RPH Reviewer Final

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- They are married, and serve their masters, whether
JUAN DE PLASENCIA he be a dato or not, with half of their cultivated lands
as was agreed from the beginning.
 Miguel Juan de Portocarrero
 A Spanish Friar of the Franciscan order. SLAVES OR ALIPING SAGUIGUILIR
 He was among the first group of Franciscan
missionaries who arrived in the Philippines  They serve their master in their house and
during 1577. on his cultivated lands, and may be sold.
 He spent most of his missionary life in the
Note: The difference between the Aliping Namamahay and
Philippines, where he founded numerous
the Aliping Saguiguilir should be noted for by a confusion
towns in Luzon and authored several of the two terms, many have been classed to as slaves even
religious and linguistic books. though they are not.

Two Relations by Juan de Plasencia O.S.F. In these three classes, those who are Maharlicas on
both fathers and mother side continue to be so
 The document was mainly written in first-
forever; and if it happens that they should become
person point-of-view and served as a report
slaves, it is through marriage.
document to the King of Spain.
 It showed his conclusion about the If two persons marry, of whom as one was a
Philippines and this served as a secondary Maharlica and the other as slave, wether
sources for us to further understand the lives Namamahay or Saguiguilir, the children were divided.
of our ancestors.
 The first, whether male or female, belonged
CUSTOMS OF THE TAGALOG to the father as did the third and fifth.
 The second, the fourth and the sixth fell to
Datos (chiefs)
the mother and so on if there should not be
 governed Filipinos and were captains of wars more than one child he was half-free and
 whom Filipinos obeyed and reverenced. half-slave.

Tagulo or Barangay  Of these two kinds of slaves the Saguiguilir

could be sold, but not the Namamahay and
 the tribe they rule is called Tagulo or
their children, nor could they be transferred.
 The chiefs in their various wars, helped each  However, they could be transferred to the
other with their respective barangays. Barangay by the inheritance, provided they
In addition to the chiefs, there were three castes: remained in the same village. The Maharlicas
could not, after marriage, move from onr
 Nobles, Commoners and Slaves. village to another without paying a fine in
gold as arranged in them.
 In administering justice, the investigations
 The free-born who did not pay taxes of
made and the sentences passed by the Dato
tribute to the dato but must accompany him
must take place in the presence of those of
in war at their own expense.
his barangay and any ligament felt himself
 The chief offered them feast and afterward
aggrieved, an arbiter who unanimously name
divided the spoils.
from other barangay and a fair and just men
will give their judgment according to their
customs in order.
 They also have laws by which they a dowry but is not considered as a real wife and her
condemned to death a man of low birth who children are said to be natural children. If the father
insulted the daughter or wife of chief, has a legitimate wife but did not have a son but had
likewise witches and others of same class. children with the unmarried wife called Inaasava, the
 They had rules that mandated the execution latter will inherit all.
of witches and other members of the same
FREE MARRIED WOMAN - If a free married woman
social class, as well as low-born men who
has a kid while she is still married, the child will share
insulted a chief's daughter or wife.
in the inheritance
 The witches are killed, and their offspring
and accomplices are made into slaves for the ADOPTED CHILDREN'S INHERITANCE - inherit the
chief. double of what was paid for their adoption.
 Other offenses are punished by fines in gold
which if not paid with promptness, exposing DOWRIES are given by the men to the women's
pthe culprit to serve until the payment parents.
should be made, person aggrieved to whom
 If the wife, at the time of her marriage, has
the money was to be paid.
neither father, mother, nor grandparents,
she enjoys her dowry.
WAY:  In the case of a divorce before the birth of
children, if the wife left the husband for the
• Half the cultivated lands and all their products purpose of marrying another, all her dowry
belonged to the master. and an equal additional amount fell to the
husband; but if she left him, and did not
• The master will provide the culprit with food and
marry another, the dowry returned.
clothing thus enslaving him and his children.

• The master will have the possession of the children  When the husband left his wife, he lost half of
if ever the payment could not be met by the father. the dowry, and the other half returned to
LOANS – The same way goes to a debtor concerning
loans wherein he will give half of his cultivated lands  In the matter of marriage dowries which
and profits until the debt has been paid or else he's fathers bestow upon their sons when they are
condemned to a life of toil and becomes a slave. After about to be married, and half of which is
the father's death, the children will continue to pay given immediately, even when they are only
the debt or the payment will be doubled. children. There is a fine stipulated in the
contract, that he who violates it shall pay a
INHERITANCES – Legitimate children of a father and
certain sum which varies according to the
mother will be inherited equally not unless the father
practice of the village and the affluence of the
and mother showed a slight partiality by gifts such as
2 to 3 taels or a jewel.
children by two or more legitimate wives, each child THEIR GODS, AND THEIR BURIALS AND

will receive the inheritance and the mother's dowry SUPERSTITIONS

with its increase and share of his father's estate.
There are no temples in performing of sacrifices, but it
SLAVE WOMAN – If a man had a son from one of his is true that they have a name called
slaves as well as legitimate children, the former will
“simbahan” - which means temple or place of
have no share in the inheritance.
children by an unmarried woman, she will still receive
“pandot” or “worship” - festival celebration The native don’t have a distinguished time and date
they only basing in the cultivation of the soil, counted
 celebrates it to the house of the chief.
by moons, and the different effect produced upon the
“sibi” - , a temporary shed in each side of the house trees when yielding flowers, fruits, and leaves: all this
with a roof helps them in making up the year.

 There they constructed for the purpose for

the sheltering for the assembled people.
The distinctions made among the priests of the devil
 It had been divided into three were as follows:
compartments. On the posts of the house
they set small lamps, called sorihile. 1. CATOLONAN
 was either a man or a woman.
“nagaanitos” – the worship which the whole
 This office was an honorable one among
barangay , or family united.
the natives, and was held ordinarily by
 It is the time when they also brought people of rank, this rule being general in
together many drums, large and small, which all the islands.
they beat successively while the feast lasted, 2. MANGAGAUAY (witches)
which usually four days.  who deceives by pretending to heal the
Among their many idols there was Bathala who they  These priests even induced maladies by
especially worshipped. The title seems to signify the their charms, which in proportion to the
“all powerful” or “maker of all things.” strength and efficacy of the witchcraft, are
Other idols they worshipped: capable of causing death.
 In this way, if they wished to kill at once
1. Sun – account of its beauty; almost universally they did so; or they could prolong life for
respected and honored by heathens. a year by binding to the waist a live
2. Moon – Time they held great rejoicing. serpent, which was believed to be the
Adoring it and bidding it welcome. devil, or at least his substance. This office
3. Stars – even though they don’t know all their was general throughout the land.
names, the Spaniards and other nation knows 3. MANYISALAT
the planets, with the one exception of the  which is the same as magagauay.
morning star whom they called “Tala.”  These priests had the power of applying
4. Lic–ha – image of different shapes. such remedies to lovers that they would
5. Dian Masalanta – great patron of lovers and abandon and despise their own wives,
generation. and in fact could prevent them from having
6. Lacapati and Idianale – patrons of the intercourse with the latter.
cultivates lands and husbandry.  If the woman, constrained by these
7. Buaya – they paid reverence to water-lizards means, were abandoned, it would bring
called buaya or crocodiles, from fear being sickness upon her; and on account of the
harmed by them. desertion she would discharge blood and
They knew too the “seven little goat”(the Pleiades) matter.
and the change of season which they called 4. MANCOCOLAM
“Mapolon” . Also “Balatik” which is our Greater Bear.  whose duty is was to emit fire from
himself at night, once or oftener each
They also believes in the myth of the bird whom they month.
called “Tigmamanuguin” which was singing in the  This fire could not be extinguished; nor
tree, or if they changed upon anyone who sneezed, could it be thus emitted except as the
they returned at once to their house, considering that priest wallowed in the ordure and filth
incident might happened to them especially when the which falls from the houses; and he who
bird starts to sang. This song had two different lived in the house where the priest was
forms;one is the evil omen and another is the good wallowing in order to emit this fire from
omen. himself, fell ill and died.

