EGE Sample-1

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Table of contents

Household chores ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Vocabulary ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Vocabulary list .......................................................................................................................................16
Writing ...................................................................................................................................................17
Speaking .................................................................................................................................................20
Grammar ...............................................................................................................................................26
The countryside and the city ....................................................................................................................28
Vocabulary .............................................................................................................................................28
Vocabulary list .......................................................................................................................................37
Writing ...................................................................................................................................................38
Speaking .................................................................................................................................................41
Grammar ...............................................................................................................................................47
People and relationships ...........................................................................................................................48
Vocabulary .............................................................................................................................................48
Vocabulary list .......................................................................................................................................62
Writing ...................................................................................................................................................63
Speaking .................................................................................................................................................66
Grammar ...............................................................................................................................................72
Health and healthy lifestyle ......................................................................................................................74
Vocabulary .............................................................................................................................................74
Vocabulary list .......................................................................................................................................84
Writing ...................................................................................................................................................85
Speaking .................................................................................................................................................88
Grammar ...............................................................................................................................................94
Sports and hobby.......................................................................................................................................96
Vocabulary .............................................................................................................................................96
Vocabulary List ...................................................................................................................................112
Writing .................................................................................................................................................113
Speaking ...............................................................................................................................................116
Grammar .............................................................................................................................................122
Fashion and shopping .............................................................................................................................124
Vocabulary ...........................................................................................................................................124
Vocabulary list .....................................................................................................................................137
Writing .................................................................................................................................................138
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Speaking ...............................................................................................................................................141
Grammar .............................................................................................................................................147
Transport and travelling ........................................................................................................................149
Vocabulary ...........................................................................................................................................149
Vocabulary list .....................................................................................................................................163
Writing .................................................................................................................................................164
Speaking ...............................................................................................................................................167
Grammar .............................................................................................................................................173
Nature and ecology ..................................................................................................................................175
Vocabulary ...........................................................................................................................................175
Vocabulary list .....................................................................................................................................189
Writing .................................................................................................................................................190
Speaking ...............................................................................................................................................193
Grammar .............................................................................................................................................199
Work .........................................................................................................................................................201
Vocabulary ...........................................................................................................................................201
Vocabulary list .....................................................................................................................................215
Writing .................................................................................................................................................216
Speaking ...............................................................................................................................................219
Grammar .............................................................................................................................................225
Education and foreign languages ...........................................................................................................228
Vocabulary ...........................................................................................................................................228
Vocabulary list .....................................................................................................................................242
Writing .................................................................................................................................................243
Speaking ...............................................................................................................................................246
Grammar .............................................................................................................................................252
Technology and science...........................................................................................................................255
Vocabulary ...........................................................................................................................................255
Vocabulary list .....................................................................................................................................272
Writing .................................................................................................................................................273
Speaking ...............................................................................................................................................276
Grammar .............................................................................................................................................282
Festivals and celebrations .......................................................................................................................285
Vocabulary ...........................................................................................................................................285
Vocabulary list .....................................................................................................................................298
Writing .................................................................................................................................................299
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Speaking ...............................................................................................................................................302
Grammar .............................................................................................................................................308
Mind maps ...............................................................................................................................................311
References ................................................................................................................................................331

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Household chores

Exercise 1
Look at Mrs Brown’s housework
routine. Which of the actions can you see
in the pictures A-O below?

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Exercise 2
Look at the pictures A-O again and match them with the phrases 1-15:

1) clean the table

2) clean the toilet
3) clean windows
4) do the laundry
5) do the ironing
6) do the washing up
7) load the dishwasher
8) make the bed
9) mow the lawn
10) put clothes away
11) take out the rubbish
12) vacuum the floor
13) water flowers
14) walk the dog
15) wipe surfaces

Exercise 3

Find the opposites for the following phrases in the expressions in ex. 2: empty/unload the
dishwasher, lay/set the table, throw clothes around

Exercise 4

Find the synonyms for the following phrases in the expressions in ex. 2: do the dishes, dust
the furniture, fill the dishwasher, pick up clothes, sort out clothes, take out the trash, throw away
the rubbish, wash the clothes, wash up, wash the dishes

Exercise 5
In which picture in ex.1 can you see: a dishwasher? a sponge? a lawnmower? a vacuum
cleaner? a watering can? an iron? laundry? some dishes? trash containers? a frying pan? a
broom? a wardrobe? a washing machine?

