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DWCC Basic Education Siglakasan 2023 Satisfaction Survey

The following charts are the consolidated results of the DWCC Basic Education Siglakasan 2023
Satisfaction Survey conducted last January 8-12 2024.
I. Demographic Profile

This chart refers to the number of grade levels who have responded the previous survey. As shown, 46.1%
were from the Elementary level, 32.1% were from the Junior High School, and 18.2% were from the
Senior High School-Calapan, and 3.6% were from the Senior High School – Pinamalayan.
II. Level of Participation in Events

As shown in the graph, 68.6% of the students participated as players in the Siglakasan 2023 while 31.4%
did not participate.
As indicated in the graph, 98 students (20.5%) have joined the academics, 210 students (44%) have
participated in the sports category, 80 students (16.8) joined the cultural category, and 152 students
(31.9%) did not join at any of the categories.
III. Evaluation of Satisfaction for each Event and Games

A. Cultural Events

Based on the evaluation, 182 students (40.6%) agreed that the opening mass of the Siglakasan was greatly
performed lowering to the 8th level which was agreed by 81 students (18.1%), and 72 students (16.1%)
answered 9. On the other hand, 11 students (2.5%) agreed that it was poorly performed.
However, the 229 students (51.8%) agreed that the cheer dance competition was performed well, lowering
to the 8th level which was agreed by 72 students (16.3%), and 67 students (15.2%) chose 9. However, 11
students (2.5%) of the population suggested that the competition was not performed well.

Nevertheless, the 131 students (31.5%) agreed that the Singgaling Singing contest was performed well,
lowering to the 8th level which was agreed by 75 students (18%), and 68 students (16.3%) chose 9.
However, 17 students (4.1%) of the population suggested that the competition was not performed well.
According to the evaluation, 167 students (40.4%) agreed that the Dance Sports competition was greatly
performed lowering to the 8th level which was agreed by 73 students (17.7%), 61 students (14.8%)and
answered 9. On the other hand, 20 students (4.9%) agreed that it was poorly performed.

More so, 160 students (38.3%) agreed that the Mr. & Ms. Siglakasan 2023 was performed well, lowering
to the 9th level which was agreed by 77 students (18.4%), and 64 students (15.3%) chose 8. However, 15
students (3.6%) of the population suggested that the competition was not performed well.
Nevertheless, 168 students (41.3%) agreed that the Dansiklaban 2023 was greatly performed, lowering to
the 8th level which was agreed by 66 students (16.2%), and 64 students (15.7%) chose 9. On the other
hand, 13 students (3.2%) of the population suggested that the competition was not performed well.

Nonetheless, 164 students (40.1%) agreed that the Battle of the Acoustic Bands was great, lowering to the
8th level which was agreed by 71 students (17.4%), and 57 students (13.9%) chose 9. However, 15
students (3.7%) of the population suggested that the competition was not performed well.

B. Academic Contests
Nonetheless, 99 students (27%%) agreed that the Spoken Poetry was great, lowering to the 8 th level which
was agreed by 78 students (21.3%), and 46 students (12.6%) chose 9. However, 21 students (5.7%)
disagreed that the competition was fully well performed.

On the other hand, 117 students (21.9%) agreed that the Spoken Poetry was great, lowering to the 9 th level
which was agreed by 70 students (19.1%), and 56 students (15.3%) chose 8. However, 21 students (5.8%)
of the total population suggested that the competition was not performed well.
Moreover, 128 students (35%) agreed that the Quiz Bee was great, lowering to the 8 th level which was
agreed by 60 students (16.4%), and 53 students (14.5%) chose 9. However, 18 students (5%) suggested
that the competition was not performed well.

Furthermore, 126 students (34.1%) agreed that the Words in Words was great, lowering to the 8 th level
which was agreed by 63 students (17%), and 55 students (14.9%) chose 9. On the other hand, 20 students
(5.4%) suggested that the competition was not performed well.
Moreover, 148 students (39.8%) agreed that the Academic Fun Relay was great, lowering to the 8 th level
which was agreed by 68 students (18.3%), and 41 students (11%) chose 7. However, 14 students (3.7%)
suggested that the competition was not performed well.

