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By :ABEBAW BEWU RU 0671/13






BONGA Ethiopia

First of all I would like to thanks our marvelous god. Then after, I gratefully
express thanks to my advisor MR YOSEF for his constructive comment and
encouragement throughout the proposal. And also I would to say thanks to
my parents for their great help fullness in all my life and educational

Table of Contents
Abbreviation and Acronym.........................................................................................................................iii
1. NTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Back Ground of the Study..................................................................................................................1
1.2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM..............................................................................................2
1.3. Research question................................................................................................................................2
1.4. Objective..........................................................................................................................................2
1.4.1. General objective.......................................................................................................................2
1.4.2. Specific objectives.....................................................................................................................3
1.5. Significance of the study..................................................................................................................3
1.6. Limitation of the study....................................................................................................................3
2. Literature review.....................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Prevalence of water borne disease.....................................................................................................4
2.2 Water borne disease...........................................................................................................................5
2.3 The most common types of water borne disease................................................................................7
2.4. Common symptoms of water borne disease....................................................................................7
2. 5. Source of contamination and mode of transmission.........................................................................8
2.6. Prevention of water borne diseases...................................................................................................8
2.6.1. Safe –drinking water....................................................................................................................9
2.6.2. Health education........................................................................................................................9
2.6.3. Sanitation...................................................................................................................................9
2.7. Treatment of water borne disease.....................................................................................................9
3.1 Description of the study Area..........................................................................................................10
3.2. Study design and period..................................................................................................................10
3.3. Study population.............................................................................................................................10
3.4. method of Data collection during
data collection secondary data will be used to assess the prevalence of water borne disease among
patient attending from record office of Bonga Gebre tsadik shawo hospital from 2022-2023 G.C........10
3.5. Sample size and sample techniques ...............................................................................................10
3.6. Data analysis and interpretation......................................................................................................10
3.7. Ethical consideration......................................................................................................................11
4. WORK PLAN AND BUDGET BREAK DOWN.................................................................................11
4.1 WORK PLAN..............................................................................................................................11
4.2 BUDGET BREAK DOWN...........................................................................................................12

Abbreviation and Acronym
WHO- World health organization.

UNWWDR- Nation Worldwide Development report.

DALYS- Disability Adjusted Life Years.

EDEP- Ethiopia Dracunculisis Erudition program.

HPC -housing and population consensus

SNNPR Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region

Water borne diseases are disease that can spread through contaminated water. The
contamination involves bacteria, viral and parasite. Water-borne disease cause many health
problems to human around the world. The problems are common in developing country like
Africa. Water borne disease was the one that causes for morbidity and infant mortality in
Ethiopia. About 30.000 children under the age of 5 die every year in Ethiopia. Persons may be
affected by drinking contaminated water directly or through food and use for the purpose of
personal hygiene and recreation. The objective of the study will to assess the prevalence of water
borne disease and related factors. In this study, secondary data will be used to collect necessary
information from Bonga g/tsadik shawo hospital .the study design of the research will us cross
sectional survey from Bonga g/tsadik shawo hospital. Sample technique used in this study will
be convenience technique and data will analyzed by using table and percentage. Based on The
result obtained, the prevalence of water borne disease will be increase/decrease in two
consecutive study period 2022-2023. Thus will encourage the awareness of water borne disease
and reduce the chance of the population to be infected by it,

Key word; water born disease, prevalence, pathogen, water, contaminate

1.1 Back Ground of the Study
Water borne diseases are disease that can spread through contaminated water. Contamination can
involve bacteria, viruses or protozoa organism. Some example of water borne disease includes
cholera, dysentery (bacteria or amoeba), and cryptosporidiosis (protozoa) hepatitis A (virus ) and
Giardiasis (protozoa). Infection can result not only from drinking the water but also from
slimming in the water where it can inter the body other ways such as through broken skin
(Shears, 2019).
Prevalence of water born disease is related to poor hygiene and inadequate sanitary
condition as well as polluted environmental condition. Number of disease caused by human
consumption of impure water is preventable if proper health and sanitation standards are
enforced (Lattimore,2018 and France,2020). In developing countries four fifth of all the illness
are caused by water borne disease with diarrhea being the leading cause of childhood death
(WHO,2018).The global picture of water and health has a strong local dimension with some 1.1
billion people still leaking access to improved drinking water sources and some 2 billion to
adequate sanitation. Today we have strong evidence that water sanitation and hygiene related
disease account for some 221300 deaths annually and annual loss of 28196000 disability
adjusted life years (DALYS and Bas,2018).
Micro-organism causing diseases that characteristically are water borne predominantly include
protozoa and bacteria, many of which are intestinal parasites or invade the tissue or circulator
system through walls of the digestive tract . Various other water borne diseases is caused by
viruses (Jalopy et al., 2020).