What do you need these things for? Do you often use them while cleaning your flat? What other
domestic appliances do you have in your flat?

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Exercise 6
Read the text about what different teenagers think about doing household chores. Which of
the opinions can you relate to?
Tom: I'm fed up with doing all the housework. Yesterday I cleaned the table, cleaned the toilet
and cleaned the windows. Then I did the laundry, did the ironing and did the washing up.
Finally, I loaded the dishwasher, made the bed and took out the rubbish. And what did my sister
do? Nothing! Just because she is studying at university doesn’t mean her studies are more
important than mine! Mind you, this year I’m going to take my RNE exams! Where am I
supposed to find the time for my homework and tests if I’m doing everything around the house?
It's just not fair.
Alice: I don't mind doing the laundry or doing the
ironing, but I'm tired of caring for this pet Mom gave to
me as a birthday present. Who said I wanted a dog? I
needed a new dress, not a whining creature I have to
look after on everyday basis. It leaves hairs everywhere,
I’m already tired of cleaning school clothes and my
shoes. I'd like someone else to walk the dog and clean
after it. If my parent decided to bring a pet into this
house, she should take more responsibility for him.
Kate: I like doing chores outside the house. I help my parents in the garden and I also take care
of our dog. In the garden, I water the plants and sometimes I mow the lawn. It's a big job but I
don't mind it. I think it's good exercise. When I have free time, I like to work with my mom in
her vegetable garden. We plant tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. In the summer, we eat fresh
salads every day. It's great! Inside the house, I don't do as much as my parents. I make my bed,
clean my room, and sometimes I help wash the dishes. I don't cook but I can make a sandwich or
a bowl of cereal. I always wipe surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom because I don't like dirt!
Priscilla: I love baking. I bake cakes, cookies and bread. My favourite thing to bake is a
chocolate cake. I use my grandmother's recipe. It's really easy. First, you put the sugar and the
butter in a bowl and mix them together. Then you add the eggs and the flour and mix it all
together. After that, you add the cocoa powder, the baking powder and the salt. Finally, you pour
the mixture into a cake tin and put it in the oven for 30 minutes. When it's ready, you take it out
of the oven and leave it to cool. Then you can eat it! I like baking because I find it relaxing.
Sometimes I drop some ingredients on the floor and my dog helps me to clean it  You see, she
likes baking too!
Gabriel: My family lives in a house and I don't think it's fair that I have to clean it all by myself.
There are four people living in this house, so why am I the only one responsible for keeping it
clean? It would be great if everyone could pitch in and help out with the cleaning, especially
since we all make messes.
I don't understand why I always have to do the dishes after dinner. I spend a lot of time preparing
the meals, so it would be nice if someone else could help with the clean-up. Maybe we could
take turns doing the dishes, or even better, we could use a dishwasher to make things easier for

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Which teenagers are unhappy about their household chores? What would you do if you
were in their shoes?

Exercise 7
Match the statements below to one of the texts by teenagers 1-6. There’s one extra
statement in this task:
1. Why does my sibling not share household chores?
2. Why am I the only one responsible for cleaning the house?
3. Something I dislike about my dog.
4. A chore I can't stand.
5. Where I love doing household chores.
6. One household chore I and my dog love.

Exercise 8
Answer the questions:
Do you help around the house? Which of the household chores from ex. 2 are you
responsible for? Which of them do you like doing? Which of them do you hate doing?

Exercise 9
Read the email and say what problem Anna had in her family. Do you think Anna makes
the right decision at the end of the email?

Hi Lucy. How are you doing?

