates too much for the class notes. Your
irregularity will create a negative impression on the college faculty resulting in
poor gradations. Follow the practical classes seriously and maintain the practical
notes in a neat and clean manner. Raise questions while performing each
experiment and try to find the right answer. This will help in developing the
analyzing power and mental reasoning.
10. Last but not the least; avoid all sorts of controversies in colleges. This will cause
enough mental disturbances, and you may land in extremely helpless situations
away from home.

A student invests a fortune while pursuing higher studies abroad. Nothing can be more
unfortunate if this investment turns into a waste due to negligence and lack of awareness.
Occasional deviations from the studies may not have a scathing effect on the career, but
one should be focused and confident to achieve the desired success.

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