Another class of water borne metazoan pathogens certain members of the schistomatidae, a
family of food flukes. They usually infect victims that make skin contact with water. Blood
flukes are pathogens that cause schistosomiasis of various forms, more or less seriously affecting
hundreds of millions of peoples worldwide (Brunette and Gary, 2018).
Long before modern studies had established the germ theory of diseases or any advanced
understanding of the nature of water as a vehicles for transmitting diseases, traditional beliefs

had caution (mistakes) against the consumption of water rather favoring processed beverages
such as beer, wine, and tea.
Many poorer counters have limited uncontaminated water supplies so water borne disease is a
huge health issue worldwide (WHO, 2018).


Water-borne diseases are viral, Bacteria and parasitic diseases which use water as a common
means of transmission. Water-borne disease cause serious health problem over the world wide.
According to WHO report every year more than 3.4 million people die as a result water borne
disease. Most of the majority of who die of illness caused by organisms that thrive in water
source contaminated by raw sewage (WHO, 2019).
WHO estimates indicate that worldwide over 2 billion people are affected with schistosomes and
soil transmitted helminthes of these suffer serious illnesses as a result (Bal,2020).Water borne
diseases many serious health problem human around the world. The problem has will be
significance to the developing and develop world, particularly in Africa. Asia and south America
(WHO, 2020).
The water related diseases have basically prevalent in developing countries. However it is a
major problem with Africa villages, with a death billion from diarrhea each year, lack of
clean is what brings this result , unclean water is responsible for additional disease
such as cholera, guinea, typhoid and intestinal worm, which kill more than 8 million
people throughout the world each year(WHO,2020).

1.3. Research question

What is the prevalence of eater borne disease
What are causative agent of water borne disease
What is the majority source of water contamination and how peoples prevent this contamination
of water to reduce water borne disease

1.4. Objective

1.4.1. General objective

 To assess the prevalence of water borne disease among patient attending in Bonga
g/tsadik shawo hospital in the past two years (2022 _ 2023)
1.4.2. Specific objectives
 To identify major source of water contamination in the study area.
 To identify the major causative agent of water borne disease in the study area.
 To prevent contamination of water and reduce water borne disease

1.5. Significance of the study

The significance of the study will be to reduced the prevalence of water borne disease and water
related disease. These studies added new information on the existing knowledge on how to
reduce water borne diseases.

1.6. Limitation of the study

The limiting factors that can be encountered during conducting the study time constraint
will be transportation problems and lack of enough money. In addition to this limitation
there is also lack of facilities such as internet access to get up date ( recent )
information regarding water borne diseases age

2. Literature review
The term water borne disease is stand largely for infection that predominantly are transmitted
through contact with consumption of infected water. Trivially many infections may be
transmitted by microbes or parasite that accidently possibly as a result of exceptional
circumstances have enter they water, but the fact that there might be an occasional freak
infection need not mean that it is useful to categorize the resulting disease as water borne .Nor it
common practice to refer to disease such as malaria as water borne disease ease just because
of treating the war they inhibit happens to be an effective strategy in control of the mosquitoes
that are the vector (Savory etal,2019).
Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health
through the organized efforts and informed choices society,0rganization , public and private,
communities and individual (Winslow and Charles ,2019).
Public health incorporate the interdisciplinary approaches epidemiology, biostatics and health
services. Environmental health, community health, behavioral health, health economic, public
policy, insurance, medicine and occupational health (Winslow and Charles,2020).
The focus of public health intervention is improve health and faulty of life through the
prevention and treatment of disease and other physical and mental health condition. Via
surveillance of case and health indicator and through promotion of health behavior (Winslow and

