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Jose Rizal Legacy

 His novels awakened Philippine nationalism

Rizal had been very vocal against the Spanish government, but in a peaceful and progressive manner. For him, “the pen
was mightier than the sword.” And through his writings, he exposed the corruption and wrongdoings of government
officials as well as the Spanish friars.

His legacy lives on

 After his death, the Philippine Revolution continued

until 1898. And with the assistance of the United States,
the Philippines declared its independence from Spain
on June 12, 1898. This was the time that the Philippine
flag was waved at General Emilio Aguinaldo’s residence
in Kawit, Cavite.

Today, Dr. Rizal’s brilliance, compassion, courage, and patriotism are greatly remembered and recognized by the
Filipino people. His two novels are continuously being analyzed by students and professionals.

 Colleges and universities in the Philippines even require

their students to take a subject which centers around
the life and works of Rizal. Every year, the Filipinos
celebrate Rizal Day – December 30 each year – to
commemorate his life and works. Filipinos look back at
how his founding of La Liga Filipina and his two novels
had an effect on the early beginnings of the Philippine
Revolution. The people also recognize his advocacy to
achieve liberty through peaceful means rather than
violent revolution.
 In honor of Rizal, memorials and statues of the national hero can be found not only within the Philippines, but in
selected cities around the world. A road in the Chanakyapuri area of New Delhi (India) and in Medan, Indonesia
is named after him. The José Rizal Bridge and Rizal Park in the city of Seattle are also dedicated to the late hero.
 Introduction. Built in 1911 as the 12th Avenue or
Dearborn Street Bridge, it was renamed after Filipino
hero Dr. Jose Rizal in 1974. The bridge symbolizes
Seattle's growth and its connection to the Spanish-
American War, as well as the Philippians.

The Jose Rizal Bridge carries 12th Avenue South over

South Dearborn Street and Interstate 90 in Seattle,
connecting the International District to Beacon Hill.
Built in 1911, and originally called the 12th Avenue
South Bridge or the Dearborn Street Bridge, it was one
of the first permanent steel bridges in Seattle. It was
renamed in honor of the Filipino patriot José Rizal in
1974, though the official name is not well known by
Seattleites. The bridge was listed on the National
Register of Historic Places in 1982, under its original name.

 Within the Philippines, there are streets, towns/cities, a university (Rizal University), and a province named after
him. Three species have also been named after Rizal – the Draco rizali (a small lizard, known as a flying dragon),
Apogania rizali (a very rare kind of beetle with five horns) and the Rhacophorus rizali (a peculiar frog species).

 To commemorate what he did for the country,

the Philippines built a memorial park for him –
now referred to as Rizal Park, found in Manila.
There lies a monument which contains a
standing bronze sculpture of Rizal, an obelisk,
and a stone base said to contain his remains.
The monument stands near the place where he
fell during his execution in Luneta.

Monument in memory of Jose Rizal at Rizal Park

 The legacy that Jose Rizal has on contemporary Philippine

Jose Rizal is considered a national hero in the Philippines, and he has had a significant impact on contemporary
Philippine culture and society.One of the most notable legacies of Rizal is his writings, particularly his novels "Noli Me
Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," which exposed the injustices and corruption of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines.
These works played a key role in inspiring the Philippine Revolution and continue to be widely studied and celebrated
today.Another important legacy of Rizal is his emphasis on education and the importance of learning. Rizal believed that
education was the key to uplifting the Philippines and its people, and he encouraged Filipinos to pursue knowledge and
become self-sufficient.Rizal's commitment to freedom, independence and self-government, including his strong belief in
the importance of national unity, is also a legacy that resonates in the Philippines today.Finally, Rizal’s self-sacrifice,
patriotism and heroism continue to inspire Filipinos to this day. His death by firing squad for the crime of rebellion
serves as a reminder of the sacrifices that were made for the country’s freedom.

 The Legacy of José Rizal in Philippine Culture

“The youth is the hope of our future.” - José Rizal

Philippine Culture Night: Mi último adiós, The Last Farewell
Originally annotated in Spanish, "Mi último adiós", is translated to The Last Farewell. Rizal writes his goodbye
letter to the Philippine people and his family, alone in a jail cell in Manila. This piece of writing was one of the
greatest pieces of writing for the unity of the Philippine people, and was perhaps, Rizal's most impactful piece
written. Originally dictated in Spanish, the poem has been translated to various languages, including Tagalog
and English. The English translation:

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