 which is another kind of witch  which is equivalent to “preacher.” It was his
 greater efficacy than the mangagauay. office to help one to die, at which time he
 Without the use of medicine, and by simply predicted the salvation or condemnation of
saluting or raising the hand, they killed whom the soul.
they chose.  It was not lawful for the functions of this
 But if they desired to heal those whom they office to be fulfilled by others than people of
had made ill by their charms, they did so by high standing, on account of the esteem in
using other charms. which it was held.
 Moreover, if they wished to destroy the  This office was general through- out the
house of some Indian hostile to them, they islands.
were able to do so without instruments.
 This was in Catanduanes, an island off the 11. PANGATAHOJAN
upper part of Luzon.  was a soothsayer, and predicted the future. This
office was general in all the islands.
 if they saw anyone clothed in white, to tear 12. BAYOGUIN
out his liver and eat it, thus causing his death.  signified a “cotquean,” a man whose nature
 This, like the preceding, was in the island of inclined toward that of a woman.
Their manner of burying the dead was as follows:
 Let no one, moreover, consider this a fable;
because, in Caavan, they tore out in this way The deceased was buried beside his house;
through the anus all the intestines of a If he were a chief, he was placed beneath a
Spanish notary, who was buried in Calilaya by little house or porch which they constructed
father Fray Juan de Merida. for this purpose.
o Before interring him, they mourned
7. MAGTATANGAL him for four days; and
 his purpose was to show himself at night to o afterward laid him on a boat which
many persons, without his head or entrails. served as a coffin or bier, placing him
 In such wise the devil walked about and beneath the porch, where guard was
carried, or pretended to carry, his head to kept over him by a slave.
different places; and, in the morning, In place of rowers, various animals were
returned it to his body – remaining, as before, placed within the boat, each one being
alive. assigned a place at the oar by two male and
 This seems to me to be a fable, although the female of each species being together as for
natives affirm that they have seen it, because example two goats, two deer, or two fowls.
the devil probably caused them so to believe. It was the slave’s care to see that they were
 This occurred in Catanduanes. fed.
If the deceased had been a warrior, a living
8. OSUANG slave was tied beneath his body until in this
 which is equivalent to “ sorcerer;” wretched way he died.
 they say that they have seen him fly, and that o In course of time, all suffered decay; and
he murdered men and ate their flesh. for many days the relatives of the dead
 This was among the Visayas Islands; among man bewailed him, singing dirges, and
the Tagalogs these did not exist. praises of his good qualities, until finally
they wearied of it.
9. MANGAGAYOMA o This grief was also accompanied by
 They made charms for lovers out of herbs, eating and drinking. This was a customs
stones, and wood, which would infuse the of Tagalogs.
heart with love. Thus did they deceive the
people, although sometimes, through the
intervention of the devil, they gained their
10. SONAT The aetas Inhabitants of this islands, had also a
form of burial, but different.
o They dug deep, perpendicular hole,  Jacinto contracted malaria and died on April
and placed the deceased within it, 16, 1899, in Mahayhay, Laguna, at the age of
leaving him upright with head crown 23.
unburied, on top of which they put a
half a cocoa-nut which was to served
him as shield.  Finished his primary education in a private
school then obtained a bachelor of arts in
MACA Colegio de San Juan de Letran in his higher
 These infidels said that they knew there education.
was another life of rest  A law student in Unversity of Santo Tomas in
 “paradise,” or, in other words , “village of 1894 when he joined Katipunan.
 Morality  Liwanag at Dilim
 a place of punishment, grief and affliction  A La Patricia
 a “place of anguish ;
BATHALA “Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng
 “THE MAKER OF ALL THINGS,” who mga Anak ng Bayan.”
governed from above.
SITAN  A Philippine revolutionary society founded
 They said that all wicked went to that by anti-Spanish Filipinos in Manila in 1892
place, and there dwelt the demons who’s primary aim was to gain independence
VIBIT from Spanish rule through a revolution.
 Ghost
Kartilya ng Katipunan

PHANTOMS The kartilya

 tigbalang.
 Taught in schools and debated in
universities, the “Kartilya” is the best known
of all Katipunan texts.
 They had another deception-namely, that
 Making manifest the KKK’s principles and
if any woman died in childbirth, the
teachings, it was printed as a small
woman and the child suffered punishment;
pamphlet for new members.
and that, at night, she could be heard
 It is the only document of any length set in
print by the Katipunan prior to August 1896
EMILIO JACINTO, KARTILIA NG KATIPUNAN that is known to be still extant.
 The earliest reference to the Kartilya yet
Emili Jacinto y Dizon found is in the minutes of a Supreme
 Katipunero Assembly meeting held in December 1895,
 The Brain of Katipunan and the Revolution which say the manifesto (“pahayag”) will be
 The editor of Kalayaan priced at 4 kualta per copy.
 The official organ of KKK
 Bonifacio, had originally intended that his
BIOGRAPHY “Decalogue” should be printed and handed
to new recruits, but he then read Jacinto’s
 He was born in Trozo, Manila in December
Kartilya and decided it was superior.
15, 1875.
 Pen names: Pingkian (to stike), Dimasilaw,
 In admiration to Emilio Jacinto’s literary
style, Bonifacio would later adopt Jacinto’s
 A husband and a very good meat dealer in
Kartilya as the official teachings of the
Decalogue Other influences