However, 141 students (37.9%) agreed that the Family Feud Relay was great, lowering to the 8 th level
which was agreed by 63 students (16.9%), and 54 students (14.5%) chose 9. However, 21 students (5.7%)
suggested that the competition was not performed well.
On the other hand, 122 students (34%) agreed that the Coloring Contest was great, lowering to the 8 th
level which was agreed by 70 students (19.5%), and 51 students (14.2%) chose 9. However, 18 students
(5%) suggested that the competition was not performed well.

On the flip side, 133 students (36.6%) agreed that the Drawing Contest was great, lowering to the 8 th level
which was agreed by 62 students (17.1%), and 54 students (14.9%) chose 9. However, 25 students (6.8%)
suggested that the competition was not performed well.
On the other hand, 133 students (36.9%) agreed that the Poster Making Contest was great, lowering to the
8th level which was agreed by 60 students (16.7%), and 51 students (14.2%) chose 9. However, 19
students (5.3%) suggested that the competition was not performed well.

Moreover, 132 students (36.2%) agreed that the Mathletics was great, lowering to the 8 th level which was
agreed by 59 students (16.2%), and 52 students (14.2%) chose 9. However, 17 students (4.6%) suggested
that the competition was not performed well.
Also, 140 students (38%) agreed that the Master Minds was greatly done, lowering to the 8 th level which
was agreed by 56 students (15.2%), and 54 students (14.7%) chose 9. However, 15 students (4.1%) that
the competition was not performed well.
C. Sports

Based on the evaluation, 196 students (45.7%) agreed that the Pre-games of the Siglakasan was greatly
performed lowering to the 8th level which was agreed by 69 students (16.1%), and 64 students (14.9%)
answered level 9. On the other hand, 19 students (8.3%) suggested that it was poorly performed.
However, 136 students (36.3%) agreed that the E-games was great, lowering to the 9th level which was
agreed by 65 students (17.3%), and 50 students (13.3%) chose 8. On the other hand, 14 students (3.7%)
suggested that the competition was not performed well.

Though, 200 students (48.4.3%) agreed that playing Basketball was great, lowering to the 8 th level which
was agreed by 63 students (15.3%), and 59 students (14.3%) chose 9. However, 21 students (6.2%) under
levels 2, 3, and 4 suggested that the competition was not performed well.
Based on the graph, 169 students (42.4%) agreed that playing Volleyball was greatly performed lowering
to the 8th level which was agreed by 63 students (15.8%), and 61 students (15.3%) answered level 9. On
the other hand, 19 students (4.8%) suggested that the game was poorly performed.

As suggested by the graph, 177 students (47.3%) agreed that playing Badminton was greatly performed
lowering to the 9th level which was agreed by 54 students (14.4%), while 48 students (12.8%) answered
level 8. On the other hand, 13 students (3.5%) suggested that the competition was poorly performed.
On the other hand, it was shown that 151 students (39.4%) agreed that playing Soccer was greatly
performed lowering to the 9th level which was agreed by 66 students (17.2%), while 65 students (17%)
answered level 8. On the other hand, 13 students (3.4%) suggested that the competition was poorly

More so, it was shown that 121 students (33.4%) agreed that playing the 50 Meter Dash (B/G) was
greatly performed lowering to the 8th level which was agreed by 72 students (19.9%), while 54 students
(14.9%) answered level 9. However, 16 students (4.4%) suggested that the competition was poorly
However, 127 students (34.9%) agreed that playing the 4x4 Relay (B/G) was greatly performed, lowering
to the 8th level which was agreed by 61 students (16.8%), and 56 students (15.4%) chose 9th level.
Though, 20 students (5.5%) suggested that the competition was poorly performed.

Lastly, 140 students (37.9%) agreed that playing the Batuhang Bola was greatly performed, lowering to
the 9th level which was agreed by 56 students (15.2%), and 54 students (14.6%) chose level 9. On the
other hand, 16 students (4.4%) suggested that the competition was poorly performed.

