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Political Cartoon Analysis Organizer and Notes

Pre-Thinking: What do you think about when you think of the 1920’s? Brainstorm here:

Video Notes: We’re going to watch a video giving a quick historical background of the 1920’s. The video is packed with information, so take
notes on what you can. Look out for:

▪ Events that happened

▪ People and groups important to the era
▪ Inventions and innovations of the time
▪ What stands out? What surprises you?
▪ What confirms your pre-thinking?
▪ What is different from your pre-thinking?
Political Cartoons: Prohibition 💠 Economy

Name of your political cartoon: _______________________________________________________________________________

Observations Analysis Cartoonist’s Message

Reflection: How does your analysis of these cartoons support or change your Pre-Thinking about the 1920’s?
Bonus Round!: Recreate one of the political cartoons to apply to today’s issues. Do not worry about being a great artist, you can use stick
figures and labels - just like the cartoons we analyzed labeled items and people. Notice that these political cartoons are done in one frame, so
you only need one image. But within that image you will need to convey a social, economic, or political issues through symbolism.

Before you draw, brainstorm!

What you need to create a political cartoon:

1. A social, economic, political issues that is connected to the ones in the cartoon you examined.
2. A list of people, groups, organizations who are involved/affected by that issue.
3. A list objects that can possibly symbolize the issue, people, or groups/organizations involved.
a. Example: If someone is tricking someone, you might want to draw animals like a snake or fox and label the animal
with the person/problem/group they represent.
4. A list of well known cultural references that might apply or symbolize your issue.
a. Examples: biblical references, fairytale stories, modern/well known characters or stories (TV shows like “Game of
Thrones,” Disney movies like Frozen, etc.)

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