2.1 Prevalence of water borne disease

Water borne disease are caused by pathogenic micro-organism, that most common are
transmitted in contaminated fresh water. Infection commonly results during bathing, drinking,
in the preparation of food or the consumption food thus infected most prominent examples
and affects mainly children in developing counties according WH0, such disease account for an
estimate 4.1% of the total DALYs global burden of disease, and cause about 1.8 million human
deaths annually. The WHO estimates that 88% of that burden is to unsafe water supply,
sanitation and hygiene (WHO,2019).
Many infection diseases are associated with facially contaminated water and are major cause of
morbidity and mortality worldwide. Water borne disease are caused by enteric pathogen such as
bacteria, viruses ,and parasites that transmitted by the faucal oral routes (Gabo, 2019 and
Luceroital, 2020).Water borne spread of infection by these pathogenic micro- organisms depend
on several factors such as: The survival of these micro-organisms in water environment the
infection of the micro-organisms required to cause a disease in susceptible individual quality of
the water, the presence or absence of water treatment and he season of year(Dteez etal, 2018 and
Lenclos etal,2019).
Water borne disease can have significant impact on the economic, locally as well as
internationally. People who are infected by water borne disease are usually comforted with
related cost seldom with a huge financial burden. This is especially the case in less developed
countries. The financial losses are mostly caused by e.g. costs for medical treatment and
medication, costs for transport, special food, and by the loss of man power. Many families must
even sell their land to pay for treatment in a proper hospital. On average, a family spends about
10% of the mouthy households income person infected (Schnabel and Bastian, 2021).

Infected water. Trivially many infections may be transmitted by microbes or parasite that
accidently , possibly as a result of exceptional circumstances have enter they water, but the fact
that there might be an occasional freak infection need not mean that it is useful to categorize the
resulting disease as water borne .Nor it common practice to refer to disease such as malaria as
water borne disease ease just because of treating the war they inhibit happens to be an effective
strategy in control of the mosquitoes that are the vector (Savory etal,2022).

Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health
through the organized efforts and informed choices society,0rganization , public and private,
communities and individual (Winslow and Charles ,2021).
Public health incorporate the interdisciplinary approaches epidemiology, biostatics and health
services. Environmental health, community health, behavioral health, health economic, public
policy, insurance, medicine and occupational health (Winslow and Charles,2020).
The focus of public health intervention is improve health and faulty of life through the
prevention and treatment of disease and other physical and mental health condition. Via
surveillance of case and health indicator and through promotion of health behavior (Winslow and
Charles, 2021).

2.2 Water borne disease

Water borne pathogen would encompass and protozoan all bacteria and virus. The abundance
and the prevalence of pathogens depend on the source and the types of water environment. Water
borne faucal pathogens are micro-organisms that can occur in water as a result of contamination
from human or animal faces and cause gastrointestinal illness. They are often associated with
bacteria from the enter bacteriaceae family. Water borne out breaks of gastrointestinal family
illness include pathogenic E coli, salmonella, shigeua, compile bacteria, and Virginia Water
pathogens which require an obligate intermediate host such as schist soma species (Percival ital.,
Water borne disease is major causes of morbidity and mortality world. In Ethiopia sine a large
majority of the rural population obtain their water supplies from unprotected sources such as
streams, ponds, we us etc. Water borne disease. Are one the most significant public health
problems. A person health may be affected by ingestion of contaminated water directly or
through food. One’s health may also be affected by the use of contaminated water for the
purpose of personal hygiene and recreation. The problem is especially acute where general
hygiene and environmental cogitation are poor and will there is inadequate supply of safe water
(WHO, 2022).
Developing countries carry a heavy burden of water borne disease the heaviest being the diarrhea
disease. Diarrheal episode, occur in all countries, but they are 5to6 time more common in
developing countries. The total number of diarrheal episodes each year worldwide may be as
high as 400 million and each year over3 million death may occur due to diarrheal disease (WHO,
Diarrheal disease are the leading cause of mortality and morbid of children under 5 years of age.
Estimated occurrence of diarrhea in developing countries accounts for 5 episodes per child each
year in children under 5 years of age. These young children are most at risk of water borne
disease because their immune system are not full developed in additional their resistance may be
father impaired by mal nutrition (WHO,2022).

