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Single person constitution

The 1962 constitution of Pakistan,promulgated during the rule of General Ayub Khan,is often criticized for
its concentration of power in the hand of the president.under this constitution,the president held
significant authority,and the system was often described as a “one-man rule” or” single person
constitution”. centralized power,limited democratic freedom,and contributed to a lack of check and
balances in governance.This aspect of the constitution was one of the reasons for discontent and call for
a more democratic system.

Lack of Check and balance

The system of check and balance was not present in the 1962 constitution.The national assembly
had no value in the eye of the president .President had priority over the process of legislation.

Lack of provincial autonomy

The power of appointment of provincial government and minister was vested with the president
and they could hold their office at the pleasure of the president.The centre was more powerful
the federal government can interfere in the affair of the province.The clash of power failed the

Presidential Dictatorship
The constitution of 1962 was a reflection of presidential dictatorship.Under this ,the president
had been made the centre of power.The method of the impeachment of the president was very
difficult and complicated .He was not answerable before anybody.He had the power to reject the
laws passed by the national assembly.

Rise of Bhutto
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had resign as foreign minister in protest againt ayub moved toward while
singing the Tashkent treaty in 1966.Bhutto party participated in anti-ayub students protest
aimed at getting the resignation of Ayub Khan and forming a directly elective government.
Students also challenged the indirect mode of the election system introduced in the 1962
constitution of the country.At that time other protest and disturbances were also spreading
against Ayub Khan in East Pakistan too.

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