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Name: Julia Katrina Descaya DDM-1C Reflection Paper

What is the role of religion in globalization?

The role of religion is a significant that frequently comes up in studies of

globalization. Religion undoubtedly contributed to the development of towns
and regions, however it should not take credit for being the sole factor that
brought people of different faiths. Instead, we should not see religious
practices and beliefs as having a positive or negative impact on different
stages of globalization. When examining the forces behind globalization and
unity between the two diverse groups of people, many external elements
such as trade and power should also be taken into account. The globalization
allows for religions previously isolated from one another to now have contact,
globalization brings to the light the fact that since religions have similar
values. Religion and globalization have always shared a relation of struggle
and conflict. Economic and political have been associated with globalization,
which has brought people close together. Globalization stands for increased
and daily contact while religions are becoming more self- conscious for
themselves as being the world religions. Globalization’s fundamental principles
oppose religious nationalism. Globalization breaks down cultural barriers,
which forces religion into a maze of conflicts that strengthen social identities
because some people reject new realities and to religion to recover their own
identities. Religion gives people a feeling of community and assault of the
modern world have discouraged religion which is now perceived as becoming
even more intense in the context of current development. Although some
organizations have used religion as a tool to both unite and terrorize large
populations, people today are more accepting of various religions and their
customs and many view all acts of terrorism as being anti- religious. Religions
plays a crucial part in welfare and serves as a cultural shield for vulnerable
sections in the countries where they are more marginalized bu the forces of

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