Giardiasis occurrence is worldwide affecting to conducted in Ethiopia, it accounts for a

prevalence of between 2 and 11 percentage as recorded in some high land communities nomadic
pastoralist. Urban areas like Addis Ababa are equally affected with a prevalence 90%recorded in
some children (WHO, 2021).
In tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world, there are an estimated 40300 million infections
of amebiasis and 30.000 deaths annually. About 80,000 new cases of amebiosis Will be reported
by the Ethiopia ministry of health in 1988-89, based on outpatient reports. The highest

prevalence of amebiasis in Ethiopia Will be found in hospital food handlers in a hospital in
Addis Ababa 80% (WHO, 2020).
According to Ethiopia 2002 Dracunculialis eradication program (EDEP) guinea worm endemic
areas are Gambella and south omo. The number of cases reported will be 1252 in 1994,but by
2002 the number of cases fell to only 46(WHO, 2021).
Cholera affects age groups. It is more common among the children less than 5 years of age and
adults 25-39 years old. World cholera causes 120,000 death a years. It is particularly deadly in
Africa where epidemics have become more wide spread and more frequent since the 19701.
About 79 million people are estimated to be currently a risk of cholera infection in Africa
(WHO, 2020).

2.3 The most common types of water borne disease

Water borne disease includes typhoid fever and cholera which is cause by bacteria and hepatitis
A, which is caused by viruses.

Especially troublesome water borne disease is diarrhea caused by ingestion of the protozoan
Giardia lambia. The protozoan is problem is only in municipal water, system, but also in mount
aim stream, which are contaminated beavers and other animals. Not all pathogen must be
ingested to cause disease. Example, the helminthes disease schistosomiasis is spread among
person who swim or made in water contaminated by human waste The pathogens are not usually
ingested but are in the form of swimming circadian bore ( make hole) through skin.
(Nester,2019). Water borne disease is much bigger problem in both developed and less
developing countries. Example, typhoid fever occurs in all parts of the world water supply and
sanitation are substandard. It affects 17 million peoples worldwide with more then, 600.000
deaths, almost 80% of these cases and deaths re in developing countries (WHO, 2021).

Water borne disease are caused by contaminated water, which is any water source contains
pathogenic micro- organisms. Among the many types of the micro-organisms that may cause
water borne disease are: protozoan, Bacteria. Intestinal parasites and Viruses are the most
common types (hemshaw, 2021).

2.4. Common symptoms of water borne disease
The diseases that cause by water borne have different symptoms but the most common
symptoms of water borne disease are:

Rash (an area of red spots or patches on the skin), fever (an abnormally high body temperature
and excitements, cough, headaches, abdominal pain, runny nose (semi liquid and mucus flows
through nose), Nausea 9feeling of sickness), Vomiting pains and vision changes (Hurly,2022).

Water borne illness scan cause a variety of symptoms. While diarrhea and vomiting are the
most commonly known symptoms of water borne illness, Other symptoms can include
skin, ear, respiratory or eye problems (Harcey,2020).

2. 5. Source of contamination and mode of transmission

Water borne disease spread by contamination of drinking water system with the urine
and feces of infected animals or people. This is likely to occur where public and private
drinking water system get their water from surface water like rain creaks rivers lakes etc.
Which can be contaminated by infected animals or people (Henshaw, 2019).

Run off from land, fields, sewer pipes, residential or industrial development can also sometimes
contaminated surface of water. This has been the cause of many dramatic outbreaks of fecal oral
disease such as cholera and typhoid: however, there are money other ways in which fecal
material can reach the mouth, for example, on the hands the germ in faces causes by even slight
contact and transfer. This contamination may occur due to flows of waters, water run of from
landfills septic fields and sewer pipes (Henshaw, 2018).

The only way break the continue transmission is to improve the people hygiene behavior and to
provide them blithe certain basic need, drinking water, bathing facilities and washing as well as
sanitation (Henshaw,2018).

2.6. Prevention of water borne diseases

Clean water is pre- requisite for reducing the prevalence of water borne disease. It is will be
recognized that the prevalence of water borne disease can be greatly reduced by provision of

clean drinking water and safe disposal of faces. The water will be disinfected to kill any
pathogen that may present from growing again in the diminution system(UNWWDR,2019).

Disinfection will be used to prevent the growth of pathogenic organism and to protect public
health and the choice of the disinfected depends on the individual water quality and supply
system without disinfection the risk from water borne disease will be increased. The two most
common methods to kill micro-organism in water supply are; oxidation with chemical such as
chlorine, chlorine dioxide and irradiation with ultraviolet radiation (UNWWDR, 2019).