You will never guess what my husband
Charlie told me yesterday! We were
having dinner and watching TV in our
living room. He finished the steak and
put all the dirty dishes on the coffee table
next to our sofa. After I have asked him
to take everything to the kitchen and do
the dishes, he told me that he didn't have
to. Because our coffee table was A
Honestly, I thought he had spent too much time playing his video games and forgot we are living
in a real world, not one of his make-believes with witches and ogres. So I asked him to explain
what this MAGICAL TABLE could do.

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Charlie looked around (as if someone was listening to us), leaned to me and whispered: "I leave
dirty dishes on this coffee table every evening. And in the morning there's nothing on it! It is
clean! And those dirty plates and glasses are back in our cupboard, neat and shiny".
Lucy, I thought I would choke on the meat I was chewing! I could not believe what he was
saying. "Are you kidding me, darling?" was everything I could utter. And imagine my surprise
after he's replied: "No way. Leave the dishes on the table and see for yourself!"
I just left him in the living room and said I was tired and I had to go to bed early. I could not talk
to him anymore. Where were my eyes when I was marrying that guy? My Mom told me he was a
nuisance and I should have stayed away of him and his family! If only I had listened to her!
I do all the housework - the laundry, ironing, shopping, dishes. I clean all the mess he makes.
And after 2 years of our life together I learn he thinks some fairies are doing the chores, not his
Oh my gosh, I am filing for divorce, I definitely am.

Do you think household chores is a woman’s responsibility?

Do your parents share responsibilities around the house? What does each of them do?

Exercise 10
Read the text in ex. 9 again and say which of the sentences are true, false or not stated.
Explain your choice:
1. Charlie and Anna were having a meal in front of TV in their living room.
2. Charlie plays video games every evening.
3. Charlie asked Anna to leave the dishes on the table to see the magic.
4. Anna's mother was supportive of her marriage to Charlie.
5. Anna does all the housework, including laundry, ironing, shopping, and dishes.
6. Charlie and Anna have been married for more than two years.
7. Charlie is unhappy that Anna wants to divorce him.

Exercise 11
Put the nouns in the correct column to make a collocation. Look at the text in ex. 10 to help
a mess, housework, the bed, the dishes, the ironing, the laundry, the shopping, the washing up

do + noun make + noun

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Exercise 12
Do you think having a domestic helper is a good idea? Why (not)?

Read the text and say how the woman felt about hiring one.
When my daughter was born, I decided to hire a domestic helper. I wanted someone to take care
of the housework so that I could spend more time with my child. After a few weeks of searching,
I found a woman named Maria who seemed perfect for the job. Maria was a middle-aged woman
with short, curly hair and a friendly smile. She had several years of experience as a domestic helper
and came highly recommended by her previous employer. When we met for an interview, she
seemed kind and trustworthy, so I hired her on the spot.
For the first few months, everything went smoothly. Maria did an excellent job of cleaning the
house. She was always punctual and never complained about her duties. I felt lucky to have found
such a reliable helper.
One day, while I was getting dressed for work, I noticed that my favorite diamond necklace was
missing from its usual spot in the jewelry box. I searched everywhere, but it was nowhere to be
found. I thought maybe I had misplaced it, so I didn't think much about it at the time. A few days
later, I noticed that another piece of jewelry was missing - this time, a pair of gold earrings. I
started to panic. I couldn't believe that someone had been stealing from me, and I had no idea who
it could be. I decided to install a hidden camera in my bedroom to catch the thief.
The next day, I reviewed the footage from the camera and was shocked by what I saw. It was
Maria, my trusted domestic helper, stealing my jewelry right out of the jewelry box! My heart sank
as I watched her slip the earrings into her pocket and walk out of the room.
I couldn't believe that I had been so wrong about her. I immediately called the police and showed
them the video evidence. They were able to track down Maria and arrest her. It turned out that she

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had a history of theft and had been stealing from her employers for years. I was devastated. Not
only had I lost several valuable pieces of jewelry, but I had also lost my faith in people.
In the months that followed, I struggled to trust anyone who came into my home. I constantly
worried about whether they were being honest with me or if they were hiding something. It took a
long time for me to feel comfortable in my own house again. Looking back, I realize that I should
have been more cautious when hiring a domestic helper. Even though Maria seemed trustworthy,
I should have done a more thorough background check on her before inviting her into my home.
It was a hard lesson to learn, but it taught me the importance of being careful when letting strangers
into your life.
What can be done to avoid the problem the woman is describing in this story?

