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28/12/2023, 12:07 Regulations on the handling of flammable, reactive and pressurized substances as well as equipment and facilities used

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§ 12. Notification of dangerous substances

Anyone who stores dangerous substances in a facility or transports dangerous substances in pipelines in
quantities equal to or greater than the quantities set out in Appendix 2 must send a notification to the
Directorate for Community Safety and Emergency Preparedness. Notification must be sent in a reasonable
amount of time before equipment and facilities are put into use. If a new facility is to be built which is to
store hazardous substances or transport hazardous substances in pipelines in quantities equal to or greater
than the quantities mentioned in Appendix 2, notification must be sent in a reasonable time before
construction begins.

In the event of changes or termination, a new notification must be sent accordingly.

Notification must be sent electronically in the form determined by the Directorate for Community
Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

§ 13. Documentation

The person assigned duties according to the provisions of the regulations must at all times be able to
document that the requirements in the regulations have been met.

The documentation must be updated and maintained for the entire life of the equipment and the facility.

Chapter 3. Duties in business with dangerous substances

§ 14. Risk and risk assessment

The owner or user of equipment and facilities that are used when handling dangerous substances and
businesses that handle dangerous substances must ensure that the risk is reduced to a level that can
reasonably be achieved. Safety considerations must be integrated in all phases of the business, including
design, establishment, operation and winding down.

The business must survey dangers and problems with regard to the handling of dangerous substances
and assess risks on this basis. The assessment must include internal and external conditions as well as
unwanted intentional actions.

Based on the assessment, plans must be drawn up and measures implemented to reduce the risk to an
acceptable level.

§ 15. Preventive security measures

As a minimum, the business must implement the following preventive security measures related to
construction and construction technical conditions:
a. Buildings where dangerous substances are handled must have effective ventilation that protects
against fire, explosion and other accidents.
b. A building or room that is classified as a potentially explosive area must have relief surface(s) that are
weakened in relation to the rest of the building structure, and which must function as pressure relief if
an explosion occurs in the building. Relieved pressure must be directed away in a safe direction.
c. Construction or significant changes to buildings or facilities where gas is to be handled must be
d. Passages for electrical cables, pipes and the like must be effectively sealed to protect against gas
ingress from areas where an explosive atmosphere can easily occur. 6/15

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