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Day 19 Lesson Plan

A particle is moving along a curved path. At this instant, it has a radius of curvature r with
respect to O’. This radius of curvature changes unless the path is a circle.

read as the Velocity of the object is equal to the rate of change of position multiplied by vector Ut.

The normal component of acceleration acts towards the radius of curvature (towards O’)
while the tangential components of acceleration acts tangent to the path.
Tangential Components of Acceleration

Normal Components of Acceleration

magnitude of the acceleration

radius of curvature of any path

Example #1
A stone is thrown with an initial velocity of 100 fps upward at 60° to the horizontal. Compute the Radius of Curvature
of its path at the position where it is 50ft horizontally from its initial position.

V² V²
An = ρ=
ρ An



50 ft

An = AxSinθ + Ay Cosθ
V = Vo + at
In Ax (horizontal component of Normal Acceleration)
Ax = 0
VCosθ = 100 Cos60 = 50 fps
In Ay (vertical component of Normal Acceleration)
Ay = -32.2 fps

Vsinθ = (-32.2 t – (-100 fps Sin60))

Vsinθ = (-32.2 t + 86.6) fps

S = So + Vot + Axt² Ax = 0
50 ft = 0 + (100fps Cos60)t + 0

50 ft
t = = 1 sec
100 cos 60 fps
Hence, VSinθ = -32.2(1) + 86.6 = 54.4 fps

For θ:
Vsinθ 54.4 −1 54.4
tanθ = = = arctan = 47.4°
VCosθ 50 50

And so,
An = 0 + (-32.2)(Cos47.4°) = -21.8 fps²

54.4 fps
V= = 73.9 fps
sin 47.4

Therefore for ρ,
(73.9 fp) ²
ρ =
21.8 fps ²
ρ = 251.51 ft

Example #2
A particle moves counterclockwise on a circular path of 400 ft radius. It starts from a position which is horizontally to
the right of the center of the path and moves so that S = 10t² + 20t where S is the arc distance in ft. and t is in seconds.
Compute the horizontal and vertical components of acceleration at the end of 3 sec.

S = 10t² + 20t
V= = 20t +20
At = = 20

When t = 3:
S = 10(3)² + 20(3) = 150 ft
V = 20(3) + 20 = 80 fps
At = 20 fps²

S 150 ft 180°
Θ= = = 21.48°
r 400 ft π
V ² 80²
An = = = 16 fps²
r 400

Ax = 16 fps² Cos21.48° + 20fps² Sin21.48°

Ax = 22.2 fps²
Ay = - 16fps²Sin21.48° + 20 fps² Cos21.48°
Ay = 12.7 fps²


F = ma

Example #1
When a 644 lb boat is moving at 10 fps, the motor conks out. How much farther will the boat glide. Assuming its
resistance to motion is 2V lb where V is in fps?

F = ma aF=
gF −32.2(2 V )
a= = = -0.1 V fps²
W 644
= -0.1 dt
lnV = -0.1t + C
V = e (−0.1t +C ) = C e−0.1 t
When t = 0,
V = 10 fps ; Ce o=10
V = 10 e−0.1 t
= 10 e−0.1 t
S = ∫ 10 e
−0.1 t
S = −100∫ e
−0.1 t
(−0.1¿dt ) ¿
−0.1 t
S = -100 e + C1
When t = 0, S =0
0 = -100e 0 + C1
C1 = 100
S = -100 e−0.1 t + 100
For V to become 0, e−0.1 t = 0
Thus S = 100ft

Example #2
A stunt drives a motorcycle around a circular vertical wall 100ft in diameter. The coefficient of friction between tires
and wall is 0.60. What is the minimum speed that will prevent his sliding down the wall? At what angle will the
motorcycle be inclined to the horizontal? What is the effect of traveling at a greater speed?

∑ Fy=0 F = mg

∑ Fx=0 N=m

But F = ƒN mg = ƒ m

√ √
gR = 32.2 fp s2 (50 ft) =51.8 fps ( 360 mph ¿ = 35.3 mph
ƒ 0.60 528 fps

Tanθ = =ƒ
Θ = arctan−1 0.60 = 31°

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