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IE eS Ceechy No} MANUAL 1.0 cran)) tei Eee carer or > 4 i ® Po) cama - re ae “ToOlaion (OXe}MOLoM | a a eee pg eI wa Hi ks a _ = > oe ae Ee ene Cee eet eee act eer eee eee ema ret ret Petree es th ete enor a eT Se ec ire eee Te el ee ee tee) oo cee ee ea ede Pee even ee erence ery Pree een ere eae ec etnies es eat Sey Mere a ey eer coeeraamn oer en rae eine reece eae sad Coon ears orca O.REAKTOR 6 cairn) lel NM KeN] ef Pietro rel Peay ns Ocean ey eee ¥ Perrin Con a YT ry err) > sot fos Prete __euret_|-=> eres A etry rs eer om Pree mec ee oo > feta > ea Douce oe fan Evite oes Ca Con Cnty os J] = S ly re Pre rg osc NIN ReO] SNe ]a sah a This isthe main interface to control the most important parameters. To allow an easy handling it has been used a sample waveform display that works slso as XY Pod Controller and Automation Cy Cm Peon Ce re eter ater ene Ce a ee ee ee ay ey eropecer een tiny eee er ere ee oe ee ee Ce ec ee oe ad fanaa ar aren i OC Ca rt ec ee a eee eee ene eat sabled and the instrument constantly plays 8 incoming keyboard notes and Fitch Modulation. monophonic fixed note (C3). In ary case the When it turns Off, Pitch modulations will be Cee ee ae co oo ks Patna ied eet Siertt ce a Automation Enabling raion eee een eae ey Benbereentae aly A enter GranO)) = ores ae een ony ee ee ea ee area aed eee ese nd G Cte i ae c! cor eke rah rod Seon ee ea milseconds Pees Marana inom DS Rd Bog tert lb ned nities Pearce a east eo ess (aerate eo aula peor reel ernie rarer eens any £NO< OW Keyboard Restart ey XY Waveform Display and Pad Controller ee er oe ee ere cee en eed eee ee as peers dete ae ts eee teas eae eae ear aie oar cone a) eee ee eee a ee certen aes Er = ee ees Cosh cee cry See bite ttre enc the desied Grain Postion where to start to ee es aor Pte a eee feared percent? eng ce NES ese ae Based on the Reaktor Gran Cloud module, this isthe core ofthe ensemble involving a set of customized and simpler parameters. It has the ability to play upto 16 grains while keeping a relatively low CPU usage. Comey Ie allows to shift through octaves. The middle led Se ee eer) Upper/downer leds transpose to one octave eee ed Se nee Teele) Co eee ae ons iareas oe Ten eee ony Eee ate en eee as eae ae ees iets eri Pitch adjusts the pitch of the sample in semitones eR Me resis ce ae ea peter teas lnnacal Ss This selects one of the 128 sample slots, t goes from 1 to 128. f Sample Lock is activated, the Pea a eee Yan es ee Sue Sit rate Reverse tttrs re OOO. =: nee Coe ete The lowest Rate is defined by the current Grain a cee highest Rate possible is 16, This paramoter is fee eee eee nee eee et eee ee ee eer Perera Ce ok mele neo ee ee i Uectl Ute es a Cad ere ee foe ete er ee Alt acts as 2 Ping-Pong stereo effect. Rnd wil od et ery Eee eons Coe ee eo cree ee teas cee es a eae See ere ea Ce ae eee or eer plays in reverse. From 0% to 100%. The ee ee ee es pecan FILTER FILTER, FILTER ENVELOPE, AMP ENVELOPE PANELS {As indispensable part of sonic creation, GRANO has an analog-madoled State Variable Fiter. I's a 2- Pole Resonant Mult-mode Fiter with Lowpass, Bandpass, Highpass