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— Nae a Tin AMAL. bias Ss Req no BsP200iG SECTION (D = “Course Pouiticat. Science: eee RS DATE 26-Nov-2021! SUBMITTED TS : OLEEL. Cu clive Folitical Leader | | | | | | | Recep Togygib Evdogan Cont ribotionsie - Kurdish Issue:- In__2009 Prime Minitel | Ewleg ni goterment anrounced a ipluk evd the weuiter | | cei ot lor Tarvish Kurdistan welers Packs CZ corfiicA tat aol cert mere than boron Luts, 2-_ Hume Ri | igh Under. ee = ae on’ He cale ment es of alcohek bannive all aaicert eg aud #rovéastng Ntbe ta. on | | i labcohobre bloga. | | ’ * _2-_ Education- In une 2017 A avaft pip posal. by fe mint of eolucation pd eyed by Lidell vin whic, the nee OL Choele euchucled te tachi fF swe theory Peet = ae ‘char Dor 1 os Ish Darwin’% by 29 Unfra.strucfure:- . _ _Unelep __ Gdegan's | gereramert tee runebere © of ainpaks in Tinkeg _ tndrsaved fron 26 te 50 in he peried af 12_yeort. Fou the frat Tine py Josten _lvishony {heigh peed yoilwa. ree were a ee awe the Country's —_lbagh- speed train began. Opn 2849, ¢ = ae r_co~feurcles of ef tinited Nader Cidzation os The__witiatiye geet, to Cvanpi2e ilematroral _aGhion fut tremitn —thsegh the fora ef prlemalfonol 0 dency Merral Go ob! Inder — reLipgious Miata eangl exeperalion _ Shinzo Abe be (2m. of Japar ) ifis Defense = hia fast ported _as vine = ctey he. syaded the Ee an Delense fo full Stats. Like _predeceuars he. San te sJapavere aWionee will He ___ Wasted __ Marler. | Econamd tabey CPbenomics) x His eoonenie _ farleoy we ferreef 402 Pbenonw cS , conere KM) of We _se-catlee] (three Aytus') Can ebiusgion fo_an os Sapanese a af policy . the__ fal ae is on ae eran aimedh _t p adhieving inf Va ben. tore = secend fice. fiscal a Pica act as an __ economic "hihi lut 1a he Shot Yemn then. | achiae a _hdeer Sua pales and the. Herd a ete chal focuta on Shack reform a scl _prvval ec tow. tmettmet achieve oe | tear prewth. Domesbic obra | la_20t% Abe wd of deLlow of ne fal bidet lte_ helt nal. __ine€iviluals 7 af Tapa t bd “etertiad mates, These Pe entitled "Marriage Su rast polpams” were startet Tin hrqpes | 5 yetsime Ta pant: ecb tn of bitthyate hy ich, was half | plat wok care dlecades pre | | he Stecuntg falicy:- Abe announced @ five-geor py cf pot lilcrry expansion. He” _descatbed lect as “ptoachie pacificism” wit. yn Pecesu bE 2013 Htle goa? ef wathins Japan tue “ Cnemal.” countrys, qbhe to La fevd Heep. Thc Mein reecton toa Chinese buildup ands. a deciea.ed — Pmwer'tan trflucnee ty he region . Creatien of Intell gence it s- In December 201G the Abe of a new Intelligence unit, He Cotbection Unite aid caurler- Gavin wt announced the _Creection_| Intermationad Courterterrrrtem dela ene ih sotjons, lo ke hated in fee -_ n. Miniter, bit Led the Frill ninictoxel Offre 0 Pobin | Carte bubiond: te In 2e0t, | { on teunched _ Nationg/ _friertly ttn he fied of. Ante, ue, Auta dio tren hewsing avd Z re In bis ma 2e0h_amuak pe aaa Litin Propos Lf farseig i mater t. bene fHs avo __pren ave of HONE, 2 Ecanenec Devellopmeutr:- tn__feabin! frat tem ,many new _eceronu. efor’ were) Lerrevdod alas We Lines of fe “Gref! proeaa The muilitucle a forms, Ynnere _from a_{lat income tex to Huu wt forey, fucre dand _eunersip fe Paaproverneiods in Concttioks fx ismmage bukine Ke , Fe fea ine 2000,hink hE rain if de wal @ pe. "Caves of te Ruthian oe fereion policy According -to thin decal [. U objective ver: ee are We fils —> Exsvaing VA ipb&e Seust. ef He. Colt sain, Usiwaae “et C precede. wa ieind “ihemacwitie: wank _orcler, — > Tre creation fovesthle extemal Covd trons fee pe ernward cAevelgpins of Russias» —> femadion of Yo Neighhashood. ‘zene areend. He presiies se ec Rusian _besclest, — s [Pelecting the rields ancl interes Re flav c#izhlk aud! Gmpataio Geta — fromcte __a_posibve per a of _ the _ Citen! Fadl ti mnt in x pelt

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