• Bonifacio seeks only to enumerate the duties of  Biblical in origin

Katipunan members. o Regarding a woman as a "helpmate"
rather than a "plaything" and to "have
• Bonifacio lists ten obligations.
due regard to her weakness
Kartilya  Benjamin Franklin
o Time lost is lost forever
• Couches his primer, four times as long, rather
 Cervantes
as a statement of aspirations and ethical
o “An honorable man’s word is his
• Jacinto presents twelve “guiding principles”  Rizal (Simoun in Elfilibusterismo)
and fourteen “teachings”. o “life which is not dedicated to a great
idea is useless”
Manila Masonic Lodge
 In its structure the Kartilya resembles the
Age of Enlightenment
declaration used in Manila’s Masonic lodges,
a declaration that had presumably been The Tagalog words that resound loudest in the
written in Spain around 1889 when the grand Kartilya, beyond doubt, are the equivalents of the
order to which the lodges were affiliated – Enlightenment’s defining watchwords:
the Gran Oriente Español - had been
 Liberty (“Kalayaan”);
founded by Miguel Morayta.
 Equality (“lahat ng tao’y magkakapantay”);
 The Kartilya is addressed “To those who
want to join the Katipunan”; the Masonic  Fraternity (“kayong lahat ay magkakapatid”);
document to “los profanos que deben  Reason (“Katuiran”);
inscribirse en la Sociedad.”  Progress (“Kagalingan”) ;and
 The preamble to the Kartilya echoes the  Enlightenment itself (“Kaliwanagan”).
Masonic document’s stated purpose, which
is to ensure that candidates fully understand ASSOCIATION OF THE SONS OF THE PEOPLE TO
the association’s objectives before making a THOSE WHO WANT TO JOIN THIS ASSOCIATION.
commitment they might later repent.
 In order that all who want to enter this
 The division in the Kartilya between Association may have a full understanding and
principles (“layon”) and teachings (“aral”) knowledge of its guiding principles and main
broadly parallels the division in the Gran teachings, it is necessary to make these things
Oriente’s manifesto between the “Programa known to them so that they will not, tomorrow or
Masonica” and the “Codigo Masonico.” the next day, repent, and so that they may
 And the Kartilya, finally, like the document perform their duties wholeheartedly.
used in the lodges, asks neophytes to pledge  This Association pursues a most worthy and
their allegiance to the association’s momentous object: to unite the hearts and minds
objectives and to affirm with their signature of all the Tagalogs (*) by means of an inviolable
that they are becoming members of their oath, in order that this union may be strong
own free will (“ninais ng loob ko”). enough to tear aside the thick veil that obscures
 There are also parallels between the content thought, and to find the true path of Reason and
of the two documents. Recruits to the lodges Enlightenment.
were advised that Masonry “considera como  (*The word Tagalog means all those born in this
hermanos todos los hombres”; that they Archipelago; even a person who is a Visayan,
should renounce “todos los vicios”; and Ilocano, or Kapampangan, etc. is therefore a
should “defenderás al oprimido.” Within the Tagalog
Katipunan, said the Kartilya, “all are equal
and true brethren.” Members had to  One of the foremost rules here is true love of the
“renounce disorderly habits” and to “defend native land and genuine compassion for one
the oppressed.” another.
 Poor, rich, ignorant, wise – here, all are equal and  To examine the accounts, should he so wish. The
true brethren. funds cannot be expended without the consent of
the majority.
 As soon as anybody enters here, he shall perforce
All this must be thought over and deliberated
renounce disorderly habits and shall submit to
upon calmly, as it cannot be accomplished or
the authority of the sacred commands of the
endured by anyone who has no love for his native
land and no genuine desire to promote Progress.
 All acts contrary to noble and clean living are
And for the upliftment of your mind and virtue, read
repugnant here, and hence the life of anyone who
the following:
wants to affiliate with this Association will be
submitted to a searching investigation. TEACHINGS OF THE KATIPUNAN OF THE SONS OF THE
 If the applicant merely wishes to know the secrets
of the Association, or to seek personal  A life that is not dedicated to a great and sacred
gratification, or to know who is here in order to cause is like a tree without a shade, or a
sell them for a handful of silver, he cannot poisonous weed.
proceed, for here the many who are watching him  A good deed lacks virtue if it springs from a desire
will already know his intentions, and will for personal profit and not from a sincere desire
immediately have recourse to an effective to do good.
remedy, such as befits traitors.
 True charity resides in acts of compassion, in love
 Here, only actions are demanded and esteemed; for one’s fellow men, and in making true Reason
hence anybody who is not willing to act should the measure of every move, deed and word.
not enter, no matter how good a speaker he
might be  Be their skin dark or pale, all men are equal. One
can be superior to another in knowledge, wealth
 It is also announced that the duties to be and beauty… but not in being.
performed by the members of this association are
exceedingly hard, especially if one remembers  A person with a noble character values honor
that there can be no dereliction or wilful evasion above self-interest, while a person with an ignoble
of duty without the exaction of a terrible character values self-interest above honor.
 An honorable man’s word is his bond.
 If an applicant merely desires financial support
 Don’t waste time; lost wealth may be recovered,
relief or wants to lead a life of bodily comfort and
but time lost is lost forever.
ease, he had better not proceed, for he will
encounter weighty tasks, like the protection of  Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor.
the oppressed and the relentless fight against all
 An intelligent man is he who takes care in
that is evil. In this way, his fate will be a vexatious
everything he says and keeps quiet about what
must be kept secret.
 Nobody is unaware of the misfortune that
 Along the thorny path of life, the man leads the
threatens the Filipinos who contemplate these
way and his wife and children follow.
things that are sacred (and even those that are
not) and the sufferings they are made to endure  If the leader goes the way of perdition, then so do
by the reign of cruelty, injustice and evil. those who are led. Do not regard a woman as a
mere plaything, but as a helpmate and partner in
 Everybody also knows the need for money, which
the hardships of this existence.
today is one of the main things upon which we
depend to bring sustenance to all. In this regard,  Have due regard to her weakness, and remember
the punctual payment of dues is required: one the mother who brought you into this world and
peso upon entry and then twelve and a half nurtured you in your infancy.
centimos each month. The custodian of the funds
will periodically render an account to the  What you would not want done to your wife,
members, and each member has a right daughter and sister, do not do to the wife,
daughter and sister of another.
 A man’s worth does not come from him being a  Esteban
king, or in the height of his nose and the
whiteness of his face, or in him being a priest, a  March 7, 1895 Aguinaldo joined the
REPRESENTATIVE OF GOD, or in his exalted Katipunan and it was Andres Bonifacio who
position on the face of this earth. Pure and truly welcomed and initiated him
noble is he who, though born in the forest and
able to speak only his own tongue, behaves  "Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan" was written by
decently, is true to his word, has dignity and Emilio Aguinaldo in 1964, which Sulpicio
honor, who is not an oppressor and does not abet Guevara translated from the original Tagalog
oppressors, who knows how to cherish and look as "Memoirs of the Revolution (1967).
after the land of his birth.
When these doctrines have spread and the brilliant sun of In his book he described how the Cavitenos celebrate
beloved liberty shines on these poor Islands, and sheds its with the coming of Bonifacio in their place and he
sweet light upon a united race, a people in everlasting wrote:
happiness, then the lives lost, the struggle and the suffering
will have been more than recompensed. "Nang matapos ang masayang pagpapaalaman, ang
Supremo at mga kasamahan, ay sumama na sa
Pamunuan ng Magdiwang. Gayon na lamang ang
HIMAGSIKAN karingalan at kasayahang nagharisa pagsalubong ng
ginawa ng mga bayang kanilang pinagdaanan. Sa
Emilio Aguinaldo
hanay na may siyam na kilometro ang haba, mula sa
 Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy Noveleta, hanggang saSan Francisio Malabon, ang
 March 22, 1869- February 6, 1964 lahat halos ng mga bahay ay may mga palamuting
 The first and youngest President of the balantok na kawayang kinaskas at pinalamutihan ng
Philippines sari-saring watawat, tanda ng maringal na
 The son of Carlos Aguinaldo and Trinidad pagsalubong at maligayang batisa dakilang panauhin.
Famy. Emilio was the seventh in the eight "
Chapter XIX: Pasimula ng Pagsalakay Namin sa
 The Aguinaldons were a wealthy and
influential family with carlos being
Gobernadorcillo for several terms.  Setyembre 1, 1896 dumating at nakipagkita ang
 Emilio Aguinaldo studied at Colegio de San Pangulo ng Balangay Pilar at Capitan Municipal ng
Juan de Letran. Imus na si G. Jose Tagle kay Emilio Aguinaldo sa
 Then followed his father, at the age of 17 y/o Kwartel Heneral sa Kumbento ng Cavite el Viejo.
he became the "Cabeza de Baragay" of  Si Emilio Aguinaldo ang nangunguna sa tungkulin
Binakayan. niyang pagka-Teniente Abanderado.
 On January 1, 1895, Aguinaldo elected and  Habang naglalakad sila ay pinatugtug ni Aguinaldo
becoming the first person to hold the title of and musika ng Batalla de Jolo.
Capitan Municipal of Cavite El Viejo.  Ang bawat lalaking madaanan at makatanaw sa
 Emilio joined the masonry under Pilar Lodge kanila ay kusang loob na sumasama sa kanila
No. 203, Imus Cavite by the codename "Colon pagkatapos makuha ang kani-kanilang sibat at
 Nasa dakong Hilaga o Norte ang pangkat na
 Hilaria Aguinaldo (1896-1921) pinangungunahan ni Heneral Baldomero
 Maria Agoncillo (1930-1963) Aguinaldo. Sa timog naman sina G. Jose Tagle
kasama ang kanyangb kawal. Sa pangharapan ng
Siblings kumbento naman ang pangkat ni Aguinaldo.
 Benigno  Ang kanilang hudyatan o "cogsignia" ay "Unahang
 Felicidad makasapit at makasalakay sa Kumbento.”
 Crispulo  Nang mapasok nila ang loob ng kumbento ay wala
 Primo silang nakita maliban sa isang pareng Pilipino na si
 Ambrosio Padre Buenaventura.
 Tomasa
 "Tindig at hindi kayo kalaban. Kayo pa ang aming troops opted to shout "Viva España" and rolled the
ipinagtatanggol. flag of Spain on the church's tower.
 Walang nakasunod kay Emilio maliban sa kanyang
Cuadrillero na si Guillermo Samoy. Kusang loob na
binuksan ni Ginang Macaria Olaes ang kanyang SENTENCING OF THE BONIFACIO BROTHERS
bangan ng palay at ipinamigay sa mga mahihirap
ang laman, gayun din si Ginang Trinidad Famy at The brothers went into trial under the "Consejo de
kanyang inandog ito sa mga sugatang kawal na Guerra" where it was determined that they are guilty
nasa hospital. of committing treason to the "Pamahalaang
Himagsikan" and the judgement for the crimes is
death. Aguinaldo ordered to reduce the punishment
The Bloody Battle of Naic to exile, knowing he and Bonifacio is fighting towards
the same goals. But many opposed this idea, because
A month passed where the troops where at rest and
in their eyes, the brothers committed treachery.
faced no immediate threat when Naic was attacked by
the Spaniards. The enemy fought fiercely under the They said that reducing the sentence will only
command of Capitan General Don Fernando Primo de jeopardize his life and the "Pamahalaan". Many
Rivera, despite the amount of their troops people came to Aguinaldo and give the same word of
succumbing. advice and alongside with the mounting evidence, he
retracted the order. In the morning of May 10, 1897,
They eventually fled after leaving a ton of guns,
the Bonifacio brothers are brought to bundok ng Tala
ammunition, and food. Aguinaldo was disappointed
and were executed.
after being told that Supremo Bonifacio told Heneral
Ricarte to withdraw and hide when they could have
potential captured all of the Cazadores troops.
Aguinaldo seeing the impending threat, ordered to PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE
gather all of their supplies and transport it away to
Maragondon. The people of Timalan also fled and  The Philippine Declaration of Independence was
what are left is the troops of Magdalo and few brave proclaimed by Filipino revolutionary forces led by
people that wouldn't want to leave the brave troops Emilio Aguinaldo on June 12, 1898 in Cavite el
alone. Viejo (present-day Kawit, Cavite), Philippines.
 In 1896, the Philippine Revolution began.
Aguinaldo felt the immense danger dawning upon  In December 1897, the Spanish government and
them. The the revolutionaries signed a truce, the Pact of
Spanish Troops are seeking revenge after their
multiple defeats. They were defeated in Timbalan and SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR (1898)
extremely despised it. They are fiercely fighting and
launching canons at them and hauling bombs at Commodore George Dewey (May 1, 1898)
Aguinaldo's troops. A general encouraged Aguinaldo  United States defeated the Spanish in the
to burn the entire town since they would probably Battle of Manila Bay.
lose Naic, but he refused. Saying the people of Naic  Emilio Aguinaldo returned to Manila on May
will be at a great loss. 19, 1898.
They were being tackled in every direction. Aguinaldo
is losing many of his own men. Until a one regimen is Sulpicio Guevara
the only one left. They find shelter in a church and he o translated the Act of the Declaration of
claimed to his troops that "Dito na tayo Independence was into English
magpapakamatay lahat" on which his men replied in Ambrosio Rianzares Baustista
affirmative. Aguinaldo watched as one by one his men o prepared, written, and read by in Spanish
is being shot down. But as he claimed, he wasn't the Act of the Declaration of
backing down. Not until Heneral Mariano Riego de Independence
Dios pulled him aside and tell him that he is needed o War Counsellor and Special Delegate
by the motherland. Aguinaldo and the remaining men o was assigned to proclaim and solemnize
fled the scene. To his disbelief they weren't chased the declaration of Philippine
down by the Cazadores and Infanteria 73. The Spanish Independence by the virtue issued by the
Egregious Dictator Don Emilio Aguinaldo - signifying the eight provinces—Manila, Cavite,
y Famy. Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Laguna,
and Batangas.
According to Rianzares:

 “Taking into account the fact that the people  Stars - signifying the three principal Islands of
of this country are already tired bearing the these Archipelago --- Luzon , Mindanao, and
ominous yoke of Spanish domination” Panay
 “Because of arbitrary arrests and abuses of  The white triangle - the distinctive emblem of the
the Civil Guards who cause deaths in famous Society of the “Katipunan”
connivance with and even under the express
orders of their superior officers who at times
would order the shooting of those placed
under arrest under the pretext that they
attempted to escape in violation of known
Rules and Regulations, which abuses were left
unpunished, and because of unjust
deportations of illustrious Filipinos, especially
those decreed by General Blanco at the THE MALOLOS CONSTITUTION

instigation of the Archbishop and friars

interested in keeping them in ignorance for
egoistic and selfish ends, which deportations  the first republican constitution in Asia
were carried out through processes more  was drafted and adopted by the First
execrable than those of the Inquisition which Philippine Republic
every civilized nation repudiates as a trial  lasted from 1899 to 1901. During the
without hearing.” American Occupation, the Philippines was
governed by the laws of the United States
of America.
 a brief historical overview of the Spanish  Spearheaded by Felipe Calderon and
occupation since Magellan’s arrival in Visayas supported by Cayetano Arellano, they
until the Philippine revolution created the Malolos Constitution.
 the spread of the movement “like an electric  also known as the first constitution drafted
spark” through different towns and provinces by the representatives of the Filipino
 Rizal’s execution people.
 Cavite Mutiny of January 1872 that caused  It was inspired by the constitutions of
the infamous execution of the martyred Brazil, Belgium, Costa Rica, France,
native priests, Jose Burgos, Mariano Gomez, Guatemala, and Mexico. Then, the final
and Jacinto Zamora draft was presented to Emilio Aguinaldo
after minor revisions due to some
“In the town of Cavite Viejo, in this province of objections from Apolinario Mabini. As a
Cavite, on the twelfth day of June eighteen result, it led the way to the launch of the
hundred and ninety-eight, before me, Don first Philippine Republic.
Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista, War Counsellor and
Special Delegate designated to proclaim and TITLE I: ON THE REPUBLIC
solemnize this Declaration of Independence by
the Dictatorial Government of the Philippines,
pursuant to, and by virtue of, a Decree issued by TITLE III: On Religion
the Egregious Dictator Don Emilio Aguinaldo y
Philippine Flag
 Sun
- Gigantic step made by the son of the country
TITLE VIII: THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC  Limasawa became part of Magellan's
expedition because of the writings of Fr. Colin
(Dimasaua) and Fr. Francisco Combes
TITLE X: THEJUDICIALPOWER (Limasawa on his "Historia de Mindnao... in

TITLE XII: ADMINISTRATION OF THESTATEMENTS  *From Homonhon, Magellan and his men
TITLE XIII: AMENDMENT OFTHECONSTITUTION travelled westward, southwest to the tip of
Seilani (Panaon) to avoid Northeast monsoon