2.6.1. Safe –drinking water

Piped water will be properly chlorinated and when an exposed water resource is used for
drinking .It should be protected from contamination by people and animals. At home families
should be encouraged to store drinking water in covered container or one with narrow mouth to
minimize contamination and boiling water to kill shigella and other bacteria pathogen ( Sofia’s
and Ayalew,2020).

2.6.2. Health education

Health education for general population should stress the following messages concerning the
utilization of water, hot drinking water spring , stream, river before boiling and piped water
before chlorinated and keep boiled water and clean utensils separated from uncoiled utensils
(Sofonia’s ND Ayelaw,2021.

2.6.3. Sanitation
Safe disposal of human excreta, according to the local circumstance and emphasis should be
given to the danger of building toilet above source of water and sanitary system appropriate for
local conditions should be constructed both for human and other waste disposal (Sofonians and
Ayalew, 2018)

2.7. Treatment of water borne disease

Water borne disease is resistant to common disinfection using chlorine treatment, it can be
inactivated by lengcoulact with chlorine or ultraviolet which exposure between 16 mj/cm2 to 40
mj.cm2 commonly used water disinfectant concentration and contact time cyst are relatively
more resistant to disinfectants than bacteria and high dose and lengthy contact times may be

need. Edith’s may result in high levels of disinfection by product which are regulated by the

3. Methodology

3.1 Description of the study Area

The study will be conducted in Bonga g/tsadik shawo hospital which is found in Bonga town,
kaffa zone and southwestern region. kaffa zone located in southwestern part of Ethiopia.
Astronomically lies within the latitude of 07 08` to 07026` north and longitude 35053` to 36036` east.
It was established its capital at Bonga, and has a surface area of 1,055,728. Bonga the capital of
kaffa zone, is situated at 460 kilometers southwest of Addis Ababa and 105 kilometers of jimma.
Kaffa zone has abundant rainfall throughout the year, with mean annual rainfall ranging between
1600 to 2200mm and annual temperature vary from 16 0c to 200c. it has abundant rainfall
distribution nearly throughout the months of the year.

3.2. Study design and period

The design study of the research will us cross sectional survey from Bonga g/tsadik shawo
hospital record data. And study period Will be from March to April (2024).

3.3. Study population

The source of population for this study will be the patient attending in Bonga g/tsadik shawo
hospital from 2022-2023 G.C.

3.4. method of Data collection
during data collection secondary data will be used to assess the prevalence of water borne
disease among patient attending from record office of Bonga Gebre tsadik shawo hospital
from 2022-2023 G.C.

3.5. Sample size and sample techniques .

The study sample size is the total Bonga patient from 2022-2023 G.C based on sex and age in
order to get more information about the water borne disease distribution and treatment in the
hospital. The data will be taken from Bonga g/tsadik shawo hospital patients record office
registration documents. This documents will be consist water borne disease patients history from
2022-2023 G.C.

3.6. Data analysis and interpretation.

To analysis data or the study results will us appropriate statically tools like descriptive statics
such as tables and percentage are used after studying the area.

3.7. Ethical consideration

Formal later will be written from Bonga university college of natural science department of
Biology to the head of Bonga g/tsadik shawo health center and permission from the staff
members will be asked to conduct the study to obtain desired co-operational more ours, the
willingness of the respondents will required to give information during data collection.



Research proposal work cannot completed within a few time ,as it require number of task for
data collection and data analysis, therefore the following table schedule will designed for
successful completion of research proposal.

Number Type of activity

Decembe January March April May


1 Title selection 

2 preparation of draft 

3 Last date of proposal summation 

4 Data collection, processing and data analysis 

5 Summarizing and preparation of final draft 

6 submission of final draft 

7 presentation 


A total cost to perform starting from the writing of the proposal up to the final senor project will
be described as follow.

NO: Material Quantity Unit of price Cost

1 Paper 100 2*100 200

2 Pen 6 6*20 120

3 Ruler 1 1x30 30

4 Note books 1 1x50 50

5 Flash 1 1x500 500

6 Paper print 80 5x80 400

7 Telephone 4 4*15 60

8 laminating 2 2*50 100

9 Transport 5 5*40 200

Total 200 1,660

1. Brunette, Gray W. (end, CDE health information for international 2019. The yellow book,
chapter three, Oxford university press. (SBN978-0-119976901-2020).

