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Second Semester, 2023-2024

Name: Mharie Amor B. Onahon Course: BEED
Date: January 30 , 2024 Subject Code: TEP176

The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers Reflection

Activity # 1
Study the following situations. Explain your answer based on the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers

Situation 1: Mr. Thomas N. Jericho, renowned for his honesty and trustworthiness, has
been a dedicated member of the Board of Election Canvassers for the last decade.
Nevertheless, in the upcoming elections, his mother will be running for the position of
barangay captain. Consequently, he is being requested to actively support her campaign.
Would it be appropriate for him to engage in campaigning for his mother's candidacy?

•As a member of the Board of Election Canvassers and a teacher, his active participation
in politics is inappropriate. In his professional capacities, he ought to maintain neutrality
and fairness regardless of his mother's candidacy. He should refrain from taking any
action that can be seen as supporting his mother's campaign as teacher shall not use his
position or official authority or influence to coerce any other person to follow any political
course of action. His mother should be treated the same as the other political candidates.

Situation 2: Mr. Nilo Jade Ortiz, an experienced teacher with 25 years of service,
declined to attend a significant conference in Mindanao. Whenever the principal asks him
to participate in such events, he consistently requests that another teacher be sent
instead. As a professional teacher, is it acceptable to refuse to attend conferences?

•You should take part in any seminars that can advance your professional development
as a teacher and as a person. It is inappropriate for Mr. Ortiz to refuse to attend
conferences, especially when people in positions of authority advise him to do so. The
school supports the professional development of all teachers and permits them to take
part in trainings and conferences.

Situation 3: Is Mr. Ricky Dela Cruz setting a good example for his students? Despite
being one of the youngest teachers at Sta. Fe National High School, he spends his free
time with friends and peers. They often gather at internet cafes to play Dota, and visit
gambling dens, and beerhouses. Additionally, he is a regular presence at discos on

•A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality that could serve as a model
worthy of emulation by learners, peers, and all others. Mr. Dela Cruz sets a negative
example for her students. He has set a bad example and has failed to motivate them to
learn. His behavior can be imitated by his students and his behavior can hinder the
students' learning. As well as every teacher should refrain from such activities as
Situation 4: Madam Esther Ramirez, a teacher III at Malunta Elementary School,
receives a monthly take-home pay of P7,500.00. She decided to borrow money from
Provincial Savings Bank, with a monthly deduction of P3,500. Additionally, she borrowed
money from First Diamond Lending Company, with a monthly deduction of P3,500. For
the first two months, she was able to enjoy a take-home pay of P7,500.00, as the
deductions from the two lending institutions were scheduled to begin on the third month
from the borrowing date. Considering that her take-home pay will not be sufficient when
the deductions take effect, is it appropriate for Mrs. Ramos to borrow the amount?

•In my opinion, as long as Mrs. Ramos maintains a good reputation concerning financial
matters such as the settlement of his debts and loans and the satisfactory arrangement
of his private financial affairs, it is appropriate to borrow the amount of money from the
said bank and lending company.

Situation 5: In the tradition of celebrating Independence Day, a civic parade is organized

in which schools participate. All teachers and students must attend. Despite the
excitement of Mrs. Kathy T. Selios's students to join the parade, she chose not to
accompany them due to personal reasons. Instead, she instructed the class president to
keep track of the attendance of their classmates. Is Mrs. Selios exempt from being held
responsible for any potential unfortunate incidents involving the students?

• Mrs. Selios is still not exempted from being held responsible for any potential unfortunate
incidents involving the students, as it has a legal basis specifying that the special parental
authority and responsibility of the teachers and school authorities to children cover not
only during school hours but also outside school hours where the students are on school
property, outside the school property, and the like, as long as the child is under their

Activity # 2
Study the following cases. Guided by your understanding of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers, identify the article and the provision that can guide the
teacher to come up with his best action. Write your answers in the space provided in
each number.

Case 1: Mr. Antonio B. Reyes was approached by a guardian who expressed

dissatisfaction with his daughter's English grade. Mr. Reyes attentively listened to the
guardian's complaint and, showing empathy, directed the matter to the respective teacher
for further explanation. Is Mr. Reyes's course of action appropriate?

Mr. Reyes's course of action is appropriate. Article VIII: The Teacher and Learners states
that a teacher has a right and duty to determine the academic marks and the promotion
of learners in the subject or grades he handles. Mr. Reyes' best action for the guardian
who complained was to explain to the parent the student's grade and show all the records
of the student as well as the computation of the grade. If there are mistakes, teachers
should immediately take appropriate action, observing due process.
Case 2: During the barangay fiesta, Mr. Ben M. Pilar, a public-school teacher, was
appointed as the chairman of the fiesta directorate. Despite not receiving any
compensation, Mr. Pilar willingly accepted the responsibility due to his skills and abilities.
He successfully organized the culture-based activities, contributing to a well-coordinated
and enjoyable celebration of their barrio fiesta. Is it appropriate for Mr. Pilar to forgo
payment for the services he provided during the barrio fiesta?

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers Article III: The Teacher and the Community
Section 2 states that every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively
participate in community movements for moral, social, educational, economic, and civic
betterment. Mr. Pilar demonstrates his commitment to involvement and the development
of cultural activities by willingly accepting the responsibility to organize culture-based
activities. In case number 2, it is appropriate that Mr. Pilar forgo payment for the services
he provided during the barrio fiesta, as first and foremost, he willingly accepted the task
given to him despite not receiving any compensation and just wanted to contribute to a
well-coordinated and enjoyable celebration of their barrio fiesta.

Case 3: Mrs. Jenny B. Rivera, a new teacher at Malaban Integrated School, informed the
school principal, Mrs. Nilda E. Araneta, that she would be unable to attend the Reading
Camp scheduled for a Saturday. Mrs. Jenny B. Rivera is currently enrolled in a master's
degree program and needs to attend her Saturday class instead.

Mrs. Rivera's decision to prioritize her academic advancement by attending her master's
degree program class is understandable and aligned with the principle of professional
development and lifelong learning, as mentioned in Article IV: A Teacher and the
Profession Section 2: Every teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of quality
education, shall make the best preparations for the career of teaching, and shall be at his
best at all times and in the practice of his profession. Also, Mrs. Rivera fulfilled her ethical
obligation in her inability to attend the reading camp scheduled for Saturday by informing
the school principal in advance.

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