modes. Athigh level input and high Resonance the sound is very raw and saturated, while keeping a lower volume is alo very clean and eee eet ere cera eeten eee aad ae eee ees ee eer et eee ee ees CeO aad ee re ana meg frequency (Cut) is modulated over time by the ee aes ae positive (on the right) end negative (on the lef) Soe ee ayers ee ee) Cd x es re ag perro a eet crea read fenreeeeee pee eee eee een ee ee os 20000 He. it can be modulated by the Fiter ee ean eens a rea eres ene ey eee eee en eed ee sien kere ren ee eee ema eee aes ee ee peer et a ead FILTER ENVELOPE a ee ee ee Polyphonic (up to 4-voice), otherwise it wll be Monophonic. t can be also used to modulate other eae eee) ed ener the envelope to reach the end Erte . SS — Cee eed Peeereense enn a es Pee en ers [oar a eet ee es ey eed ns some specified sustain level Cee eed ener eee at eee Pen ee eer ee Ey eos pean geese aes eo eter i) Take ne et ee ee ee ee eee tere ae ears ete MODULATIONS PANEL roan vert oe MODULATIONS, [= MODULATIONS AND AUTOMATIONS Lonel : 7 7. cL opereperiiin ester Sabie trl rr ty ria a ee ee ok Me ol OK | exe eo Etiemil mo isemine) aise Suresh aeeeor Pry et ee Tg ot eT te lee rp eres enone ote eae or race Pe | Pee eomsarcniienbentyeveiee pretjorseianeen er nionsny - a Seago ira = 3 , | 5 Pana eer er ner at oe ee eT) epee beet tocar) Semen (eae iN ep padi amen ar ed eo eee eed Rea pitchwheel controller) while AZ is eee ee ee eee ee eens eo ora eer ne eee ee) pees eer teens eer reac mes a a rad oe IRallows to reset the LFO phase each time eo button ie tured On it will have a See ee ta eas Festarts the automation cycle ee a ee restarts only if Key Reset is enabled Vee tena ce ‘Modulation Source (Sre) ee ey ee ere OS eRe) eee ere ee eo ere eee acorns Prensa rare eee ens econ cd erate eae Pee toe ats Charo Cn ee Pee eee re eas coe serene at S ee eee ees Wears ne bee ry ere) 5 Cor = eae ad ms Cee eee ate ES rs Var Cer) nt _—_— a Pane ene eee) artis THLE eyes, Games Pare ne eee res . Modulation Amount (Amt) EAPAT er oem tid Peer cere eee ed Peo eye, Een cer eee a Leslee erm snare estas ese ee ten ce ort ae eed lef a ne oars pone ee eo , , [eee eee erences ee re) Cone ESE eo Preece cans 1 ee cr Se e ee eee ee a ak Sea ro Fare oi Pe ae ree cee ae Mm Faraone ee ee eee Se Te] ene) eae ete oe een Uy cele eee) Cees ae se EFFECTS epee eae ene ee ee Ea ET tour) pee eee ee Cee eis reverse the chain order. To semplify both effects are visually equal. Each Effect has bi la Luk arararaiell Lip ealac dal Lieu reaiat hel Dee Me eke a aan ee uc Freq Mod Lis lus ulsaeneninadl ee Ca Pal oemmr brn eget aes Grae @eseSaeiat (sae GEES ear Preser——_7-Stage Phaser rd ieee eed Area nee Penner eae er ior ce ee re corre oe Maram rier id fear Saad a oer eee eee Sein oc es Decay Sie eee ear Pe tee ed ony Fier Leeann Pee ey Prch iy eee reso a Ethie a cos oa pees [Oey ok Seay (ei iseiecr toto 5 ath a ace Ts bs tr ol a eae i C | ee ees a Lelie eaten ee ts De eo cas _— Shrninah eee See econ ies oa one etc Speed. ee ey ee ee ned ees aes Perey these buttons are tumed off the Re aos reer eres) ore cm) rere eer eee ees

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