2. Dees, Briscoe, theorem(2018” burden of disease and cost effective. Durban EEJ, liangJL,

3. Scrounge, HILLV. (2021) Yun PA (2022) surveillance for water borne disease and owtbreak
association with recreational water united states 2020-2022.
4. Grabow .L (2018).control of communicable disease in modern edition. Hen Shaw, water borne
disease, http://ww….center organT.Dec-2019.

5. Hurley.(2020) Microbiology 4th edition.

6. Ivory, John: scndit Gerald Robert,Lanys (2018).Gerald D.schiland lays, Robert foundation of
parasitology. Dubuque, lowa…

7. Larimore ,own,(2021,and france,2019).”The caravan routs of inn Asia”. The geographical 72

(6):Quoted in wood, France (2017) The silk Rood: Two thousand years in the heart of Asia

9. Nester, Eugene W, Anderson denies G.C . Evan, Robert (2019),microbiology fourth edition.
Human perspective .

10. Nowak hokum N, and zebra (p 2018): emerging water borne pathogenic.

11. Nowak hokum, Zebra (p ,salad, Mashad:FD (2005).

12. Percival SL, Chalmers, R.L Empery ,Hunter, P,R,Seualood.Iand Wynona, P

(2020).Microbiology of water borne disease Elsevier academic press, an Diego California.

13. PeriniR.9, 2019): Mycobacterium marina: Ubifutow agent of water borne granulomatous
skin infection.

14. Shears’ (2018). Food and water borne disease 3rd edition.

15. Stoniest and Ayalew, (2019): control of communicable disease.

16. (UNWWO2011). The united nation world water development report water for people water
for life P.102.

17. Wishaw, Charles- Edward Amory P (2021).” Thwarted field of public health science
51/13080! 23-3 doi: 10-1128/science 52.1308-13PMIO.

18. WHO (2018. Fact sheet, childhood disease in Africa, diarrhea disease, logs.

19. WWHO, fact sheet typical fever no-49 march 2015,pp 1-3 .

20. WWHO, fact dracunculosis eradication p march 2017,pp1-3

21. WHO, fact sheet poliomyelitis no. 520, 13 gully 2017

22.WWHO, fact sheet cholera no 51, march 2018,pp1-2.

23. WHO, fact sheet Amebiasis no 51,march 2018, pp1-2.

Questionnaires’ for prevalence of water borne disease and related factors among Haro Kebele
peoples, Manna discrite Jimma.
Direction: Those question are open ended question. Answer the question with brief explanation
1. Is there water borne disease spread in Haro kebele, Manna district Jimma?
A, Yes B, No
2. If your answer is yes for question number 4 what evidence you there?
3. Is it water borne disease cause death?
4. If your answer is yes on question number 6 briefly explain
5. How water borne disease transmitted from infected individual to health individual.
6. Do you think all age group have equally affected by water borne disease
A, Yes B, No
7. If your answer is yes for question number why
8. If your answer is no for number 9, write the most age groups age which are affected more
9. Do you think both sexes have equally affected by water born disease? A, Yes B, No
10. If your answer is no for question number 12 explain
11. Do you think all pathogens can cause water borne disease A, Yes B, No
12. If your answer is yes for question number 14 list all types of pathogen
13. If your answer is no on question number 14 why
14. Do you know the relationship between water borne disease and related disease
A yes B, No
15. If you answer is yes for question number 17 can yes explain the relationship between water
borne and water related disease

16. Do you think personal hygiene has towards transmission of water borne disease?
Yes No
17 Is there recorded data of patient of water borne disease in there?
Yes No
18. If your answer is yes on question number 20 haw many people affect by?
A, Protozoan path open in 2005 -2008 E.C

B, Bacteria pathogen in 2005- 2008E.C
C, Viruses path open in 2005- 2008 E.C
19. Diarrhea is one of the major manifestations of water borne disease
A, True B, false
20. All of the following are water borne disease except.
A, typhoid fever B, Dracunculsis 9 Guinea worm infection
C, tuberculosis D, poliomyelitis


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