D. Fun Games
According to the graph, 110 students (31.3%) agreed that playing Fan the Fish was greatly performed
lowering to the 8th level which was agreed by 59 students (16.8%), while 55 students (15.7%) answered
level 9. On the other hand, 28 students (8%) suggested that the competition was poorly performed.

As shown, 127 students (35.4%) agreed that playing the Caterpillar Balloon Relay was greatly performed
lowering to the 8th level which was agreed by 56 students (15.6%), while 49 students (13.6%) answered
level 9. On the other hand, 28 students (7.7%) suggested that the competition was poorly performed.
More so, it was shown that 118 students (33.1%) agreed that playing the Sack Race with a Twist was
greatly performed lowering to the 8th and 9th level which was agreed by 72 students (17.1%), while 37
students (10.4%) answered level 7. However, 26 students (7.3%) suggested that the competition was
poorly performed.

On the other hand, it was shown that 111 students (31.2%) agreed that playing the Spoon Relay was
greatly performed lowering to the 8th level which was agreed by 65 students (18.3%), while 54 students
(15.2%) answered level 8. However, 22 students (6.1%) suggested that the competition was poorly
As explained, 118 students (33.2%) agreed that playing the Crazy Waiter was greatly performed lowering
to the 9th level which was agreed by 55 students (15.5%), while 52 students (14.6%) answered level 8. On
the other hand, 22 students (6.3%) suggested that the competition was poorly performed.
E. Awarding Ceremonies

Based on the graph provided, it was shown that 160 students (33.5%) agreed that the Awarding
Ceremonies was greatly satisfactory lowering to the 8th level which was agreed by 83 students (17.4%),
while 72 students (15.1%) answered level 9. However, 34 students (7.1%) suggested that the competition
was poorly performed.
IV. Satisfactory Rate of the Students during the Siglakasan 2023

Table 1
Satisfactory Rate for the Basic Necessities in Siglakasan 2023
Weighted Verbal
Indicators: Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. What is your satisfactory rate about the
family shirt used during our Siglakasan 3.12 Satisfied 2
2. What is your satisfactory rate about the
food exhibit provided by the school during 3.23 Satisfied 1
our Siglakasan 2023?
Composite Mean 3.18 Satisfied
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Very Satisfied; 2.50 – 3.49 = Satisfied; 1.50 – 2.49 = Dissatisfied; 1.00 – 1.49 = Very Dissatisfied

Prominently, Table 1 presents that the satisfactory rate for the basic necessities used by the
students, including the clothing (i.e. family shirts) and foods provided (i.e. food exhibit). The composite
mean of 3.18 generally shows that the respondents were satisfied enough as they use the basic necessities
provided by the school for the Siglakasan 2023.
The statement that ranked first was all about the food exhibit provided by the school which had a
weighted of 3.23 and was verbally interpreted as Satisfied. This shows that the players and non-players
were fulfilled enough as they eat and drink from the provided food stalls.
Finally, the statement that ranked second was about the family shirt used by the students which had
a weighted mean of 3.12 and was verbally interpreted as Satisfied. It suggests that the family shirts were
properly distributed to most of the students but was improperly given to some, such as the improper
prioritization of sizes and colors of shirts to the students.