Exercise 13
Read the text in ex. 12 again and choose the correct answer in statements 1- 8 below.
Explain your choice:
1. Why did the narrator decide to hire a 4. What did the narrator think when she first
domestic helper? noticed the missing jewelry?
A. To help with her house and her baby A. That Maria was stealing from her
B. To assist with housework B. That she hasn’t searched properly
C. To keep her company C. That she has put it in the wrong place
D. To look after the baby D. That Maria has put it in the wrong place

2. When did the narrator employ Maria? 5. How did the narrator discover that Maria
was a thief?
A. After reading her recommendations
A. She confronted Maria directly
B. After learning she was an experienced
cleaner B. She found the missing jewelry in Maria's
C. After meeting her in person
C. She watched the recording from a hidden
D. After seeing her job
D. She received an anonymous tip
3. How did Maria do at the beginning?
A. She did a good job of cleaning smooth
6. What was the woman’s reaction after
she’s found out her cleaner was a thief?
B. She was always on time and performed
A. She refused to believe it
her duties well
B. She went to the police office
C. She could have done a better job
C. She watched the recording again
D. She always dressed neatly for work
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D. She talked to Maria A. Not consulting her lawyer

B. Not learning more about her past
7. What was revealed about Maria's past C. Not paying her enough
after her arrest?
D. Not talking to her previous employers
A. She had been a burglar
B. She stole things from her previous
9. What lesson has the narrator drawn from
this story?
C. She was a victim of a previous theft
A. Don’t deal with strange people
D. She was falsely accused in the past
B. Learning lessons is hard
C. Don’t let strangers into your life
8. What does the narrator regret about hiring
D. Be cautious of new people in your life

Exercise 14
Fill in the chart. Make negative forms where possible:

noun verb adjective adverb

cleaner, cleaning clean clean -

dirt - -

- easily
helper, help - -
iron - -
load - -
- messy -
neigbour, - -
- responsible, -
shop -
tidiness - -
- washing -

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Exercise 15
Do you have any tips on how to clean your
apartment quickly?
Read the following three and say if they are good
For each question, fill the space in the sentence
using the base word given in bold at the end. The
required word may be a noun, adverb, adjective or
verb and it may be either positive (e.g. helpful) or negative (e.g. unhelpful).

How to clean your apartment fast: 3 tips

You know how it goes. You’re at home enjoying a very lazy Sunday
afternoon when the phone rings. It’s your college roommate, and she’s
in town. No, she’s not just in town. She’s in your 1_____________,
and will be over in about 35 minutes. NEIGHBOOR
You start panicking because all your flat is 2__________.
Relax! All you have to do is breathe, and follow these 3 cleaning tips. MESS
They won’t take care of everything — but they will get your home
ready for company.

Tip 1. Focus on rooms your guest will actually use

You don’t have time to make every inch of your apartment spotless.
Besides, your guest is only going to hang out in a few places in your
That means you don’t have to be 3______________ for cleaning your
home office, since you won’t be showing your roommate how to use
your new printer. Simply shut the door on that space and worry about
it later.

Tip 2. Pick up 4_________ clothes and towels
Walk through all those rooms we just mentioned, with your eyes on
the floor. Do you see T-shirts on the floor next to your bed? Towels by
the shower?
Pick them all up and put them away in the wardrobe. You don’t need
to wash them today, but you definitely need to get them off the

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Tip 3. 5________ up your surfaces. TIDINESS

As you move out of the bathroom and into your three remaining
rooms (kitchen, living room, and bedroom), start looking for out-of-
place items on your surfaces.
If you see something that you can 6__________ put away in a second,
do it.
Once that’s done, give those surfaces a good dusting.

