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- STEP -

- First thing first, we make Telang tea

- Prepare warm water and put the Telang flowers in warm
water and wait until the water turn blue
- Don’t forget to add sugar according to taste and stir until
evenly mixed or smooth

- While waiting for the tea cool and change the color, we
will make the whip cream
- First put ice cubes in a blender, and then
- Add condensed milk and vanila milk powder, then we
blend (with mixer), and mix until fluffy and smooth

- And now its time to platting

- Put 3 or 2 teaspoons of taro powder into a glass
- After that we mix with warm water, stir it
- And then add some ice cube
- And then add milk, stir it again
- Add whip cream
- Last we add the Telang tea wich we have let stand, and
then add whip cream again.


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