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Sociological Perspective

Instructions: Write an essay on the following questions on the sociological perspective

in understanding the self.

1. How does society influence you? As a student or a Filipino citizen, how do you
affect society? Use our discussion on social groups and social networks to answer
this question.

2. Identify the different environments or ecological systems (i.e., microsystem,

mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem) from Bronfenbrenner's theory
and explain how they influence your development.


Advanced Proficient Basic Deficient

(9-10 points) (7-8 points) (4-6 points) (0-3 points)

How one How one How one No clear answer

influences society influences and is influences and is on how one
and is influenced influenced by it influenced by it influences society
Societal by it were were discussed were discussed and is influenced
influence discussed very well while while by it.
well while incorporating the incorporating the
incorporating the concept of social concept of social
concept of social groups and social groups and social
groups and social network. network.

(13-15 points) (9-12 points) (5-8 points) (0-4 points)

All five ecological All five ecological The ecological The ecological
systems in systems in systems in systems in
Bronfenbrenner's Bronfenbrenner's Bronfenbrenner's Bronfenbrenner's
theory were theory were theory were theory were not
theory identified identified and identified and clearly identified
accurately and explained somewhat and lacked
explained very comprehensively. explained. elaboration.

(5 points) (4 points) (3 points) (0-2 points)

Grammar and
All sentences are Basically sound Sentences Sentences are
well-constructed. sentences. Words sometimes run totally incoherent
Words were were spelled together or are and lack

THSELF1 Understanding the Self 1

spelled correctly. correctly. incoherent. Some organization.
Proper use of Occasional errors spelling errors Frequent errors in
punctuations was in the use of were observed. spelling. Repeated
observed. punctuations. Some errors in errors in the use
the use of of punctuations.

Total 30 points

THSELF1 Understanding the Self 2

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