 Gian Battista Ramusio (1536) wrote a
 On April 1, 1521 (originally March 31) the first chronicle about the voyage of Magellan
mass in the Philippines happened in "Mazaua." where he insisted Butuan as the site of the
first mass.
 R.A. No. 2733 declared Barangay Magallanes in
Limasawa, Southern Leyte as the site of the first  Sonia Zaide pointed-out the ff.:
 As the place called "Mazaua," Limasawa has
four syllables and begins with another letter,
 Dr. Zonia M. Zaide presented evidence that the
while Masao has conclusive syllable.
site of the first mass was not in Limasawa but in
Masao, Butuan, Agusan del Norte.
 The expedition traveled 20-25 leagues from
Homonhon. If they had been to Limasawa, the
 The site of the first mass was first mentioned by distance only 14.6 leagues.
Maximillian Transylvanus on his "De Moluccis..."  The distance to Cebu from Mazaua based on
in 1523 because he interviewed the survivors of Pigafetta was 35 leagues (140 miles). The
Magellan expedition. distance from Limasawa to Cebu is only 80
 The survivors mentioned that they landed in miles.
"Messana" where the first mass was officiated.  Rajah of Mazaua came to their ship in a
 Butuan is a site for atleast nine excavated
 Carlo Amoretti (1800) of Ambrosiana Library Balanghai relics.
said that Mazaua where Magellan landed  Limasawa has no significant relic of Balanghai.
before and the Limasawa mentioned by Fr.  Mazaua has abundance of gold, now Agusan
Francisco Combes are the same. Valley had abundance of gold while Limasawa
doesn't have.
 Limasawa was supported by Fr. Pablo  Mafra mentioned that Magellan's group
Pastells, Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, reached Mindanao. Mazaua is 45 n.m south of
Jaime de Veyra and James Robertson. Surigao, a perfect harbor during Northeast
 Fr. Francisco Colin wrote a book about the  As drawn by Pigafetta, Mazaua has two hilly
spread of Christianity in the Philippines but areas; Pinamangculan and Dalindingan where
could not exactly determine the site, but he many rice, coconut and fruits.
based on "Limasawa" claim because of the
writings of Antonio Herrera who based his SAINT JAMES THE GREAT CHURCH, BOLINAO,
writings on Andres San Martin that the site PANGASINAN THE FIRST SITE?
was in "Mazaua"
 A marker claims that it 1324, Fray Odorico
Pordenone from Friuli, Italy officiated the first 3. Departing from those two islands,
Catholic mass in the country. they sailed to the westward to an
uninhabited island of "Gada" where
Where's the site of the first mass in the Philippines?
they took in a supply of food and
Limasawa, Southern Leyte? water. The sea around that island
Masao Shore, Butuan, Agusan del Norte? was free from the shallows. (Albo
Bolinao, Pangasinan? does not give the latitude of this
island, but from the Pigafetta's
testimony, this seems to be the
HISTORIC CONTROVERSIES OF THE FIRST MASS "Acquada" or Homonhon, 10 degrees
to the North latitude.

DID YOU KNOW? 4. From the island they sailed westward

towards a large island named Seilani
There could be another way of taking the distance of which was inhabited and was known
Homonhon to "Mazaua", quoted in a testimony. to have gold. (Seilani- or, as Pigafetta
Engr. Jose G. Caburian during the hearing of the calls, "Ceylon"- was the island of
National Historical Institiute on the controversy Leyte).
over the site of the first mass.
Earlier, Pigafetta wrote that 24 leagues is equal 5. Sailing southwards along coast of
to 100 miles or 160.9 km so one league is equal that large island of Seilani, they
to 6 7kms. turned southwest a small island
From accurate map; the sea distance from the named "Mazava" ("Mazua" of
eastern side of Homonhon going to the west to Pigafetta). That island is also at a
southwest. latitude of 9 and two-thirds degrees
Limawasa is 167 kms; divided by 6.7 kms. It is North.
24.9 leagues and checks well with
theHomonhon-Muazua distance of 25 leagues". 6. .. 6. The people of that island
 was one of the 18 survivors who joined Mazava was very good. There the
and served as pilot in the expedition of Spaniards planted a cross upon a
Magellan who kept his own dairy mountains-top, and from there they
(nevertheless a log book) on their voyage. shown three islands from west to the
southwest, there were they told
 His account to their entry to the
there was much gold. "They showed
archipelago San Lararo (the Philippines
us the gold was gathered, which
now) may reduce to the following point
came from small pieces like peas and
outlined by Fr. Miguel Bernad;
1. On the 16th of March(1521) as they
7. From Mazava they sailed
sailed in a westernly course for San
northwards, again to the Seilani.
Landrones, they saw a land towards
They followed the coast of Seilani in
northwest; but owing to many
a northwesternly direction,
shallow places they did no approach
ascending up to 10 degree latitude
to it. They found later and its name
were they saw three small islands.
was Yunagan.
8. From there they sailed westwards
some ten leagues, and there they
2. They went instead on that the same
saw three islets were they dropped
day on southwards to another small
anchor for the night. In the morning
island named Suluan, and there they
they sailed southwest some 12
anchored. There they saw canoes
leagues, down a latitude of 10 and
but these fled to the Spaniards'
one-diird(third) degree. There they
approach. This island was at 9 and
entered a channel between two
two-thirds degrees North latitude.
islands, one if which was called As follows are:
"Matan" and the other "Subu".
Limasawa has no anchorage.
9. They sailed down that channel and
East Limasawa where supposedly
the turned westward and anchored
Magellan’s fleet anchored is lee shore.
at the town (la villa) of Subu where
No account speaks of anchoring east.
they stayed many days and obtained
provisions and entered into a peace- Note that as follows are the references of five
pact with the local king. witness accounts used by Mr. De Jesus for evidences
10. The town of Subu was on the east- in favor Masao, Butuan (assumed to be
west direction with the islands of Pinamanculan Island as the “Mazua”).
Suluan and Mazava. But between
Mazava and Subu, there were so Antonio Pigafetta
many shallows that the boats could Francisco Albo
not go westward directly but had to The Reteiro or Genoese Pilot
go (as they did) in a round- about Ginès de Mafra (NHI dismissed Mafra as a
way. primary source in 1998 much to the disgust of
de Jesus)
This may also formulate argument in favor or against Martinho de Aiamonte
on side.
Antonio Pigafetta - lies on a latitude of nine
and two-thirds degree towards the Artic PIGAFETTA
Pole… and is called Mazaua.” “We remained there seven days, after which we laid
Antonio de Brito - “After passing many our course northwest, passing among five islands…
islands, they reach one called Mazaba, which but the king of Mazaua could not follow us, and
lies on the nine degrees” consequently, we waited for him near three islands
Francisco Albo - “Mazava lies on a latitude of Polo, Ticobon, and Pozon. When we caught up with us
nine two-third degrees north”- he was greatly astonished at the rapidly with which
the Reteiro - “…and came to anchor at we sailed…Thus we go to Zubu.”
another island, which is Macangor, which is
nine degrees”-


 “Our men took water at Acacan, and then “We left Masava and went north toward Seilani, after
sailed towards Seilani, but a storm caught which we ran along to the northwest as far as 10
them so that they could not land there, but degree latitude. There we saw three rocky island and
they were driven to another island called turned our course west for about 10 leguas where we
Massana where the king of three island came upon two islets. We stay there… at that point
reside”- Transylvanus we entered a channel between two islands, one which
 According to Edgardo T. Gumban, a supporter is called Mattan and the other Subu.”
of Masao, Butuan, the course west and
southern given by Pigafetta and Albo from The course of direction given by Pigafetta was
Humonhon are approximately correct up to northwest while Albo was north and northwest.
the southern end of Panaon Island, but a Could there be any conflict of this directions given by
change of direction was necessary on clearing them?
point- either due west or south to Masao.
According to Gumba, these directions cannot
 According to Vicente de Jesus, one of the
practicable, if not impossible, if the starting point was
leading writers in favor for Masao, Butuan,
Limasawa; but will be very logical if the starting point
presented numbers of difficulties with NHI
was Masao.
National Historical Institute’s (now National
Historical Commission of the Philippines) - He also added that since Pigafetta and Albo believed
“final truth” about Limasawasa the site of first that the latitude of Mazaua It was 9°40’ (9° 2/3’), they
mass. calculated that they sailed North 20 (minutes) toward
Leyte to about 10° 00’N Latitude hence if the starting
point was Limasawa, Magellan must be well inside
Sogod Bay and impossibly no chance to go northwest
or west to Cebu without getting out of the bay. Cavite Mutiny (January 20, 1872)
The same map was used also by the Limasawans. - brief uprising of 200 Filipino troops and
Bernad, a Limasawa supporter who also used the workers at the Cavite arsenal, which became
map, explained that: the excuse for Spanish repression of the
1. Mazaua (Mazzana in the map) embryonic Philippine nationalist movement.