Exercise 16
Do your parents get angry when they see mess in your room?

Read the text and say why the boy’s mom

is angry. Don’t pay attention to the gaps
I really don’t know why Mom gets so angry
about the mess in my room. She keeps saying:
“Put your clothes 1_________, Ryan! Or I
promise that one day I will collect them all
and throw 2_________ into the trash
container!” Why make such a point out of
this? It’s MY room, not hers! If I need a T-
shirt, I can just pick it 3_________ from the
floor, it’s easier to find it there than in my 4_________ .
I do enough 5_________ – I walk my dog and feed it afterwards. I wipe the surfaces in my room
and vacuum the floor when it gets too dirty. Sometimes I even remember to 6_________ my bed
in the morning. When I go to school, I take 7_________ the rubbish and put it into the trash
container. And on Sundays I even 8_________ the lawn!’
I help Mom a lot more than my best friend Sam. His parents don’t make him do any household
_________ at all. They have hired a 10_________ who comes twice a week and tidies up. I envy

Circle the correct option (a-d) to complete each gap (1-10):

1) a) away b) around c) back d) out
2) a) away b) around c) back d) out
3) a) away b) off c) out d) up
4) a) broom b) cupboard c) frying pan d) wardrobe
5) a) housework b) household c) homework d) homekeep

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6) a) clean b) do c) fill d) make

7) a) away b) down c) off d) out
8) a) clean b) mow c) vacuum d) wipe
9) a) assignments b) chores c) housework d) staff
10) a) domestic helper b) helping hand c) home assistant d) servant

Exercise 17
Translate into English using active vocabulary:
1) На первой картинке мы видим девушку. Она стоит в спальне и держит пылесос. На
второй картинке женщина с сыном кладут белье в стиральную машину.
2) Мне кажется, техника необходима при выполнении работы по дому, потому что
она помогает сэкономить много времени.
3) Если бы у меня хватало денег, я бы наняла помощницу по дому. Она бы делала то,
что я терпеть не могу - раскладывала одежду по местам, мыла окна, поливала
цветы и гладила белье.
4) Я думаю, что работа по дому - женское занятие, потому что женщины терпеливее и
более ответственны. Мои мама и папа делят работу по дому: он моет квартиру и
поливает цветы, а мама стирает, гладит и готовит. Но у папы получается плохо, и
мама постоянно за него все переделывает.
5) Отвечу на твои вопросы. Я помогаю родителям выгуливать и кормить нашу собаку.
Это занимает 5 минут, и мне нравится проводить время на свежем воздухе. Но я
терпеть не могу стричь газон, хотя этим тоже нужно заниматься на свежем воздухе.
Кстати, у меня пара вопросов про вашу новую газонокосилку. Какого она цвета?
Сколько она стоит? Ей легко стричь газон?

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Vocabulary list

Household chores: clean the table, clean the toilet, clean windows, do the laundry, do the
ironing, do the washing up, load the dishwasher, make the bed, mow the lawn, put clothes away,
take out the rubbish, vacuum the floor, water flowers, walk the dog, wipe surfaces, empty/unload
the dishwasher, lay/set the table, throw clothes around, do the dishes, dust the furniture, fill the
dishwasher, pick up clothes, sort out clothes, take out the trash, throw away the rubbish, wash the
clothes, wash up, wash the dishes, make a mess

Kitchen appliances and objects: a dishwasher, a sponge, a lawnmower, a vacuum cleaner, a

watering can, an iron, laundry, some dishes, trash containers, a frying pan, a broom, a wardrobe,
a washing machine

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Email 1
You have received an email message from your English-speaking friend Ann:
Subject: Household chores
… I am so tired of doing housework around the house! I have to tidy up my room and wipe
surfaces there.
… Do you do any household chores? Which of them do you dislike doing? Do you share
household chores in your family?
My Mom has recently bought a robot vacuum cleaner to make our housework easier …
Write a message to Ann. In your email:
- answer her 3 questions;
- ask 3 questions about the robot vacuum cleaner
Write 100 – 140 words. Remember the rules of email writing.