Table 2
Satisfactory Rate for the Overall Performance of Siglakasan 2023
Weighted Verbal
Indicators: Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. The Siglakasan activities and events are
3.18 Agree 4
well organized by the Student Council.
2. The process to join a game is not difficult. 3.06 Agree 5
3. Siglakasan 2023 policies and rules
3.19 Agree 3
emphasize sportsmanship and fair play.
4. Participation in the Siglakasan 2023 this
year was an enjoyable and rewarding 3.26 Agree 1
5. The Siglakasan 2023 offices (e.g. Medical
team, Student Council, Family Advisers)
3.26 Agree 1
promptly respond to any issues or concerns
during the Siglakasan Event.
Composite Mean 3.19 Agree
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Strongly Agree; 2.50 – 3.49 = Agree; 1.50 – 2.49 =Disagree; 1.00 – 1.49 = Strongly Disagree
On the other hand, Table 2 specifies the satisfactory rate of the learners towards the overall
performance of the Siglakasan 2023 and how it was facilitated. The composite mean of 3.19 suggests that
the students agree that they were satisfied enough as they fully experience the Siglakasan 2023
competitions for 3 consecutive days.
Surprisingly, there was a tie of scores between the statements about the enjoyment and rewarding
experiences of the students in their participation in the Siglakasan 2023 and the issues and concern
responses of the Siglakasan 2023 offices which has a weighted mean of 3.26 and a verbal interpretation of
Agree. This indicates that the students enjoyed the Intramurals and their experiences were gratifying
enough for them to satisfy. However, the Siglakasan 2023 offices, including the medical team, student
council, and the family advisers directly address the concerns of the students but not all of them due to the
lack of manpower to all of the students in the campus.
However, the statement that ranked third was all about the policies and rules implemented by the
Siglakasan 2023 that aims to emphasize sportsmanship and fair play which had a weighted mean of 3.19
and was verbally interpreted as Agree. This suggests that the school has prioritized the ethical standards
of the games. Nevertheless, as noticed by the students, there were some games that did not provide a fair
play that has led to unclean results.
More so, the statement that ranked fourth was about the Siglakasan 2023 activities and events
which was organized by the Student Council which had a weighted mean of 3.18 and a verbal
interpretation of Agree. It shows that the students agree that the Intramurals was well organized and
properly managed by the Student Council but still has imperfections. There are some instances that the
Student Council cannot fulfil the needs of most of the students which lacks their satisfaction.
Lastly, the statement that ranked fifth was all about the ease of the students to join the competitions
which had a weighted mean of 3.06 and was verbally interpreted as Agree. This states that most students
can join the various competition easily as provided by the school. However, there are still some cases that
the other students cannot easily join due to some unexpected reasons, including confidence, self-esteem,
time, and chances.
Based on the provided results, it was shown that 129 students (27%) agreed that they have met the needs
provided by the Siglakasan 2023 lowering to the 8th level which was agreed by 106 students (22.2%),
while 87 students (18.2%) answered level 9. However, 4 students (0.8%) suggested that they did not reach
the needs of the Siglakasan 2023.

As shown, it was provided that 149 students (31.2%) agreed that they were fully satisfied of the
Siglakasan 2023 events and competitions lowering to the 8th level which was answered by 88 students
(18.4%), while 87 students (18.2%) answered level 9. However, 9 students (1.9%) suggested that they
were not fully satisfied of the Siglakasan 2023 events and competitions.
If you could make one change to our Siglakasan 2023, what would it be? (If none, write
Kung bibigyan ka ng pagkakataong baguhin ang aling bahagi sa ating Siglakasan 2023, ano
ito? (Kung wala, isulat ang N/A)

In summary, most students prefer to have an after party (e.g. hydro party), additional food stalls and
booths, a more organized set of games, and set of practices. They prefer additional games (e.g.
Taekwondo, Karate, Swimming). Students also wish to have a fair play so that they can be more
encouraged when playing the Siglakasan. In addition, they said that game schedules, including the time
and date of games, must be strictly followed so that they cannot have any sudden changes of the players.
T-shirts must also be given properly and the groups must also prioritize the students’ sizes when
distributing. The students also want to have newer sets of games, more specifically for the grade school.
Players must also be given more time to prepare so that they can practice more for the Siglakasan.
However, the Siglakasan awarding must be properly organized where the students could enjoy them.
Some food stalls were unhygienic where they can see worms from the food itself that has led others to
have stomach aches. The theme of the Siglakasan groups should be more innovative (e.g. Greek gods and
goddesses/ Harry Potter schools) to showcase more talents and skills.

What are some strengths of our Siglakasan 2023?

Anu-ano ang mga kalakasan o kagandahan ng ating Siglakasan 2023?