- is a small island which lies off the southwestern tip SPANISH VERSION OF THE CAVITE MUTINY OF
of the larger island of Ceilon (Southern Leyte), and is 1872
to the east of the island Bohol. BY JOSE MONTERO Y VIDAL

It lies near the passage between Bohol and the APRIL 4, 1871
westerncoast of "Ceilon".
Don Rafael de Izquierdo assumed
2. The island of Mazaua in Pigafetta's map, therefore control of the Government of these
lies in a position roughly equivalent to the actual islands (Philippines). He became the
position of the island of Limasawa. Governor-General.
3. In no way can Mazaua be identified with Butuan,
which is situated in another and much larger island Don Rafael de Izquierdo was a Spanish
(Mindanao today), to which "Calagan", "Cippit" and military officer, politician, and
Mamgdanao are also located statesman.

Butuan before is Surigao today  In the beginning of 1872, authorities received

Before the name Surigao, it was Caraga anonymous communications containing
The former name of Caraga was Butuan informations that a great uprising would break
against the Spaniards.
Hence, Mazaua as they claim was below Butuan based
 This conspiracy has been going on since the Days
from Ginéz de Mafra and other documents taken as
of LA Torre.
evidence and interpreted (by them) most likely it was
 The meeting was held by either in the house of
corroborated with other personalities to prove its
Filipino Spaniard, D. Joaquin Pardo de Tavera, or
theory. But the BIG question is… Where is Mazaua
in the native priest, Jacinto Zamora's house.
 This meeting was attended by the principal
MASAO, BUTUAN IS "MAZAUA" leaders and the curate of Bacoor, Cavite.
The controversy surrounding the site of first  Multitude of Civilians and the Garrison of Manila
mass is until now alive even if in 1960 a law are involved in the Cavite Mutiny.
(R.A. 2733) was passed and implemented
celebrating the site of first mass in Limasawa, WHAT IS THE PLAN?
Southern Leyte on March 31, 1521. • For  "The soldiers will assassinate their soldiers,
centuries, Masao, Butuan was considered the servants, their masters, and the escort of the
site of the first mass mainly because of the Captain - General at Malacañang, to dispose of
Spanish writes. the Governor - General himself. The friars and
In 1996, the Gancayco Commission affirmed other Spaniards will then have their turn.
that the first mass was held in Southern Leyte,
island of Limasawa.  The preconcerted signal amongst the conspirators
Finally, there was also a board resolution of of Cavite and Manila was the firing of rockets
NHI in 2009 reaffirming still that Limasawa is from the walls of the city. The date agreed for the
the site of first mass. There might be a law an uprising was on the evening of January 20, 1872.
reaffirmation from the commission but that
doesn't stop the Butuanons and their  The fiesta of the Patron Saint, the Virgin of
supporters to prove that Masao, Butuan is the Loreto, was being celebrated with pomp and
site of the first mass in the Philippines. splender in the District of Sampaloc.
Audiencia suspended from the practice of law the
 On the night of the 20th, fireworks and rockets following:
were fired and displayed in the air. Conspirators
1. D. Jose Basa y Enriquez
from Cavite mistook those signals to revolt, at
2. P. Joaquin Pardo de Tavera
nine-thirty in the evening of the 20th, two
3. D. Antonio Maria Regidor
hundred (200) native soldiers under the
4. D. Pedro Carillo
leadership of LA Madrid rose up in arms, killed
5. D. Gervasio Sanchez
the commander and wounded his wife.
6. Jose Mauricio de Leon
 D. Felipe Ginoves demanded rendition and waited APRIL 4, 1872
the whole day for the rebels to surrender.
However, after waiting the whole day in vain, The government dissolved the native
early the next morning, Ginoves launched an regiment of artillery and ordered the creation
assault against the latter's position. On the same of all artillery force to be composed
day an official proclamation announced the exclusively of Peninsulares.
suppression of the revolt. JULY, 1872

Spanish troops arrived at Manila which was

The following are the list of people who were celebrated by Sto. Domingo Church with a
arrested: special mass.

1. D. Jose Burgos and D. Jacinto Zamora

2. Curates of the Cathedral, D. Mariano Gomez, FILIPINO VERSION OF THE CAVITE MUTINY OF
Curates of Bacoor, and several Filipino priests.
3. Antonio Maria Regidor, lawyer and regida of the
Aryutamiento, D. Joaquin Pardo de Tavera,
Consejero de Administracion, Pedro Carillo,
Gerrasio Sanchez, and Jose Mauricio de Leon. DR. TRINIDAD HERMENEGILDO PARDO DE TAVERA
4. Lawyer Enrique Paraiso and Jose and Pio Basa, A Filipino scholar and researcher
employees and Crisanto Reyes, Maximo Paterno, Wrote a Filipino version of the bloody incident
and several other Filipinos were arrested. in Cavite

According to Pardo De Tavera

JANUARY 27, 1872
The incident was merely a mutiny by Filipino
Captain - General fixed his " cumplase" on soldiers and laborers of the Cavity arsenal to
the sentence the dissatisfaction arising from the draconian
FEBRUARY 6, 1872 policies of Izquierdo.

Eleven (11) more were sentenced to death. GOVERNOR-GENERAL RAFAEL DE IZQUIERDO Y

GUTIÉRREZ (1871-1873)
FEBRUARY 8, 1872
He was a Spanish military officer.
Sentence of Death was pronounced on Political leader and statesman who became
Caverino and ten years (10) imprisonment of Governor-General of the Philippines from
11 individuals of the famous, "Guias de la April 4, 1871, to January 8, 1873.
Torre". He was famous for his use of an "Iron Fist"
The following are sentence to die by strangulation: type of government.
He was the Governor-General during the
 Filipino priests' P. Jose Burgos, P. Jacinto 1872 Cavite Mutiny, which led to the
Zamora, and P. Mariano Gomez execution of 41 of the mutineers, including
(GOMBURZA) the GomBurZa martyrs.
 Maximo Inocencio, Enrique Paraiso, and He was the one who wrote the "Official
Crisanto de Los Reyes to ten (10) years Report of the Cavite Mutiny."
The arrival of General Izquierdo was the the commanding officer and other Spanish
signal for a complete change in the aspect of officers in charge of the fort were
affairs. assassinated
There would be no change in the established
form of government, and that he intended to
GUTIÉRREZ (1871-1873)
govern the people "with a crucifix in one
hand and a sword in the other." General Izquierdo sent reinforcements to
His first official act was to prohibit the Cavite and put the rebels to the sword.
founding of a school of arts and trades,
which was being organized by the efforts and SERGEANT FERNANDO LA MADRID
funds raised by natives of standing in the Sergeant La Madrid was blinded and burned,
community, but the founding of which did and a few of the rebels were captured and
not tally with the views of the religious taken to Manila. There was no further
orders. disturbance of the peace or insubordination.
The establishment of the new school was
merely a pretext for the organization of a Governor-General Carlos María de la Torre
political club, and he not only did not allow it General La Torre's administration in the
to be opened but made a public statement Philippine Islands was met with hostility from
accusing the Filipinos who had charge of the influential Filipinos and the Central
movement. Government in Madrid, who sought to
deprive the friars of their powers of
intervention in civil government and