Email 2
You have received an email message from your English-speaking friend Pete:
Subject: Domestic helper
… My Mom decided to hire a domestic worker! I’m on cloud nine because now I will have more
free time for my studying and hobbies.
… Do you think hiring a domestic helper is a good idea? Would you like to have one? What
household chores do you dislike doing most?
It’s my Mum’s birthday soon and I have bought her a blender ….
Write a message to Pete. In your email:
- answer his 3 questions;
- ask 3 questions about the blender
Write 100 – 140 words. Remember the rules of email writing.

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Project 1
Imagine that you are doing a project on least popular household chores among Zetland
teenagers. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the
table below) .
Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.
The opinion poll question:
Least popular household chores
Chores Number of respondents (%)
Cleaning the toilet 33
Vacuuming the floors 25
Cooking food 20
Walking the dog 14
Wiping surfaces 8

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with doing household chores and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of doing household

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Project 2
Imagine that you are doing a project on who should do most household chores according to
teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results оf the opinion polls
(see the pie chart below).

Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

The opinion poll question:

Who should do most household chores?

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise while sharing household chores in a family and suggest a way
of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of sharing household

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Paper A
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some
interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You
have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not
have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Household chores have existed for as long as humans have lived in houses. In the past, people
often had to do very hard physical work to keep their homes clean and tidy. For example, they
had to chop wood to heat their homes and carry water from a well or river to wash with.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many women spent most of their lives doing housework.
They had to make clothes, cook food, and look after children. Some women also had to work on
farms or in factories to earn money for their families.
However, since then, new inventions have made many household chores much easier. For
example, washing machines now automatically wash clothes. People can buy food in
supermarkets, so they don't need to grow it themselves. And central heating keeps homes warm
without fireplaces. As a result, many people now spend less time doing housework than in the
past. Instead, they can use this time to relax, go out, or do other activities.

Task 2. Study the advertisement.

Visit our new shop!

You are considering buying a new household appliance and now you’d like to get more
information about the shop where you want to buy it.
In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following:
1) location of the shop;
2) opening hours;
3) public transport;
4) special offers.
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
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Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions.
Give full answers to the questions (2-3 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It's Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today
is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss teenagers' attitude to household
chores. We'd like to know our guest's point of view on this issue. Please answer five
questions. So, let's get started.

Interviewer: What household chores do you do in your family?

Student: _____________________________

Interviewer: Do you like doing household chores? What are your favourite ones?
Student: _____________________________

Interviewer: Are there any household chores you try to avoid doing? Why?
Student: _____________________________

Interviewer: Do you share household chores in your family?

Student: _____________________________

Interviewer: What advice would you give to a teenager who wants to do his household chores
quickly and efficiently?
Student: _____________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.

© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023


Task 4. Imagine that you and your friend are doing a school project "Household chores".
You have found some photos to illustrate it but for technical reasons you cannot send them
now. Leave a voice message to your friend explaining your choice of the photos and sharing
some ideas about the project.
In 2.5 minutes be ready to:
 explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and
noting the differences;
 mention the advantages (1-2) of the two household chores;
 mention the disadvantages (1-2) of the two household chores;
 express your opinion on the subject of the project - which of the household chores
presented in the pictures you'd prefer and why.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk

© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023


Paper B
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some
interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You
have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not
have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Before the washing machine, people washed their clothes by hand. This was a long and difficult
job, especially for women. They had to carry water from a well or a river and heat it on a fire.
Then they had to wash the clothes with soap and a brush, and then rinse them with clean water.
After that, they had to hang the clothes outside to dry.
In 1767, a British man called James King invented a machine with a drum and a handle. People
turned the handle and this moved the clothes around in the drum. But it was still hard work
because they had to turn the handle many times.
In 1908, an American company called Alva J. Fisher made the first electric washing machine. It
was very expensive and not many people could buy it. In the 1950s, companies started making
cheaper washing machines. Many houses in Europe and North America had a washing machine
by the 1960s. Today, there are about 1.5 billion washing machines in the world!