According to the students, the Siglakasan 2023 performed well in the activeness and
participation of the participants. They were able to showcase they talent and sportsmanship. The
smile of the winners made them happy as well. DWCC has provided an engaging and friendly
environment where they were able to share their skills in sports in different ways, including
camaraderie. They enjoyed the food stalls as well. The bonding between the students were great that
led them to unity. Competitions (e.g. Cheerdance, Basketball, Dansiklaban) were performed well and
was delivered with fairness. Food stalls were affordable for the students. The made decorations were
very good and was engaging. The games and activities were also played fair, fun, and engaging. In
addition, the Mr. and Ms. Siglakasan 2023 was emphasized well which was one of the most watched
competitions in the Siglakasan.

What are some weaknesses of our Siglakasan 2023?

Anu-ano ang mga kahinaan ng ating Siglakasan 2023?

Based from the consolidated results, the students prefer to have a whole week Siglakasan. The
students were not also able to go to their respective classrooms when they want to rest. The food booths
also have problems due to the unhygienic distribution of foods. The school also lacked the time for
preparation that has led them to the improper scheduling and practice. The bad weather was also a
problem. Some students also experienced bullying during the Siglakasan. However, they also suggested
that the clinic must be open at all times for the injured students. The students’ confidence to participate
also lacked that led them to not participate the games. Some groups lacked proper coordination that is
why the members were not able to participate well. Also, the basketball court was too slippery making the
players uncomfortable to play. The booths were also inactive making it hanging. Some games were not
fairly played, particularly for the Pinamalayan students, which was not a good experience for them. Some
students did not also attend the Siglakasan. There was improper communication between the advisers and
the students. The pre-games did not follow the scheduled time properly and strictly making the students
confused when is the right time to play. Self-discipline is also necessary for the students when playing
during the Siglakasan. The family shirts were also not properly distributed, including the shirt sizes,
making the students confused and discouraged to use the shirt anymore.

What are some areas where the Siglakasan 2023 could be improved upon? (If none,
write N/A)
Sa iyong palagay, sa aling bahagi ng ating Siglakasan 2023 ang nangangailangan pa ng pag-
aayos? (Kung wala, isulat ang N/A)

Based on the responses of the students, they prefer the gymnasium to be improvised. The family
shirts must also be changed including its design, including its delivery and distribution. The school must
also strategize to have a newer way of delivering the awarding ceremony. They also want to have
additional and newer booths and food stalls. The time management and schedules must be well organized
so that the players can have a more encouraged way of playing. Also, cooperation and coordination with
the family advisers, the team, and the parents is a must. The facilitation and facilitators must also be
improvised. Cultural competitions (e.g. Battle of the Acoustic Bands) must be improvised as well. Others
who did not join the game must be encouraged more and their confidence must be boosted enough so that
they can showcase their talents and skills. The school must also promote inclusivity since the Siglakasan
2023 is meant for all the students to enjoy and socialize with others.

What activities would you like to see added in our Siglakasan 2023? (If none, write N/A)
Ano pang mga gawain ang nais mong idagdag pa sa ating Siglakasan 2023? (Kung wala,
isulat ang N/A)

As mentioned before, the students prefer to have an after party (i.e. Hydro Party) after the
awarding. They also wish to add better and bigger booths so that many can accommodate each booth.
Also, they prefer to have a competition between the family advisers. However, the players wanted to have
additional games including the following:
Sports: (Indoor and Outdoor games)
1. Billiards
2. Boxing
3. Taekwondo
4. Cycling
5. Chess/ Dama
6. Table Tennis (Singles and Doubles)
7. Swimming
Academic Competition:
1. Arts and Crafts
2. Rubiks Competition
3. Scrabble
4. Spelling Bee for Junior High School
5. Story Telling
6. Robotics

Cultural Competition:
1. Ballet show
2. Opera – Sarswela
3. Cosplay Marathon
4. Dance contests for Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High School
5. Singing Contest (Duets)
6. Fashion Show
7. Field Demonstration

Fun Games:
1. Luksong Baka
2. Pinoy Henyo
3. Traditional Games (Palarong Pinoy)
4. Tumpakners

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