All those who had offered their support

to ex-Governor La Torre were classes as PRIME MINISTER SEGISMUNDO MORET
Personas sospechosas (suspects) - were Moret proposed a radical change in the
used in the Philippine Islands to colonial system of government to harmonize
designate those who refused to obey the with the principles of the revolution in Spain,
authorities. which was welcomed by the Filipinos and

Political agitation led to the overthrow

of Spanish sovereignty in the Philippine
 The mutiny in Cavite gave conservative elements
of the colonial modus vivendi an opportunity to
Workmen were exempt from tribute tax
demonstrate to the Spanish Government that a
and obligation to work on public
conspiracy was afoot to destroy Spanish
Workmen at Cavite went on strike, but
eventually returned to their duties.
 The Spanish Government in Madrid was to blame
Workmen in Cavite arsenal became
for the propagation of pernicious doctrines and
dissatisfied with government, leading to
hopes held out to the Filipino people, as well as
disaffected troops.
the political leanings of ex-Governor de la Torre
and other public functionaries sent to the
JANUARY 20, 1872

there was an uprising among the soldiers in  The fall of the new rulers in Spain, as well as other
the San Felipe fort, in Cavite events, heightened the claims of the conservative
40 marines attached to the arsenal and 22 element in the Philippine Islands regarding the
artillerymen under Sergeant La Madrid took threat to Spanish sovereignty.
part in this uprising
 The Madrid authorities were unable to combat Filipino people looked upon the religious
public opinion in the Philippine Islands, and the orders as their real masters and as the
conservative element painted a gloomy picture of representatives, powerful and unsparing, of
a scheme to shake off Spanish sovereignty. the Spanish Kingdom.

No attempt was made to allay the ill-feeling

 The repressive measures adopted to quell the
which existed between the Filipinos and the
supposed insurrection were strict and sudden,
Spaniards, especially the friars, caused by the
with no attempt to ascertain whether the
mutiny in Cavite and the cruel manner in
innocent suffered with the guilty. The only end
which the punishment was meted out.
was to inspire terror in the minds of all by making
examples of a certain number. CRY OF BALINTAWAK OR CRY OF PUGAD LAWIN?

 Many of the best known Filipinos were THE FIRST CRY

denounced to the military authorities, and they,
 is a historical event where the Filipinos tore
the sons of Spaniards born in the islands and men
of mixed blood (Spanish and Chinese), as well as their cedulas which for Andres Bonifacio is
the Indians of pure blood, as the Philippine the sign of the slavery of the Filipinos to the
Malays were called, were persecuted and Spaniards.
punished without distinction by the military
authorities.  This Philippine Revolution of 1896
FEBRUARY 17, 1872 happened after the secret organization of
Fathers Mariano Gomez (a pure-blood
the Filipinos or the Katipunan was exposed
Tagalog), Jose Burgos (a half-blood Spaniard) to the Spaniards and the members were
and Jocinto Zamora ( a half-blood Chinaman) tracked and many were imprisoned. With
Filipino priest was executed by the Spanish regards to this situation, the Supremo
colonizers on charges of subversion. The became worried about his comrades and
charges against Fathers Gomez, Burgos and
their ultimate goal to be compromised.
Zamora was their alleged complicity in the
uprising of workers at the Cavite Naval Yard Bonifacio decided to hold a meeting outside
including 41 of the mutineers. the city with the agenda of when to carry
out their plan to attack the Spanish
Antonio M. Regidor, a lawyer and councilman government.
of Manila, Joaquin Pardo de Tavera, lawyer
and member of the administrative council, P.
Mendoza, curate of Santa Cruz, Guevarra, 1911
curate of Quiapo, the priests Mariano Sevilla,
Feliciano Gomez, Ballesteros, Jose Basa, the a monument of the heroes of the
lawyers Carillo, Basa, Enriquez, Crisanto Philippine Revolution that was believed to
Reyes, Maximo Paterno, and many others happen there on August 26 was built in
were sentenced to life imprisonment on the
Marianas Islands.
However, different Katipunan
Moret, Labra, Becerra, and other high personalities contradicted the time and
officials in the Madrid Government had
place of the First Cry of the Philippine
awakened in the breasts of the Filipinos a
lively friendship for the home government. Revolution, among them were Pio
Valenzuela, Santiago Alvarez, and
One of the results of the so-called revolution
Guillermo Magsangkay.
of Cavite was to strengthen the power of the
friars in the Philippine Islands. PIO VALENZUELA
This influence was felt throughout the islands,
and not only were the friars taken into the
confidence of the Government, but the
 He was a member of the committee that  was the founder and vice-president of
was tasked to smuggle arms for the the women's chapter of the Katipunan of
Katipunan from Japan. the Philippines.
 He was also with Bonifacio, Jacinto and  She was also the custodian of the
Procopio Bonifacio when they organized documents and seal of the Katipunan.
the Katipunan council in Cavite.