Task 2. Study the advertisement.

Book cleaning and laundry!

You are considering hiring a domestic helper and now you’d like to get more information
about the services.
In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following:
1) services available;
2) working hours;
3) special offers;
4) what’s included in cleaning.
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions.
Give full answers to the questions (2-3 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It's Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today
is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss teenagers' attitude to sharing
household chores. We'd like to know our guest's point of view on this issue. Please answer
five questions. So, let's get started.

Interviewer: Do you share chores in your family?

Student: _____________________________

Interviewer: Who does the most chores in your family? In your opinion, is it fair?
Student: _____________________________

Interviewer: Do you think it is a woman’s responsibility to clean the house?

Student: _____________________________

Interviewer: What is your opinion of hiring professional cleaners to clean your house?

Student: _____________________________

Interviewer: What advice would you give to a teenager who doesn’t want to do household
Student: _____________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.

© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023


Task 4. Imagine that you and your friend are doing a school project "Sharing household
chores". You have found some photos to illustrate it but for technical reasons you cannot
send them now. Leave a voice message to your friend explaining your choice of the photos
and sharing some ideas about the project.
In 2.5 minutes be ready to:
 explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and
noting the differences;
 mention the advantages (1-2) of sharing household chores and doing them on your own;
 mention the disadvantages (1-2) of sharing household chores and doing them on your
 express your opinion on the subject of the project - which of the ways of doing household
chores presented in the pictures you'd prefer and why.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk

© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023



Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова,

напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически
соответствовали содержанию текстов.


Housework is the most unequally shared of the three most common

forms of unpaid care, the other two being childcare and long-term
care for older 1___________ and 2___________ PERSON, PERSON
with 3___________________and other chronic conditions. DISABILITY

About 91% of 4__________ with 5___________ spend at least an WOMAN, CHILD

hour per day on housework, compared with 30 % of 6__________ MAN
with 7______________. The latest available data shows that CHILD
employed 8________________ spend about 2.3 hours daily WOMAN
on housework; for employed 9_________, this figure is 1.6 MAN
hours. Gender gaps in housework participation are the largest
among couples with 10_______, demonstrating an enduring CHILD
imbalance in unpaid care 11_____________ within RESPONSIBILITY
_____________. FAMILY


We are renovating because we want 1_____ house to look more WE

beautiful and feel more comfortable. People should consider
______home renovation plan as a business plan or as THEY
______special project they are starting from scratch. THEY

If you hire an architect, he plans for you, and the responsibility is

________, but if you want to save money, the first step is to take HE
charge of the project and do it to 5_______________. YOU
In 6_______blog post I am sharing some DIY ideas on how to I
renovate your house on a budget.
If you are doing the renovation 7____________then you need to YOU
focus on both the bigger picture and the smaller parts. Devise a
renovation plan for each area in 8___________house. YOU

© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023


When my best friend was renovating 9________house, she was SHE

trying to declutter and maximize 10_______storage. Utilizing SHE
______ kitchen to 12_________maximum capacity helped SHE, IT
_________minimize 14_______storage problems. SHE, SHE
If you already have cabinets which are enough for storage then you
don’t need to replace 15_________; THEY
you can just repaint 16________to make 17______kitchen look as THEY, YOU
good as new.


It was my twenty-1__________ birthday when my husband gifted SEVEN

me a vacuum cleaner... it also was our 2________ serious quarrel. ONE
He had never gifted me anything I wanted, or anything women
would like to receive. He’d always thought a present should be
useful. So, I received a dishwasher for our 3________ wedding TWO
anniversary and a kitchen hood for our 4___________ one. THREE
Before the 5________ wedding anniversary, I asked him to bring a FOUR
bunch of flowers. He was really surprised but he finally brought
me… a potted plant! He told me he just could not justify spending
money on something which was going to die in a few days. So,
that’s how I ended up getting divorced... the 6______ anniversary FIVE
never happened.

© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023

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