The first place of refuge of Andres Bonifacio,
The activities of the Katipunan had reached nearly
Emilio Jacinto, Procopio Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata,
all corners of the Philippine Archipelago, so that
Aguedo del Rosario, and myself was Balintawak,
when its existence was discovered and some of
the first five arriving there on August 19, and I, on
the members arrested, we immediately returned
August 20, 1896.
to Caloocan.
The first place where some 500 members of the
However, as we were closely watched by the
Katipunan met on August 22, 1896, was the
agents of the Spanish authorities, Andres
house and yard of Apolonio Samson at
Bonifacio and other katipuneros left the town
Kangkong. Aside from the persons mentioned
after some days. It was then that the uprising
above, among those who were there were
began, with the first cry for freedom on August
25, 1896.
others. Meanwhile, I was with my parents. Through my
friends, I learned that the Spanish were coming to
Here, views were only exchanged, and no
arrest me. Immediately, I fled town at eleven
resolution was debated or adopted. It was at
o'clock at night, secretly going through the
Pugad Lawin, in the house, store-house, and yard
ricefields to La Loma, with the intention of
of Juan Ramos, son of Melchora Aquino, where
returning to Manila.
over 1,000 members of the Katipunan met and
carried considerable debate and discussion on I was treated like an apparition, for, sad to say,
August 23, 1896. in every house where I tried to get a little rest, I
was driven away as if the people therein were
The discussion was on whether or not the
frightened for their own lives.
revolution against the Spanish government
should be started on. August 29, 1896. Only one Later, I found out that the occupants of the
man protested and fought against a war, and houses which I had visited were seized and
that was Teodoro Plata [Bonifacio's brother-in- severely punished - and some even exiled. One of
law.] Besides the persons named above, among them was an uncle of mine whom I had visited on
those present at this meeting were Enrique the right to kiss his hand, and he died in exile.
Cipriano, Alfonso Pacheco, Tomas Remigio,
Sinforoso San Pedro, and others. After the
tumultuous meeting, many of those present tore GUILLERMO MASANGKAY
their cedula certificates and shouted "Long live
 was a trusted friend and adviser of
the Philippines! Long live the Philippines!"
Supremo Andres Bonifacio and was one
of the first members of the KKK.
GREGORIA DE JESÚS Y ÁLVAREZ  He was part of the Katipunan's Supreme
Council and a general who actively fought
against the Spaniards.
THE "CRY OF BALINTAWAK" (AUGUST 26, 1896) Bonifacio then asked the people to give a pledge
that they were to revolt. He told them that the
sign of slavery of the Filipinos were (sic) the
cedula tax charged each citizen. "If it is true that
On August 26th [1896 - Z.], a big meeting was you are ready to revolt," Bonifacio saved, "I want
held in Balintawak, at the house of Apolonio to see you destroy your cedulas. It will be the
Samson, then the cabeza of that barrio of sign that all of us have declared our severance
Caloocan. Among those who attended, I from the Spaniards."
remember, were Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto,
With tears in their eyes, the people as one man,
Aguedo del Rosario, Tomas Remigio, Briccio
pulled out their cedulas and tore them to pieces.
Pantas, Teodoro Plata, Pio Valenzuela, Enrique
It was the beginning of the formal declaration of
Pacheco, and Francisco Carreon. They were all
the separation from Spanish rule. With their
leaders of the Katipunan and composed the
cedulas destroyed, they could no longer go back
board of directors of the organization. Delegates
to their homes because the Spaniards would
from Bulacan, Cabanatuan, Cavite, and Morong
persecute them, if not for being katipuneros, for
(now Rizal), were also present.
having no cedulas. And people who had no
At about nine o'clock in the morning of August 26, cedulas during those days were severely
the meeting was opened with Andres Bonifacio punished.
presiding and Emilio Jacinto acting as secretary.
When the people's pledge was obtained by
The purpose was to discuss when the uprising was
Bonifacio, he returned to the session hall and
to take place. Teodoro Plata [Bonifacio's brother-
informed the leaders of what took place outside.
in-law - Z.], Briccio Pantas, and Pio Valenzuela
"The people want to revolt, and they have
were all opposed to starting the revolution too
destroyed their cedulas," Bonifacio said. "So now
early. They reasoned that the people would be in
we have to start the uprising; otherwise the
distress if the revolution were started without
people by hundreds will be shot." There was no
adequate preparation.
alternative. The board of directors, in spite of the
Plata was very forceful in his argument, stating protests of Plata, Pantas, and Valenzuela, voted
that the uprising could not very well be started for the revolution. And when this was decided, the
without arms and food for the soldiers. people outside shouted: "Long live the Philippine
Valenzuela used Rizal's argument about the rich Republic!"
not siding with the Katipunan organization.
I still remember Bonifacio as he appeared that
Andres Bonifacio, sensing that he would lose in day. Although a mere bodeguero
the discussion then, left the session hall and (warehouseman) and earning P25 (Mex.) a
talked to the people, who were waiting outside month, he was a cultured man. He always wore
for the result of the meeting of the leaders. He an open coat, with black necktie, and black hat.
told the people that the leaders were arguing He always carried an umbrella. At the meeting
against starting the revolution early, and that morning of August 26, Bonifacio took off his
appealed to them in a fiery speech in which he coat and was wearing only his shirt, with collar
said: "You remember the fate of our countrymen and tie. Bonifacio's hobby was weaving bamboo
who were shot in Bagumbayan. Should we hats. During his spare time he wove dozens of
return now to the towns, the Spaniards will only them and sold them in Manila. Thus he made
shoot us. Our organization has been discovered extra money.
and we are all marked men. If we don't start the
At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, while the
uprising, the Spaniards will get us anyway. What
gathering at Balintawak was celebrating. the
then, do you say?" "Revolt!" the people shouted
decision of the Katipunan leaders to start the
as one.
uprising, the guards who were up in trees to
watch for any possible intruders or the approach
of the enemy, gave the warning that the - Triangular System
Spaniards were coming.
8. What is the code of Kawal?
Led by Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto and other - Gomburza
leaders of the Katipunan, the men were
distributed in strategic positions and were 9. What ended the first phase of Philippine
prepared for the attack of the civil guards. I was
- The Pact of Biak na Bato
with a group stationed on the bank of a small
creek, guarding the places where the Spaniards 10. What are the two factions of Katipunan?
were to pass in order to reach the meeting place - Magdiwang and Magdalo
of the katipuneros. Shots were then fired by the
civil guards, and that was the beginning of the 11. What signalled the revolution?
fire which later became such a huge - The Cry of Pugadlawin
12. Who opposed that Bonifacio should not be held
as Director of Interior since he’s not well
 At present, the Philippines celebrates the - Daniel Tirona
date of the first Cry of Revolution every
August 23 and that Pugad Lawin be
13. She was known to be “Tandang Sora.”
recognized as its site. - Melchora Aquino
 This was ordered in 1963 by President
Diosdado Macapagal upon the 14. Which is not part of the eight provinces who
fought against the Spaniards?
endorsement of the then National
- Ilocos
Historical Institute (NHI) which was
obviously influenced of the Valenzuela 15. Why are women important in katipunan?
memoirs (Guerrero et al, 2003). - Because they hide important documents
 Despite its recognition, many still question 16. The group that aimed to achieve independence
the controversy of its date and place through violent means.
UNTIL NOW. - Katipunan

RPH REVIEWER 17. What is the complete meaning of KKK?

- Kataastaasang Kagalanggalangan Katipunan
1. Who is the first supremo of the Katipunan? ng mga Anak ng Bayan
- Deodato Arellano
18. What is the code of Katipon?
2. What is the official newspaper of Katipunan? - Anak ng Bayan
- Kalayaan
3. Who was known to be the “Lakambini ng 19. What is the code of law that was created by
Katipunan?” Emilio Jacinto?
- Gregoria De Jesus - Kartilya

4. Who was the Katipunero who revealed the 20. Who is Emilio Jacinto?
secret organization of Katipunan? - The Brains of Katipunan
- Teodoro Patiño
5. Who won as president during the Tejeros, 21. He was known as the Hero of Tirad Pass.
Convention? - Gregorio del Pilar
- Emilio Aguinaldo
22. The ____ happened so it would appear that the
6. What is the code of Bayani? Spaniards were defeated by the Americans in a
- Rizal battle.
7. The system used by the Katipunan to recruit new - Mock Battle
23. He led the attack against the American in - Cry of Pugad Lawin
Balangiga Samar.
- Vicente Lukban 37. When did Tejeros Convention happened?
- March 22, 1897
24. ____ was the US warship that sank in Havana,
Cuba. 38. An assembly that was created to solve the
- Maine problem between Magdiwang and Magdalo.
- Tejeros Convention
25. Who fired at two Filipino soldiers while
patrolling in the Sampaloc District? 39. What is the name of the revolutionary
- William Grayson government organized by Aguinaldo and other
revolutionary leaders while exiled in Hong Kong?
26. The ____ Policy declares that the Americans - Hongkong Junta
were friends who would protect the natives.
- Benevolent Assimilation 40. What type of government did Emilio Aguinaldo
form upon the advice of Apolinario Mabini?
27. Password given for the highest level of - Revolutionary
- Rizal

28. Who went to the US to clear some matters about

the Treaty of Paris?
- Felipe Agoncillo

29. The Philippine Independence was declared in

- Kawit, Cavite

30. The Kiram or also known as ____ was an

agreement entered into by the Sultan of Jolo and
the Americans.
- Bates Treaty

31. What is the official newspaper of the Katipunan?

- Kalayaan

32. He was the founder of KKK.

- Andres Bonifacio

33. What prompted the Katipunan to stage a

revolution against the Spaniards?
- The Filipinos realized that social reforms
could no longer be attained by peaceful

34. Who did Emilio Aguinaldo order to sew the first

Philippine flag?
- Marcela Agoncillo

35. Who was considered the “Brains of the

Philippine Revolution”?
- Apolinario Mabini

36. This event said to be the signal to start the

revolution against the Spaniards.

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